コード例 #1
ファイル: efit_pfile_reader.py プロジェクト: xingl/tejas_cmod

options, args = parser.parse_args()
mode_type = args[0]
if mode_type == 'Imode':
    efit_file_name = 'g_901_901_1415_q'
    p_file_name = 'p1120907032.01012'
elif mode_type == 'Hmode':
    efit_file_name = 'g1120815027.01075_001'
    p_file_name = 'p1120815027.01075_001'
plot_EFIT = options.plot_EFIT
plot_pfile = options.plot_pfile
shift_Ti = options.shift_Ti

### read EFIT file
psip_n, Rgrid, Zgrid, F, p, ffprime, pprime, psirz, qpsi, rmag, zmag, nw, psiax, psisep = read_EFIT_file(

### find conversion relation from psi_pol to rhot_n
### rho_tor_spl takes psi_pol (not normalized) and calculates rhot (normalized)
rho_tor_spl, rhot_n = calc_rho_tor(psip_n, psiax, psisep, qpsi, nw)

f = open('q_profile.dat', 'w')
f.write('#1.rhot_n 2.q\n')
np.savetxt(f, np.column_stack((rhot_n, qpsi)))

if plot_EFIT:
    ### plot pressure vs rhot_n
    plt.plot(rhot_n, p, 'x', label='EFIT')
コード例 #2
ファイル: cmp_cmod_efits.py プロジェクト: xingl/tejas_cmod
import re
from interp import *
from finite_differences import *
from read_EFIT_file import *
import math

e = 1.6 * 10**(-19)
a = 2.6863997038399379E-01

parser = op.OptionParser()
options, args = parser.parse_args()
lores_efit_file_name = args[0]
hires_efit_file_name = args[1]

### read EFIT file
psip_n_lores, Rgrid_lores, Zgrid_lores, F_lores, p_lores, ffprime_lores, pprime_lores, psirz_lores, qpsi_lores, rmag_lores, zmag_lores, nw_lores, psiax_lores, psisep_lores, Bctr_lores = read_EFIT_file(

psip_n_hires, Rgrid_hires, Zgrid_hires, F_hires, p_hires, ffprime_hires, pprime_hires, psirz_hires, qpsi_hires, rmag_hires, zmag_hires, nw_hires, psiax_hires, psisep_hires, Bctr_hires = read_EFIT_file(

rho_tor_spl_lores, rhot_n_lores = calc_rho_tor(psip_n_lores, psiax_lores,
                                               psisep_lores, qpsi_lores,

uni_rhot_lores = np.linspace(rhot_n_lores[0], rhot_n_lores[-1], 1000)
q_unirhot_lores = interp(rhot_n_lores, qpsi_lores, uni_rhot_lores)
shat_lores = fd_d1_o4(q_unirhot_lores,
                      uni_rhot_lores) * uni_rhot_lores / q_unirhot_lores

rho_tor_spl_hires, rhot_n_hires = calc_rho_tor(psip_n_hires, psiax_hires,
                                               psisep_hires, qpsi_hires,
コード例 #3
dummy = raw_input("WARNING: profile file must have rho_poloidal as second column! Press any key to continue.\n")
dummy = raw_input("Assuming ion charge is 1 and reference mass is deuterium (press any key to continue).\n")

rhot = data[:,0]
psi = data[:,1]**2
Ti = data[:,2]
ni = data[:,3]

mi = 1.673e-27
ee = 1.602e-19
mref = 2.0*mi
Z = 1.0

Lref, Bref, R_major, q0 = get_dimpar_pars(efit_file_name,0.9)

psip_n, Rgrid, Zgrid, F, p, ffprime, pprime, psirz, qpsi, rmag, zmag, nw,psiax,psisep = read_EFIT_file(efit_file_name)

print "R_major",R_major
print "Bref",Bref
print "psisep",psisep
print "psiax",psiax
psisep0 = psisep-psiax
print "psisep0",psisep0

#Get everything on the same even psi grid
psi0 = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,num=3000)
#interopolate rho_tor, n, T, qpsi
ni0 = interp(psi,ni,psi0)
Ti0 = interp(psi,Ti,psi0)
Ti0J = Ti0*1000.0*ee
コード例 #4
ファイル: cmp_cmod_efits.py プロジェクト: xingl/tejas_cmod
import re
from interp import *
from finite_differences import *
from read_EFIT_file import *
import math

e = 1.6*10**(-19)
a = 2.6863997038399379E-01

parser = op.OptionParser()
options,args = parser.parse_args()
lores_efit_file_name = args[0]
hires_efit_file_name = args[1]

### read EFIT file
psip_n_lores, Rgrid_lores, Zgrid_lores, F_lores, p_lores, ffprime_lores, pprime_lores, psirz_lores, qpsi_lores, rmag_lores, zmag_lores, nw_lores, psiax_lores, psisep_lores, Bctr_lores = read_EFIT_file(lores_efit_file_name)

psip_n_hires, Rgrid_hires, Zgrid_hires, F_hires, p_hires, ffprime_hires, pprime_hires, psirz_hires, qpsi_hires, rmag_hires, zmag_hires, nw_hires, psiax_hires, psisep_hires, Bctr_hires = read_EFIT_file(hires_efit_file_name)

rho_tor_spl_lores, rhot_n_lores = calc_rho_tor(psip_n_lores, psiax_lores, psisep_lores, qpsi_lores, nw_lores)

