def __paintEventNoStyle(self): p = QPainter(self) opt = QStyleOptionToolButton() self.initStyleOption(opt) fm = QFontMetrics(opt.font) palette = opt.palette # highlight brush is used as the background for the icon and background # when the tab is expanded and as mouse hover color (lighter). brush_highlight = palette.highlight() foregroundrole = QPalette.ButtonText if opt.state & QStyle.State_Sunken: # State 'down' pressed during a mouse press (slightly darker). background_brush = brush_darker(brush_highlight, 110) foregroundrole = QPalette.HighlightedText elif opt.state & QStyle.State_MouseOver: background_brush = brush_darker(brush_highlight, 95) foregroundrole = QPalette.HighlightedText elif opt.state & QStyle.State_On: background_brush = brush_highlight foregroundrole = QPalette.HighlightedText else: # The default button brush. background_brush = palette.button() rect = opt.rect icon_area_rect = QRect(rect) icon_area_rect.setWidth(int(icon_area_rect.height() * 1.26)) text_rect = QRect(rect) text_rect.setLeft(icon_area_rect.x() + icon_area_rect.width() + 10) # Background # TODO: Should the tab button have native toolbutton shape, drawn # using PE_PanelButtonTool or even QToolBox tab shape # Default outline pen pen = QPen(palette.color(QPalette.Mid)) p.setPen(Qt.NoPen) p.setBrush(QBrush(background_brush)) p.drawRect(rect) # Draw the background behind the icon if the background_brush # is different. if not opt.state & QStyle.State_On: p.setBrush(brush_highlight) p.drawRect(icon_area_rect) # Line between the icon and text p.setPen(pen) p.drawLine(icon_area_rect.x() + icon_area_rect.width(), icon_area_rect.y(), icon_area_rect.x() + icon_area_rect.width(), icon_area_rect.y() + icon_area_rect.height()) if opt.state & QStyle.State_HasFocus: # Set the focus frame pen and draw the border pen = QPen(QColor(brush_highlight)) p.setPen(pen) p.setBrush(Qt.NoBrush) # Adjust for pen rect = rect.adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1) p.drawRect(rect) else: p.setPen(pen) # Draw the top/bottom border if self.position == ToolBoxTabButton.OnlyOneTab or \ self.position == ToolBoxTabButton.Beginning or \ self.selected & ToolBoxTabButton.PreviousIsSelected: p.drawLine(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.x() + rect.width(), rect.y()) p.drawLine(rect.x(), rect.y() + rect.height(), rect.x() + rect.width(), rect.y() + rect.height()) p.restore() text = fm.elidedText(opt.text, Qt.ElideRight, text_rect.width()) p.setPen(QPen(palette.color(foregroundrole))) p.setFont(opt.font) p.drawText( text_rect, int(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignLeft) | int(Qt.TextSingleLine), text) if not opt.icon.isNull(): if opt.state & QStyle.State_Enabled: mode = QIcon.Normal else: mode = QIcon.Disabled if opt.state & QStyle.State_On: state = QIcon.On else: state = QIcon.Off icon_area_rect = icon_area_rect icon_rect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), opt.iconSize) icon_rect.moveCenter( opt.icon.paint(p, icon_rect, Qt.AlignCenter, mode, state) p.restore()
def setPen(self, pen): if self.__pen != pen: self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__pen = QPen(pen) self.__shape = None super().setPen(self.__pen)
def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QStylePainter(self) rect = self._subControlRect(QStyle.SC_SliderGroove) is_horizontal = self.orientation() == Qt.Horizontal minpos, maxpos = self.minimumPosition(), self.maximumPosition() span = rect.width() if is_horizontal else rect.height() x1 = QStyle.sliderPositionFromValue( self.minimum(), self.maximum(), minpos, span, self.invertedAppearance()) x2 = QStyle.sliderPositionFromValue( self.minimum(), self.maximum(), maxpos, span, self.invertedAppearance()) # Background painter.fillRect(rect, Qt.white) # Highlight painter.setOpacity(.7) if is_horizontal: painter.fillRect(x1, rect.y(), x2 - x1, rect.height(), Qt.yellow) else: painter.fillRect(rect.x(), x1, rect.width(), x2 - x1, Qt.yellow) painter.setOpacity(1) # Histogram if self._pixmap: painter.drawPixmap(rect, self._pixmap, self._pixmap.rect()) # Frame painter.setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt.darkGray), 2)) painter.drawRect(rect) # Handles painter.setPen(QPen(QBrush(self._HANDLE_COLOR), self._HANDLE_WIDTH)) painter.setOpacity(9) if is_horizontal: painter.drawLine(x1, rect.y(), x1, rect.y() + rect.height()) painter.drawLine(x2, rect.y(), x2, rect.y() + rect.height()) else: painter.drawLine(rect.x(), x1, rect.x() + rect.width(), x1) painter.drawLine(rect.x(), x2, rect.x() + rect.width(), x2) painter.setOpacity(1) if self._show_text: painter.setFont(QFont('Monospace', 7, QFont.Bold)) strMin, strMax = self.formatValues(minpos, maxpos) widthMin = painter.fontMetrics().width(strMin) widthMax = painter.fontMetrics().width(strMax) height = painter.fontMetrics().height() is_enough_space = x2 - x1 > 3 + (max(widthMax, widthMin) if is_horizontal else (2 * height + self._HANDLE_WIDTH)) if is_enough_space: if is_horizontal: painter.drawText(x1 + 3, rect.y() + height, strMin) painter.drawText(x2 - widthMax - 2, rect.y() + rect.height() - 3, strMax) else: painter.drawText(rect.x() + 1, x1 + height, strMin) painter.drawText(rect.x() + rect.width() - widthMax - 1, x2 - 2, strMax) # Tooltip if self._showControlTooltip\ and (not self._show_text or not is_enough_space): # (show control-drag tooltip) painter.setFont(QFont('Monospace', 10, QFont.Normal)) text = "Hold {} to move time interval" \ .format("Cmd" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "Ctrl") w = painter.fontMetrics().width(text) h = painter.fontMetrics().height() brush = QColor(224, 224, 224, 212) pen = QPen(Qt.NoPen) rect = QRect(4, 4, w + 8, h + 4) painter.setBrush(brush) painter.setPen(pen) painter.drawRect(rect) painter.setPen( painter.drawText(8, 4 + h, text)
