def sendY_M(self): print('sendY_M') print('sendStream') print('sendStream(shot, name, time, data)', 0, 'Y_M', MDSplus.Float32(self.sim_time), MDSplus.Float64Array(self.y_m[self.sim_index, :])) sendStream(0, 'Y_M', MDSplus.Float32(self.sim_time), MDSplus.Float64Array(self.y_m[self.sim_index, :])) print('send setpoint'), 'SETPOINT', MDSplus.Float32(self.sim_time), MDSplus.Float64(self.set_point[self.sim_index])) self.sim_index += 1 print('set label') self.ui.Y_Mlabel.setText(str(self.y_m[self.sim_index, 0])) self.sim_time += .01 print('done')
def writedata(data, dims, nodepath, expt, shot): """ data: list of images """ """ dims: array of double seconds based on T1 """ tree = _mds.Tree(expt, shot) node = tree.getNode(nodepath) node.deleteData() for i in range(len(data)): dim = _mds.Float64Array(dims[i]) dim.setUnits('s') node.makeSegment(dims[i], dims[i], dim, _mds.makeArray(data[i]), -1)
def _Fp2Mds(self): """ Store the Fast Reciprocating probe into the appropriate MDSplus Tree """ # density if self._Plunge1: dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_1PL_EN') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.enU1, self.tU1)) dummy.setUnits('m-3') dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_1PL_ENERR') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.enU1Err, self.tU1)) dummy.setUnits('m-3') # temperature dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_1PL_TE') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.teU1, self.tU1)) dummy.setUnits('eV') try: dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_1PL_TEERR') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.teU1Err, self.tU1)) dummy.setUnits('eV') except: pass # jsat dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_1PL_JS') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.jsU1, self.tU1)) dummy.setUnits('Am-2') # floating potentials dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_1PL_VFT') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.vfTU1, self.tU1)) dummy.setUnits('V') dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_1PL_VFM') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.vfMU1, self.tU1)) dummy.setUnits('V') dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_1PL_VFB') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.vfBU1, self.tU1)) dummy.setUnits('V') # rho dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_1PL_RHO') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.rhoU1, self.tU1)) # R-Rsep dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_1PL_RRSEP') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.drUsU1, self.tU1)) dummy.setUnits('m') # R-Rsep time dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_1PL_RRSEPT') dt = numpy.diff(self.RRsepT1Time).mean() timeS = numpy.round(dt / (10**numpy.floor( numpy.log10(dt)))).astype('|S4') + '*1e' + numpy.floor( numpy.log10(dt)).astype('|S2') string = 'Build_Signal(Build_With_Units($VALUE,"m"),$, Build_Dim(Build_Window(0,' + \ str(self.RRsepT1Time.size - 1) + ',' + \ str(self.RRsepT1Time.min()) + '),*:*:' + timeS + '))' expr = mds.Data.compile(string, mds.Float64Array(self.RRsepT1)) dummy.putData(expr) dummy.setUnits('m') # Rho time dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_1PL_RHOT') dt = numpy.diff(self.RhoT1Time).mean() timeS = numpy.round(dt / (10**numpy.floor( numpy.log10(dt)))).astype('|S4') + '*1e' + numpy.floor( numpy.log10(dt)).astype('|S2') string = 'Build_Signal(Build_With_Units($VALUE,"rho"),$, Build_Dim(Build_Window(0,' + \ str(self.RhoT1Time.size - 1) + ',' + \ str(self.RhoT1Time.min()) + '),*:*:' + timeS + '))' expr = mds.Data.compile(string, mds.Float64Array(self.RhoT1)) dummy.putData(expr) dummy.setUnits(' ') if self._Plunge2: dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_2PL_EN') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.enU2, self.tU2)) dummy.setUnits('m-3') dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_2PL_ENERR') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.enU2Err, self.tU2)) dummy.setUnits('m-3') # temperature dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_2PL_TE') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.teU2, self.tU2)) dummy.setUnits('eV') try: dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_2PL_TEERR') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.teU2Err, self.tU2)) dummy.setUnits('eV') except: pass # jsat dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_2PL_JS') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.jsU2, self.tU2)) dummy.setUnits('Am-2') # floating potentials dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_2PL_VFT') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.vfTU2, self.tU2)) dummy.setUnits('V') dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_2PL_VFM') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.vfMU2, self.tU2)) dummy.setUnits('V') dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_2PL_VFB') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.vfBU2, self.tU2)) dummy.setUnits('V') # rho dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_2PL_RHO') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.rhoU2, self.tU2)) # R-Rsep dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_2PL_RRSEP') dummy.putData( mds.Data.compile("BUILD_SIGNAL(($VALUE), $1, $2)", self.drUsU2, self.tU2)) dummy.setUnits('m') # R-Rsep time dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_2PL_RRSEPT') dt = numpy.diff(self.RRsepT2Time).mean() timeS = numpy.round(dt / (10**numpy.floor( numpy.log10(dt)))).astype('|S4') + '*1e' + numpy.floor( numpy.log10(dt)).astype('|S2') string = 'Build_Signal(Build_With_Units($VALUE,"m"),$, Build_Dim(Build_Window(0,' + \ str(self.RRsepT2Time.size - 1) + ',' + \ str(self.RRsepT2Time.min()) + '),*:*:' + timeS + '))' expr = mds.Data.compile(string, mds.Float64Array(self.RRsepT2)) dummy.putData(expr) dummy.setUnits('m') # Rho time dummy = self.saveTree.getNode(r'\FP_2PL_RHOT') dt = numpy.diff(self.RhoT2Time).mean() timeS = numpy.round(dt / (10**numpy.floor( numpy.log10(dt)))).astype('|S4') + '*1e' + numpy.floor( numpy.log10(dt)).astype('|S2') string = 'Build_Signal(Build_With_Units($VALUE,"rho"),$, Build_Dim(Build_Window(0,' + \ str(self.RhoT2Time.size - 1) + ',' + \ str(self.RhoT2Time.min()) + '),*:*:' + timeS + '))' expr = mds.Data.compile(string, mds.Float64Array(self.RhoT2)) dummy.putData(expr) dummy.setUnits(' ')
class BNC845(MDSplus.Device): """Control functions for the BNC generator supplied by FZ Juelich, based on by A. Kraemer-Flecken ([email protected]). Can be tested with script sim_bncgen from the MDSplusW7X project.""" parts = [ { 'path': ':HOST', 'type': 'TEXT', 'options': ('no_write_shot', ), 'value': '' }, { 'path': ':PORT', 'type': 'NUMERIC', 'options': ('no_write_shot', ), 'value': 18 }, { 'path': ':TRIG_SRC', 'type': 'TEXT', 'options': ('no_write_shot', ), 'value': 'external' }, { 'path': ':TRIG_SLOPE', 'type': 'TEXT', 'options': ('no_write_shot', ), 'value': 'pos' }, { 'path': ':BLANKING', 'type': 'NUMERIC', 'options': ('no_write_shot', ), 'value': 0 }, # on/off { 'path': ':POWER', 'type': 'NUMERIC', 'options': ('no_write_shot', ), 'value': 10 }, # dBm { 'path': ':OFFSET', 'type': 'NUMERIC', 'options': ('no_write_shot', ), 'value': 30 }, # MHz { 'path': ':SWEEPS', 'type': 'NUMERIC', 'options': ('no_write_shot', ), 'value': 3 }, { 'path': ':STEPS', 'type': 'NUMERIC', 'options': ('no_write_shot', ), 'value': MDSplus.Float64Array([[5000, 23.2], [10000, 23.4], [15000, 23.6], [20000, 23.8], [25000, 24.0], [30000, 24.2], [35000, 24.4], [40000, 24.6], [45000, 24.8]]) }, # ms, GHz { 'path': ':DEINI_ACTION', 'type': 'ACTION', 'options': ('no_write_shot', ), 'valueExpr': "Action(Dispatch('MAIN_SERVER', 'DEINIT', 1, None), Method(None, 'off', head))" }, { 'path': ':INIT_ACTION', 'type': 'ACTION', 'options': ('no_write_shot', ), 'valueExpr': "Action(Dispatch('MAIN_SERVER', 'INIT', 1, None), Method(None, 'init', head))" }, { 'path': ':INIT_LOG', 'type': 'TEXT', 'options': ('no_write_model', 'write_once') }, { 'path': ':INIT_CONFIG', 'type': 'TEXT', 'options': ('no_write_model', 'write_once') } ] def init(self, disable_rf=None): #### read config nodes #### try: host = port = trig_src = trig_slope = blanking = power = offset = sweeps = steps = except: print('One or more configs is missing or invalid.') return 0 delay = 0.0 # constant, not confirgurable #### build buffers #### freq_buf = '' power_buf = '' delay_buf = '' dwell_buf = '' if len(steps.shape) < 2: steps = steps.reshape(1, 2) N = steps.shape[0] for i in range(N): dwell = (steps[i][0] - steps[i - 1][0] if i > 0 else steps[i][0]) / 1e3 freq = steps[i][1] * 1e9 / 2.0 freq_buf += (', ' if i > 0 else '') + str(freq) power_buf += (', ' if i > 0 else '') + str(power) delay_buf += (', ' if i > 0 else '') + str(delay) dwell_buf += (', ' if i > 0 else '') + str(dwell) #### program BNC #### log = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) + '\n' # first line of INIT_LOG (sock, remote_ip) = bnc_connect(host, port) log += 'Connected to %s (%s)\n' % (host, remote_ip) ans = bnc_talk(sock, '*TST?') if '0' in ans: log += 'All tests passed sucessfully.