class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") def timeout(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name)
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.CommConnect() self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) # Get Account Number accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.GetLoginInfo("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.GetLoginInfo("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) def timeout(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() code_name = self.kiwoom.GetMasterCodeName(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(code_name) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.SendOrder("SendOrder_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "")
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) def timeout(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg)
class StockT(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() #키움 로그인 self.trade_stocks_done = False #자동 주문 self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) #1초에 한 번씩 주기적으로 timeout 시그널이 발생 self.timer.timeout.connect( self.timeout) #timeout 시그널이 발생할 때 이를 처리할 슬롯으로 self.timeout을 설정 #StatusBar 위젯에 서버 연결 상태 및 현재 시간을 출력 self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect( self.code_changed) #lineEdit 객체가 변경될 때 호출되는 슬롯을 지정 self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) #현금주문 accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info( "ACCOUNT_CNT")) #계좌 정보를 QComboBox 위젯에 출력하는 코드 accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") #로그인 정보 가져오기 accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[ 0:accouns_num] #계좌가 여러 개인 경우 각 계좌는';'를 통해 구분 self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect( self.check_balance) #시그널과 슬롯을 연결하는 코드 self.load_buy_sell_list() #선정 종목 리스트 출력 def timeout(self): # 현재 시간이 09시 00분 00초를 지났고 매수/매도 주문을 수행하지 않았을 때 trade_stocks 메서드 호출 market_start_time = QTime(9, 0, 0) current_time = QTime.currentTime() # 장이 시작할 때 매수/매도 주문을 넣으려면 timeout 메서드에서 시간 체크 if current_time > market_start_time and self.trade_stocks_done is False: self.trade_stocks() self.trade_stocks_done = True text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") #시간:분:초 time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() #서버 연결 상태 확인 if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def code_changed( self): #사용자가 ineEdit에 종목코드를 입력하면 종목코드를 읽은 후 API를 사용해 종목명 알아내기 code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) def send_order(self): #pushButton 객체가 클릭될 때 호출되는 send_order 메서드 order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def check_balance(self): #'조회' 버튼이 클릭됐을 때 '잔고 및 보유종목현황' 데이터 호출하도록 self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) #입력 데이터 설정 self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") #TR 요청 while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 # 예수금 데이터를 얻기 위해 opw00001 TR을 요청 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) #칼럼의 위치로 (0, 0) for i in range(1, 6): #리스트로 저장되어 있기에 반복문으로 가져오기 item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() #아이템의 크기에 맞춰 행의 높이를 조절 # Item list # 보유 종목별 평가 잔고 데이터를 QTableWidget에 추가 # 행의 개수를 따로 설정하지 않았기에, 먼저 보유종목의 개수를 확인한 후 행의 개수를 설정해야 함 # (열의 개수는 Qt Designer가 자동으로 설정) item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): #아이템 추가 row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() #행의 크기를 조절 # Timer2 # [실시간 조회] 체크박스를 체크하면 데이터가 자동으로 갱신 self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 10) #10초에 한 번 self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) def timeout2(self): # QCheckBox가 체크됐는지 확인한 후 체크돼 있을 때 데이터를 갱신 if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() # buy_list.txt와 sell_list.txt 파일을 열고 파일로부터 데이터를 읽는 코드 # 아직 알고리즘을 안만들었기에 def load_buy_sell_list(self): f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() #데이터의 총 개수 확인 row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) self.tableWidget_3.setRowCount(row_count) # buy list 매수 종목 for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rsplit()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(j, i, item) # sell list 매도 종목 for j in range(len(sell_list)): #j : 행(row)에 대한 인덱스 값 row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') #문자열을 ;로 분리 split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rstrip()) #종목코드로부터 종목명 구하기 for i in range(len(split_row_data)): #i : 열(column)에 대한 인덱스 값 item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_3.resizeRowsToContents() #행의 크기 조절 # 장이 시작하면 미리 선정된 종목에 대해 자동으로 주문하는 기능 구현 def trade_stocks(self): hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() #미리 생성된 파일로부터 매수/매도 종목을 읽는 코드 # account # 주문할 때 필요한 계좌 정보 account = self.comboBox.currentText() # buy list 매수 주문 # 데이터를 하나씩 얻어온 후 문자열을 분리해서 주문에 필요한 정보 준비 for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] # 읽어온 데이터의 주문 수행 여부가 ‘매수전’인 경우에만 해당 주문 데이터를 토대로 send_order 메서드를 통해 매수 주문 수행 if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # sell list 매도 주문 for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매도전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # buy list # 저장된 주문 여부를 업데이트 for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "주문완료") #바꾸기 # file update f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() # sell list for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace("매도전", "주문완료") # file update f = open("sell_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in sell_list: f.write(row_data) f.close()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) # Timer2 self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 10) self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) def timeout(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.data_remained: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range( 1, 6 ): # ‘총매입’, ‘총평가’, ‘총손익’, ‘총수익률(%)’, ‘추정자산’을 QTableWidget 의 칼럼에 추가하는 코드 item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents( ) # resizeRowsToContents 메서드를 호출해서 아이템의 크기에 맞춰 행의 높이를 조절 # Item list , 보유 종목별 평가 잔고 데이터를 QTableWidget 에 추가 item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) # 적당한 위치에 아이템 추가 for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) # 행의 크기 조절 self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) = 0 #총TR요청횟수 #텔레그램봇 my_token = '692301814:AAEfmddhyZPcO0Uzh8r5ZehfooTPOvKOOqc' self.mybot = telegram.Bot(token=my_token) self.chat_id = 544924927 self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() #키움인스턴스 생성 self.kiwoom.comm_connect() #API로그인 self.ts_1_p = 'False' #거래전략1 초기값 self.market_start = 'false' #마켓 초기값 self.market_close = 'false' self.shutdown_0900 = 'false' self.shutdown_1530 = 'false' # Timer1 self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) #1초 상태바 self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) # Timer2 self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 25) #25초 잔고조회 self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) # Timer3 self.timer3 = QTimer(self) self.timer3.start(1000 * 30) #30초 매수전략1 self.timer3.timeout.connect(self.timeout3) # Timer4 self.timer4 = QTimer(self) self.timer4.start(1000 * 33) # 33초 매도전략 self.timer4.timeout.connect(self.timeout4) # Timer5 self.timer5 = QTimer(self) self.timer5.start(1000 * 15) # 60초 09:00~15:30 장중모드 self.timer5.timeout.connect(self.timeout5) # Timer7 self.timer7 = QTimer(self) self.timer7.start(1000 * 1800) # 30분 중간보고, 장마감후 어플 및 컴퓨터 종료 self.timer7.timeout.connect(self.timeout7) self.list700 = [] self.list600 = [] self.buy_list = [] #버튼, 이벤트발생 self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) #종목코드 입력시 self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) #현금주문 버튼 클릭시 self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) #계좌정보 조회 self.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.trading_strategy_1) #거래전략1호 self.pushButton_4.clicked.connect(self.quit_app) #앱종료 self.pushButton_4.clicked.connect( QCoreApplication.instance().quit) # 앱종료 self.pushButton_5.clicked.connect(self.timeout7) # 테스트버튼 #계좌정보 accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) #프로그램시작알림 self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 시작되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "\n프로그램이 시작되었습니다.") self.get_etf_etn_list() # ETN, ETF 종목 리스트 저장 #종료 def quit_app(self): if self.ts_1_p == 'True': self.trading_strategy_1() self.timer.stop() self.timer2.stop() self.timer3.stop() self.timer4.stop() self.timer5.stop() self.timer7.stop() time.sleep(1) #계좌정보요청 self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") mystocks = '' while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(1) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 bb = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'] myaccount = '총매입금액: %s원\n총평가금액: %s원\n총평가손익금액: %s원\n총수익률(%%): %s\n추정예탁자산: %s원' % ( bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3], bb[4]) a = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) if a != 0: name = [] num = [] buy = [] price = [] earn = [] ret = [] for i in range(a): name.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][0]) num.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][1]) buy.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][2]) price.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][3]) earn.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][4]) ret.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][5]) mystocks = { '종목': name, '수량': num, '매입가': buy, '현재가': price, '평가손익': earn, '수익률(%)': ret } mystocks = DataFrame(mystocks) mystocks = mystocks.set_index(['종목']) #last 보고 self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 종료되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "\n프로그램이 종료되었습니다.