def pen(self): return QPen(self.__pen)
def framePen(self): """Return the frame pen. """ return QPen(self.__framePen)
def __init__(self, pen = QPen(, brush = QBrush(Qt.white), xData = [], yData = [], tooltip = None): OWCurve.__init__(self, xData, yData, tooltip=tooltip) self._data_polygon = self.polygon_from_data(xData, yData) self._polygon_item = QGraphicsPolygonItem(self) self.set_pen(pen) self.set_brush(brush)
def __init__(self, name, pen = QPen(, xData = None, yData = None): orangeqt.UnconnectedLinesCurve.__init__(self) self.set_data(xData, yData) if pen: self.set_pen(pen) = name
def pen(color): pen = QPen(color, 1) pen.setCosmetic(True) return pen
def _init_ui(self): namesBox = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, "Names") hbox = gui.hBox(namesBox, margin=0, spacing=0) gui.lineEdit(hbox, self, "attr1", "Variable X: ", controlWidth=80, orientation=Qt.Horizontal, callback=self._attr_name_changed) gui.separator(hbox, 21) hbox = gui.hBox(namesBox, margin=0, spacing=0) attr2 = gui.lineEdit(hbox, self, "attr2", "Variable Y: ", controlWidth=80, orientation=Qt.Horizontal, callback=self._attr_name_changed) gui.separator(hbox) gui.checkBox(hbox, self, "hasAttr2", '', disables=attr2, labelWidth=0, callback=self.set_dimensions) gui.separator(namesBox) gui.widgetLabel(namesBox, "Labels") self.classValuesView = listView = gui.ListViewWithSizeHint( preferred_size=(-1, 30)) listView.setModel(self.class_model) itemmodels.select_row(listView, 0) namesBox.layout().addWidget(listView) self.addClassLabel = QAction("+", self, toolTip="Add new class label", triggered=self.add_new_class_label) self.removeClassLabel = QAction( unicodedata.lookup("MINUS SIGN"), self, toolTip="Remove selected class label", triggered=self.remove_selected_class_label) actionsWidget = itemmodels.ModelActionsWidget( [self.addClassLabel, self.removeClassLabel], self) actionsWidget.layout().addStretch(10) actionsWidget.layout().setSpacing(1) namesBox.layout().addWidget(actionsWidget) tBox = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, "Tools", addSpace=True) buttonBox = gui.hBox(tBox) toolsBox = gui.widgetBox(buttonBox, orientation=QGridLayout()) self.toolActions = QActionGroup(self) self.toolActions.setExclusive(True) self.toolButtons = [] for i, (name, tooltip, tool, icon) in enumerate(self.TOOLS): action = QAction( name, self, toolTip=tooltip, checkable=tool.checkable, icon=QIcon(icon), ) action.triggered.connect(partial(self.set_current_tool, tool)) button = QToolButton(iconSize=QSize(24, 24), toolButtonStyle=Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon, sizePolicy=QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) button.setDefaultAction(action) self.toolButtons.append((button, tool)) toolsBox.layout().addWidget(button, i / 3, i % 3) self.toolActions.addAction(action) for column in range(3): toolsBox.layout().setColumnMinimumWidth(column, 10) toolsBox.layout().setColumnStretch(column, 1) undo = self.undo_stack.createUndoAction(self) redo = self.undo_stack.createRedoAction(self) undo.setShortcut(QKeySequence.Undo) redo.setShortcut(QKeySequence.Redo) self.addActions([undo, redo]) self.undo_stack.indexChanged.connect(self.invalidate) gui.separator(tBox) indBox = gui.indentedBox(tBox, sep=8) form = QFormLayout(formAlignment=Qt.AlignLeft, labelAlignment=Qt.AlignLeft, fieldGrowthPolicy=QFormLayout.AllNonFixedFieldsGrow) indBox.layout().addLayout(form) slider = gui.hSlider(indBox, self, "brushRadius", minValue=1, maxValue=100, createLabel=False) form.addRow("Radius:", slider) slider = gui.hSlider(indBox, self, "density", None, minValue=1, maxValue=100, createLabel=False) form.addRow("Intensity:", slider) slider = gui.hSlider(indBox, self, "symbol_size", None, minValue=1, maxValue=100, createLabel=False, callback=self.set_symbol_size) form.addRow("Symbol:", slider) self.btResetToInput = gui.button(tBox, self, "Reset to Input Data", self.reset_to_input) self.btResetToInput.setDisabled(True) gui.auto_send(self.controlArea, self, "autocommit") # main area GUI viewbox = PaintViewBox(enableMouse=False) self.plotview = pg.PlotWidget(background="w", viewBox=viewbox) self.plotview.sizeHint = lambda: QSize( 200, 100) # Minimum size for 1-d painting self.plot = self.plotview.getPlotItem() axis_color = self.palette().color(QPalette.Text) axis_pen = QPen(axis_color) tickfont = QFont(self.font()) tickfont.setPixelSize(max(int(tickfont.pixelSize() * 2 // 3), 11)) axis = self.plot.getAxis("bottom") axis.setLabel(self.attr1) axis.setPen(axis_pen) axis.setTickFont(tickfont) axis = self.plot.getAxis("left") axis.setLabel(self.attr2) axis.setPen(axis_pen) axis.setTickFont(tickfont) if not self.hasAttr2: self.plot.hideAxis('left') self.plot.hideButtons() self.plot.setXRange(0, 1, padding=0.01) self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(self.plotview) # enable brush tool self.toolActions.actions()[0].setChecked(True) self.set_current_tool(self.TOOLS[0][2]) self.set_dimensions()
