コード例 #1
def Run_Algoritm(Path, Algorithm, Discretization_type, NumOfBins, NumOfNeg):
    function that runs the algorithm that user choose and return the results of the user inputs and clean the files before that.
    pre = PreProcessing()

    test = pd.read_csv(Path + '/test.csv')
    train = pd.read_csv(Path + '/train.csv')
    struct = pre.read_structure(Path + '/Structure.txt')

    pre.Clean_Data(train, struct, Discretization_type, NumOfBins)
    pre.Fill_Nan_Values(test, struct)

    pre.Save_Data(train, Path, 'train')
    pre.Save_Data(test, Path, 'test')

    if Algorithm not in ['naive bayes classifier (our)', 'ID3 (our)']:
        runner = BuildAlgorithm()
        train, test = runner.Convert_Strings_To_Numbers(Path)
        return runner.Run(Algorithm, train, test, Path, NumOfNeg)
        process = Processing()
        model = process.Build_Model(Path, Algorithm, train)
        process.Save_Model(Path, model)
        train = pd.read_csv(Path + '/train.csv')
        pre.Fill_Nan_Values(train, struct)
        return process.Running_Algorithm(Path, Algorithm, train, test)
コード例 #2
 def test_connect_to_processing(self):
     import Processing
     engine = self.connectivityFixture()
     outports = Connectors(engine, "multi1", Connector.Port, Connector.Out)
     processing = Processing.Processing("multi2", engine)
     self.assertEqual(3, outports > processing)
     self.assertEqual([], engine.controlConnections())
         ('multi1', 'OutPort1', 'multi2', 'InPort1'),
         ('multi1', 'OutPort2', 'multi2', 'InPort2'),
         ('multi1', 'OutPort3', 'multi2', 'InPort3'),
     ], engine.portConnections())
コード例 #3
def getSpo2(self,numSeconds, samplerate):
    print "begin measure"
    startTime = wiringpi.millis()
    Spo2 = Sp2.Spo2Sensor(sampleAvg= 8,sampleRate=samplerate)
    newSample = False
    AFthreshold= 17
    interrupt  = Button(7)

    while wiringpi.millis()-startTime < numSeconds*1000:
      interrupt.when_activated = Spo2.sampleAvailable()
      if Spo2.newSample == True:
          Spo2.newSample = False
    print "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"

    print "Buffer IR: ", len(Spo2.buffer_ir)
    print "Buffer Red: ", len(Spo2.buffer_red)

    pro = pr.Processing()

    #get Red and Ir buffers
    self.IR = Spo2.buffer_ir
    self.Red = Spo2.buffer_red

    #Delay Signal to avoid start overshoot
    #self.Red = pro.delaySignal(self.Red)
    #self.IR = pro.delaySignal(self. IR)

    #Median filter to the signals
    self.IR = sp.medfilt(self.IR)
    self.Red = sp.medfilt(self.Red)

    #low pass filter at 60hz
    #self.IR = pro.NotchFilter(self.IR, 60,samplerate)
    #self.Red = pro.NotchFilter(self.Red, 60,samplerate)

    #lowpass filter at 6Hz:
    #self.IR = pro.lowPasFIRFilter(self.IR, 6,samplerate)
    #self.Red = pro.lowPasFIRFilter(self.Red, 6,samplerate)
    #Compute Spo2Value:
    self.Spo2Value = pro.calcSpO2(self.Red,self.IR)
    print "Spo2: ", Spo2Value, "%"

    #get AC componente to plot the signal:
    self.Red = pro.getACcomponent(self.Red)
    self.IR = pro.getACcomponent(self.IR)
    self.IR = pro.Normalize(self.IR)
コード例 #4
ファイル: Sensor.py プロジェクト: oscaratnc/BABYIM
    def getSpo2read(self, numSeconds):
        print "begin SPO2 measure"
        startTime = wiringpi.millis()
        newSample = False
        interrupt = Button(7)

        while wiringpi.millis() - startTime < numSeconds * 1000:
            interrupt.when_activated = self.Spo2.sampleAvailable()
            if self.Spo2.newSample == True:
                self.Spo2.newSample = False
            #print (wiringpi.millis()-startTime)/1000

        print "Spo2 measure ready"

        pro = pr.Processing()

