class KospiTracker(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() # self.timer = QTimer(self) # self.timer.start(1000) # self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) # accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) # accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") # # accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] # self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) # # self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) # self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) def load_index(self, market, date): self.kiwoom.ohlcv = {'date': [], 'cur_price': [], 'volume': []} self.kiwoom.set_input_value("업종코드", market) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("기준일자", date) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt20006_req", "opt20006", 0, "0215") df = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.ohlcv, columns=['date', 'cur_price', 'volume']) print(df) return df def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "")
class PyMon: def __init__(self): self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() def run(self): # self.run_pbr_per_screener() # self.run_condition_data() self.get_codition_stock_list() def get_codition_stock_list(self): self.kiwoom.get_condition_load() conditionName = self.kiwoom.get_condition_name_list() self.kiwoom.send_condition("0150", SEL_CONDITION_NAME, CONDITION_INDEX, 1) # print(self.kiwoom.condition_code_list[:-1]) code_list = self.kiwoom.condition_code_list[:-1] print("조건검색결과 주식 : ", code_list, len(code_list)) f = open(self.kiwoom.buy_loc, 'wt', encoding='UTF-8') dm = ';' b_gubun = "매수" b_status = "매수전" b_price = 0 b_method = "지정가" b_qty = 0 for code in code_list: code_info = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) mste_info = self.kiwoom.get_master_construction(code) stock_state = self.kiwoom.get_master_stock_state(code) print(code_info, mste_info, stock_state) if mste_info == '정상': stock_info = b_gubun + dm + code + dm + b_method + dm + str( b_qty) + dm + str(b_price) + dm + b_status f.write(stock_info + '\n') f.close() if len(code_list) == 0: print("해당하는 조건검색의 결과 주식이 없습니다.") pass # 로직구현 필요함. # result = [] # for i, code in enumerate(code_list): # print("%d : %d" % (i, len(code_list))) # if i > 100: # break # # (per, pbr) = self.get_per_pbr(code) # if 2.5 <= per <= 10: # result.append((code, per, pbr)) # # data = sorted(result, key=lambda x:x[2]) # self.dump_data(code_list) # TEST # code_list = ['066590','006920','005690'] # self.dump_data_json(code_list) def run_condition_data(self): self.kiwoom.get_condition_load() #self.kiwoom.get_condition_name_list() self.kiwoom.send_condition("0150", SEL_CONDITION_NAME, CONDITION_INDEX, 1) #print(self.kiwoom.condition_code_list[:-1]) code_list = self.kiwoom.condition_code_list[:-1] # 금일날짜 today ="%Y%m%d") r_price = self.get_condition_param(code_list[1], today) print(r_price) # 영업일 하루전날짜 df_hdays = pd.read_excel("stor/data.xls") hdays = df_hdays['일자 및 요일'].str.extract('(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})', expand=False) hdays = pd.to_datetime(hdays) = '날짜' mdays = pd.date_range('2019-01-01', '2019-12-31', freq='B') #print(mdays) mdays = mdays.drop(hdays) #f_mdays = mdays.to_frame(index=True) #print(f_mdays) # 개장일을 index로 갖는 DataFrame #data = {'values': range(1, 31)} #df_sample = pd.DataFrame(data, index=pd.date_range('2019-01-01', '2019-01-31')) df_mdays = pd.DataFrame({'date': mdays}) df_mdays_list = df_mdays['date'].tolist() for i, df_day in enumerate(df_mdays_list): if (df_day.__format__('%Y%m%d') == today): self.prev_bus_day_1 = df_mdays_list[i - 1].__format__('%Y-%m-%d') self.prev_bus_day_2 = df_mdays_list[i - 2].__format__('%Y-%m-%d') print(self.prev_bus_day_1, self.prev_bus_day_2) # 두 DataFrame (df_sample, df_mdays)의 인덱스를 기준으로 합친다(merge) #df = pd.merge(df_sample, df_mdays, right_index=True, left_index=True) #df.head(10) def run_pbr_per_screener(self): code_list = self.kiwoom.get_code_list_by_market( 0) + self.kiwoom.get_code_list_by_market(10) # result = [] # for i, code in enumerate(code_list): # print("%d : %d" % (i, len(code_list))) # if i > 100: # break # # (per, pbr) = self.get_per_pbr(code) # if 2.5 <= per <= 10: # result.append((code, per, pbr)) # # data = sorted(result, key=lambda x:x[2]) # self.dump_data(data[:30]) def get_condition_param(self, code, s_date): self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시작일자", s_date) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10086_req", "opt10086", 0, "0101") return (self.kiwoom.s_price, self.kiwoom.e_price) def get_per_pbr(self, code): self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "0101") time.sleep(0.2) if (self.kiwoom.per == ''): self.kiwoom.per = 0 if (self.kiwoom.pbr == ''): self.kiwoom.pbr = 0 print(self.kiwoom.per, self.kiwoom.pbr) return (float(self.kiwoom.per), float(self.kiwoom.pbr)) def dump_data(self, data): f = open("./database.db", "wb") pickle.dump(data, f) f.close() def dump_data_json(self, data): with open('buy_stock.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as stock_file: json.dump(data, stock_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent="\t")
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 10) self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def timeout(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) = 0 #총TR요청횟수 #텔레그램봇 my_token = '692301814:AAEfmddhyZPcO0Uzh8r5ZehfooTPOvKOOqc' self.mybot = telegram.Bot(token=my_token) self.chat_id = 544924927 self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() #키움인스턴스 생성 self.kiwoom.comm_connect() #API로그인 self.ts_1_p = 'False' #거래전략1 초기값 self.market_start = 'false' #마켓 초기값 self.market_close = 'false' self.shutdown_0900 = 'false' self.shutdown_1530 = 'false' # Timer1 self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) #1초 상태바 self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) # Timer2 self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 25) #25초 잔고조회 self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) # Timer3 self.timer3 = QTimer(self) self.timer3.start(1000 * 30) #30초 매수전략1 self.timer3.timeout.connect(self.timeout3) # Timer4 self.timer4 = QTimer(self) self.timer4.start(1000 * 33) # 33초 매도전략 self.timer4.timeout.connect(self.timeout4) # Timer5 self.timer5 = QTimer(self) self.timer5.start(1000 * 15) # 60초 09:00~15:30 장중모드 self.timer5.timeout.connect(self.timeout5) # Timer7 self.timer7 = QTimer(self) self.timer7.start(1000 * 1800) # 30분 중간보고, 장마감후 어플 및 컴퓨터 종료 self.timer7.timeout.connect(self.timeout7) self.list700 = [] self.list600 = [] self.buy_list = [] #버튼, 이벤트발생 self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) #종목코드 입력시 self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) #현금주문 버튼 클릭시 self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) #계좌정보 조회 self.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.trading_strategy_1) #거래전략1호 self.pushButton_4.clicked.connect(self.quit_app) #앱종료 self.pushButton_4.clicked.connect( QCoreApplication.instance().quit) # 앱종료 self.pushButton_5.clicked.connect(self.timeout7) # 테스트버튼 #계좌정보 accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) #프로그램시작알림 self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 시작되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "\n프로그램이 시작되었습니다.") self.get_etf_etn_list() # ETN, ETF 종목 리스트 저장 #종료 def quit_app(self): if self.ts_1_p == 'True': self.trading_strategy_1() self.timer.stop() self.timer2.stop() self.timer3.stop() self.timer4.stop() self.timer5.stop() self.timer7.stop() time.sleep(1) #계좌정보요청 self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") mystocks = '' while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(1) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 bb = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'] myaccount = '총매입금액: %s원\n총평가금액: %s원\n총평가손익금액: %s원\n총수익률(%%): %s\n추정예탁자산: %s원' % ( bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3], bb[4]) a = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) if a != 0: name = [] num = [] buy = [] price = [] earn = [] ret = [] for i in range(a): name.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][0]) num.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][1]) buy.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][2]) price.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][3]) earn.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][4]) ret.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][5]) mystocks = { '종목': name, '수량': num, '매입가': buy, '현재가': price, '평가손익': earn, '수익률(%)': ret } mystocks = DataFrame(mystocks) mystocks = mystocks.set_index(['종목']) #last 보고 self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 종료되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "\n프로그램이 종료되었습니다.\n총 TR 요청 횟수 : %d회\n -----계좌현황-----\n계좌번호: %s\n%s\n -----보유종목-----\n%s" % (, account_number, myaccount, mystocks)) with open('log.txt', 'a') as f: f.writelines(self.textEdit.toPlainText()) time.sleep(3) #상태표시줄(현재시간, 서버연결상태) def timeout(self): market_start_time = QTime(9, 00, 00) market_close_time = QTime(15, 30, 00) market_start_time2 = QTime(9, 00, 2) market_close_time2 = QTime(15, 30, 2) current_time = QTime.currentTime() # 9시 이후에 급등주알고리즘 시작 if current_time > market_start_time and current_time < market_start_time2 and self.market_start == 'false': self.market_start = 'true' self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 장이 시장되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 장이 시작되었습니다.") elif current_time > market_close_time and current_time < market_close_time2 and self.market_close == 'false': self.market_close = 'true' self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 장이 종료되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 장이 종료되었습니다.") text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버가 연결되었습니다." else: state_msg = "서버가 연결되지 않았습니다." self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ서버가 연결되지 않았습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 서버가 연결되지 않았습니다.") self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() #계좌정보 실시간 조회 def timeout3(self): if self.ts_1_p == 'True': #매수전략1 진행시 30초마다 조회 self.volume_check() def timeout4(self): self.sell_stocks() #매도전략 def timeout5(self): if self.checkBox_2.isChecked(): market_start_time = QTime(9, 3, 00) market_close_time = QTime(15, 40, 00) current_time = QTime.currentTime() # 9시 이후에 급등주알고리즘 시작 if current_time > market_start_time and self.shutdown_0900 == 'false' and self.ts_1_p == 'False': self.shutdown_0900 = 'true' self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 장 시작, 매수전략1 시작하겠습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 장 시작, 매수전략1 시작하겠습니다.") self.trading_strategy_1() #15시 40 분 이후 알고리즘 중지 및 10분 뒤 컴퓨터 종료 elif current_time > market_close_time and self.shutdown_1530 == 'false': self.shutdown_1530 = 'true' self.trading_strategy_1() time.sleep(1) self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 10분 후 컴퓨터를 종료합니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 10분 후 컴퓨터를 종료합니다.") self.quit_app() time.sleep(10) os.system("shutdown -s -t 600") print('10분 후 컴퓨터를 종료합니다...') def timeout7(self): #중간보고 self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(1) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 mystocks = '' bb = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'] myaccount = '총매입금액: %s원\n총평가금액: %s원\n총평가손익금액: %s원\n총수익률(%%): %s\n추정예탁자산: %s원' % ( bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3], bb[4]) print(myaccount) a = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) if a != 0: name = [] num = [] buy = [] price = [] earn = [] ret = [] for i in range(a): name.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][0]) num.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][1]) buy.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][2]) price.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][3]) earn.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][4]) ret.append(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][5]) mystocks = { '종목': name, '수량': num, '매입가': buy, '현재가': price, '평가손익': earn, '수익률(%)': ret } mystocks = DataFrame(mystocks) mystocks = mystocks.set_index(['종목']) print(mystocks) time.sleep(1) # 중간보고 self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 중간보고 완료.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "\n--------중간보고--------\n총 TR 요청 횟수 : %d회\n --------계좌현황--------\n계좌번호: %s\n%s\n --------보유종목--------\n%s" % (, account_number, myaccount, mystocks)) #종목명 나타내기 def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) #현금주문(수동주문) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") += 1 #계좌정보 def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(1) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") += 1 # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() print('잔고조회완료') #거래량급증 거래전략1 def trading_strategy_1(self): if self.ts_1_p == 'False': print('ts_1_p = true, 매수전략1 실행중입니다.') self.ts_1_p = 'True' self.label_7.setText("진행중...") self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 매수전략1 시작되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 매수전략1 시작되었습니다.") self.volume_check() elif self.ts_1_p == 'True': print('ts_1_p = False, 매수전략1 중지되었습니다.') self.label_7.setText("") self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 매수전략1 중지되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 매수전략1 중지되었습니다.") self.ts_1_p = 'False' #매수,매도주문 def order_stocks(self, bs, code, num, price, set_price): ''' :param bs: 매수=1 매도=2 :param code: 종목코드 :param num: 수량 :param price: 가격 (시장가이면 0) :param set_price: 지정가=00 시장가=03 :return: ''' account = self.comboBox.currentText() # order self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, bs, code, num, price, set_price, "") += 1 #거래량급증 조회 def volume_check(self): print('조회수급등조회시작') kospi_url = '' kosdaq_url = '' df = pd.DataFrame() html_1 = requests.get(kospi_url).text df = df.append(pd.read_html(html_1, header=0)[1]) html_2 = requests.get(kosdaq_url).text df = df.append(pd.read_html(html_2, header=0)[1]) df = df.dropna() df = df.rename( columns={ 'N': 'num', '증가율': 'rate', '종목명': 'name', '현재가': 'price', '전일비': 'diff', '등락률': 'updown', '매수호가': 'buy_hoga', '매도호가': 'sell_hoga', '거래량': 'volume', '전일거래량': 'yes_volume', 'PER': 'PER' }) df = df.set_index(['num']) #크롤링완료 html = html_1 + html_2 if df.empty is True: self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ 네이버금융 데이터가 없습니다.') self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString('hh:mm:ss') + 'ㅣ 네이버금융 데이터가 없습니다.') print('네이버금융 데이터가 없습니다.') else: # 0.4.1 수정 #700이상 df700 = df[[a > 700 for a in df.rate]] a700 = list(df700['name']) if len(df700) != 0: for i in range(len(df700)): a = html.find(a700[i]) code = html[a - 22:a - 16] self.list700.append(code) print(self.list700) print(self.list600) #교집합 구하기 aa = set(self.list700) bb = set(self.list600) buy_set = aa & bb buy_set = list(buy_set) if len(buy_set) != 0: for code in buy_set: if code in self.etn_etf_list: pass else: for i in range(len(buy_set)): self.buy_list.append(buy_set[i]) #600~700 self.list600 = [] df600 = df[[a > 400 and a < 700 for a in df.rate]] a600 = list(df600['name']) if len(df600) != 0: for i in range(len(df600)): a = html.find(a600[i]) code = html[a - 22:a - 16] self.list600.append(code) print('매수리스트: %s' % self.buy_list) #order if len(self.buy_list) == 0: pass else: account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") buy_q = int(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit.replace(',', '')) buy_q = (buy_q // len(self.buy_list)) // 5 #예수금/선정종목갯수/5 : 종목당 매수금액 += 1 for code in self.buy_list: time.sleep(0.5) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "0101") buy_q = buy_q // self.kiwoom.stock_pv #매수금액/현재가 : 수량 += 1 time.sleep(1) if buy_q < 1: self.textEdit.append( QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 예수금이 부족합니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 예수금이 부족합니다.") print('예수금이 부족합니다.') else: self.order_stocks(1, code, buy_q, 0, '03') self.textEdit.append( QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ 매수주문\n종목: %s\n수량: %d\n가격: 시장가\n현재가:%s' % (self.kiwoom.stock_name, buy_q, self.kiwoom.stock_pv)) self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString('hh:mm:ss') + 'ㅣ매수주문\n 종목: %s\n수량: %d\n가격: 시장가\n현재가:%s' % (self.kiwoom.stock_name, buy_q, self.kiwoom.stock_pv)) self.buy_list = [] self.list700 = [] print("거래량급증조회완료") #목표수익률 도달시 팔기 def sell_stocks(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(1) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 list_1 = list(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) a = len(list_1) if a != 0: print('보유종목현황: %s' % list_1) for i in range(a): if float(list_1[i][5]) > 5: code = list_1[i][6] num = int(list_1[i][1].replace('.00', '').replace(',', '')) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "0101") += 1 time.sleep(1) self.order_stocks(2, code, num, 0, '03') print('매도종목: %s' % code) self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ 이익실현\n매도주문\n 종목: %s\n수량: %d\n가격: 시장가' % (self.kiwoom.stock_name, num)) self.textEdit.append( QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ 매도주문\n 종목: %s\n수량: %d\n가격: 시장가' % (self.kiwoom.stock_name, num)) elif float(list_1[i][5]) < -3: code = list_1[i][6] num = int(list_1[i][1].replace('.00', '').replace(',', '')) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "0101") += 1 time.sleep(1) self.order_stocks(2, code, num, 0, '03') print('매도종목: %s' % code) self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ 손절\n매도주문\n 종목: %s\n수량: %d\n가격: 시장가' % (self.kiwoom.stock_name, num)) self.textEdit.append( QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ 매도주문\n 종목: %s\n수량: %d\n가격: 시장가' % (self.kiwoom.stock_name, num)) #ETF, ETN 종목 리스트 저장 def get_etf_etn_list(self): time.sleep(2) market_list = ['etn', 'etf'] self.etn_etf_list = [] for market in market_list: if market == 'etn': url = '' elif market == 'etf': url = '' html = requests.get(url).text aa = html.split('},') for stock in aa: code_start = stock.find('itemcode') code = stock[code_start + 11:code_start + 17] self.etn_etf_list.append(code) print('ETN, ETF 종모리스트 저장 완료') self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ ETF, ETN 종목리스트 저장 완료') self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ ETF, ETN 종목리스트 저장 완료')