def __init__(self, name, data_extremes, values, scale, name_offset, offset): super().__init__() data_start, data_stop = data_extremes[0], data_extremes[1] labels = [str(np.round(data_start + (data_stop - data_start) * i / (self.n_tck - 1), 1)) for i in range(self.n_tck)] # leading label font = name.document().defaultFont() name.setFont(font) name.setPos(name_offset, -10) name.setParentItem(self) # labels ascending = data_start < data_stop y_start, y_stop = (self.y_diff, 0) if ascending else (0, self.y_diff) for i in range(self.n_tck): text = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(labels[i], self) w = text.boundingRect().width() y = y_start + (y_stop - y_start) / (self.n_tck - 1) * i text.setPos(-5 - w, y - 8) tick = QGraphicsLineItem(-2, y, 2, y, self) # prediction marker = Continuous2DMovableDotItem( self.DOT_RADIUS, scale, offset, values[0], values[-1], y_start, y_stop) = labels = values h_line = QGraphicsLineItem(values[0] * scale + offset, self.y_diff / 2, values[-1] * scale + offset, self.y_diff / 2, self) pen = QPen(Qt.DashLine) pen.setBrush(QColor( h_line.setPen(pen) = h_line # pylint: disable=unused-variable # line line = QGraphicsLineItem(values[0] * scale + offset, y_start, values[-1] * scale + offset, y_stop, self) # ticks for value in values: diff_ = np.nan_to_num(values[-1] - values[0]) k = (value - values[0]) / diff_ if diff_ else 0 y_tick = (y_stop - y_start) * k + y_start - self.tick_height / 2 x_tick = value * scale - self.tick_width / 2 + offset tick = QGraphicsRectItem( x_tick, y_tick, self.tick_width, self.tick_height, self) tick.setBrush(QColor( # rect rect = QGraphicsRectItem( values[0] * scale + offset, -self.y_diff * 0.125, values[-1] * scale + offset, self.y_diff * 1.25, self) pen = QPen(Qt.DotLine) pen.setBrush(QColor(50, 150, 200, 255)) rect.setPen(pen) self.setPreferredSize(self.preferredWidth(), self.y_diff * 1.5)
Preview) _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) _ImageItem = namedtuple( "_ImageItem", [ "index", # Index in the input data table "widget", # GraphicsThumbnailWidget displaying the image. "url", # Composed final image url. "future" ] # Future instance yielding an QImage ) DEFAULT_SELECTION_BRUSH = QBrush(QColor(217, 232, 252, 192)) DEFAULT_SELECTION_PEN = QPen(QColor(125, 162, 206, 192)) class OWImageGrid(widget.OWWidget): name = "Image Grid" description = "Visualize images in a similarity grid" icon = "icons/ImageGrid.svg" priority = 160 keywords = ["image", "grid", "similarity"] graph_name = "scene" class Inputs: data = Input("Embeddings",, default=True) data_subset = Input("Data Subset", class Outputs:
def paint(self, painter, option, index): dist = self.distribution(index) if dist is None or self.colors is None: super().paint(painter, option, index) return if not numpy.isfinite(numpy.sum(dist)): super().paint(painter, option, index) return if option.widget is not None: style = else: style = self.initStyleOption(option, index) text = option.text metrics = option.fontMetrics margin = style.pixelMetric(QStyle.PM_FocusFrameHMargin, option, option.widget) + 1 bottommargin = min(margin, 1) rect = option.rect.adjusted(margin, margin, -margin, -bottommargin) textrect = style.subElementRect(QStyle.SE_ItemViewItemText, option, option.widget) # Are the margins included in the subElementRect?? -> No! textrect = textrect.adjusted(margin, margin, -margin, -bottommargin) text = option.fontMetrics.elidedText(text, option.textElideMode, textrect.width()) spacing = max(metrics.leading(), 1) distheight = rect.height() - metrics.height() - spacing distheight = numpy.clip(distheight, 2, metrics.height()) painter.setClipRect(option.rect) painter.setFont(option.font) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) style.drawPrimitive(QStyle.PE_PanelItemViewRow, option, painter, option.widget) style.drawPrimitive(QStyle.PE_PanelItemViewItem, option, painter, option.widget) if option.state & QStyle.State_Selected: color = option.palette.highlightedText().color() else: color = option.palette.text().color() painter.setPen(QPen(color)) textrect = textrect.adjusted(0, 0, 0, -distheight - spacing) distrect = QRect(textrect.bottomLeft() + QPoint(0, spacing), QSize(rect.width(), distheight)) painter.setPen(QPen(Qt.lightGray, 0.3)) self.drawDistBar(painter, distrect, dist) painter.restore() if text: style.drawItemText(painter, textrect, option.displayAlignment, option.palette, option.state & QStyle.State_Enabled, text)
class OWSOM(OWWidget): name = "Self-Organizing Map" description = "Computation of self-organizing map." icon = "icons/SOM.svg" keywords = ["SOM"] class Inputs: data = Input("Data", Table) class Outputs: selected_data = Output("Selected Data", Table, default=True) annotated_data = Output(ANNOTATED_DATA_SIGNAL_NAME, Table) settingsHandler = DomainContextHandler() auto_dimension = Setting(True) size_x = Setting(10) size_y = Setting(10) hexagonal = Setting(1) initialization = Setting(0) attr_color = ContextSetting(None) size_by_instances = Setting(True) pie_charts = Setting(False) selection = Setting(None, schema_only=True) graph_name = "view" _grid_pen = QPen(QBrush(QColor(224, 224, 224)), 2) _grid_pen.setCosmetic(True) OptControls = namedtuple( "OptControls", ("shape", "auto_dim", "spin_x", "spin_y", "initialization", "start")) class Warning(OWWidget.Warning): ignoring_disc_variables = Msg("SOM ignores categorical variables.") missing_colors = \ Msg("Some data instances have undefined value of '{}'.") missing_values = \ Msg("{} data instance{} with undefined value(s) {} not shown.") single_attribute = Msg("Data contains a single numeric column.") class Error(OWWidget.Error): no_numeric_variables = Msg("Data contains no numeric columns.") no_defined_rows = Msg("All rows contain at least one undefined value.") def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.