\n총 TR 요청 횟수 : %d회\n -----계좌현황-----\n계좌번호: %s\n%s\n -----보유종목-----\n%s" % (, account_number, myaccount, mystocks)) with open('log.txt', 'a') as f: f.writelines(self.textEdit.toPlainText()) time.sleep(3) #상태표시줄(현재시간, 서버연결상태) def timeout(self): market_start_time = QTime(9, 00, 00) market_close_time = QTime(15, 30, 00) market_start_time2 = QTime(9, 00, 2) market_close_time2 = QTime(15, 30, 2) current_time = QTime.currentTime() # 9시 이후에 급등주알고리즘 시작 if current_time > market_start_time and current_time < market_start_time2 and self.market_start == 'false': self.market_start = 'true' self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 장이 시장되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 장이 시작되었습니다.") elif current_time > market_close_time and current_time < market_close_time2 and self.market_close == 'false': self.market_close = 'true' self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 장이 종료되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 장이 종료되었습니다.") text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버가 연결되었습니다." else: state_msg = "서버가 연결되지 않았습니다." self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ서버가 연결되지 않았습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 서버가 연결되지 않았습니다.") self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() #계좌정보 실시간 조회 def timeout3(self): if self.ts_1_p == 'True': #매수전략1 진행시 30초마다 조회 self.volume_check() def timeout4(self): self.sell_stocks() #매도전략 def timeout5(self): if self.checkBox_2.isChecked(): market_start_time = QTime(9, 3, 00) market_close_time = QTime(15, 40, 00) current_time = QTime.currentTime() # 9시 이후에 급등주알고리즘 시작 if current_time > market_start_time and self.shutdown_0900 == 'false' and self.ts_1_p == 'False': self.shutdown_0900 = 'true' self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 장 시작, 매수전략1 시작하겠습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 장 시작, 매수전략1 시작하겠습니다.") self.trading_strategy_1() #15시 40 분 이후 알고리즘 중지 및 10분 뒤 컴퓨터 종료 elif current_time > market_close_time and self.shutdown_1530 == 'false': self.shutdown_1530 = 'true' self.trading_strategy_1() time.sleep(1) self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 10분 후 컴퓨터를 종료합니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 10분 후 컴퓨터를 종료합니다.") self.quit_app() time.sleep(10) os.system("shutdown -s -t 600") print('10분 후 컴퓨터를 종료합니다...') def timeout7(self): #중간보고 self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(1) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 mystocks = '' bb = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'] myaccount = '총매입금액: %s원\n총평가금액: %s원\n총평가손익금액: %s원\n총수익률(%%): %s\n추정예탁자산: %s원' % ( bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3], bb[4]) print(myaccount) a = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) if a != 0: name = [] num = [] buy = [] price = [] earn = [] ret = [] for i in range(a): name.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][0]) num.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][1]) buy.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][2]) price.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][3]) earn.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][4]) ret.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][5]) mystocks = { '종목': name, '수량': num, '매입가': buy, '현재가': price, '평가손익': earn, '수익률(%)': ret } mystocks = DataFrame(mystocks) mystocks = mystocks.set_index(['종목']) print(mystocks) time.sleep(1) # 중간보고 self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 중간보고 완료.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "\n--------중간보고--------\n총 TR 요청 횟수 : %d회\n --------계좌현황--------\n계좌번호: %s\n%s\n --------보유종목--------\n%s" % (, account_number, myaccount, mystocks)) #종목명 나타내기 def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) #현금주문(수동주문) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") += 1 #계좌정보 def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(1) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") += 1 # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() print('잔고조회완료') #거래량급증 거래전략1 def trading_strategy_1(self): if self.ts_1_p == 'False': print('ts_1_p = true, 매수전략1 실행중입니다.') self.ts_1_p = 'True' self.label_7.setText("진행중...") self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 매수전략1 시작되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 매수전략1 시작되었습니다.") self.volume_check() elif self.ts_1_p == 'True': print('ts_1_p = False, 매수전략1 중지되었습니다.') self.label_7.setText("") self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 매수전략1 중지되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 매수전략1 중지되었습니다.") self.ts_1_p = 'False' #매수,매도주문 def order_stocks(self, bs, code, num, price, set_price): ''' :param bs: 매수=1 매도=2 :param code: 종목코드 :param num: 수량 :param price: 가격 (시장가이면 0) :param set_price: 지정가=00 시장가=03 :return: ''' account = self.comboBox.currentText() # order self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, bs, code, num, price, set_price, "") += 1 #거래량급증 조회 def volume_check(self): print('조회수급등조회시작') kospi_url = '' kosdaq_url = '' df = pd.DataFrame() html_1 = requests.get(kospi_url).text df = df.append(pd.read_html(html_1, header=0)[1]) html_2 = requests.get(kosdaq_url).text df = df.append(pd.read_html(html_2, header=0)[1]) df = df.dropna() df = df.rename( columns={ 'N': 'num', '증가율': 'rate', '종목명': 'name', '현재가': 'price', '전일비': 'diff', '등락률': 'updown', '매수호가': 'buy_hoga', '매도호가': 'sell_hoga', '거래량': 'volume', '전일거래량': 'yes_volume', 'PER': 'PER' }) df = df.set_index(['num']) #크롤링완료 html = html_1 + html_2 if df.empty is True: self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ 네이버금융 데이터가 없습니다.') self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString('hh:mm:ss') + 'ㅣ 네이버금융 데이터가 없습니다.') print('네이버금융 데이터가 없습니다.') else: # 0.4.1 수정 #700이상 df700 = df[[a > 700 for a