# Change mode to relative (default is absolute) # You can use setAbsolute() to change back to absolute # Absolute: the position starts at zero and is incremented or # decremented by the encoder's movement # Relative: the position is reset when the unit timer overflows. myEncoder.setAbsolute() # Read the current mode (0: absolute, 1: relative) # Mode can also be set as a property mode = myEncoder.mode # Get the current frequency of update in Hz freq = myEncoder.frequency # Set the update frequency to 1 kHz myEncoder.frequency = 1000 # Check if the channel is enabled # The 'enabled' property is read-only # Use the enable() and disable() methods to # safely enable or disable the module isEnabled = myEncoder.enabled myEncoder.enable() while True: print(str(myEncoder.position)) time.sleep(0.3) # Disable the eQEP channel myEncoder.disable()
bus = smbus.SMBus(2) # select i2c bus 2 matrix = 0x70 # define matrix address on i2c bus # --------------------MATRIX SETUP-------------------- bus.write_byte_data(matrix, 0x21, 0) # Start oscillator (p10) bus.write_byte_data(matrix, 0x81, 0) # Disp on, blink off (p11) bus.write_byte_data(matrix, 0xe7, 0) # Full brightness (page 15) SW = ["P8_11", "P8_12", "P8_33", "P8_35"] # define switches by their header pin # set up left/right rotary encoder & refresh at 1000kHz lrEncoder = RotaryEncoder(eQEP2) lrEncoder.zero() lrEncoder.setAbsolute() lrEncoder.frequency = 1000 lrEncoder.enable() # set up up/down rotary encoder udEncoder = RotaryEncoder(eQEP1) udEncoder.zero() udEncoder.setAbsolute() udEncoder.frequency = 1000 udEncoder.enable() def main(): print("Welcome to etch a sketch!") print("") print("8x8 LED edition") xdim = 8