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.trade_stocks_done = False self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.currentTime = self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) # Timer2 실시간 조회 체크박스 체크하면 10초에 한 번씩 데이터 자동 갱신 self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000*10) self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) # 선정 종목 리스트 self.load_buy_sell_list() accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) #self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) self.check_balance() self.kiwoom.OnReceiveRealData.connect(self.kiwoom._receive_real_data) self.check_chejan_balance() self.save_final_stock() def is_trading_time(self): vals = [] current_time = self.currentTime.time() for start, end in TRADING_TIME: start_time = datetime.time(hour=start[0], minute=start[1]) end_time = datetime.time(hour=end[0], minute=end[1]) if(current_time >= start_time and current_time <= end_time): vals.append(True) else: vals.append(False) pass if vals.count(True): return True else: return False """def stock_name(self): f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() account = self.comboBox.currentText() for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') code = split_row_data[1] """ #주문을 들어가기 전에 파일에서 불러와서 종목을 확인, 종목의 전일 종가 확인 - 첫 번째 주문 시 #두 번째 주문부터는 이미 주문 들어간 파일에서 확인 # 자동 주문 def trade_stocks(self): #self.check_balance() auto_buy = [] hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() auto_buy += buy_list f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() account = self.comboBox.currentText() close_rate, current_rate = #print("rate: ", rate[2][0]) print(current_rate) # buy list for i in range(len(auto_buy)): split_row_data = auto_buy[i].split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] bdr = split_row_data[5] pr = split_row_data[6] lr = split_row_data[7] #temp = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][0][3] """for i in range(len(new)): price = bdr * new[i] price = int(price) temp = price % 10 new_price = price - temp""" #print(self.final_stock[0]) #price = bdr * self.final_stock[cnt] """price = int(price) temp = price % 10 new_price = price - """ print("bdr:", float(bdr)) # 전날 종가 new_price = close_rate[i][0] * float(bdr) print("cnt:", i) print("rate[cnt]", close_rate[i][0]) print("new_price:", new_price) #temp = new_price % 10 #new_price = new_price - temp hoga = "지정가" if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전' and new_price <= current_rate[i][0]: self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, int(new_price), hoga_lookup[hoga], "") if self.kiwoom.orderNum: for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "주문완료") elif split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전' and self.is_trading_time() == False: self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") if self.kiwoom.orderNum: for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "주문완료") # sell list for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매도전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") if self.kiwoom.orderNum: for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace("매도전", "주문완료") #파일 정보 변경 # buy list """for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "주문완료")""" # file update f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() # sell list """for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace("매도전", "주문완료")""" # file update f = open("sell_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in sell_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() def load_buy_sell_list(self): f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) self.tableWidget_3.setRowCount(row_count) # buy list # j:행, i:열 for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(split_row_data[1].rstrip()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(j, i, item) # sell list for j in range(len(sell_list)): row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(split_row_data[1].rstrip()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_3.resizeRowsToContents() def save_final_stock(self): item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) if(self.is_trading_time() == False): self.final_stock = [] for i in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][i][3] self.final_stock.append(row) print(self.final_stock) #if(self.is_trading_time() == True): #종가 파일로 저장. def timeout(self): market_start_time = QTime(9, 0, 0) current_time = QTime.currentTime() if current_time > market_start_time and self.trade_stocks_done is False: self.trade_stocks() self.trade_stocks_done = True text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) # 체크 박스 체크? def timeout2(self): #if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() self.check_chejan_balance() def check_chejan_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opt10075_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10075_req", "opt10075", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10075_req", "opt10075", 0, "2000") item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che']) self.tableWidget_4.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_4.resizeRowsToContents() def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw0001TR (예수금 데이터) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") #balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) # 나머지 칼럼 (table1) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i-1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) # 행 높이 조절 self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list (보유 종목별 평가 잔고) item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() def get_ohlcv(self, code, start): #self.get_ohlcv("035720", "20190604") self.kiwoom.ohlcv = {'date': [], 'close': []} = {'close': []} self.kiwoom.current = {'current': []} self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("기준일자", start) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("수정주가구분", 1) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10081_req", "opt10081", 0, "0101") #time.sleep(0.2) #df = DataFrame(self.kiwoom.ohlcv, columns=['close'], # index=self.kiwoom.ohlcv['date']) #return self.kiwoom.ohlcv def run(self): true_close = [] true_current = [] code = [] today ="%Y%m%d") f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') code.append(split_row_data[1]) for i in range(len(code)): print("code: ", code[i]) self.get_ohlcv(code[i], today) true_close.append(['close']) true_current.append(self.kiwoom.current['current']) print(true_close) f.close() return (true_close, true_current)
class STA_download(): def __init__(self): # self.info_download() # self.bi_download() # self.dc_download() self.ss_download() pass # ss: short sales // download to db required def ss_download(self): app = QApplication(['']) self.k = Kiwoom() ss = self.shortsales_record('005930') print(ss) # dc: daecha // download to db required def dc_download(self): app = QApplication(['']) self.k = Kiwoom() # should iterate over dates and code # may require to use multiprocessing dt1 = self.daecha_trading_record_mkt('20200901', '20200908') dt2 = self.daecha_trading_record_code('20200901', '20200908', '005930') print(dt1) print(dt2) ################## # program: arbitrage vs non-arbitrage # use opt90013: need to be implemented in Kiwoom ################## ################## # figure fgn money distribution out and relative performance ################## ################## # validate Morgan Stanley assumption / analysis ################## # bi: by investors def bi_download(self): if not os.path.exists(BYINVESTOR_DB): print("byinvestor.db file exis") sys.exit() topsize = 200 stepsize = 2 toptotal = self.get_top_n_code(topsize) for i in range(0, topsize, stepsize): codelist = toptotal[i:i+stepsize] print(codelist, i) bi_singlerun_proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.bi_download_singlerun, args=(codelist,), daemon=True) bi_singlerun_proc.start() bi_singlerun_proc.join() bi_singlerun_proc.terminate() time.sleep(WAIT_INTERVAL) def bi_download_singlerun(self, codelist): app = QApplication(['']) self.k = Kiwoom() for code in codelist: print(code) bi_buy = self.investor_history_singlecase(code, netbuysell='1') bi_sell = self.investor_history_singlecase(code, netbuysell='2') con = sqlite3.connect(BYINVESTOR_DB) bi_buy.to_sql(f'buy{code}', con, if_exists='replace', index = False) bi_sell.to_sql(f'sell{code}', con, if_exists='replace', index = False) con.close() # bi_net could be easily constructed through the following: # bi_net = bi_buy.copy() # bi_net.loc[:, 'ppl':] = bi_buy.loc[:, 'ppl':] + bi_sell.loc[:, 'ppl':] def get_top_n_code(self, n): if not os.path.exists(INFO_DB): print("infodb.db file does not exist") sys.exit() con = sqlite3.connect(INFO_DB) idb = pd.read_sql_query(f'select * from {INFO_DB_TABLE}', con) con.close() return list(idb.nlargest(n, 'mktcap')['code']) # info: general info per each code def info_download(self): app = QApplication(['']) self.k = Kiwoom() if os.path.exists(INFO_DB): print("infodb.db file exists") sys.exit() self.codelist = self.k.get_codelist_by_market(0).split(';')[:-1] self.codelist += self.k.get_codelist_by_market(10).split(';')[:-1] self.infodb = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['code', 'cprice', 'total_shares', 'trade_shares', 'fgn_weight', 'PER', 'EPS', 'ROE', 'PBR', 'EV', 'BPS', 'mktcap', 'sales', 'EBIT', 'netprofit', 'date', 'status', 'name', 'note']).astype({ 'code': 'object', 'cprice': 'int64', 'total_shares': 'int64', 'trade_shares': 'int64', 'fgn_weight': 'int64', 'PER': 'float64', 'EPS': 'int64', 'ROE': 'float64', 'PBR': 'float64', 'EV': 'float64', 'BPS': 'int64', 'mktcap': 'int64', 'sales': 'int64', 'EBIT': 'int64', 'netprofit': 'int64', 'date': 'object', 'status': 'object', 'name': 'object', 'note': 'object'}) con = sqlite3.connect(INFO_DB) resume_location = 0 # that is the last number printed or INFO_DOWNLOAD_CHUNK * num saved self.infodb.to_sql(INFO_DB_TABLE, con, if_exists = 'append', index = False) # adjust 'replace' as needed con.close() i = 0 for code in self.codelist[resume_location:]: print('.', end="") i += 1 info_code = self.k.get_basic_info(code) info_code['date'] ="%Y%m%d") self.infodb.loc[len(self.infodb)] = info_code if i % INFO_DOWNLOAD_CHUNK == 0: print(f' {i}') con = sqlite3.connect(INFO_DB) self.infodb.to_sql(INFO_DB_TABLE, con, if_exists = 'append', index = False) con.close() self.infodb.drop(self.infodb.index, inplace = True) time.sleep(WAIT_INTERVAL) con = sqlite3.connect(INFO_DB) self.infodb.to_sql(INFO_DB_TABLE, con, if_exists = 'append', index = False) con.close() self.infodb.drop(self.infodb.index, inplace = True) # cur = con.cursor() # cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';") # cur.execute("drop table 'table_name';") # res = cur.fetchall() # print(res) #OPT10068 - no next page available. should adjust start_date and end_date def daecha_trading_record_mkt(self, start_date, end_date): self.k.set_input_value('시작일자', start_date) self.k.set_input_value('종료일자', end_date) self.k.set_input_value('전체구분', '1') self.k.set_input_value('종목코드', '') self.k.comm_rq_data('OPT10068_req', 'OPT10068', 0, '1000') dt = pd.DataFrame(self.k.opt10068_multi_data_set) if len(dt) == 0: print('Kiwoom data download error') sys.exit() dt = dt.astype({0: 'object', 1: 'int64', 2: 'int64', 3: 'int64', 4: 'int64', 5: 'int64'}) dt.rename(columns = {0: 'date', 1: 'dc_new', 2: 'dc_ret', 3: 'dc_inc', 4: 'dc_remained', 5: 'dc_amount'}, inplace = True) return dt #opt20068 - no next page available. should adjust start_date and end_date def daecha_trading_record_code(self, start_date, end_date, code): self.k.set_input_value('시작일자', start_date) self.k.set_input_value('종료일자', end_date) self.k.set_input_value('전체구분', '0') self.k.set_input_value('종목코드', code) self.k.comm_rq_data('opt20068_req', 'opt20068', 0, '1000') dt = pd.DataFrame(self.k.opt20068_multi_data_set) if len(dt) == 0: print('Kiwoom data download error') sys.exit() dt = dt.astype({0: 'object', 1: 'int64', 2: 'int64', 3: 'int64', 4: 'int64', 5: 'int64'}) dt.rename(columns = {0: 'date', 1: 'dc_new', 2: 'dc_ret', 3: 'dc_inc', 4: 'dc_remained', 5: 'dc_amount'}, inplace = True) return dt def shortsales_record(self, code): # opt10014 Short Selling --------------------------------- self.k.set_input_value('종목코드', code) self.k.set_input_value('시간구분', STA_DATE_PERIOD) # 0: by date, 1: by period self.k.set_input_value('시작일자', STA_START_DATE) # if by date, this input ignored self.k.set_input_value('종료일자', STA_END_DATE) # should be later than start date self.k.comm_rq_data('opt10014_req', 'opt10014', 0, '2000') ss = pd.DataFrame(self.k.opt10014_multi_data_set) for i in range(STA_NUMBER_TO_RECEIVE_NEXTPAGE): print('.', end='') if self.k.remained_data: self.k.set_input_value('종목코드', code) self.k.set_input_value('시간구분', STA_DATE_PERIOD) self.k.set_input_value('시작일자', STA_START_DATE) self.k.set_input_value('종료일자', STA_END_DATE) self.k.comm_rq_data('opt10014_req', 'opt10014', 2, '2000') ss =ss.append(pd.DataFrame(self.k.opt10014_multi_data_set)) else: break print() if len(ss) == 0: print('Kiwoom data download error') sys.exit() # incrate in % # volume in a single share # shortwgt in % # shortamt in 1000 # clprice = closing price ss.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) ss = ss.astype({0: 'object', 1: 'int64', 2: 'int64', 3: 'int64', 4: 'float64', 5: 'int64', 6: 'int64', 7: 'float64', 8: 'int64', 9: 'int64'}) ss.rename(columns = {0: 'date', 1: 'clprice', 2: 'deltakey', 3: 'delta', 4: 'incrate', 5: 'volume', 6: 'shortvol', 7: 'shortwgt', 8: 'shortamt', 9: 'shortprice'}, inplace = True) ss.clprice = ss.clprice.abs() return ss def investor_history_singlecase(self, code, moneyquantity='2', netbuysell='0'): # opt10059 By Investor --------------------------------- self.k.set_input_value('일자', STA_END_DATE) self.k.set_input_value('종목코드', code) self.k.set_input_value('금액수량구분', moneyquantity) # 1: money amount, 2: quantity of units self.k.set_input_value('매매구분', netbuysell) # 0: net, 1: buy, 2: sell self.k.set_input_value('단위구분', STA_UNIT) # 1000: a thousand unit, 1: a unit self.k.comm_rq_data('opt10059_req', 'opt10059', 0, '3000') bi = pd.DataFrame(self.k.opt10059_multi_data_set) for i in range(STA_NUMBER_TO_RECEIVE_NEXTPAGE): print('.', end='') if self.k.remained_data: self.k.set_input_value('일자', STA_END_DATE) self.k.set_input_value('종목코드', code) self.k.set_input_value('금액수량구분', moneyquantity) # 1: money amount in 1M KRW, 2: quantity of units self.k.set_input_value('매매구분', netbuysell) # 0: net, 1: buy, 2: sell self.k.set_input_value('단위구분', STA_UNIT) # 1000: a thousand unit, 1: a unit self.k.comm_rq_data('opt10059_req', 'opt10059', 2, '3000') bi = bi.append(pd.DataFrame(self.k.opt10059_multi_data_set)) else: break print() if len(bi) == 0: print('Kiwoom data download error') sys.exit() # incrate in basis point # amount in million KRW # t_inst = fininv + insu + trust + finetc + bank + pensvg + prieqt + nation # volume or amount = ppl + fgn + t_inst + corpetc + fgnetc when buy/sell(negative) # 0 = ppl + fgn + t_inst + nation + corpetc + fgnetc when buy when net bi.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) bi = bi.astype({0: 'object', 1: 'int64', 2: 'int64', 3: 'int64', 4: 'int64', 5: 'int64', 6: 'int64', 7: 'int64', 8: 'int64', 9: 'int64', 10: 'int64', 11: 'int64', 12: 'int64', 13: 'int64', 14: 'int64', 15: 'int64', 16: 'int64', 17: 'int64', 18: 'int64', 19: 'int64'}) bi.rename(columns = {0: 'date', 1: 'price', 2: 'deltakey', 3: 'delta', 4: 'incrate', 5: 'volume', 6: 'amount', 7: 'ppl', 8: 'fgn', 9: 't_inst', 10: 'fininv', 11: 'insu', 12: 'trust', 13: 'finetc', 14: 'bank', 15: 'pensvg', 16: 'prieqt', 17: 'nation', 18: 'corpetc', 19: 'fgnetc'}, inplace = True) bi.price = bi.price.abs() return bi
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.token = "" self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.code = '093320' = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(self.code) self.kiwoom.current = {} self.past_price = 0 self.past_ratio = 0 self.past_amount = 0 # Timer1 - 1초에 한 번씩 이벤트가 발생한다. self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000 * 15) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout_visualize) self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000 * 30) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout_message) def request_data(self, code): """ 데이터 요청 :param code: :return: """ self.kiwoom.current = {} self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", 'opt10001', 0, '2000') def timeout_visualize(self): """ 30초마다 서버로부터 가격, 상승률, 양을 가져온다. :return: """ current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) self.request_data(self.code) self.lineEdit.setText(self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(self.code)) self.lineEdit_2.setText(self.kiwoom.current['price']) self.lineEdit_3.setText(self.kiwoom.current['ratio']) self.lineEdit_4.setText(self.kiwoom.current['amount']) def timeout_message(self): """ 60초마다 변경 사항이 있을 시 텔레그램 메세지를 보낸다. :return: """ bot = telegram.Bot(token=self.token) chat_id = bot.getUpdates()[-1] price = self.kiwoom.current['price'] ratio = self.kiwoom.current['ratio'] amount = self.kiwoom.current['amount'] if self.past_price != price: message = + "\n" + \ "현재 가격: " + price + "\n" + \ "등락율: " + ratio + "%\n" + \ "거래량: " + amount + "\n" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=message) self.past_price = price self.past_ratio = ratio self.past_amount = amount
class Bring_stock_data(): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.kiwoom.ohlcv = { 'date': [], 'open': [], 'high': [], 'low': [], 'close': [], 'volume': [] } self.kiwoom.df_10001 = { 'code': [], 'name': [], 'month': [], 'face_value': [], 'capital': [] } self.kiwoom.df_10002 = { 'code': [], 'name': [], '매도거래원명1': [], '매도거래원1': [], '매도거래량1': [], '매수거래원명1': [], '매수거래원1': [], '매수거래량1': [] } self.kiwoom.df_10003 = {'시간': [], '현재가': [], '누적거래량': []} self.kiwoom.df_10004 = { '총매도잔량': [], '총매수잔량': [], '시간외매도잔량': [], '시간외매수잔량': [] } self.kiwoom.df_10005 = { '날짜': [], '시가': [], '고가': [], '저가': [], '종가': [] } self.kiwoom.df_10006 = { '날짜': [], '시가': [], '고가': [], '저가': [], '종가': [] } self.kiwoom.df_20006 = {'일자': [], '시가': [], '고가': [], '저가': []} # 주식 기본정보를 df로 받는다. def load_item_basic_info(self): stock_code = input("stock_code: ") start_date = input("start_date: ") stock_code = str(stock_code) start_date = str(start_date) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", stock_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("조회일자", start_date) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10086_req", "opt10086", 0, "0124") while self.kiwoom.remained_data == True: time.sleep(TR_REQ_TIME_INTERVAL) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", stock_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("조회일자", start_date) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10086_req", "opt10086", 2, "0124") df = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.ohlcv, columns=['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'], index=self.kiwoom.ohlcv['date']) print(df) print("save_to_csv") df.to_csv( "C:\\workplace\\atm_project\\atm_ver_0.1_jh\\item_basic_info.csv", mode='w') return df def get_tr10001_data(self): stock_code = input("stock_code: ") stock_code = str(stock_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", stock_code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "0286") print(self.kiwoom.df_10001) df = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.df_10001, columns=['name', 'month', 'face_value', 'capital'], index=self.kiwoom.df_10001['code']) print(df) print("save_to_csv") df.to_csv("C:\\workplace\\atm_project\\atm_ver_0.1_jh\\tr10001.csv", mode='w') def get_tr10002_data(self): stock_code = input("stock_code: ") stock_code = str(stock_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", stock_code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10002_req", "opt10002", 0, "0129") print(self.kiwoom.df_10002) df = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.df_10002, columns=[ 'name', '매도거래원명1', '매도거래원1', '매도거래량1', '매수거래원명1', '매수거래원1', '매수거래량1' ], index=self.kiwoom.df_10002['code']) print(df) print("save_to_csv") df.to_csv("C:\\workplace\\atm_project\\atm_ver_0.1_jh\\tr10002.csv", mode='w') def get_tr10003_data(self): stock_code = input("stock_code: ") stock_code = str(stock_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", stock_code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10003_req", "opt10003", 0, "0120") while self.kiwoom.remained_data == True: time.sleep(TR_REQ_TIME_INTERVAL) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", stock_code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10003_req", "opt10003", 2, "0120") print(self.kiwoom.df_10003) df = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.df_10003, columns=['현재가', '누적거래량'], index=self.kiwoom.df_10003['시간']) print(df) print("save_to_csv") df.to_csv("C:\\workplace\\atm_project\\atm_ver_0.1_jh\\tr10003.csv", mode='w') def get_tr10004_data(self): stock_code = input("종목코드: ") stock_code = str(stock_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", stock_code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10004_req", "opt10004", 0, "0119") df = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.df_10004, columns=['총매도잔량', '총매수잔량', '시간외매도잔량', '시간외매수잔량']) print(df) print("save_to_csv") df.to_csv("C:\\workplace\\atm_project\\atm_ver_0.1_jh\\tr10004.csv", mode='w') def get_tr10005_data(self): stock_code = input("종목코드: ") stock_code = str(stock_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", stock_code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10005_req", "opt10005", 0, "0124") while self.kiwoom.remained_data == True: time.sleep(TR_REQ_TIME_INTERVAL) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", stock_code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10005_req", "opt10005", 2, "0124") df = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.df_10005, columns=['시가', '고가', '저가', '종가'], index=self.kiwoom.df_10005['날짜']) print(df) print("save_to_csv") df.to_csv("C:\\workplace\\atm_project\\atm_ver_0.1_jh\\tr10005.csv", mode='w') def get_tr10006_data(self): stock_code = input("종목코드: ") stock_code = str(stock_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", stock_code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10006_req", "opt10006", 0, "0124") while self.kiwoom.remained_data == True: time.sleep(TR_REQ_TIME_INTERVAL) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", stock_code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10006_req", "opt10006", 2, "0124") df = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.df_10006, columns=['시가', '고가', '저가', '종가'], index=self.kiwoom.df_10006['날짜']) print(df) print("save_to_csv") df.to_csv("C:\\workplace\\atm_project\\atm_ver_0.1_jh\\tr10006.csv", mode='w') def get_tr20006_data(self): market_code = input("업종코드: ") start_date = input("기준일자: ") market_code = str(market_code) start_date = str(start_date) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("업종코드", market_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("기준일자", start_date) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt20006_req", "opt20006", 0, "0602") while self.kiwoom.remained_data == True: time.sleep(TR_REQ_TIME_INTERVAL) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("업종코드", market_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("기준일자", start_date) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt20006_req", "opt20006", 2, "0602") df = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.df_20006, columns=['시가', '고가', '저가'], index=self.kiwoom.df_20006['일자']) print(df) print("save_to_csv") df.to_csv("C:\\workplace\\atm_project\\atm_ver_0.1_jh\\tr20006.csv", mode='w') # df를 csv파일로 저장 def save_df_to_csv(self, df): print("stock_save_to_csv") df.to_csv( "C:\\workplace\\atm_project\\atm_ver_0.1_jh\\item_basic_info.csv", mode='w')