in df.rate]] a700 = list(df700['name']) if len(df700) != 0: for i in range(len(df700)): a = html.find(a700[i]) code = html[a - 22:a - 16] self.list700.append(code) print(self.list700) print(self.list600) #교집합 구하기 aa = set(self.list700) bb = set(self.list600) buy_set = aa & bb buy_set = list(buy_set) if len(buy_set) != 0: for code in buy_set: if code in self.etn_etf_list: pass else: for i in range(len(buy_set)): self.buy_list.append(buy_set[i]) #600~700 self.list600 = [] df600 = df[[a > 400 and a < 700 for a in df.rate]] a600 = list(df600['name']) if len(df600) != 0: for i in range(len(df600)): a = html.find(a600[i]) code = html[a - 22:a - 16] self.list600.append(code) print('매수리스트: %s' % self.buy_list) #order if len(self.buy_list) == 0: pass else: account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") buy_q = int(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit.replace(',', '')) buy_q = (buy_q // len(self.buy_list)) // 5 #예수금/선정종목갯수/5 : 종목당 매수금액 += 1 for code in self.buy_list: time.sleep(0.5) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "0101") buy_q = buy_q // self.kiwoom.stock_pv #매수금액/현재가 : 수량 += 1 time.sleep(1) if buy_q < 1: self.textEdit.append( QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 예수금이 부족합니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 예수금이 부족합니다.") print('예수금이 부족합니다.') else: self.order_stocks(1, code, buy_q, 0, '03') self.textEdit.append( QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ 매수주문\n종목: %s\n수량: %d\n가격: 시장가\n현재가:%s' % (self.kiwoom.stock_name, buy_q, self.kiwoom.stock_pv)) self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString('hh:mm:ss') + 'ㅣ매수주문\n 종목: %s\n수량: %d\n가격: 시장가\n현재가:%s' % (self.kiwoom.stock_name, buy_q, self.kiwoom.stock_pv)) self.buy_list = [] self.list700 = [] print("거래량급증조회완료") #목표수익률 도달시 팔기 def sell_stocks(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(1) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 list_1 = list(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) a = len(list_1) if a != 0: print('보유종목현황: %s' % list_1) for i in range(a): if float(list_1[i][5]) > 5: code = list_1[i][6] num = int(list_1[i][1].replace('.00', '').replace(',', '')) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "0101") += 1 time.sleep(1) self.order_stocks(2, code, num, 0, '03') print('매도종목: %s' % code) self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ 이익실현\n매도주문\n 종목: %s\n수량: %d\n가격: 시장가' % (self.kiwoom.stock_name, num)) self.textEdit.append( QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ 매도주문\n 종목: %s\n수량: %d\n가격: 시장가' % (self.kiwoom.stock_name, num)) elif float(list_1[i][5]) < -3: code = list_1[i][6] num = int(list_1[i][1].replace('.00', '').replace(',', '')) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "0101") += 1 time.sleep(1) self.order_stocks(2, code, num, 0, '03') print('매도종목: %s' % code) self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ 손절\n매도주문\n 종목: %s\n수량: %d\n가격: 시장가' % (self.kiwoom.stock_name, num)) self.textEdit.append( QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ 매도주문\n 종목: %s\n수량: %d\n가격: 시장가' % (self.kiwoom.stock_name, num)) #ETF, ETN 종목 리스트 저장 def get_etf_etn_list(self): time.sleep(2) market_list = ['etn', 'etf'] self.etn_etf_list = [] for market in market_list: if market == 'etn': url = '' elif market == 'etf': url = '' html = requests.get(url).text aa = html.split('},') for stock in aa: code_start = stock.find('itemcode') code = stock[code_start + 11:code_start + 17] self.etn_etf_list.append(code) print('ETN, ETF 종모리스트 저장 완료') self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ ETF, ETN 종목리스트 저장 완료') self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ ETF, ETN 종목리스트 저장 완료')
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) #텔레그램봇 my_token = '692301814:AAEfmddhyZPcO0Uzh8r5ZehfooTPOvKOOqc' self.mybot = telegram.Bot(token=my_token) self.chat_id = 544924927 self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() #키움인스턴스 생성 self.kiwoom.comm_connect() #API로그인 self.ts_1_p = 'False' #거래전략1 초기값 # Timer1 self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) #1초 self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) # Timer2 self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 10) #10초 self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) # Timer3 self.timer3 = QTimer(self) self.timer3.start(1000 * 30) #30초 self.timer3.timeout.connect(self.timeout3) # Timer4 self.timer4 = QTimer(self) self.timer4.start(1000 * 33) # 33초 self.timer4.timeout.connect(self.timeout4) # Timer5 self.timer5 = QTimer(self) self.timer5.start(1000 * 35) # 35초 self.timer5.timeout.connect(self.timeout5) # Timer6 self.timer6 = QTimer(self) self.timer6.start(1000 * 37) # 37초 self.timer6.timeout.connect(self.timeout6) # Timer10 self.timer4 = QTimer(self) self.timer4.start(1000 * 3600) #1시간 후 프로그램종료! self.timer4.timeout.connect(self.quit_app) self.timer4.timeout.connect(QCoreApplication.instance().quit) self.list700 = [] self.list600700 = [] self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) #종목코드 입력시 self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) #현금주문 버튼 클릭시 self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) #계좌정보 조회 self.