def create_test_shot(shot_number, tree_name=TEST_TREE_NAME): """Create a shot using all of the MDSplus data types. Note: this is incomplete, so not all datatypes are present yet. """ t = MDSplus.Tree(tree_name, shot_number, mode="NEW") t.addNode('node_A') t.addNode('node_B') node_a = t.getNode('node_A') node_a.setUsage("SIGNAL") node_a.addTag("tag_A") node_a.addNode('node_AA') node_a.addNode('node_AB') sig = MDSplus.Signal(MDSplus.makeArray(numpy.random.poisson(lam=10, size=SIGNAL_LENGTH)), None, MDSplus.makeArray(0.1*numpy.arange(SIGNAL_LENGTH))) node_a.putData(sig) node_aa = t.getNode('\\test::top.node_A.node_AA') node_aa.addTag("tag_AA") node_aa.addNode("node_AAA") node_ab = t.getNode('\\test::top.node_A.node_AB') str_data = MDSplus.StringArray(["elmt1", "elmt2"]) node_ab.putData(str_data) t.setCurrent('test', shot_number) t.write()
def start(self): def validate(node, value): node.write_once = node.no_write_shot = False try: node.record = node.record.setValidation(value) finally: node.write_once = node.no_write_shot = True def store_temp(node, new): if isinstance(new, (float, )): node.record = MDSplus.Float64([new]) elif isinstance(new, (int, )): node.record = MDSplus.Uint32([new]) try: validate(self.frame_rate, MDSplus.Float32(self.cygnet4k.frame_rate)) validate(self.exposure, MDSplus.Float32(self.cygnet4k.exposure)) validate(self.trig_mode, MDSplus.Uint8(self.cygnet4k.trig_mode)) validate(self.binning, MDSplus.Int8(self.cygnet4k.binning)) validate(self.roi_rect, MDSplus.Int16(self.cygnet4k.roi_rect)) aoi = self._roi_rect cmos, pcb = self.cygnet4k.start_capture_stream( self._num_frames, aoi, self._stream, self.frames, self.frames_max) store_temp(self.temp_cmos, cmos) store_temp(self.temp_pcb, pcb) except CygnetExcConnect: raise MDSplus.DevOFFLINE except CygnetExcValue: raise MDSplus.DevINV_SETUP except CygnetExcComm: raise MDSplus.DevIO_STUCK
def testmds(expt='test', shot=1): import gc gc.collect() MDSplus.setenv('test_path', '/tmp') from LocalDevices.cygnet4k import CYGNET4K with MDSplus.Tree(expt, shot, 'NEW') as t: dev = CYGNET4K.Add(t, "CYGNET4K") t.write() dev.conf_file.no_write_shot = False dev.conf_file = "/etc/xcap_cygnet4k.fmt" dev.roi_rect.no_write_shot = False dev.roi_rect = MDSplus.Int32([500, 500, 1000, 1000]) old = MDSplus.Device.debug MDSplus.Device.debug = 0 #max(1,old) try: dev.init() sleep(1) dev.start() sleep(1) dev.stop() finally: dev.deinit() print(dev.frames_max.getRecord(None)) t.close() MDSplus.Device.debug = old
def evaluate_data(node): try: segszs=(1000, 100) for n in node.getMembers(): name = n.getNodeName() sig = getSignal(name,True) if name.startswith("SEG"): m.tcl('SET NODE %s /COMPRESS_SEGMENTS' % n.getPath()) data= dims= sig.dim_of().data() duns= sig.dim_of().units segsz = segszs[data.ndim] if data.ndim<2 else 1 for i in range(int(data.shape[0]/segsz)): ft = (i*segsz,(i+1)*segsz) img = data[ft[0]:ft[1]] dim = m.Dimension(None,dims[ft[0]:ft[1]]) dim.setUnits(duns) n.makeSegment(dims[ft[0]],dims[ft[1]-1],dim,img) # n.setUnits(sig.units) # n.setHelp(sig.getHelp()) else: n.putData(sig) name = None finally: if name is not None: print(name)
def addfun(name,code,_file_=__file__): """ can be used to add customized python functions to the tdi environment e.g.: >>> ADDFUN("myfun","def myfun(a): print(a)") "MYFUN" >>> MYFUN(3) 3 * in order to prevent the function to load more than once use: >>> IF_ERROR(PUBLIC("MYFUN2"),ADDFUN("myfun2","def myfun2(a): print(a)")) "MYFUN2" """ name = str( name .data() if isinstance( name ,MDSplus.Data) else name ) _file_ = str( if isinstance(_file_,MDSplus.Data) else _file_) mdsname = name.upper() if not modulename in sys.modules: sys.modules[modulename] = types.ModuleType(modulename) code = env = {} exec(compile(code,"TDI/%s"%(name,),'exec'),env,env) module_dict = sys.modules[modulename].__dict__ module_dict[mdsname] = env[name] module_dict["__file__%s"%mdsname] = _file_ mdsname = MDSplus.String(mdsname) return MDSplus.EQUALS(MDSplus.PUBLIC(mdsname),mdsname).evaluate()