class PyMon: def __init__(self): self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.stratagy = SysStratagy() def run(self): # self.run_pbr_per_screener() # self.run_condition_data() # self.get_codition_stock_list() self.init_maedo_proc() def init_maedo_proc(self): self.check_balance() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) if item_count == 0: print("보유종목이 없습니다. [", item_count, "]") pass # 한 종목에 대한 종목명, 보유량, 매입가, 현재가, 평가손익, 수익률(%)은 출력 stratagy = SysStratagy() for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] boyou_cnt = int(row[1].replace(',', '')) maeip_price = int(row[2].replace(',', '')) stock_code = row[6] mado_price = stratagy.get_maedo_price(maeip_price, 1.02) self.add_stock_sell_info(stock_code, mado_price, boyou_cnt) def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] # 첫번째 계좌번호 호출 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") def add_stock_sell_info(self, code, sell_price, sell_qty): dm = ';' b_gubun = "매도" b_status = "매도전" b_price = sell_price b_method = "지정가" b_qty = sell_qty included = False code_info = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) mste_info = self.kiwoom.get_master_construction(code) stock_state = self.kiwoom.get_master_stock_state(code) print(code_info, mste_info, stock_state) f = open(self.kiwoom.sell_loc, 'rt', encoding='UTF-8') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() if self.stratagy.isTimeAvalable(self.kiwoom.maesu_start_time, self.kiwoom.maesu_end_time): if len(sell_list) > 0: write_mode = 'a' # 추가 else: write_mode = 'wt' for stock in sell_list: if code in stock: included = True else: included = False if included == False: f = open(self.kiwoom.sell_loc, write_mode, encoding='UTF-8') stock_info = b_gubun + dm + code + dm + b_method + dm + str( b_qty) + dm + str(b_price) + dm + b_status f.write(stock_info + '\n') f.close() else: f = open(self.kiwoom.sell_loc, 'wt', encoding='UTF-8') stock_info = b_gubun + dm + code + dm + b_method + dm + str( b_qty) + dm + str(b_price) + dm + b_status f.write(stock_info + '\n') f.close()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # 한번에 한 종목에 들어갈 돈 세팅 self.one_buy_money = 10000000 self.setupUi(self) self.load_data_lock = False self.trade_stocks_done = False self.choose_buy_done = False self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) self.load_buy_sell_list() # Timer2 self.timer2 = QTimer(self) #3 sec로 세팅 ms단위 self.timer2.start(1000 * 10) self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) # 처음에 조회 self.check_balance() self.kiwoom.dynamicCall("GetConditionLoad()") self.kiwoom.tr_event_loop = QEventLoop() self.kiwoom.tr_event_loop.exec_() # 0529 - YW : 자동으로 검색식에 있는 종목을 매수 설정한다. # sell은 잔고자동편입을 이용한다. # algorithm 조건 식 종류 선택 def choose_buy(self, algorithm): # 화면번호, 조건식명, 조건식 index, 0: 정적조회, 1: 실시간 조회 print("choose buy") self.kiwoom.reset_condition_output() # 처음은 종가과매수만 진행할 예정 if algorithm == 0: self.kiwoom.get_condition("0156", "S_종가과매수", 0, 0) # 05 29 add for test elif algorithm == 1: self.kiwoom.get_condition("0156", "무패신호", 7, 0) # self.kiwoom.condition_output에 종목코드가 list로 들어가 있음 # make buy_list file f ="data/buy_list.txt", 'w', 'utf-8') log ="data/log_file.txt", 'a', 'utf-8') now = log.write('\n%s-%s-%s %s:%s\n' % (now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute)) self.load_data_lock = True for i in self.kiwoom.condition_output: #일단은 시장가매수 name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(i) last_price = int(self.fetch_chart_data(i)) order_number = int(self.one_buy_money / last_price) order_price = last_price log.write("%s, %s, %s원, %s주, %d만원 \n" % (i, name, last_price, order_number, last_price * order_number / 10000)) f.write("매수,%s,시장가,%d,%d,매수전\n" % (i, order_number, order_price)) f.close() log.close() self.load_data_lock = False #종목 코드 기준 날짜 #기준 날짜부터 과거까지 순서로 조회한다. but 지금은 당일 data만 필요 def fetch_chart_data(self, code_num): self.kiwoom.reset_ohlcv() base_date ='%Y%m%d') self.kiwoom.call_day_chart(code_num, base_date, 1) # 판다스를 이용하여 저장 df = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.ohlcv, columns=['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'], index=self.kiwoom.ohlcv['date']) return df.ix[base_date]["close"] def trade_stocks(self): hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} f ="data/buy_list.txt", 'r', 'utf-8') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f ="data/sell_list.txt", 'r', 'utf-8') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() # account account = self.comboBox.currentText() # buy list for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(',') try: hoga = split_row_data[2] except: break code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # sell list for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(',') try: hoga = split_row_data[2] except: break code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매도전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # buy list for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "주문완료") # file update f ="data/buy_list.txt", 'w', 'utf-8') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() # sell list for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace("매도전", "주문완료") # file update f ="data/sell_list.txt", 'w', 'utf-8') for row_data in sell_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() def load_buy_sell_list(self): f ="data/buy_list.txt", "r", "utf-8") buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f ="data/sell_list.txt", "r", "utf-8") sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) self.tableWidget_3.setRowCount(row_count) # buy list for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(',') try: split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rstrip()) except: break for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) if i == 0: item.setForeground( item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(j, i, item) # sell list for j in range(len(sell_list)): row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(',') try: split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rstrip()) except: break for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) if i == 0: item.setForeground( item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_3.resizeRowsToContents() def timeout(self): # 9시 1분에 주문넣기 market_start_time = QTime(9, 1, 0) market_end_time = QTime(15, 30, 0) current_time = QTime.currentTime() if market_start_time < current_time < market_end_time and self.trade_stocks_done is False: self.trade_stocks_done = True self.trade_stocks() self.trade_stocks_done = False #3시 10분 종목선정~ if QTime(15, 10, 0) < current_time and self.choose_buy_done is False: self.choose_buy(0) self.choose_buy_done = True # 오후 6시 프로그램 자동 종료 if current_time > QTime(18, 00, 0): print("End program") self.quit() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() #print(account, order_type,code,hoga,num,price) #print(order_type_lookup[order_type],hoga_lookup[hoga] ) self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def timeout2(self): #연속조회시 transaction 충돌로 starvation이 걸림 if self.load_data_lock is False: #체크 하지 않아도 system trading 업데이트 self.load_buy_sell_list() #check 했을 때 만 자동 조회 if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) #single for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) if i == 3 or i == 4: if item.text().startswith('-'): item.setForeground( else: item.setForeground( item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # multi Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) if i == len(row) - 1 or i == len(row) - 2: if item.text().startswith('-'): item.setForeground( else: item.setForeground( item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 *10) self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def timeout(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() #QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self,parent) #self.setupUi(self) # 키움 API 접속 self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() #키움 API 신호 #self.kiwoom.OnEventConnect.connect(self._event_connect) #self.kiwoom.OnReceiveTrData.connect(self._receive_tr_data) # 타이틀 설정 self.setWindowTitle("종목 코드") self.setGeometry(300, 300, 300, 180) #1초 타이머 설정 self.timer1s = QTimer(self) self.timer1s.start(1000) self.timer1s.timeout.connect(self.timer1sec) # 400ms 타이머 설정 self.timer10ms = QTimer(self) self.timer10ms.start(400) self.timer10ms.timeout.connect(self.getdatatimer) self.getdataflag = 0 self.getdatacount = -1 self.prvFilename = "" self.temp = 0 self.setupUI() def setupUI(self): # StatusBar self.statusbar = QStatusBar(self) self.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) # button 1 self.btn1 = QPushButton("연결", self) self.btn1.move(190, 10) self.btn1.clicked.connect(self.btn1_clicked) # button 2 self.btn2 = QPushButton("데이터 산출", self) self.btn2.move(190, 45) self.btn2.clicked.connect(self.btn2_clicked) # button 3 self.btn3 = QPushButton("데이터 분절", self) self.btn3.move(190, 80) self.btn3.clicked.connect(self.btn3_clicked) self.btn1.setDisabled(1) self.btn2.setDisabled(1) self.btn3.setDisabled(1) self.listWidget = QListWidget(self) self.listWidget.setGeometry(10, 10, 170, 130) def timer1sec(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 성공" self.btn1.setDisabled(1) self.btn2.setDisabled(0) self.btn3.setDisabled(0) else: state_msg = "서버 미접속" self.btn1.setDisabled(0) self.btn2.setDisabled(1) self.btn3.setDisabled(1) self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def getdatatimer(self): if self.kiwoom.dataReceived == 1: current_date = QDate.currentDate() filename = '..\\data\\' + current_date.toString( "yyyyMMdd") + '_' + self.codelist[self.getdatacount] + '.csv' if filename == self.prvFilename: with open(filename, 'a') as sfile: i = 0 if self.kiwoom.dataunit != None: while i < len(self.kiwoom.dataunit): for j in range(0, 6): if j == 2: # 날짜인 경우 sfile.write("'" + self.kiwoom.dataunit[i][j] + "'") else: sfile.write(self.kiwoom.dataunit[i][j]) if j != 5: sfile.write(",") else: sfile.write('\n') i = i + 1 self.kiwoom.dataReceived = 0 else: if self.prvFilename != "": time.sleep(12) logfilename = 'lastest.txt' with open(logfilename, 'w') as logfile: logfile.write(self.prvFilename) current_time = QTime.currentTime() self.listWidget.insertItem( 0, current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") + " - " + self.codelist[self.getdatacount] + " 조회 시작") self.prvFilename = filename with open(filename, 'w') as sfile: i = 0 if self.kiwoom.dataunit != None: while i < len(self.kiwoom.dataunit): for j in range(0, 6): if j == 2: # 날짜인 경우 sfile.write("'" + self.kiwoom.dataunit[i][j] + "'") else: sfile.write(self.kiwoom.dataunit[i][j]) if j != 5: sfile.write(',') else: sfile.write('\n') i = i + 1 self.kiwoom.dataReceived = 0 else: if self.getdataflag == 1: if self.kiwoom.remained_data == False: self.getdatacount = self.getdatacount + 1 if self.getdatacount < len(self.codelist): self.kiwoom.set_input_value( "종목코드", self.codelist[self.getdatacount]) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시작일자", "20170805") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종료일자", "20170805") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("수정주가구분", 0) if self.kiwoom.remained_data == True: self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("주식분봉차트조회", "opt10080", 2, "1001") else: self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("주식분봉차트조회", "opt10080", 0, "1001") else: self.getdataflag = 0 self.getdatacount = 0 def btn1_clicked(self): self.kiwoom.comm_connect() print(ret) if ret == 0: self.listWidget.insertItem(1, "로그인 성공") else: self.listWidget.insertItem(1, "로그오프") def btn2_clicked(self): codestring = self.kiwoom.get_kospi_code_list() self.codelist = codestring.split(";") self.getdataflag = 1 def btn3_clicked(self): files = glob.glob('..\\data\\*.csv') while len(files) > i: with open(files[i], 'r') as sfile: #파일 순차적으로 열기 fileline = sfile.readlines() linecount = 0 filecount = 0 oclock = 0 while len(fileline) > linecount: featuredata = fileline[linecount].split(",") if oclock != int(featuredata[2][9:10]): #시간이 변경되면 파일 변경 oclock = int(featuredata[2][9:10]) with open(files[i], 'w') as sfile: i = i + 1
class TR_Practice(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.kiwoom.ohlcv = { 'date': [], 'open': [], 'high': [], 'low': [], 'close': [], 'volume': [] } self.kiwoom.trp20002 = { 'code': [], 'name': [], 'cur_price': [], 'volume': [], 'high_price': [], 'low_price': [] } self.kiwoom.trp20006 = {'date': [], 'cur_price': [], 'volume': []} self.kiwoom.trp20007 = { 'date': [], 'cur_price': [], 'high_price': [], 'low_price': [], 'volume': [] } self.kiwoom.trp50036 = { 'date': [], 'yesterday_end_price': [], 'gift_historic_variability': [] } self.kiwoom.trp50037 = {'date': [], 'kospi_200_index': []} def business_type_juga(self): # market_gubun = input("market_gubun : ") # business_code = input("business_code : ") # self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시장구분", market_gubun) # self.kiwoom.set_input_value("업종코드", business_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시장구분", "0") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("업종코드", "001") self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("OPT20002_req", "OPT20002", 0, "0213") while self.kiwoom.remained_data == True: time.sleep(TR_REQ_TIME_INTERVAL) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시장구분", "0") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("업종코드", "001") self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("OPT20002_req", "OPT20002", 2, "0213") trp20002_df = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.trp20002, columns=[ "code", "name", "cur_price", "volume", "high_price", "low_price" ], index=self.kiwoom.trp20002["code"]) trp20002_df.to_csv('C:\\workplace\\atm_project\\tr20002.csv', encoding='ms949') #print(trp20002_df) return trp20002_df def business_ilbong_load(self): # market_gubun = input("market_gubun : ") # business_code = input("business_code : ") # self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시장구분", market_gubun) # self.kiwoom.set_input_value("업종코드", business_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("업종코드", "001") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("기준일자", "20190218") self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt20006_req", "opt20006", 0, "0202") while self.kiwoom.remained_data == True: time.sleep(TR_REQ_TIME_INTERVAL) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("업종코드", "001") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("기준일자", "20190218") self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt20006_req", "opt20006", 2, "0202") trp20006_df = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.trp20006, columns=["cur_price", "volume"], index=self.kiwoom.trp20006["date"]) trp20006_df.to_csv('C:\\workplace\\atm_project\\tr20006.csv', encoding='ms949') #print(trp20006_df) return trp20006_df def business_jubong_load(self): business_code = input("business_code : ") standard_date = input("standard_date : ") #스트링 변환 넣어주기 #상동 *2 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("업종코드", business_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("기준일자", standard_date) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt20007_req", "opt20007", 0, "0202") while self.kiwoom.remained_data == True: time.sleep(TR_REQ_TIME_INTERVAL) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("업종코드", business_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("기준일자", standard_date) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt20007_req", "opt20007", 2, "0202") trp20007_df = pd.DataFrame( self.kiwoom.trp20007, columns=["cur_price", "high_price", "low_price", "volume"], index=self.kiwoom.trp20007["date"]) trp20007_df.to_csv('C:\\workplace\\atm_project\\tr20007.csv', encoding='ms949') print(trp20007_df) return trp20007_df def major_index_variability_chart(self): # event_code = input("event_code : ") # standard_date = input("standard_date : ") # period = input("period : ") # chart_gubun = input("chart_gubun : ") event_code = '_JP#NI225' standard_date = '20190220' period = 2 chart_gubun = 0 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", str(event_code)) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("기준일자", str(standard_date)) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("기간", period) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("차트구분", chart_gubun) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt_50036_req", "OPT50036", 0, "0733") while self.kiwoom.remained_data == True: time.sleep(TR_REQ_TIME_INTERVAL) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", str(event_code)) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("기준일자", str(standard_date)) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("기간", period) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("차트구분", chart_gubun) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("OPT50036_req", "OPT50036", 2, "0733") trp50036_df = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.trp50036, columns=[ "date", "yesterday_end_price", "gift_historic_variability" ], index=self.kiwoom.trp50036["date"]) trp50036_df.to_csv('C:\\workplace\\atm_project\\tr50036.csv', encoding='ms949') print(trp50036_df) return trp50036_df def kospi200_index_load(self): event_code = input("event_code : ") standard_date = input("standard_date : ") event_code = str(event_code) standard_date = str(standard_date) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", event_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("기준일자", standard_date) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt50037_req", "opt50037", 0, "0221") while self.kiwoom.remained_data == True: time.sleep(TR_REQ_TIME_INTERVAL) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", event_code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("기준일자", standard_date) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt50037_req", "opt50037", 2, "0221") trp50037_df = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.trp50037, columns=["kospi_200_index"], index=self.kiwoom.trp50037["date"]) trp50037_df.to_csv('C:\\workplace\\atm_project\\tr50037.csv', encoding='ms949') print(trp50037_df) return trp50037_df
