コード例 #1
 def get_des_twist(self, dT):
     """ Get desired twist @ time t, by computing differential of traj_frame @ t=T-1 and t=T
     if self.cur_wp_idx > 1: 
         return PyKDL.diff(pm.fromMatrix(self.traj_list[self.cur_wp_idx - 1]), pm.fromMatrix(self.traj_list[self.cur_wp_idx]), dT)
     else: # cur_wp_idx == num_wp
         return PyKDL.diff(pm.fromMatrix(self.traj_list[self.cur_wp_idx]), pm.fromMatrix(self.traj_list[self.cur_wp_idx + 1]), dT)
コード例 #2
    def check_if_new_goal(self, frame):
        dist_p = kdl.diff(self.dst_pose.p, frame.p)
        dist_M = kdl.diff(self.dst_pose.M, frame.M)

        if dist_M[0] != dist_M[0]:  #got a nan
            rospy.logwarn("Got a NAN in frame.M distance")
            return True

        dist_p_scalar = kdl.dot(dist_p, dist_p)
        dist_M_scalar = kdl.dot(dist_M, dist_M)

        if (dist_p_scalar > 0.00001) or (dist_M_scalar > 0.00001):
            return True
            return False
    def compute_num_jac(self, func, ik_config, mat_world_to_obj):
        eps = 10**-6
        jac = np.zeros((self.palm_dof_dim, self.arm_joints_dof))

        for i in xrange(self.arm_joints_dof):
            ik_config_plus = np.copy(ik_config)
            ik_config_plus[i] += eps
            config_plus = func(ik_config_plus, mat_world_to_obj)

            ik_config_minus = np.copy(ik_config)
            ik_config_minus[i] -= eps
            config_minus = func(ik_config_minus, mat_world_to_obj)

            # ith_grad = (config_plus[:6] - config_minus[:6]) / (2. * eps)

            trans_plus = PyKDL.Vector(config_plus[0], config_plus[1],
            rot_plus = PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(config_plus[3], config_plus[4],
            frame_plus = PyKDL.Frame(rot_plus, trans_plus)

            trans_minus = PyKDL.Vector(config_minus[0], config_minus[1],
            rot_minus = PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(config_minus[3], config_minus[4],
            frame_minus = PyKDL.Frame(rot_minus, trans_minus)

            twist = PyKDL.diff(frame_minus, frame_plus, 1.0)
            ith_grad = np.array([
                twist.vel[0], twist.vel[1], twist.vel[2], twist.rot[0],
                twist.rot[1], twist.rot[2]
            ]) / (2. * eps)
            jac[:, i] = ith_grad

        return jac
コード例 #4
    def _standing_still_for_x_seconds(self, timeout):
        """Check whether the robot is standing still for X seconds
        :param timeout how many seconds must the robot be standing still before returning True
        :type timeout float
        :returns bool indicating whether the robot has been standing still for longer than timeout seconds"""
        current_frame = self._robot.base.get_location().frame
        now = rospy.Time.now()

        if not self._last_pose_stamped:
            self._last_pose_stamped = current_frame
            self._last_pose_stamped_time = now
            current_yaw = current_frame.M.GetRPY()[2]  # Get the Yaw
            last_yaw = self._last_pose_stamped.M.GetRPY()[2]  # Get the Yaw

            # Compare the pose with the last pose and update if difference is larger than x
            if kdl.diff(current_frame.p, self._last_pose_stamped.p).Norm(
            ) > 0.05 or abs(current_yaw - last_yaw) > 0.3:
                # Update the last pose
                self._last_pose_stamped = current_frame
                self._last_pose_stamped_time = rospy.Time.now()

                print "Robot dit not move for x seconds: %f" % (
                    now - self._last_pose_stamped_time).to_sec()

                # Check whether we passed the timeout
                if (now - self._last_pose_stamped_time).to_sec() > timeout:
                    return True
        return False
コード例 #5
 def calc_R(rx, ry, rz):
     R_7_M = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.EulerZYX(rx, ry, rz))
     ret = []
     for idx in range(0,len(T_7bo_7i)):
         diff = PyKDL.diff( T_7bo_7i[idx] * R_7_M, R_7_M * T_Mbo_Mi[idx] )
         ret.append( diff.rot.Norm() * weights_ori[idx] )
     return ret
コード例 #6
    def _update(self, event):
        # Leave if ROS is not running or command is not valid
        if rospy.is_shutdown() or self._last_goal is None:
        # Calculate the goal pose
        goal = self._get_goal()

        # TODO(mam0box) Test for singularities

        # End-effector's pose
        ee_pose = self._arm_interface.get_ee_pose_as_frame()
        # End-effector's velocity
        ee_vel = self._arm_interface.get_ee_vel_as_kdl_twist()
        # Calculate pose error
        error = PyKDL.diff(goal, ee_pose)
        # End-effector wrench to achieve target
        wrench = np.matrix(np.zeros(6)).T
        for i in range(len(wrench)):
            wrench[i] = -(self._Kp[i] * error[i] + self._Kd[i] * ee_vel[i])

        # Compute jacobian transpose
        JT = self._arm_interface.jacobian_transpose()
        # Calculate the torques for the joints
        tau = JT * wrench
        # Store current pose target
        self._last_goal = goal

コード例 #7
    def odomCallback(self, odom_msg):
        current_position = point_msg_to_kdl_vector(odom_msg.pose.pose.position)
        if self.active:
            self.distance_traveled += kdl.diff(current_position,

        self.previous_position = current_position
コード例 #8
    def _standing_still_for_x_seconds(self, timeout):
        """Check whether the robot is standing still for X seconds
        :param timeout how many seconds must the robot be standing still before returning True
        :type timeout float
        :returns bool indicating whether the robot has been standing still for longer than timeout seconds"""
        current_frame = self._robot.base.get_location().frame
        now = rospy.Time.now()

        if not self._last_pose_stamped:
            self._last_pose_stamped = current_frame
            self._last_pose_stamped_time = now
            current_yaw = current_frame.M.GetRPY()[2]  # Get the Yaw
            last_yaw = self._last_pose_stamped.M.GetRPY()[2]  # Get the Yaw

            # Compare the pose with the last pose and update if difference is larger than x
            if kdl.diff(current_frame.p, self._last_pose_stamped.p).Norm() > 0.05 or abs(current_yaw - last_yaw) > 0.3:
                # Update the last pose
                self._last_pose_stamped = current_frame
                self._last_pose_stamped_time = rospy.Time.now()

                print "Robot dit not move for x seconds: %f"%(now - self._last_pose_stamped_time).to_sec()

                # Check whether we passed the timeout
                if (now - self._last_pose_stamped_time).to_sec() > timeout:
                    return True
        return False
コード例 #9
ファイル: velmautils.py プロジェクト: dseredyn/velma_common
    def getCartImpWristTraj(self, js, goal_T_B_W):
        init_js = copy.deepcopy(js)
        init_T_B_W = self.fk_solver.calculateFk("right_arm_7_link", init_js)
        T_B_Wd = goal_T_B_W
        T_B_W_diff = PyKDL.diff(init_T_B_W, T_B_Wd, 1.0)
        steps = int(max(T_B_W_diff.vel.Norm() / 0.05, T_B_W_diff.rot.Norm() / (20.0 / 180.0 * math.pi)))
        if steps < 2:
            steps = 2

        q_list = []
        for f in np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, steps):
            T_B_Wi = PyKDL.addDelta(init_T_B_W, T_B_W_diff, f)
            q_out = self.fk_solver.simulateTrajectory("right_arm_7_link", init_js, T_B_Wi)
            if q_out == None:
                #                print "error: getCartImpWristTraj: ", str(f)
                return None

            for i in range(7):
                joint_name = self.fk_solver.ik_joint_state_name["right_arm_7_link"][i]
                init_js[joint_name] = q_out[i]

        return q_list
コード例 #10
ファイル: velmautils.py プロジェクト: dseredyn/velma_common
def updateCom(T_B_O, T_B_O_2, contacts_O, com_pt, com_weights, m_id=0, pub_marker=None):
    diff_B = PyKDL.diff(T_B_O, T_B_O_2)
    up_v_B = PyKDL.Vector(0, 0, 1)
    n_v_B = diff_B.rot * up_v_B
    if pub_marker != None:
        m_id = pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(
            PyKDL.Vector(), diff_B.rot, m_id, r=0, g=1, b=0, frame="world", namespace="default", scale=0.01
        m_id = pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(
            PyKDL.Vector(), n_v_B, m_id, r=1, g=1, b=1, frame="world", namespace="default", scale=0.01

    n_O = PyKDL.Frame(T_B_O.Inverse().M) * n_v_B
    n_O_2 = PyKDL.Frame(T_B_O_2.Inverse().M) * n_v_B

    # get all com points that lies in the positive direction from the most negative contact point with respect to n_v in T_B_O and T_B_O_2
    c_dot_list = []
    c_dot_list_2 = []
    for c in contacts_O:
        dot = PyKDL.dot(c, n_O)
        dot_2 = PyKDL.dot(c, n_O_2)

    # get all com points that lies in the positive direction from given contact
    for contact_idx in range(0, len(c_dot_list)):
        for com_idx in range(0, len(com_pt)):
            c = com_pt[com_idx]
            dot = PyKDL.dot(c, n_O)
            dot_2 = PyKDL.dot(c, n_O_2)
            if dot > c_dot_list[contact_idx] and dot_2 > c_dot_list_2[contact_idx]:
                com_weights[com_idx] += 1

    return m_id
コード例 #11
ファイル: hydra_teleop.py プロジェクト: aagudel/lcsr_barrett
    def handle_cart_cmd(self, msg):
        side = self.side
            # Get the current position of the hydra
            hydra_frame = fromTf(self.listener.lookupTransform(

            # Get the current position of the end-effector
            tip_frame = fromTf(self.listener.lookupTransform(

            # Capture the current position if we're starting to move
            if not self.deadman_engaged:
                self.deadman_engaged = True
                self.cmd_origin = hydra_frame
                self.tip_origin = tip_frame
                self.deadman_max = max(self.deadman_max, msg.axes[self.DEADMAN[side]])
                # Update commanded TF frame
                cmd_twist = kdl.diff(self.cmd_origin, hydra_frame)
                cmd_twist.vel = self.scale*self.deadman_max*cmd_twist.vel
                self.cmd_frame = kdl.addDelta(self.tip_origin, cmd_twist)

        except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException) as ex:
コード例 #12
    def _update(self):
        # Leave if ROS is not running or command is not valid
        if rospy.is_shutdown() or self._last_goal is None:
        # Calculate the goal pose
        goal = self._get_goal()

        # End-effector's pose
        ee_pose = self._arm_interface.get_ee_pose_as_frame()
        # End-effector's velocity
        ee_vel = self._arm_interface.get_ee_vel_as_kdl_twist()
        # Calculate pose error
        error = PyKDL.diff(goal, ee_pose)
        # End-effector wrench to achieve target
        wrench = np.matrix(np.zeros(6)).T
        for i in range(len(wrench)):
            wrench[i] = -(self._Kp[i] * error[i] + self._Kd[i] * ee_vel[i])

        # Compute jacobian transpose
        JT = self._arm_interface.jacobian_transpose()
        # Calculate the torques for the joints
        tau = JT * wrench
        # Store current pose target
        self._last_goal = goal

コード例 #13
ファイル: wam_teleop.py プロジェクト: jhu-lcsr/lcsr_barrett
    def handle_cart_cmd(self, scaling):

            # Get the current position of the hydra
            input_frame = fromTf(self.listener.lookupTransform(

            # Get the current position of the end-effector
            tip_frame = fromTf(self.listener.lookupTransform(

            # Capture the current position if we're starting to move
            if not self.deadman_engaged:
                self.deadman_engaged = True
                self.cmd_origin = input_frame
                self.tip_origin = tip_frame
                self.cart_scaling = scaling
                # Update commanded TF frame
                cmd_twist = kdl.diff(self.cmd_origin, input_frame)
                cmd_twist.vel = self.scale*self.cart_scaling*cmd_twist.vel
                self.cmd_frame = kdl.addDelta(self.tip_origin, cmd_twist)

        except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException) as ex:
コード例 #14
def moveRight(x, y, z, theta):
    print "Moving right wrist to position:", x, y, z, "\n"
    T_B_Trd = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(0.0, 0.0, theta),
                          PyKDL.Vector(x, y, z))
    if not velma.moveCartImpRight([T_B_Trd], [3.0],
                                  PyKDL.Wrench(PyKDL.Vector(5, 5, 5),
                                               PyKDL.Vector(5, 5, 5)),
    if velma.waitForEffectorRight() != 0:
    print "calculating difference between desiread and reached pose..."
    T_B_T_diff = PyKDL.diff(T_B_Trd, velma.getTf("B", "Tr"), 1.0)
    print T_B_T_diff
    if T_B_T_diff.vel.Norm() > 0.05 or T_B_T_diff.rot.Norm() > 0.05:
        (beer_frame, beer_angle) = locateObject("beer")
        moveRight(beer_frame.p[0] - 0.5 * math.cos(theta),
                  beer_frame.p[1] - 0.5 * math.sin(theta),
                  0.5 * h_puszki + beer_frame.p[2],
                  beer_angle)  #podnosimy reke zeby nie potracic puszki


コード例 #15
    def torque_controller_cb(self, event):
        if rospy.is_shutdown() or self.cart_command == None:
        elapsed_time = rospy.Time.now() - self.cart_command.header.stamp
        if elapsed_time.to_sec() > self.timeout:
        # TODO: Validate msg.header.frame_id

        ## Cartesian error to zero using a Jacobian transpose controller
        x_target = posemath.fromMsg(self.cart_command.pose)
        q = self.get_joint_angles_array()
        x = baxter_to_kdl_frame(self.arm_interface.endpoint_pose())
        xdot = baxter_to_kdl_twist(self.arm_interface.endpoint_velocity())
        # Calculate a Cartesian restoring wrench
        x_error = PyKDL.diff(x_target, x)
        wrench = np.matrix(np.zeros(6)).T
        for i in range(len(wrench)):
            wrench[i] = -(self.kp[i] * x_error[i] + self.kd[i] * xdot[i])
        # Calculate the jacobian
        J = self.kinematics.jacobian(q)
        # Convert the force into a set of joint torques. tau = J^T * wrench
        tau = J.T * wrench

        # Populate the joint_torques in baxter API format (dictionary)
        joint_torques = dict()
        for i, name in enumerate(self.joint_names):
            joint_torques[name] = tau[i]
コード例 #16
 def calc_R(px, py, pz):
     R_7_M = PyKDL.Frame(rot_mx, PyKDL.Vector(px, py, pz))
     ret = []
     for idx in range(0,len(T_7bp_7i)):
         diff = PyKDL.diff( T_7bp_7i[idx] * R_7_M, R_7_M * T_Mbp_Mi[idx] )
         ret.append( diff.vel.Norm() * weights_pos[idx] )
     return ret
コード例 #17
    def replan_movement(self,

        #Check if really new goal:
        if not self.check_if_new_goal(goal_kdl_frame):
            rospy.logwarn("Not a new goal")

        #If we got here, the message is really different


        #find distance
        rot_dist = kdl.diff(self.current_pose.M, self.dst_pose.M)

        if rot_dist[0] != rot_dist[0]:
            #getting nans here, work around bug by rotating current pose a little
            self.current_pose.M.DoRotZ(2 * 3.141509 / 180.0)

        dist = kdl.diff(kdl.Frame(self.current_pose), kdl.Frame(self.dst_pose))

        #print("current pose:")
        #print self.current_pose.M.GetRPY()

        dt = 0.05  #looks smoother at 20Hz
        total_time = interp_time  #sec
        times = int(total_time / dt)
        dx = 1.0 / times
        self.start_time = rospy.Time.now()
        self.pose_vector = []
        for i in range(times + 1):
            if i == 0:
                inter_pose = self.current_pose
                inter_pose = kdl.addDelta(kdl.Frame(self.current_pose), dist,
                                          dx * i)
            inter_time = self.start_time + rospy.Duration(dt) * i
            #rospy.logwarn("Generated pose:")
            #print inter_pose
            #print inter_pose.p
            #print inter_pose.M.GetRPY()
            #rospy.logwarn("Original pose:")
            #print self.current_pose
            self.pose_vector.append([inter_time, kdl.Frame(inter_pose)])
コード例 #18
    def determine_points_of_interest(self, center_frame, z_max, convex_hull):
        Determine candidates for place poses
        :param center_frame: kdl.Frame, center of the Entity to place on top of
        :param z_max: float, height of the entity to place on, w.r.t. the entity
        :param convex_hull: [kdl.Vector], convex hull of the entity
        :return: [FrameStamped] of candidates for placing

        points = []

        if len(convex_hull) == 0:
            rospy.logerr('determine_points_of_interest: Empty convex hull')
            return []

        # Convert convex hull to map frame
        ch = offsetConvexHull(convex_hull, center_frame)

        # Loop over hulls
        self.marker_array.markers = []

        for i in xrange(len(ch)):
            j = (i + 1) % len(ch)

            dx = ch[j].x() - ch[i].x()
            dy = ch[j].y() - ch[i].y()

            length = kdl.diff(ch[j], ch[i]).Norm()

            d = self._edge_distance
            while d < (length - self._edge_distance):
                # Point on edge
                xs = ch[i].x() + d / length * dx
                ys = ch[i].y() + d / length * dy

                # Shift point inwards and fill message
                fs = kdl_frame_stamped_from_XYZRPY(
                    x=xs - dy / length * self._edge_distance,
                    y=ys + dx / length * self._edge_distance,
                    z=center_frame.p.z() + z_max,

                # It's nice to put an object on the middle of a long edge. In case of a cabinet, e.g., this might
                # prevent the robot from hitting the cabinet edges
                # print "Length: {}, edge score: {}".format(length, min(d, length-d))
                setattr(fs, 'edge_score', min(d, length - d))

                points += [fs]

                    self.create_marker(fs.frame.p.x(), fs.frame.p.y(),

                # ToDo: check if still within hull???
                d += self._spacing


        return points
コード例 #19
def calc_rel_pose(source_pose_msg, target_pose_msg):
    (source_frame_id, source_frame) = poseStamped_to_kdlFrame(source_pose_msg)
    (target_frame_id, target_frame) = poseStamped_to_kdlFrame(target_pose_msg)
    if target_frame_id != source_frame_id:
        return None

    t = kdl.diff(target_frame, source_frame)
    return (t[0], t[1], t[2])
コード例 #20
    def determine_points_of_interest(self, center_frame, z_max, convex_hull):
        Determine candidates for place poses
        :param center_frame: kdl.Frame, center of the Entity to place on top of
        :param z_max: float, height of the entity to place on, w.r.t. the entity
        :param convex_hull: [kdl.Vector], convex hull of the entity
        :return: [FrameStamped] of candidates for placing

        points = []

        if len(convex_hull) == 0:
            rospy.logerr('determine_points_of_interest: Empty convex hull')
            return []