\n' else: log += 'One or more tests failed.' sock.close() self.init_log.putData(log) return 0 all_ok = True ans = bnc_talk(sock, '*IDN?') config = 'Identification: ' + ans + '\n' # first line of INIT_CONFIG ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'syst:vers?') config += 'SCPI version number: ' + ans + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'freq:mode fix') (ok, all_ok) = bnc_check(ans, all_ok) log += 'BNC sweep mode stopped: ' + ans + bnc_report(ok) + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, ':list:freq ' + freq_buf) (ok, all_ok) = bnc_check(ans, all_ok) log += 'Set frequencies: ' + ans + bnc_report(ok) + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, ':list:freq?') freq_list = ans.split(',') ans = bnc_talk(sock, ':list:power ' + power_buf) (ok, all_ok) = bnc_check(ans, all_ok) log += 'Set power: ' + ans + bnc_report(ok) + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, ':list:power?') power_list = ans.split(',') ans = bnc_talk(sock, ':list:delay ' + delay_buf) (ok, all_ok) = bnc_check(ans, all_ok) log += 'Set delay time: ' + ans + bnc_report(ok) + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, ':list:delay?') delay_list = ans.split(',') ans = bnc_talk(sock, ':list:dwell ' + dwell_buf) (ok, all_ok) = bnc_check(ans, all_ok) log += 'Set dwell time: ' + ans + bnc_report(ok) + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, ':list:dwell?') dwell_list = ans.split(',') if len(freq_list) == N and len(power_list) == N and len( delay_list) == N and len(dwell_list) == N: config += 'Frequency/power/delay/duration settings:\n' for i in range(N): config += ' Step %d: %s [GHz] %s [dBm] %s [s] %s [s]\n' % ( i, freq_list[i], power_list[i], delay_list[i], dwell_list[i]) ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'sour:list:count ' + str(sweeps)) (ok, all_ok) = bnc_check(ans, all_ok) log += 'Repetition rate set: ' + ans + bnc_report(ok) + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'sour:list:count?') config += 'Repetition is set to: ' + ans + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'sour2:coup on') (ok, all_ok) = bnc_check(ans, all_ok) log += 'Source 2 coupled to source 1: ' + ans + bnc_report(ok) + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'sour2:coup?') config += 'Source 2 coupled to source 1: ' + \ ('Yes' if '1' in ans else 'No') + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'sour2:coup:offset %0.6fe6' % offset) (ok, all_ok) = bnc_check(ans, all_ok) log += 'Set source 2 offset: ' + ans + bnc_report(ok) + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'sour2:coup:offset?') config += 'Offset of source 2 is set to: ' + ans + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'trigger:type normal') (ok, all_ok) = bnc_check(ans, all_ok) log += 'Set trigger type: ' + ans + bnc_report(ok) + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'trigger:source ' + trig_src) (ok, all_ok) = bnc_check(ans, all_ok) log += 'Set trigger source: ' + ans + bnc_report(ok) + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'trigger:source?') config += 'Trigger is set to: ' + ans + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'trigger:slope ' + trig_slope) (ok, all_ok) = bnc_check(ans, all_ok) log += 'Set trigger slope: ' + ans + bnc_report(ok) + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'trigger:slope?') config += 'Triggered slope: ' + ans + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'output:blanking ' + ('on' if blanking != 0 else 'off')) (ok, all_ok) = bnc_check(ans, all_ok) log += 'RF output blanking ' + \ ('on: ' if blanking != 0 else 'off: ') + ans + bnc_report(ok) + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'output:blanking?') config += 'RF output blanking: ' + \ ('Yes' if '1' in ans else 'No') + '\n' ans = bnc_talk( sock, 'output:state ' + ('off' if disable_rf != None else 'on')) (ok, all_ok) = bnc_check(ans, all_ok) log += 'Output ' + ('disabled: ' if disable_rf != None else 'enabled: ') + ans + bnc_report(ok) + '\n' ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'freq:mode list') (ok, all_ok) = bnc_check(ans, all_ok) log += 'Set frequencies to list mode: ' + ans + bnc_report(ok) ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'freq:mode?') config += 'Frequency mode set to: ' + ans sock.close() self.init_log.putData(log) self.init_config.putData(config) return 1 if all_ok else 0 def off(self, arg): (sock, remote_ip) = bnc_connect(, ans = bnc_talk(sock, 'output:state off') (ok, all_ok) = bnc_check(ans, True) sock.close() return ok