__pending_selection = self.selection self._optimizer = None self._optimizer_thread = None self.stop_optimization = False = self.cont_x = None self.cells = self.member_data = None self.selection = None self.colors = self.thresholds = self.bin_labels = None box = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, box="SOM") shape = gui.comboBox(box, self, "", items=("Hexagonal grid", "Square grid")) shape.setCurrentIndex(1 - self.hexagonal) box2 = gui.indentedBox(box, 10) auto_dim = gui.checkBox(box2, self, "auto_dimension", "Set dimensions automatically", callback=self.on_auto_dimension_changed) self.manual_box = box3 = gui.hBox(box2) spinargs = dict(value="", widget=box3, master=self, minv=5, maxv=100, step=5, alignment=Qt.AlignRight) spin_x = gui.spin(**spinargs) spin_x.setValue(self.size_x) gui.widgetLabel(box3, "×") spin_y = gui.spin(**spinargs) spin_y.setValue(self.size_y) gui.rubber(box3) self.manual_box.setEnabled(not self.auto_dimension) initialization = gui.comboBox(box, self, "initialization", items=("Initialize with PCA", "Random initialization", "Replicable random")) start = gui.button(box, self, "Restart", callback=self.restart_som_pressed, sizePolicy=(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) self.opt_controls = self.OptControls(shape, auto_dim, spin_x, spin_y, initialization, start) box = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, "Color") gui.comboBox(box, self, "attr_color", searchable=True, callback=self.on_attr_color_change, model=DomainModel(placeholder="(Same color)", valid_types=DomainModel.PRIMITIVE)) gui.checkBox(box, self, "pie_charts", label="Show pie charts", callback=self.on_pie_chart_change) gui.checkBox(box, self, "size_by_instances", label="Size by number of instances", callback=self.on_attr_size_change) gui.rubber(self.controlArea) self.scene = QGraphicsScene(self) self.view = SomView(self.scene) self.view.setMinimumWidth(400) self.view.setMinimumHeight(400) self.view.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.view.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.view.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) self.view.selection_changed.connect(self.on_selection_change) self.view.selection_moved.connect(self.on_selection_move) self.view.selection_mark_changed.connect(self.on_selection_mark_change) self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(self.view) self.elements = None self.grid = None self.grid_cells = None self.legend = None def set_data(self, data): def prepare_data(): if len(cont_attrs) < len(attrs): self.Warning.ignoring_disc_variables() if len(cont_attrs) == 1: self.Warning.single_attribute() x = Table.from_table(Domain(cont_attrs), data).X if sp.issparse(x): = data self.cont_x = x.tocsr() else: mask = np.all(np.isfinite(x), axis=1) if not np.any(mask): self.Error.no_defined_rows() else: if np.all(mask): = data self.cont_x = x.copy() else: = data[mask] self.cont_x = x[mask] self.cont_x -= np.min(self.cont_x, axis=0)[None, :] sums = np.sum(self.cont_x, axis=0)[None, :] sums[sums == 0] = 1 self.cont_x /= sums def set_warnings(): missing = len(data) - len( if missing == 1: self.Warning.missing_values(1, "", "is") elif missing > 1: self.Warning.missing_values(missing, "s", "are") self.stop_optimization_and_wait() self.closeContext() self.clear() self.Error.clear() self.Warning.clear() if data is not None: attrs = data.domain.attributes cont_attrs = [var for var in attrs if var.is_continuous] if not cont_attrs: self.Error.no_numeric_variables() else: prepare_data() if is not None: self.controls.attr_color.model().set_domain(data.domain) self.attr_color = data.domain.class_var set_warnings() self.openContext( self.set_color_bins() self.create_legend() self.recompute_dimensions() self.start_som() def clear(self): = self.cont_x = None self.cells = self.member_data = None self.attr_color = None self.colors = self.thresholds = self.bin_labels = None if self.elements is not None: self.scene.removeItem(self.elements) self.elements = None self.clear_selection() self.controls.attr_color.model().set_domain(None) self.Warning.clear() self.Error.clear() def recompute_dimensions(self): if not self.auto_dimension or self.cont_x is None: return dim = max(5, int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(5 * np.sqrt(self.cont_x.shape[0]))))) self.opt_controls.spin_x.setValue(dim) self.opt_controls.spin_y.setValue(dim) def on_auto_dimension_changed(self): self.manual_box.setEnabled(not self.auto_dimension) if self.auto_dimension: self.recompute_dimensions() else: spin_x = self.opt_controls.spin_x spin_y = self.opt_controls.spin_y dimx = int(5 * np.round(spin_x.value() / 5)) dimy = int(5 * np.round(spin_y.value() / 5)) spin_x.setValue(dimx) spin_y.setValue(dimy) def on_attr_color_change(self): self.controls.pie_charts.setEnabled(self.attr_color is not None) self.set_color_bins() self.create_legend() self.rescale() self._redraw() def on_attr_size_change(self): self._redraw() def on_pie_chart_change(self): self._redraw() def