def main(argv): timesleep = 60 #secs tree = MDSplus.Tree('daqtest', -1) node = print("Open daqtest tree {} {}".format(tree, node)) tree = MDSplus.Tree('daqtest', -1) time.sleep(1) shot = int(sys.argv[1]) print("Shot # {}".format(shot)) tree.setCurrent(shot) tree.createPulse(0) tree = MDSplus.Tree('daqtest', 0) tree.ACQ_161.init() for remaining in range(timesleep, 0, -1): sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.write("{:2d} seconds remaining.".format(remaining)) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) sys.stdout.write("\n\rShot Complete!\n") tree.ACQ_161.stop() tree.close() time.sleep(5)
def evaluate_data(node): try: segszs = (1000, 100) for n in node.getMembers(): name = n.getNodeName() sig = getSignal(name, True) if name.startswith("SEG"): m.tcl('SET NODE %s /COMPRESS_SEGMENTS' % n.getPath()) data = dims = sig.dim_of().data() duns = sig.dim_of().units segsz = segszs[data.ndim] if data.ndim < 2 else 1 for i in range(int(data.shape[0] / segsz)): ft = (i * segsz, (i + 1) * segsz) img = data[ft[0]:ft[1]] dim = m.Dimension(None, dims[ft[0]:ft[1]]) dim.setUnits(duns) n.makeSegment(dims[ft[0]], dims[ft[1] - 1], dim, img) # n.setUnits(sig.units) # n.setHelp(sig.getHelp()) else: n.putData(sig) name = None finally: if name is not None: print(name)
def create_tree(tree_path): if not os.path.exists(tree_path): os.mkdir(tree_path) os.environ["test_path"] = tree_path for shot_number in xrange(1, 4): t = MDSplus.Tree("test", shot_number, mode="NEW") t.addNode("node_A") t.addNode("node_B") node_a = t.getNode("node_A") node_a.setUsage("SIGNAL") node_a.addTag("tag_A") node_a.addNode("node_AA") node_a.addNode("node_AB") mds_arr = MDSplus.makeArray(numpy.random.poisson(lam=10, size=SIGNAL_LENGTH)) mds_dim = MDSplus.makeArray(0.1 * numpy.arange(SIGNAL_LENGTH)) sig = MDSplus.Signal(mds_arr, None, mds_dim) node_a.putData(sig) node_aa = t.getNode("\\test::top.node_A.node_AA") node_aa.addTag("tag_AA") node_aa.addNode("node_AAA") t.setCurrent("test", shot_number) t.write()
def setNode(treename='test', shot=3): import MDSplus with MDSplus.Tree(treename, shot) as tree: node = tree.getNode('opt') MDSplus.TdiExecute('_time=*') node.putData( MDSplus.TdiCompile(b'opttest($,IF_ERROR(_time,*))', (node, )))
def addField(node,name,v): k = _sup.fixname12(name) if isinstance(v, (_ver.basestring, )): pn = node.addNode(k, 'TEXT').putData(_ver.tobytes(v)) elif isinstance(v, (int, float)): pn = node.addNode(k, 'NUMERIC').putData(v) elif isinstance(v, (list,)): if isinstance(v[0], _ver.numbers): pn = node.addNode(k, 'NUMERIC').putData(_mds.makeArray(v)) else: pn = node.addNode(k, 'ANY').putData(v) elif isinstance(v, (dict,)): if '['+str(len(v)-1)+']' in v.keys(): v = [v['['+str(i)+']'] for i in _ver.xrange(len(v))] if all(isinstance(vi, _ver.numbers) for vi in v): pn = node.addNode(k, 'NUMERIC').putData(_mds.makeArray(v)) else: try: pn = node.addNode(k, 'ANY').putData(v) except: pn.putData([str(i) for i in v]) else: try: pn = node.addNode(k,'TEXT') for vk,vv in v.items(): addField(pn,vk,vv) try: pn.setUsage('STRUCTURE') except: _sup.debug(pn.minpath,2) except: pn.putData(str(v)) pn.addNode('$NAME','TEXT').record = name
def storeChannel(self, chan, chanMask, preTrig, postTrig, clock, vins): if self.debugging(): print "working on channel %d" % chan chan_node = self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d' % (chan + 1, )) if chan_node.on: if self.debugging(): print "it is on so ..." if chanMask[chan:chan + 1] == '1': try: start = max( int( self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_startidx' % (chan + 1, ))), -preTrig) except: start = -preTrig try: end = min( int( self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_endidx' % (chan + 1, ))), postTrig - 1) except: end = postTrig - 1 try: inc = max( int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_inc' % (chan + 1, ))), 1) except: inc = 1 # # could do the coeffs # if self.debugging(): print "about to readRawData(%d, preTrig=%d, start=%d, end=%d, inc=%d)" % ( chan + 1, preTrig, start, end, inc) try: buf = self.readRawData(chan + 1, preTrig, start, end, inc, False) if self.debugging(): print "readRawData returned %s\n" % (type(buf), ) if inc == 1: dim = MDSplus.Dimension( MDSplus.Window(start, end, self.trig_src), clock) else: dim = MDSplus.Dimension( MDSplus.Window(start / inc, end / inc, self.trig_src), MDSplus.Range(None, None, clock.evaluate().getDelta() * inc)) dat = MDSplus.Data.compile( 'build_signal(build_with_units((($1+ ($2-$1)*($value - -32768)/(32767 - -32768 ))), "V") ,build_with_units($3,"Counts"),$4)', vins[chan * 2], vins[chan * 2 + 1], buf, dim) exec('c=self.input_' + '%02d' % (chan + 1, ) + '.record=dat') except Exception, e: print "error processing channel %d\n%s\n" % ( chan + 1, e, )