uni_rhot_lores = np.linspace(rhot_n_lores[0],rhot_n_lores[-1],1000)
q_unirhot_lores = interp(rhot_n_lores,qpsi_lores,uni_rhot_lores)
shat_lores = fd_d1_o4(q_unirhot_lores,uni_rhot_lores)*uni_rhot_lores/q_unirhot_lores

rho_tor_spl_hires, rhot_n_hires = calc_rho_tor(psip_n_hires, psiax_hires, psisep_hires, qpsi_hires, nw_hires)

uni_rhot_hires = np.linspace(rhot_n_hires[0],rhot_n_hires[-1],1000)
q_unirhot_hires = interp(rhot_n_hires,qpsi_hires,uni_rhot_hires)
shat_hires = fd_d1_o4(q_unirhot_hires,uni_rhot_hires)*uni_rhot_hires/q_unirhot_hires
コード例 #5
def fields_fs_upper(efit_file_name,flux_surface,ngrid_r,ngrid_z,extra_r,extra_z):
    fs = float(flux_surface)

    psip_n, Rgrid, Zgrid, F, p, ffprime, pprime, psirz, qpsi, rmag, zmag, nw, psiax, psisep = read_EFIT_file(efit_file_name)

    Z_fs = np.empty(0) 
    R_fs_out_grid = np.empty(0) 
    B_pol_fs_out = np.empty(0)
    B_tor_fs_out = np.empty(0)
    R_fs_in_grid = np.empty(0)
    B_pol_fs_in = np.empty(0)
    B_tor_fs_in = np.empty(0)

    Z0_ind = np.argmin(abs(Zgrid-zmag))

    #decrease Z from midplane until the lowest psip at that Z is larger than fs 
    while (np.min((psirz[Z0_ind,:]-psiax)/(psisep-psiax))<fs):

        psi_pol = psirz[Z0_ind,:]
        #Rmag_ind is the position of lowest psip at that Z
        Rmag_ind = np.argmin(abs(psi_pol))
	#R_fs_ind_out is the index of psip_n_temp that is on fs
        psi_pol_out = psi_pol[Rmag_ind:].copy()
        psip_n_temp = (psi_pol_out-psiax)/(psisep-psiax)
        R_fs_ind_out = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_temp-fs))
	#unif_R_out is a fine grid of Rgrid on the outer
        unif_R_out = np.linspace(Rgrid[Rmag_ind],Rgrid[-1],nw*10)
        psip_n_unifR_out = interp(Rgrid[Rmag_ind:],psip_n_temp,unif_R_out)
        #psifs_ind_out is the postition of psip_n = fs
        psifs_ind_out = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_unifR_out-fs))
        #psip_n_fs_out is the local grid of psip_n around fs 
        psip_n_fs_out = psip_n_unifR_out[psifs_ind_out-ngrid_r:psifs_ind_out+ngrid_r].copy()
        #R_fs_out is the local grid of R around fs 
        R_fs_out = unif_R_out[psifs_ind_out-ngrid_r:psifs_ind_out+ngrid_r].copy()
        #B_pol_Z_out is the z component of B_pol at fs, B_pol_Z = 1/R d psip /d R
        B_pol_Z_out = fd_d1_o4(psip_n_fs_out*(psisep-psiax)+psiax,R_fs_out)/R_fs_out
	#B_tor = F/R
        F_out = interp(psip_n,F,psip_n_fs_out)
        B_tor_out = F_out/R_fs_out
        #psi_pol_z selects ngrid_z points above and below (R_fs,Z0) from psirz
        psi_pol_z = psirz[Z0_ind-ngrid_z:Z0_ind+ngrid_z,R_fs_ind_out+Rmag_ind]
	#unif_z is a local fine grid of Z
        unif_z = np.linspace(Zgrid[Z0_ind-ngrid_z],Zgrid[Z0_ind+ngrid_z],10*ngrid_z)
	#psi_pol_unifz is a local grid of psi_pol
        psi_pol_unifz = interp(Zgrid[Z0_ind-ngrid_z:Z0_ind+ngrid_z],psi_pol_z,unif_z)
        #B_pol_R_out is the R component of B_pol at fs, B_pol_R = 1/R d psip/d Z
        B_pol_R_out = fd_d1_o4(psi_pol_unifz,unif_z)/R_fs_out[ngrid_r]
        #z_fs_ind is the position of Z0_ind in the newly constructed array unif_z
        #B_pol_out is the total B_pol field at psip=fs
        B_pol_out = np.sqrt(B_pol_Z_out[ngrid_r]**2+B_pol_R_out[z_fs_ind]**2) 

        #similar procedure at inner side
        psi_pol_in = psi_pol[:Rmag_ind].copy()
        psip_n_temp = (psi_pol_in-psiax)/(psisep-psiax)
        R_fs_ind_in = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_temp-fs))
        unif_R_in = np.linspace(Rgrid[0],Rgrid[Rmag_ind],nw*10)
        psip_n_unifR_in = interp(Rgrid[:Rmag_ind],psip_n_temp,unif_R_in)
        psifs_ind_in = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_unifR_in-fs))
        psip_n_fs_in = psip_n_unifR_in[psifs_ind_in-ngrid_r:psifs_ind_in+ngrid_r].copy()
        R_fs_in = unif_R_in[psifs_ind_in-ngrid_r:psifs_ind_in+ngrid_r].copy()
        B_pol_Z_in = fd_d1_o4(psip_n_fs_in*(psisep-psiax)+psiax,R_fs_in)/R_fs_in
        F_in = interp(psip_n,F,psip_n_fs_in)
        B_tor_in = F_in/R_fs_in

        psi_pol_z = psirz[Z0_ind-ngrid_z:Z0_ind+ngrid_z,R_fs_ind_in]
        psi_pol_unifz = interp(Zgrid[Z0_ind-ngrid_z:Z0_ind+ngrid_z],psi_pol_z,unif_z)
        B_pol_R_in = fd_d1_o4(psi_pol_unifz,unif_z)/R_fs_in[ngrid_r]
        B_pol_in = np.sqrt(B_pol_Z_in[ngrid_r]**2+B_pol_R_in[z_fs_ind]**2) 