        # Convert convex hull to map frame
        ch = offsetConvexHull(convex_hull, center_frame)

        # Loop over hulls
        self.marker_array.markers = []

        for i in xrange(len(ch)):
            j = (i + 1) % len(ch)

            dx = ch[j].x() - ch[i].x()
            dy = ch[j].y() - ch[i].y()

            length = kdl.diff(ch[j], ch[i]).Norm()

            d = self._edge_distance
            while d < (length - self._edge_distance):
                # Point on edge
                xs = ch[i].x() + d / length * dx
                ys = ch[i].y() + d / length * dy

                # Shift point inwards and fill message
                fs = kdl_frame_stamped_from_XYZRPY(x=xs - dy / length * self._edge_distance,
                                                   y=ys + dx / length * self._edge_distance,
                                                   z=center_frame.p.z() + z_max,

                # It's nice to put an object on the middle of a long edge. In case of a cabinet, e.g., this might
                # prevent the robot from hitting the cabinet edges
                # print "Length: {}, edge score: {}".format(length, min(d, length-d))
                setattr(fs, 'edge_score', min(d, length-d))

                points += [fs]

                self.marker_array.markers.append(self.create_marker(fs.frame.p.x(), fs.frame.p.y(), fs.frame.p.z()))

                # ToDo: check if still within hull???
                d += self._spacing


        return points
コード例 #21
    def integ_error(self, twist_err, dT=0.01):
        """Apply timestep-wise error integration.
        T = PyKDL.addDelta(self.prev_frame, twist_err,
                           dT)  # --> calculate the Integral

        #T = PyKDL.addDelta(self.init_frame, twist_err, self.traj_elapse)
        #return PyKDL.diff(self.init_frame, self.cur_frame, self.traj_elapse)

        return PyKDL.diff(self.init_frame, T, self.traj_elapse)
コード例 #22
 def calc_R(rx, ry, rz):
     R_mean = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.EulerZYX(rx, ry, rz))
     diff = []
     for r in R:
         diff.append(PyKDL.diff( R_mean, r ))
     ret = []
     for idx in range(0, len(diff)):
         rot_err = diff[idx].rot.Norm()
         ret.append(rot_err * wg[idx] / wg_sum)
     return ret
コード例 #23
ファイル: romoco.py プロジェクト: dseredyn/velma_scripts
 def calculateWrenchesForTransportTask(self, ext_wrenches_W, transport_T_B_O):
     ext_wrenches_O = []
     for i in range(len(transport_T_B_O)-1):
         diff_B_O = PyKDL.diff(transport_T_B_O[i], transport_T_B_O[i+1])
         # simulate object motion and calculate expected wrenches
         for t in np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 5):
             T_B_Osim = PyKDL.addDelta(transport_T_B_O[i], diff_B_O, t)
             T_Osim_B = T_B_Osim.Inverse()
             for ewr in ext_wrenches_W:
                 ext_wrenches_O.append(PyKDL.Frame(T_Osim_B.M) * ewr)
     return ext_wrenches_O
コード例 #24
def moveCart(B_T):
     print "Zaczynam ruch nadgarstka"
     if not velma.moveCartImpRight([B_T], [3.0], None, None, None, None, PyKDL.Wrench(PyKDL.Vector(5,5,5), PyKDL.Vector(5,5,5)), start_time=0.5):
     if velma.waitForEffectorRight() != 0:
     print "calculating difference between desiread and reached pose..."
     T_B_T_diff = PyKDL.diff(B_T, velma.getTf("B", "Tr"), 1.0)
     print T_B_T_diff
     if T_B_T_diff.vel.Norm() > 0.05 or T_B_T_diff.rot.Norm() > 0.05:
コード例 #25
def main():
    print "\n\n==== To and from tf"
    tf = ((1,2,3), (1,0,0,0))
    print tf
    print toTf(fromTf(tf))
    print "\n\n==== To and from msg"
    p = Pose()
    p.orientation.x = 1
    p.position.x = 4
    print p
    print toMsg(fromMsg(p))

    print "\n\n==== To and from matrix"
    m = numpy.array([[0,1,0,2], [0,0,1,3],[1,0,0,4],[0,0,0,1]])
    print m
    print toMatrix(fromMatrix(m))

    print "\n\n==== Math"
    print toTf( fromMsg(p) * fromMatrix(m))
    print PyKDL.diff(fromMsg(p), fromMatrix(m))
    print PyKDL.addDelta(fromMsg(p), PyKDL.diff(fromMatrix(m), fromMsg(p)), 2.0)
コード例 #26
    def within_tolerance(self, tip_pose, target_pose, scale=1.0):
        # compute cartesian command error
        tip_frame = fromTf(tip_pose)
        target_frame = fromTf(target_pose)

        twist_err = kdl.diff(tip_frame, target_frame)
        linear_err = twist_err.vel.Norm()
        angular_err = twist_err.rot.Norm()

        #print("linear: %g, angular %g" % (linear_err, angular_err))

        # decide if planning is needed
        return linear_err < scale*self.linear_err_threshold and angular_err < scale*self.angular_err_threshold
コード例 #27
    def within_tolerance(self, tip_pose, target_pose, scale=1.0):
        # compute cartesian command error
        tip_frame = fromTf(tip_pose)
        target_frame = fromTf(target_pose)

        twist_err = kdl.diff(tip_frame, target_frame)
        linear_err = twist_err.vel.Norm()
        angular_err = twist_err.rot.Norm()

        #print("linear: %g, angular %g" % (linear_err, angular_err))

        # decide if planning is needed
        return linear_err < scale * self.linear_err_threshold and angular_err < scale * self.angular_err_threshold
コード例 #28
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: dseredyn/velma_scripts
    def checkGoal(self, q):
        # interpolate trajectory (in the cartesian space)
        self.openrave.robot_rave.SetDOFValues(q, self.dof_indices)
        link_E = self.openrave.robot_rave.GetLink("right_HandPalmLink")
        T_World_E = conv.OpenraveToKDL(link_E.GetTransform())
        T_B_E = self.openrave.T_World_Br.Inverse() * T_World_E

        for T_B_Eg in self.goals_T_B_E:
            diff = PyKDL.diff(T_B_Eg, T_B_E)
            if diff.vel.Norm() <= 0.02 and diff.rot.Norm() <= 10.0/180.0*math.pi:
                return True

        return False
コード例 #29
ファイル: vfl.py プロジェクト: arcoslab/vfl
 def setParams(self, param):
     0-15: homogeneous goal matrix
     16: slow down distance
     gpos = matrix([param[0:4], param[4:8], param[8:12], param[12:16]])
     self.gp = gpos[0:3, 3].T.A[0]
     self.dToAttractor = length(self.p - self.gp)
     self.slowDownDistance = param[16]
     for i in range(3):
         for j in range(3):
             self.gframe.M[i, j] = gpos[i, j]
     self.tw = kdl.diff(self.frame, self.gframe)
コード例 #30
    def pi_controller(self, world):
        # get current state
        x = world.get_object_pose(self._object_name)
        xdot = world.get_object_twist(self._object_name)

        # calculate error terms
        e = kdl.diff(x, self._goal_pose)
        edot = self._goal_twist - xdot

        # calculate control wrench and apply it
        control_law = self._p_gain * e + self._d_gain * edot
        # return kdl.Wrench(control_law.vel, control_law.rot)
        return kdl.Wrench(control_law.vel,
                          kdl.Vector())  # TODO: fix rot control
コード例 #31
 def getMovementTime2(self, T_B_Wd1, T_B_Wd2, max_v_l = 0.1, max_v_r = 0.2):
     twist = PyKDL.diff(T_B_Wd1, T_B_Wd2, 1.0)
     v_l = twist.vel.Norm()
     v_r = twist.rot.Norm()
     print "v_l: %s   v_r: %s"%(v_l, v_r)
     f_v_l = v_l/max_v_l
     f_v_r = v_r/max_v_r
     if f_v_l > f_v_r:
         duration = f_v_l
         duration = f_v_r
     if duration < 0.5:
         duration = 0.5
     return duration
コード例 #32
    def resolvedRates(self, currentPose, desiredPose):
        # compute pose error (result in kdl.twist format)
        poseError = PyKDL.diff(currentPose, desiredPose)
        posErrNorm = poseError.vel.Norm()
        rotErrNorm = poseError.rot.Norm()
        # compute velocity magnitude based on position error norm
        if posErrNorm > self.resolvedRatesConfig['tolPos']:
            tolPosition = self.resolvedRatesConfig['tolPos']
            lambdaVel = self.resolvedRatesConfig['velRatio']
            if posErrNorm > (lambdaVel * tolPosition):
                velMag = self.resolvedRatesConfig['velMax']
                velMax = self.resolvedRatesConfig['velMax']
                velMin = self.resolvedRatesConfig['velMin']
                velMag = (velMin \
                          + (posErrNorm - tolPosition) \
                          * (velMax-velMin) / (tolPosition * (lambdaVel-1)))
            velMag = 0.0
        # compute angular velocity based on rotation error norm
        if rotErrNorm > self.resolvedRatesConfig['tolRot']:
            tolRotation = self.resolvedRatesConfig['tolRot']
            lambdaRot = self.resolvedRatesConfig['rotRatio']
            if rotErrNorm > (lambdaRot * tolRotation):
                angVelMag = self.resolvedRatesConfig['angVelMax']
                angVelMax = self.resolvedRatesConfig['angVelMax']
                angVelMin = self.resolvedRatesConfig['angVelMin']
                angVelMag = (angVelMin \
                             + (rotErrNorm - tolRotation) \
                             * (angVelMax - angVelMin) \
                             / (tolRotation * (lambdaRot-1)))
            angVelMag = 0.0
            # The resolved rates is implemented as Nabil Simaan's notes
        # apply both the velocity and angular velocity in the error pose direction
        desiredTwist = PyKDL.Twist()
        poseError.vel.Normalize()  # normalize to have the velocity direction
        desiredTwist.vel = poseError.vel * velMag
        poseError.rot.Normalize()  # normalize to have the ang vel direction
        desiredTwist.rot = poseError.rot * angVelMag
        # Check whether we have reached our goal
        # goalReached = desiredTwist.vel.Norm() <= self.resolvedRatesConfig['velMin'] \
        # and desiredTwist.rot.Norm() <= self.resolvedRatesConfig['angVelMin']

        # Ignore rotation for calculating goalReached!
        goalReached = desiredTwist.vel.Norm(
        ) <= self.resolvedRatesConfig['velMin']
        return desiredTwist, goalReached
コード例 #33
def check_ik_result_using_fk(fk_solver, result_joint_state_kdl,
    fk_frame_kdl = PyKDL.Frame()
    fk_solver.JntToCart(result_joint_state_kdl, fk_frame_kdl)

    distance_vec = PyKDL.diff(fk_frame_kdl.p, goal_frame_kdl.p)
    norm = math.sqrt(PyKDL.dot(distance_vec, distance_vec))
    print "distance norm: " + str(norm)

    relative_rotation = fk_frame_kdl.M.Inverse() * goal_frame_kdl.M
    distance_angle, _ = relative_rotation.GetRotAngle()
    print "distance angle: " + str(distance_angle)

    goal_pose_reached = (norm < 0.005) and (abs(distance_angle) < 0.1)
    return goal_pose_reached
コード例 #34
def moveCart(T_B_Trd): # cart
	global move_time
	print("Moving right wrist to pose defined in world frame...")
	if not velma.moveCartImpRight([T_B_Trd], [move_time*t], None, None, None, None, makeWrench([5,5,5], [5,5,5]), start_time=0.01):
	if velma.waitForEffectorRight() != 0:
	print("Calculating difference between desiread and reached pose...")
	T_B_T_diff = PyKDL.diff(T_B_Trd, velma.getTf("B", "Tr"), 1.0)
	if T_B_T_diff.vel.Norm() > 0.05 or T_B_T_diff.rot.Norm() > 0.05:
コード例 #35
def resolvedRates(config, currentPose, desiredPose):
    # compute pose error (result in kdl.twist format)
    poseError = PyKDL.diff(currentPose, desiredPose)
    posErrNorm = poseError.vel.Norm()
    rotErrNorm = poseError.rot.Norm()

    angVelMag = config['angVelMax']
    if rotErrNorm < config['tolRot']:
        angVelMag = 0.0
    elif rotErrNorm < angVelMag:
        angVelMag = rotErrNorm

    # compute velocity magnitude based on position error norm
    if posErrNorm > config['tolPos']:
        tolPosition = config['tolPos']
        lambdaVel = config['velRatio']
        if posErrNorm > (lambdaVel * tolPosition):
            velMag = config['velMax']
            velMax = config['velMax']
            velMin = config['velMin']
            velMag = velMin + (posErrNorm - tolPosition) * \
                     (velMax - velMin)/(tolPosition*(lambdaVel-1))
        velMag = 0.0
    # compute angular velocity based on rotation error norm
    if rotErrNorm > config['tolRot']:
        tolRotation = config['tolRot']
        lambdaRot = config['rotRatio']
        if rotErrNorm > (lambdaRot * tolRotation):
            angVelMag = config['angVelMax']
            angVelMax = config['angVelMax']
            angVelMin = config['angVelMin']
            angVelMag = angVelMin + (rotErrNorm - tolRotation) * \
                        (angVelMax - angVelMin)/(tolRotation*(lambdaRot-1))
        angVelMag = 0.0
    # The resolved rates is implemented as Nabil Simaan's notes
    # apply both the velocity and angular velocity in the error pose direction
    desiredTwist = PyKDL.Twist()
    poseError.vel.Normalize()  # normalize to have the velocity direction
    desiredTwist.vel = poseError.vel * velMag
    poseError.rot.Normalize()  # normalize to have the ang vel direction
    desiredTwist.rot = poseError.rot * angVelMag
    return desiredTwist
コード例 #36
    def get_err_twist(self, goal_frame=None, dT=0.01):
        """ Get the desirable twist for given error.
        #_cur_frame = self.get_current_frame()

        if self.btn_state_2 == 1:
            b_T_saw0 = pm.toMatrix(self.cur_frame)
            b_T_vr0 = pm.toMatrix(self._frame2)
            self.vr0_T_saw0 = np.matmul(inv(b_T_vr0),
                                        b_T_saw0)  # numpy 4x4 array
        # else:
        #      self.vr0_T_saw0 = np.identity(4)

        self._frame2 = pm.fromMatrix(
            np.matmul(self.vr0_T_saw0, pm.toMatrix(self._frame2)))

        return PyKDL.diff(self.cur_frame, self._frame2, dT)
コード例 #37
 def __init__(self):
   self.slowDownDistance=0.05 #normal value 0.03
コード例 #38
def move_end_effector_to_cartesian_position_and_angle_and_wrench(
        which_hand, angleX, angleY, angleZ, x, y, z, imp_list, imp_times,
        max_wrench, path_tool_tolerance, time):
    global velma
    T_hand = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(angleX, angleY, angleZ),
                         PyKDL.Vector(x, y, z))
    if which_hand == RIGHT_HAND:
        if not velma.moveCartImpRight([T_hand],
        error = velma.waitForEffectorRight()
        if error != 0:
            if error == PATH_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED_ERROR:
                return PATH_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED_ERROR
    elif which_hand == LEFT_HAND:
        if not velma.moveCartImpLeft([T_hand], [3.0],
        error = velma.waitForEffectorLeft()
        if error != 0:
            if error == PATH_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED_ERROR:
                return PATH_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED_ERROR
        print "Error - none hand has been specified!"
    # Check precision
    if which_hand == RIGHT_HAND:
        T_hand_diff = PyKDL.diff(T_hand, velma.getTf("B", "Tr"), 1.0)
        if T_hand_diff.vel.Norm() > 0.05 or T_hand_diff.rot.Norm() > 0.05:
            print "Precision for right hand is not perfect!"
    elif which_hand == LEFT_HAND:
        print "d 1.13 - check precision for the left hand - later"
コード例 #39
ファイル: transforms.py プロジェクト: ctaipuj/PIRproject.OLD
def compute_twist(T0, T1):
  Compute the twist between two homogeneous transformations: `twist = T1 - T0`

  T0: array_like
    Initial homogeneous transformation
  T1: array_like
    Final homogeneous transformation
    F0 = posemath.fromMatrix(T0)
    F1 = posemath.fromMatrix(T1)
    kdl_twist = PyKDL.diff(F0, F1)
    twist = np.zeros(6)
    twist[:3] = [kdl_twist.vel.x(), kdl_twist.vel.y(), kdl_twist.vel.z()]
    twist[3:] = [kdl_twist.rot.x(), kdl_twist.rot.y(), kdl_twist.rot.z()]
    return twist
コード例 #40
 def resolvedRates(self):
     # get current and desired robot pose (desired is the top of queue)
     currentPose = self.robot.get_current_position()
     desiredPose = self.trajectory[0]
     # compute pose error (result in kdl.twist format)
     poseError = PyKDL.diff(currentPose, desiredPose)
     posErrNorm = poseError.vel.Norm()
     rotErrNorm = poseError.rot.Norm()
     # compute velocity magnitude based on position error norm
     if posErrNorm > self.resolvedRatesConfig['tolPos']:
         tolPosition = self.resolvedRatesConfig['tolPos']
         lambdaVel = self.resolvedRatesConfig['velRatio']
         if posErrNorm > (lambdaVel * tolPosition):
             velMag = self.resolvedRatesConfig['velMax']
             velMax = self.resolvedRatesConfig['velMax']
             velMin = self.resolvedRatesConfig['velMin']
             velMag = velMin + \
             (velMax - velMin)/(tolPosition*(lambdaVel-1))
         velMag = 0.0
     # compute angular velocity based on rotation error norm
     if rotErrNorm > self.resolvedRatesConfig['tolRot']:
         tolRotation = self.resolvedRatesConfig['tolRot']
         lambdaRot = self.resolvedRatesConfig['rotRatio']
         if posErrNorm > (lambdaRot * tolRotation):
             angVelMag = self.resolvedRatesConfig['angVelMax']
             angVelMax = self.resolvedRatesConfig['angVelMax']
             angVelMin = self.resolvedRatesConfig['angVelMin']
             angVelMag = angVelMin + \
             (angVelMax - angVelMin)/(tolRotation*(lambdaRot-1))
         angVelMag = 0.0
         # The resolved rates is implemented as Nabil Simaan's notes
     # apply both the velocity and angular velocity in the error pose direction
     sys_dt = self.resolvedRatesConfig['dt']
     desiredTwist = PyKDL.Twist()
     poseError.vel.Normalize()  # normalize to have the velocity direction
     desiredTwist.vel = poseError.vel * velMag * sys_dt
     poseError.rot.Normalize()  # normalize to have the ang vel direction
     desiredTwist.rot = poseError.rot * angVelMag * sys_dt
     return desiredTwist
コード例 #41
ファイル: velmautils.py プロジェクト: dseredyn/velma_common
def updateCom2(T_B_O, T_B_O_2, contacts_O, com_pt, com_weights):
    diff = PyKDL.diff(T_B_O, T_B_O_2)

    up_v = PyKDL.Vector(0, 0, 1)
    n_v = diff.rot * up_v

    n_O = T_B_O.Inverse() * n_v
    n_O_2 = T_B_O_2.Inverse() * n_v

    # get all com points that lies in the positive direction from the most negative contact point with respect to n_v in T_B_O and T_B_O_2
    # get the minimum contact point for n_O
    min_c_dot = None
    for c in contacts_O:
        dot = PyKDL.dot(c, n_O)
        if min_c_dot == None or dot < min_c_dot:
            min_c_dot = dot
    # get all com points that lies in the positive direction from min_c_dot
    com_2_idx = []
    for c_idx in range(0, len(com_pt)):
        c = com_pt[c_idx]
        dot = PyKDL.dot(c, n_O)
        if dot > min_c_dot:

    # get the minimum contact point for n_O
    min_c_dot = None
    for c in contacts_O:
        dot = PyKDL.dot(c, n_O_2)
        if min_c_dot == None or dot < min_c_dot:
            min_c_dot = dot
    # get all com points that lies in the positive direction from min_c_dot
    com_3_idx = []
    for c_idx in com_2_idx:
        c = com_pt[c_idx]
        dot = PyKDL.dot(c, n_O_2)
        if dot > min_c_dot:

    for c_idx in range(0, len(com_pt)):
        com_weights[c_idx] -= 1

    for c_idx in com_3_idx:
        com_weights[c_idx] += 2
コード例 #42
  def getVector(self,pos):
    ''' 0-15: position'''
    #Cartesian vector
    if self.dToAttractor==0:
      #todo: to improve stability we could decay near the attraction point
    #rotational twist
    for i in range(3):
      for j in range(3):

    return concatenate((P,array([self.tw.rot[0],self.tw.rot[1],self.tw.rot[2]])),0)
コード例 #43
    def try_move(self, frame):
        #initialize joint values for search to current angles
        q_out = kdl.JntArray(self.jnt_pos)

        delta_q = kdl.JntArray(self.jnt_pos.rows())

        maxiter = 300
        eps = 0.002
        f = Frame()
        searching = True

        iter = 0
        while (searching):
            iter += 1

            #forward kin of the current joints
            self.fk_solver.JntToCart(q_out, f)
            #distance in 6DOF between goal and current frame
            delta_twist = kdl.diff(f, frame)

            #velocity inv kinematics
            self.ikv_solver.CartToJnt(q_out, delta_twist, delta_q)

            #Add delta angle
            Add(q_out, delta_q, q_out)

            #Algorithm has converged:

            print "Delta_twist:"
            print delta_twist

            if ((abs(delta_twist.vel[0]) < eps)
                    and (abs(delta_twist.vel[1]) < eps)
                    and (abs(delta_twist.vel[2]) < eps)):
                print("found a solution")
                searching = False
                self.jnt_pos = q_out
                return (True)

            if (iter > maxiter):
                print "IK: Did not converge"
                return False
コード例 #44
    def get_des_twist(self, dT=0.01):
        """ Get desired twist @ time t, by computing differential of traj_frame @ t=T-1 and t=T
        #_cur_frame = self.get_current_frame()
        #return PyKDL.diff(self.prev_frame, _cur_frame, dT)
        if self.btn_state_2 == 1:
            b_T_saw0 = pm.toMatrix(self.cur_frame)
            b_T_vr0 = pm.toMatrix(self._frame2)
            self.vr0_T_saw0 = np.matmul(inv(b_T_vr0),
                                        b_T_saw0)  # numpy 4x4 array
        # else:
        #     self.vr0_T_saw0 = np.identity(4)

        self._frame2 = pm.fromMatrix(
            np.matmul(self.vr0_T_saw0, pm.toMatrix(self._frame2)))
        self._frame1 = pm.fromMatrix(
            np.matmul(self.vr0_T_saw0, pm.toMatrix(self._frame1)))

        return PyKDL.diff(self._frame1, self._frame2, dT)
コード例 #45
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: dseredyn/velma_scripts
    def checkGoal(self, q):
        # interpolate trajectory (in the cartesian space)
        self.openrave.robot_rave.SetDOFValues(q, self.dof_indices)
        link_E = self.openrave.robot_rave.GetLink("right_HandPalmLink")
        T_World_E = conv.OpenraveToKDL(link_E.GetTransform())
        T_B_O = self.openrave.T_World_Br.Inverse() * T_World_E * self.T_E_O
        diff = PyKDL.diff(self.T_B_O_nearHole, T_B_O)
        if diff.vel.Norm() > 0.02 or diff.rot.Norm() > 10.0/180.0*math.pi:
            return False

        angle1 = 0.0
        for T_B_W, angle in self.key_traj1_T_B_W:
            init_js = self.openrave.getRobotConfigurationRos()
            traj = self.velma_solvers.getCartImpWristTraj(init_js, T_B_W)
            if traj == None:
            angle1 = angle
            qar = {}
            for qi in range(len(traj[-1])):
                qar["right_arm_"+str(qi)+"_joint"] = traj[-1][qi]

        self.openrave.robot_rave.SetDOFValues(q, self.dof_indices)
        angle2 = 0.0
        for T_B_W, angle in self.key_traj2_T_B_W:
            init_js = self.openrave.getRobotConfigurationRos()
            traj = self.velma_solvers.getCartImpWristTraj(init_js, T_B_W)
            if traj == None:
            angle2 = angle
            qar = {}
            for qi in range(len(traj[-1])):
                qar["right_arm_"+str(qi)+"_joint"] = traj[-1][qi]

        if abs(angle1-angle2) > 190.0/180.0*math.pi:
            return True
            return False
コード例 #46
def moveToInteractiveCursor(velma):
    T_Wo_test = velma.getTf("Wo", "example_frame")
    if not velma.moveCartImpRightCurrentPos(start_time=0.2):
    if velma.waitForEffectorRight() != 0:
    if not velma.moveCartImpRight([T_Wo_test], [3.0],
                                  PyKDL.Wrench(PyKDL.Vector(5, 5, 5),
                                               PyKDL.Vector(5, 5, 5)),
    if velma.waitForEffectorRight() != 0:

    T_B_T_diff = PyKDL.diff(T_Wo_test, velma.getTf("B", "Tr"), 1.0)
    if T_B_T_diff.vel.Norm() > 0.05 or T_B_T_diff.rot.Norm() > 0.05:
コード例 #47
    def torque_controller_cb(self, event):
        if rospy.is_shutdown() or None in [
                self.cart_command, self.endpoint_state, self.joint_states
        # TODO: Validate msg.header.frame_id

        ## Cartesian error to zero using a Jacobian transpose controller
        x_target = posemath.fromMsg(self.cart_command.pose)
        q, qd, eff = self.kinematics.extract_joint_state(self.joint_states)
        x = posemath.fromMsg(self.endpoint_state.pose)
        xdot = TwistMsgToKDL(self.endpoint_state.twist)
        # Calculate a Cartesian restoring wrench
        x_error = PyKDL.diff(x_target, x)
        wrench = np.matrix(np.zeros(6)).T
        for i in range(len(wrench)):
            wrench[i] = -(self.kp[i] * x_error[i] + self.kd[i] * xdot[i])
        # Calculate the jacobian
        J = self.kinematics.jacobian(q)
        # Convert the force into a set of joint torques. tau = J^T * wrench
        tau = J.T * wrench
        # Publish the joint_torques
        for i, name in enumerate(self.joint_names):
コード例 #48
ファイル: velma_fake.py プロジェクト: dseredyn/velma_common
    def execute_cb(self, goal):
        # helper variables
        success = True

        if self.robot_state.joint_impedance_active:
            self._result.error_code = 0

        print "MoveCartesianTrajectory ", self._action_name, " points: ", len(goal.trajectory.points)

        init_T_B_W = self.robot_state.fk_solver.calculateFk(self.wrist_name, self.robot_state.getJsPos())
        init_T_B_T = init_T_B_W * self.robot_state.T_W_T[self.wrist_name]

        current_dest_point_idx = 0
        while True:

            if self._as.is_preempt_requested():
                rospy.loginfo("%s: Preempted" % self._action_name)

            time_now = rospy.Time.now()
            time_from_start = (time_now - goal.trajectory.header.stamp).to_sec()
            if time_from_start <= 0:
            while time_from_start > goal.trajectory.points[current_dest_point_idx].time_from_start.to_sec():
                current_dest_point_idx += 1
                if current_dest_point_idx >= len(goal.trajectory.points):

            if current_dest_point_idx >= len(goal.trajectory.points):

            dest_time = goal.trajectory.points[current_dest_point_idx].time_from_start.to_sec()
            dest_T_B_T = pm.fromMsg(goal.trajectory.points[current_dest_point_idx].pose)

            if current_dest_point_idx > 0:
                prev_time = goal.trajectory.points[current_dest_point_idx - 1].time_from_start.to_sec()
                prev_T_B_T = pm.fromMsg(goal.trajectory.points[current_dest_point_idx - 1].pose)
                prev_time = 0.0
                prev_T_B_T = init_T_B_T

            f = (time_from_start - prev_time) / (dest_time - prev_time)
            if f < 0 or f > 1:
                print "error: MoveCartesianTrajectory f: ", str(f)

            diff_T_B_T = PyKDL.diff(prev_T_B_T, dest_T_B_T, 1.0)

            T_B_Ti = PyKDL.addDelta(prev_T_B_T, diff_T_B_T, f)

            T_B_Wi = T_B_Ti * self.robot_state.T_W_T[self.wrist_name].Inverse()
            q_out = self.robot_state.fk_solver.simulateTrajectory(self.wrist_name, self.robot_state.getJsPos(), T_B_Wi)
            if q_out == None:
                self._result.error_code = -3  # PATH_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED

            for i in range(7):
                joint_name = self.robot_state.fk_solver.ik_joint_state_name[self.wrist_name][i]
                self.robot_state.js.position[self.robot_state.joint_name_idx_map[joint_name]] = q_out[i]

            self.robot_state.arm_cmd[self.wrist_name] = T_B_Ti

            # publish the feedback
            self._feedback.header.stamp = time_now
            self._feedback.desired = pm.toMsg(T_B_Ti)
            self._feedback.actual = pm.toMsg(T_B_Ti)
            self._feedback.error = pm.toMsg(PyKDL.Frame())


        self._result.error_code = 0
コード例 #49
    print "Switch to cart_imp mode (no trajectory)..."
    if not velma.moveCartImpRightCurrentPos(start_time=0.2):
    if velma.waitForEffectorRight() != 0:


    print "Moving right wrist to pose defined in world frame..."
    T_B_Trd = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(0, -0.1, -0.2), PyKDL.Vector( 0.25 , -0.25 , 1.3 ))
    if not velma.moveCartImpRight([T_B_Trd], [3.0], None, None, None, None, PyKDL.Wrench(PyKDL.Vector(5,5,5), PyKDL.Vector(5,5,5)), start_time=0.5):
    if velma.waitForEffectorRight() != 0:
    print "calculating difference between desiread and reached pose..."
    T_B_T_diff = PyKDL.diff(T_B_Trd, velma.getTf("B", "Tr"), 1.0)
    print T_B_T_diff
    if T_B_T_diff.vel.Norm() > 0.1 or T_B_T_diff.rot.Norm() > 0.1:

    js = velma.getLastJointState()
    print js


コード例 #50
    def spin(self):

        rospack = rospkg.RosPack()

        model = "5dof"
#        model = "6dof"
#        model = "two_arms"

        if model == "6dof":
            urdf_path=rospack.get_path('planar_manipulator_defs') + '/robots/planar_manipulator_6dof.urdf'
            srdf_path=rospack.get_path('planar_manipulator_defs') + '/robots/planar_manipulator_6dof.srdf'
        elif model == "5dof":
            urdf_path=rospack.get_path('planar_manipulator_defs') + '/robots/planar_manipulator.urdf'
            srdf_path=rospack.get_path('planar_manipulator_defs') + '/robots/planar_manipulator.srdf'
        elif model == "two_arms":
            urdf_path=rospack.get_path('planar_manipulator_defs') + '/robots/planar_two_arms.urdf'
            srdf_path=rospack.get_path('planar_manipulator_defs') + '/robots/planar_two_arms.srdf'

        # TEST: line - line distance
        if False:
            while not rospy.is_shutdown():
                pt = PyKDL.Vector(random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1), 0)
                line = (PyKDL.Vector(random.uniform(-1, 1),random.uniform(-1, 1),0), PyKDL.Vector(random.uniform(-1, 1),random.uniform(-1, 1),0))
                line2 = (PyKDL.Vector(random.uniform(-1, 1),random.uniform(-1, 1),0), PyKDL.Vector(random.uniform(-1, 1),random.uniform(-1, 1),0))
                dist, p1, p2 = self.distanceLines(line, line2)

                m_id = 0
                m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(line[0], line[1], m_id, 0, 1, 0, frame='world', namespace='default', scale=0.02)
                m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(line2[0], line2[1], m_id, 1, 0, 0, frame='world', namespace='default', scale=0.02)
                m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(p1, p2, m_id, 1, 1, 1, frame='world', namespace='default', scale=0.02)
                print line, line2, dist


        # TEST: point - point distance
        if False:
            while not rospy.is_shutdown():
                pt1 = PyKDL.Vector(random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1), 0)
                pt2 = PyKDL.Vector(random.uniform(-1, 1), random.uniform(-1, 1), 0)
                dist, p1, p2 = self.distancePoints(pt1, pt2)

                m_id = 0
                m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(p1, m_id, r=0, g=1, b=0, a=1, namespace='default', frame_id='world', m_type=Marker.SPHERE, scale=Vector3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), T=None)
                m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(p2, m_id, r=1, g=0, b=0, a=1, namespace='default', frame_id='world', m_type=Marker.SPHERE, scale=Vector3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), T=None)
                m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(p1, p2, m_id, 1, 0, 0, frame='world', namespace='default', scale=0.02)
                print pt1, pt2, dist


        col = collision_model.CollisionModel()
        col.readUrdfSrdf(urdf_path, srdf_path)

        if model == "6dof":
            self.joint_names = ["0_joint", "1_joint", "2_joint", "3_joint", "4_joint", "5_joint"]
            effector_name = 'effector'
        elif model == "5dof":
            self.joint_names = ["0_joint", "1_joint", "2_joint", "3_joint", "4_joint"]
            effector_name = 'effector'
        elif model == "two_arms":
            self.joint_names = ["torso_0_joint", "left_0_joint", "left_1_joint", "left_2_joint", "left_3_joint", "right_0_joint", "right_1_joint", "right_2_joint", "right_3_joint"]
            effector_name = 'left_effector'
        self.q = np.zeros( len(self.joint_names) )
        test_cases = [
        (1.1, -2.3, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
        (-1.1, 2.3, -1.5, -1.5, -1.5),
        (0.0, 0.0, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
        (0.0, 0.0, -1.5, -1.5, -1.5),
        (0.2, 0.4, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
        (-0.2, -0.4, -1.5, -1.5, -1.5),
#        self.q[0] = 1.1
#        self.q[1] = -2.3
#        self.q[2] = 1.5
#        self.q[3] = 1.5
#        self.q[4] = 1.5

#        self.q = np.array(test_cases[4])

        solver = fk_ik.FkIkSolver(self.joint_names, [], None)


#        rospy.sleep(1)
#        exit(0)

        obst = []
        obj = collision_model.CollisionModel.Collision()
        obj.type = "capsule"
        obj.T_L_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RotZ(90.0/180.0*math.pi), PyKDL.Vector(1.5, 0.7, 0))
        obj.radius = 0.1
        obj.length = 0.4
        obst.append( obj )

        obj = collision_model.CollisionModel.Collision()
        obj.type = "capsule"
        obj.T_L_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RotZ(90.0/180.0*math.pi), PyKDL.Vector(1.2, -0.9, 0))
        obj.radius = 0.1
        obj.length = 0.4
        obst.append( obj )

        obj = collision_model.CollisionModel.Collision()
        obj.type = "sphere"
        obj.T_L_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Vector(1, 0, 0))
        obj.radius = 0.05
        obst.append( obj )

#        rospy.sleep(1)
#        T_B_E = solver.calculateFk("base", "effector", self.q)
#        print T_B_E

        r_HAND_targets = [
#        PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RotY(90.0/180.0*math.pi), PyKDL.Vector(0.2,-0.5,0.0)),

        target_idx = 0
        r_HAND_target = r_HAND_targets[target_idx]
        target_idx += 1

        r_HAND_target = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Vector(0.5,0.5,0))
        last_time = rospy.Time.now()

        counter = 10000
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            if counter > 800:
                if model == "two_arms":
                    r_HAND_target = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RotZ(random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)), PyKDL.Vector(random.uniform(-1,0), random.uniform(0,1.8), 0))
                    r_HAND_target = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RotZ(random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)), PyKDL.Vector(random.uniform(0,2), random.uniform(-1,1), 0))

#                r_HAND_target = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.0,0.0,-0.98100002989,0.194007580664), PyKDL.Vector(-0.129108034334,0.518606130706,0.0))

#                r_HAND_target = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.470814280381,0.882232346601), PyKDL.Vector(0.676567476122,0.0206561816531,0.0))

#r_HAND_target = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.50451570265,0.863402516663), PyKDL.Vector(0.252380653828,0.923309935287,0.0))
#self.q = np.array( [-0.29968745  0.66939973 -2.49850991  1.87533697  2.63546305] )
#r_HAND_target = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.704294768084,0.70990765572), PyKDL.Vector(0.334245569765,1.82368612057,0.0))
#self.q = np.array( [ 0.33203731  0.071835   -2.46646112  1.14339024  1.97684146] )

#                r_HAND_target = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.924467039084,-0.381261975087), PyKDL.Vector(0.261697539135,0.97235224304,0.0))
#r_HAND_target = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.894763681298,0.446539980999), PyKDL.Vector(0.354981453046,0.604598917063,0.0))
#self.q = np.array( [-0.89640518  0.44336642  1.96125279 -1.66533209 -2.19189403] )

                qt = r_HAND_target.M.GetQuaternion()
                pt = r_HAND_target.p
                print "r_HAND_target = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(%s,%s,%s,%s), PyKDL.Vector(%s,%s,%s))"%(qt[0],qt[1],qt[2],qt[3],pt[0],pt[1],pt[2])
                print "self.q = np.array(", self.q, ")"
                counter = 0
            counter += 1

            time_elapsed = rospy.Time.now() - last_time

            J_JLC = np.matrix(numpy.zeros( (len(self.q), len(self.q)) ))
            delta_V_JLC = np.empty(len(self.q))
            for q_idx in range(len(self.q)):
                if self.q[q_idx] < solver.lim_lower_soft[q_idx]:
                    delta_V_JLC[q_idx] = self.q[q_idx] - solver.lim_lower_soft[q_idx]
                    J_JLC[q_idx,q_idx] = min(1.0, 10*abs(self.q[q_idx] - solver.lim_lower_soft[q_idx]) / abs(solver.lim_lower[q_idx] - solver.lim_lower_soft[q_idx]))
                elif self.q[q_idx] > solver.lim_upper_soft[q_idx]:
                    delta_V_JLC[q_idx] = self.q[q_idx] - solver.lim_upper_soft[q_idx]
                    J_JLC[q_idx,q_idx] = min(1.0, 10*abs(self.q[q_idx] - solver.lim_upper_soft[q_idx]) / abs(solver.lim_upper[q_idx] - solver.lim_upper_soft[q_idx]))
                    delta_V_JLC[q_idx] = 0.0
                    J_JLC[q_idx,q_idx] = 0.0