        #get Red and Ir buffers
        self.IR = self.Spo2.buffer_ir
        self.Red = self.Spo2.buffer_red

        # #Normalize Red and IR signals
        self.Red = pro.Normalize(self.Red)
        self.IR = pro.Normalize(self.IR)

        #Butterword 4th order bandpass filter .5-6Hz
        self.IR = pro.BPButterFilter(self.IR, 0.5, 4.0, self.samplerateSpo2, 4)
        self.Red = pro.BPButterFilter(self.Red, 0.5, 4.0, self.samplerateSpo2,

        #fft filtered dignal
        self.IR_Filtered_FFT = spfft.fft(self.IR)
        self.Red_Filtered_FFT = spfft.fft(self.Red)

        #Mean filter widnow = 4
        # self.IR  = pro.movMean(self.IR,4)
        # self.Red = pro.movMean(self.Red,4)
        self.Red = sp.medfilt(self.Red, 3) * -1
        self.IR = sp.medfilt(self.IR, 3) * -1

        self.Spo2Value = pro.calcSpO2(self.Red, self.IR)
        print "Spo2: ", self.Spo2Value, "%"

        self.HR = pro.heartRateCalc(self.IR)
コード例 #5
ファイル: Region.py プロジェクト: yortug/electoral-campaign
import numpy as np
from Processing import *
almost all of these functions are really boring, just
setters, getters and maybe a couple basic find functions;
thus i've not really commented on anything, although the
reasons behind me setting my classes up this way can be found
from within the documentation if you're curious

pp = Processing()

class Country:
    def __init__(self, country_name, nStates):
        self.country = country_name
        self.states = np.empty(nStates, dtype=object)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.country) + ' ' + str(len(self.states))

    def setStates(self, state_objects):
        for i, z in enumerate(state_objects):
            self.states[i] = z

    def getStates(self):
        return self.states

    def findState(self, state):
        i = 0
        val = None
コード例 #6
ファイル: Connector.py プロジェクト: royedwards/3rdPartyAudio
 def host(self):
     import Processing
     return Processing.Processing(
コード例 #7
usbPath = "/media/pi/VIDEOS"
localPath = "/home/pi/Documents/localVids"

# Main
fileNameList = []
duration = 0
startTime = 0
stopTime = 0

# Device Initialization
x = di.DeviceInitialization()
while (x == -1):
    x = di.DeviceInitialization()

print("SETUP COMPLETE \n")

while (True):
    # Recording
    duration, fileNameList = rc.Recording()
    #print("Done Recording")
    #print("in driver Duration : ",duration)
    #print("in driver FNL : ",fileNameList)

    # Processing
    vr = pro.Processing(fileNameList, duration)
    #print("verify processing return :",vr)
    print("Done Procesing")

    # Finish
コード例 #8
print("OUTPUTS : ", outputA23_1, outputA23_2)
if ((type(outputA23_1) == float) and (type(outputA23_2) == list)):


print("INPUTS : 1. fileNameList (list object) 2. duration (float object)")
print("EXPECTED OUTPUT : True")
inputA4_1 = outputA23_2
inputA4_2 = outputA23_1
# declaration of output
outputA4 = ""
if ((type(inputA4_1) == list) and (type(inputA4_2) == float)
        and (len(inputA4_1) == 2) and (inputA4_2 >= 0)):
    outputA4 = Processing.Processing(inputA4_1, inputA4_2)
    print("A4 INPUT CHECK FAILED")

if (outputA4 == True):
elif (outputA4 == False):
コード例 #9
import telebot
import config
import random
import geocoder
import Processing
import time
import questions
import os

process = Processing.Processing()
bot = telebot.TeleBot(config.TOKEN)

leaderboard = {
    'Jamil': 20,
    'Dima': 11,
    'Maria': 15,
    'Kirill': 5,
    'lamoureux': 9
IMAGES = "images"

saved_facts = []
arenas = 3

quotes = [
    ('Прогресс приходит к тем, кто тренируется изо дня в день. Полагающие на секретные техники ни к чему не придут.',
     'Морихэй Уэсиба'),
    ('Причина моего провала очевидна: я мало тренировался. И кроме того, я мало тренировался. И еще — я мало тренировался. Это если так, вкратце.',
     'Харуки Мураками'),
    ('Разум всегда сдается первым, не тело. Секрет в том, чтобы заставить твой разум работать на тебя, а не против тебя.',
     'Арнольд Шварценеггер')
コード例 #10
def main():
    pp = Processing()