        Z_fs = np.append(Z_fs,Zgrid[Z0_ind])
        R_fs_out_grid = np.append(R_fs_out_grid,R_fs_out[ngrid_r])
        B_pol_fs_out = np.append(B_pol_fs_out,B_pol_out)
        B_tor_fs_out = np.append(B_tor_fs_out,B_tor_out[ngrid_r])
        R_fs_in_grid = np.append(R_fs_in_grid,R_fs_in[ngrid_r])
        B_pol_fs_in = np.append(B_pol_fs_in,B_pol_in)
        B_tor_fs_in = np.append(B_tor_fs_in,B_tor_in[ngrid_r])

        Z0_ind = Z0_ind-1

    extra_Rgrid = np.linspace(R_fs_in[ngrid_r],R_fs_out[ngrid_r],extra_r)
    extra_Zgrid = np.linspace(Zgrid[Z0_ind],Zgrid[Z0_ind+3],extra_z)
    Zgrid_frame = Zgrid[Z0_ind-ngrid_z:Z0_ind+1+ngrid_z]
    psip_extra_frame = np.empty([1+2*ngrid_z,extra_r])
    psip_extra = np.empty([extra_z,extra_r])
    for i in arange(0,2*ngrid_z+1):
	psi_pol = psirz[Z0_ind-ngrid_z+i,:]
    	psip_extra_frame[i,:] = interp(Rgrid,psi_pol,extra_Rgrid)
    for i in arange(0,extra_r):
	psip_z_frame = psip_extra_frame[:,i]
    B_pol_bottom_out = np.empty(0)
    B_tor_bottom_out = np.empty(0)
    R_bottom_out = np.empty(0)
    B_pol_bottom_in = np.empty(0)
    B_tor_bottom_in = np.empty(0)
    R_bottom_in = np.empty(0)
    for i in arange(0,extra_z):
	psip_n_extra = (psip_extra[i,:]-psiax)/(psisep-psiax)
	r_ind = np.argmin(psip_n_extra)
	psip_n_extra_out = psip_n_extra[r_ind:].copy()
	extra_r_ind_out = np.argmin(psip_n_extra_out-fs)
	B_pol_Z_extra_out = \
	F_extra_out = interp(psip_n,F,psip_n_extra_out)
	B_tor_extra_out = F_extra_out/extra_Rgrid[r_ind:]
	B_pol_R_extra_out = \
	this_B_pol = np.sqrt(B_pol_R_extra_out[i]**2+B_pol_Z_extra_out[extra_r_ind_out]**2)
	if this_B_pol>1.E-3 :
		B_pol_bottom_out = np.append(B_pol_bottom_out,this_B_pol)
		R_bottom_out = np.append(R_bottom_out,extra_Rgrid[r_ind+extra_r_ind_out])
		B_tor_bottom_out = np.append(B_tor_bottom_out,B_tor_extra_out[extra_r_ind_out])
	psip_n_extra_in = psip_n_extra[:r_ind].copy()
	extra_r_ind_in = np.argmin(psip_n_extra_in-fs)
	B_pol_Z_extra_in = \
	F_extra_in = interp(psip_n,F,psip_n_extra_in)
	B_tor_extra_in = F_extra_in/extra_Rgrid[:r_ind]
	B_pol_R_extra_in = \
	this_B_pol = np.sqrt(B_pol_R_extra_in[i]**2+B_pol_Z_extra_in[extra_r_ind_in]**2)
	if this_B_pol>1.E-3 :
		B_pol_bottom_in = np.append(B_pol_bottom_in,this_B_pol)
		R_bottom_in = np.append(R_bottom_in,extra_Rgrid[extra_r_ind_in])
		B_tor_bottom_in = np.append(B_tor_bottom_in,B_tor_extra_in[extra_r_ind_in])

    R_bottom_out_r = np.flipud(R_bottom_out)
    B_pol_bottom_out_r = np.flipud(B_pol_bottom_out)
    B_tor_bottom_out_r = np.flipud(B_tor_bottom_out)
    B_tot_bottom_out_r = np.sqrt(B_tor_bottom_out_r**2+B_pol_bottom_out_r**2)
    B_tot_bottom_in = np.sqrt(B_tor_bottom_in**2+B_pol_bottom_in**2)

    R_fs_out_grid_r = np.flipud(R_fs_out_grid)
    B_pol_fs_out_r = np.flipud(B_pol_fs_out)
    B_tor_fs_out_r = np.flipud(B_tor_fs_out)
    B_tot_fs_out_r = np.sqrt(B_tor_fs_out_r**2+B_pol_fs_out_r**2)
    B_tot_fs_in = np.sqrt(B_tor_fs_in**2+B_pol_fs_in**2)

    #theta_out_r = np.arctan(abs(Z_fs)/R_fs_out_grid_r)
    #theta_in = -np.arctan(abs(Z_fs)/R_fs_in_grid)+np.pi