            J_JLC_inv = J_JLC.transpose()#np.linalg.pinv(J_JLC)

            N_JLC = np.matrix(np.identity(len(self.q))) - (J_JLC_inv * J_JLC)
            N_JLC_inv = np.linalg.pinv(N_JLC)

            v_max_JLC = 20.0/180.0*math.pi
            kp_JLC = 10.0
            dx_JLC_des = kp_JLC * delta_V_JLC

            # min(1.0, v_max_JLC/np.linalg.norm(dx_JLC_des))
            if v_max_JLC > np.linalg.norm(dx_JLC_des):
                 vv_JLC = 1.0
                vv_JLC = v_max_JLC/np.linalg.norm(dx_JLC_des)
            dx_JLC_ref = - vv_JLC * dx_JLC_des

            J_r_HAND = solver.getJacobian('base', effector_name, self.q, base_end=False)
            J_r_HAND_inv = np.linalg.pinv(J_r_HAND)
            T_B_E = solver.calculateFk('base', effector_name, self.q)
            r_HAND_current = T_B_E
            r_HAND_diff = PyKDL.diff(r_HAND_current, r_HAND_target)

            delta_V_HAND = np.empty(6)
            delta_V_HAND[0] = r_HAND_diff.vel[0]
            delta_V_HAND[1] = r_HAND_diff.vel[1]
            delta_V_HAND[2] = r_HAND_diff.vel[2]
            delta_V_HAND[3] = r_HAND_diff.rot[0]
            delta_V_HAND[4] = r_HAND_diff.rot[1]
            delta_V_HAND[5] = r_HAND_diff.rot[2]

            v_max_HAND = 4.0
            kp_HAND = 10.0
            dx_HAND_des = kp_HAND * delta_V_HAND
            if v_max_HAND > np.linalg.norm(dx_HAND_des):
                vv_HAND = 1.0
                vv_HAND = v_max_HAND/np.linalg.norm(dx_HAND_des)
            dx_r_HAND_ref = vv_HAND * dx_HAND_des

            links_fk = {}
            for link in col.links:
                links_fk[link.name] = solver.calculateFk('base', link.name, self.q)

            activation_dist = 0.05

            link_collision_map = {}
            if True:
                # self collision
                total_contacts = 0
                for link1_name, link2_name in col.collision_pairs:

                    link1 = col.link_map[link1_name]
                    T_B_L1 = links_fk[link1_name]
                    link2 = col.link_map[link2_name]
                    T_B_L2 = links_fk[link2_name]

                    for col1 in link1.col:
                        for col2 in link2.col:
                            T_B_C1 = T_B_L1 * col1.T_L_O
                            T_B_C2 = T_B_L2 * col2.T_L_O
                            c_dist = (T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector() - T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector()).Norm()
                            if col1.type == "capsule":
                                c_dist -= col1.radius + col1.length/2
                            elif col1.type == "sphere":
                                c_dist -= col1.radius
                            if col2.type == "capsule":
                                c_dist -= col2.radius + col2.length/2
                            elif col2.type == "sphere":
                                c_dist -= col2.radius
                            if c_dist > activation_dist:

                            dist = None
                            if col1.type == "capsule" and col2.type == "capsule":
                                line1 = (T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col1.length/2, 0), T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col1.length/2, 0))
                                line2 = (T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col2.length/2, 0), T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col2.length/2, 0))
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distanceLines(line1, line2)
                            elif col1.type == "capsule" and col2.type == "sphere":
                                line = (T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col1.length/2, 0), T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col1.length/2, 0))
                                pt = T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector()
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distanceLinePoint(line, pt)
                            elif col1.type == "sphere" and col2.type == "capsule":
                                pt = T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector()
                                line = (T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col2.length/2, 0), T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col2.length/2, 0))
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distancePointLine(pt, line)
                            elif col1.type == "sphere" and col2.type == "sphere":
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distancePoints(T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(), T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector())
                                print "ERROR: unknown collision type:", col1.type, col2.type

                            if dist != None:
#                                print "dist", dist, link1_name, link2_name, col1.type, col2.type
                                dist -= col1.radius + col2.radius
                                v = p2_B - p1_B
                                n1_B = v
                                n2_B = -v
                                p1_B += n1_B * col1.radius
                                p2_B += n2_B * col2.radius

                                if dist < activation_dist:
                                    if not (link1_name, link2_name) in link_collision_map:
                                        link_collision_map[(link1_name, link2_name)] = []
                                    link_collision_map[(link1_name, link2_name)].append( (p1_B, p2_B, dist, n1_B, n2_B) )

                # environment collisions
                for link in col.links:
                    if link.col == None:
                    link1_name = link.name
                    T_B_L1 = links_fk[link1_name]
                    T_B_L2 = links_fk["base"]
                    for col1 in link.col:
                        for col2 in obst:
                            T_B_C1 = T_B_L1 * col1.T_L_O
                            T_B_C2 = T_B_L2 * col2.T_L_O
                            dist = None
                            if col1.type == "capsule" and col2.type == "capsule":
                                line1 = (T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col1.length/2, 0), T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col1.length/2, 0))
                                line2 = (T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col2.length/2, 0), T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col2.length/2, 0))
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distanceLines(line1, line2)
                            elif col1.type == "capsule" and col2.type == "sphere":
                                line = (T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col1.length/2, 0), T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col1.length/2, 0))
                                pt = T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector()
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distanceLinePoint(line, pt)
                            elif col1.type == "sphere" and col2.type == "capsule":
                                pt = T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector()
                                line = (T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col2.length/2, 0), T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col2.length/2, 0))
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distancePointLine(pt, line)
                            elif col1.type == "sphere" and col2.type == "sphere":
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distancePoints(T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(), T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector())
#                                print "a:",dist, p1_B, p2_B
                                print "ERROR: unknown collision type:", col1.type, col2.type

                            if dist != None:
                                dist -= col1.radius + col2.radius
                                v = p2_B - p1_B
                                n1_B = v
                                n2_B = -v
                                p1_B += n1_B * col1.radius
                                p2_B += n2_B * col2.radius

#                                if col1.type == "sphere" and col2.type == "sphere":
#                                    print "b:",dist, p1_B, p2_B

                                if dist < activation_dist:
                                    if not (link1_name, "base") in link_collision_map:
                                        link_collision_map[(link1_name, "base")] = []
                                    link_collision_map[(link1_name, "base")].append( (p1_B, p2_B, dist, n1_B, n2_B) )

            omega_col = np.matrix(np.zeros( (len(self.q),1) ))
            Ncol = np.matrix(np.identity(len(self.q)))
            m_id = 0
            for link1_name, link2_name in link_collision_map:
                for (p1_B, p2_B, dist, n1_B, n2_B) in link_collision_map[ (link1_name, link2_name) ]:
                    if dist > 0.0:
                        m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(p1_B, p2_B, m_id, 1, 1, 1, frame='base', namespace='default', scale=0.02)
                        m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(p1_B, p2_B, m_id, 1, 0, 0, frame='base', namespace='default', scale=0.02)

                    T_B_L1 = links_fk[link1_name]
                    T_L1_B = T_B_L1.Inverse()
                    T_B_L2 = links_fk[link2_name]
                    T_L2_B = T_B_L2.Inverse()
                    p1_L1 = T_L1_B * p1_B
                    p2_L2 = T_L2_B * p2_B
                    n1_L1 = PyKDL.Frame(T_L1_B.M) * n1_B
                    n2_L2 = PyKDL.Frame(T_L2_B.M) * n2_B

#                    print p1_L1, p1_L1+n1_L1*0.2
#                    print p2_L2, p2_L2+n2_L2*0.2
#                    m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(p1_L1, p1_L1+n1_L1*0.2, m_id, 0, 1, 0, frame=link1_name, namespace='default', scale=0.02)
#                    m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(T_B_L2*p2_L2, T_B_L2*(p2_L2+n2_L2*0.2), m_id, 0, 0, 1, frame="base", namespace='default', scale=0.02)

                    jac1 = PyKDL.Jacobian(len(self.q))
                    jac2 = PyKDL.Jacobian(len(self.q))
                    common_link_name = solver.getJacobiansForPairX(jac1, jac2, link1_name, p1_L1, link2_name, p2_L2, self.q, None)

#                    T_B_Lc = links_fk[common_link_name]

#                    jac1.changeBase(T_B_Lc.M)
#                    jac2.changeBase(T_B_Lc.M)
#                    T_Lc_L1 = T_B_Lc.Inverse() * T_B_L1
#                    T_Lc_L2 = T_B_Lc.Inverse() * T_B_L2
#                    n1_Lc = PyKDL.Frame(T_Lc_L1.M) * n1_L1
#                    n2_Lc = PyKDL.Frame(T_Lc_L2.M) * n2_L2

#                    print link1_name, link2_name
#                    print "jac1"
#                    print jac1
#                    print "jac2"
#                    print jac2

                    # repulsive velocity
                    V_max = 20.0
                    dist = max(dist, 0.0)
                    depth = (activation_dist - dist)
#                    Vrep = V_max * depth * depth / (activation_dist * activation_dist)
                    Vrep = V_max * depth / activation_dist
#                    Vrep = -max(Vrep, 0.01)
                    Vrep = -Vrep

#                    # the mapping between motions along contact normal and the Cartesian coordinates
                    e1 = n1_L1
                    e2 = n2_L2
                    Jd1 = np.matrix([e1[0], e1[1], e1[2]])
                    Jd2 = np.matrix([e2[0], e2[1], e2[2]])

                    # rewrite the linear part of the jacobian
                    jac1_mx = np.matrix(np.zeros( (3, len(self.q)) ))
                    jac2_mx = np.matrix(np.zeros( (3, len(self.q)) ))
                    for q_idx in range(len(self.q)):
                        col1 = jac1.getColumn(q_idx)
                        col2 = jac2.getColumn(q_idx)
                        for row_idx in range(3):
                            jac1_mx[row_idx, q_idx] = col1[row_idx]
                            jac2_mx[row_idx, q_idx] = col2[row_idx]

                    Jcol1 = Jd1 * jac1_mx
                    Jcol2 = Jd2 * jac2_mx

                    Jcol = np.matrix(np.zeros( (2, len(self.q)) ))
                    for q_idx in range(len(self.q)):
                        Jcol[0, q_idx] = Jcol1[0, q_idx]
                        Jcol[1, q_idx] = Jcol2[0, q_idx]

#                    Jcol = Jcol * (Ncol * N_JLC)
                    # TODO: is the transposition ok?
                    Jcol_pinv = np.linalg.pinv(Jcol)
#                    Jcol_pinv = Jcol.transpose()

                    activation = min(1.0, 2.0*depth/activation_dist)
                    a_des = np.matrix(np.zeros( (len(self.q),len(self.q)) ))
                    a_des[0,0] = a_des[1,1] = activation

                    U, S, V = numpy.linalg.svd(Jcol, full_matrices=True, compute_uv=True)

#                    print "activation", activation
#                    print "Jcol"
#                    print Jcol
#                    raw_input(".")
                    if rospy.is_shutdown():

#                    print "V"
#                    print V
#                    print "S"
#                    print S

#                    Ncol12 = np.matrix(np.identity(len(self.q))) - Jcol.transpose() * (Jcol_pinv).transpose()
                    Ncol12 = np.matrix(np.identity(len(self.q))) - (V * a_des * V.transpose())
                    Ncol = Ncol * Ncol12
#                    d_omega = Jcol_prec_inv * np.matrix([Vrep, Vrep]).transpose()

                    d_omega = Jcol_pinv * np.matrix([Vrep, Vrep]).transpose()
                    omega_col += d_omega

#            print "omega_col", omega_col
#            print dx_HAND_ref

#            omega_r_HAND = (J_r_HAND_inv * np.matrix(dx_r_HAND_ref).transpose())

            self.pub_marker.eraseMarkers(m_id, 10, frame_id='base', namespace='default')

            Ncol_inv = np.linalg.pinv(Ncol)

            J_r_HAND_prec = J_r_HAND * (Ncol * N_JLC)
            J_r_HAND_prec_inv = np.linalg.pinv(J_r_HAND_prec)

            omega = J_JLC_inv * np.matrix(dx_JLC_ref).transpose() + N_JLC.transpose() * (omega_col + (Ncol.transpose() * J_r_HAND_inv) * np.matrix(dx_r_HAND_ref).transpose())
#            omega = J_JLC_inv * np.matrix(dx_JLC_ref).transpose() + N_JLC_inv         * (omega_col + (Ncol_inv * J_r_HAND_prec_inv) * np.matrix(dx_r_HAND_ref).transpose())
#            omega = J_JLC_inv * np.matrix(dx_JLC_ref).transpose() + np.linalg.pinv(N_JLC) * omega_col
#            omega = omega_col

            omega_vector = np.empty(len(self.q))
            for q_idx in range(len(self.q)):
                omega_vector[q_idx] = omega[q_idx][0]

            max_norm = 0.5
            omega_norm = np.linalg.norm(omega_vector)
            if omega_norm > max_norm:
                omega_vector *= max_norm / omega_norm

            self.q += omega_vector * 0.02

            if time_elapsed.to_sec() > 0.05:
#                print self.q
                m_id = 0
                m_id = self.publishRobotModelVis(m_id, col, links_fk)
                m_id = self.publishObstaclesVis(m_id, obst)
                last_time = rospy.Time.now()
                self.publishTransform(r_HAND_target, "hand_dest")
コード例 #51
ファイル: cb_detector.py プロジェクト: UbiCALab/tfm_adrian
    def find_checkerboard_service(self, req):
        poses = []
        min_x = self.ros_image.width
        min_y = self.ros_image.height
        max_x = 0
        max_y = 0
        for i in range(10):

            #copy the image over
            with self.mutex:
                image = self.ros_image

            result = self.find_checkerboard_pose(image, req.corners_x,
                                                 req.corners_y, req.spacing_x,
            if result is None:
                rospy.logerr("Couldn't find a checkerboard")

            p, corners = result
            for j in range(corners.cols):
                x = cv.GetReal2D(corners, 0, j)
                y = cv.GetReal2D(corners, 1, j)
                min_x = min(min_x, x)
                max_x = max(max_x, x)
                min_y = min(min_y, y)
                max_y = max(max_y, y)

        # convert all poses to twists
        twists = []
        for p in poses:
                PyKDL.diff(PyKDL.Frame.Identity(), posemath.fromMsg(p.pose)))

        # get average twist
        twist_res = PyKDL.Twist()
        for t in twists:
            for i in range(3):
                twist_res.vel[i] += t.vel[i] / len(poses)
                twist_res.rot[i] += t.rot[i] / len(poses)

        # get noise
        noise_rot = 0
        noise_vel = 0
        for t in twists:
            n_vel = (t.vel - twist_res.vel).Norm()
            n_rot = (t.rot - twist_res.rot).Norm()
            if n_vel > noise_vel:
                noise_vel = n_vel
            if n_rot > noise_rot:
                noise_rot = n_rot

        # set service resul
        pose_res = PyKDL.addDelta(PyKDL.Frame.Identity(), twist_res, 1.0)
        pose_msg = PoseStamped()
        pose_msg.header = poses[0].header
        pose_msg.pose = posemath.toMsg(pose_res)
        return GetCheckerboardPoseResponse(pose_msg, min_x, max_x, min_y,
                                           max_y, noise_vel, noise_rot)
コード例 #52
    def spin(self):
        # locate all markers on the object
        if False:
            max_angle = 60.0/180.0*math.pi
            min_z = math.cos(max_angle)
            print "min_z: %s"%(min_z)

            # big_box
#            marker_list = [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]

            # small_box
#            marker_list = [32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45]

            # table
#            marker_list = [3,4,5,6]

            # c-beam
            marker_list = [46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55]
            mtrans_matrix = []
            mtrans_weights_ori = []
            mtrans_weights_pos = []
            for i in range(0, len(marker_list)):
                for j in range(0, len(marker_list)):
                    if i > j:

            marker_lock = Lock()
            self.visible_markers = []

            def markerCallback(data):
                self.visible_markers = []
                for m in data.markers:
                    if m.id in marker_list:
                        self.visible_markers.append( (m.id, pm.fromMsg(m.pose.pose)) )
            rospy.Subscriber('/ar_pose_marker', AlvarMarkers, markerCallback)

            while not rospy.is_shutdown():
                visible_markers_local = copy.copy(self.visible_markers)

                accepted_markers = []
                accepted_markers_id = []
                accepted_markers_weights_pos = []
                accepted_markers_weights_ori = []
                for m in visible_markers_local:
                    n = PyKDL.Frame(m[1].M) * PyKDL.Vector(0,0,-1)
                    if n.z() > min_z:
                        accepted_markers.append( m )
                        accepted_markers_id.append( m[0] )

                        # n.z() is in range (min_z, 1.0), min_z is the best for orientation and 1.0 i best for position
                        weight_pos = (n.z() - min_z)/(1.0-min_z)
                        if weight_pos > 1.0 or weight_pos < 0.0:
                            print "error: weight==%s"%(weight_pos)


                print "visible: %s   accepted markers: %s"%(len(visible_markers_local), accepted_markers_id)
                for i in range(0, len(accepted_markers)):
                    for j in range(i+1, len(accepted_markers)):
                        if accepted_markers[i][0] > accepted_markers[j][0]:
                            idx1 = i
                            idx2 = j
                            idx1 = j
                            idx2 = i
#                        print "   %s with %s"%(accepted_markers[idx1][0], accepted_markers[idx2][0])
                        T_C_M1 = accepted_markers[idx1][1]
                        T_C_M2 = accepted_markers[idx2][1]
                        T_M1_M2 = T_C_M1.Inverse() * T_C_M2
                        marker_id1_index = marker_list.index(accepted_markers[idx1][0])
                        marker_id2_index = marker_list.index(accepted_markers[idx2][0])

                        mtrans_weights_ori[marker_id1_index][marker_id2_index].append(accepted_markers_weights_ori[idx1] * accepted_markers_weights_ori[idx2])
                        mtrans_weights_pos[marker_id1_index][marker_id2_index].append(accepted_markers_weights_pos[idx1] * accepted_markers_weights_pos[idx2])


            G = {}
            for i in range(0, len(marker_list)):
                for j in range(0, len(marker_list)):
                    if mtrans_matrix[i][j] == None:
#                        print "%s with %s:  None"%(marker_list[i], marker_list[j])
                    elif len(mtrans_matrix[i][j]) < 10:
                        print "%s with %s:  %s (ignoring)"%(marker_list[i], marker_list[j], len(mtrans_matrix[i][j]))
                        score, R_M1_M2 = velmautils.meanOrientation(mtrans_matrix[i][j], mtrans_weights_ori[i][j])
                        # ignore 20% the most distant measures from the mean
                        distances = []
                        for measure_idx in range(0, len(mtrans_matrix[i][j])):
                            diff = PyKDL.diff(R_M1_M2, mtrans_matrix[i][j][measure_idx]).rot.Norm()
                            distances.append([diff, measure_idx])
                        distances_sorted = sorted(distances, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
                        mtrans = []
                        weights_ori = []
                        for measure_idx in range(0, int(0.8*len(mtrans_matrix[i][j]))):
#                        score, R_M1_M2 = velmautils.meanOrientation(mtrans, weights_ori)