def GetModelParameterData(ParameterStruct, numOfParameters): paramList = [] for paramIdx in range(numOfParameters): # name is retrieved retrievedName = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterName( ParameterStruct, paramIdx) retrievedName = retrievedName.decode("utf-8") # type is retrieved retrievedTypeIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterDataTypeIdx( ParameterStruct, paramIdx) retrievedSLIdType = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId( DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx) retrievedCTypename = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeCName( DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx) retrievedCTypename = retrievedCTypename.decode("utf-8") if retrievedSLIdType == 0: MARTe2Typename = 'float64' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_double elif retrievedSLIdType == 1: MARTe2Typename = 'float32' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_float elif retrievedSLIdType == 2: MARTe2Typename = 'int8' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8 elif retrievedSLIdType == 3: MARTe2Typename = 'uint8' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint8 elif retrievedSLIdType == 4: MARTe2Typename = 'int16' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int16 elif retrievedSLIdType == 5: MARTe2Typename = 'uint16' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint16 elif retrievedSLIdType == 6: MARTe2Typename = 'int32' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int32 elif retrievedSLIdType == 7: MARTe2Typename = 'uint32' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint32 elif retrievedSLIdType == 8: MARTe2Typename = 'bool' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_bool else: raise Exception('Unsupported parameter datatype.') # actual parameter value is retrieved paramAddrIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterAddrIdx( ParameterStruct, paramIdx) paramDataAddr = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataAddress( DataAddrMap, paramAddrIdx) paramPointer = ctypes.cast(paramDataAddr, ctypes.POINTER(pythonTypename)) # dimensions are retrieved dimIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterDimensionIdx( ParameterStruct, paramIdx) dimArrayIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimArrayIndex( DimensionMap, dimIdx) # Starting position in the dimensionArray dimNum = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumDims( DimensionMap, dimIdx ) # Number of elements in the dimensionArray referring to this signal currDimension = [] for currIdx in range(dimNum): currDimension.append(DimensionArray[dimArrayIdx + currIdx]) if currDimension[0] == 1 and currDimension[1] == 1: # scalar dimension = 0 mdsplusValue = paramPointer[0] elif currDimension[0] == 1: # vector dimension = currDimension[0] * currDimension[1] valueList = [] for idx in range(dimension): valueList.append(paramPointer[idx]) else: # matrix or column vector (MARTe2 sees column vectors as matrices) dimension = currDimension idx = 0 valueList = [] valueRow = [] for nRow in range(currDimension[0]): for nCol in range(currDimension[1]): valueRow.append(paramPointer[idx]) idx = idx + 1 valueList.append(valueRow) valueRow = [] if currDimension[0] != 1 or currDimension[1] != 1: if retrievedSLIdType == 0: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float32Array(valueList) elif retrievedSLIdType == 1: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float64Array(valueList) elif retrievedSLIdType == 2: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int8Array(valueList) elif retrievedSLIdType == 3: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint8Array(valueList) elif retrievedSLIdType == 4: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int16Array(valueList) elif retrievedSLIdType == 5: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint16Array(valueList) elif retrievedSLIdType == 6: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int32Array(valueList) elif retrievedSLIdType == 7: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint32Array(valueList) else: raise Exception('Unsupported parameter datatype.') # retrieved data is saved to a dictionary paramDict = dict(name='Parameters.' + retrievedName, type=MARTe2Typename, dimensions=dimension, value=mdsplusValue) # dictionary is appended to the MDSplus-style list paramList.append(paramDict) return paramList
def GetModelParameterFields(structTypeIdx, ParameterStruct, paramIdx, baseParName, paramList, recLev ): if recLev == 10: raise Exception numFields = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeNumElements( DataTypeMap, structTypeIdx) elementMapIndex = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeElemMapIndex( DataTypeMap, structTypeIdx) # actual parameter value is retrieved paramAddrIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterAddrIdx( ParameterStruct, paramIdx) paramDataAddr = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataAddress( DataAddrMap, paramAddrIdx) #print('NUM FIELDS: '+str(numFields)) for fieldIdx in range(numFields): fieldName = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementName( ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx) fieldName = fieldName.decode("utf-8") #print('FIELD: '+baseParName+'-'+fieldName) fieldOffset = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementOffset( ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx) fieldTypeIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementDataTypeIdx( ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx) #print('fieldTypeIdx: '+str(fieldTypeIdx)) fieldSLIdType = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId( DataTypeMap, fieldTypeIdx) #print('fieldSLIdType: '+str(fieldSLIdType)) if fieldSLIdType == 0: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float64' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_double elif fieldSLIdType == 1: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float32' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_float elif fieldSLIdType == 2: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int8' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8 elif fieldSLIdType == 3: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint8' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint8 elif fieldSLIdType == 4: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int16' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int16 elif fieldSLIdType == 5: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint16' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint16 elif fieldSLIdType == 6: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int32' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int32 elif fieldSLIdType == 7: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint32' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint32 elif fieldSLIdType == 8: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint8' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8 elif fieldSLIdType == 254: fieldEnumType = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataEnumStorageType(DataTypeMap, fieldTypeIdx) if fieldEnumType == 0: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float64' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_double elif fieldEnumType == 1: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float32' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_float elif fieldEnumType == 2: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int8' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8 elif fieldEnumType == 3: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint8' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint8 elif fieldEnumType == 4: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int16' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int16 elif fieldEnumType == 5: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint16' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint16 elif fieldEnumType == 6: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int32' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int32 elif fieldEnumType == 7: fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint32' fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint32 else: print('type '+str(fieldEnumType)) raise Exception('Unsupported Enum datatype.') else: #NESTED STRUCTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #print('TYPE '+str(fieldSLIdType) + ' '+str(fieldTypeIdx)) GetModelParameterFields(fieldTypeIdx, ParameterStruct, paramIdx, baseParName + '-'+fieldName, paramList, recLev+1) continue #no direct data associated # field dimensions # dimensions are retrieved fieldDimIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementDimensionIdx( ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx) fieldDimArrayIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimArrayIndex( DimensionMap, fieldDimIdx) # Starting position in the dimensionArray # Number of elements in the dimensionArray referring to this signal fieldDimNum = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumDims( DimensionMap, fieldDimIdx) #print('fieldDimNum: '+ str(fieldDimNum)) currDimension = [] for currIdx in range(fieldDimNum): currDimension.append( DimensionArray[fieldDimArrayIdx + currIdx]) if currDimension[0] == 1 and currDimension[1] == 1: fieldDimension = 0 elif currDimension[0] == 1 or currDimension[1] == 1: fieldDimension = [ currDimension[0]*currDimension[1]] else: fieldDimension = currDimension currParAddress = paramDataAddr + fieldOffset paramPointer = ctypes.cast( currParAddress, ctypes.POINTER(fieldPythonTypename)) if currDimension[0] == 1 and currDimension[1] == 1: # scalar dimension = 0 mdsplusValue = paramPointer[0] elif currDimension[0] == 1: # vector dimension = currDimension[0]*currDimension[1] valueList = [] for idx in range(dimension): valueList.append(paramPointer[idx]) else: # matrix or column vector (MARTe2 sees column vectors as matrices) dimension = currDimension idx = 0 valueList = [] valueRow = [] for nRow in range(currDimension[0]): for nCol in range(currDimension[1]): valueRow.append(paramPointer[idx]) idx = idx + 1 valueList.append(valueRow) valueRow = [] if currDimension[0] != 1 or currDimension[1] != 1: if fieldSLIdType == 0: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float32Array(valueList) elif fieldSLIdType == 1: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float64Array(valueList) elif fieldSLIdType == 2: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int8Array(valueList) elif fieldSLIdType == 3: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint8Array(valueList) elif fieldSLIdType == 4: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int16Array(valueList) elif fieldSLIdType == 5: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint16Array(valueList) elif fieldSLIdType == 6: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int32Array(valueList) elif fieldSLIdType == 7: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint32Array(valueList) elif fieldSLIdType == 8: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint8Array(valueList) else: raise Exception('Unsupported parameter datatype.') paramDict = dict(name=baseParName+'-'+fieldName, type=fieldMARTe2Typename, dimensions=fieldDimension, value=mdsplusValue) # dictionary is appended to the MDSplus-style list paramList.append(paramDict)
def GetModelParameterData(ParameterStruct, numOfParameters): paramList = [] for paramIdx in range(numOfParameters): # name is retrieved retrievedName = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterName( ParameterStruct, paramIdx) retrievedName = retrievedName.decode("utf-8") #print('retrievedname: ', retrievedName) # type is retrieved retrievedTypeIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterDataTypeIdx( ParameterStruct, paramIdx) #print('retrievedTypeIdx: ', str(retrievedTypeIdx)) retrievedSLIdType = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId( DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx) #print('retrievedSLIdType: ', str(retrievedSLIdType)) #retrievedCTypename = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeCName( # DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx) #retrievedCTypename = retrievedCTypename.decode("utf-8") #print('retrievedCTypename: '+retrievedCTypename) if retrievedSLIdType == 0: MARTe2Typename = 'float64' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_double elif retrievedSLIdType == 1: MARTe2Typename = 'float32' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_float elif retrievedSLIdType == 2: MARTe2Typename = 'int8' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8 elif retrievedSLIdType == 3: MARTe2Typename = 'uint8' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint8 elif retrievedSLIdType == 4: MARTe2Typename = 'int16' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int16 elif retrievedSLIdType == 5: MARTe2Typename = 'uint16' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint16 elif retrievedSLIdType == 6: MARTe2Typename = 'int32' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int32 elif retrievedSLIdType == 7: MARTe2Typename = 'uint32' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint32 elif retrievedSLIdType == 8: MARTe2Typename = 'uint8' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_bool elif retrievedSLIdType == 254: fieldEnumType = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataEnumStorageType(DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx) if fieldEnumType == 0: MARTe2Typename = 'float64' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_double elif fieldEnumType == 1: MARTe2Typename = 'float32' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_float elif fieldEnumType == 2: MARTe2Typename = 'int8' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8 elif fieldEnumType == 3: pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint8 MARTe2Typename = 'uint8' elif fieldEnumType == 4: MARTe2Typename = 'int16' pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int16 elif fieldEnumType == 5: pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint16 MARTe2Typename = 'uint16' elif fieldEnumType == 6: pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int32 MARTe2Typename = 'int32' elif fieldEnumType == 7: pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint32 MARTe2Typename = 'uint32' else: print('type '+str(fieldEnumType)) raise Exception('Unsupported Enum datatype.') elif retrievedSLIdType == 255: pass else: raise Exception('Unsupported parameter datatype.') if retrievedSLIdType != 255: # actual parameter value is