    R_fs = np.concatenate([R_fs_in_grid,R_bottom_in,R_bottom_out_r,R_fs_out_grid_r])
    B_pol = np.concatenate([B_pol_fs_in,B_pol_bottom_in,B_pol_bottom_out_r,B_pol_fs_out_r])
    B_tor = np.concatenate([B_tor_fs_in,B_tor_bottom_in,B_tor_bottom_out_r,B_tor_fs_out_r])
    B_tot = np.concatenate([B_tot_fs_in,B_tot_bottom_in,B_tot_bottom_out_r,B_tot_fs_out_r])
    #theta_fs = np.concatenate([theta_in,theta_out_r])

    #f.write('# R B_pol B_tor B_tot theta\n')

    return R_fs, B_pol, B_tor, B_tot
コード例 #6
def fields_fs_lower(efit_file_name,flux_surface,ngrid_r,ngrid_z):
    fs = float(flux_surface)

    psip_n, Rgrid, Zgrid, F, p, ffprime, pprime, psirz, qpsi, rmag, zmag, nw, psiax, psisep = read_EFIT_file(efit_file_name)

    Z_fs = np.empty(0) 
    R_fs_out_grid = np.empty(0) 
    B_pol_fs_out = np.empty(0)
    B_tor_fs_out = np.empty(0)
    R_fs_in_grid = np.empty(0)
    B_pol_fs_in = np.empty(0)
    B_tor_fs_in = np.empty(0)

    Z0_ind = np.argmin(abs(Zgrid-zmag))

    #decrease Z from midplane until the lowest psip at that Z is larger than fs 
    while (np.min((psirz[Z0_ind,:]-psiax)/(psisep-psiax))<fs):

        psi_pol = psirz[Z0_ind,:]
        #Rmag_ind is the position of lowest psip at that Z
        Rmag_ind = np.argmin(abs(psi_pol))
        psi_pol_out = psi_pol[Rmag_ind:].copy()
        psip_n_temp = (psi_pol_out-psiax)/(psisep-psiax)
        R_fs_ind_out = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_temp-fs))
        #print ((psirz[Z0_ind,Rmag_ind+R_fs_ind_out]-psiax)/(psisep-psiax)-fs)/fs
        unif_R_out = np.linspace(Rgrid[Rmag_ind],Rgrid[-1],nw*10)
        psip_n_unifR_out = interp(Rgrid[Rmag_ind:],psip_n_temp,unif_R_out)
        #psifs_ind_out is the postition of psip_n = fs
        psifs_ind_out = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_unifR_out-fs))
        #psip_n_fs_out is the local grid of psip_n around fs 
        psip_n_fs_out = psip_n_unifR_out[psifs_ind_out-ngrid_r:psifs_ind_out+ngrid_r].copy()
        #R_fs_out is the local grid of R around fs 
        R_fs_out = unif_R_out[psifs_ind_out-ngrid_r:psifs_ind_out+ngrid_r].copy()
        #B_pol_Z_out is the z component of B_pol at fs, B_pol_Z = 1/R d psip /d R
        B_pol_Z_out = fd_d1_o4(psip_n_fs_out*(psisep-psiax)+psiax,R_fs_out)/R_fs_out
        F_out = interp(psip_n,F,psip_n_fs_out)
        B_tor_out = F_out/R_fs_out
        # psi_pol_z selects ngrid_z points above and below Z0 and R_fs from psirz
        psi_pol_z = psirz[Z0_ind-ngrid_z:Z0_ind+ngrid_z,R_fs_ind_out+Rmag_ind]
        unif_z = np.linspace(Zgrid[Z0_ind-ngrid_z],Zgrid[Z0_ind+ngrid_z],10*ngrid_z)
        psi_pol_unifz = interp(Zgrid[Z0_ind-ngrid_z:Z0_ind+ngrid_z],psi_pol_z,unif_z)
        #B_pol_R_out is the R component of B_pol at fs, B_pol_R = 1/R d psip/d Z
        B_pol_R_out = fd_d1_o4(psi_pol_unifz,unif_z)/R_fs_out[ngrid_r]
        #z_fs_ind is the position of Z0_ind in the newly constructed array unif_z
        #B_pol_out is the total B_pol field at psip=fs
        B_pol_out = np.sqrt(B_pol_Z_out[ngrid_r]**2+B_pol_R_out[z_fs_ind]**2) 

        #similar procedure at inner side
        psi_pol_in = psi_pol[:Rmag_ind].copy()
        psip_n_temp = (psi_pol_in-psiax)/(psisep-psiax)
        R_fs_ind_in = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_temp-fs))
        unif_R_in = np.linspace(Rgrid[0],Rgrid[Rmag_ind],nw*10)
        psip_n_unifR_in = interp(Rgrid[:Rmag_ind],psip_n_temp,unif_R_in)
        psifs_ind_in = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_unifR_in-fs))
        psip_n_fs_in = psip_n_unifR_in[psifs_ind_in-ngrid_r:psifs_ind_in+ngrid_r].copy()
        R_fs_in = unif_R_in[psifs_ind_in-ngrid_r:psifs_ind_in+ngrid_r].copy()
        B_pol_Z_in = fd_d1_o4(psip_n_fs_in*(psisep-psiax)+psiax,R_fs_in)/R_fs_in
        F_in = interp(psip_n,F,psip_n_fs_in)
        B_tor_in = F_in/R_fs_in

        psi_pol_z = psirz[Z0_ind-ngrid_z:Z0_ind+ngrid_z,R_fs_ind_in]
        psi_pol_unifz = interp(Zgrid[Z0_ind-ngrid_z:Z0_ind+ngrid_z],psi_pol_z,unif_z)
        B_pol_R_in = fd_d1_o4(psi_pol_unifz,unif_z)/R_fs_in[ngrid_r]
        B_pol_in = np.sqrt(B_pol_Z_in[ngrid_r]**2+B_pol_R_in[z_fs_ind]**2) 

