コード例 #1
ファイル: WorkingPlane.py プロジェクト: sun363587351/FreeCAD
 def __repr__(self):
     """Show the string representation of the object."""
     text = "Workplane"
     text += " x=" + str(DraftVecUtils.rounded(self.u))
     text += " y=" + str(DraftVecUtils.rounded(self.v))
     text += " z=" + str(DraftVecUtils.rounded(self.axis))
     return text
コード例 #2
ファイル: WorkingPlane.py プロジェクト: RoyOnWheels/FreeCAD
 def __repr__(self):
     return (
         "Workplane x="
         + str(DraftVecUtils.rounded(self.u))
         + " y="
         + str(DraftVecUtils.rounded(self.v))
         + " z="
         + str(DraftVecUtils.rounded(self.axis))
コード例 #3
def getIfcExtrusionData(obj,scale=1):
    """getIfcExtrusionData(obj,[scale]): returns a closed path (a list of tuples), a tuple expressing an extrusion
    vector, and a list of 3 tuples for base position, x axis and z axis. Or returns None, if a base loop and 
    an extrusion direction cannot be extracted. Scale can indicate a scale factor."""
    if hasattr(obj,"Additions"):
        if obj.Additions:
            # provisorily treat objs with additions as breps
            return None
    if hasattr(obj,"Subtractions"):
        if obj.Subtractions:
            # provisorily treat objs with subtractions as breps
            return None
    if hasattr(obj,"Proxy"):
        if hasattr(obj.Proxy,"getProfiles"):
            p = obj.Proxy.getProfiles(obj,noplacement=True)
            v = obj.Proxy.getExtrusionVector(obj,noplacement=True)
            if (len(p) == 1) and v:
                p = p[0]
                r = FreeCAD.Placement()
                #b = p.CenterOfMass
                r = obj.Proxy.getPlacement(obj)
                #b = obj.Placement.multVec(FreeCAD.Vector())
                #r.Rotation = DraftVecUtils.getRotation(v,FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1))
                d = [r.Base,DraftVecUtils.rounded(r.Rotation.multVec(FreeCAD.Vector(1,0,0))),DraftVecUtils.rounded(r.Rotation.multVec(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1)))]
                #r = r.inverse()
                #print "getExtrusionData: computed placement:",r
                import Part
                if len(p.Edges) == 1:
                    if isinstance(p.Edges[0].Curve,Part.Circle):
                        # Circle profile
                        r1 = p.Edges[0].Curve.Radius*scale
                        return "circle", [getTuples(p.Edges[0].Curve.Center,scale), r1], getTuples(v,scale), d
                    elif isinstance(p.Edges[0].Curve,Part.Ellipse):
                        # Ellipse profile
                        r1 = p.Edges[0].Curve.MajorRadius*scale
                        r2 = p.Edges[0].Curve.MinorRadius*scale
                        return "ellipse", [getTuples(p.Edges[0].Curve.Center,scale), r1, r2], getTuples(v,scale), d
                curves = False
                for e in p.Edges:
                    if isinstance(e.Curve,Part.Circle):
                        curves = True
                    elif not isinstance(e.Curve,Part.Line):
                        print "Arch.getIfcExtrusionData: Warning: unsupported edge type in profile"
                if curves:
                    # Composite profile
                    ecurves = []
                    for e in p.Edges:
                        if isinstance(e.Curve,Part.Circle):
                            p1 = e.FirstParameter
                            p2 = e.LastParameter
                            ecurves.append(["line",[getTuples(vt.Point,scale) for vt in e.Vertexes]])
                    return "composite", ecurves, getTuples(v,scale), d
                    # Polyline profile
                    return "polyline", getTuples(p,scale), getTuples(v,scale), d
    return None   
コード例 #4
 def getExtrusionVector(self,obj,noplacement=False):
     "Returns an extrusion vector of this component, if applicable"
     n,l,w,h = self.getDefaultValues(obj)
     if Draft.getType(obj) == "Structure":
         if l > h:
             v = n.multiply(l)
             if noplacement:
                 import DraftVecUtils
                 v = DraftVecUtils.rounded(FreeCAD.Rotation(FreeCAD.Vector(0,1,0),-90).multVec(v))
             return v
     return n.multiply(h)
コード例 #5
 def getExtrusionVector(self,obj,noplacement=False):
     "Returns an extrusion vector of this component, if applicable"
     n,l,w,h = self.getDefaultValues(obj)
     if Draft.getType(obj) == "Structure":
         if l > h:
             v = n.multiply(l)
             if noplacement:
                 import DraftVecUtils
                 v = DraftVecUtils.rounded(FreeCAD.Rotation(FreeCAD.Vector(0,1,0),-90).multVec(v))
             return v
     return n.multiply(h)
コード例 #6
def getTuples(data,scale=1,placement=None,normal=None,close=True):
    """getTuples(data,[scale,placement,normal,close]): returns a tuple or a list of tuples from a vector
    or from the vertices of a shape. Scale can indicate a scale factor"""
    import Part
    if isinstance(data,FreeCAD.Vector):
        if placement:
            data = placement.multVec(data)
            data = DraftVecUtils.rounded(data)
        return (data.x*scale,data.y*scale,data.z*scale)
    elif isinstance(data,Part.Shape):
        t = []
        if len(data.Wires) == 1:
            import Part,DraftGeomUtils
            data = Part.Wire(DraftGeomUtils.sortEdges(data.Wires[0].Edges))
            verts = data.Vertexes
                c = data.CenterOfMass
                v1 = verts[0].Point.sub(c)
                v2 = verts[1].Point.sub(c)
                if DraftVecUtils.angle(v2,v1,normal) >= 0:
                    # inverting verts order if the direction is couterclockwise
            for v in verts:
                pt = v.Point
                if placement:
                    if not placement.isNull():
                        pt = placement.multVec(pt)
                        pt = DraftVecUtils.rounded(pt)