def run(self): def lcm(a,b): from fractions import gcd return (a * b / gcd(int(a), int(b))) def lcma(arr): ans = 1. for e in arr: ans = lcm(ans, e) return int(ans) if print("MDSWorker running") event_name = trig = if > 0: dt = 1./ * 2 ** else: dt = 1./ decimator = lcma(self.decim) if self.seg_length % decimator: self.seg_length = (self.seg_length // decimator + 1) * decimator self.dims = [] for i in range(self.nchans): self.dims.append(MDSplus.Range(0., (self.seg_length-1)*dt, dt*self.decim[i])) self.device_thread.start() segment = 0 first = True running = max_segments = while running.on and segment < max_segments: try: buf = self.full_buffers.get(block=True, timeout=1) except Queue.Empty: continue buffer = np.right_shift(np.frombuffer(buf, dtype='int32') , 8) i = 0 for c in self.chans: if c.on: b = buffer[i::self.nchans*self.decim[i]] c.makeSegment(self.dims[i].begin, self.dims[i].ending, self.dims[i], b) self.dims[i] = MDSplus.Range(self.dims[i].begin + self.seg_length*dt, self.dims[i].ending + self.seg_length*dt, dt*self.decim[i]) i += 1 segment += 1 MDSplus.Event.setevent(event_name) self.empty_buffers.put(buf) = self.device_thread.trig_time - ((self.device_thread.io_buffer_size / np.int32(0).nbytes) * dt) self.device_thread.stop()
def _pre_store(self): board_addr = self._get_board_addr() board_site = self._get_board_site() uut_sys = UUT(board_addr, self._sys_port, debug=self._debugging()) uut_mod = UUT(board_addr, self._sys_port + board_site, debug=self._debugging()) # check if arming was performed in a different shot if self.tree.shot != int(uut_mod.send('shot')): raise MDSplus.mdsExceptions.DevWRONG_SHOT # check if device is still armed nums = uut_sys.send('state').split(' ') state = int(nums[0]) if state == 1 or state == 2: raise MDSplus.mdsExceptions.DevNOT_TRIGGERED( 'device was armed but not triggered') # wait for STOP for i in range(self._store_retries): if state == 0: break time.sleep(1) nums = uut_sys.send('state').split(' ') state = int(nums[0]) if state != 0: print('warning: device not ready') # read samples pre_trig = int(nums[1]) post_trig = int(nums[2]) if pre_trig + post_trig == 0: print('error: device was not armed') raise MDSplus.mdsExceptions.DevNOT_TRIGGERED( 'device was not armed') # read and store clocks intclk = float(uut_mod.send('sysclkhz')) mbclk = float(uut_sys.send('SIG:CLK_MB:FREQ').split(' ')[1]) clk = float( uut_sys.send('SIG:CLK_S%d:FREQ' % board_site).split(' ')[1]) try: self.int_clock.record = MDSplus.Range(None, None, 1. / intclk) self.sys_clock.record = MDSplus.Range(None, None, 1. / mbclk) # TODO: handle module internal clock self.clock.record = MDSplus.Range(None, None, 1. / clk) except MDSplus.mdsExceptions.TreeNOOVERWRITE: print('warning: retrying store method') # compute channel offset due to lower-numbered sites offset = 0 for i in range(1, board_site): offset += int(uut_sys.send(' %d NCHAN' % i)) if self._debugging(): print(('pre_store(): channel offset = %d' % offset)) return (pre_trig, post_trig, offset)