        Z_fs = np.append(Z_fs,Zgrid[Z0_ind])
        R_fs_out_grid = np.append(R_fs_out_grid,R_fs_out[ngrid_r])
        B_pol_fs_out = np.append(B_pol_fs_out,B_pol_out)
        B_tor_fs_out = np.append(B_tor_fs_out,B_tor_out[ngrid_r])
        R_fs_in_grid = np.append(R_fs_in_grid,R_fs_in[ngrid_r])
        B_pol_fs_in = np.append(B_pol_fs_in,B_pol_in)
        B_tor_fs_in = np.append(B_tor_fs_in,B_tor_in[ngrid_r])

        Z0_ind = Z0_ind+1

    R_fs_out_grid_r = np.flipud(R_fs_out_grid)
    B_pol_fs_out_r = np.flipud(B_pol_fs_out)
    B_tor_fs_out_r = np.flipud(B_tor_fs_out)

    B_tot_fs_out_r = np.sqrt(B_tor_fs_out_r**2+B_pol_fs_out_r**2)
    B_tot_fs_in = np.sqrt(B_tor_fs_in**2+B_pol_fs_in**2)

    theta_out_r = np.arctan(abs(Z_fs)/R_fs_out_grid_r)
    theta_in = -np.arctan(abs(Z_fs)/R_fs_in_grid)+np.pi

    R_fs = np.concatenate([R_fs_in_grid,R_fs_out_grid_r])
    B_pol = np.concatenate([B_pol_fs_in,B_pol_fs_out_r])
    B_tor = np.concatenate([B_tor_fs_in,B_tor_fs_out_r])
    B_tot = np.concatenate([B_tot_fs_in,B_tot_fs_out_r])
    theta_fs = np.concatenate([theta_in,theta_out_r])

    f.write('# R B_pol B_tor B_tot theta\n')

    return R_fs, B_pol, B_tor, B_tot
コード例 #7
def fields_fs_lower(efit_file_name, flux_surface, ngrid_r, ngrid_z):

    fs = float(flux_surface)

    psip_n, Rgrid, Zgrid, F, p, ffprime, pprime, psirz, qpsi, rmag, zmag, nw, psiax, psisep = read_EFIT_file(

    Z_fs = np.empty(0)
    R_fs_out_grid = np.empty(0)
    B_pol_fs_out = np.empty(0)
    B_tor_fs_out = np.empty(0)
    R_fs_in_grid = np.empty(0)
    B_pol_fs_in = np.empty(0)
    B_tor_fs_in = np.empty(0)

    Z0_ind = np.argmin(abs(Zgrid - zmag))

    # decrease Z from midplane until the lowest psip at that Z is larger than fs
    while np.min((psirz[Z0_ind, :] - psiax) / (psisep - psiax)) < fs:

        psi_pol = psirz[Z0_ind, :]
        # Rmag_ind is the position of lowest psip at that Z
        Rmag_ind = np.argmin(abs(psi_pol))
        psi_pol_out = psi_pol[Rmag_ind:].copy()
        psip_n_temp = (psi_pol_out - psiax) / (psisep - psiax)
        R_fs_ind_out = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_temp - fs))
        # print ((psirz[Z0_ind,Rmag_ind+R_fs_ind_out]-psiax)/(psisep-psiax)-fs)/fs
        unif_R_out = np.linspace(Rgrid[Rmag_ind], Rgrid[-1], nw * 10)
        psip_n_unifR_out = interp(Rgrid[Rmag_ind:], psip_n_temp, unif_R_out)
        # psifs_ind_out is the postition of psip_n = fs
        psifs_ind_out = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_unifR_out - fs))
        # psip_n_fs_out is the local grid of psip_n around fs
        psip_n_fs_out = psip_n_unifR_out[psifs_ind_out - ngrid_r : psifs_ind_out + ngrid_r].copy()
        # R_fs_out is the local grid of R around fs
        R_fs_out = unif_R_out[psifs_ind_out - ngrid_r : psifs_ind_out + ngrid_r].copy()
        # B_pol_Z_out is the z component of B_pol at fs, B_pol_Z = 1/R d psip /d R
        B_pol_Z_out = fd_d1_o4(psip_n_fs_out * (psisep - psiax) + psiax, R_fs_out) / R_fs_out
        F_out = interp(psip_n, F, psip_n_fs_out)
        B_tor_out = F_out / R_fs_out

        # psi_pol_z selects ngrid_z points above and below Z0 and R_fs from psirz
        psi_pol_z = psirz[Z0_ind - ngrid_z : Z0_ind + ngrid_z, R_fs_ind_out + Rmag_ind]
        unif_z = np.linspace(Zgrid[Z0_ind - ngrid_z], Zgrid[Z0_ind + ngrid_z], 10 * ngrid_z)
        psi_pol_unifz = interp(Zgrid[Z0_ind - ngrid_z : Z0_ind + ngrid_z], psi_pol_z, unif_z)
        # B_pol_R_out is the R component of B_pol at fs, B_pol_R = 1/R d psip/d Z
        B_pol_R_out = fd_d1_o4(psi_pol_unifz, unif_z) / R_fs_out[ngrid_r]
        # z_fs_ind is the position of Z0_ind in the newly constructed array unif_z
        z_fs_ind = np.argmin(abs(unif_z - Zgrid[Z0_ind]))
        # B_pol_out is the total B_pol field at psip=fs
        B_pol_out = np.sqrt(B_pol_Z_out[ngrid_r] ** 2 + B_pol_R_out[z_fs_ind] ** 2)