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.trade_stocks_done = False self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() # Database 연결 self.con = sqlite3.connect("HBase.db") self.cursor = self.con.cursor() #보유종목현황 / 선정 종목 버튼 리스트 self.btn_list1 = [] self.btn1_num = 0 self.btn_list2 = [] self.btn2_num = 0 #현재 시간을 알려주기 위한 Timer self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) #실시간 잔고 및 보유종목 현황을 보여주기 위한 Timer self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(5000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) #종목코드 입력 self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_change) #계좌번호 출력 accounts_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accounts_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) #주문버튼 / 잔고 조회 버튼 self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) #선정 종목 정보 출력 self.load_buy_sell_list() #self.kiwoom._set_real_reg("6000", "8121773611", "8019", "0") //실시간 정보 확인 #프로그램 상에서 수동 주문하는 함수 -> 주문 정보를 DB에 저장 def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} #프로그램 상에서 텍스트 박스 상의 정보를 이용하여 주문 account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() current_time = QTime.currentTime().toString() now = current_date = str(now.year) + '-' + str(now.month) + '-' + str( #구매 정보 DB에 저장 if order_type == '신규매수': sql = "INSERT INTO buy_inform VALUES(" sql = sql + "'" + current_date + "'" + "," + "'" + current_time + "'" + "," + "'" + name + "'" + "," + "'" + code + "'" + "," + "'수동주문'" + ")" self.cursor.execute(sql) self.con.commit() elif order_type == '신규매도': sql = "INSERT INTO sell_inform VALUES(" #buy_inform 에서 데이터가져오기 // 매수 정보에서 불러온 정보와 더불어 매도 정보에 저장 df = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM buy_inform", self.con, index_col=None) df_num = len(df) for i in range(df_num - 1, -1, -1): if df.loc[i, "종목명"] == name: buy_date = df.loc[i, "매수날짜"] buy_time = df.loc[i, "매수시각"] buy_reason = df.loc[i, "매수근거"] break #보유종목현황에서 데이터가져오기 item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] if row[0] == name: sql = sql + "'" + buy_date + "','" + buy_time + "','" + current_date + "','" + current_time + "','" + row[ 0] + "','" + row[1] + "','" + row[2] + "','" + row[ 3] + "','" + row[4] + "','" + row[5] + "','" + row[ 6] + "','" + row[ 7] + "','" + buy_reason + "'," + "'수동주문'" + ")" #delete_sql = "DELETE FROM buy_inform WHERE 종목명 = " #delete_sql = delete_sql + "'" + name + "'" self.cursor.execute(sql) #self.cursor.execute(delete_sql) self.con.commit() break self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def code_change(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) def timeout(self): market_start_time = QTime(9, 0, 0) current_time = QTime.currentTime() if current_time > market_start_time and self.trade_stocks_done is False: self.trade_stocks() self.trade_stocks_done = True text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) #종목번호를 누르면 네이버,다음 증권 정보를 불러옴 def link_btn(self): naver_url = "" daum_url = "" sender = self.sender() code = sender.text() daum_url = daum_url + "A" + code + "#chart" webbrowser.open_new(daum_url) code = re.findall('\d+', code)[0] naver_url = naver_url + code webbrowser.open_new(naver_url) #현재 보유하고 있는 주식과 잔고를 보여주는 함수 def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] #opw00018 - 각 종목에 대한 비중, 매입가, 평가액 등을 요청 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") #opw00001 - 이틀 뒤의 예수금을 보여줌 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") #balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() #Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): if i == 1: self.btn_list1.append(QPushButton(self.tableWidget_2)) self.btn_list1[self.btn1_num].setText(row[i]) self.btn_list1[self.btn1_num].clicked.connect( self.link_btn) self.tableWidget_2.setCellWidget( j, i, self.btn_list1[self.btn1_num]) self.btn1_num += 1 else: item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() #매수해야 하는 목록, 매도해야 하는 목록을 불러와 표로 보여주는 함수 def load_buy_sell_list(self): f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt', encoding='UTF8') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt', encoding='UTF8') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) self.tableWidget_3.setRowCount(row_count) #buy list for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') for i in range(len(split_row_data)): if i == 1: self.btn_list2.append(QPushButton(self.tableWidget_2)) self.btn_list2[self.btn2_num].setText( split_row_data[i].rstrip()) self.btn_list2[self.btn2_num].clicked.connect( self.link_btn) self.tableWidget_3.setCellWidget( j, i, self.btn_list2[self.btn2_num]) self.btn2_num += 1 else: item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(j, i, item) #sell list for j in range(len(sell_list)): row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') for i in range(len(split_row_data)): if i == 1: self.btn_list2.append(QPushButton(self.tableWidget_2)) self.btn_list2[self.btn2_num].setText( split_row_data[i].rstrip()) self.btn_list2[self.btn2_num].clicked.connect( self.link_btn) self.tableWidget_3.setCellWidget( len(buy_list) + j, i, self.btn_list2[self.btn2_num]) self.btn2_num += 1 else: item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_3.resizeRowsToContents() #현재 작성되어 있는 매수해야하는 목록과 매도해야 하는 목록을 바탕으로 매수,매도 진행 def trade_stocks(self): hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt', encoding='UTF8') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt', encoding='UTF8') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() #acoount account = self.comboBox.currentText() #Current Time and Date Check current_time = QTime.currentTime().toString() now = current_date = str(now.year) + '-' + str(now.month) + '-' + str( #buy list for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[3] code = split_row_data[1] name = split_row_data[2] num = split_row_data[4] price = split_row_data[5] buy_reason = split_row_data[7] if split_row_data[6].rstrip() == '매수전': sql = "INSERT INTO buy_inform VALUES(" sql = sql + "'" + current_date + "'" + "," + "'" + current_time + "'" + "," + "'" + name + "'" + "," + "'" + code + "','" + buy_reason + "')" self.cursor.execute(sql) self.con.commit() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") #sell list for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[3] code = split_row_data[1] name = split_row_data[2] num = split_row_data[4] price = split_row_data[5] sell_reason = split_row_data[7] if split_row_data[6].rstrip() == '매도전': sql = "INSERT INTO sell_inform VALUES(" # buy_inform 에서 데이터가져오기 df = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM buy_inform", self.con, index_col=None) df_num = len(df) for i in range(df_num - 1, -1, -1): if df.loc[i, "종목명"] == name: buy_date = df.loc[i, "매수날짜"] buy_time = df.loc[i, "매수시각"] buy_reason = df.loc[i, "매수근거"] break # 보유종목현황에서 데이터가져오기 item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] if row[0] == name: sql = sql + "'" + buy_date + "','" + buy_time + "','" + current_date + "','" + current_time + "','" + \ row[0] + "','" + row[1] + "','" + row[2] + "','" + row[3] + "','" + row[4] + "','" + row[ 5] + "','" + row[6] + "','" + row[7] + "','" + buy_reason + "','" + sell_reason + "')" # delete_sql = "DELETE FROM buy_inform WHERE 종목명 = " # delete_sql = delete_sql + "'" + name + "'" self.cursor.execute(sql) # self.cursor.execute(delete_sql) self.con.commit() break self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") #buy / sell list replace for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "주문완료") for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace("매도전", "주문완료") #file update f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt', encoding='UTF8') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'wt', encoding='UTF8') for row_data in sell_list: f.write(row_data) f.close()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.trade_stocks_done = False self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() # Timer1 - 1초에 한 번씩 이벤트가 발생한다. self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) # Account 정보 가져오기 accounts_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accounts_num] self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.comboBox_2.addItems(['신규주문', '신규매도', '매수취소', '매도취소']) self.comboBox_3.addItems(['지정가', '시장가']) # Order self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) # Balance self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) # Timer2 - 10초에 한 번씩 이벤트를 발생한다. self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000*10) self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) # Load Buy and Sell list self.load_buy_sell_list() def timeout(self): """ TImer :return: """ # 장시작 시 주문 market_start_time = QTime(9, 0, 0) market_end_time = QTime(15, 30, 0) current_time = QTime.currentTime() if market_start_time < current_time < market_end_time: if self.trade_stocks_done is False: self.trade_stocks() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def code_changed(self): """ 사용자가 입력한 종목 정보를 얻어온다. :return: """ code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': '00', '시장가': '03'} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", '0101', account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def check_balance(self): """ 계좌 전체 잔고 및 종목별 수익 현황을 출력 :return: """ self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: # opw00018 time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i-1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() def timeout2(self): """ 실시간 조회 기능 구현 :return: """ if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() # load buy list def load_buy_sell_list(self): """ buy and sell list를 텍스트 파일로부터 불러온다. :return: """ f = open('buy_list.txt', 'rt', encoding='UTF8') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open('sell_list.txt', 'rt', encoding='UTF8') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) self.tableWidget_3.setRowCount(row_count) # buy_list for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(split_row_data[1].rsplit()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(j, i, item) # sell_list for j in range(len(sell_list)): row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(split_row_data[1].rstrip()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_3.resizeRowsToContents() # trade stocks def trade_stocks(self): """ stock을 거래한다. :return: """ hoga_lookup = {'지정가': '00', '시장가': '03'} f = open('buy_list.txt', 'rt', encoding='UTF8') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open('sell_list.txt', 'rt', encoding='UTF8') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() # account account = self.comboBox.currentText() # buy_list buy_return_list = [-1] * len(buy_list) for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == "매수전": buy_return = self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", '0101', account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") if buy_return == 0: buy_return_list[i] = 0 elif split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == "주문완료": buy_return_list[i] = 0 for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): if buy_return_list[i] == 0: buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "주문완료") # sell_list sell_return_list = [-1] * len(sell_list) for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == "매도전": sell_return = self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", '0101', account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") if sell_return == 0: sell_return_list[i] = 0 elif split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == "주문완료": sell_return_list[i] = 0 for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): if sell_return_list[i] == 0: sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace('매도전', '주문완료') trade_sum = 0 for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): split_row_data = row_data.split(';') if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '주문완료': trade_sum += 1 for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): split_row_data = row_data.split(';') if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '주문완료': trade_sum += 1 print(trade_sum) if trade_sum == len(buy_list) + len(sell_list): self.trade_stocks_done = True # file update f = open('buy_list.txt', "wt", encoding='UTF8') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() # file update f = open('sell_list.txt', "wt", encoding='UTF8') for row_data in sell_list: f.write(row_data) f.close()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.saveditem = Saveditem() self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() fname = "ongoing_list.txt" if not os.path.isfile(fname): f = open(fname, 'wt') f.close() # 선정 종목 리스트 self.load_buy_sell_list() self.file_upload() self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) #실시간 현재가 self.scrnum = 5000 self.set_current() self.kiwoom.OnReceiveRealData.connect(self.kiwoom._receive_real_data) self.kiwoom.sig_cl.sig_.connect(self.stockgridview) accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.exe_save = 0 self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.save_ongoing) #self.check_chejan_balance() self.check_balance() # 주문 들어가는 부분 self.timer3 = QTimer(self) self.timer3.start(1000 * 10) self.timer3.timeout.connect(self.timeout3) # 화면번호 def getnum(self): if self.scrnum < 9999: self.scrnum += 1 else: self.scrnum = 5000 return int(self.scrnum) #실시간 현재가 불러오기 위한 종목코드 수집 def file_upload(self): # 오늘의 추천 파일만 확인 f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() self.ncode = [] #self.check_price = [] for i in range(len(buy_list)): split_row_data = buy_list[i].split(' ') self.ncode.append(split_row_data[8]) #self.check_price.append(split_row_data[14]) #실시간 설정 def set_current(self): print(self.ncode) for i in range(0, len(self.ncode)): self.kiwoom._set_real_reg(self.getnum(), self.ncode[i], "9001;10", "0") def stockgridview(self): item_cnt = len(self.saveditem.item_view) self.scode_list = list(self.saveditem.item_view.keys()) self.tableWidget_5.setRowCount(item_cnt) for i in range(item_cnt): for j in range(3): #print(self.savedstockitem.item_view[self.scode_list[i]][j]) item = QTableWidgetItem( self.saveditem.item_view[self.scode_list[i]][j]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_5.setItem(i, j, item) # 버튼으로 파일 저장 def save_ongoing(self): self.exe_save = 1 self.check_chejan_balance() # 거래시간 확인 def is_trading_time(self): global special vals = [] current_time = #print(current_time) for start, end in TRADING_TIME: # 수능날 now = soo_day = soo = now.isocalendar() # 수능날 if soo_day == 3 and soo[1] == 46: start_time = datetime.time(hour=9, minute=start[1]) end_time = datetime.time(hour=16, minute=end[1]) # 새해 다음날 elif now.month == 1 and == 2: start_time = datetime.time(hour=9, minute=start[1]) end_time = datetime.time(hour=end[0], minute=end[1]) else: start_time = datetime.time(hour=start[0], minute=start[1]) end_time = datetime.time(hour=end[0], minute=end[1]) if (current_time >= start_time and current_time <= end_time): vals.append(True) else: vals.append(False) pass if vals.count(True): return True else: return False def is_end_time(self): vals = [] current_time = for start, end in TRADING_TIME: now = soo_day = soo = now.isocalendar() # 수능날 if now.month == 11 and soo_day == 3: if soo[1] == 46: start_time = datetime.time(hour=16, minute=20) # 새해 다음날 elif now.month == 1 and == 2: start_time = datetime.time(hour=15, minute=20) # 동시 호가 시간 포함한 3시 30분 else: end_che = datetime.time(hour=4, minute=15) start_time = datetime.time(hour=end[0], minute=end[1] + 10) if (current_time >= start_time): vals.append(True) elif (current_time >= end_che and current_time <= start_time): vals.append(False) else: vals.append(False) pass if vals.count(True): return True else: return False # 자동 주문 def trade_stocks(self): self.is_order_correct() hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} global lr_list global pr_list current_time = f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() account = self.comboBox.currentText() now = soo_day = soo = now.isocalendar() today_hd ="%Y%m%d") order_check1 = ["주문완료", "매도완료"] # 매수 for i in range(len(buy_list)): split_row_data = buy_list[i].split(' ') machine = split_row_data[0] code = split_row_data[8] num = split_row_data[13] price = split_row_data[14] hoga = "지정가" #print("first_order", self.first_order) if self.is_trading_time() == True: if code in self.scode_list: if not machine in order_check1: if int(price) <= int( self.saveditem.item_view[code][1]): print("{0}: 코드, {1}: 주문가격 {2}: 현재가".format( code, int(price), int(self.saveditem.item_view[code][1]))) self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, int(num), int(price), hoga_lookup[hoga], "") buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace( machine, order_check1[0]) f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) # 매도 num_data = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) for i in range(num_data): code_name = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['compare'][i][0] quantity = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['compare'][i][1] current_price = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['compare'][i][2] purchase_price = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['compare'][i][3] print("종목이름: %s, 현재가격: %s, 구입가격: %s" % (code_name, current_price, purchase_price)) location = 0 while (location < len(current_price)): if current_price[location] == ',': current_price = current_price[:location] + current_price[ location + 1::] location += 1 current_price = int(current_price) location2 = 0 while (location2 < len(purchase_price)): if purchase_price[location2] == ',': purchase_price = purchase_price[: location2] + purchase_price[ location2 + 1::] location2 += 1 for j in range(len(buy_list)): split_row_data = buy_list[j].split(' ') machine = split_row_data[0] hd = split_row_data[7] code = split_row_data[8] num = split_row_data[13] price = split_row_data[14] pr = split_row_data[15] lr = split_row_data[16].replace("\n", "") hoga = "지정가" code_new = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) due_time = current_time.replace(hour=15, minute=15, second=0, microsecond=0) if soo_day == 3 and soo[1] == 46: due_time = current_time.replace(hour=16, minute=15, second=0, microsecond=0) if due_time < current_time and machine == "주문완료": print(hd, today_hd) if hd == today_hd: self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, current_price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") print("hd 만료, 시장가 판매") buy_list[j] = buy_list[j].replace(machine, "매도완료") #if code_name == code_new and int(quantity) >= int(num): << 에러남 확인 바람 if code_name == code_new: print("code name: %s, lr: %f, pr: %f" % (code, float(lr), float(pr))) pr_price = float(pr) * int(purchase_price) print("pr_price: %f * %d = %d" % (float(pr), int(purchase_price), int(pr_price))) lr_price = float(lr) * float(purchase_price) pr_price = int(pr_price) lr_price = int(lr_price) lr_list[code_name] = lr_price pr_list[code_name] = pr_price print("profit rate price: ", pr_price) print("loss rate price: ", lr_price) print("current price: ", current_price) if machine == "주문완료" and self.is_trading_time() == True: if (current_price >= pr_price): self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, current_price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") print("pr 주문완료") print(account, code, num, current_price, hoga_lookup[hoga]) buy_list[j] = buy_list[j].replace(machine, "매도완료") break elif current_price <= lr_price: self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, current_price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") print(account, code, num, current_price, hoga_lookup[hoga]) buy_list[j] = buy_list[j].replace(machine, "매도완료") print(lr_list) print(pr_list) # file update f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() def load_buy_sell_list(self): global file_changed current_time = today_file ="%Y%m%d") file_name = today_file + "추천.txt" print(file_name) if os.path.isfile(file_name) == False: print("오늘의 추천 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.") elif file_changed == False and current_time < current_time.replace( hour=15, minute=16): print(file_name, " buy_list로 변환") f = open(file_name, 'rt') temp_list = f.readlines() f.close() frow_data = [] for row_data in temp_list: frow_data.append(' '.join(row_data.split())) frow_data = filter(str.strip, frow_data) temp = [] for x in frow_data: temp.append(x) bl = [] for j in range(2, len(temp) - 1): x = [] split_row_data = temp[j].split(' ') split_row_data[7] = ( split_row_data[7][split_row_data[7].find("(") + 1:split_row_data[7].find(")")]) split_row_data[8] = re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '', split_row_data[8]) split_row_data[9] = split_row_data[9].replace("원", "") split_row_data[9] = split_row_data[9].replace(",", "") split_row_data[13] = split_row_data[13].replace("주", "") split_row_data[13] = split_row_data[13].replace(",", "") split_row_data[14] = split_row_data[14].replace("원", "") split_row_data[14] = int(split_row_data[14].replace(",", "")) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): x.append(split_row_data[i]) x = map(str, x) y = " ".join(x) bl.append(y) # 전날 미매도 파일 불러오기 f = open("ongoing_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() sell_list2 = [s.rstrip() for s in sell_list] bl += sell_list2 f.close() f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt') for i in range(len(bl)): # print(bl[i]) f.write(bl[i]) f.write("\n") f.close() file_changed = True print("file_changed?? ", file_changed) f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() row_count = len(buy_list) self.tableWidget_3.setRowCount(row_count) self.num_name = {} # buy list # j:행, i:열 for j in range(len(buy_list)): split_row_data = buy_list[j].split(' ') temp_name = split_row_data[8] # 종목명 구하기 code_name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(temp_name) self.num_name[code_name] = temp_name for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_3.resizeRowsToContents() print("num_name", self.num_name) def timeout(self): # market_start_time = QTime(9, 0, 0) current_time = QTime.currentTime() """if current_time > market_start_time and self.trade_stocks_done is False: self.trade_stocks() self.trade_stocks_done = True""" now = QDate.currentDate() text_time = now.toString( Qt.DefaultLocaleLongDate) + " " + current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout3(self): print( self.check_balance() print("check_balance 완료") self.check_chejan_balance() print("check_chejan_balance 완료") self.trade_stocks() print("trade_stocks 완료") self.load_buy_sell_list() print("load_buy_sell_list 완료") def check_chejan_balance(self): f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() name = [] num_order = [] file_price = [] buy_list2 = [] check_order = [] self.first_order = {} for i in range(len(buy_list)): split_row_data = buy_list[i].split(' ') machine = split_row_data[0] code = split_row_data[8] num = split_row_data[13] price = int(split_row_data[14]) name.append(code) num_order.append(num) file_price.append(price) check_order.append(machine) # SetInputValue(입력 데이터 설정)과 CommRqData(TR 요청) # 최대 20개의 보유 종목 데이터 리턴 반복 self.kiwoom.reset_opt10075_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10075_req", "opt10075", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10075_req", "opt10075", 0, "2000") # if self.is_trading_time() == False: # break item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che']) self.tableWidget_4.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(j, i, item) # 매수만 된 종목 확인 if row[0] == '접수': if row[1] == '+매수': self.first_order[int(self.num_name[self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che'][j][3]])] = \ int(self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che'][j][7]) # ongoin_list 저장 if self.is_end_time() == True or self.exe_save == 1: if row[0] == '체결': # 오늘자 파일의 매수 확인 후 ongoing_list에 저장 if row[1] == '+매수': # if row[1] == '-매도': for l in range(0, j + 1): if self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che'][l][3] == \ self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che'][j][3]: # print("l-{0} {1}".format(l, self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che'][l])) # print("j-{0} {1}".format(j, self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che'][j])) # 후에 매도가 됐는지 확인 if not self.kiwoom.opt10075_output[ 'no_che'][l][1] == '-매도': for k in range(len(buy_list)): if int(self.num_name[self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che'][j][3]]) == int(name[k]) \ and int(self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che'][j][4]) == int(num_order[k])\ and int(self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che'][j][7]) == int(file_price[k]): #print(buy_list[k]) #buy_list[k].replace(self.check_price[k], '-1') buy_list2.append(buy_list[k]) # 계속 감시 중인 종목이 매도되지 않을 시 ongoing_list에 추가 elif row[1] == '-매도': for s in range(len(buy_list)): if check_order[s] == "주문완료": if not int(self.num_name[self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che'][j][3]]) == int(name[s]) \ and int(self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che'][j][4]) == int(num_order[s]): buy_list2.append(buy_list[s]) # print(self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che'][j][3]) # print("l - %d, j - %d" %(l, j)) # print("확인용", self.kiwoom.opt10075_output['no_che'][l]) """for k in range(len(buy_list)): if int(self.num_name[row[3]]) == int(name[k]): #print(k) #print(buy_list[k]) buy_list2.append(buy_list[k])""" buy_list2 = list(set(buy_list2)) if self.is_end_time() == True or self.exe_save == 1: f = open("ongoing_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in buy_list2: row_data = row_data f.write(row_data) f.close() self.exe_save = 0 self.tableWidget_4.resizeRowsToContents() # 잔고 및 보유 계좌 정보 확인 def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 # 예수금 데이터 얻어오기 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") #모의투자 시 밑의 세줄 주석 처리 #self.kiwoom.set_input_value("비밀번호", "0000") #self.kiwoom.set_input_value("비밀번호입력매체구분", "00") #self.kiwoom.set_input_value("조회구분", 1) #self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance # 예수금 데이터 tableWidget에 출력 item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) # 해당 칼럼에 값 추가 for i in range(1, 6): print(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) # 아이템 크기에 맞춰 행 높이 조절 self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list 보유종목 출력 item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] if row[0] in lr_list and pr_list: str_lr = str(lr_list[row[0]]) row[4] = str_lr print(row[4]) str_pr = str(pr_list[row[0]]) row[5] = str_pr print(row[5]) print(row) for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() # 매수 조건은 완료하였지만 실제 매수가 안 되는 경우가 있어 확인 def is_order_correct(self): f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() order_check1 = ["주문완료", "매도완료"] # 매수 for i in range(len(buy_list)): split_row_data = buy_list[i].split(' ') machine = split_row_data[0] code = split_row_data[8] num = split_row_data[13] price = split_row_data[14] hoga = "지정가" if machine == order_check1[0]: if not int(code) in self.first_order: buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace(machine, "미매수") f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data)
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.trade_stocks_done = False self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 10) #10초에 한번임 self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) #계좌정보 관련련 accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox_Acc.addItems(accounts_list) #종목코드 입력하면 호출되는 슬롯 self.lineEdit_Stock_Code.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) #주문 버튼 self.pushButton_order.clicked.connect(self.send_order) #조회버튼 self.pushButton_look.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) # 선정 종목 정보 출력 메서드 self.load_buy_sell_list() def timeout(self): market_start_time = QTime(9, 0, 0) current_time = QTime.currentTime() if current_time > market_start_time and self.trade_stocks_done is False: self.trade_stocks() self.trade_stocks_done = True text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit_Stock_Code.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_Stock_Code_2.setText(name) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox_Acc.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_order_type.currentText() code = self.lineEdit_Stock_Code.text() hoga = self.comboBox_hoga.currentText() num = self.spinBox_num.value() price = self.spinBox_price.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price,hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def check_balance(self): # 데이터 초기화 먼저 하고 self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() # 계좌 정보 불러오고 account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] # set_input_value self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) # opw00018 실행 self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") # 보유종목이 20개이상일 경우 연속적으로 데이터 요청 while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 d+2추정예수금 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) # 싱글데이터 (총매입, 총평가, 총손익, 총수익률, 추정자산) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) # 아이템의 크기에 맞춰 행의 높이 조절 self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) # 보유종목 수에 따라서 행의 개수 설정 self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) # QTableWidget에 아이템 추가 for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) # 아이템의 크기에 맞춰 행의 높이 조절 self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() def load_buy_sell_list(self): # 파일 읽어서 데이터 긁어오고 (인코딩에러 조심) # f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt', encoding='UTF8') f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() # f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt', encoding='UTF8') f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() # 데이터의 총 개수 확인 row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) # 자동 선정 종목 리스트 행 수 적용 self.tableWidget_3.setRowCount(row_count) # buy list for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') # 종목 코드를 종목 명으로 바꿔줌 split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(split_row_data[1].rsplit()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(j, i, item) # sell list for j in range(len(sell_list)): row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') # 종목 코드를 종목 명으로 바꿔줌 split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(split_row_data[1].rstrip()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_3.resizeRowsToContents() def trade_stocks(self): hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} # f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt', encoding='UTF8') f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() # f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt', encoding='UTF8') f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() # account account = self.comboBox_Acc.currentText() # buy list for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # sell list for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매도전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # buy list for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "주문완료") # file update f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() # sell list for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace("매도전", "주문완료") # file update f = open("sell_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in sell_list: f.write(row_data) f.close()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.trade_stocks_done = False self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 *10) self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) self.load_buy_sell_list() def trade_stocks(self): hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() # account account = self.comboBox.currentText() # buy list for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # sell list for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매도전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # buy list for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "주문완료") # file update f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() # sell list for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace("매도전", "주문완료") # file update f = open("sell_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in sell_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() def load_buy_sell_list(self): f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) self.tableWidget_4.setRowCount(row_count) # buy list for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(split_row_data[1].rsplit()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(j, i, item) # sell list for j in range(len(sell_list)): row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(split_row_data[1].rstrip()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_4.resizeRowsToContents() def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def timeout(self): market_start_time = QTime(9, 0, 0) current_time = QTime.currentTime() if current_time > market_start_time and self.trade_stocks_done is False: self.trade_stocks() self.trade_stocks_done = True text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.kiwoom.excelfile_initiator() self.kospi_codes = self.kiwoom.get_code_list_by_market(MARKET_KOSPI) self.kosdaq_codes = self.kiwoom.get_code_list_by_market(MARKET_KOSDAQ) self.candidate_codes = [ '005930', '252670', '122630', '000660', '207940', '035420', '006400', '035720', '005380', '034730', '036570', '017670', '105560', '096770', '090430', '097950', '018260', '003550', '006800', '078930' ] # There can be limits in the number of timers self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start( 1000 * 10) # Timer for time update: refresh at every 10*1000ms self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) # self.timer_balance_check = QTimer(self) # self.timer_balance_check.start(1000*10) # self.timer_balance_check.timeout.connect(self.check_balance) self.timer_autotrade_run = QTimer(self) self.timer_autotrade_run.start(1000 * AUTOTRADE_INTERVAL) self.timer_autotrade_run.timeout.connect(self.timeout_autotrade_run) accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order_ui) self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) self.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.timeout_autotrade_run) self.check_balance() def timeout(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm") time_msg = "Time: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "Server Connected" else: state_msg = "Server Not Connected" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout_autotrade_run(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() if RUN_AUTOTRADE and not RUN_ANYWAY_OUT_OF_MARKET_OPEN_TIME: if in range( 0, 5 ) and current_time > MARKET_START_TIME and current_time < MARKET_FINISH_TIME: self.autotrade_list_gen() self.trade_stocks() self.label_8.setText("Autotrade executed") else: self.label_8.setText("Market not open") elif RUN_AUTOTRADE: self.label_8.setText("Autotrade / market may not open") self.autotrade_list_gen() self.trade_stocks() else: self.label_8.setText("Autotrade disabled") def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() if len(code) >= CODE_MIN_LENGTH: name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) if name != "": self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "1001") self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) self.spinBox_2.setValue(self.kiwoom.cur_price) else: self.lineEdit_2.setText("") self.spinBox_2.setValue(0) else: self.lineEdit_2.setText("") self.spinBox_2.setValue(0) def send_order_ui(self): order_type_lookup = {'Buy': 1, 'Sell': 2} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = HOGA_LOOKUP[self.comboBox_3.currentText()] num = self.spinBox.value() if hoga == "00": price = self.spinBox_2.value() elif hoga == "03": price = 0 res = self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga, "") if res[0] == 0 and res[1] != "": self.label_8.setText("Order sent") ################################### if self.kiwoom.order_chejan_finished == True: self.label_8.setText("Order completed") else: self.label_8.setText("Errer in order processing") def check_balance(self): account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() def load_buy_sell_list(self): try: buy_list = pd.read_excel(EXCEL_BUY_LIST, index_col=None, converters={'Code': str}) except Exception as e: print(e) buy_list = pd.DataFrame() try: sell_list = pd.read_excel(EXCEL_SELL_LIST, index_col=None, converters={'Code': str}) except Exception as e: print(e) sell_list = pd.DataFrame() return [buy_list, sell_list] ########################################################################### ##### EXECUTION ########################################################################### def trade_stocks(self): [buy_list, sell_list] = self.load_buy_sell_list() # account account = self.comboBox.currentText() buy_order = 1 sell_order = 2 # buy_list for i in buy_list.index: if buy_list["Tr"][i] == 'yet' or buy_list["Tr"][i] == 'failed': hoga = HOGA_LOOKUP[buy_list["Order_type"][i]] if hoga == "00": price = buy_list["Price"][i] elif hoga == "03": price = 0 res = self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, buy_order, buy_list["Code"][i], int(buy_list["Amount"][i]), price, hoga, "") if res[0] == 0 and res[1] != "": self.label_8.setText("Order sent: " + str(res[1]))[i, "Tr"] = 'ordered' ################################### if self.kiwoom.order_chejan_finished == True:[i, "Tr"] = 'done' else: self.label_8.setText("Errer in order processing")[i, "Tr"] = 'failed' buy_list.to_excel(EXCEL_BUY_LIST, index=False) # sell_list for i in sell_list.index: if sell_list["Tr"][i] == 'yet' or sell_list["Tr"][i] == 'failed': hoga = HOGA_LOOKUP[sell_list["Order_type"][i]] if hoga == "00": price = sell_list["Price"][i] elif hoga == "03": price = 0 res = self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, sell_order, sell_list["Code"][i], int(sell_list["Amount"][i]), price, hoga, "") if res[0] == 0 and res[1] != "": self.label_8.setText("Order sent: " + str(res[1]))[i, "Tr"] = 'ordered' ################################### if self.kiwoom.order_chejan_finished == True:[i, "Tr"] = 'done' else: self.label_8.setText("Errer in order processing")[i, "Tr"] = 'failed' sell_list.to_excel(EXCEL_SELL_LIST, index=False) ########################################################################### ##### ALGORITHMS ########################################################################### def autotrade_list_gen(self): [code, price] = self.algo_random_choose_buy(3) # sell_list = self.algo_random_choose_sell(3) sell_list = self.algo_sell_by_return_range(10, -1) self.kiwoom.update_buy_list(code, price) self.kiwoom.update_sell_list(sell_list) def check_speedy_rising_volume(self, code): today ="%Y%m%d") df = self.kiwoom.get_ohlcv(code, today) volumes = df['volume'] if len(volumes) < 21: return False sum_vol20 = 0 today_vol = 0 for i, vol in enumerate(volumes): if i == 0: today_vol = vol elif 1 <= i <= 20: sum_vol20 += vol else: break avg_vol20 = sum_vol20 / 20 if today_vol > avg_vol20 * 3: return True return False def algo_speedy_rising_volume(self): buy_list_code = [] for i, code in enumerate(self.kosdaq_codes): if self.check_speedy_rising_volume(code): buy_list_code.append(code) return buy_list_code def algo_random_choose_buy(self, BUY_SELL_SIZE): buy_list_code = [] buy_list_price = [] for i in range(BUY_SELL_SIZE): code = random.choice(self.candidate_codes) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "1001") name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) price = self.kiwoom.cur_price if price > MIN_STOCK_PRICE: buy_list_code.append(code) buy_list_price.append(price) return [buy_list_code, buy_list_price] def algo_random_choose_sell(self, BUY_SELL_SIZE): my_stock_list = self.kiwoom.get_my_stock_list() if len(my_stock_list) > BUY_SELL_SIZE: n = list(range(len(my_stock_list))) set_to_sell = random.sample(n, BUY_SELL_SIZE) return my_stock_list.iloc[set_to_sell] else: return my_stock_list def algo_sell_by_return_range( self, upperlimit, lowerlimit): # upperlimit, lowerlimit in percentage my_stocks = self.kiwoom.get_my_stock_list() profit_sell_list = my_stocks[my_stocks['earning_rate'] > upperlimit] loss_sell_list = my_stocks[my_stocks['earning_rate'] < lowerlimit] print('Profit Sell List (up to 50 items): \n', tabulate(profit_sell_list[:50], headers='keys', tablefmt='psql')) print('Loss Sell List (up to 50 items): \n', tabulate(loss_sell_list[:50], headers='keys', tablefmt='psql')) return profit_sell_list.append(loss_sell_list)