                        print "%s with %s:  %s, score: %s"%(marker_list[i], marker_list[j], len(mtrans_matrix[i][j]), score)
                        P_M1_M2 = velmautils.meanPosition(mtrans_matrix[i][j], mtrans_weights_pos[i][j])
                        print "P_M1_M2 before: %s"%(P_M1_M2)
                        # ignore 20% the most distant measures from the mean
                        distances = []
                        for measure_idx in range(0, len(mtrans_matrix[i][j])):
                            diff = PyKDL.diff(R_M1_M2, mtrans_matrix[i][j][measure_idx]).vel.Norm()
                            distances.append([diff, measure_idx])
                        distances_sorted = sorted(distances, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
                        mtrans = []
                        weights_pos = []
                        for measure_idx in range(0, int(0.8*len(mtrans_matrix[i][j]))):
#                        P_M1_M2 = velmautils.meanPosition(mtrans, weights_pos)

                        print "P_M1_M2 after: %s"%(P_M1_M2)
                        mtrans_matrix[i][j] = PyKDL.Frame(copy.deepcopy(R_M1_M2.M), P_M1_M2)
                        neighbours = G.get(marker_list[i], {})
                        if score > 0.01:
                            score = 1000000.0
                            score = 1.0
                        neighbours[marker_list[j]] = score
                        G[marker_list[i]] = neighbours
                        neighbours = G.get(marker_list[j], {})
                        neighbours[marker_list[i]] = score
                        G[marker_list[j]] = neighbours

            frames = []
            # get the shortest paths weighted by score from optimization
            for marker_id in marker_list:
                path = dijkstra.shortestPath(G,marker_id,marker_list[0])
                print path
                T_Ml_Mf = PyKDL.Frame()
                for i in range(0, len(path)-1):
                    if marker_list.index(path[i]) > marker_list.index(path[i+1]):
                        T_Mp_Mn = mtrans_matrix[marker_list.index(path[i])][marker_list.index(path[i+1])]
                        T_Ml_Mf = T_Ml_Mf * T_Mp_Mn
                        T_Mn_Mp = mtrans_matrix[marker_list.index(path[i+1])][marker_list.index(path[i])]
                        T_Ml_Mf = T_Ml_Mf * T_Mn_Mp.Inverse()


            pub_marker = velmautils.MarkerPublisher()
            m_id = 0
            marker_idx = 0
            for fr in frames:
                q = fr.M.GetQuaternion()
                p = fr.p
                print "[%s, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(%s,%s,%s,%s),PyKDL.Vector(%s,%s,%s))],"%(marker_list[marker_idx], q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3], p.x(), p.y(), p.z())
                m_id = pub_marker.publishFrameMarker(fr, m_id, scale=0.1, frame='world', namespace='default')
                marker_idx += 1
            pub_marker = velmautils.MarkerPublisher()
            markers2 = [
            [46, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0),PyKDL.Vector(-0.0,-0.0,-0.0))],
            [47, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.0161417497092,-9.92379339669e-05,-0.00603105214296,0.999851519216),PyKDL.Vector(-0.0987990318312,-0.000265582834399,0.000544628226204))],
            [48, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.706829255712,0.00114672638679,-0.707103949357,0.0198769487466),PyKDL.Vector(0.0427261427894,0.00245374838957,-0.116698579624))],
            [49, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.706230029879,-0.00660144281521,-0.70769079068,0.0192174565616),PyKDL.Vector(0.0410352237403,0.000595788239244,-0.0336956438972))],
            [50, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.0155276433453,0.714580229904,0.00743395758828,0.699341635824),PyKDL.Vector(-0.131991504795,-0.00410930997885,-0.0916799439467))],
            [51, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.706160148032,0.0114839861434,-0.707838133957,0.0130820300375),PyKDL.Vector(-0.150701418215,-0.000688426198715,-0.035762545196))],
            [52, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.705850422242,0.00260066465892,-0.708005925475,0.022271673869),PyKDL.Vector(-0.150663515172,-0.00196494029406,-0.123356224597))],
            [53, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.00630495805624,-0.999979097775,0.000308879730173,0.00139860956497),PyKDL.Vector(-0.0116053782242,0.000352840524022,-0.0267278839783))],
            [54, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.00853722085061,-0.999853611966,0.00230495916657,0.0146477869582),PyKDL.Vector(-0.0949889134574,0.00131718330416,-0.0165548984986))],
            [55, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.0208301706621,-0.711731154203,0.0052945617051,0.702123091589),PyKDL.Vector(0.0244779541548,0.000463479220587,-0.0804749548707))],
            markers = [
            [46, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0),PyKDL.Vector(-0.0,-0.0,-0.0))],
            [47, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.00211977224419,0.00133104595822,-0.00433238039783,0.999987482603),PyKDL.Vector(-0.0995553679408,-0.000651966932258,0.000444468330964))],
            [48, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.705539374795,0.00129956423061,-0.708394191186,0.0197527628665),PyKDL.Vector(0.0433256677966,0.00212664651843,-0.116482343501))],
            [49, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.704707757517,-0.00628228374428,-0.709255128279,0.0174548680028),PyKDL.Vector(0.0412709849952,0.000494665961165,-0.0338667341872))],
            [50, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.0117276773848,0.706312439798,0.00558379104701,0.707781053891),PyKDL.Vector(-0.131246837996,-0.00469319026484,-0.0943814089463))],
            [51, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.710112841604,0.00963407546503,-0.703895468304,0.013345653983),PyKDL.Vector(-0.149984963191,-0.00300459973807,-0.0370193446712))],
            [52, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.704691425649,0.00497982940017,-0.709159595229,0.0218601100464),PyKDL.Vector(-0.15277553848,-0.00431480401095,-0.120995842686))],
            [53, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.00984066000086,-0.999945658681,0.00299307949816,0.00169781765667),PyKDL.Vector(-0.0132269965227,-0.00110379001368,-0.0274175040768))],
            [54, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.00154140261629,0.999633307109,-0.00751679824708,0.0259686953912),PyKDL.Vector(-0.0974091549673,-0.000670004842722,-0.0319416169884))],
            [55, PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.0195903374145,-0.713404165076,0.00273342374532,0.700473585745),PyKDL.Vector(0.0250633176495,-0.00356911439713,-0.0811403242495))],
            m_id = 0
            for m in markers:
                print m[0]
                print m[1]
                m_id = pub_marker.publishFrameMarker(m[1], m_id, scale=0.1, frame='world', namespace='default')
コード例 #53
    def spin(self):
        if True:
            # Create a world object
            world = ode.World()
#            world.setGravity( (0,0,-3.81) )
            world.setGravity( (0,0,0) )
            CFM = world.getCFM()
            ERP = world.getERP()
            print "CFM: %s  ERP: %s"%(CFM, ERP)
#            world.setCFM(0.001)
#            print "CFM: %s  ERP: %s"%(CFM, ERP)

        m_id = 0
        self.pub_marker.eraseMarkers(0,3000, frame_id='world')

        # Init Openrave
        parser = OptionParser(description='Openrave Velma interface')
        (options, leftargs) = parser.parse_args()
        self.env = OpenRAVEGlobalArguments.parseAndCreate(options,defaultviewer=True)

#        self.openrave_robot = self.env.ReadRobotXMLFile('robots/barretthand_ros.robot.xml')

        mimic_joints = [
        ("right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleOneJoint", "right_HandFingerOneKnuckleOneJoint*1.0", "|right_HandFingerOneKnuckleOneJoint 1.0", ""),
        ("right_HandFingerOneKnuckleThreeJoint", "right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint*0.33333", "|right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint 0.33333", ""),
        ("right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleThreeJoint", "right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint*0.33333", "|right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint 0.33333", ""),
        ("right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleThreeJoint", "right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint*0.33333", "|right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint 0.33333", ""),

        rospack = rospkg.RosPack()

        self.urdf_module = RaveCreateModule(self.env, 'urdf')

        xacro_uri = rospack.get_path('barrett_hand_defs') + '/robots/barrett_hand.urdf.xml'

        urdf_uri = '/tmp/barrett_hand.urdf'
        srdf_uri = rospack.get_path('barrett_hand_defs') + '/robots/barrett_hand.srdf'
        arg1 = "collision_model_full:=true"
        arg2 = "collision_model_simplified:=false"
        arg3 = "collision_model_enlargement:=0.0"
        arg4 = "collision_model_no_hands:=false"

        subprocess.call(["rosrun", "xacro", "xacro", "-o", urdf_uri, xacro_uri, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4])
        robot_name = self.urdf_module.SendCommand('load ' + urdf_uri + ' ' + srdf_uri )
        print "robot name: " + robot_name
        self.openrave_robot = self.env.GetRobot(robot_name)


        for mimic in mimic_joints:
            mj = self.openrave_robot.GetJoint(mimic[0])
            mj.SetMimicEquations(0, mimic[1], mimic[2], mimic[3])
        self.openrave_robot = self.env.GetRobot(robot_name)

#        print "robots: "
#        print self.env.GetRobots()

        joint_names = []
        print "active joints:"
        for j in self.openrave_robot.GetJoints():
            print j

        print "passive joints:"
        for j in self.openrave_robot.GetPassiveJoints():
            print j

        # ODE does not support distance measure


        vertices, faces = surfaceutils.readStl(rospack.get_path('velma_scripts') + "/data/meshes/klucz_gerda_ascii.stl", scale=1.0)
#        vertices, faces = surfaceutils.readStl("klucz_gerda_ascii.stl", scale=1.0)
        self.addTrimesh("object", vertices, faces)

#        self.addBox("object", 0.2,0.06,0.06)
#        self.addSphere("object", 0.15)
#        vertices, faces = self.getMesh("object")

        # definition of the expected external wrenches
        ext_wrenches = []

        # origin of the external wrench (the end point of the key)
        wr_orig = PyKDL.Vector(0.039, 0.0, 0.0)

        for i in range(8):
            # expected force at the end point
            force = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RotX(float(i)/8.0 * 2.0 * math.pi)) * PyKDL.Vector(0,1,0)
            # expected torque at the com
            torque = wr_orig * force
            ext_wrenches.append(PyKDL.Wrench(force, torque))

            # expected force at the end point
            force = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RotX(float(i)/8.0 * 2.0 * math.pi)) * PyKDL.Vector(-1,1,0)
            # expected torque at the com
            torque = wr_orig * force
            ext_wrenches.append(PyKDL.Wrench(force, torque))

        # definition of the grasps
        grasp_id = 0
        if grasp_id == 0:
            grasp_direction = [0, 1, -1, 1]    # spread, f1, f3, f2
            grasp_initial_configuration = [60.0/180.0*math.pi, None, None, None]
            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.122103662206, -0.124395758838, -0.702726011729, 0.689777190329), PyKDL.Vector(-0.00115787237883, -0.0194999426603, 0.458197712898))
#            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.174202588426, -0.177472708083, -0.691231954612, 0.678495061771), PyKDL.Vector(0.0, -0.0213436260819, 0.459123969078))
        elif grasp_id == 1:
            grasp_direction = [0, 1, -1, 1]    # spread, f1, f3, f2
            grasp_initial_configuration = [90.0/180.0*math.pi, None, None, None]
            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.0187387771868, -0.708157209758, -0.0317875569224, 0.705090018033), PyKDL.Vector(4.65661287308e-10, 0.00145332887769, 0.472836345434))
        elif grasp_id == 2:
            grasp_direction = [0, 1, 0, 0]    # spread, f1, f3, f2
            grasp_initial_configuration = [90.0/180.0*math.pi, None, 90.0/180.0*math.pi, 0]
            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.0187387763947, -0.708157179826, -0.0317875555789, 0.705089928626), PyKDL.Vector(0.0143095180392, 0.00145332887769, 0.483659058809))
        elif grasp_id == 3:
            grasp_direction = [0, 1, 1, 1]    # spread, f1, f3, f2
            grasp_initial_configuration = [90.0/180.0*math.pi, None, None, None]
            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.00518634245761, -0.706548316769, -0.0182458505507, 0.707410947861), PyKDL.Vector(0.000126354629174, -0.00217361748219, 0.47637796402))
        elif grasp_id == 4:
            grasp_direction = [0, 0, 1, 0]    # spread, f1, f3, f2
            grasp_initial_configuration = [90.0/180.0*math.pi, 100.0/180.0*math.pi, None, 100.0/180.0*math.pi]
            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.153445252933, -0.161230275653, 0.681741576082, 0.696913201022), PyKDL.Vector(0.000126355327666, 0.00152841210365, 0.466048002243))
        elif grasp_id == 5:
            grasp_direction = [0, 0, 1, 0]    # spread, f1, f3, f2
            grasp_initial_configuration = [100.0/180.0*math.pi, 101.5/180.0*math.pi, None, 101.5/180.0*math.pi]
            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.155488650062, -0.159260521271, 0.690572597636, 0.688163302213), PyKDL.Vector(-0.000278688268736, 0.00575117766857, 0.461560428143))
        elif grasp_id == 6:
            grasp_direction = [0, 1, -1, 1]    # spread, f1, f3, f2
            grasp_initial_configuration = [90.0/180.0*math.pi, None, 0, 0]
            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.512641041738, -0.485843507183, -0.514213889193, 0.48655882699), PyKDL.Vector(-0.000278423947748, -0.00292747467756, 0.445628076792))
            print "ERROR: unknown grasp_id: %s"%(grasp_id)

        self.updatePose("object", self.T_W_O)

        with open('barret_hand_openrave2ros_joint_map2.txt', 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            joint_map = {}
            for line in lines:
                line_s = line.split()
                if len(line_s) == 2:
                    joint_map[line_s[0]] = line_s[1]
                elif len(line_s) != 1:
                    print "error in joint map file"

        print joint_map

        self.pub_js = rospy.Publisher("/joint_states", JointState)

        if True:
            def getDirectionIndex(n):
                min_angle = -45.0/180.0*math.pi
                angle_range = 90.0/180.0*math.pi
                angles_count = 5
                angles_count2 = angles_count * angles_count
                max_indices = angles_count2 * 6
                if abs(n.x()) > abs(n.y()) and abs(n.x()) > abs(n.z()):
                    if n.x() > 0:
                        sec = 0
                        a1 = math.atan2(n.y(), n.x())
                        a2 = math.atan2(n.z(), n.x())
                        sec = 1
                        a1 = math.atan2(n.y(), -n.x())
                        a2 = math.atan2(n.z(), -n.x())
                elif abs(n.y()) > abs(n.x()) and abs(n.y()) > abs(n.z()):
                    if n.y() > 0:
                        sec = 2
                        a1 = math.atan2(n.x(), n.y())
                        a2 = math.atan2(n.z(), n.y())
                        sec = 3
                        a1 = math.atan2(n.x(), -n.y())
                        a2 = math.atan2(n.z(), -n.y())
                    if n.z() > 0:
                        sec = 4
                        a1 = math.atan2(n.x(), n.z())
                        a2 = math.atan2(n.y(), n.z())
                        sec = 5
                        a1 = math.atan2(n.x(), -n.z())
                        a2 = math.atan2(n.y(), -n.z())

                a1i = int(angles_count*(a1-min_angle)/angle_range)
                a2i = int(angles_count*(a2-min_angle)/angle_range)
                if a1i < 0:
                    print sec, a1i, a2i
                    a1i = 0
                if a1i >= angles_count:
#                    print sec, a1i, a2i
                    a1i = angles_count-1
                if a2i < 0:
                    print sec, a1i, a2i
                    a2i = 0
                if a2i >= angles_count:
                    print sec, a1i, a2i
                    a2i = angles_count-1
                return sec * angles_count2 + a1i * angles_count + a2i

            # generate a dictionary of indexed directions
            normals_sphere_indexed_dir = velmautils.generateNormalsSphere(3.0/180.0*math.pi)
            print len(normals_sphere_indexed_dir)
            indices_directions = {}
            for n in normals_sphere_indexed_dir:
                index = getDirectionIndex(n)
                if not index in indices_directions:
                    indices_directions[index] = [n]

            for index in indices_directions:
                n_mean = PyKDL.Vector()
                for n in indices_directions[index]:
                    n_mean += n
                indices_directions[index] = n_mean

            # test direction indexing
            if False:
                normals_sphere = velmautils.generateNormalsSphere(3.0/180.0*math.pi)
                print len(normals_sphere)
                m_id = 0
                for current_index in range(5*5*6):
                  count = 0
                  r = random.random()
                  g = random.random()
                  b = random.random()
                  for n in normals_sphere:
                    sec = -1
                    a1 = None
                    a2 = None
                    index = getDirectionIndex(n)
                    if index == current_index:
                        m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(n*0.1, m_id, r=r, g=g, b=b, namespace='default', frame_id='world', m_type=Marker.CUBE, scale=Vector3(0.007, 0.007, 0.007), T=None)
                        count += 1
                  print current_index, count
                for index in indices_directions:
                    m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(indices_directions[index]*0.12, m_id, r=1, g=1, b=1, namespace='default', frame_id='world', m_type=Marker.CUBE, scale=Vector3(0.012, 0.012, 0.012), T=None)


        # PyODE test
        if True:

            fixed_joints_names_for_fixed_DOF = [
            ["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleOneJoint", "right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleOneJoint"],          # spread
            ["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint", "right_HandFingerOneKnuckleThreeJoint"],        # f1
            ["right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint", "right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleThreeJoint"],    # f3
            ["right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint", "right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleThreeJoint"],        # f2
            coupled_joint_names_for_fingers = ["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleThreeJoint", "right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleThreeJoint", "right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleThreeJoint"]

            actuated_joints_for_DOF = [
            ["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleOneJoint", "right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleOneJoint"],  # spread
            ["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint"],                                        # f1
            ["right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint"],                                      # f3
            ["right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint"]]                                        # f2

            ignored_links = ["world", "world_link"]

            self.run_ode_simulation = False

            print "grasp_direction = [%s, %s, %s, %s]    # spread, f1, f3, f2"%(grasp_direction[0], grasp_direction[1], grasp_direction[2], grasp_direction[3])
            print "grasp_initial_configuration = [%s, %s, %s, %s]"%(grasp_initial_configuration[0], grasp_initial_configuration[1], grasp_initial_configuration[2], grasp_initial_configuration[3])
            print "grasp_final_configuration = %s"%(self.openrave_robot.GetDOFValues())
            rot_q = self.T_W_O.M.GetQuaternion()
            print "self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(%s, %s, %s, %s), PyKDL.Vector(%s, %s, %s))"%(rot_q[0], rot_q[1], rot_q[2], rot_q[3], self.T_W_O.p.x(), self.T_W_O.p.y(), self.T_W_O.p.z())

            raw_input("Press ENTER to continue...")