    # unserialize our data ready for use
    the_data = pp.unserialize('australia.pickle')

    # create the Australia Country object to improve readability as we go through
    Australia = Country('Australia', len(the_data))

    # the user is going to go through three main selection phases:
    #   1. selecting their states of interest
    #   2. selecting their divisions/electorates of interest
    #   3. selecting their party/parties of interest
    # thus, we must create three different linked lists to store
    # this information because we have no way of knowing how many
    # of any of the choices the user might be making - need extensibility
    states = DSALinkedList()
    divisions = DSALinkedList()
    parties = DSALinkedList()

    print("Please select your state(s):")
    for i, z in enumerate(Australia.getStates()):  # for each state
        print('[' + str(i + 1) + ']' + z.getCode() + '  ',
              end='  ')  # print the index+1 (so we start at
        # one and not zero), and print the label next to that number

    selection1 = input("Selection: ").split(
        ',')  # user makes a selection and we split it on ',' because
    # we're assuming they've read the documentation and will of course input a nice comma seperated list
    if selection1[0] in {'a',
                         'A'}:  # check if they've selected all, and if so...
        for i in Australia.getStates():  # for each state
                i.getCode())  # insert the code (i.e. 'WA') into states list
    else:  # otherwise they must've selected some subset of them all
        selection1 = [int(i) for i in selection1]
        for i in selection1:  # so for each of their selection(s)
                i - 1].getCode())  # insert the code on the selection-1

    print(states)  # show users the states they've selected to reassure them

    # now that we have the user's selected states, we can reduce the search space
    # and have them select which electorates they're interested in within each
    # of their selected states

    for state in states:  # for each state in their selected states
        big_string = ''  # sometimes there're A LOT of electorates (like for NSW/VIC)
        # so I've made use of a package called 'textwrap' which makes sure that when
        # there's a huge set of text in the terminal, it's formatted correctly and
        # not half on the end of one line and the start of the next - it takes one big
        # string as input, hence why I've made this here
        print("Please select electorate(s) from " + state + ':')
        for j, z in enumerate(Australia.findState(state).getElectorates()
                              ):  # for electorate in the selected state
            big_string += '[' + str(j + 1) + ']' + z.getDivName(
            ) + '  '  # append this to the big string
        for line in textwrap.wrap(
        ):  # for each correctly formatted line in this big string
            print(line)  # print the line
        selection2 = input("Selection: ").split(
            ',')  # user makes a selection and we split it on ',' because
        # we're assuming they've read the documentation and will of course input a nice comma seperated list
        if selection2[0] in {'a', 'A'
                             }:  # check if they've selected all, and if so...
            for k in Australia.findState(state).getElectorates(
            ):  # for each of the state's electorates
                    k.getDivName())  # insert their name to the divisions list
        else:  # otherwise they must've selected some subset of them all
            selection2 = [int(i) for i in selection2]
            for k in selection2:  # so for each of their selection(s)
                        k - 1].getDivName())  # insert that electorate to list
              )  # show users the divisions they've selected to reassure them


    # now, at this point we've reduced the search space significantly again, considering
    # we might even be looking in a couple of one state's electorates, there might only be
    # a few parties to choose from; so we have to find what these possible parties are
    # that our user can choose from

    possible_parties = DSALinkedList(
    )  # empty list again because extensibility

    for i in states:  # for each of the user's states
        x = Australia.findState(i)  # set x to be that state object
        if x != None:  # saftey check
            for j in divisions:  # for each of the users divisions
                y = x.findElectorate(j)  # check if it's within this state
                if y != None:  # if it IS in this state (not None)
                    for k in y.getParties(
                    ):  # then for each party in this division
                        ))  # add them to the list of possible parties

    possible_parties = np.array(list(
        set(possible_parties)))  # can't go from set-object to np-array
    # so have to briefly cast to a python inbuilt list - pls don't mark me down, surely this barely counts
    possible_parties = DSASorts().insertionSort(
        possible_parties)  # sort this list using insertion sort
    # because after researching apparently a small array of strings is actually pretty quick to sort
    # using insertion sort, despite it being O(N^2), because len(50) is nothing for a modern CPU I think?