def get_mds_active_probes(shot, tunnel=True): """ Get the probes that were active during the shot. Used in main function. shot: the shot you want """ # MDSplus connection to atlas where the data is store on the "LANGMUIR" tree. if tunnel: conn = mds.Connection("localhost") else: conn = mds.Connection('') conn.openTree("LANGMUIR", shot) tmin = conn.get("\LANGMUIR::TOP.TMIN").data() tmax = conn.get("\LANGMUIR::TOP.TMAX").data() runid = conn.get("\LANGMUIR::TOP.RUNID").data() mds_index = [] found_probes = [] for mds_pnum in range(1, 85): # Make sure probe name is in correct formart: 001, 002, ... , 084, 085. if mds_pnum < 10: probe = "00" + str(mds_pnum) else: probe = "0" + str(mds_pnum) # The complete path name to the lp. PNUM is the probe number, which does # not match its number in mdsplus (001 - 085). pname = "\LANGMUIR::TOP.PROBE_" + probe + ".PNUM" # Get the actual probe number if it is there. Not all MDS probes are used. try: check_pnum = conn.get(pname).data() except: pass #print "No data in probe " + str(probe) + "." # It will be '0' or blank if the MDS entry isn;t used. Otherwise it will # have the actual probe number in it. if check_pnum > 0: print("Probe " + str(check_pnum) + " is MDS probe " + str(mds_pnum)) mds_index.append(mds_pnum) found_probes.append(check_pnum) number_of_probes = len(found_probes) print("Found data for " + str(number_of_probes) + " probes.") # Store in dictionary and return it. active = {} active["tmin"] = tmin active["tmax"] = tmax active["runid"] = runid active["probes"] = found_probes active["mds_index"] = mds_index return active
def _stream(dim, data, node, nodemax): nodemax.makeSegment(dim, dim, MDSplus.Float32([dim]), MDSplus.Uint16([numpy.max(data)])) if MDSplus.Device.debug: print('storeFrame: %s, %s, %s' % (node.minpath, dim, data.shape)) dims = MDSplus.Float32([dim]).setUnits('s') data = MDSplus.Uint16([data]) node.makeSegment(dim, dim, dims, data)
def run(self): def lcm(a,b): from fractions import gcd return (a * b / gcd(int(a), int(b))) def lcma(arr): ans = 1. for e in arr: ans = lcm(ans, e) return int(ans) if print("MDSWorker running") event_name = trig = if > 0: dt = 1./ * 2 ** else: dt = 1./ decimator = lcma(self.decim) self.device_thread.start() segment = 0 begin = 0.0 first = True running = max_segments = while running.on and segment < max_segments: try: buf = self.full_buffers.get(block=True, timeout=1) except Empty: continue buffer = np.right_shift(np.frombuffer(buf, dtype='int32') , 8) i = 0 for c in self.chans: if c.on: b = buffer[i::self.nchans*self.decim[i]] dim_limits=[begin, begin + self.seg_length*dt - 1] cull_dim =MDSplus.CULL(dim_limits, None, MDSplus.Range(begin, begin + self.seg_length*dt -1, dt*self.decim[i])) c.makeSegment(begin, begin + self.seg_length*dt, cull_dim, b) i += 1 segment += 1 begin += self.seg_length*dt MDSplus.Event.setevent(event_name) self.empty_buffers.put(buf) = self.device_thread.trig_time - ((self.device_thread.io_buffer_size / np.int32(0).nbytes) * dt) self.device_thread.stop()
def tdiPythonInterface(self): self._doTdiTest("Py('a=None')", 1) self._doTdiTest("Py('a=None','a')", None) self._doTdiTest("Py('a=123','a')", 123) self._doTdiTest("Py('import MDSplus;a=MDSplus.Uint8(-1)','a')", m.Uint8(255)) self._doTdiTest("pyfun('Uint8','MDSplus',-1)", m.Uint8(255)) self._doTdiTest("pyfun('Uint8',*,-1)", m.Uint8(255)) self._doTdiTest("pyfun('str',*,123)", m.String("123"))
def getVSP(shot): VSP = [] VSP += [ MDSplus.Tree('dtacq0', shot).getNode('.CH93').getData().data().mean() ] VSP += [ MDSplus.Tree('dtacq0', shot).getNode('.Ch94').getData().data().mean() ] return VSP
def difftree(treename1, shot1, treename2, shot2, exclude): import MDSplus as _mds """ dd = difftree('W7X', -1, 'W7X', 100, '\ARCHIVE::TOP') pprint(dd[0]) """ treedict1 = treeToDict(_mds.Tree(treename1, shot1), exclude) treedict2 = treeToDict(_mds.Tree(treename2, shot2), exclude) treediff = DeepDiff(treedict1, treedict2) return treediff, _sup.obj(treedict1), _sup.obj(treedict2)
def sendU(self): if self.sim_index >= len(self.u): self.sim_index = 0 self.sim_time = 0.0, 'U', MDSplus.Float32(self.sim_time), MDSplus.Float64(self.u[self.sim_index])) self.ui.Ulabel.setText(str(self.u[self.sim_index])) self.sim_index += 1 self.ui.UNextlabel.setText(str(self.u[self.sim_index])) self.sim_time += .01
def writedata(data, dims, nodepath, expt, shot): """ data: list of images """ """ dims: array of double seconds based on T1 """ tree = _mds.Tree(expt, shot) node = tree.getNode(nodepath) node.deleteData() for i in range(len(data)): dim = _mds.Float64Array(dims[i]) dim.setUnits('s') node.makeSegment(dims[i], dims[i], dim, _mds.makeArray(data[i]), -1)
