コード例 #1
 def load_traj( self, msg ):
     """ Load Ref trajectory """
     # Traj length ?
     n = len( msg.points )        
     q   = np.zeros([self.n_DOF,n])
     dq  = np.zeros([self.n_DOF,n])
     ddq = np.zeros([self.n_DOF,n])
     t   = np.zeros(n)
     #For all pts
     for i in range(n):
         # Time vector
         secs    = msg.points[i].time_from_start.secs
         nsecs   = msg.points[i].time_from_start.nsecs
         t[i]    = secs + nsecs * 0.001
         # For all DOF
         for j in range( self.n_DOF ):
             q[j,i]    = msg.points[i].positions[j]
             dq[j,i]   = msg.points[i].velocities[j]
             ddq[j,i]  = msg.points[i].accelerations[j]
     # Setup CTC class stuff
     self.CTC.traj = [ ddq , dq , q , t ]
     self.CTC.max_time = t.max()
     # assign new controller
     self.CTC.ctl = self.CTC.traj_following_ctl
     # Create interpol functions
     self.CTC.q   = CTC.interp1d(t,q)
     self.CTC.dq  = CTC.interp1d(t,dq)
     self.CTC.ddq = CTC.interp1d(t,ddq)
     # Record new reference for time
     self.t_zero = rospy.get_rostime()
     self.trajectory_loaded = True
     if self.verbose:
         rospy.loginfo("Controller: Ref Trajectory Loaded ")
コード例 #2
ファイル: bob.py プロジェクト: rena-ganba/AlexRobotics
def ctl( x , t ):
    u = np.array([0,0])
    # Your controller here

    R  =  Manipulator.TwoLinkManipulator()
    # Define controller
    ctc     = CTC.ComputedTorqueController( R )
    ctc.w0  = 1
    u = ctc.ctl( x , t )
    return u
コード例 #3
# Objectives

x_start = np.array([-3.0, 0.0])
x_goal = np.array([0.0, 0.0])

# Create objects

Robot = Manipulator.OneLinkManipulator()

PD = linear.PD(kp=5, kd=2)
PID = linear.PID(kp=5, kd=2, ki=4)
CTC = ComputedTorque.ComputedTorqueController(Robot)
SLD = ComputedTorque.SlidingModeController(Robot)
RRT = RandomTree.RRT(Robot, x_start)
VI = DPO.ValueIteration1DOF(Robot, 'quadratic')

# Params

tmax = 8  # max motor torque
Robot.u_ub = np.array([tmax])  # Control Upper Bounds
Robot.u_lb = np.array([-tmax])  # Control Lower Bounds
RRT.x_start = x_start
RRT.dt = 0.1
RRT.goal_radius = 0.3
コード例 #4
Created on Sat Mar  5 20:24:50 2016

@author: alex

from AlexRobotics.dynamic import Manipulator as M
from AlexRobotics.control import ComputedTorque as CTC

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
""" Define system """

# Define dynamic system
R = M.TwoLinkManipulator()

# Define controller
CTC_controller = CTC.SlidingModeController(R)
CTC_controller.lam = 1
CTC_controller.nab = 1
CTC_controller.D = 0

# Asign feedback law to the dynamic system
R.ctl = CTC_controller.ctl
""" Simulation and plotting """

# Ploting a trajectory
x0 = [3, -1, 0, 0]
tf = 10
dt = 0.01
n = int(tf / dt) + 1

R.plotAnimation(x0, tf, n, solver='euler')
コード例 #5

from AlexRobotics.dynamic import Manipulator    as M
from AlexRobotics.control import ComputedTorque as CTC

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

""" Define system """

# Define dynamic system
R  =  M.ThreeLinkManipulator()

# Define controller
CTC_controller     = CTC.ComputedTorqueController( R )
CTC_controller.w0  = 1

q_d                 = np.array([ np.pi, -np.pi * 0.25 , -np.pi * 0.25 ])
dq_d                = np.zeros( R.dof )
x_d                 = R.q2x( q_d , dq_d)
CTC_controller.goal =  x_d

# Asign feedback law to the dynamic system
R.ctl = CTC_controller.ctl

""" Simulation and plotting """

# Ploting a trajectory
x0   = [0,1,1,0,0,0]
コード例 #6
# Load libs

from AlexRobotics.dynamic import Manipulator
from AlexRobotics.planning import RandomTree
from AlexRobotics.control import linear
from AlexRobotics.control import ComputedTorque

# Create objects

Robot = Manipulator.OneLinkManipulator()

CTC = ComputedTorque.ComputedTorqueController(Robot)
RRT = RandomTree.RRT(Robot, x_start=[-3.0, 0.0])
PD = linear.PD(kp=5, kd=2)
PID = linear.PID(kp=5, kd=2, ki=4)

# Offline  Plannning

#RRT.find_path_to_goal( x_goal )

# Assign controller