            # reset the gripper in Openrave

            # read the position of all links
            grasp_links_poses = {}
            for link in self.openrave_robot.GetLinks():
                grasp_links_poses[link.GetName()] = self.OpenraveToKDL(link.GetTransform())

#            print "obtained the gripper configuration for the grasp:"
#            print finalconfig[0]

            # simulation in ODE

            # Create a world object
            world = ode.World()
#            world.setGravity( (0,0,-3.81) )
            world.setGravity( (0,0,0) )
            CFM = world.getCFM()
            ERP = world.getERP()
            print "CFM: %s  ERP: %s"%(CFM, ERP)
#            world.setCFM(0.001)
#            print "CFM: %s  ERP: %s"%(CFM, ERP)

            self.space = ode.Space()

            # Create a body inside the world
            body = ode.Body(world)
            M = ode.Mass()
            M.setCylinderTotal(0.02, 1, 0.005, 0.09)

            ode_mesh = ode.TriMeshData()
            ode_mesh.build(vertices, faces)
            geom = ode.GeomTriMesh(ode_mesh, self.space)
            geom.name = "object"

            self.setOdeBodyPose(geom, self.T_W_O)

            ode_gripper_geoms = {}
            for link in self.openrave_robot.GetLinks():

                link_name = link.GetName()
                if link_name in ignored_links:
                    print "ignoring: %s"%(link_name)
                print "adding: %s"%(link_name)

                ode_mesh_link = None
                body_link = None

                T_W_L = self.OpenraveToKDL(link.GetTransform())

                col = link.GetCollisionData()
                vertices = col.vertices
                faces = col.indices
                ode_mesh_link = ode.TriMeshData()
                ode_mesh_link.build(vertices, faces)
                ode_gripper_geoms[link_name] = ode.GeomTriMesh(ode_mesh_link, self.space)

                if True:
                    body_link = ode.Body(world)
                    M_link = ode.Mass()
                    M_link.setCylinderTotal(0.05, 1, 0.01, 0.09)
                    ode_gripper_geoms[link_name].name = link.GetName()
                    self.setOdeBodyPose(body_link, T_W_L)

            actuated_joint_names = []
            for dof in range(4):
                for joint_name in actuated_joints_for_DOF[dof]:

            ode_gripper_joints = {}
            for joint_name in joint_names:
                joint = self.openrave_robot.GetJoint(joint_name)
                link_parent = joint.GetHierarchyParentLink().GetName()
                link_child = joint.GetHierarchyChildLink().GetName()
                if link_parent in ode_gripper_geoms and link_child in ode_gripper_geoms:
                    axis = joint.GetAxis()
                    anchor = joint.GetAnchor()
                    if joint_name in actuated_joint_names:
                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name] = ode.AMotor(world)
                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].attach(ode_gripper_geoms[link_parent].getBody(), ode_gripper_geoms[link_child].getBody())
#                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setNumAxes(3)
#                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setAxis(1,1,axis)
#                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setAxis(2,1,axis)
                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setParam(ode.ParamFMax, 10.0)
#                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setParam(ode.ParamFMax2, 10.0)
#                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setParam(ode.ParamFMax3, 10.0)
                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name] = ode.HingeJoint(world)
                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].attach(ode_gripper_geoms[link_parent].getBody(), ode_gripper_geoms[link_child].getBody())

#                    ode_gripper_joints[joint_name] = ode.HingeJoint(world)
#                    ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].attach(ode_gripper_geoms[link_parent].getBody(), ode_gripper_geoms[link_child].getBody())
#                    ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setAxis(-axis)
#                    ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setAnchor(anchor)

#                    if joint_name in actuated_joint_names:
#                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setParam(ode.ParamFMax, 10.0)

                    limits = joint.GetLimits()
                    value = joint.GetValue(0)
#                    print joint_name
#                    print "limits: %s %s"%(limits[0], limits[1])
#                    print "axis: %s"%(axis)
#                    print "anchor: %s"%(anchor)
#                    print "value: %s"%(value)

                    lim = [limits[0], limits[1]]
                    if limits[0] <= -math.pi:
#                        print "lower joint limit %s <= -PI, setting to -PI+0.01"%(limits[0])
                        lim[0] = -math.pi + 0.01
                    if limits[1] >= math.pi:
#                        print "upper joint limit %s >= PI, setting to PI-0.01"%(limits[1])
                        lim[1] = math.pi - 0.01
                    ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setParam(ode.ParamLoStop, lim[0])
                    ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setParam(ode.ParamHiStop, lim[1])
#                    ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setParam(ode.ParamFudgeFactor, 0.5)

            ode_fixed_joint = ode.FixedJoint(world)
            ode_fixed_joint.attach(None, ode_gripper_geoms["right_HandPalmLink"].getBody())

            # set the poses of all links as for the grasp
            for link_name in grasp_links_poses:
                if link_name in ignored_links:
                ode_body = ode_gripper_geoms[link_name].getBody()
                T_W_L = grasp_links_poses[link_name]
                self.setOdeBodyPose(ode_body, T_W_L)

            fixed_joint_names = []
            fixed_joint_names += coupled_joint_names_for_fingers
            for dof in range(4):
                if grasp_direction[dof] == 0.0:
                    for joint_name in fixed_joints_names_for_fixed_DOF[dof]:
                        if not joint_name in fixed_joint_names:

            # change all coupled joints to fixed joints
            fixed_joints = {}
            for joint_name in fixed_joint_names:
                # save the bodies attached
                body0 = ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].getBody(0)
                body1 = ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].getBody(1)
                # save the joint angle
                if joint_name in actuated_joint_names:
                    angle = ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].getAngle(0)
                    angle = ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].getAngle()
                # detach the joint
                ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].attach(None, None)
                del ode_gripper_joints[joint_name]
                fixed_joints[joint_name] = [ode.FixedJoint(world), angle]
                fixed_joints[joint_name][0].attach(body0, body1)

            # change all actuated joints to motor joints
#            actuated_joint_names = []
#            for dof in range(4):
#                for joint_name in actuated_joints_for_DOF[dof]:
#                    actuated_joint_names.append(joint_name)
#            for joint_name in actuated_joint_names:

            # A joint group for the contact joints that are generated whenever
            # two bodies collide
            contactgroup = ode.JointGroup()

            print "ode_gripper_geoms:"
            print ode_gripper_geoms

            initial_T_W_O = self.T_W_O
            # Do the simulation...
            dt = 0.001
            total_time = 0.0
            failure = False

            # PID
            Kc = 1.0
#            Ti = 1000000000000.0
            KcTi = 0.0
            Td = 0.0
            Ts = 0.001
            pos_d = 1.0
            e0 = 0.0
            e1 = 0.0
            e2 = 0.0
            u = 0.0
            u_max = 1.0
            while total_time < 5.0 and not rospy.is_shutdown():
                # ODE simulation

                joint = ode_gripper_joints["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint"]
                e2 = e1
                e1 = e0
                e0 = pos_d - joint.getAngle(0)
                u = u + Kc * (e0 - e1) + KcTi * Ts * e0 + Kc * Td / Ts * (e0 - 2.0 * e1 + e2)
                if u > u_max:
                    u = u_max
                if u < -u_max:
                    u = -u_max
                joint.setParam(ode.ParamFMax, 10000.0)
                joint.setParam(ode.ParamVel, 1.1)
#                joint.setParam(ode.ParamVel2, 1.1)
#                joint.setParam(ode.ParamVel3, 1.1)
                print joint.getAngle(0), "   ", u #, "   ", joint.getAngleRate(0)
#                print u

#                joint.addTorque(u)
#                for dof in range(4):
#                    for joint_name in actuated_joints_for_DOF[dof]:
#                        if joint_name in ode_gripper_joints:
#                            ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].addTorque(1*grasp_direction[dof])

                self.grasp_contacts = []
                self.space.collide((world,contactgroup), self.near_callback)
                total_time += dt

                # ROS interface

                old_m_id = m_id
                m_id = 0
                # publish frames from ODE
                if False:
                    for link_name in ode_gripper_geoms:
                        link_body = ode_gripper_geoms[link_name].getBody()
                        if link_body == None:
                            link_body = ode_gripper_geoms[link_name]
                        T_W_Lsim = self.getOdeBodyPose(link_body)
                        m_id = self.pub_marker.publishFrameMarker(T_W_Lsim, m_id, scale=0.05, frame='world', namespace='default')

                # publish the mesh of the object
                T_W_Osim = self.getOdeBodyPose(body)
                m_id = self.pub_marker.publishConstantMeshMarker("package://velma_scripts/data/meshes/klucz_gerda_binary.stl", m_id, r=1, g=0, b=0, scale=1.0, frame_id='world', namespace='default', T=T_W_Osim)

                # update the gripper visualization in ros
                js = JointState()
                js.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
                for jn in joint_map:
                    ros_joint_name = joint_map[jn]
                    if jn in ode_gripper_joints:
                        if jn in actuated_joint_names:
                            js.position.append( ode_gripper_joints[jn].getAngle(0) )
                            js.position.append( ode_gripper_joints[jn].getAngle() )
                    elif jn in fixed_joints:

                # draw contacts
                for c in self.grasp_contacts:
                    cc = PyKDL.Vector(c[0], c[1], c[2])
                    cn = PyKDL.Vector(c[3], c[4], c[5])
                    m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(cc, cc+cn*0.04, m_id, 1, 0, 0, frame='world', namespace='default', scale=0.003)

                if m_id < old_m_id:
                    self.pub_marker.eraseMarkers(m_id,old_m_id+1, frame_id='world')

                diff_T_W_O = PyKDL.diff(initial_T_W_O, T_W_Osim)
#                if diff_T_W_O.vel.Norm() > 0.02 or diff_T_W_O.rot.Norm() > 30.0/180.0*math.pi:
#                    print "the object moved"
#                    print diff_T_W_O
#                    failure = True
#                    break

            if not failure:
                T_O_Wsim = T_W_Osim.Inverse()
                TR_O_Wsim = PyKDL.Frame(T_O_Wsim.M)
                contacts = []
                for c in self.grasp_contacts:
                    cc_W = PyKDL.Vector(c[0], c[1], c[2])
                    cn_W = PyKDL.Vector(c[3], c[4], c[5])
                    cc_O = T_O_Wsim * cc_W
                    cn_O = TR_O_Wsim * cn_W
                    contacts.append([cc_O[0], cc_O[1], cc_O[2], cn_O[0], cn_O[1], cn_O[2]])
                gws, contact_planes = self.generateGWS(contacts, 1.0)

                grasp_quality = None
                for wr in ext_wrenches:
                    wr_qual = self.getQualityMeasure2(gws, wr)
                    if grasp_quality == None or wr_qual < grasp_quality:
                        grasp_quality = wr_qual

                grasp_quality_classic = self.getQualityMeasure(gws)

                print "grasp_quality_classic: %s     grasp_quality: %s"%(grasp_quality_classic, grasp_quality)

コード例 #54
    def spin(self):

        rospack = rospkg.RosPack()

        urdf_path=rospack.get_path('planar_manipulator_defs') + '/robots/planar_manipulator.urdf'
        srdf_path=rospack.get_path('planar_manipulator_defs') + '/robots/planar_manipulator.srdf'

        dyn_model = planar5.DynModelPlanar5()

        col = collision_model.CollisionModel()
        col.readUrdfSrdf(urdf_path, srdf_path)

        self.joint_names = ["0_joint", "1_joint", "2_joint", "3_joint", "4_joint"]
        effector_name = 'effector'

        ndof = len(self.joint_names)
        # robot state
        self.q = np.zeros( ndof )
        self.dq = np.zeros( ndof )
        self.q[0] = 0.2
        self.q[1] = -0.1
        self.q[2] = -0.1
        self.q[3] = -0.1
        self.q[4] = -0.1

        solver = fk_ik.FkIkSolver(self.joint_names, [], None)


        # obstacles
        obst = []
        obj = collision_model.CollisionModel.Collision()
        obj.type = "capsule"
        obj.T_L_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RotZ(90.0/180.0*math.pi), PyKDL.Vector(1.5, 0.7, 0))
        obj.radius = 0.1
        obj.length = 0.4
        obst.append( obj )

        obj = collision_model.CollisionModel.Collision()
        obj.type = "capsule"
        obj.T_L_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RotZ(90.0/180.0*math.pi), PyKDL.Vector(1.2, -0.9, 0))
        obj.radius = 0.1
        obj.length = 0.4
        obst.append( obj )

        obj = collision_model.CollisionModel.Collision()
        obj.type = "sphere"
        obj.T_L_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Vector(1, -0.2, 0))
        obj.radius = 0.05
        obst.append( obj )

        last_time = rospy.Time.now()

        limit_range = np.zeros( ndof )
        max_trq = np.zeros( ndof )
        for q_idx in range( ndof ):
            limit_range[q_idx] = 15.0/180.0*math.pi
            max_trq[q_idx] = 10.0


        obst_offset = 0.0
        counter = 10000
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            obst_offset += 0.0001
            obst[-1].T_L_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Vector(1, -0.2+math.sin(obst_offset), 0))

            if counter > 800:
                r_HAND_target = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RotZ(random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)), PyKDL.Vector(random.uniform(0,2), random.uniform(-1,1), 0))

                qt = r_HAND_target.M.GetQuaternion()
                pt = r_HAND_target.p
                print "**** STATE ****"
                print "r_HAND_target = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(%s,%s,%s,%s), PyKDL.Vector(%s,%s,%s))"%(qt[0],qt[1],qt[2],qt[3],pt[0],pt[1],pt[2])
                print "self.q = np.array(", self.q, ")"
                print "self.dq = np.array(", self.dq, ")"
                counter = 0
            counter += 1

            time_elapsed = rospy.Time.now() - last_time

            # mass matrix
            M = dyn_model.M
            Minv = dyn_model.Minv

            # JLC
            torque_JLC = np.zeros( ndof )
            K = np.zeros( (ndof, ndof) )
            for q_idx in range( ndof ):
                torque_JLC[q_idx] = self.jointLimitTrq(solver.lim_upper[q_idx], solver.lim_lower[q_idx], limit_range[q_idx], max_trq[q_idx], self.q[q_idx])
                if abs(torque_JLC[q_idx]) > 0.001:
                    K[q_idx,q_idx] = max_trq[q_idx]/limit_range[q_idx]
                    K[q_idx,q_idx] = 0.001

            w, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(a=K, b=M)
#            q_ = dyn_model.gaussjordan(np.matrix(v))
            q_ = np.linalg.inv( np.matrix(v) )
            k0_ = w

            k0_sqrt = np.zeros( k0_.shape )
            for q_idx in range( ndof ):
                k0_sqrt[q_idx] = math.sqrt(k0_[q_idx])
            tmpNN_ = np.diag(k0_sqrt)

            D = 2.0 * q_.H * 0.7 * tmpNN_ * q_

            torque_JLC_mx = -D * np.matrix(self.dq).transpose()
            for q_idx in range( ndof ):
                torque_JLC[q_idx] += torque_JLC_mx[q_idx, 0]

            # calculate jacobian (the activation function)
            J_JLC = np.matrix(numpy.zeros( (ndof, ndof) ))
            for q_idx in range( ndof ):
                if self.q[q_idx] < solver.lim_lower_soft[q_idx]:
                    J_JLC[q_idx,q_idx] = min(1.0, 10*abs(self.q[q_idx] - solver.lim_lower_soft[q_idx]) / abs(solver.lim_lower[q_idx] - solver.lim_lower_soft[q_idx]))
                elif self.q[q_idx] > solver.lim_upper_soft[q_idx]:
                    J_JLC[q_idx,q_idx] = min(1.0, 10*abs(self.q[q_idx] - solver.lim_upper_soft[q_idx]) / abs(solver.lim_upper[q_idx] - solver.lim_upper_soft[q_idx]))
                    J_JLC[q_idx,q_idx] = 0.0
            N_JLC = np.matrix(np.identity( ndof )) - (J_JLC.transpose() * J_JLC)

            links_fk = {}
            for link in col.links:
                links_fk[link.name] = solver.calculateFk('base', link.name, self.q)

            # collision constraints
            link_collision_map = {}
            if True:
                activation_dist = 0.05
                # self collision
                total_contacts = 0
                for link1_name, link2_name in col.collision_pairs:

                    link1 = col.link_map[link1_name]
                    T_B_L1 = links_fk[link1_name]
                    link2 = col.link_map[link2_name]
                    T_B_L2 = links_fk[link2_name]

                    for col1 in link1.col:
                        for col2 in link2.col:
                            T_B_C1 = T_B_L1 * col1.T_L_O
                            T_B_C2 = T_B_L2 * col2.T_L_O
                            c_dist = (T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector() - T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector()).Norm()
                            if col1.type == "capsule":
                                c_dist -= col1.radius + col1.length/2
                            elif col1.type == "sphere":
                                c_dist -= col1.radius
                            if col2.type == "capsule":
                                c_dist -= col2.radius + col2.length/2
                            elif col2.type == "sphere":
                                c_dist -= col2.radius
                            if c_dist > activation_dist:

                            dist = None
                            if col1.type == "capsule" and col2.type == "capsule":
                                line1 = (T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col1.length/2, 0), T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col1.length/2, 0))
                                line2 = (T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col2.length/2, 0), T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col2.length/2, 0))
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distanceLines(line1, line2)
                            elif col1.type == "capsule" and col2.type == "sphere":
                                line = (T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col1.length/2, 0), T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col1.length/2, 0))
                                pt = T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector()
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distanceLinePoint(line, pt)
                            elif col1.type == "sphere" and col2.type == "capsule":
                                pt = T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector()
                                line = (T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col2.length/2, 0), T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col2.length/2, 0))
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distancePointLine(pt, line)
                            elif col1.type == "sphere" and col2.type == "sphere":
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distancePoints(T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(), T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector())
                                print "ERROR: unknown collision type:", col1.type, col2.type

                            if dist != None:
                                dist -= col1.radius + col2.radius
                                v = p2_B - p1_B
                                n1_B = v
                                n2_B = -v
                                p1_B += n1_B * col1.radius
                                p2_B += n2_B * col2.radius

                                if dist < activation_dist:
                                    if not (link1_name, link2_name) in link_collision_map:
                                        link_collision_map[(link1_name, link2_name)] = []
                                    link_collision_map[(link1_name, link2_name)].append( (p1_B, p2_B, dist, n1_B, n2_B) )

                # environment collisions
                for link in col.links:
                    if link.col == None:
                    link1_name = link.name
                    T_B_L1 = links_fk[link1_name]
                    T_B_L2 = links_fk["base"]
                    for col1 in link.col:
                        for col2 in obst:
                            T_B_C1 = T_B_L1 * col1.T_L_O
                            T_B_C2 = T_B_L2 * col2.T_L_O
                            dist = None
                            if col1.type == "capsule" and col2.type == "capsule":
                                line1 = (T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col1.length/2, 0), T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col1.length/2, 0))
                                line2 = (T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col2.length/2, 0), T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col2.length/2, 0))
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distanceLines(line1, line2)
                            elif col1.type == "capsule" and col2.type == "sphere":
                                line = (T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col1.length/2, 0), T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col1.length/2, 0))
                                pt = T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector()
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distanceLinePoint(line, pt)
                            elif col1.type == "sphere" and col2.type == "capsule":
                                pt = T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector()
                                line = (T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, -col2.length/2, 0), T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector(0, col2.length/2, 0))
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distancePointLine(pt, line)
                            elif col1.type == "sphere" and col2.type == "sphere":
                                dist, p1_B, p2_B = self.distancePoints(T_B_C1 * PyKDL.Vector(), T_B_C2 * PyKDL.Vector())
                                print "ERROR: unknown collision type:", col1.type, col2.type