            if close: # faceloops must not be closed, but ifc profiles must.
            print "Arch.getTuples(): Wrong profile data"
        return t
コード例 #7
def getIfcExtrusionData(obj,scale=1):
    """getIfcExtrusionData(obj,[scale]): returns a closed path (a list of tuples), a tuple expressing an extrusion
    vector, and a list of 3 tuples for base position, x axis and z axis. Or returns None, if a base loop and 
    an extrusion direction cannot be extracted. Scale can indicate a scale factor."""
    if hasattr(obj,"Additions"):
        if obj.Additions:
            # provisorily treat objs with additions as breps
            return None
    if hasattr(obj,"Subtractions"):
        if obj.Subtractions:
            # provisorily treat objs with subtractions as breps
            return None
    if hasattr(obj,"Proxy"):
        if hasattr(obj.Proxy,"getProfiles"):
            p = obj.Proxy.getProfiles(obj,noplacement=True)
            v = obj.Proxy.getExtrusionVector(obj,noplacement=True)
            if (len(p) == 1) and v:
                p = p[0]
                r = FreeCAD.Placement()
                #b = p.CenterOfMass
                r = obj.Proxy.getPlacement(obj)
                #b = obj.Placement.multVec(FreeCAD.Vector())
                #r.Rotation = DraftVecUtils.getRotation(v,FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1))
                d = [r.Base,DraftVecUtils.rounded(r.Rotation.multVec(FreeCAD.Vector(1,0,0))),DraftVecUtils.rounded(r.Rotation.multVec(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1)))]
                #r = r.inverse()
                #print "getExtrusionData: computed placement:",r
                import Part
                if len(p.Edges) == 1:
                    if isinstance(p.Edges[0].Curve,Part.Circle):
                        r1 = p.Edges[0].Curve.Radius*scale
                        return "circle", [getTuples(p.Edges[0].Curve.Center,scale), r1], getTuples(v,scale), d
                    elif isinstance(p.Edges[0].Curve,Part.Ellipse):
                        r1 = p.Edges[0].Curve.MajorRadius*scale
                        r2 = p.Edges[0].Curve.MinorRadius*scale
                        return "ellipse", [getTuples(p.Edges[0].Curve.Center,scale), r1, r2], getTuples(v,scale), d
                return "polyline", getTuples(p,scale), getTuples(v,scale), d
    return None   
コード例 #8
ファイル: ArchEquipment.py プロジェクト: RaoGY/FreeCAD
def createMeshView(obj,
                   direction=FreeCAD.Vector(0, 0, -1),
    """createMeshView(obj,[direction,outeronly,largestonly]): creates a flat shape that is the
    projection of the given mesh object in the given direction (default = on the XY plane). If
    outeronly is True, only the outer contour is taken into consideration, discarding the inner
    holes. If largestonly is True, only the largest segment of the given mesh will be used."""

    import Mesh, math, Part, DraftGeomUtils
    if not obj.isDerivedFrom("Mesh::Feature"):
    mesh = obj.Mesh