def dicttotree(dic, node): for k, v in dic.items(): print(node.getPath() + ':' + k[0:12]) newnode = node.getNode(k[0:12]) if isinstance(v, dict): dicttotree(v, newnode) elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list)): newnode.putData(_mds.makeArray(v)) else: newnode.putData(_mds.makeScalar(v))
def dicttotree(dic, node): for k,v in dic.items(): print(node.getPath()+':'+k[0:12]) newnode = node.getNode(k[0:12]) if isinstance(v, dict): dicttotree(v, newnode) elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list)): newnode.putData(_mds.makeArray(v)) else: newnode.putData(_mds.makeScalar(v))
def modECE(tree='archive', shot=-1): with _mds.Tree(tree, shot, 'edit') as arc: stream = arc.CDSD16007.DRPD17547 for i in range(32): node = stream.getNode('CH%d' % i) try: ece = node.addNode('$ECE', 'SIGNAL') except: ece = node.getNode('$ECE') ece.record = _mds.TdiCompile('ECE($)', (node, )) arc.write()
def _stream(dim, data, dev): dev.frames_percentile.makeSegment( dim, dim, MDSplus.Float32([dim]), MDSplus.Uint16([numpy.percentile(data, 99)])) if MDSplus.Device.debug & 1: print('storeFrame: %s, %s, %s' % (dev.minpath, dim, data.shape)) dims = MDSplus.Float32([dim]).setUnits('s') data = MDSplus.Uint16([data]) dev.frames.makeSegment(dim, dim, dims, data)
def getSubTrees(expt='W7X', shot=-1, excludelist=('ARCHIVE', ), excludereg=('.*_EVAL', )): rematch = tuple(_re.compile(reg) for reg in excludereg) tree = _mds.Tree(expt, shot) subtrees = [ _mds.TreeNode(c.nid, tree) for c in if c.usage == 'SUBTREE' and not (c.node_name in excludelist) and all(re.match(str(c.node_name)) is None for re in rematch) ] return subtrees
def toMds(self): if not self.amend: Model = mds.Tree('tcv_topic21') Model.createPulse(self.shot) del Model self.saveTree = mds.Tree('tcv_topic21', self.shot) if not self.amend: self._Lp2Mds() self._Lambda2Mds() self._Fp2Mds() self.saveTree.quit()
def decompile(self): self.assertEqual(str(m.Uint8(123)), '123BU') self.assertEqual(str(m.Uint16(123)), '123WU') self.assertEqual(str(m.Uint32(123)), '123LU') self.assertEqual(str(m.Uint64(123)), '123QU') self.assertEqual(str(m.Int8(123)), '123B') self.assertEqual(str(m.Int16(123)), '123W') self.assertEqual(str(m.Int32(123)), '123') self.assertEqual(str(m.Int64(123)), '123Q') self.assertEqual( str(m.Signal(m.ZERO(100000, 0).evaluate(), None, 0)), "Build_Signal(Set_Range(100000,0 /*** etc. ***/), *, 0)")
def store(self): event_name = if self.t2.rlength == 0: self.t2.record = MDSplus.Int64(time.time() * 1000.) trend_tree = self.getTrendTree() trend_dev = trend_tree.getNode( # Getting T1 from TREND: t1 = MDSplus.Int64( * 1000.) #Saving TREND shot number information into the tree: self.trend_shot.record = trend_tree.getCurrent( #Set Time Context trend_tree.setTimeContext(t1, print('Writing data into shot node') for i in self.inputs(): trend_temp = trend_dev.__getattr__('input_%c' % (chr(i))) trend_resis = trend_dev.__getattr__('input_%c_resistence' % (chr(i))) times = trend_temp.dim_of().data() temps = resists = # Might be able to improve start_time = times[0] for j in range(len(times)): times[j] -= start_time times[j] = float(times[j]) / 1000. shot_temp = self.__getattr__('input_%c' % (chr(i))) shot_resis = self.__getattr__('input_%c_resistence' % (chr(i))) shot_temp.record = MDSplus.Signal(temps, None, times) shot_resis.record = MDSplus.Signal(resists, None, times) for i in self.loops(): trend_outpower = trend_dev.__getattr__('loop_%c' % (str(i + 1))) times = trend_outpower.dim_of().data() outpower = start_time = times[0] for j in range(len(times)): times[j] -= start_time times[j] = float(times[j]) / 1000. shot_outpower = self.__getattr__('loop_%c' % (str(i + 1))) shot_outpower.record = MDSplus.Signal(outpower, None, times) MDSplus.Event.setevent(event_name)