clear_selection(self): self.selection = None self.redraw_selection() def on_selection_change(self, selection, action=SomView.SelectionSet): if is None: # clicks on empty canvas return if self.selection is None: self.selection = np.zeros(self.grid_cells.T.shape, dtype=np.int16) if action == SomView.SelectionSet: self.selection[:] = 0 self.selection[selection] = 1 elif action == SomView.SelectionAddToGroup: self.selection[selection] = max(1, np.max(self.selection)) elif action == SomView.SelectionNewGroup: self.selection[selection] = 1 + np.max(self.selection) elif action & SomView.SelectionRemove: self.selection[selection] = 0 self.redraw_selection() self.update_output() def on_selection_move(self, event: QKeyEvent): if self.selection is None or not np.any(self.selection): if event.key() in (Qt.Key_Right, Qt.Key_Down): x = y = 0 else: x = self.size_x - 1 y = self.size_y - 1 else: x, y = np.nonzero(self.selection) if len(x) > 1: return if event.key() == Qt.Key_Up and y > 0: y -= 1 if event.key() == Qt.Key_Down and y < self.size_y - 1: y += 1 if event.key() == Qt.Key_Left and x: x -= 1 if event.key() == Qt.Key_Right and x < self.size_x - 1: x += 1 x -= self.hexagonal and x == self.size_x - 1 and y % 2 if self.selection is not None and self.selection[x, y]: return selection = np.zeros(self.grid_cells.shape, dtype=bool) selection[x, y] = True self.on_selection_change(selection) def on_selection_mark_change(self, marks): self.redraw_selection(marks=marks) def redraw_selection(self, marks=None): if self.grid_cells is None: return sel_pen = QPen(QBrush(QColor(128, 128, 128)), 2) sel_pen.setCosmetic(True) mark_pen = QPen(QBrush(QColor(128, 128, 128)), 4) mark_pen.setCosmetic(True) pens = [self._grid_pen, sel_pen] mark_brush = QBrush(QColor(224, 255, 255)) sels = self.selection is not None and np.max(self.selection) palette = LimitedDiscretePalette(number_of_colors=sels + 1) brushes = [QBrush(Qt.NoBrush)] + \ [QBrush(palette[i].lighter(165)) for i in range(sels)] for y in range(self.size_y): for x in range(self.size_x - (y % 2) * self.hexagonal): cell = self.grid_cells[y, x] marked = marks is not None and marks[x, y] sel_group = self.selection is not None and self.selection[x, y] if marked: cell.setBrush(mark_brush) cell.setPen(mark_pen) else: cell.setBrush(brushes[sel_group]) cell.setPen(pens[bool(sel_group)]) cell.setZValue(marked or sel_group) def restart_som_pressed(self): if self._optimizer_thread is not None: self.stop_optimization = True self._optimizer.stop_optimization = True else: self.start_som() def start_som(self): self.read_controls() self.update_layout() self.clear_selection() if self.cont_x is not None: self.enable_controls(False) self._recompute_som() else: self.update_output() def read_controls(self): c = self.opt_controls self.hexagonal = c.shape.currentIndex() == 0 self.size_x = c.spin_x.value() self.size_y = c.spin_y.value() def enable_controls(self, enable): c = self.opt_controls c.shape.setEnabled(enable) c.auto_dim.setEnabled(enable) c.start.setText("Start" if enable else "Stop") def update_layout(self): self.set_legend_pos() if self.elements: # Prevent having redrawn grid but with old elements self.scene.removeItem(self.elements) self.elements = None self.redraw_grid() self.rescale() def _redraw(self): self.Warning.missing_colors.clear() if self.elements: self.scene.removeItem(self.elements) self.elements = None self.view.set_dimensions(self.size_x, self.size_y, self.hexagonal) if self.cells is None: return sizes = self.cells[:, :, 1] - self.cells[:, :, 0] sizes = sizes.astype(float) if not self.size_by_instances: sizes[sizes != 0] = 0.8 else: sizes *= 0.8 / np.max(sizes) self.elements = QGraphicsItemGroup() self.scene.addItem(self.elements) if self.attr_color is None: self._draw_same_color(sizes) elif self.pie_charts: self._draw_pie_charts(sizes) else: self._draw_colored_circles(sizes) @property def _grid_factors(self): return (0.5, sqrt3_2) if self.hexagonal else (0, 1) def _draw_same_color(self, sizes): fx, fy = self._grid_factors color = QColor(64, 64, 64) for y in range(self.size_y): for x in range(self.size_x - self.hexagonal * (y % 2)): r = sizes[x, y] n = len(self.get_member_indices(x, y)) if not r: continue ellipse = ColoredCircle(r / 2, color, 0) ellipse.setPos(x + (y % 2) * fx, y * fy) ellipse.setToolTip(f"{n} instances") self.elements.addToGroup(ellipse) def _get_color_column(self): color_column = \[0].astype(float, copy=False) if self.attr_color.is_discrete: with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): int_col = color_column.astype(int) int_col[np.isnan(color_column)] = len(self.colors) else: int_col = np.zeros(len(color_column), dtype=int) # The following line is unnecessary because rows with missing # numeric data are excluded. Uncomment it if you change SOM to # tolerate missing values. # int_col[np.isnan(color_column)] = len(self.colors) for i, thresh in enumerate(self.thresholds, start=1): int_col[color_column >= thresh] = i return int_col def _tooltip(self, colors, distribution): if self.attr_color.is_discrete: values = self.attr_color.values else: values = self._bin_names() tot = np.sum(distribution) nbhp = "\N{NON-BREAKING HYPHEN}" return '<table style="white-space: nowrap">' + "".join(f""" <tr> <td> <font color={}>■</font> <b>{escape(val).replace("-", nbhp)}</b>: </td> <td> {n} ({n / tot * 100:.1f} %) </td> </tr> """ for color, val, n in