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.trading_strategy_1) #거래전략1호 self.pushButton_4.clicked.connect(self.quit_app) #앱종료 self.pushButton_4.clicked.connect( QCoreApplication.instance().quit) # 앱종료 #계좌정보 accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.load_buy_sell_list() #로그기록 self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 시작되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 시작되었습니다.") #종료 def quit_app(self): self.timer = '' self.timer2 = '' self.timer3 = '' self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 종료되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 종료되었습니다.") time.sleep(3) #상태표시줄(현재시간, 서버연결상태) def timeout(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결되었습니다." else: state_msg = "서버가 연결되지 않았습니다." self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() #계좌정보 실시간 조회 def timeout3(self): if self.ts_1_p == 'True': #거래전략1 진행시 30초마다 조회 self.volume_check() def timeout4(self): self.sell_stocks() def timeout5(self): self.load_buy_sell_list() def timeout6(self): self.trade_stocks() #로그파일 > txt파일로 저장 def txt_changed(self): f = open('log.txt', 'a') log_text = self.textEdit.text f.write(log_text) f.close() #종목명 나타내기 def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) #현금주문 def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") #계좌정보 def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() #account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") #account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() print('잔고조회완료') def load_buy_sell_list(self): f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() ff = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = ff.readlines() ff.close() row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) self.tableWidget_4.setRowCount(row_count) # buy list for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rsplit()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(j, i, item) # sell list for j in range(len(sell_list)): row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rstrip()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_4.resizeRowsToContents() print('buy & sell.txt 불러오기') def trade_stocks(self): hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() # account account = self.comboBox.currentText() # buy list for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ ' + code + ' ' + num + '주 ' + price + "원 매수주문") # sell list for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매도전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ ' + code + ' ' + num + '주 ' + price + "원 매도주문") # buy list for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "매수주문완료") # file update f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() # sell list for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace("매도전", "매도주문완료") # file update f = open("sell_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in sell_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() print('거래알고리즘실행완료') #거래량급증 거래전략1 def trading_strategy_1(self): if self.ts_1_p == 'False': print('ts_1_p = true') self.ts_1_p = 'True' self.label_7.setText("진행중...") self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 시작되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 시작되었습니다.") self.volume_check() elif self.ts_1_p == 'True': print('ts_1_p = False') self.label_7.setText("") self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 중지되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 중지되었습니다.") self.ts_1_p = 'False' #거래량급증 조회 def volume_check(self): print('거래량급등조회시작') self.kiwoom.reset_opt10023_output() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시장구분", 000) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시간구분", 2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("정렬구분", 2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("거래량구분", 5) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시간", "") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목조건", 0) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("가격구분", 0) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10023_req", "opt10023", 0, "0168") while self.kiwoom.remained_data == True: time.sleep(TR_REQ_TIME_INTERVAL) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시장구분", 000) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시간구분", 2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("정렬구분", 2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("거래량구분", 5) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시간", "") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목조건", 0) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("가격구분", 0) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10023_req", "opt10023", 2, "0168") df = DataFrame(self.kiwoom.opt10023_output) #거래급증종목 데이터프레임으로 받음 print(df) df700 = df[[a > 700 for a in df.volume]] #700이상 종목 self.list700 = list(df700['code']) #print('700이상: ' + self.list700) aa = set(self.list700) bb = set(self.list600700) buy_set = aa & bb buy_set = list(buy_set) df600 = df[[a > 600 for a in df.volume]] df600700 = df600[[a < 700 for a in df600.volume]] self.list600700 = [] self.list600700 = list(df600700['code']) #print('600이상700미만: ' + self.list600700) #buy_list 업데이트 if len(buy_set) == 0: pass else: #print('buy_list: ' + buy_set) account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") buy_q = int(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit[:-3].replace(',', '')) buy_q = (buy_q // len(buy_set)) // 5 f = open("buy_list.txt", "a") for code in buy_set: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "0101") self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text="매수선정종목: " + self.kiwoom.stock_name) f.write("매수;%s;시장가;%d;0;매수전\n" % (code, buy_q // self.kiwoom.stock_pv)) print('buy_list.txt updated') f.close() self.list700 = [] print("거래량급증조회완료") #목표수익률 도달시 팔기 def sell_stocks(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") print('보유종목현황: ' + self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) list_1 = list(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) a = len(list_1) f = open('sell_list.txt', 'a') for i in range(a): if float(list_1[i][5]) > 5: f.write("매도;%s;시장가;%s;0;매도전\n" % (list_1[i][6], list_1[i][1])) elif float(list_1[i][5]) < -2: f.write("매도;%s;시장가;%s;0;매도전\n" % (list_1[i][6], list_1[i][1])) f.close()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.CommConnect() # Timer self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) # Timer2 self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 10) self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) # Get Account Number accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.GetLoginInfo("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.GetLoginInfo("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked() == True: self.check_balance() def timeout(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() code_name = self.kiwoom.GetMasterCodeName(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(code_name) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.SendOrder("SendOrder_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.init_opw00018_data() # Request opw00018 self.kiwoom.SetInputValue("계좌번호", "8080996211") self.kiwoom.SetInputValue("비밀번호", "0000") self.kiwoom.CommRqData("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.prev_next == '2': time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.SetInputValue("계좌번호", "8080996211") self.kiwoom.SetInputValue("비밀번호", "0000") self.kiwoom.CommRqData("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # Request opw00001 self.kiwoom.SetInputValue("계좌번호", "8080996211") self.kiwoom.SetInputValue("비밀번호", "0000") self.kiwoom.CommRqData("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.data_opw00001) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.data_opw00018['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.data_opw00018['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.data_opw00018['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) def timeout(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000")
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.trade_stocks_done = False self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 10) #10초에 한번임 self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) #계좌정보 관련련 accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox_Acc.addItems(accounts_list) #종목코드 입력하면 호출되는 슬롯 self.lineEdit_Stock_Code.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) #주문 버튼 self.pushButton_order.clicked.connect(self.send_order) #조회버튼 self.pushButton_look.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) # 선정 종목 정보 출력 메서드 self.load_buy_sell_list() def timeout(self): market_start_time = QTime(9, 0, 0) current_time = QTime.currentTime() if current_time > market_start_time and self.trade_stocks_done is False: self.trade_stocks() self.trade_stocks_done = True text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit_Stock_Code.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_Stock_Code_2.setText(name) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox_Acc.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_order_type.currentText() code = self.lineEdit_Stock_Code.text() hoga = self.comboBox_hoga.currentText() num = self.spinBox_num.value() price = self.spinBox_price.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price,hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def check_balance(self): # 데이터 초기화 먼저 하고 self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() # 계좌 정보 불러오고 account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] # set_input_value self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) # opw00018 실행 self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") # 보유종목이 20개이상일 경우 연속적으로 데이터 요청 while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 d+2추정예수금 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) # 싱글데이터 (총매입, 총평가, 총손익, 총수익률, 추정자산) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) # 아이템의 크기에 맞춰 행의 높이 조절 self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) # 보유종목 수에 따라서 행의 개수 설정 self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) # QTableWidget에 아이템 추가 for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) # 아이템의 크기에 맞춰 행의 