        # similar procedure at inner side
        psi_pol_in = psi_pol[:Rmag_ind].copy()
        psip_n_temp = (psi_pol_in - psiax) / (psisep - psiax)
        R_fs_ind_in = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_temp - fs))
        unif_R_in = np.linspace(Rgrid[0], Rgrid[Rmag_ind], nw * 10)
        psip_n_unifR_in = interp(Rgrid[:Rmag_ind], psip_n_temp, unif_R_in)
        psifs_ind_in = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_unifR_in - fs))
        psip_n_fs_in = psip_n_unifR_in[psifs_ind_in - ngrid_r : psifs_ind_in + ngrid_r].copy()
        R_fs_in = unif_R_in[psifs_ind_in - ngrid_r : psifs_ind_in + ngrid_r].copy()
        B_pol_Z_in = fd_d1_o4(psip_n_fs_in * (psisep - psiax) + psiax, R_fs_in) / R_fs_in
        F_in = interp(psip_n, F, psip_n_fs_in)
        B_tor_in = F_in / R_fs_in

        psi_pol_z = psirz[Z0_ind - ngrid_z : Z0_ind + ngrid_z, R_fs_ind_in]
        psi_pol_unifz = interp(Zgrid[Z0_ind - ngrid_z : Z0_ind + ngrid_z], psi_pol_z, unif_z)
        B_pol_R_in = fd_d1_o4(psi_pol_unifz, unif_z) / R_fs_in[ngrid_r]
        B_pol_in = np.sqrt(B_pol_Z_in[ngrid_r] ** 2 + B_pol_R_in[z_fs_ind] ** 2)

        Z_fs = np.append(Z_fs, Zgrid[Z0_ind])
        R_fs_out_grid = np.append(R_fs_out_grid, R_fs_out[ngrid_r])
        B_pol_fs_out = np.append(B_pol_fs_out, B_pol_out)
        B_tor_fs_out = np.append(B_tor_fs_out, B_tor_out[ngrid_r])
        R_fs_in_grid = np.append(R_fs_in_grid, R_fs_in[ngrid_r])
        B_pol_fs_in = np.append(B_pol_fs_in, B_pol_in)
        B_tor_fs_in = np.append(B_tor_fs_in, B_tor_in[ngrid_r])

        Z0_ind = Z0_ind + 1

    R_fs_out_grid_r = np.flipud(R_fs_out_grid)
    B_pol_fs_out_r = np.flipud(B_pol_fs_out)
    B_tor_fs_out_r = np.flipud(B_tor_fs_out)

    B_tot_fs_out_r = np.sqrt(B_tor_fs_out_r ** 2 + B_pol_fs_out_r ** 2)
    B_tot_fs_in = np.sqrt(B_tor_fs_in ** 2 + B_pol_fs_in ** 2)

    theta_out_r = np.arctan(abs(Z_fs) / R_fs_out_grid_r)
    theta_in = -np.arctan(abs(Z_fs) / R_fs_in_grid) + np.pi

    R_fs = np.concatenate([R_fs_in_grid, R_fs_out_grid_r])
    B_pol = np.concatenate([B_pol_fs_in, B_pol_fs_out_r])
    B_tor = np.concatenate([B_tor_fs_in, B_tor_fs_out_r])
    B_tot = np.concatenate([B_tot_fs_in, B_tot_fs_out_r])
    theta_fs = np.concatenate([theta_in, theta_out_r])

    f = open("fs_" + efit_file_name + ".dat", "w")
    f.write("# R B_pol B_tor B_tot theta\n")
    np.savetxt(f, np.column_stack((R_fs, B_pol, B_tor, B_tot, theta_fs)))

    return R_fs, B_pol, B_tor, B_tot
コード例 #8
def fields_fs_upper(efit_file_name, flux_surface, ngrid_r, ngrid_z, extra_r, extra_z):

    fs = float(flux_surface)

    psip_n, Rgrid, Zgrid, F, p, ffprime, pprime, psirz, qpsi, rmag, zmag, nw, psiax, psisep = read_EFIT_file(

    Z_fs = np.empty(0)
    R_fs_out_grid = np.empty(0)
    B_pol_fs_out = np.empty(0)
    B_tor_fs_out = np.empty(0)
    R_fs_in_grid = np.empty(0)
    B_pol_fs_in = np.empty(0)
    B_tor_fs_in = np.empty(0)

    Z0_ind = np.argmin(abs(Zgrid - zmag))