def get_mds_lp_data(shot, mds_index, tunnel=True): """ Get LP data for a single probe. Used in main function. shot: the shot you want mds_index: a number 1-85 that corresponds to the mds node. These do not match the probe number (which is PNUM). """ # MDS connection required through atlas tunnel. if tunnel: conn = mds.Connection("localhost") else: conn = mds.Connection("") conn.openTree("LANGMUIR", shot) # Use correct form of probe name. if mds_index < 10: probe = "00" + str(mds_index) else: probe = "0" + str(mds_index) pname = "\LANGMUIR::TOP.PROBE_" + probe # All the data stored in a dictionary. All the data is in the subtree # indicated in pname. Just specify the node and grab the data. lp_data = {} lp_data["time"] = conn.get(pname + ":TIME").data() lp_data["rprobe"] = conn.get(pname + ":R").data() lp_data["zprobe"] = conn.get(pname + ":Z").data() lp_data["label"] = conn.get(pname + ":LABEL").data() lp_data["ntimes"] = conn.get(pname + ":NTIMES").data() lp_data["pnum"] = conn.get(pname + ":PNUM").data() lp_data["isat"] = conn.get(pname + ":ISAT").data() lp_data["jsat"] = conn.get(pname + ":JSAT").data() lp_data["temp"] = conn.get(pname + ":TEMP").data() lp_data["dens"] = conn.get(pname + ":DENS").data() lp_data["pot"] = conn.get(pname + ":POT").data() lp_data["psin"] = conn.get(pname + ":PSIN").data() lp_data["angle"] = conn.get(pname + ":ANGLE").data() lp_data["area"] = conn.get(pname + ":AREA").data() lp_data["delrsepout"] = conn.get(pname + ":DELRSEPOUT").data() lp_data["delrsepin"] = conn.get(pname + ":DELRSEPIN").data() lp_data["delzsepout"] = conn.get(pname + ":DELZSEPOUT").data() lp_data["delzsepin"] = conn.get(pname + ":DELZSEPIN").data() lp_data["csq"] = conn.get(pname + ":CSQ").data() lp_data["res_err"] = conn.get(pname + ":RES_ERR").data() lp_data["heatflux"] = conn.get(pname + ":HEATFLUX").data() lp_data["pnum"] = conn.get(pname + ":PNUM").data() #print "Data stored for probe " + str(lp_data["pnum"]) + " (MDS index " + str(mds_index) + ")." return lp_data
def update(node, new): if isinstance(new, (float, )): new = MDSplus.Float32(new) elif isinstance(new, (int, )): new = MDSplus.Uint16(new) else: return rec = node.getRecord(None) if rec is None: rec = MDSplus.Array([new, new]) elif len(rec) != 1: return else: rec = MDSplus.Array([rec[0], new]) node.write_once = node.no_write_shot = False try: node.record = rec finally: node.write_once = node.no_write_shot = True
def handle(self): data = self.request.recv(1024) #cur_thread = threading.current_thread() com = data[0] param = data[1:] response = '' print(("Request ", data)) if com == 'c': # connection request tree, shot, node = param.split(',') try: self.t = MDSplus.Tree(tree, int(shot)) tn = self.t.getNode(node) self.t.setDefault(tn) response = 'ok' except Exception: response = str(sys.exc_info()[1]) + ',' + str( sys.exc_info()[2]) if com == 'f': # connection request a = param.split(',') tree = a[0] shot = a[1] node = a[2] expr = ','.join(a[3:]) try: self.t = MDSplus.Tree(tree, int(shot)) if node.strip() != '': tn = self.t.getNode(node) self.t.setDefault(tn) r = MDSplus.Data.compile(expr).evaluate().data() sr = pickle.dumps(r) response = binascii.b2a_hex(sr) print(("sending data (length)", len(response), 'original :', type(sr))) print(type(binascii.a2b_hex(response))) except Exception: response = str(sys.exc_info()[1]) + ',' + str( sys.exc_info()[2]) if com == 'v': # mdsvalue r = MDSplus.Data.compile(param).evaluate().data() sr = pickle.dumps(r) response = binascii.b2a_hex(sr) print(("sending data (length)", len(response), 'original :', type(sr))) print(type(binascii.a2b_hex(response))) #response = "{}: {}".format(, data) self.request.sendall(response + '\n')
def tdiPythonInterface(self): self._doTdiTest("Py('a=None')",1) self._doTdiTest("Py('a=None','a')",None) self._doTdiTest("Py('a=123','a')",123) self._doTdiTest("Py('import MDSplus;a=MDSplus.Uint8(-1)','a')",m.Uint8(255)) self._doTdiTest("pyfun('Uint8','MDSplus',-1)",m.Uint8(255)) self._doTdiTest("pyfun('Uint8',*,-1)",m.Uint8(255)) self._doTdiTest("pyfun('str',*,123)",m.String("123")) self._doTdiTest('_l=list(*,1,2,3)', m.List([1,2,3])) self._doTdiTest('_l=list(_l,4,5)', m.List([1,2,3,4,5])) self._doTdiTest('apdrm(_l,1,3)', m.List([1,3,5])) self._doTdiTest('_d=dict(*,1,"1",2,"2")', m.Dictionary([1,'1',2,'2'])) self._doTdiTest('_d=dict(_d,3,"3")', m.Dictionary([1,'1',2,'2',3,"3"])) self._doTdiTest('apdrm(_d,2)', m.Dictionary([1,'1',3,"3"]))