zip(colors, values, distribution) if n) \ + "</table>" def _draw_pie_charts(self, sizes): fx, fy = self._grid_factors color_column = self._get_color_column() colors = self.colors.qcolors_w_nan for y in range(self.size_y): for x in range(self.size_x - self.hexagonal * (y % 2)): r = sizes[x, y] if not r: self.grid_cells[y, x].setToolTip("") continue members = self.get_member_indices(x, y) color_dist = np.bincount(color_column[members], minlength=len(colors)) rel_color_dist = color_dist.astype(float) / len(members) pie = PieChart(rel_color_dist, r / 2, colors) pie.setToolTip(self._tooltip(colors, color_dist)) self.elements.addToGroup(pie) pie.setPos(x + (y % 2) * fx, y * fy) def _draw_colored_circles(self, sizes): fx, fy = self._grid_factors color_column = self._get_color_column() qcolors = self.colors.qcolors_w_nan for y in range(self.size_y): for x in range(self.size_x - self.hexagonal * (y % 2)): r = sizes[x, y] if not r: continue members = self.get_member_indices(x, y) color_dist = color_column[members] color_dist = color_dist[color_dist < len(self.colors)] if len(color_dist) != len(members): self.Warning.missing_colors( bc = np.bincount(color_dist, minlength=len(self.colors)) color = qcolors[np.argmax(bc)] ellipse = ColoredCircle(r / 2, color, np.max(bc) / len(members)) ellipse.setPos(x + (y % 2) * fx, y * fy) ellipse.setToolTip(self._tooltip(qcolors, bc)) self.elements.addToGroup(ellipse) def redraw_grid(self): if self.grid is not None: self.scene.removeItem(self.grid) self.grid = QGraphicsItemGroup() self.grid.setZValue(-200) self.grid_cells = np.full((self.size_y, self.size_x), None) for y in range(self.size_y): for x in range(self.size_x - (y % 2) * self.hexagonal): if self.hexagonal: cell = QGraphicsPathItem(_hexagon_path) cell.setPos(x + (y % 2) / 2, y * sqrt3_2) else: cell = QGraphicsRectItem(x - 0.5, y - 0.5, 1, 1) self.grid_cells[y, x] = cell cell.setPen(self._grid_pen) self.grid.addToGroup(cell) self.scene.addItem(self.grid) def get_member_indices(self, x, y): i, j = self.cells[x, y] return self.member_data[i:j] def _recompute_som(self): if self.cont_x is None: return som = SOM(self.size_x, self.size_y, hexagonal=self.hexagonal, pca_init=self.initialization == 0, random_seed=0 if self.initialization == 2 else None) class Optimizer(QObject): update = Signal(float, np.ndarray, np.ndarray) done = Signal(SOM) stopped = Signal() stop_optimization = False def __init__(self, data, som): super().__init__() self.som = som = data def callback(self, progress): self.update.emit(progress, self.som.weights.copy(), self.som.ssum_weights.copy()) return not self.stop_optimization def run(self): try:, N_ITERATIONS, callback=self.callback) # Report an exception, but still remove the thread finally: self.done.emit(self.som) self.stopped.emit() def thread_finished(): self._optimizer = None self._optimizer_thread = None self.progressBarInit() self._optimizer = Optimizer(self.cont_x, som) self._optimizer_thread = QThread() self._optimizer_thread.setStackSize(5 * 2**20) self._optimizer.update.connect(self.__update) self._optimizer.done.connect(self.__done) self._optimizer.stopped.connect(self._optimizer_thread.quit) self._optimizer.moveToThread(self._optimizer_thread) self._optimizer_thread.started.connect( self._optimizer_thread.finished.connect(thread_finished) self.stop_optimization = False self._optimizer_thread.start() @Slot(float, object, object) def __update(self, _progress, weights, ssum_weights): self.progressBarSet(_progress) self._assign_instances(weights, ssum_weights) self._redraw() @Slot(object) def __done(self, som): self.enable_controls(True) self.progressBarFinished() self._assign_instances(som.weights, som.ssum_weights) self._redraw() # This is the first time we know what was selected (assuming that # initialization is not set to random) if self.__pending_selection is not None: self.on_selection_change(self.__pending_selection) self.__pending_selection = None self.update_output() def stop_optimization_and_wait(self): if self._optimizer_thread is not None: self.stop_optimization = True self._optimizer.stop_optimization = True self._optimizer_thread.quit() self._optimizer_thread.wait() self._optimizer_thread = None def onDeleteWidget(self): self.stop_optimization_and_wait() self.clear() super().onDeleteWidget() def _assign_instances(self, weights, ssum_weights): if self.cont_x is None: return # the widget is shutting down while signals still processed assignments = SOM.winner_from_weights(self.cont_x, weights, ssum_weights, self.hexagonal) members = defaultdict(list) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(assignments): members[(x, y)].append(i) members.pop(None, None) self.cells = np.empty((self.size_x, self.size_y, 2), dtype=int) self.member_data = np.empty(self.cont_x.shape[0], dtype=int) index = 0 for x in range(self.size_x): for y in range(self.size_y): nmembers = len(members[(x, y)]) self.member_data[index:index + nmembers] = members[(x, y)] self.cells[x, y] = [index, index + nmembers] index += nmembers def resizeEvent(self, event): super().resizeEvent(event) self.create_legend() # re-wrap lines if necessary self.rescale() def rescale(self): if self.legend: leg_height = self.legend.boundingRect().height() leg_extra = 1.5 else: leg_height = 0 leg_extra = 1 vw, vh = self.view.width(), self.view.height() - leg_height scale = min(vw / (self.size_x + 1), vh / ((self.size_y + leg_extra) * self._grid_factors[1])) self.view.setTransform(QTransform.fromScale(scale, scale)) if self.hexagonal: self.view.setSceneRect(0, -1, self.size_x - 1, (self.size_y + leg_extra) * sqrt3_2 + leg_height / scale) else: self.view.setSceneRect(-0.25, -0.25, self.size_x - 0.5, self.size_y - 0.5 + leg_height / scale) def update_output(self): if is None: self.Outputs.selected_data.send(None) self.Outputs.annotated_data.send(None) return indices = np.zeros(len(, dtype=int) if self.selection is not None and np.any(self.selection): for y in range(self.size_y): for x in range(self.size_x): rows = self.get_member_indices(x, y) indices[rows] = self.selection[x, y] if np.any(indices): sel_data = create_groups_table(, indices, False, "Group") self.Outputs.selected_data.send(sel_data) else: self.Outputs.selected_data.send(None) if np.max(indices) > 1: annotated = create_groups_table(, indices) else: annotated = create_annotated_table(, np.flatnonzero(indices)) self.Outputs.annotated_data.send(annotated) def set_color_bins(self): if self.attr_color is None: self.thresholds = self.bin_labels = self.colors = None elif self.attr_color.is_discrete: self.thresholds = self.bin_labels = None self.colors = self.attr_color.palette else: col =[0].astype(float) if self.attr_color.is_time: binning = time_binnings(col, min_bins=4)[-1] else: binning = decimal_binnings(col, min_bins=4)[-1] self.thresholds = binning.thresholds[1:-1] self.bin_labels = (binning.labels[1:-1], binning.short_labels[1:-1]) palette = BinnedContinuousPalette.from_palette( self.attr_color.palette, binning.thresholds) self.colors = palette def create_legend(self): if self.legend is not None: self.scene.removeItem(self.legend) self.legend = None if self.attr_color is None: return if self.attr_color.is_discrete: names = self.attr_color.values else: names = self._bin_names() items = [] size = 8 for name, color in zip(names, self.colors.qcolors): item = QGraphicsItemGroup() item.addToGroup( CanvasRectangle(None, -size / 2, -size / 2, size, size, Qt.gray, color)) item.addToGroup(CanvasText(None, name, size, 0, Qt.AlignVCenter)) items.append(item) self.legend = wrap_legend_items(items, hspacing=20, vspacing=16 + size, max_width=self.view.width() - 25) self.legend.setFlags(self.legend.ItemIgnoresTransformations) self.legend.setTransform( QTransform.fromTranslate(-self.legend.boundingRect().width() / 2, 0)) self.scene.addItem(self.legend) self.set_legend_pos() def _bin_names(self): labels, short_labels = self.bin_labels return \ [f"< {labels[0]}"] \ + [f"{x} - {y}" for x, y in zip(labels, short_labels[1:])] \ + [f"≥ {labels[-1]}"] def set_legend_pos(self): if self.legend is None: return self.legend.setPos(self.size_x / 2, (self.size_y + 0.2 + 0.3 * self.hexagonal) * self._grid_factors[1]) def send_report(self): self.report_plot() if self.attr_color: self.report_caption( f"Self-organizing map colored by '{}'")
def setData(self, data, nsamples, sample_range=None, color=Qt.magenta): assert np.all(np.isfinite(data)) if data.size > 0: xmin, xmax = np.min(data), np.max(data) else: xmin = xmax = 0.0 if sample_range is None: xrange = xmax - xmin sample_min = xmin - xrange * 0.025 sample_max = xmax + xrange * 0.025 else: sample_min, sample_max = sample_range sample = np.linspace(sample_min, sample_max, nsamples) if data.size < 2: est = np.full( sample.size, 1. / sample.size, ) else: try: density = stats.gaussian_kde(data) est = density.evaluate(sample) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: est = np.zeros(sample.size) item = QGraphicsPathItem(violin_shape(sample, est)) color = QColor(color) color.setAlphaF(0.5) item.setBrush(QBrush(color)) pen = QPen(self.palette().color(QPalette.Shadow)) pen.setCosmetic(True) item.setPen(pen) est_max = np.max(est) x = np.random.RandomState(0xD06F00D).uniform(-est_max, est_max, size=data.size) dots = ScatterPlotItem( x=x, y=data, size=3, ) dots.setVisible(self.__dataPointsVisible) pen = QPen(self.palette().color(QPalette.Shadow), 1) hoverPen = QPen(self.palette().color(QPalette.Highlight), 1.5) cmax = SelectionLine(angle=0, pos=xmax, movable=True, bounds=(sample_min, sample_max), pen=pen, hoverPen=hoverPen) cmin = SelectionLine(angle=0, pos=xmin, movable=True, bounds=(sample_min, sample_max), pen=pen, hoverPen=hoverPen) cmax.setCursor(Qt.SizeVerCursor) cmin.setCursor(Qt.SizeVerCursor) selection_item = QGraphicsRectItem( QRectF(-est_max, xmin, est_max * 2, xmax - xmin)) selection_item.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) selection_item.setBrush(QColor(0, 250, 0, 50)) def update_selection_rect(): mode = self.__selectionMode p = selection_item.parentItem() # type: Optional[QGraphicsItem] while p is not None and not isinstance(p, pg.ViewBox): p = p.parentItem() if p is not None: viewbox = p # type: pg.ViewBox else: viewbox = None rect = selection_item.rect() # type: QRectF if mode & ViolinPlot.High: rect.setTop(cmax.value()) elif viewbox is not None: rect.setTop(viewbox.viewRect().bottom()) else: rect.setTop(cmax.maxRange[1]) if mode & ViolinPlot.Low: rect.setBottom(cmin.value()) elif viewbox is not None: rect.setBottom(viewbox.viewRect().top()) else: rect.setBottom(cmin.maxRange[0]) selection_item.setRect(rect.normalized()) cmax.sigPositionChanged.connect(update_selection_rect) cmin.sigPositionChanged.connect(update_selection_rect) cmax.visibleChanged.connect(update_selection_rect) cmin.visibleChanged.connect(update_selection_rect) def setupper(line): ebound = self.