    # 1. Flattening the mesh
    proj = []
    for f in mesh.Facets:
        nf = []
        for v in f.Points:
            v = FreeCAD.Vector(v)
            a = v.negative().getAngle(direction)
            l = math.cos(a) * v.Length
            p = v.add(FreeCAD.Vector(direction).multiply(l))
            p = DraftVecUtils.rounded(p)
    flatmesh = Mesh.Mesh(proj)

    # 2. Removing wrong faces
    facets = []
    for f in flatmesh.Facets:
        if f.Normal.getAngle(direction) < math.pi:
    cleanmesh = Mesh.Mesh(facets)


    # 3. Getting the bigger mesh from the planar segments
    if largestonly:
        c = cleanmesh.getSeparateComponents()
        cleanmesh = c[0]
        segs = cleanmesh.getPlanarSegments(1)
        meshes = []
        for s in segs:
            f = [cleanmesh.Facets[i] for i in s]
        a = 0
        for m in meshes:
            if m.Area > a:
                boundarymesh = m
                a = m.Area
        cleanmesh = boundarymesh

    # 4. Creating a Part and getting the contour

    shape = None
    for f in cleanmesh.Facets:
        p = Part.makePolygon(f.Points + [f.Points[0]])
            p = Part.Face(p)
            if shape:
                shape = shape.fuse(p)
                shape = p
        except Part.OCCError:
    shape = shape.removeSplitter()

    # 5. Extracting the largest wire

    if outeronly:
        count = 0
        largest = None
        for w in shape.Wires:
            if len(w.Vertexes) > count:
                count = len(w.Vertexes)
                largest = w
        if largest:
                f = Part.Face(w)
            except Part.OCCError:
                print("Unable to produce a face from the outer wire.")
                shape = f

    return shape
コード例 #9
def createMeshView(obj,direction=FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,-1),outeronly=False,largestonly=False):
    """createMeshView(obj,[direction,outeronly,largestonly]): creates a flat shape that is the
    projection of the given mesh object in the given direction (default = on the XY plane). If
    outeronly is True, only the outer contour is taken into consideration, discarding the inner
    holes. If largestonly is True, only the largest segment of the given mesh will be used."""

    import Mesh, math, Part, DraftGeomUtils
    if not obj.isDerivedFrom("Mesh::Feature"):
    mesh = obj.Mesh

    # 1. Flattening the mesh
    proj = []
    for f in mesh.Facets:
        nf = []
        for v in f.Points:
            v = FreeCAD.Vector(v)
            a = v.negative().getAngle(direction)
            l = math.cos(a)*v.Length
            p = v.add(FreeCAD.Vector(direction).multiply(l))
            p = DraftVecUtils.rounded(p)
    flatmesh = Mesh.Mesh(proj)

    # 2. Removing wrong faces
    facets = []
    for f in flatmesh.Facets:
        if f.Normal.getAngle(direction) < math.pi:
    cleanmesh = Mesh.Mesh(facets)


    # 3. Getting the bigger mesh from the planar segments
    if largestonly:
        c = cleanmesh.getSeparateComponents()
        #print c
        cleanmesh = c[0]
        segs = cleanmesh.getPlanarSegments(1)
        meshes = []
        for s in segs:
            f = [cleanmesh.Facets[i] for i in s]
        a = 0
        for m in meshes:
            if m.Area > a:
                boundarymesh = m
                a = m.Area
        cleanmesh = boundarymesh

    # 4. Creating a Part and getting the contour

    shape = None
    for f in cleanmesh.Facets:
        p = Part.makePolygon(f.Points+[f.Points[0]])
        #print p,len(p.Vertexes),p.isClosed()
            p = Part.Face(p)
            if shape:
                shape = shape.fuse(p)
                shape = p
        except Part.OCCError:
    shape = shape.removeSplitter()

    # 5. Extracting the largest wire

    if outeronly:
        count = 0
        largest = None
        for w in shape.Wires:
            if len(w.Vertexes) > count:
                count = len(w.Vertexes)
                largest = w
        if largest:
                f = Part.Face(w)
            except Part.OCCError:
                print "Unable to produce a face from the outer wire."
                shape = f

    return shape
コード例 #10
 def __repr__(self):
     return "Workplane x=" + str(DraftVecUtils.rounded(
         self.u)) + " y=" + str(DraftVecUtils.rounded(
             self.v)) + " z=" + str(DraftVecUtils.rounded(self.axis))