class Pymon: def __init__(self): self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.get_code_list() self.excelfile_initiator() def get_code_list(self): self.kospi_codes = self.kiwoom.get_code_list_by_market(MARKET_KOSPI) self.kosdaq_codes = self.kiwoom.get_code_list_by_market(MARKET_KOSDAQ) def get_ohlcv(self, code, start): self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("기준일자", start) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("수정주가구분", 1) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10081_req", "opt10081", 0, "0101") df = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.ohlcv, columns=['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'], index=self.kiwoom.ohlcv['date']) return df def update_buy_list(self, buy_list_code): buy_list = pd.read_excel(EXCEL_BUY_LIST, index_col=None, converters={'Code': str}) for i, code in enumerate(buy_list_code): name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) today ="%Y%m%d") time_ ="%H:%M:%S") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "1001") amount = round(ALLOCATION_SIZE / self.kiwoom.cur_price) buy_list = buy_list.append( { 'Date': today, 'Time': time_, 'Name': name, 'Code': code, 'Order_type': 'mkt', 'Tr': 'yet', 'Price': self.kiwoom.cur_price, 'Amount': amount }, ignore_index=True) print('Buy List: \n', tabulate(buy_list, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql')) buy_list.to_excel(EXCEL_BUY_LIST, index=False) def get_stock_list(self): account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") stock_list = pd.DataFrame(self.kiwoom.opw00018_rawoutput, columns=[ 'name', 'code', 'quantity', 'purchase_price', 'current_price', 'invested_amount', 'current_total', 'eval_profit_loss_price', 'earning_rate' ]) for i in stock_list.index:[i, 'code'] = stock_list['code'][i][ 1:] # taking off "A" in front of returned code return stock_list.set_index('code') def update_sell_list(self, sell_list_code): sell_list = pd.read_excel(EXCEL_SELL_LIST, index_col=None, converters={'Code': str}) stock_list = self.get_stock_list() for i, code in enumerate(sell_list_code): if code in list(stock_list.index): name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) today ="%Y%m%d") time_ ="%H:%M:%S") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "1001") # getting current price amount = stock_list['quantity'][code] sell_list = sell_list.append( { 'Date': today, 'Time': time_, 'Name': name, 'Code': code, 'Order_type': 'mkt', 'Tr': 'yet', 'Price': self.kiwoom.cur_price, 'Amount': amount }, ignore_index=True) print('Sell List: \n', tabulate(sell_list, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql')) sell_list.to_excel(EXCEL_SELL_LIST, index=False) def excelfile_initiator(self): if not os.path.exists(EXCEL_BUY_LIST): # create buy list bl = xlsxwriter.Workbook(EXCEL_BUY_LIST) blws = bl.add_worksheet() blws.write('A1', 'Date') # Date / Time when the item is added blws.write('B1', 'Time') blws.write('C1', 'Name') blws.write('D1', 'Code') blws.write('E1', 'Order_type') # 시장가 ('mkt') vs 지정가 ('fixed') blws.write('F1', 'Tr') # yet: not, done: done blws.write('G1', 'Price') # latest price when the list is populated blws.write('H1', 'Amount') # blws.write('I1', 'Invested_total') # Before any fee and tax # blws.write('J1', 'Date_Trans') # Date / Time when the item is purchased # blws.write('K1', 'Time_Trans') bl.close() if not os.path.exists(EXCEL_SELL_LIST): # create sell list sl = xlsxwriter.Workbook(EXCEL_SELL_LIST) slws = sl.add_worksheet() slws.write('A1', 'Date') # Date / Time when the item is added slws.write('B1', 'Time') slws.write('C1', 'Name') slws.write('D1', 'Code') slws.write('E1', 'Order_type') # 시장가 ('mkt') vs 지정가 ('fixed') slws.write('F1', 'Tr') # yet: not, done: done slws.write('G1', 'Price') # latest price when the list is populated slws.write('H1', 'Amount') # Amount to sell # slws.write('I1', 'Fee_Tax') # slws.write('J1', 'Harvested_total') # After fee and tax # slws.write('K1', 'Date_Trans') # Date / Time when the item is purchased # slws.write('L1', 'Time_Trans') sl.close() ########################################################################### ##### ALGORITHMS ########################################################################### def check_speedy_rising_volume(self, code): today ="%Y%m%d") df = self.get_ohlcv(code, today) volumes = df['volume'] if len(volumes) < 21: return False sum_vol20 = 0 today_vol = 0 for i, vol in enumerate(volumes): if i == 0: today_vol = vol elif 1 <= i <= 20: sum_vol20 += vol else: break avg_vol20 = sum_vol20 / 20 if today_vol > avg_vol20 * 3: return True return False def algo_speedy_rising_volume(self): buy_list_code = [] for i, code in enumerate(self.kosdaq_codes): if self.check_speedy_rising_volume(code): buy_list_code.append(code) return buy_list_code ########################################################################### ##### EXECUTION ########################################################################### def run(self): # has to return True if the list is updated current_time = QTime.currentTime() # Timer while in range( 0, 5 ) and current_time > MARKET_START_TIME and current_time < MARKET_FINISH_TIME: # Algo buy_list_code = [] buy_list_code.append(random.choice(self.kospi_codes)) buy_list_code.append(random.choice(self.kospi_codes)) buy_list_code.append(random.choice(self.kospi_codes)) buy_list_code.append(random.choice(self.kospi_codes)) buy_list_code.append(random.choice(self.kospi_codes)) stock_list_codelist = self.get_stock_list().index.tolist() sell_list_code = [] sell_list_code.append(random.choice(stock_list_codelist)) sell_list_code.append(random.choice(stock_list_codelist)) sell_list_code.append(random.choice(stock_list_codelist)) sell_list_code.append(random.choice(stock_list_codelist)) sell_list_code.append(random.choice(stock_list_codelist)) pymon.update_buy_list(buy_list_code) pymon.update_sell_list(sell_list_code) # Checking time.sleep(AUTOTRADE_INTERVAL) current_time = QTime.currentTime() print(current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss"))
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) def timeout(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000")
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) # PyTrader 최초 실행 시 주문 여부 False self.trade_stocks_done = False # PyTrader 프로그램이 실행될 때 키움 로그인이 진행되도록 생성자에서 키움 객체를 생성한 후 comm_connect 메서드를 호출 self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() # 매수매도 종목 파일 읽기 self.load_buy_sell_list() self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect( self.code_changed) # lineEdit 객체에 종목코드를 입력 accounts_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accounts_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) # 계좌를 combobox에 출력 self.pushButton.clicked.connect( self.send_order) # 현금주문 클릭 시 send_order 실행 self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect( self.check_balance) # 보유종목 현황 클릭 check_balance 실행 # Timer1 self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) # 1초마다 주기적으로 timeout 시그널 발생 self.timer.timeout.connect( self.timeout) # timeout 시그널 처리할 슬롯으로 self.timeout 설정 # Timer2 # [실시간 조회] 체크박스를 체크하면 10초에 한 번씩 데이터가 자동으로 갱신 # 다른 TR의 요청이 많은 경우에는 주의(TR 요청 초과 될수도 있으므로) self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 10) self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) def timeout(self): market_start_time = QTime(9, 0, 0) current_time = QTime.currentTime() if current_time > market_start_time and self.trade_stocks_done is False: self.trade_stocks() self.trade_stocks_done = True text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) def send_order(self): # 각 값에 해당하는 정수값으로 변환하여 키움증권 APi에 전달 order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") # opw00018 TR은 최대 20개의 보유 종목에 대한 데이터를 리턴 # 보유 종목이 20개 이상인 경우를 고려해서 반복문을 통해 연속적으로 데이터를 요청 while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001: 예수금 데이터 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance # 예수금 데이터를 QTableWidget에 출력하기 위해 먼저 self.kiwoom.d2_deposit에 저장된 예수금 데이터를 QTableWidgetItem 객체로 만듦 item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) # 아이템의 크기에 맞춰 행의 높이를 조절 self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list # 보유 종목별 평가 잔고 데이터를 QTableWidget에 추가 item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() def load_buy_sell_list(self): f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() # 매수/매도 종목 각각에 대한 데이터 개수를 확인한 후 이 두 값을 더한 값을 QTableWidet 객체의 setRowCount 메서드로 설정 row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) self.tableWidget_4.setRowCount(row_count) # buy list(매수 종목) for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rsplit()) # 종목코드를 종목명으로 변경 for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(j, i, item) # sell list(매도 종목) for j in range(len(sell_list)): row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rstrip()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_4.resizeRowsToContents() # 행 크기 조절 def trade_stocks(self): """ trade_stocks(): 각 거래일의 장 시작에 맞춰 정해진 주문 방식에 따라 주문을 수행 """ hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} # 미리 생성된 파일로부터 매수/매도 종목을 읽음 f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() # account: 주문할 때 필요한 계좌 정보를 QComboBox 위젯으로부터 얻어옴 account = self.comboBox.currentText() # buy list for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] # 호가 code = split_row_data[1] # 종목코드 num = split_row_data[3] # 수량 price = split_row_data[4] # 가격 # 읽어온 데이터의 주문 수행 여부가 ‘매수전’인 경우에만 해당 주문 데이터를 토대로 send_order 메서드를 통해 매수 주문을 수행 if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # sell list for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매도전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # buy list for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "주문완료") # file update f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() # sell list for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace("매도전", "주문완료") # file update f = open("sell_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in sell_list: f.write(row_data) f.close()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): # QMainWindow: QWidget 상속하는 클래스(위젯 사용할 수 있도록), form_class: pytrader.ui def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() # Kiwoom 인스턴스 생성 self.kiwoom.comm_connect() # 로그인 self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 10) self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) accouns_num = int( self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) # 보유계좌 갯수 (ex. 2) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info( "ACCNO") # 구분자 ';'로 연결된 보유계좌 목록을 반환 (ex. 8165088111;8753740831;) accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] # 계좌번호를 리스트로 저장 self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) # 계좌번호를 comboBox에 넣음 self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) # 종목코드 입력시 self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) # [현금주문] 버튼 누를시 self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) # [조회] 버튼 누를시 def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() # 변경된 종목코드 text 받아서 name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) # 종목코드에 맞는 종목명을 받아옴 self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) # 종목명 보여줌 def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() # 계좌번호 order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() # 신규매수/신규매도/매수취소/매도취소 code = self.lineEdit.text() # 종목코드 hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() # 지정가/시장가 num = self.spinBox.value() # 수량 price = self.spinBox_2.value() # 가격 self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def timeout(self): # 화면 왼쪽 아래에 서버 연결 여부와 현재시간 출력 current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout2(self): # 실시간 계좌정보 조회 여부 if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() def check_balance(self): # 계좌정보 조회 self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) #텔레그램봇 my_token = '692301814:AAEfmddhyZPcO0Uzh8r5ZehfooTPOvKOOqc' self.mybot = telegram.Bot(token=my_token) self.chat_id = 544924927 self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() #키움인스턴스 생성 self.kiwoom.comm_connect() #API로그인 self.ts_1_p = 'False' #거래전략1 초기값 # Timer1 self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) #1초 self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) # Timer2 self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 10) #10초 self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) # Timer3 self.timer3 = QTimer(self) self.timer3.start(1000 * 30) #30초 self.timer3.timeout.connect(self.timeout3) # Timer4 self.timer4 = QTimer(self) self.timer4.start(1000 * 33) # 33초 self.timer4.timeout.connect(self.timeout4) # Timer5 self.timer5 = QTimer(self) self.timer5.start(1000 * 35) # 35초 self.timer5.timeout.connect(self.timeout5) # Timer6 self.timer6 = QTimer(self) self.timer6.start(1000 * 37) # 37초 self.timer6.timeout.connect(self.timeout6) # Timer10 self.timer4 = QTimer(self) self.timer4.start(1000 * 3600) #1시간 후 프로그램종료! self.timer4.timeout.connect(self.quit_app) self.timer4.timeout.connect(QCoreApplication.instance().quit) self.list700 = [] self.list600700 = [] self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) #종목코드 입력시 self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) #현금주문 버튼 클릭시 self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) #계좌정보 조회 self.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.trading_strategy_1) #거래전략1호 self.pushButton_4.clicked.connect(self.quit_app) #앱종료 self.pushButton_4.clicked.connect( QCoreApplication.instance().quit) # 앱종료 #계좌정보 accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.load_buy_sell_list() #로그기록 self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 시작되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 시작되었습니다.") #종료 def quit_app(self): self.timer = '' self.timer2 = '' self.timer3 = '' self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 종료되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 종료되었습니다.") time.sleep(3) #상태표시줄(현재시간, 서버연결상태) def timeout(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결되었습니다." else: state_msg = "서버가 연결되지 않았습니다." self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() #계좌정보 실시간 조회 def timeout3(self): if self.ts_1_p == 'True': #거래전략1 진행시 30초마다 조회 self.volume_check() def timeout4(self): self.sell_stocks() def timeout5(self): self.load_buy_sell_list() def timeout6(self): self.trade_stocks() #로그파일 > txt파일로 저장 def txt_changed(self): f = open('log.txt', 'a') log_text = self.textEdit.text f.write(log_text) f.close() #종목명 나타내기 def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) #현금주문 def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") #계좌정보 def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() #account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") #account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() print('잔고조회완료') def load_buy_sell_list(self): f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() ff = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = ff.readlines() ff.close() row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) self.tableWidget_4.setRowCount(row_count) # buy list for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rsplit()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(j, i, item) # sell list for j in range(len(sell_list)): row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rstrip()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_4.resizeRowsToContents() print('buy & sell.txt 불러오기') def trade_stocks(self): hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() # account account = self.comboBox.currentText() # buy list for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ ' + code + ' ' + num + '주 ' + price + "원 매수주문") # sell list for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매도전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ ' + code + ' ' + num + '주 ' + price + "원 매도주문") # buy list for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "매수주문완료") # file update f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() # sell list for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace("매도전", "매도주문완료") # file update f = open("sell_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in sell_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() print('거래알고리즘실행완료') #거래량급증 거래전략1 def trading_strategy_1(self): if self.ts_1_p == 'False': print('ts_1_p = true') self.ts_1_p = 'True' self.label_7.setText("진행중...") self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 시작되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 시작되었습니다.") self.volume_check() elif self.ts_1_p == 'True': print('ts_1_p = False') self.label_7.setText("") self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 중지되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 중지되었습니다.") self.ts_1_p = 'False' #거래량급증 조회 def volume_check(self): print('거래량급등조회시작') self.kiwoom.reset_opt10023_output() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시장구분", 000) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시간구분", 2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("정렬구분", 2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("거래량구분", 5) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시간", "") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목조건", 0) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("가격구분", 0) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10023_req", "opt10023", 0, "0168") while self.kiwoom.remained_data == True: time.sleep(TR_REQ_TIME_INTERVAL) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시장구분", 000) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시간구분", 2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("정렬구분", 2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("거래량구분", 5) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시간", "") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목조건", 0) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("가격구분", 0) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10023_req", "opt10023", 2, "0168") df = DataFrame(self.kiwoom.opt10023_output) #거래급증종목 데이터프레임으로 받음 print(df) df700 = df[[a > 700 for a in df.volume]] #700이상 종목 self.list700 = list(df700['code']) #print('700이상: ' + self.list700) aa = set(self.list700) bb = set(self.list600700) buy_set = aa & bb buy_set = list(buy_set) df600 = df[[a > 600 for a in df.volume]] df600700 = df600[[a < 700 for a in df600.volume]] self.list600700 = [] self.list600700 = list(df600700['code']) #print('600이상700미만: ' + self.list600700) #buy_list 업데이트 if len(buy_set) == 0: pass else: #print('buy_list: ' + buy_set) account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") buy_q = int(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit[:-3].replace(',', '')) buy_q = (buy_q // len(buy_set)) // 5 f = open("buy_list.txt", "a") for code in buy_set: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "0101") self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text="매수선정종목: " + self.kiwoom.stock_name) f.write("매수;%s;시장가;%d;0;매수전\n" % (code, buy_q // self.kiwoom.stock_pv)) print('buy_list.txt updated') f.close() self.list700 = [] print("거래량급증조회완료") #목표수익률 도달시 팔기 def sell_stocks(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") print('보유종목현황: ' + self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) list_1 = list(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) a = len(list_1) f = open('sell_list.txt', 'a') for i in range(a): if float(list_1[i][5]) > 5: f.write("매도;%s;시장가;%s;0;매도전\n" % (list_1[i][6], list_1[i][1])) elif float(list_1[i][5]) < -2: f.write("매도;%s;시장가;%s;0;매도전\n" % (list_1[i][6], list_1[i][1])) f.close()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.trade_stocks_done = False self.bucket = list() self.item_list = list() self.code_list = list() self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 10) self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) accounts_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accounts_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.comboBox_2.addItems(accounts_list) self.codeLineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) self.codeLineEdit_2.