                            if dist != None:
                                dist -= col1.radius + col2.radius
                                v = p2_B - p1_B
                                n1_B = v
                                n2_B = -v
                                p1_B += n1_B * col1.radius
                                p2_B += n2_B * col2.radius

                                if dist < activation_dist:
                                    if not (link1_name, "base") in link_collision_map:
                                        link_collision_map[(link1_name, "base")] = []
                                    link_collision_map[(link1_name, "base")].append( (p1_B, p2_B, dist, n1_B, n2_B) )

            torque_col = np.matrix(np.zeros( (ndof,1) ))
            Ncol = np.matrix(np.identity( ndof ))
            m_id = 0
            for link1_name, link2_name in link_collision_map:
                for (p1_B, p2_B, dist, n1_B, n2_B) in link_collision_map[ (link1_name, link2_name) ]:
                    if dist > 0.0:
                        m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(p1_B, p2_B, m_id, 1, 1, 1, frame='base', namespace='default', scale=0.02)
                        m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(p1_B, p2_B, m_id, 1, 0, 0, frame='base', namespace='default', scale=0.02)

                    T_B_L1 = links_fk[link1_name]
                    T_L1_B = T_B_L1.Inverse()
                    T_B_L2 = links_fk[link2_name]
                    T_L2_B = T_B_L2.Inverse()
                    p1_L1 = T_L1_B * p1_B
                    p2_L2 = T_L2_B * p2_B
                    n1_L1 = PyKDL.Frame(T_L1_B.M) * n1_B
                    n2_L2 = PyKDL.Frame(T_L2_B.M) * n2_B

#                    print p1_L1, p1_L1+n1_L1*0.2
#                    print p2_L2, p2_L2+n2_L2*0.2
#                    m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(p1_L1, p1_L1+n1_L1*0.2, m_id, 0, 1, 0, frame=link1_name, namespace='default', scale=0.02)
#                    m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(T_B_L2*p2_L2, T_B_L2*(p2_L2+n2_L2*0.2), m_id, 0, 0, 1, frame="base", namespace='default', scale=0.02)

                    jac1 = PyKDL.Jacobian( ndof )
                    jac2 = PyKDL.Jacobian( ndof )
                    common_link_name = solver.getJacobiansForPairX(jac1, jac2, link1_name, p1_L1, link2_name, p2_L2, self.q, None)

#                    print link1_name, link2_name

                    depth = (activation_dist - dist)

                    # repulsive force
                    Fmax = 20.0
                    if dist <= activation_dist:
                        f = (dist - activation_dist) / activation_dist
                        f = 0.0
                    Frep = Fmax * f * f

                    K = 2.0 * Fmax / (activation_dist * activation_dist)

                    # the mapping between motions along contact normal and the Cartesian coordinates
                    e1 = n1_L1
                    e2 = n2_L2
                    Jd1 = np.matrix([e1[0], e1[1], e1[2]])
                    Jd2 = np.matrix([e2[0], e2[1], e2[2]])

                    # rewrite the linear part of the jacobian
                    jac1_mx = np.matrix(np.zeros( (3, ndof) ))
                    jac2_mx = np.matrix(np.zeros( (3, ndof) ))
                    for q_idx in range(ndof):
                        col1 = jac1.getColumn(q_idx)
                        col2 = jac2.getColumn(q_idx)
                        for row_idx in range(3):
                            jac1_mx[row_idx, q_idx] = col1[row_idx]
                            jac2_mx[row_idx, q_idx] = col2[row_idx]

                    Jcol1 = Jd1 * jac1_mx
                    Jcol2 = Jd2 * jac2_mx

                    Jcol = np.matrix(np.zeros( (1, ndof) ))
                    for q_idx in range(ndof):
                        Jcol[0, q_idx] = Jcol1[0, q_idx] + Jcol2[0, q_idx]

                    # calculate relative velocity between points
                    ddij = Jcol * np.matrix(self.dq).transpose()

                    activation = min(1.0, 5.0*depth/activation_dist)
                    activation = max(0.0, activation)
                    if ddij <= 0.0:
                        activation = 0.0
                    a_des = activation

#                    print "activation", activation
#                    raw_input(".")
                    if rospy.is_shutdown():

                    Ncol12 = np.matrix(np.identity(ndof)) - (Jcol.transpose() * a_des * Jcol)
                    Ncol = Ncol * Ncol12

                    # calculate collision mass
                    Mdij = Jcol * Minv * Jcol.transpose()

                    D = 2.0 * 0.7 * math.sqrt(Mdij * K)
                    d_torque = Jcol.transpose() * (-Frep - D * ddij)
                    torque_col += d_torque

            self.pub_marker.eraseMarkers(m_id, 10, frame_id='base', namespace='default')

            # end-effector task
            T_B_E = links_fk[effector_name]
            r_HAND_current = T_B_E
            diff = PyKDL.diff(r_HAND_current, r_HAND_target)
            r_HAND_diff = np.array( [diff[0], diff[1], diff[5]] )

            Kc = np.array( [10, 10, 1] )
            Dxi = np.array( [0.7, 0.7, 0.7] )
            wrench = np.zeros( 3 )
            for dim in range(3):
                wrench[dim] = Kc[dim] * r_HAND_diff[dim]

            J_r_HAND_6 = solver.getJacobian('base', effector_name, self.q)

            J_r_HAND = np.matrix( np.zeros( (3,5) ) )
            for q_idx in range( ndof ):
                J_r_HAND[0, q_idx] = J_r_HAND_6[0, q_idx]
                J_r_HAND[1, q_idx] = J_r_HAND_6[1, q_idx]
                J_r_HAND[2, q_idx] = J_r_HAND_6[5, q_idx]

            torque_HAND = J_r_HAND.transpose() * np.matrix(wrench).transpose()

            A = J_r_HAND * Minv * J_r_HAND.transpose()

#            A = dyn_model.gaussjordan(A)
            A = np.linalg.inv(A)

            tmpKK_ = np.matrix(np.diag(Kc))

            w, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(a=tmpKK_, b=A)
#            Q = dyn_model.gaussjordan(np.matrix(v))
            Q = np.linalg.inv( np.matrix(v) )
            K0 = w

            Dc = Q.transpose() * np.matrix( np.diag(Dxi) )

            K0_sqrt = np.zeros( K0.shape )
            for dim_idx in range( 3 ):
                K0_sqrt[dim_idx] = math.sqrt(K0[dim_idx])
            Dc = 2.0 * Dc *  np.matrix( np.diag(K0_sqrt) ) * Q

            F = Dc * J_r_HAND * np.matrix(self.dq).transpose()
            torque_HAND_mx = -J_r_HAND.transpose() * F
            for q_idx in range( ndof ):
                torque_HAND[q_idx] += torque_HAND_mx[q_idx, 0]

            # null-space
#    tmpNK_.noalias() = J * Mi;
#    tmpKK_.noalias() = tmpNK_ * JT;
#    luKK_.compute(tmpKK_);
#    tmpKK_ = luKK_.inverse();
#    tmpKN_.noalias() = Mi * JT;
#    Ji.noalias() = tmpKN_ * tmpKK_;
#    P.noalias() = Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(P.rows(), P.cols());
#    P.noalias() -=  J.transpose() * A * J * Mi;

            torque = np.matrix(torque_JLC).transpose() + N_JLC.transpose() * (torque_col + (Ncol.transpose() * torque_HAND))
#            torque = torque_HAND

            time_d = 0.01
            # simulate one step
            ddq = dyn_model.accel(self.q, self.dq, torque)
            for q_idx in range(ndof):
                self.dq[q_idx] += ddq[q_idx,0] * time_d
                self.q[q_idx] += self.dq[q_idx] * time_d

            if time_elapsed.to_sec() > 0.05:
                m_id = 0
                m_id = self.publishRobotModelVis(m_id, col, links_fk)
                m_id = self.publishObstaclesVis(m_id, obst)
                last_time = rospy.Time.now()
                self.publishTransform(r_HAND_target, "hand_dest")
コード例 #55
    T_C_M = []
    T_T2_7 = []
    T_C_M_stable = PyKDL.Frame()
    T_T2_7_stable = PyKDL.Frame()
    stable_t = 0
    while True:
            pose = tf_listener.lookupTransform('camera', 'ar_marker_'+str(right_makrer_id), rospy.Time(0))
            T_C_M_current = pm.fromTf(pose)
            pose = tf_listener.lookupTransform('head_tilt_link', 'right_arm_7_link', rospy.Time(0))
            T_T2_7_current = pm.fromTf(pose)

        d1 = PyKDL.diff(T_C_M_stable, T_C_M_current)
        d2 = PyKDL.diff(T_T2_7_stable, T_T2_7_current)
        score = d2.vel.Norm() + d2.rot.Norm()
        if score > 0.002:
            stable_t = 0
            T_C_M_stable = copy.deepcopy(T_C_M_current)
            T_T2_7_stable = copy.deepcopy(T_T2_7_current)
            stable_t += 1
            add = True
            if stable_t > 10:
                for t in T_T2_7:
                    d = PyKDL.diff(T_T2_7_current, t)
                    if d.rot.Norm() < 0.1:
                        add = False
コード例 #56
ファイル: romoco.py プロジェクト: dseredyn/velma_scripts
    def poseUpdaterThread(self, args, *args2):
        index = 0
        z_limit = 0.3
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            if self.allow_update_objects_pose == None or not self.allow_update_objects_pose:
            for obj_name in self.dyn_obj_markers:
                obj = self.dyn_obj_markers[obj_name]
                visible_markers_Br_Co = []
                visible_markers_weights_ori = []
                visible_markers_weights_pos = []
                visible_markers_idx = []
                for marker in obj:#.markers:
                    T_Br_M = self.getMarkerPose(marker[0], wait = False, timeBack = 0.3)
                    if T_Br_M != None and self.velma != None:
                        T_B_C = self.getCameraPose()
                        T_C_M = T_B_C.Inverse() * T_Br_M
                        v = T_C_M * PyKDL.Vector(0,0,1) - T_C_M * PyKDL.Vector()
                        if v.z() > -z_limit:
                        # v.z() is in range (-1.0, -0.3)
                        weight = ((-v.z()) - z_limit)/(1.0-z_limit)
                        if weight > 1.0 or weight < 0.0:
                            print "error: weight==%s"%(weight)
                        T_Co_M = marker[1]
                        T_Br_Co = T_Br_M * T_Co_M.Inverse()
                if len(visible_markers_Br_Co) > 0:
#                    if obj.name == "object":
#                        print "vis: %s"%(visible_markers_idx)
#                        print "w_o: %s"%(visible_markers_weights_ori)
#                        print "w_p: %s"%(visible_markers_weights_pos)

                    # first calculate mean pose without weights
                    R_B_Co = velmautils.meanOrientation(visible_markers_Br_Co)[1]
                    p_B_Co = velmautils.meanPosition(visible_markers_Br_Co)
                    T_B_Co = PyKDL.Frame(copy.deepcopy(R_B_Co.M), copy.deepcopy(p_B_Co))
                    distances = []
                    for m_idx in range(0, len(visible_markers_Br_Co)):
                        diff = PyKDL.diff(T_B_Co, visible_markers_Br_Co[m_idx])
                        distances.append( [diff, m_idx] )
                    Br_Co_list = []
                    weights_ori = []
                    weights_pos = []
                    for d in distances:
                        if d[0].vel.Norm() > 0.04 or d[0].rot.Norm() > 15.0/180.0*math.pi:
                        Br_Co_list.append( visible_markers_Br_Co[d[1]] )
                        weights_ori.append( visible_markers_weights_ori[d[1]] )
                        weights_pos.append( visible_markers_weights_pos[d[1]] )

                    if len(Br_Co_list) > 0:
                        R_B_Co = velmautils.meanOrientation(Br_Co_list, weights=weights_ori)[1]
                        p_B_Co = velmautils.meanPosition(Br_Co_list, weights=weights_pos)
#                        obj.updatePose( PyKDL.Frame(copy.deepcopy(R_B_Co.M), copy.deepcopy(p_B_Co)) )
                        self.openrave.updatePose(obj_name, T_Br_Co)

            index += 1
            if index >= 100:
                index = 0
コード例 #57
ファイル: cb_detector.py プロジェクト: MorS25/camera_pose
  def find_checkerboard_service(self, req):
    poses = []
    min_x = self.ros_image.width
    min_y = self.ros_image.height
    max_x = 0
    max_y = 0
    for i in range(10):

        #copy the image over
        with self.mutex:
          image = self.ros_image

        result = self.find_checkerboard_pose(image, req.corners_x, 
                                                 req.corners_y, req.spacing_x, 
                                                 req.spacing_y, self.width_scaling, 
        if result is None:
            rospy.logerr("Couldn't find a checkerboard")

        p, corners = result
        for j in range(corners.cols):
            x = cv.GetReal2D(corners, 0, j)
            y = cv.GetReal2D(corners, 1, j)
            min_x = min(min_x, x)
            max_x = max(max_x, x)
            min_y = min(min_y, y)
            max_y = max(max_y, y)

    # convert all poses to twists
    twists = []
    for p in poses:
      twists.append(PyKDL.diff(PyKDL.Frame.Identity(), posemath.fromMsg(p.pose)))

    # get average twist 
    twist_res = PyKDL.Twist()
    for t in twists:
      for i in range(3):
        twist_res.vel[i] += t.vel[i]/len(poses)
        twist_res.rot[i] += t.rot[i]/len(poses)

    # get noise
    noise_rot = 0
    noise_vel = 0
    for t in twists:
      n_vel = (t.vel - twist_res.vel).Norm()
      n_rot = (t.rot - twist_res.rot).Norm()
      if n_vel > noise_vel:
        noise_vel = n_vel
      if n_rot > noise_rot:
        noise_rot = n_rot

    # set service resul
    pose_res = PyKDL.addDelta(PyKDL.Frame.Identity(), twist_res, 1.0)
    pose_msg = PoseStamped()
    pose_msg.header = poses[0].header
    pose_msg.pose = posemath.toMsg(pose_res)
    return GetCheckerboardPoseResponse(pose_msg, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, noise_vel, noise_rot)
コード例 #58
ファイル: kdl_helpers.py プロジェクト: arcoslab/arcospyu
def my_diff(frame1, frame2, dt):
    return (
                narray_to_kdlframe(frame1), narray_to_kdlframe(frame2), dt)))
コード例 #59
    def spin(self):
        simulation_only = False

        key_endpoint_T = PyKDL.Vector(0,0,0.2)
        T_B_P = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation(), PyKDL.Vector(1,0,1))

        m_id = 0
        self.pub_marker.eraseMarkers(0,3000, frame_id='world')

        print "creating interface for Velma..."
        # create the interface for Velma robot
        self.velma = Velma()
        print "done."

        m_id = 0
        self.pub_marker.eraseMarkers(0,3000, frame_id='world')

        # key and grasp parameters
        self.T_E_O = PyKDL.Frame()
        self.T_E_Orot = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Vector(0, 0, 0.07))
        self.key_axis_O = PyKDL.Vector(0,0,1)
        self.key_up_O = PyKDL.Vector(1,0,0)
        self.key_side_O = self.key_axis_O * self.key_up_O

        # change the tool - the safe way
        print "switching to joint impedance..."
        if not self.velma.switchToJoint():
            print "ERROR: switchToJoint"


        print "updating tool..."
        self.velma.updateAndMoveToolOnly(PyKDL.Frame(self.velma.T_W_E.p+PyKDL.Vector(0.1,0,0)), 0.1)
        print "done."

        print "switching to cartesian impedance..."
        if not self.velma.switchToCart():
            print "ERROR: switchToCart"


        raw_input("Press ENTER to continue...")

        q_grasp = [1.4141768883517725, 1.4179811607057289, 1.4377081536379384, 0]
        q_pre = 10.0/180.0*math.pi
        hv = [1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2]
        ht = [3000, 3000, 3000, 3000]
        # set gripper configuration
        if True:
            self.velma.moveHand([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0/180.0*math.pi], hv, ht, 5000, True)
            self.velma.moveHand([q_grasp[0]-q_pre, q_grasp[1]-q_pre, q_grasp[2]-q_pre, q_grasp[3]], hv, ht, 5000, True)
            self.velma.moveHand([q_grasp[0]+q_pre, q_grasp[1]+q_pre, q_grasp[2]+q_pre, q_grasp[3]], hv, ht, 5000, True)

        if False:
            # start with very low stiffness
            print "setting stiffness to very low value"
            k_low = Wrench(Vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
            self.velma.moveImpedance(k_low, 0.5)
            if self.velma.checkStopCondition(0.5):
            print "done."

            print "identifying the parameters of tool in..."
            wait_time = 20
            for i in range(wait_time):
                print "%s s"%(wait_time-i)

            print "collecting points..."

            self.collect_poses = True
            T_B_T_list = []
            thread.start_new_thread(self.posesCollectorThread, (T_B_T_list,))
            collect_time = 10
            for i in range(collect_time):
                print "%s s"%(collect_time-i)
            self.collect_poses = False

            key_endpoint_T, error = self.estCommonPoint(T_B_T_list)
            print key_endpoint_T, error
            self.key_endpoint_O = self.T_E_O.Inverse() * self.velma.T_W_E.Inverse() * self.velma.T_W_T * key_endpoint_T
            print "self.key_endpoint_O = PyKDL.Vector(%s, %s, %s)"%(self.key_endpoint_O[0], self.key_endpoint_O[1], self.key_endpoint_O[2])
            print "done."
#            self.key_endpoint_O = PyKDL.Vector(-0.00248664992634, -6.7348683886e-05, 0.232163117525)
            self.key_endpoint_O = PyKDL.Vector(0.000256401261281, -0.000625166847342, 0.232297442735)
        k_high = Wrench(Vector3(1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0), Vector3(150, 150, 150))
        max_force = 12.0
        max_torque = 12.0
        path_tol = (PyKDL.Vector(max_force/k_high.force.x, max_force/k_high.force.y, max_force/k_high.force.z), PyKDL.Vector(max_torque/k_high.torque.x, max_torque/k_high.torque.y, max_torque/k_high.torque.z))
        max_force2 = 20.0
        max_torque2 = 20.0
        path_tol2 = (PyKDL.Vector(max_force2/k_high.force.x, max_force2/k_high.force.y, max_force2/k_high.force.z), PyKDL.Vector(max_torque2/k_high.torque.x, max_torque2/k_high.torque.y, max_torque2/k_high.torque.z))
        path_tol3 = (PyKDL.Vector(max_force/k_high.force.x, max_force/k_high.force.y, max_force2/k_high.force.z), PyKDL.Vector(max_torque/k_high.torque.x, max_torque/k_high.torque.y, max_torque/k_high.torque.z))
        print "path tolerance:", path_tol

#        k_hole_in = Wrench(Vector3(1000.0, 500.0, 500.0), Vector3(200, 200, 200))
        k_hole_in = Wrench(Vector3(100.0, 1000.0, 1000.0), Vector3(50, 5, 5))
        path_tol_in = (PyKDL.Vector(max_force2/k_hole_in.force.x, max_force/k_hole_in.force.y, max_force/k_hole_in.force.z), PyKDL.Vector(max_torque2/k_hole_in.torque.x, max_torque2/k_hole_in.torque.y, max_torque2/k_hole_in.torque.z))
        path_tol_in2 = (PyKDL.Vector(max_force2/k_hole_in.force.x, max_force2/k_hole_in.force.y, max_force2/k_hole_in.force.z), PyKDL.Vector(max_torque2/k_hole_in.torque.x, max_torque2/k_hole_in.torque.y, max_torque2/k_hole_in.torque.z))

        if False:
            k_increase = [
            Wrench(Vector3(10.0, 10.0, 10.0), Vector3(5, 5, 5)),
            Wrench(Vector3(50.0, 50.0, 50.0), Vector3(25, 25, 25)),
            Wrench(Vector3(250.0, 250.0, 250.0), Vector3(100, 100, 100))

            for k in k_increase:
                raw_input("Press Enter to set bigger stiffness...")
                T_B_Wd = self.velma.T_B_W
                time = self.velma.getMovementTime(T_B_Wd, max_v_l = 0.02, max_v_r = 0.04)
                print "moving the wrist to the current pose in " + str(time) + " s..."
                self.velma.moveWrist(T_B_Wd, time, Wrench(Vector3(40,40,40), Vector3(14,14,14)))
                print "done."
                print "setting stiffness to bigger value"
                self.velma.moveImpedance(k, 1.0)
                if self.velma.checkStopCondition(1.1):
                print "done."

            print "move the grasped key near the key hole..."

            self.follow_wrist_pose = True
            thread.start_new_thread(self.wristFollowerThread, (None,))
            raw_input("Press ENTER to save the pose...")
            self.follow_wrist_pose = False

            self.T_B_O_nearHole = self.velma.T_B_W * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O

            p = self.T_B_O_nearHole.p
            q = self.T_B_O_nearHole.M.GetQuaternion()
            print "self.T_B_O_nearHole = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(%s, %s, %s, %s), PyKDL.Vector(%s, %s, %s))"%(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3], p[0], p[1], p[2])

            T_B_Wd = self.velma.T_B_W
            time = self.velma.getMovementTime(T_B_Wd, max_v_l = 0.02, max_v_r = 0.04)
            print "moving the wrist to the current pose in " + str(time) + " s..."
            self.velma.moveWrist(T_B_Wd, time, Wrench(Vector3(40,40,40), Vector3(14,14,14)))
            status, feedback = self.velma.waitForCartEnd()

            print "setting stiffness to", k_high
            self.velma.moveImpedance(k_high, 1.0)
            if self.velma.checkStopCondition(1.0):
            print "done."

