コード例 #1
class GAN:
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt  # draw picture
    os.environ['TF_XLA_FLAGS'] = '--tf_xla_enable_xla_devices'  # enable XLA Devices
    # define the constants
    BUFFER_SIZE = 300  ## change the order of image
    BATCH_SIZE = 1  # batch_size=1 means the trainig is very fast and one picture only trained for 1 time
    IMG_WIDTH = 256  # define the image  size and it must be 256*256*3 because of Unet
    IMG_HEIGHT = 256  # define the image size
    LAMBDA = 98  # define the constant number of Lambada
    OUTPUT_CHANNELS = 3  # channel=1 is enough but 3 can use for color images and it depends on the datasets
    EPOCHS = 200  # set traning epochs and it is limited by the training sets and Max is 213 because of the size in train folder
    "Build the Optimizers of generator and discriminator with Adam method and set the teta_1 as 0.5"
    optimizer_of_generator_with_Adam_algorithm = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(2e-4, beta_1=0.5)  # optimizer the generator
    optimizer_of_discriminator_with_Adam_algorithm = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(2e-4,
                                                                              beta_1=0.5)  # optimizer the generator

    "Build an instance of class Load_Function_Set()"
    load_function_set = load_function.Load_Function_Set()

    " load data from train folder and test folder"
    image_data_in_train_folder = load_function_set.load_and_prepare_data_from_training_folder()  # load all images and convert them into suitable data for training in training folder
    image_data_in_test_folder = load_function_set.load_and_prepare_data_from_test_folder()  # load all images and convert them into suitable data for training in test folder

    "Build Generator with Unet architecture"
    generator_set = Generator_with_Unet.Generator_Set()
    generator_with_unet = generator_set.Generator_based_on_paper()  # create a generator with U-net

    "Set the type of calculating loss value as Binary"
    value_after_Cross_Entropy_calculation = tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(
        from_logits=True)  # use binary method to calculate the cross entropy

    "Build discriminator with VGG architecture"
    discriminator_set = Discriminator.Discriminator_Set()
    discriminator = discriminator_set.Discriminator_based_on_VGG()  # create discriminator by using downsample

    "Set the type of calculating loss value as Categorical"
    value_after_Categorical_Cross_Entropy_calculation = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy  # get the loss value by caterorical cross entropy
    image_processing_set = image_processing.Image_Processing_Set()
    def __init__(self,name,epoch):
        print("Build "+name+" Successfully")

    def print_summary_of_G_and_D(self):
        self.generator_with_unet.summary()  # print the summary of generator. Total params: 16,667,907,Trainable params: 16,661,635, Non-trainable params: 6,272

        self.discriminator.summary()  # output the information of discriminator

    def plot_model_structure(self):
        tf.keras.utils.plot_model(self.generator_with_unet, show_shapes=True, dpi=64,
                                  to_file='Generator Structure.png')  # plot the model of generator
        tf.keras.utils.plot_model(self.discriminator, show_shapes=True, dpi=64,
                                  to_file='Discriminator Structure.png', )  # plot thte discriminator details
    def step_of_training_GAN_with_Gradient(self,corresponding_picture, images_of_real_building,
                                           epoch):  # define every step trainning
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape_of_generator, tf.GradientTape() as tape_of_discriminater:  # divided the gradient tap into two parts and this is very important
            output_value_of_generator = self.generator_with_unet(corresponding_picture,
                                                            training=True)  # get the output of generator
            value_of_disc_for_real_image =  self.discriminator([corresponding_picture, images_of_real_building],
                                                         training=True)  # get the disc value of real image
            value_of_disc_from_generated_image =  self.discriminator([corresponding_picture, output_value_of_generator],
                                                               training=True)  # get the disc value of generated image
            gen_total_loss, gen_gan_loss, gen_l1_loss = calculation_of_loss_value.loss_value_of_generator(
                value_of_disc_from_generated_image, output_value_of_generator,
                images_of_real_building)  # get the loss value
            loss_value_of_disc = calculation_of_loss_value.get_the_loss_value_of_discriminator(
                value_of_disc_from_generated_image)  # get the disc loss value
        gradients_value_from_discriminator = tape_of_discriminater.gradient(loss_value_of_disc,
                                                                            discriminator.trainable_variables)  # get the gradients value of discriminator
        gradients_value_from_generator = tape_of_generator.gradient(gen_total_loss,
                                                                    generator_with_unet.trainable_variables)  # get the gradients value of generator
                                                                            generator_with_unet.trainable_variables))  # optimizer generator by using Adam method
                discriminator.trainable_variables))  ##optimizer discriminator Adam method

    def trainning_GAN(self,dataset_of_trainning, dataset_of_test, epochs):
        for epoch in range(epochs):  # define details in every epoch
            for an_corresponding_picture, an_target_image in dataset_of_test.take(
                    1):  # for every image in dataset, there will be a predicted image
                self.image_processing_set.predict_images_from_generator(an_corresponding_picture, an_target_image,
                                                               self.generator_with_unet)  # excuted predict function to generate images
            print("The image of result is saved in current folder after every 2 epochs")
            print("Current epoch number: ", epoch," of ", self.name, " is trainning...........")
            # Train
            for j, (corresponding_picture,
                    images_of_real_building) in dataset_of_trainning.enumerate():  # apply gradient for iteration and change the generator and discriminator

                self.step_of_training_GAN_with_Gradient(corresponding_picture, images_of_real_building,
                                                   epoch)  # excute the details of training in every step

            if epoch % 2 == 0 and epoch > 0:  # save  the image every 2 epoches
                self.plt.savefig(str(epoch)+"Epoch" +self.name+ 'result.jpg')  # first character is the epoch numbers and
            if epoch % 200 == 0 and epoch > 0:  # show image when the program is finished
                # plt.show()# show image
                print("Training is finished")  # hint for training finished

    "Train GAN with the given number of epochs and the data from train folder, test folder "
    def start_train(self):
        self.trainning_GAN( self.image_data_in_train_folder,  self.image_data_in_test_folder,
                  self.EPOCHS)  # Maximize the number of training, but it only has 213 pictures in train sets