def storeChannel(self, name, chan, addr, pts, gain, offset): import MDSplus chan_node = self.__getattr__('input_%1.1d' % (chan + 1, )) if chan_node.on: if self.debug: print("it is on so ...") start = 0 end = pts - 1 try: start = max( int( self.__getattr__('input_%1.1d_start_idx' % (chan + 1, ))), 0) except: pass try: end = min( int(self.__getattr__('input_%1.1d_end_idx' % (chan + 1, ))), pts - 1) except: pass if self.debug: print("about to aeon_getchannel(%s, %d, %d %d)" % ( name, addr, chan, end + 1, )) buf = MDSplus.Data.execute('aeon_getchannel("%s", %d, %d, %d)' % ( name, addr, chan, end + 1, )) dim = MDSplus.Dimension(MDSplus.Window(start, end, self.trigger), self.clock) if self.debug: print("about to make dat") print("gain = %d" % gain) print("offset =%d" % offset) print("dim is %s" % str(dim)) print("start is %d end is %d" % ( start, end, )) dat = MDSplus.Data.compile( 'build_signal(build_with_units(($value - $2)*.02/$1, "V") ,build_with_units($3,"Counts"),$4)', gain, offset, buf[start:end], dim) exec('c=self.input_' + '%1d' % (chan + 1, ) + '.record=dat')
def __init__(self, shot, gas='D2', Lp='Div'): """ Parameters ---------- shot : Shot number gas : String indicating the gas. 'D2','H','He' Lp : String indicating if the parallel connection length should be considered from target to midplane 'Mid' or from target to X-point 'Div' """ self.shot = shot self.Lp = Lp # globally define the gas self.gas = gas if gas == 'D2': self.Z = 1 = 2 elif gas == 'H': self.Z = 1 = 1 elif gas == 'He': self.Z = 4 = 4 else: print('Gas not found, assuming Deuterium') self.gas = 'D2' self.Z = 1 = 2 # equilibrium quantities self._eq = eqtools.TCVLIUQETree(self.shot) # this is the iP in the time bases of LIUQE self._tLiuqe = self._eq.getTimeBase() self.BtSign = np.sign(self._eq.getBtVac().mean()) # now define the tree where the probe data are saved self._filament = mds.Tree('tcv_topic21', shot) # this is for different quantities self._tree = mds.Tree('tcv_shot', shot) # this can be done one single time and then accordingly # to analysis region we choose the appropriate timing try: self.Target = langmuir.LP(self.shot) except: print('Langmuir probe data not found') self.Target = None
def createSignal(dat, dim, t0, unit=None, addim=[], units=[], help=None, value=None, scaling=None,**kwargs): def _dim(time,t0): if len(time): t0 = _mds.Int64(t0) time = _mds.Int64Array(time) if t0==0: unit = 'ns' else: time = _mds.Float64(time-t0)*1E-9 unit = 's' wind = _mds.Window(time[0], time[time.shape[0]-1], t0) dim = _mds.Dimension(wind, time) dim.setUnits(unit) return dim else: return _mds.EmptyData() def _addim(dim, units='unknown'): if len(dim): dim = _mds.Dimension(None, tonumpy(dim)) dim.setUnits(Units(units))# return dim else: return None if isinstance(dat, (list,)): dat = tonumpy(dat) dat = _mds.makeArray(dat) dim = _dim(dim,t0) for i in _ver.xrange(len(addim)): addim[i] = _addim(addim[i], units[i]) if unit is not None: dat.setUnits(unit) if scaling is None and value is None: value = dat dat = None else: if value is None: value='$VALUE' if scaling is None: if isinstance(value, _ver.basestring): value = _mds.Data.compile(value) else: if not isinstance(value, _ver.basestring): value = value.decompile() value = _mds.Data.compile(value.replace('$VALUE',' polyval($VALUE,'+_mds.makeArray(scaling).decompile()+') ')) sig = _mds.Signal(value, dat, dim, *addim) if help: sig.setHelp(help) return sig
def writedata(nodename, data, dims, shot=0): """ data: list of images """ """ dims: array of double seconds based on T1 """ w7x = _mds.Tree('W7X', shot) triax = w7x.getNode('.QSQ.HARDWARE.TRIAX') node = triax.getNode(nodename) node.deleteData() for i in range(len(data)): dim = _mds.Float64Array(dims[i]) dim.setUnits('s') node.makeSegment(dims[i], dims[i], dim, _mds.makeArray(data[i]), -1)
def write_MDSplus(put_data, t): node = t.getNode('.log.machine:timing') data = MDSplus.makeData(put_data) node.putData(data)