    # decrease Z from midplane until the lowest psip at that Z is larger than fs
    while np.min((psirz[Z0_ind, :] - psiax) / (psisep - psiax)) < fs:

        psi_pol = psirz[Z0_ind, :]
        # Rmag_ind is the position of lowest psip at that Z
        Rmag_ind = np.argmin(abs(psi_pol))
        # R_fs_ind_out is the index of psip_n_temp that is on fs
        psi_pol_out = psi_pol[Rmag_ind:].copy()
        psip_n_temp = (psi_pol_out - psiax) / (psisep - psiax)
        R_fs_ind_out = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_temp - fs))
        # unif_R_out is a fine grid of Rgrid on the outer
        unif_R_out = np.linspace(Rgrid[Rmag_ind], Rgrid[-1], nw * 10)
        psip_n_unifR_out = interp(Rgrid[Rmag_ind:], psip_n_temp, unif_R_out)
        # psifs_ind_out is the postition of psip_n = fs
        psifs_ind_out = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_unifR_out - fs))
        # psip_n_fs_out is the local grid of psip_n around fs
        psip_n_fs_out = psip_n_unifR_out[psifs_ind_out - ngrid_r : psifs_ind_out + ngrid_r].copy()
        # R_fs_out is the local grid of R around fs
        R_fs_out = unif_R_out[psifs_ind_out - ngrid_r : psifs_ind_out + ngrid_r].copy()
        # B_pol_Z_out is the z component of B_pol at fs, B_pol_Z = 1/R d psip /d R
        B_pol_Z_out = fd_d1_o4(psip_n_fs_out * (psisep - psiax) + psiax, R_fs_out) / R_fs_out
        # B_tor = F/R
        F_out = interp(psip_n, F, psip_n_fs_out)
        B_tor_out = F_out / R_fs_out

        # psi_pol_z selects ngrid_z points above and below (R_fs,Z0) from psirz
        psi_pol_z = psirz[Z0_ind - ngrid_z : Z0_ind + ngrid_z, R_fs_ind_out + Rmag_ind]
        # unif_z is a local fine grid of Z
        unif_z = np.linspace(Zgrid[Z0_ind - ngrid_z], Zgrid[Z0_ind + ngrid_z], 10 * ngrid_z)
        # psi_pol_unifz is a local grid of psi_pol
        psi_pol_unifz = interp(Zgrid[Z0_ind - ngrid_z : Z0_ind + ngrid_z], psi_pol_z, unif_z)
        # B_pol_R_out is the R component of B_pol at fs, B_pol_R = 1/R d psip/d Z
        B_pol_R_out = fd_d1_o4(psi_pol_unifz, unif_z) / R_fs_out[ngrid_r]
        # z_fs_ind is the position of Z0_ind in the newly constructed array unif_z
        z_fs_ind = np.argmin(abs(unif_z - Zgrid[Z0_ind]))
        # B_pol_out is the total B_pol field at psip=fs
        B_pol_out = np.sqrt(B_pol_Z_out[ngrid_r] ** 2 + B_pol_R_out[z_fs_ind] ** 2)

        # similar procedure at inner side
        psi_pol_in = psi_pol[:Rmag_ind].copy()
        psip_n_temp = (psi_pol_in - psiax) / (psisep - psiax)
        R_fs_ind_in = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_temp - fs))
        unif_R_in = np.linspace(Rgrid[0], Rgrid[Rmag_ind], nw * 10)
        psip_n_unifR_in = interp(Rgrid[:Rmag_ind], psip_n_temp, unif_R_in)
        psifs_ind_in = np.argmin(abs(psip_n_unifR_in - fs))
        psip_n_fs_in = psip_n_unifR_in[psifs_ind_in - ngrid_r : psifs_ind_in + ngrid_r].copy()
        R_fs_in = unif_R_in[psifs_ind_in - ngrid_r : psifs_ind_in + ngrid_r].copy()
        B_pol_Z_in = fd_d1_o4(psip_n_fs_in * (psisep - psiax) + psiax, R_fs_in) / R_fs_in
        F_in = interp(psip_n, F, psip_n_fs_in)
        B_tor_in = F_in / R_fs_in

        psi_pol_z = psirz[Z0_ind - ngrid_z : Z0_ind + ngrid_z, R_fs_ind_in]
        psi_pol_unifz = interp(Zgrid[Z0_ind - ngrid_z : Z0_ind + ngrid_z], psi_pol_z, unif_z)
        B_pol_R_in = fd_d1_o4(psi_pol_unifz, unif_z) / R_fs_in[ngrid_r]
        B_pol_in = np.sqrt(B_pol_Z_in[ngrid_r] ** 2 + B_pol_R_in[z_fs_ind] ** 2)

        Z_fs = np.append(Z_fs, Zgrid[Z0_ind])
        R_fs_out_grid = np.append(R_fs_out_grid, R_fs_out[ngrid_r])
        B_pol_fs_out = np.append(B_pol_fs_out, B_pol_out)
        B_tor_fs_out = np.append(B_tor_fs_out, B_tor_out[ngrid_r])
        R_fs_in_grid = np.append(R_fs_in_grid, R_fs_in[ngrid_r])
        B_pol_fs_in = np.append(B_pol_fs_in, B_pol_in)
        B_tor_fs_in = np.append(B_tor_fs_in, B_tor_in[ngrid_r])