높이 조절 self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() def load_buy_sell_list(self): # 파일 읽어서 데이터 긁어오고 (인코딩에러 조심) # f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt', encoding='UTF8') f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() # f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt', encoding='UTF8') f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() # 데이터의 총 개수 확인 row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) # 자동 선정 종목 리스트 행 수 적용 self.tableWidget_3.setRowCount(row_count) # buy list for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') # 종목 코드를 종목 명으로 바꿔줌 split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(split_row_data[1].rsplit()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(j, i, item) # sell list for j in range(len(sell_list)): row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') # 종목 코드를 종목 명으로 바꿔줌 split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(split_row_data[1].rstrip()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_3.resizeRowsToContents() def trade_stocks(self): hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} # f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt', encoding='UTF8') f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() # f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt', encoding='UTF8') f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() # account account = self.comboBox_Acc.currentText() # buy list for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # sell list for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매도전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # buy list for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "주문완료") # file update f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() # sell list for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace("매도전", "주문완료") # file update f = open("sell_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in sell_list: f.write(row_data) f.close()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) = 0 #텔레그램봇 my_token = '692301814:AAEfmddhyZPcO0Uzh8r5ZehfooTPOvKOOqc' self.mybot = telegram.Bot(token=my_token) self.chat_id = 544924927 self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() #키움인스턴스 생성 self.kiwoom.comm_connect() #API로그인 self.ts_1_p = 'False' #거래전략1 초기값 # Timer1 self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) #1초 상태바 self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) # Timer2 self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 25) #25초 잔고조회 self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) # Timer3 self.timer3 = QTimer(self) self.timer3.start(1000 * 30) #30초 거래전략1 self.timer3.timeout.connect(self.timeout3) # Timer4 self.timer4 = QTimer(self) self.timer4.start(1000 * 33) # 33초 매도전략 self.timer4.timeout.connect(self.timeout4) # Timer5 self.timer5 = QTimer(self) self.timer5.start(1000 * 20) # 20초 buy&sell.txt 로드 self.timer5.timeout.connect(self.timeout5) # Timer6 #self.timer6 = QTimer(self) #self.timer6.start(1000 * 38) # 38초 주문 넣기 #self.timer6.timeout.connect(self.timeout6) # Timer7 self.timer7 = QTimer(self) self.timer7.start(1000 * 1800) # 30분 중간보고 self.timer7.timeout.connect(self.timeout7) # Timer10 #self.timer4 = QTimer(self) #self.timer4.start(1000 * 3600) #1시간 후 프로그램종료! #self.timer4.timeout.connect(self.quit_app) #self.timer4.timeout.connect(QCoreApplication.instance().quit) self.list700 = [] self.list600 = [] self.buy_list = [] self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) #종목코드 입력시 self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) #현금주문 버튼 클릭시 self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) #계좌정보 조회 self.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.trading_strategy_1) #거래전략1호 self.pushButton_4.clicked.connect(self.quit_app) #앱종료 self.pushButton_4.clicked.connect( QCoreApplication.instance().quit) # 앱종료 #계좌정보 accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.load_buy_sell_list() #로그기록 self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 시작되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 시작되었습니다.") #종료 def quit_app(self): self.timer = '' self.timer2 = '' self.timer3 = '' self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(1) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 myaccount = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'] mystocks = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'] self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 종료되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 종료되었습니다.