    # anyway, now we have the set of possible parties in which
    # the user can make a choice, again we use textwrap to format
    print("Please select your partie(s):")
    big_string = ''
    for i, z in enumerate(possible_parties):
        if z == '':
            z = 'NONE'
        big_string += '[' + str(i + 1) + ']' + z + '  '
    for line in textwrap.wrap(big_string):
        print(line)  # prints each nicely formated line to shell


    selection3 = input("Selection: ").split(
        ',')  # user makes a selection and we split it on ',' because
    # we're assuming they've read the documentation and will of course input a nice comma seperated list
    if selection3[0] in {'a',
                         'A'}:  # check if they've selected all, and if so...
        for i in possible_parties:  # for each of the possible parties
                i)  # insert the party's name into the selected parties list
    else:  # otherwise they must've selected some subset of them all
        selection3 = [int(i) for i in selection3]
        for i in selection3:  # so for each of their selection(s)
                i - 1])  # insert each selected party into the parties list

          )  # show users the party/parties they've selected to reassure them

    # put the parties into an array so we can sort them efficiently
    parties_array = np.empty(len(parties), dtype=object)
    for i, z in enumerate(parties):
        parties_array[i] = z
    parties = DSASorts().insertionSort(parties_array)  # sort them

    filtered = DSALinkedList(
    )  # empty linked list to store the filtered candidates we'll
    # be searching through; if you've come from "nomineeList.py" this would be the results
    # of all your filtering - your results - and they're sent to into a menu in processing classs

    for i in states:  # for each state the user selected
        x = Australia.findState(i)  # set it to current
        if x != None:  # saftey check
            for j in divisions:  # for each division selected by the user
                y = x.findElectorate(j)  # try and find it within current state
                if y != None:  # if it IS found (not None)
                    for k in parties:  # for each party selected by the user
                        z = y.findParty(
                            k)  # try find the party within the electorate
                        if z != None:  # if you DO find the party
                            for candidate in z.getCandidates(
                            ):  # look at each candidate in the party
                                )  # and add them to our filtered list

    results = DSALinkedList()  # empty list for our results

    # finally, we have to let the user input some sort of substring
    # and if it matches some part of the filtered candidates first name
    # or last name, then they need to be added to the results for processing
    ## NOTE: I interpretted this question "searching for a substring, starting
    # with the first character of last name" as:
    #   1. user enters substring
    #   2. you check if substring matches the last_name[0:len(substring)]
    #   3. if it doesn't then you check last_name[1:len(substring)], then last_name[2:len(substring)], etc
    #   4. if this yields no results then repeat process with first name
    # this whole process is simply the 'in' keyword function in python so i've used that

    print("Who are you looking for: ")
    selection4 = input("Selection: ")
    for i in filtered:  # for each candidate we've filtered down
        if selection4.lower() in i.getFname().lower() or selection4.lower(
        ) in i.getLname().lower():  # if substring is in f/lname
            results.insertLast(i)  # add it to the results list

    # now we send all the necessary information in a nice neat package to be processed into
    # a menu where the user can choose to save this information as either printable output,
    # a csv file, a serialized file, or any combination of these actions

    pp2 = ResultsProcessing()  # initiate our results processing class
    pp2.resultsMenu(results)  # send data off to be processed into a menu

    # and once they exit out of the menu they'll return back here, a blank line will be printed
    # and they'll be sent back to the main menu to perform another process if they decide to
コード例 #11
def main():
    pp = Processing()

    the_data = pp.unserialize('australia.pickle')