        Z0_ind = Z0_ind - 1

    extra_Rgrid = np.linspace(R_fs_in[ngrid_r], R_fs_out[ngrid_r], extra_r)
    extra_Zgrid = np.linspace(Zgrid[Z0_ind], Zgrid[Z0_ind + 3], extra_z)
    Zgrid_frame = Zgrid[Z0_ind - ngrid_z : Z0_ind + 1 + ngrid_z]
    psip_extra_frame = np.empty([1 + 2 * ngrid_z, extra_r])
    psip_extra = np.empty([extra_z, extra_r])
    for i in arange(0, 2 * ngrid_z + 1):
        psi_pol = psirz[Z0_ind - ngrid_z + i, :]
        psip_extra_frame[i, :] = interp(Rgrid, psi_pol, extra_Rgrid)
        # plt.plot(extra_Rgrid,psip_extra[i,:])
        # plt.show()
    for i in arange(0, extra_r):
        psip_z_frame = psip_extra_frame[:, i]
        psip_extra[:, i] = interp(Zgrid_frame, psip_z_frame, extra_Zgrid)
        # plt.plot(extra_Zgrid,psip_extra[:,i],'.')
        # plt.show()
    B_pol_bottom_out = np.empty(0)
    B_tor_bottom_out = np.empty(0)
    R_bottom_out = np.empty(0)
    B_pol_bottom_in = np.empty(0)
    B_tor_bottom_in = np.empty(0)
    R_bottom_in = np.empty(0)
    for i in arange(0, extra_z):
        psip_n_extra = (psip_extra[i, :] - psiax) / (psisep - psiax)
        r_ind = np.argmin(psip_n_extra)
        psip_n_extra_out = psip_n_extra[r_ind:].copy()
        extra_r_ind_out = np.argmin(psip_n_extra_out - fs)
        B_pol_Z_extra_out = (
            fd_d1_o4(psip_n_extra_out * (psisep - psiax) + psiax, extra_Rgrid[r_ind:]) / extra_Rgrid[r_ind:]
        F_extra_out = interp(psip_n, F, psip_n_extra_out)
        B_tor_extra_out = F_extra_out / extra_Rgrid[r_ind:]
        B_pol_R_extra_out = (
            fd_d1_o4(psip_extra[:, r_ind + extra_r_ind_out], extra_Zgrid) / extra_Rgrid[r_ind + extra_r_ind_out]
        this_B_pol = np.sqrt(B_pol_R_extra_out[i] ** 2 + B_pol_Z_extra_out[extra_r_ind_out] ** 2)
        if this_B_pol > 1.0e-3:
            B_pol_bottom_out = np.append(B_pol_bottom_out, this_B_pol)
            R_bottom_out = np.append(R_bottom_out, extra_Rgrid[r_ind + extra_r_ind_out])
            B_tor_bottom_out = np.append(B_tor_bottom_out, B_tor_extra_out[extra_r_ind_out])

        psip_n_extra_in = psip_n_extra[:r_ind].copy()
        extra_r_ind_in = np.argmin(psip_n_extra_in - fs)
        B_pol_Z_extra_in = (
            fd_d1_o4(psip_n_extra_in * (psisep - psiax) + psiax, extra_Rgrid[:r_ind]) / extra_Rgrid[:r_ind]
        F_extra_in = interp(psip_n, F, psip_n_extra_in)
        B_tor_extra_in = F_extra_in / extra_Rgrid[:r_ind]
        B_pol_R_extra_in = fd_d1_o4(psip_extra[:, extra_r_ind_in], extra_Zgrid) / extra_Rgrid[extra_r_ind_in]
        this_B_pol = np.sqrt(B_pol_R_extra_in[i] ** 2 + B_pol_Z_extra_in[extra_r_ind_in] ** 2)
        if this_B_pol > 1.0e-3:
            B_pol_bottom_in = np.append(B_pol_bottom_in, this_B_pol)
            R_bottom_in = np.append(R_bottom_in, extra_Rgrid[extra_r_ind_in])
            B_tor_bottom_in = np.append(B_tor_bottom_in, B_tor_extra_in[extra_r_ind_in])

    R_bottom_out_r = np.flipud(R_bottom_out)
    B_pol_bottom_out_r = np.flipud(B_pol_bottom_out)
    B_tor_bottom_out_r = np.flipud(B_tor_bottom_out)
    B_tot_bottom_out_r = np.sqrt(B_tor_bottom_out_r ** 2 + B_pol_bottom_out_r ** 2)
    B_tot_bottom_in = np.sqrt(B_tor_bottom_in ** 2 + B_pol_bottom_in ** 2)

    R_fs_out_grid_r = np.flipud(R_fs_out_grid)
    B_pol_fs_out_r = np.flipud(B_pol_fs_out)
    B_tor_fs_out_r = np.flipud(B_tor_fs_out)
    B_tot_fs_out_r = np.sqrt(B_tor_fs_out_r ** 2 + B_pol_fs_out_r ** 2)
    B_tot_fs_in = np.sqrt(B_tor_fs_in ** 2 + B_pol_fs_in ** 2)

    # theta_out_r = np.arctan(abs(Z_fs)/R_fs_out_grid_r)
    # theta_in = -np.arctan(abs(Z_fs)/R_fs_in_grid)+np.pi

    R_fs = np.concatenate([R_fs_in_grid, R_bottom_in, R_bottom_out_r, R_fs_out_grid_r])
    B_pol = np.concatenate([B_pol_fs_in, B_pol_bottom_in, B_pol_bottom_out_r, B_pol_fs_out_r])
    B_tor = np.concatenate([B_tor_fs_in, B_tor_bottom_in, B_tor_bottom_out_r, B_tor_fs_out_r])
    B_tot = np.concatenate([B_tot_fs_in, B_tot_bottom_in, B_tot_bottom_out_r, B_tot_fs_out_r])
    # theta_fs = np.concatenate([theta_in,theta_out_r])

    # f=open('fs_'+efit_file_name+'.dat','w')
    # f.write('# R B_pol B_tor B_tot theta\n')
    # np.savetxt(f,np.column_stack((R_fs,B_pol,B_tor,B_tot,theta_fs)))
    # f.close()

    return R_fs, B_pol, B_tor, B_tot