\n총 TR 요청 횟수 : %d회\n 계좌현황 :%s\n 보유종목 : %s" % (, myaccount, mystocks)) time.sleep(3) #상태표시줄(현재시간, 서버연결상태) def timeout(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결되었습니다." else: state_msg = "서버가 연결되지 않았습니다." self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() #계좌정보 실시간 조회 def timeout3(self): if self.ts_1_p == 'True': #거래전략1 진행시 30초마다 조회 self.volume_check() def timeout4(self): self.sell_stocks() def timeout5(self): self.load_buy_sell_list() #def timeout6(self): # self.trade_stocks() def timeout7(self): #중간보고 self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(1) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 myaccount = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'] mystocks = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'] self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 총 TR 요청 횟수 : %d회\n 계좌현황 :%s\n 보유종목 : %s" % (, myaccount, mystocks)) #종목명 나타내기 def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) #현금주문 def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") += 1 #계좌정보 def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() #account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") #account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") += 1 # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() print('잔고조회완료') def load_buy_sell_list(self): f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() ff = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = ff.readlines() ff.close() row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) self.tableWidget_4.setRowCount(row_count) # buy list for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rsplit()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(j, i, item) # sell list for j in range(len(sell_list)): row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rstrip()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_4.resizeRowsToContents() print('buy & sell.txt 불러오기') def trade_stocks(self): hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() # account account = self.comboBox.currentText() # buy list for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ ' + code + ' ' + num + '주 ' + price + "원 매수주문") += 1 # sell list for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매도전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ ' + code + ' ' + num + '주 ' + price + "원 매도주문") += 1 # buy list for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "매수주문완료") # file update f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() # sell list for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace("매도전", "매도주문완료") # file update f = open("sell_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in sell_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() print('거래알고리즘실행완료') #거래량급증 거래전략1 def trading_strategy_1(self): if self.ts_1_p == 'False': print('ts_1_p = true') self.ts_1_p = 'True' self.label_7.setText("진행중...") self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 시작되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 시작되었습니다.") elif self.ts_1_p == 'True': print('ts_1_p = False') self.label_7.setText("") self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 중지되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 중지되었습니다.") self.ts_1_p = 'False' #거래량급증 조회 def volume_check(self): market_list = ['kospi', 'kosdaq'] print('조회수급등조회시작') for market in market_list: if market == 'kospi': url = '' elif market == 'kosdaq': url = '' html = requests.get(url).text df = pd.DataFrame() df = df.append(pd.read_html(html, header=0)[1]) df = df.dropna() df = df.rename( columns={ 'N': 'num', '증가율': 'rate', '종목명': 'name', '현재가': 'price', '전일비': 'diff', '등락률': 'updown', '매수호가': 'buy_hoga', '매도호가': 'sell_hoga', '거래량': 'volume', '전일거래량': 'yes_volume', 'PER': 'PER' }) df = df.set_index(['num']) #크롤링완료 #700이상 df700 = df[[a > 700 for a in df.rate]] a700 = list(df700['name']) if len(df700) != 0: for i in range(len(df700)): a = html.find(a700[i]) code = html[a - 22:a - 16] self.list700.append(code) #교집합 구하기 aa = set(self.list700) bb = set(self.list600) buy_set = aa & bb buy_set = list(buy_set) if len(buy_set) != 0: for i in range(len(buy_set)): self.buy_list.append(buy_set[i]) #600~700 self.list600 = [] df600 = df[[a > 400 and a < 700 for a in df.rate]] a600 = list(df600['name']) if len(df600) != 0: for i in range(len(df600)): a = html.find(a600[i]) code = html[a - 22:a - 16] self.list600.append(code) print(self.buy_list) #buy_list 업데이트 if len(self.buy_list) == 0: pass else: #print('buy_list: ' + buy_set) account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") buy_q = int(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit[:-3].replace(',', '')) buy_q = (buy_q // len(self.buy_list)) // 5 += 1 f = open("buy_list.txt", "wt") for code in self.buy_list: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "0101") self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text="매수선정종목: " + self.kiwoom.stock_name) f.write("매수;%s;시장가;%d;0;매수전\n" % (code, buy_q // self.kiwoom.stock_pv)) f.close() print('buy_list.txt updated') self.trade_stocks() self.buy_list = [] self.list700 = [] print("거래량급증조회완료") #목표수익률 도달시 팔기 def sell_stocks(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(1) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 list_1 = list(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) print(list_1) a = len(list_1) if a != 0: f = open('sell_list.txt', 'wt') for i in range(a): if float(list_1[i][5]) > 5: f.write("매도;%s;시장가;%s;0;매도전\n" % (list_1[i][6], int(list_1[i][1].replace('.00', '').replace( ',', '')))) elif float(list_1[i][5]) < -3: f.write("매도;%s;시장가;%s;0;매도전\n" % (list_1[i][6], int(list_1[i][1].replace('.00', '').replace( ',', '')))) f.close() self.trade_stocks() print('sell_list.txt updated')