    Australia = Country('Australia', len(the_data))

    states = DSALinkedList()
    divisions = DSALinkedList()
    parties = DSALinkedList()

    print("Please select your state(s):")
    for i,z in enumerate(Australia.getStates()):
        print('['+str(i+1)+']'+z.getCode()+'  ', end = '  ')

    selection1 = input("Selection: ").split(',')
    if selection1[0] in {'a', 'A'}:
        for i in Australia.getStates():
        selection1 = [int(i) for i in selection1]
        for i in selection1:


    for i in states:
        test = ''
        print("Please select electorate(s) from " + i + ':')
        for j,z in enumerate(Australia.findState(i).getElectorates()):
            test += '['+str(j+1)+']'+z.getDivName()+'  '
        for line in textwrap.wrap(test):
        selection2 = input("Selection: ").split(',')
        if selection2[0] in {'a', 'A'}:
            for k in Australia.findState(i).getElectorates():
            selection2 = [int(i) for i in selection2]
            for k in selection2:


    possible_parties = DSALinkedList()

    for i in states:
        x = Australia.findState(i)
        if x != None:
            for j in divisions:
                y = x.findElectorate(j)
                if y != None:
                    for k in y.getParties():

    possible_parties = np.array(list(set(possible_parties))) # can't go from set-object to np-array, so have to briefly cast to Python list
    possible_parties = DSASorts().insertionSort(possible_parties)

    print("Please select your partie(s):")
    test = ''
    for i,z in enumerate(possible_parties):
        if z == '':
            z = 'NONE'
        test += '['+str(i+1)+']'+z+'  '
    for line in textwrap.wrap(test):


    selection3 = input("Selection: ").split(',')
    if selection3[0] in {'a', 'A'}:
        for i in possible_parties:
        selection3 = [int(i) for i in selection3]
        for i in selection3:

    parties_array = np.empty(len(parties), dtype = object)
    for i,z in enumerate(parties):
        parties_array[i] = z

    parties = DSASorts().insertionSort(parties_array)

    results = DSALinkedList()

    for i in states:
        x = Australia.findState(i)
        if x != None:
            for j in divisions:
                y = x.findElectorate(j)
                if y != None:
                    for k in parties:
                        z = y.findParty(k)
                        if z != None:
                            for candidate in z.getCandidates():

    pp2 = ResultsProcessing()

    # and once they exit out of the menu they'll return back here, a blank line will be printed
    # and they'll be sent back to the main menu to perform another process if they decide to
コード例 #12
bottomframe = Frame(root)

frame = Frame(root)
# root.minsize(width=400,height=500)
panelA = None
panelB = None

prg_bar = ttk.Progressbar(bottomframe,orient=HORIZONTAL,length = 200,mode='indeterminate')

transform = ImageTransform.ImageTransform()
segmentation = ImageSegmentaion.ImageSegmentation()
processing = Processing.Processing(panelA,panelB,topframe,prg_bar)

# Select image for feature matching
def select_image():
    # Declare global variables
    global panelA,panelB,img,im_canny,topframe,path,ballot_path,prg_bar

    # prg_bar.start(50)
    if len(path)>0 and len(ballot_path)>0:
        count = len([file for file in os.listdir(ballot_path) if file.endswith('.jpg')])

        for file in os.listdir(ballot_path):
            if file.endswith('.jpg'):
                loc_path = ballot_path+'/'+file
                print('processing image: '+str(file))
                if len(loc_path)>0:
コード例 #13
def main():
    pp = Processing()

    # unserialize our data ready for use
    the_data = pp.unserialize('australia.pickle')

    # create the Australia Country object to improve readability as we go through
    Australia = Country('Australia', len(the_data))

    # difficult to find the total number of unique parties
    # in all our data easily, so instead it makes a lot more
    # sense to create a linked list and just store every party
    # in here as we iterate past it
    possible_parties = DSALinkedList()  # empty linked list

    # this iterates through all parties, in all electorates, in all states
    for i in Australia.getStates():
        for j in i.getElectorates():
            for z in j.getParties():
                ))  # and inserts the party into the empty linked list

    # now, there's of course going to be double ups, as multiple parties can exist
    # across multiple different electorates/states, so we need the unique set...
    possible_parties = np.array(list(
        set(possible_parties)))  # can't go from set-object to np-array
    # so have to briefly cast to a python inbuilt list - pls don't mark me down, surely this barely counts

    possible_parties = DSASorts().insertionSort(
        possible_parties)  # sort this list using insertion sort
    # because after researching apparently a small array of strings is actually pretty quick to sort
    # using insertion sort, despite it being O(N^2), because len(50) is nothing for a modern CPU I think?