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed_2) self.viewButton.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) self.resetButton.clicked.connect(self.reset_bucket) self.addButton.clicked.connect(self.add_to_bucket) self.showButton.clicked.connect(self.show_bucket) self.downButton.clicked.connect(self.download_data) self.optButton.clicked.connect(self.optimize_weights) self.sendButton.clicked.connect(self.send_initial_order) self.spinBox.valueChanged.connect(self.asset_num) self.LogDisplay = LogDisplay(self) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = { 'Buying': 1, 'Selling': 2, 'Cancel Buying': 3, 'Cancel Selling': 4 } hoga_lookup = {'Limit': "00", 'Market': "03"} account = self.comboBox_2.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_3.currentText() code2 = self.codeLineEdit_2.text() hoga = self.comboBox_4.currentText() num = self.spinBox_2.value() price = self.spinBox_3.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code2, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() # my portfolio def code_changed(self): code = self.codeLineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.nameLineEdit.setText(name) # manual order def code_changed_2(self): code2 = self.codeLineEdit_2.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code2) self.nameLineEdit_2.setText(name) def asset_num(self): self.num = self.spinBox.value() def reset_bucket(self): self.bucket = list() self.item_list = list() self.code_list = list() def add_to_bucket(self): code = self.codeLineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.nameLineEdit.setText(name) self.bucket.append([code, name]) def show_bucket(self): item_count = len(self.bucket) print(self.num) if self.num != item_count: QMessageBox.about( self, "Warning!", "Item # is different from the number of assets added to your bucket!" ) return account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) # Item list self.bucketTable.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.bucket[j] self.code_list.append(row[0]) self.item_list.append(row[1]) for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) self.bucketTable.setItem(j, i, item) self.bucketTable.resizeRowsToContents() def download_data(self): account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) for code in self.code_list: self.kiwoom.get_ohlcv(code) QMessageBox.about(self, "Notification", "Download Completed") def optimize_weights(self): self.po = PortfolioOptimizer(self.code_list) QMessageBox.about(self, "Notification", "Calculation Completed") def send_initial_order(self): df = self.po.init_buy_list.reset_index() print("****** Proceeding my initial order ******") account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) for i in range(len(df)): print( "{name}({code}) buy {quantity}".format(name=df.iloc[i][1], code=df.iloc[i][0], quantity=df.iloc[i][5])) self.kiwoom.send_order('order_req', '0101', account_number, 1, df.iloc[i][0], df.iloc[i][5], 0, '03', '') print("succeeded") QMessageBox.about(self, "Notification", "Order Completed") def display_log(self): self.LogDisplay()
class StockT(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() #키움 로그인 self.trade_stocks_done = False #자동 주문 self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) #1초에 한 번씩 주기적으로 timeout 시그널이 발생 self.timer.timeout.connect( self.timeout) #timeout 시그널이 발생할 때 이를 처리할 슬롯으로 self.timeout을 설정 #StatusBar 위젯에 서버 연결 상태 및 현재 시간을 출력 self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect( self.code_changed) #lineEdit 객체가 변경될 때 호출되는 슬롯을 지정 self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) #현금주문 accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info( "ACCOUNT_CNT")) #계좌 정보를 QComboBox 위젯에 출력하는 코드 accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") #로그인 정보 가져오기 accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[ 0:accouns_num] #계좌가 여러 개인 경우 각 계좌는';'를 통해 구분 self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect( self.check_balance) #시그널과 슬롯을 연결하는 코드 self.load_buy_sell_list() #선정 종목 리스트 출력 def timeout(self): # 현재 시간이 09시 00분 00초를 지났고 매수/매도 주문을 수행하지 않았을 때 trade_stocks 메서드 호출 market_start_time = QTime(9, 0, 0) current_time = QTime.currentTime() # 장이 시작할 때 매수/매도 주문을 넣으려면 timeout 메서드에서 시간 체크 if current_time > market_start_time and self.trade_stocks_done is False: self.trade_stocks() self.trade_stocks_done = True text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") #시간:분:초 time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() #서버 연결 상태 확인 if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def code_changed( self): #사용자가 ineEdit에 종목코드를 입력하면 종목코드를 읽은 후 API를 사용해 종목명 알아내기 code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) def send_order(self): #pushButton 객체가 클릭될 때 호출되는 send_order 메서드 order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def check_balance(self): #'조회' 버튼이 클릭됐을 때 '잔고 및 보유종목현황' 데이터 호출하도록 self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) #입력 데이터 설정 self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") #TR 요청 while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 # 예수금 데이터를 얻기 위해 opw00001 TR을 요청 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) #칼럼의 위치로 (0, 0) for i in range(1, 6): #리스트로 저장되어 있기에 반복문으로 가져오기 item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() #아이템의 크기에 맞춰 행의 높이를 조절 # Item list # 보유 종목별 평가 잔고 데이터를 QTableWidget에 추가 # 행의 개수를 따로 설정하지 않았기에, 먼저 보유종목의 개수를 확인한 후 행의 개수를 설정해야 함 # (열의 개수는 Qt Designer가 자동으로 설정) item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): #아이템 추가 row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() #행의 크기를 조절 # Timer2 # [실시간 조회] 체크박스를 체크하면 데이터가 자동으로 갱신 self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 10) #10초에 한 번 self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) def timeout2(self): # QCheckBox가 체크됐는지 확인한 후 체크돼 있을 때 데이터를 갱신 if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() # buy_list.txt와 sell_list.txt 파일을 열고 파일로부터 데이터를 읽는 코드 # 아직 알고리즘을 안만들었기에 def load_buy_sell_list(self): f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() #데이터의 총 개수 확인 row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) self.tableWidget_3.setRowCount(row_count) # buy list 매수 종목 for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rsplit()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(j, i, item) # sell list 매도 종목 for j in range(len(sell_list)): #j : 행(row)에 대한 인덱스 값 row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') #문자열을 ;로 분리 split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rstrip()) #종목코드로부터 종목명 구하기 for i in range(len(split_row_data)): #i : 열(column)에 대한 인덱스 값 item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_3.resizeRowsToContents() #행의 크기 조절 # 장이 시작하면 미리 선정된 종목에 대해 자동으로 주문하는 기능 구현 def trade_stocks(self): hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() #미리 생성된 파일로부터 매수/매도 종목을 읽는 코드 # account # 주문할 때 필요한 계좌 정보 account = self.comboBox.currentText() # buy list 매수 주문 # 데이터를 하나씩 얻어온 후 문자열을 분리해서 주문에 필요한 정보 준비 for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] # 읽어온 데이터의 주문 수행 여부가 ‘매수전’인 경우에만 해당 주문 데이터를 토대로 send_order 메서드를 통해 매수 주문 수행 if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # sell list 매도 주문 for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매도전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # buy list # 저장된 주문 여부를 업데이트 for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "주문완료") #바꾸기 # file update f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() # sell list for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace("매도전", "주문완료") # file update f = open("sell_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in sell_list: f.write(row_data) f.close()
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.trade_stocks_done = False # 자동 trading False이면 작동 self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() # 전략 self.stratagy = SysStratagy() # Timer1 self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000 * 5) # Timer2 self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 10) # Timer3 self.timer3 = QTimer(self) self.timer3.start(1000 * 10) # Timer4 손절처리를 위한 Timer 설정 self.timer4 = QTimer(self) self.timer4.start(1000 * 60) # Naver에서 현재가 가져오기 self.timer_naver = QTimer(self) self.timer_naver.start(1000 * 4) # Naver에서 현재가 가져오기 self.timer_rate = QTimer(self) self.timer_rate.start(1000 * 3) # 계좌정보 넣어줌 accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) # 보유 종목정보 self.boyou_stock_list = [] self.check_balance() self.init_boyou_stock_list = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'] self.boyou_stock_list = self.init_boyou_stock_list # self.boyou_stock_list.append(['삼성전자', '100', '40000', '42000', '200000', '5', '005930']) # 아침에 보유주식 매도기능 주석처리함.. 보유주식 정보에서 처리하면 되므로 2019.05.19 # 보유 주식 매도 주문 아침9시전에 구동시에 보유주식에 대한 매도주문처리 # self.init_boyou_mado() # 매도/매수 리스트 조회 self.load_buy_sell_list() # 보유주식정보 json으로 저장 self.boyoustock = BoyouStock() self.boyou_stock_save_json() # 이벤트 정보 연결 self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) self.timer3.timeout.connect(self.timeout3) self.timer4.timeout.connect( self.timeout4) # stop loss 처리 # 보유주식정보 가져오는 것으로 수정함.2019.05.19 self.timer_naver.timeout.connect(self.timeout_naver) self.timer_rate.timeout.connect(self.timeout_rate) self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect( self.check_balance_Widget ) # pushButton_2 라는 객체가 클릭될 때 check_balance라는 메서드가 호출 # 손절,익절률 설정 값 읽어오기 config = self.boyoustock.readConfig() if len(config) > 0: self.stop_profit_rate = (config["stop_profit_rate"] / 100) + 1 self.stop_loss_rate = 1 - (config["stop_loss_rate"] / 100) self.spinBox_6.setValue(config["stop_profit_rate"]) self.spinBox_7.setValue(config["stop_loss_rate"]) else: self.stop_profit_rate = (self.spinBox_6.value() / 100) + 1 self.stop_loss_rate = 1 - (self.spinBox_7.value() / 100) print("초기 설정 익절률: " + str(self.stop_profit_rate)) print("초기 설정 손절률: " + str(self.stop_loss_rate)) def init_boyou_mado(self): market_start_time = QTime(9, 0, 0) current_time = QTime.currentTime() # self.init_maedo_proc() if current_time < market_start_time: # 보유종목 매도 처리.. self.init_maedo_proc() else: print("보유주식에 대한 매도주문은 9시전에만 가능함.") def timeout(self): # market_start_time = QTime(8, 0, 0) # market_end_time = QTime(19, 0, 0) current_time = QTime.currentTime() if self.stratagy.isTimeAvalable(self.kiwoom.maesu_start_time, self.kiwoom.maesu_end_time ) and self.trade_stocks_done is False: self.trade_stocks() # self.trade_stocks_done = True else: print("지금은 거래 가능한 시간이 아닙니다.") self.kiwoom.comm_terminate() sys.exit(1) text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance_Widget() def timeout3(self): if self.checkBox_2.isChecked(): self.load_buy_sell_list() def timeout4(self): self.boyoustock.readBoyouStockInfo() # if self.checkBox_3.isChecked(): # 일단주석처리. # self.stock_stop_loss() def timeout_naver(self): self.cur_stock_price_naver() def timeout_rate(self): config = {} profit = (self.spinBox_6.value() / 100) + 1 loss = 1 - (self.spinBox_7.value() / 100) if self.stop_profit_rate != profit: self.stop_profit_rate = profit self.spinBox_6.setValue(self.spinBox_6.value()) config["stop_profit_rate"] = self.spinBox_6.value() config["stop_loss_rate"] = self.spinBox_7.value() self.boyoustock.updateConfig(config) print("익절률이 변경되었습니다. TO " + str(profit)) if self.stop_loss_rate != loss: self.stop_loss_rate = loss self.spinBox_7.setValue(self.spinBox_7.value()) config["stop_profit_rate"] = self.spinBox_6.value() config["stop_loss_rate"] = self.spinBox_7.value() self.boyoustock.updateConfig(config) print("손절률이 변경되었습니다. TO " + str(loss)) def boyou_stock_save_json(self): if len(self.init_boyou_stock_list) > 0: init_stock_list = [] self.boyoustock.updateBoyouStockInfo(init_stock_list) for key in range(len(self.init_boyou_stock_list)): row = self.boyou_stock_list[key] boyou_cnt = int(row[1].replace(',', '')) maeip_price = int(row[2].replace(',', '')) # cur_price = int(row[3].replace(',', '')) stock_code = row[6] stock_name = row[0] mado_price = self.stratagy.get_maedo_price( maeip_price, self.stop_loss_rate) # 5% 손절가처리 sell_price = self.stratagy.get_maedo_price( maeip_price, self.stop_profit_rate) # 목표가 처리 self.boyoustock.stock_buy([ stock_code, stock_name, maeip_price, boyou_cnt, sell_price, mado_price ]) else: init_stock_list = [] self.boyoustock.updateBoyouStockInfo(init_stock_list) def cur_stock_price_naver(self): # self.chg_boyou_stock_list = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'] # # 초기에 보유주식과 매수/매도가 발생시 보유 주식이 다를 수 있으므로 # # 이렇게 처리함.. # logger.debug("== cur_stock_price_naver ==") # logger.debug((self.init_boyou_stock_list, self.chg_boyou_stock_list)) # if util.list_diff(self.init_boyou_stock_list, self.chg_boyou_stock_list): # self.boyou_stock_list = self.chg_boyou_stock_list self.boyou_stock_list = self.boyoustock.readBoyouStockInfo() for key in range(len(self.boyou_stock_list)): bstock = self.boyou_stock_list[key] stock_cd = bstock[0] # 주식코드 stock_nm = bstock[1] # 주식명 maeip_price = bstock[2] # 매입단가 maeip_qtr = bstock[3] # 매입수 stop_price = self.stratagy.get_maedo_price( maeip_price, self.stop_loss_rate) # -5% 손절가 dest_price = self.stratagy.get_maedo_price( maeip_price, self.stop_profit_rate) # 목표가 도달시 cur_price = util.get_naver_cur_stock_price( stock_cd) # 네이버에서 가져온 현재가 logger.debug(util.cur_date_time() + '보유주식명:' + stock_nm + ',주식코드:' + stock_cd + ',현재가:' + str(cur_price) + ',예상 손절가:' + str(stop_price)) if cur_price <= stop_price: logger.debug(util.cur_date_time() + '손절 프로세스 진행 ===> 보유주식명:' + stock_nm + ',주식코드:' + stock_cd + ',현재가:' + str(cur_price) + ',예상 손절가:' + str(stop_price)) # self.stock_stop_loss(stock_cd, maeip_qtr, stop_price) self.add_init_stock_sell_info(stock_cd, dest_price, maeip_qtr, 'S') elif cur_price >= dest_price: logger.debug(util.cur_date_time() + '이익 매도 프로세스 진행 ===> 보유주식명:' + stock_nm + ',주식코드:' + stock_cd + ',현재가:' + str(cur_price) + ',예상 손절가:' + str(stop_price)) self.add_init_stock_sell_info(stock_cd, dest_price, maeip_qtr, 'I') # 이익을 위한 매도주문(즉시 매도처리 이므로)을 취소하고 손실을 중지하기 위한 주문처리를 함. def stock_stop_loss(self, t_stock_code, num, price): is_existed_stock = False self.check_balance() item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) logger.debug("itemCount ==> " + str(item_count)) if item_count == 0: logger.debug("보유종목이 없습니다.") # 한 종목에 대한 종목명, 보유량, 매입가, 현재가, 평가손익, 수익률(%)은 출력 for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] stock_code = row[6] if t_stock_code == stock_code: is_existed_stock = True if is_existed_stock: order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup['신규매도'], t_stock_code, num, price, hoga_lookup['시장가'], "") else: print("이미 매도 되었거나 매수되지 않은 주식입니다.") # logger.debug("=== stock_stop_loss ===") # logger.debug("손실에 대한 loss 처리 설정했습니다.") # self.check_balance() # # Item list # item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) # logger.debug("itemCount ==> " + str(item_count)) # if item_count == 0: # logger.debug("보유종목이 없습니다.") # # # 한 종목에 대한 종목명, 보유량, 매입가, 현재가, 평가손익, 수익률(%)은 출력 # for j in range(item_count): # row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] # boyou_cnt = int(row[1].replace(',', '')) # maeip_price = int(row[2].replace(',', '')) # cur_price = int(row[3].replace(',', '')) # stock_code = row[6] # logger.debug(util.cur_date_time() + "현재보유주식코드=>" + stock_code + ",손절주식코드=>" + t_stock_code) # if stock_code == t_stock_code: # # 보유종목의 이익매도 주문이 있는 경우 이익매도주문 취소후 익절처리 # self.check_michegyoel_joomoon(stock_code) # row2 = self.kiwoom.opw00007_output[j] # if len(row2) > 0: # if row2[5] != '': # orgJoomoonNo = int(row2[5]) # 원주문번호 정보를 가져온다. # self._file_line_delete(self.kiwoom.sell_loc, stock_code) # stor파일에 해당 종목을 삭제한다. # else: # orgJoomoonNo = '' # else: # orgJoomoonNo = "" # logger.debug(util.cur_date_time() + ":보유주식수/ 매입가/주식코드/원주문번호: %s %s %s %s" % (boyou_cnt, maeip_price, stock_code, orgJoomoonNo)) # if orgJoomoonNo != "": # self.kiwoom.add_stock_sell_info_loss(stock_code, 0, boyou_cnt, orgJoomoonNo) # else: # self.add_init_stock_sell_info(stock_code, 0, boyou_cnt, 'S') # print("종목코드 :", stock_code, " 원주문번호 : ", orgJoomoonNo) # logger.debug(util.cur_date_time() + ":보유주식수/ 매입가/주식코드/원주문번호: %s %s %s %s" % ( # boyou_cnt, maeip_price, stock_code, orgJoomoonNo)) # mado_price = self.stratagy.get_maedo_price(maeip_price, 0.95) # 4% 익절가처리 # 해당주식의 (이익을 얻기 위한)매도 주문 취소 처리 # 아침에 자동 매도주문 처리가 됐을것이고 그것에 대해 취소처리를 하는 것.. # if not self._item_stock_exist(stock_code): # logger.debug(util.cur_date_time() + " : 현재가 / 손절가: %s %s " % (cur_price, mado_price)) # 일단 주석처리 2019.05.02 # if cur_price < mado_price: # 익절가보다 작으면 매도처리 # if orgJoomoonNo != "": # self.kiwoom.add_stock_sell_info_loss(stock_code, mado_price, boyou_cnt, orgJoomoonNo) # else: # self.add_init_stock_sell_info(stock_code, mado_price, boyou_cnt, 'S') def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) def get_boyou_cnt(self): self.check_balance() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) if item_count == 0: print("보유종목이 없습니다.") return item_count def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] # 첫번째 계좌번호 호출 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") def check_michegyoel_joomoon(self, code): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00007_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] # 첫번째 계좌번호 호출 joomoondate = util.cur_date('%y%m%d') self.kiwoom.set_input_value("주문일자", joomoondate) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("비밀번호", "3051") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("비밀번호매체구분", "00") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("조회구분", "3") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("주식채권구분", "1") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("매도매수구분", "1") self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("시작주문번호", "") self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00007_req", "opw00007", 0, "2000") def check_balance_Widget(self): self.check_balance() # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) # 총매입, 총평가, 총손익, 총수익률(%), 추정자산을 QTableWidget의 칼럼에 추가하는 코드. # 데이터는 self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single']을 통해 얻어올 수 있음. for i in range(1, 6): print('Debug', self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) # resizeRowsToContents 메서드를 호출해서 아이템의 크기에 맞춰 행의 높이를 조절 self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) # 한 종목에 대한 종목명, 보유량, 매입가, 현재가, 평가손익, 수익률(%)은 출력 for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) # resizeRowsToContents 메서드를 호출해서 아이템의 크기에 맞춰 행의 높이를 조절 self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() def load_buy_sell_list(self): f = open(self.kiwoom.buy_loc, 'rt', encoding='UTF-8') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open(self.kiwoom.sell_loc, 'rt', encoding='UTF-8') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) self.tableWidget_3.setRowCount(row_count) # buy list for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rsplit()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(j, i, item) # sell list for j in range(len(sell_list)): row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rstrip()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_3.