#            self.T_B_O_nearHole = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.697525674378, -0.00510212356955, 0.715527762697, 0.0381041038336), PyKDL.Vector(0.528142123375, 0.0071159410235, 1.31300679435))
#            self.T_B_O_nearHole = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.699716675653, -0.0454110538496, 0.709529999372, 0.0700113561626), PyKDL.Vector(0.546491646893, -0.101297899801, 1.30959887442))
            self.T_B_O_nearHole = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.71891504857, -0.0529880479354, 0.691118088949, 0.0520500417212), PyKDL.Vector(0.883081316461, -0.100813768303, 0.95381559114))

        k_increase = [
        Wrench(Vector3(10.0, 10.0, 10.0), Vector3(5, 5, 5)),
        Wrench(Vector3(50.0, 50.0, 50.0), Vector3(25, 25, 25)),
        Wrench(Vector3(250.0, 250.0, 250.0), Vector3(100, 100, 100)),

        for k in k_increase:
            raw_input("Press Enter to set bigger stiffness...")
            T_B_Wd = self.velma.T_B_W
            time = self.velma.getMovementTime(T_B_Wd, max_v_l = 0.02, max_v_r = 0.04)
            print "moving the wrist to the current pose in " + str(time) + " s..."
            self.velma.moveWrist(T_B_Wd, time, Wrench(Vector3(40,40,40), Vector3(14,14,14)))
            print "done."
            print "setting stiffness to bigger value"
            self.velma.moveImpedance(k, 1.0)
            if self.velma.checkStopCondition(1.1):
            print "done."

        if True:
            print "probing the door..."
            search_radius = 0.02
            min_dist = 0.005
            probed_points = []
            contact_points_B = []

            # move to the center point and push the lock
            x = 0
            y = 0
            T_O_Od = PyKDL.Frame(self.key_up_O*x + self.key_side_O*y)
            T_O_Od2 = PyKDL.Frame(self.key_up_O*x + self.key_side_O*y + self.key_axis_O*0.1)

            T_B_Wd = self.T_B_O_nearHole * T_O_Od * self.T_E_O.Inverse() * self.velma.T_W_E.Inverse()
            time = self.velma.getMovementTime(T_B_Wd, max_v_l = 0.02, max_v_r = 0.04)
            raw_input("Press ENTER to movie the wrist in " + str(time) + " s...")
            self.velma.moveWrist(T_B_Wd, time, Wrench(Vector3(40,40,40), Vector3(14,14,14)), path_tol=path_tol2)
            status, feedback = self.velma.waitForCartEnd()
            print "status", status
            if status.error_code != 0:
                print "unexpected contact", feedback

            T_B_Wd = self.T_B_O_nearHole * T_O_Od2 * self.T_E_O.Inverse() * self.velma.T_W_E.Inverse()
            time = self.velma.getMovementTime(T_B_Wd, max_v_l = 0.02, max_v_r = 0.04)
            raw_input("Press ENTER to movie the wrist in " + str(time) + " s...")
            self.velma.moveWrist(T_B_Wd, time, Wrench(Vector3(40,40,40), Vector3(14,14,14)), path_tol=path_tol)
            status, feedback = self.velma.waitForCartEnd()
            print "status", status
            if status.error_code != 0:
                contact_B = self.velma.T_B_W * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O * self.key_endpoint_O
                m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(contact_B, m_id, r=1, g=0, b=0, a=1, namespace='default', frame_id='torso_base', m_type=Marker.SPHERE, scale=Vector3(0.003, 0.003, 0.003), T=None)
                print feedback
                print "no contact"

            T_O_Od3 = PyKDL.Frame(self.key_axis_O * 5.0/k_high.force.z)
            T_B_Wref = self.velma.T_B_W
            T_B_Wd = T_B_Wref * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O * T_O_Od3 * self.T_E_O.Inverse() * self.velma.T_W_E.Inverse()
            time = self.velma.getMovementTime(T_B_Wd, max_v_l = 0.02, max_v_r = 0.04)
            raw_input("Press ENTER to movie the wrist in " + str(time) + " s...")
            self.velma.moveWrist(T_B_Wd, time, Wrench(Vector3(40,40,40), Vector3(14,14,14)), path_tol=path_tol2)
            status, feedback = self.velma.waitForCartEnd()
            print "status", status
            if status.error_code != 0:
                print "unexpected high contact force", feedback

            desired_push_dist = 5.0/k_high.force.z

            contact_B = self.velma.T_B_W * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O * self.key_endpoint_O

            # move along the spiral
            hole_found = False
            spiral = self.generateSpiral(search_radius, min_dist)
            for pt in spiral:
                pt_desired_O_in_ref = self.key_endpoint_O
                pt_contact_O_in_ref = self.T_E_O.Inverse() * self.velma.T_W_E.Inverse() * T_B_Wref.Inverse() * contact_B
                key_end_depth = PyKDL.dot(pt_contact_O_in_ref-pt_desired_O_in_ref, self.key_axis_O)
#                print "key_end_depth", key_end_depth
                T_O_Od4 = PyKDL.Frame(self.key_up_O*pt[0] + self.key_side_O*pt[1] + self.key_axis_O * (5.0/k_high.force.z + key_end_depth))
                pt_desired_B = T_B_Wref * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O * T_O_Od4 * self.key_endpoint_O
                m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(pt_desired_B, m_id, r=0, g=1, b=0, a=1, namespace='default', frame_id='torso_base', m_type=Marker.SPHERE, scale=Vector3(0.003, 0.003, 0.003), T=None)

                T_B_Wd = T_B_Wref * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O * T_O_Od4 * self.T_E_O.Inverse() * self.velma.T_W_E.Inverse()
                time = self.velma.getMovementTime(T_B_Wd, max_v_l = 0.02, max_v_r = 0.04)
                raw_input("Press ENTER to movie the wrist in " + str(time) + " s...")
                self.velma.moveWrist(T_B_Wd, time, Wrench(Vector3(40,40,40), Vector3(14,14,14)), path_tol=path_tol)
                status, feedback = self.velma.waitForCartEnd()
                print "status", status
                contact_B = self.velma.T_B_W * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O * self.key_endpoint_O
                m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(contact_B, m_id, r=1, g=0, b=0, a=1, namespace='default', frame_id='torso_base', m_type=Marker.SPHERE, scale=Vector3(0.003, 0.003, 0.003), T=None)

                # check if the key is in the hole
                if status.error_code != 0:
                    T_O_Od5 = PyKDL.Frame(self.key_axis_O * 5.0/k_high.force.z)
                    T_B_Wd = self.velma.T_B_W * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O * T_O_Od5 * self.T_E_O.Inverse() * self.velma.T_W_E.Inverse()
                    time = self.velma.getMovementTime(T_B_Wd, max_v_l = 0.02, max_v_r = 0.04)
                    self.velma.moveWrist(T_B_Wd, time, Wrench(Vector3(40,40,40), Vector3(14,14,14)), path_tol=path_tol2)
                    status, feedback = self.velma.waitForCartEnd()
                    if status.error_code != 0:
                        print "unexpected high contact force", feedback

                    T_O_Od6 = PyKDL.Frame(self.key_up_O*0.02 + self.key_axis_O * 5.0/k_high.force.z)
                    T_B_Wd = self.velma.T_B_W * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O * T_O_Od6 * self.T_E_O.Inverse() * self.velma.T_W_E.Inverse()
                    time = self.velma.getMovementTime(T_B_Wd, max_v_l = 0.02, max_v_r = 0.04)
                    self.velma.moveWrist(T_B_Wd, time, Wrench(Vector3(40,40,40), Vector3(14,14,14)), path_tol=path_tol)
                    status, feedback = self.velma.waitForCartEnd()
                    if status.error_code != 0:
                        print "key is in a hole"
                        hole_found = True

            print "hole_found", hole_found

            T_O_Od3 = PyKDL.Frame(self.key_axis_O * 5.0/k_high.force.z)
            T_B_Wref = self.velma.T_B_W
            print "moving the wrist to the current pose to reduce tension..."
            T_B_Wd = self.velma.T_B_W * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O * T_O_Od3 * self.T_E_O.Inverse() * self.velma.T_W_E.Inverse()
            time = self.velma.getMovementTime(T_B_Wd, max_v_l = 0.02, max_v_r = 0.04)
            raw_input("Press ENTER to movie the wrist in " + str(time) + " s...")
            self.velma.moveWrist(T_B_Wd, time, Wrench(Vector3(40,40,40), Vector3(14,14,14)), path_tol=path_tol2)
            status, feedback = self.velma.waitForCartEnd()
            print "status", status
            if status.error_code != 0:
                print "unexpected high contact force", feedback

            print "setting stiffness to bigger value"
            self.velma.moveImpedance(k_hole_in, 1.0)
            if self.velma.checkStopCondition(1.1):
            print "done."


            # calculate the fixed lock frame T_B_L
            # T_B_L the same orientation as the gripper (z axis pointing towards the door)
            # and the origin at the key endpoint at the initial penetration
            T_B_L = self.velma.T_B_W * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O * PyKDL.Frame(self.key_endpoint_O)
            penetration_axis_L = PyKDL.Vector(0, 0, 1)

            # get current contact point
            contact_B = self.velma.T_B_W * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O * self.key_endpoint_O
            contact_L = T_B_L.Inverse() * contact_B
            contact_max_depth_L = PyKDL.dot(contact_L, penetration_axis_L)
            contact_depth_L = contact_max_depth_L
            prev_contact_depth_L = contact_depth_L
            deepest_contact_L = copy.deepcopy(contact_L)
            m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(contact_B, m_id, r=1, g=0, b=0, a=1, namespace='default', frame_id='torso_base', m_type=Marker.SPHERE, scale=Vector3(0.003, 0.003, 0.003), T=None)

            central_point_L = PyKDL.Vector()

            force_key_axis = 17.0
            force_key_up = 10.0
            force_key_side = 10.0

            xi = 7
            yi = 7
            explore_mode = "get_new"
            while True:
                # desired position of the key end

                T_B_Ocurrent = self.velma.T_B_W * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O * PyKDL.Frame(self.key_axis_O * (force_key_axis/k_hole_in.force.x))
                diff_B = PyKDL.diff(T_B_Ocurrent, self.T_B_O_nearHole)
                rot_diff_Ocurrent = PyKDL.Frame(T_B_Ocurrent.Inverse().M) * diff_B.rot

                spiral_hole = self.generateSpiral(0.04, 0.005)
                T_B_W_shake = []
                for pt in spiral_hole:
                    T_B_Od_shake = T_B_Ocurrent * PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RotZ(rot_diff_Ocurrent.z()-6.0/180.0*math.pi), self.key_up_O * pt[0] + self.key_side_O * pt[1])
                    T_B_W_shake.append(T_B_Od_shake * self.T_E_O.Inverse() * self.velma.T_W_E.Inverse())
                    T_B_Od_shake = T_B_Ocurrent * PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RotZ(rot_diff_Ocurrent.z()+6.0/180.0*math.pi), self.key_up_O * pt[0] + self.key_side_O * pt[1])
                    T_B_W_shake.append(T_B_Od_shake * self.T_E_O.Inverse() * self.velma.T_W_E.Inverse())

                print "shaking..."
                counter = 0
                for T_B_W in T_B_W_shake:
                    counter += 1
                    time = self.velma.getMovementTime(T_B_W, max_v_l = 0.4, max_v_r = 0.4)
#                    self.velma.moveWrist2(T_B_W * self.velma.T_W_T)
#                    raw_input("Press ENTER to movie the wrist in " + str(time) + " s...")
                    self.velma.moveWrist(T_B_W, time, Wrench(Vector3(40,40,40), Vector3(14,14,14)), path_tol=path_tol_in)
                    status1, feedback = self.velma.waitForCartEnd()
                    print "status", status1

                    contact_B = self.velma.T_B_W * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O * self.key_endpoint_O
                    m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(contact_B, m_id, r=1, g=0, b=0, a=1, namespace='default', frame_id='torso_base', m_type=Marker.SPHERE, scale=Vector3(0.003, 0.003, 0.003), T=None)
                    pt_desired_B = T_B_W * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O * self.key_endpoint_O
                    m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(pt_desired_B, m_id, r=0, g=1, b=0, a=1, namespace='default', frame_id='torso_base', m_type=Marker.SPHERE, scale=Vector3(0.003, 0.003, 0.003), T=None)

                    contact_L = T_B_L.Inverse() * contact_B
                    contact_depth_L = PyKDL.dot(contact_L, penetration_axis_L)

                    if contact_depth_L > contact_max_depth_L+0.0001:
                        deepest_contact_L = copy.deepcopy(contact_L)
                        contact_max_depth_L = contact_depth_L
                        print "contact_depth_L: %s"%(contact_depth_L)
                        explore_mode = "push"
                    if status1.error_code != 0:
                print "done."

                score = contact_depth_L - prev_contact_depth_L
                prev_contact_depth_L = contact_depth_L

                if status1.error_code != 0 or counter == len(T_B_W_shake):

            print "moving the key to the current pose..."
            T_B_Wd = self.velma.T_B_W
            time = self.velma.getMovementTime(T_B_Wd, max_v_l = 0.1, max_v_r = 0.1)
            self.velma.moveWrist(T_B_Wd, time, Wrench(Vector3(40,40,40), Vector3(14,14,14)), path_tol=path_tol_in2)
            status1, feedback = self.velma.waitForCartEnd()
            print "status", status1
            if status1.error_code != 0:

            print "moving the key to the current pose..."
            T_B_Ocurrent = self.velma.T_B_W * self.velma.T_W_E * self.T_E_O
            T_B_Od = T_B_Ocurrent * PyKDL.Frame(self.key_axis_O * (-2.0/k_hole_in.force.x))
            T_B_Wd = T_B_Od * self.T_E_O.Inverse() * self.velma.T_W_E.Inverse()
            time = self.velma.getMovementTime(T_B_Wd, max_v_l = 0.1, max_v_r = 0.1)
            raw_input("Press ENTER to movie the wrist in " + str(time) + " s...")
            self.velma.moveWrist(T_B_Wd, time, Wrench(Vector3(40,40,40), Vector3(14,14,14)), path_tol=path_tol_in)
            status1, feedback = self.velma.waitForCartEnd()
            print "status", status1
            if status1.error_code != 0:

            self.velma.moveHand([q_grasp[0]-q_pre, q_grasp[1]-q_pre, q_grasp[2]-q_pre, q_grasp[3]], hv, ht, 5000, True)

            print "setting stiffness to bigger value"
            self.velma.moveImpedance(k_high, 1.0)
            if self.velma.checkStopCondition(1.1):
            print "done."

            T_B_Wd = T_B_Ocurrent * self.T_E_Orot.Inverse() * self.velma.T_W_E.Inverse()
            time = self.velma.getMovementTime(T_B_Wd, max_v_l = 0.02, max_v_r = 0.02)
            raw_input("Press ENTER to movie the wrist in " + str(time) + " s...")
            self.velma.moveWrist(T_B_Wd, time, Wrench(Vector3(40,40,40), Vector3(14,14,14)), path_tol=path_tol2)
            status1, feedback = self.velma.waitForCartEnd()
            print "status", status1
            if status1.error_code != 0:

            self.velma.moveHand([q_grasp[0]+q_pre, q_grasp[1]+q_pre, q_grasp[2]+q_pre, q_grasp[3]], hv, ht, 5000, True)
#                m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(T_B_L * PyKDL.Vector(0.01*xi+ori_map_vis_offset[0], 0.01*yi+ori_map_vis_offset[1], score), m_id, r=0, g=0, b=1, a=0.5, namespace='default', frame_id='torso_base', m_type=Marker.SPHERE, scale=Vector3(0.003, 0.003, 0.003), T=None)
#                m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(T_B_L * PyKDL.Vector(0.01*xi+ori_map_vis_offset[0], 0.01*yi+ori_map_vis_offset[1], ori_map[xi][yi][1]), m_id, r=0, g=1, b=0, a=0.5, namespace='default', frame_id='torso_base', m_type=Marker.SPHERE, scale=Vector3(0.003, 0.003, 0.003), T=None)

コード例 #60
    def getMovementTime(self, T_B_Wd, max_v_l = 0.1, max_v_r = 0.2):
        twist = PyKDL.diff(self.T_B_W, T_B_Wd, 1.0)
        v_l = twist.vel.Norm()
        v_r = twist.rot.Norm()
#        print "v_l: %s   v_r: %s"%(v_l, v_r)
        f_v_l = v_l/max_v_l
        f_v_r = v_r/max_v_r
        if f_v_l > f_v_r:
            duration = f_v_l
            duration = f_v_r
        if duration < 0.2:
            duration = 0.2
        return duration