    # anyway, now we have the full list of unique parties in which the user
    # can make their selection, but we need to show them their options!

    # when giving the user 50+ parties to choose from it was a lot of text and
    # it looked really messy in terminal, so I did a bit of googling and found
    # a package called 'textwrap' which makes everything look nice and not
    # half cross over lines - it takes one big long string as input so that's
    # why I've created this:
    long_string = ''

    print("Please select your party (or parties):")
    for i, z in enumerate(possible_parties):
        if z == '':
            z = 'NONE'
        long_string += '[' + str(
            i + 1) + ']' + z + '  '  # add the option to the long string

    for line in textwrap.wrap(
            long_string):  # use text-wrap to wrap the long string
        print(line)  # then print each nice formatted line to the user


    # now, the user can of course make multiple choices here so an array would
    # be suboptimal, a linked list is a much better way to store the information
    # since it can be appended to depending on the amount of selecitons our user makes
    parties = DSALinkedList()  # empty list to hold user selection

    selection = input("Selection: ").split(',')
    if selection[0] in {'a', 'A'}:  # if user selects (a/A)ll
        for i in possible_parties:  # go through all possible parties
            parties.insertLast(i)  # and select everything
    else:  # otherwise they must've entered a nice comma seperated list
        # like the documentation says, DEFINITELY WOULDN'T BE ANY PROBLEMS HERE
        selection = [int(i)
                     for i in selection]  # so we convert their selctions from
        # strings to integer values
        for i in selection:  # and then for each selection they've made
                possible_parties[i - 1])  # we index all possible parties
            # on this selection (i-1 because our selection list starts at 1 not 0), and
            # then we just append their selection to the linked list

    )  # show the user's their selections so they can panic if they misselected

    print("Please enter your margin:")
    selection = input("Value: ")  # agaian, the user will definitely
    # enter a nice value between 0 and 1 which can be converted to a
    # float... right? right?????
    margin = float(selection)
    print(margin)  # show user their selected margin

    # again, we have no idea how many marginal electorates we might find
    # so we need a linked list to store the data
    results = DSALinkedList()

    for i in Australia.getStates():  # for each state
        for j in i.getElectorates():  # for each electorate
            get_votes = DSALinkedList(
            )  # create an empty linked list to store the electorate's votes
            for k in j.getParties():  # for each party in the electorate
                ))  # append their votes to the electorate specific list
            # then we find the percentage difference that each party has with the most voted party in that electorate
            # here i could have used my own sorting method to sort the linked list and then use the last element
            # as the maximum, but considering it's one small calculation, for readability, to reduce code complexity,
            # and mainly because i really don't want to break my code at this point - i'm just going to leave it like this
            get_vote_pct = [(abs(l - max(get_votes)) / max(get_votes))
                            for l in get_votes]
            # now we have the percentage difference between votes, but
            # we have to see if they fall within the user's margin
            marginal_parties = DSALinkedList()
            for x, z in enumerate(get_vote_pct):
                if z == 0.0:  # if there's no percentage difference this means this is the maximum voted party
                        x)  # so we insert its index into a list because
                    # we're going to assume that we'll find a marginal match to go with it
                elif z != 0.0 and z <= margin:  # and if we find a percentage difference within the margin
                        x)  # we have a match and add its index to the list too
            if len(
            ) == 1:  # but if our list is only of len(1) it means we never
                # actually found a marginal match to go along with the maximum party, so do nothing
            else:  # otherwise we have a >len(1) list, marginal parties, so we need to grab them
                for p in marginal_parties:
                    # but we're only concerned with marginal parties that involve the parties that the
                    # user had previously selected, so for each marginal party, if it's user selected...
                    if j.getParties()[p].getPartyName() in parties:
                            [p])  # ... add it to the results list

    # now we send all the necessary information in a nice neat package to be processed into
    # a menu where the user can choose to save this information as either printable output,
    # a csv file, a serialized file, or any combination of these actions
    pp2 = ResultsProcessing()  # initiate our results processing class
        Australia, parties, margin,
        results)  # send data off to be processed into a menu

    # and once they exit out of the menu they'll return back here, a blank line will be printed
    # and they'll be sent back to the main menu to perform another process if they decide to