コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, robotDescriptionString=None, arm_id='panda'):
        if robotDescriptionString is None:
            self.urdf_string = _rospy.get_param('robot_description')
            self.arm_id = _rospy.get_param('arm_id')
            self.urdf_string = robotDescriptionString
            self.arm_id = arm_id
        self.baseLinkName = "{}_link0".format(self.arm_id)
        self.eeLinkName = "{}_link7".format(self.arm_id)
        isSuccessful, self.kdltree = _kdl_parser.treeFromString(
        if not isSuccessful:
            raise RuntimeError("could not parse 'robot_description'")
        self.ee_chain = self.kdltree.getChain(self.baseLinkName,
        self.fk_ee = _kdl.ChainFkSolverPos_recursive(self.ee_chain)
        self.jointposition = _kdl.JntArray(7)
        self.jointvelocity = _kdl.JntArray(7)
        self.eeFrame = _kdl.Frame()
        # Calculate the jacobian expressed in the base frame of the chain, with reference point at the end effector of the *chain.
        # http://docs.ros.org/hydro/api/orocos_kdl/html/classKDL_1_1ChainJntToJacSolver.html#details
        # Sounds like base jacobian but will be used here for both
        self.jac_ee = _kdl.ChainJntToJacSolver(self.ee_chain)
        self.jacobian = _kdl.Jacobian(7)

        #dynamics: (needs masses added to urdf!)
        self.grav_vector = _kdl.Vector(0., 0., -9.81)
        self.dynParam = _kdl.ChainDynParam(self.ee_chain, self.grav_vector)
        self.inertiaMatrix_kdl = _kdl.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix(7)
        self.inertiaMatrix = _np.eye((8))
        self.gravity_torques_kdl = _kdl.JntArray(7)
        self.gravity_torques = _np.zeros((8))

        viscuousFriction = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5,
                            1.5]  #TODO: load from URDF
        self.viscuousFriction = _np.array(viscuousFriction)
コード例 #2
 def inertia(self,joint_values=None):
     inertia = PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix(self._num_jnts)
     self._dyn_kdl.JntToMass(self.joints_to_kdl('positions',joint_values), inertia)
     return kdl_to_mat(inertia)
コード例 #3
 def inertia(self):
     jnt_array = self.joints_to_kdl('positions')
     M_x_ee = PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix(self.n_joints)
     self._dyn_kdl.JntToMass(jnt_array, M_x_ee)
     mat = self.kdl_to_mat(M_x_ee)
     return mat
コード例 #4
 def inertia(self):
     inertia = PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix(self._num_jnts)
     self._dyn_kdl.JntToMass(self.joints_to_kdl('positions'), inertia)
     return self.kdl_to_mat(inertia)
コード例 #5
 def inertia(self, q):
     h_kdl = kdl.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix(self.num_joints)
     self._dyn_kdl.JntToMass(joint_list_to_kdl(q), h_kdl)
     return kdl_to_mat(h_kdl)
コード例 #6
snake_pb = pb.loadURDF(path_to_urdf, useFixedBase=True, flags = pb.URDF_USE_INERTIA_FROM_FILE)
pb.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81)

#joint info
jointlist, names, q_max, q_min = snake.get_joint_info(root, tip)
n_joints = snake.get_n_joints(root, tip)


q_kdl = kdl.JntArray(n_joints)
gravity_kdl = kdl.Vector()
gravity_kdl[2] = -9.81
g_kdl = kdl.JntArray(n_joints)
M_kdl = kdl.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix(n_joints)

#u2c & pybullet
q = [None]*n_joints
qdot = [None]*n_joints
zeros_pb = [None]*n_joints
M_sym = snake.get_inertia_matrix_crba(root, tip)

q_np = np.zeros(n_joints)
M_rbdl = (n_joints, n_joints)
M_rbdl = np.zeros(M_rbdl)

#error declarations
error_kdl_rbdl = np.zeros((n_joints, n_joints))
error_kdl_u2c = np.zeros((n_joints, n_joints))
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, freq_control=100, margin_workspace=0.05):
        # Load robot
        urdf_model = URDF.from_parameter_server()
        fetch = kdl_tree_from_urdf_model(urdf_model)
        fetch_arm = fetch.getChain(BASE_LINK, END_LINK)
        self.dof = fetch_arm.getNrOfJoints()

        self.kdl_pos = PyKDL.ChainFkSolverPos_recursive(fetch_arm)
        self.kdl_jac = PyKDL.ChainJntToJacSolver(fetch_arm)
        self.kdl_dyn = PyKDL.ChainDynParam(fetch_arm,
                                           PyKDL.Vector(0, 0, -9.81))
        self.kdl_q = PyKDL.JntArray(self.dof)
        self.kdl_A = PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix(self.dof)
        self.kdl_J = PyKDL.Jacobian(self.dof)
        self.kdl_x = PyKDL.Frame()

        # self.kdl_G = PyKDL.JntArray(self.dof)
        # self.G = np.zeros((self.dof,))

        # Initialize robot values
        self.lock = threading.Lock()
        self.thread_q = np.zeros((self.dof, ))
        self.thread_dq = np.zeros((self.dof, ))
        self.thread_tau = np.zeros((self.dof, ))

        self.q = np.zeros((self.dof, ))
        self.dq = np.zeros((self.dof, ))
        self.tau = np.zeros((self.dof, ))
        self.x = np.zeros((3, ))
        self.quat = np.array([0., 0., 0., 1.])
        self.lim_norm_x = self.compute_workspace() - margin_workspace

        self.A = np.zeros((self.dof, self.dof))
        self.A_inv = np.zeros((self.dof, self.dof))
        self.J = np.zeros((6, self.dof))

        self.q_init = np.array([
            -np.pi / 4.,
            np.pi / 4,
            np.pi / 2,
        ])  # Face down
        self.q_tuck = np.array([1.32, 1.40, -0.2, 1.72, 0.0, 1.66,
                                0.0])  # Storage position
        self.q_stow = np.array([1.32, 0.7, 0.0, -2.0, 0.0, -0.57, 0.0])
        self.q_intermediate_stow = np.array(
            [0.7, -0.3, 0.0, -0.3, 0.0, -0.57, 0.0])

        self.x_des = np.array([0.8, 0., 0.35])  # q_init
        self.x_init = np.array([0.8, 0., 0.35])  # q_init
        # self.quat_des = np.array([-0.707, 0., 0.707, 0.]) # Face up
        self.quat_des = np.array([0., 0.707, 0., 0.707])  # Face down

        self.state = "INITIALIZE"
        print("Switching to state: " + self.state)
        self.t_start = time.time()
        self.freq_control = freq_control

        # Initialize pub and sub
        self.pub = rospy.Publisher("arm_controller/joint_torque/command",
        sub = rospy.Subscriber(
            "joint_states", JointState,
            lambda joint_states: self.read_joint_sensors(joint_states))

        # Initialize ROS