retrieved paramAddrIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterAddrIdx( ParameterStruct, paramIdx) paramDataAddr = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataAddress( DataAddrMap, paramAddrIdx) paramPointer = ctypes.cast( paramDataAddr, ctypes.POINTER(pythonTypename)) # dimensions are retrieved dimIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterDimensionIdx( ParameterStruct, paramIdx) dimArrayIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimArrayIndex( DimensionMap, dimIdx) # Starting position in the dimensionArray # Number of elements in the dimensionArray referring to this signal dimNum = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumDims( DimensionMap, dimIdx) currDimension = [] for currIdx in range(dimNum): currDimension.append(DimensionArray[dimArrayIdx + currIdx]) if currDimension[0] == 1 and currDimension[1] == 1: # scalar dimension = 0 mdsplusValue = paramPointer[0] elif currDimension[0] == 1: # vector dimension = currDimension[0]*currDimension[1] valueList = [] for idx in range(dimension): valueList.append(paramPointer[idx]) else: # matrix or column vector (MARTe2 sees column vectors as matrices) dimension = currDimension idx = 0 valueList = [] valueRow = [] for nRow in range(currDimension[0]): for nCol in range(currDimension[1]): valueRow.append(paramPointer[idx]) idx = idx + 1 valueList.append(valueRow) valueRow = [] if currDimension[0] != 1 or currDimension[1] != 1: if retrievedSLIdType == 0: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float32Array(valueList) elif retrievedSLIdType == 1: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float64Array(valueList) elif retrievedSLIdType == 2: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int8Array(valueList) elif retrievedSLIdType == 3: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint8Array(valueList) elif retrievedSLIdType == 4: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int16Array(valueList) elif retrievedSLIdType == 5: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint16Array(valueList) elif retrievedSLIdType == 6: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int32Array(valueList) elif retrievedSLIdType == 7: mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint32Array(valueList) else: raise Exception('Unsupported parameter datatype.') # retrieved data is saved to a dictionary paramDict = dict(name='Parameters.'+retrievedName, type=MARTe2Typename, dimensions=dimension, value=mdsplusValue) # dictionary is appended to the MDSplus-style list paramList.append(paramDict) else: #retrievedSLIdType == 255 SRUCTURED PARAMETERS GetModelParameterFields(retrievedTypeIdx, ParameterStruct, paramIdx, 'Parameters.'+retrievedName, paramList, 1) #numFields = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeNumElements( #DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx) #elementMapIndex = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeElemMapIndex( #DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx) ## actual parameter value is retrieved #paramAddrIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterAddrIdx( #ParameterStruct, paramIdx) #paramDataAddr = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataAddress( #DataAddrMap, paramAddrIdx) #print('NUM FIELDS: '+str(numFields)) #for fieldIdx in range(numFields): #fieldName = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementName( #ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx) #fieldName = fieldName.decode("utf-8") #print('FIELD: '+fieldName) #fieldOffset = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementOffset( #ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx) #fieldTypeIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementDataTypeIdx( #ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx) #fieldSLIdType = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId( #DataTypeMap, fieldTypeIdx) #if fieldSLIdType == 0: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float64' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_double #elif fieldSLIdType == 1: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float32' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_float #elif fieldSLIdType == 2: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int8' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8 #elif fieldSLIdType == 3: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint8' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint8 #elif fieldSLIdType == 4: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int16' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int16 #elif fieldSLIdType == 5: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint16' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint16 #elif fieldSLIdType == 6: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int32' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int32 #elif fieldSLIdType == 7: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint32' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint32 #elif fieldSLIdType == 8: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'bool' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8 #elif fieldSLIdType == 254: #fieldEnumType = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataEnumStorageType(DataTypeMap, fieldTypeIdx) #if fieldEnumType == 0: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float64' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_double #elif fieldEnumType == 1: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float32' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_float #elif fieldEnumType == 2: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int8' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8 #elif fieldEnumType == 3: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint8' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint8 #elif fieldEnumType == 4: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int16' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int16 #elif fieldEnumType == 5: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint16' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint16 #elif fieldEnumType == 6: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int32' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int32 #elif fieldEnumType == 7: #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint32' #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint32 #else: #print('type '+str(fieldEnumType)) #raise Exception('Unsupported Enum datatype.') #else: #print('type '+str(fieldSLIdType)) #raise Exception('Unsupported nested structures.') ## field dimensions ## dimensions are retrieved #fieldDimIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementDimensionIdx( #ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx) #fieldDimArrayIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimArrayIndex( #DimensionMap, fieldDimIdx) # Starting position in the dimensionArray ## Number of elements in the dimensionArray referring to this signal #fieldDimNum = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumDims( #DimensionMap, fieldDimIdx) #currDimension = [] #for currIdx in range(fieldDimNum): #currDimension.append( #DimensionArray[fieldDimArrayIdx + currIdx]) #if currDimension[0] == 1 and currDimension[1] == 1: #fieldDimension = 0 #elif currDimension[0] == 1 or currDimension[1] == 1: #fieldDimension = [ #currDimension[0]*currDimension[1]] #else: #fieldDimension = currDimension #currParAddress = paramDataAddr + fieldOffset #paramPointer = ctypes.cast( #currParAddress, ctypes.POINTER(fieldPythonTypename)) #if currDimension[0] == 1 and currDimension[1] == 1: # scalar #dimension = 0 #mdsplusValue = paramPointer[0] #elif currDimension[0] == 1: # vector #dimension = currDimension[0]*currDimension[1] #valueList = [] #for idx in range(dimension): #valueList.append(paramPointer[idx]) #else: ## matrix or column vector (MARTe2 sees column vectors as matrices) #dimension = currDimension #idx = 0 #valueList = [] #valueRow = [] #for nRow in range(currDimension[0]): #for nCol in range(currDimension[1]): #valueRow.append(paramPointer[idx]) #idx = idx + 1 #valueList.append(valueRow) #valueRow = [] #if currDimension[0] != 1 or currDimension[1] != 1: #if fieldSLIdType == 0: #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float32Array(valueList) #elif fieldSLIdType == 1: #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float64Array(valueList) #elif fieldSLIdType == 2: #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int8Array(valueList) #elif fieldSLIdType == 3: #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint8Array(valueList) #elif fieldSLIdType == 4: #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int16Array(valueList) #elif fieldSLIdType == 5: #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint16Array(valueList) #elif fieldSLIdType == 6: #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int32Array(valueList) #elif fieldSLIdType == 7: #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint32Array(valueList) #else: #raise Exception('Unsupported parameter datatype.') #paramDict = dict(name='Parameters.'+retrievedName+'-'+fieldName, #type=fieldMARTe2Typename, dimensions=fieldDimension, value=mdsplusValue) ## dictionary is appended to the MDSplus-style list #paramList.append(paramDict) #endif STRUCTURED PARAMETER #endfor parameters #print('PARAMETRI FATTI') return paramList