#create pulse and perform init phase print '='*5,'Current_shot: %d, executing shot: %d'%(cur_shot, executing_shot),'='*5 dispatch_cmd('set tree %s' % tree, destination) dispatch_cmd('create pulse %d' % executing_shot, destination) time.sleep(3) #print 'press enter.......' #raw_input() #maybe remove this???! if tree=='h1data': tmp_tree = MDSplus.Tree('h1data', executing_shot) #print 'opened tree' pulse_created_node = tmp_tree.getNode('.log.statistics:init_done') #print 'told tree it has been created' pulse_created_node.putData(MDSplus.makeData('1')) #print 'told tree it has been created' dispatch_cmd('dispatch /build', destination) tmp_time = time.time() print "sending event" # only send EXECUTING_SHOT as CURRENT_SHOT is EXECUTING_SHOT -1 MDSplus.Event.setevent("EXECUTING_SHOT",executing_shot) dispatch_cmd('dispatch /phase INIT', destination) print '--> time to perform INIT %.2fs'%(time.time() - tmp_time) #SH 20May2013 - testing abort phase # print 'Init command has finished for some reason....' # print 'press any key to redo the INIT phase' # raw_input()
def storeftp(self, arg): path = self.local_path tree = self.local_tree shot = self.tree.shot CPCIDataDir = os.getenv('CPCI_DATA_DIR') if not CPCIDataDir: raise 'CPCI_DATA_DIR environment variable must be defined' dataDir="%s/%s/%s/%s"%(CPCIDataDir, tree, shot, path,) try : settingsf = open("%s/settings.xml"%(dataDir,), "r") except : raise Exception,"Could not open Settings file %s/settings.xml"%(dataDir,) try : settings = load(settingsf) except: settingsf.close() raise Exception, "Could not parse XML settings" settingsf.close() if self.debugging() : print "xml is loaded\n" status = [] cmds = self.status_cmds.record for cmd in cmds: cmd = cmd.strip() if self.debugging(): print "about to append answer for /%s/\n" % (cmd,) print " which is /%s/\n" %(settings[cmd],) status.append(settings[cmd]) if self.debugging(): print "%s returned %s\n" % (cmd, settings[cmd],) if self.debugging(): print "about to write board_status signal" self.board_status.record = MDSplus.Signal(cmds, None, status) numSampsStr = settings['getNumSamples'] preTrig = self.getPreTrig(numSampsStr) postTrig = self.getPostTrig(numSampsStr) if self.debugging(): print "got preTrig %d and postTrig %d\n" % (preTrig, postTrig,) vins = MDSplus.makeArray(numpy.array(settings[''].split(',')).astype('float')) if self.debugging: print "got the vins " print vins self.ranges.record = MDSplus.makeArray(numpy.array(settings[''].split(',')).astype('float')) chanMask = settings['getChannelMask'].split('=')[-1] if self.debugging(): print "chan_mask = %s\n" % (chanMask,) clock_src=self.clock_src.record.getOriginalPartName().getString()[1:] if self.debugging(): print "clock_src = %s\n" % (clock_src,) if clock_src == 'INT_CLOCK' : intClock = float(settings['getInternalClock'].split()[1]) delta=1./float(intClock) self.clock.record = MDSplus.Range(None, None, delta) else: self.clock.record = self.clock_src clock = self.clock.record # # now store each channel # for chan in range(16): if self.debugging(): print "working on channel %d" % chan chan_node = self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d' % (chan+1,)) if chan_node.on : if self.debugging(): print "it is on so ..." if chanMask[chan:chan+1] == '1' : try: start = max(int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_startidx'%(chan+1,))),-preTrig) except: start = -preTrig try: end = min(int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_endidx'%(chan+1,))),postTrig-1) except: end = postTrig-1 try: inc = max(int(self.__getattr__('input_%2.2d_inc'%(chan+1,))),1) except: inc = 1 # # could do the coeffs # chanFileName="%s/%2.2d"%(dataDir, chan+1,) if self.debugging(): print "about to readRawData(%s, preTrig=%d, start=%d, end=%d, inc=%d)" % (chanFileName, preTrig, start, end, inc) buf = self.readRawData(chanFileName, preTrig, start, end, inc) if inc == 1: dim = MDSplus.Dimension(MDSplus.Window(start, end, self.trig_src ), clock) else: dim = MDSplus.Data.compile('Map($,$)', MDSplus.Dimension(MDSplus.Window(start/inc, end/inc, self.trig_src), clock), MDSplus.Range(start, end, inc)) dat = MDSplus.Data.compile( '_v0=$, _v1=$, build_signal(build_with_units(( _v0+ (_v1-_v0)*($value - -32768)/(32767 - -32768 )), "V") ,build_with_units($,"Counts"),$)', vins[chan*2], vins[chan*2+1], buf,dim) exec('c=self.input_'+'%02d'%(chan+1,)+'.record=dat') return 1