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_3.resizeRowsToContents() # 프로그램 시작시, 보유종목에 대한 매도처리 def init_maedo_proc(self): self.check_balance() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) if item_count == 0: print("보유종목이 없습니다. [", item_count, "]") pass # 한 종목에 대한 종목명, 보유량, 매입가, 현재가, 평가손익, 수익률(%)은 출력 stratagy = SysStratagy() for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] boyou_cnt = int(row[1].replace(',', '')) maeip_price = int(row[2].replace(',', '')) stock_code = row[6] mado_price = stratagy.get_maedo_price(maeip_price, self.stop_profit_rate) self.add_init_stock_sell_info(stock_code, mado_price, boyou_cnt, 'I') # 매도 Stor에 매도 종목 추가 def add_init_stock_sell_info(self, code, sell_price, sell_qty, status): dm = ';' b_gubun = "매도" b_status = "매도전" b_price = sell_price if status == 'I': b_method = "지정가" else: b_method = "시장가" b_qty = sell_qty included = False code_info = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) mste_info = self.kiwoom.get_master_construction(code) stock_state = self.kiwoom.get_master_stock_state(code) print(code_info, mste_info, stock_state) f = open(self.kiwoom.sell_loc, 'rt', encoding='UTF-8') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() if self.stratagy.isTimeAvalable(self.kiwoom.maesu_start_time, self.kiwoom.maesu_end_time): if len(sell_list) > 0: write_mode = 'a' # 추가 else: write_mode = 'wt' for stock in sell_list: if code in stock: included = True else: included = False if not included: f = open(self.kiwoom.sell_loc, write_mode, encoding='UTF-8') stock_info = b_gubun + dm + code + dm + b_method + dm + str( b_qty) + dm + str(b_price) + dm + b_status + dm f.write(stock_info + '\n') f.close() else: f = open(self.kiwoom.sell_loc, 'wt', encoding='UTF-8') stock_info = b_gubun + dm + code + dm + b_method + dm + str( b_qty) + dm + str(b_price) + dm + b_status + dm f.write(stock_info + '\n') f.close() # buy_list는 애초에 모니터링시 기본정보 목록에서 추출 # 매매전략에 해당하는 종목을 buy_list_txt에 저장 def trade_buy_stratagic(self, code): stockInfo = {} stockInfo = self.get_current_info(code) if stockInfo is not None and len(stockInfo) > 0: print('종목정보 : ', stockInfo) name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) cur_price = stockInfo.get('현재가') open_price = stockInfo.get('시가') print('현재가 :', cur_price, ' 시가:', open_price) if open_price == '' or cur_price == '': return False else: if cur_price[0] == '-' or cur_price[0] == '+': cur_price = cur_price[1:] if open_price[0] == '-' or open_price[0] == '+': open_price = open_price[1:] result = self.stratagy.isBuyStockAvailable( code, name, cur_price, open_price, s_year_date) else: self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "2000") name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) # cur_price = self.kiwoom.jangoInfo[code]['현재가'] # if cur_price[0] == '-' or cur_price[0] == '+': # cur_price = cur_price[1:] # open_price = self.kiwoom.jangoInfo[code]['시가'] # if cur_price[0] == '-' or cur_price[0] == '+': # open_price = open_price[1:] # print(name, ",현재가 : ", self.kiwoom.cur_price) result = self.stratagy.isBuyStockAvailable(code, name, self.kiwoom.cur_price, self.kiwoom.open_price, s_year_date) # 주식 정상상태 로직 추가 2019.04.20 start mste_info = self.kiwoom.get_master_construction(code) if mste_info == '정상' and result is True: result = True else: result = False # End return result # return True def _file_update(self, fileName, code, pre_status, chg_status): stock_list = [] f = open(fileName, 'rt', encoding='UTF-8') stock_list = f.readlines() f.close() for i, row_data in enumerate(stock_list): if code in stock_list[i]: stock_list[i] = stock_list[i].replace(pre_status, chg_status) # file update f = open(fileName, 'wt', encoding='UTF-8') for row_data in stock_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() def _file_line_delete(self, fileName, code): stock_list = [] f = open(fileName, 'rt', encoding='UTF-8') stock_list = f.readlines() f.close() for i, row_data in enumerate(stock_list): if code in stock_list[i]: stock_list[i + 1].remove() # file update f = open(fileName, 'wt', encoding='UTF-8') for row_data in stock_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() def _item_stock_exist(self, fileName, code): stock_list = [] f = open(fileName, 'rt', encoding='UTF-8') stock_list = f.readlines() f.close() b_exist = False for i, row_data in enumerate(stock_list): if code in stock_list[i]: b_exist = True return b_exist def get_current_info(self, code): return self.kiwoom.jongmokInfo.get(code) def get_current_info_tr(self, code): self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "2000") def trade_stocks(self): if self.stratagy.isTimeAvalable(self.kiwoom.maesu_start_time, self.kiwoom.maesu_end_time): logger.debug("trade_stocks_1") hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} f = open(self.kiwoom.buy_loc, 'rt', encoding='UTF-8') buy_list = f.readlines() logger.debug("trade_stocks_2") f.close() code = '' for stock in buy_list: code = code + stock.split(";")[1] + ";" if code != '': fidList = str(jk_util.name_fid["현재가"]) + ";" + str( jk_util.name_fid["종목명"]) + ";" + str( jk_util.name_fid["종목코드"]) self.kiwoom.setRealReg("0101", code[:-1], fidList, "0") logger.debug("trade_stocks_3") f = open(self.kiwoom.sell_loc, 'rt', encoding='UTF-8') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() account = self.comboBox.currentText() logger.debug("trade_stocks_4") if len(buy_list) == 0: print("매수 대상 종목이 존재하지 않습니다.") logger.debug("trade_stocks_5") # buy list for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전': logger.debug("trade_stocks_6") if self.trade_buy_stratagic(code): # * 매수전략 적용 * logger.debug("trade_stocks_7") # 다시 해당 주식의 TR정보를 가져옮.. 상한가 오류로 인하여.. self.get_current_info_tr(code) if self.get_boyou_cnt() >= total_boyou_cnt: print("보유 종목이 3개 이상 입니다.") else: buy_num_info = self.stratagy.get_buy_num_price( total_buy_money, self.kiwoom.high_price, self.kiwoom.cur_price) num = buy_num_info[0] price = buy_num_info[1] print("매수수량 : ", num, " 매수상한가 : ", price) logger.debug("trade_stocks_8") self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # 1: 매수, 2: 매도 logger.debug("trade_stocks_9") if self.kiwoom.order_result == 0: self._file_update(self.kiwoom.buy_loc, code, '매수전', '주문완료') else: print(self.kiwoom.order_result, ': 매수 처리 못했습니다.') # time.sleep(5) logger.debug("trade_stocks_10") if len(sell_list) == 0: print("매도 대상 종목이 존재하지 않습니다.") logger.debug("trade_stocks_11") # sell list for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] logger.debug("trade_stocks_12") if split_row_data[-2].rstrip() == '매도전': logger.debug("trade_stocks_13") self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # 1: 매수, 2: 매도 print('결과 : ', self.kiwoom.order_result) if self.kiwoom.order_result == 0: self._file_update(self.kiwoom.sell_loc, code, '매도전', '주문완료') else: print(self.kiwoom.order_result, ': 매도 처리 못했습니다.')
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.trade_stocks_done = False self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() self.kiwoom.comm_connect() self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) # Timer2 self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 10) self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) self.load_buy_sell_list() row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) self.tableWidget_4.setRowCount(row_count) # buy list for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rsplit()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(j, i, item) # sell list for j in range(len(sell_list)): row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rsplit()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_4.resizeRowsToContens() self.load_buy_sell_list() def timeout(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusBar().showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) accounts_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accounts_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() def load_buy_sell_list(self): f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() def trade_stocks(self): hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} f = open("buy_list.txt") buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt") sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() account = self.comboBox.currentText() # buy list for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # sell list for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매도전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") def load_buy_sell_list(self): f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) self.tableWidget_4.setRowCount(row_count) # buy list for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rsplit()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(j, i, item) # sell list for j in range(len(sell_list)): row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rstrip()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_4.resizeRowsToContens() def trade_stocks(self): hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() # account account = self.comboBox.currentText() # buy list for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, i, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # sell list for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매도전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") # buy list for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace("매도전", "주문완료") # file update f = open("sell_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in sell_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() def timeout(self): market_start_time = QTime(9, 0, 0) current_time = QTime.currentTime() if current_time > market_start_time and self.trade_stocks_done is False: self.trade_stocks() self.trade_stocks_done = True text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간" + text_time state = self.kiwoom.get_connect_state() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결 중" else: state_msg = "서버 미 연결 중" self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg)
class MyWindow(QMainWindow, form_class): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) = 0 #텔레그램봇 my_token = '692301814:AAEfmddhyZPcO0Uzh8r5ZehfooTPOvKOOqc' self.mybot = telegram.Bot(token=my_token) self.chat_id = 544924927 self.kiwoom = Kiwoom() #키움인스턴스 생성 self.kiwoom.comm_connect() #API로그인 self.ts_1_p = 'False' #거래전략1 초기값 # Timer1 self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.start(1000) #1초 상태바 self.timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) # Timer2 self.timer2 = QTimer(self) self.timer2.start(1000 * 25) #25초 잔고조회 self.timer2.timeout.connect(self.timeout2) # Timer3 self.timer3 = QTimer(self) self.timer3.start(1000 * 30) #30초 거래전략1 self.timer3.timeout.connect(self.timeout3) # Timer4 self.timer4 = QTimer(self) self.timer4.start(1000 * 33) # 33초 매도전략 self.timer4.timeout.connect(self.timeout4) # Timer5 self.timer5 = QTimer(self) self.timer5.start(1000 * 20) # 20초 buy&sell.txt 로드 self.timer5.timeout.connect(self.timeout5) # Timer6 #self.timer6 = QTimer(self) #self.timer6.start(1000 * 38) # 38초 주문 넣기 #self.timer6.timeout.connect(self.timeout6) # Timer7 self.timer7 = QTimer(self) self.timer7.start(1000 * 1800) # 30분 중간보고 self.timer7.timeout.connect(self.timeout7) # Timer10 #self.timer4 = QTimer(self) #self.timer4.start(1000 * 3600) #1시간 후 프로그램종료! #self.timer4.timeout.connect(self.quit_app) #self.timer4.timeout.connect(QCoreApplication.instance().quit) self.list700 = [] self.list600 = [] self.buy_list = [] self.lineEdit.textChanged.connect(self.code_changed) #종목코드 입력시 self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.send_order) #현금주문 버튼 클릭시 self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.check_balance) #계좌정보 조회 self.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.trading_strategy_1) #거래전략1호 self.pushButton_4.clicked.connect(self.quit_app) #앱종료 self.pushButton_4.clicked.connect( QCoreApplication.instance().quit) # 앱종료 #계좌정보 accouns_num = int(self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCOUNT_CNT")) accounts = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") accounts_list = accounts.split(';')[0:accouns_num] self.comboBox.addItems(accounts_list) self.load_buy_sell_list() #로그기록 self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 시작되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 시작되었습니다.") #종료 def quit_app(self): self.timer = '' self.timer2 = '' self.timer3 = '' self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(1) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 myaccount = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'] mystocks = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'] self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 종료되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 프로그램이 종료되었습니다.\n총 TR 요청 횟수 : %d회\n 계좌현황 :%s\n 보유종목 : %s" % (, myaccount, mystocks)) time.sleep(3) #상태표시줄(현재시간, 서버연결상태) def timeout(self): current_time = QTime.currentTime() text_time = current_time.toString("hh:mm:ss") time_msg = "현재시간: " + text_time state = self.kiwoom.GetConnectState() if state == 1: state_msg = "서버 연결되었습니다." else: state_msg = "서버가 연결되지 않았습니다." self.statusbar.showMessage(state_msg + " | " + time_msg) def timeout2(self): if self.checkBox.isChecked(): self.check_balance() #계좌정보 실시간 조회 def timeout3(self): if self.ts_1_p == 'True': #거래전략1 진행시 30초마다 조회 self.volume_check() def timeout4(self): self.sell_stocks() def timeout5(self): self.load_buy_sell_list() #def timeout6(self): # self.trade_stocks() def timeout7(self): #중간보고 self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(1) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 myaccount = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'] mystocks = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'] self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 총 TR 요청 횟수 : %d회\n 계좌현황 :%s\n 보유종목 : %s" % (, myaccount, mystocks)) #종목명 나타내기 def code_changed(self): code = self.lineEdit.text() name = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code) self.lineEdit_2.setText(name) #현금주문 def send_order(self): order_type_lookup = {'신규매수': 1, '신규매도': 2, '매수취소': 3, '매도취소': 4} hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} account = self.comboBox.currentText() order_type = self.comboBox_2.currentText() code = self.lineEdit.text() hoga = self.comboBox_3.currentText() num = self.spinBox.value() price = self.spinBox_2.value() self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, order_type_lookup[order_type], code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") += 1 #계좌정보 def check_balance(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() #account_number = self.kiwoom.get_login_info("ACCNO") #account_number = account_number.split(';')[0] account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 # opw00001 self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") += 1 # balance item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, item) for i in range(1, 6): item = QTableWidgetItem(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['single'][i - 1]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget.setItem(0, i, item) self.tableWidget.resizeRowsToContents() # Item list item_count = len(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) self.tableWidget_2.setRowCount(item_count) for j in range(item_count): row = self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi'][j] for i in range(len(row)): item = QTableWidgetItem(row[i]) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight) self.tableWidget_2.setItem(j, i, item) self.tableWidget_2.resizeRowsToContents() print('잔고조회완료') def load_buy_sell_list(self): f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() ff = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = ff.readlines() ff.close() row_count = len(buy_list) + len(sell_list) self.tableWidget_4.setRowCount(row_count) # buy list for j in range(len(buy_list)): row_data = buy_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rsplit()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(j, i, item) # sell list for j in range(len(sell_list)): row_data = sell_list[j] split_row_data = row_data.split(';') split_row_data[1] = self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name( split_row_data[1].rstrip()) for i in range(len(split_row_data)): item = QTableWidgetItem(split_row_data[i].rstrip()) item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter) self.tableWidget_4.setItem(len(buy_list) + j, i, item) self.tableWidget_4.resizeRowsToContents() print('buy & sell.txt 불러오기') def trade_stocks(self): hoga_lookup = {'지정가': "00", '시장가': "03"} f = open("buy_list.txt", 'rt') buy_list = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("sell_list.txt", 'rt') sell_list = f.readlines() f.close() # account account = self.comboBox.currentText() # buy list for row_data in buy_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매수전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 1, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ ' + code + ' ' + num + '주 ' + price + "원 매수주문") += 1 # sell list for row_data in sell_list: split_row_data = row_data.split(';') hoga = split_row_data[2] code = split_row_data[1] num = split_row_data[3] price = split_row_data[4] if split_row_data[-1].rstrip() == '매도전': self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, 2, code, num, price, hoga_lookup[hoga], "") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + 'ㅣ ' + code + ' ' + num + '주 ' + price + "원 매도주문") += 1 # buy list for i, row_data in enumerate(buy_list): buy_list[i] = buy_list[i].replace("매수전", "매수주문완료") # file update f = open("buy_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in buy_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() # sell list for i, row_data in enumerate(sell_list): sell_list[i] = sell_list[i].replace("매도전", "매도주문완료") # file update f = open("sell_list.txt", 'wt') for row_data in sell_list: f.write(row_data) f.close() print('거래알고리즘실행완료') #거래량급증 거래전략1 def trading_strategy_1(self): if self.ts_1_p == 'False': print('ts_1_p = true') self.ts_1_p = 'True' self.label_7.setText("진행중...") self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 시작되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 시작되었습니다.") elif self.ts_1_p == 'True': print('ts_1_p = False') self.label_7.setText("") self.textEdit.append(QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 중지되었습니다.") self.mybot.sendMessage( self.chat_id, text=QTime.currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + "ㅣ 전략1호 중지되었습니다.") self.ts_1_p = 'False' #거래량급증 조회 def volume_check(self): market_list = ['kospi', 'kosdaq'] print('조회수급등조회시작') for market in market_list: if market == 'kospi': url = '' elif market == 'kosdaq': url = '' html = requests.get(url).text df = pd.DataFrame() df = df.append(pd.read_html(html, header=0)[1]) df = df.dropna() df = df.rename( columns={ 'N': 'num', '증가율': 'rate', '종목명': 'name', '현재가': 'price', '전일비': 'diff', '등락률': 'updown', '매수호가': 'buy_hoga', '매도호가': 'sell_hoga', '거래량': 'volume', '전일거래량': 'yes_volume', 'PER': 'PER' }) df = df.set_index(['num']) #크롤링완료 #700이상 df700 = df[[a > 700 for a in df.rate]] a700 = list(df700['name']) if len(df700) != 0: for i in range(len(df700)): a = html.find(a700[i]) code = html[a - 22:a - 16] self.list700.append(code) #교집합 구하기 aa = set(self.list700) bb = set(self.list600) buy_set = aa & bb buy_set = list(buy_set) if len(buy_set) != 0: for i in range(len(buy_set)): self.buy_list.append(buy_set[i]) #600~700 self.list600 = [] df600 = df[[a > 400 and a < 700 for a in df.rate]] a600 = list(df600['name']) if len(df600) != 0: for i in range(len(df600)): a = html.find(a600[i]) code = html[a - 22:a - 16] self.list600.append(code) print(self.buy_list) #buy_list 업데이트 if len(self.buy_list) == 0: pass else: #print('buy_list: ' + buy_set) account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00001_req", "opw00001", 0, "2000") buy_q = int(self.kiwoom.d2_deposit[:-3].replace(',', '')) buy_q = (buy_q // len(self.buy_list)) // 5 += 1 f = open("buy_list.txt", "wt") for code in self.buy_list: time.sleep(0.2) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("종목코드", code) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opt10001_req", "opt10001", 0, "0101") self.mybot.sendMessage(self.chat_id, text="매수선정종목: " + self.kiwoom.stock_name) f.write("매수;%s;시장가;%d;0;매수전\n" % (code, buy_q // self.kiwoom.stock_pv)) f.close() print('buy_list.txt updated') self.trade_stocks() self.buy_list = [] self.list700 = [] print("거래량급증조회완료") #목표수익률 도달시 팔기 def sell_stocks(self): self.kiwoom.reset_opw00018_output() account_number = self.comboBox.currentText() self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 0, "2000") while self.kiwoom.remained_data: time.sleep(1) self.kiwoom.set_input_value("계좌번호", account_number) self.kiwoom.comm_rq_data("opw00018_req", "opw00018", 2, "2000") += 1 list_1 = list(self.kiwoom.opw00018_output['multi']) print(list_1) a = len(list_1) if a != 0: f = open('sell_list.txt', 'wt') for i in range(a): if float(list_1[i][5]) > 5: f.write("매도;%s;시장가;%s;0;매도전\n" % (list_1[i][6], int(list_1[i][1].replace('.00', '').replace( ',', '')))) elif float(list_1[i][5]) < -3: f.write("매도;%s;시장가;%s;0;매도전\n" % (list_1[i][6], int(list_1[i][1].replace('.00', '').replace( ',', '')))) f.close() self.trade_stocks() print('sell_list.txt updated')