__effectiveBoundary() elower, eupper = ebound mode = self.__selectionMode if not mode & ViolinPlot.High: return upper = line.value() lower = min(elower, upper) if lower != elower and mode & ViolinPlot.Low: self.__min = lower cmin.setValue(lower) if upper != eupper: self.__max = upper if ebound != self.__effectiveBoundary(): self.selectionEdited.emit() self.selectionChanged.emit() def setlower(line): ebound = self.__effectiveBoundary() elower, eupper = ebound mode = self.__selectionMode if not mode & ViolinPlot.Low: return lower = line.value() upper = max(eupper, lower) if upper != eupper and mode & ViolinPlot.High: self.__max = upper cmax.setValue(upper) if lower != elower: self.__min = lower if ebound != self.__effectiveBoundary(): self.selectionEdited.emit() self.selectionChanged.emit() cmax.sigPositionChanged.connect(setupper) cmin.sigPositionChanged.connect(setlower) selmode = self.__selectionMode cmax.setVisible(selmode & ViolinPlot.High) cmin.setVisible(selmode & ViolinPlot.Low) selection_item.setVisible(selmode) self.addItem(dots) self.addItem(item) self.addItem(cmax) self.addItem(cmin) self.addItem(selection_item) self.setRange( QRectF(-est_max, np.min(sample), est_max * 2, np.ptp(sample))) self._plotitems = SimpleNamespace(pointsitem=dots, densityitem=item, cmax=cmax, cmin=cmin, selection_item=selection_item) self.__min = xmin self.__max = xmax
def _setup_plot(self): def merge_averaging(): for curve in curves: graphics = curve.merge() curve = graphics.curve self.plot.addItem(graphics.curve_item) if self.display_convex_curve: self.plot.addItem(graphics.hull_item) if self.display_def_threshold and curve.is_valid: points = curve.points ind = np.argmin(np.abs(points.thresholds - 0.5)) item = pg.TextItem(text="{:.3f}".format( points.thresholds[ind]), ) item.setPos(points.fpr[ind], points.tpr[ind]) self.plot.addItem(item) hull_curves = [curve.merged.hull for curve in selected] if hull_curves: self._rocch = convex_hull(hull_curves) iso_pen = QPen(QColor(, 1) iso_pen.setCosmetic(True) self._perf_line = InfiniteLine(pen=iso_pen, antialias=True) self.plot.addItem(self._perf_line) return hull_curves def vertical_averaging(): for curve in curves: graphics = curve.avg_vertical() self.plot.addItem(graphics.curve_item) self.plot.addItem(graphics.confint_item) return [curve.avg_vertical.hull for curve in selected] def threshold_averaging(): for curve in curves: graphics = curve.avg_threshold() self.plot.addItem(graphics.curve_item) self.plot.addItem(graphics.confint_item) return [curve.avg_threshold.hull for curve in selected] def no_averaging(): for curve in curves: graphics = curve.folds() for fold in graphics: self.plot.addItem(fold.curve_item) if self.display_convex_curve: self.plot.addItem(fold.hull_item) return [fold.hull for curve in selected for fold in curve.folds] averagings = { OWROCAnalysis.Merge: merge_averaging, OWROCAnalysis.Vertical: vertical_averaging, OWROCAnalysis.Threshold: threshold_averaging, OWROCAnalysis.NoAveraging: no_averaging } target = self.target_index selected = self.selected_classifiers curves = [self.plot_curves(target, i) for i in selected] selected = [self.curve_data(target, i) for i in selected] hull_curves = averagings[self.roc_averaging]() if self.display_convex_hull and hull_curves: hull = convex_hull(hull_curves) hull_pen = QPen(QColor(200, 200, 200, 100), 2) hull_pen.setCosmetic(True) item = self.plot.plot(hull.fpr, hull.tpr, pen=hull_pen, brush=QBrush(QColor(200, 200, 200, 50)), fillLevel=0) item.setZValue(-10000) pen = QPen(QColor(100, 100, 100, 100), 1, Qt.DashLine) pen.setCosmetic(True) self.plot.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], pen=pen, antialias=True) if self.roc_averaging == OWROCAnalysis.Merge: self._update_perf_line() warning = "" if not all(c.is_valid for c in hull_curves): if any(c.is_valid for c in hull_curves): warning = "Some ROC curves are undefined" else: warning = "All ROC curves are undefined" self.warning(warning)
def _make_pen(color, width): p = QPen(color, width) p.setCosmetic(True) return p
def pen(self) -> QPen: return QPen(self._pen)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() box = gui.vBox(self.mainArea, True, margin=0) self.graph = OWScatterPlotGraph(self, box, "ScatterPlot") box.layout().addWidget(self.graph.plot_widget) plot = self.graph.plot_widget axispen = QPen(self.palette().color(QPalette.Text)) axis = plot.getAxis("bottom") axis.setPen(axispen) axis = plot.getAxis("left") axis.setPen(axispen) = None # self.subset_data = None # self.data_metas_X = None #, where primitive metas are moved to X self.sql_data = None # self.attribute_selection_list = None # list of self.__timer = QTimer(self, interval=1200) self.__timer.timeout.connect(self.add_data) common_options = dict(labelWidth=50, orientation=Qt.Horizontal, sendSelectedValue=True, valueType=str) box = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, "Axis Data") dmod = DomainModel self.xy_model = DomainModel(dmod.MIXED, valid_types=dmod.PRIMITIVE) self.cb_attr_x = gui.comboBox(box, self, "attr_x", label="Axis x:", callback=self.update_attr, model=self.xy_model, **common_options) self.cb_attr_y = gui.comboBox(box, self, "attr_y", label="Axis y:", callback=self.update_attr, model=self.xy_model, **common_options) vizrank_box = gui.hBox(box) gui.separator(vizrank_box, width=common_options["labelWidth"]) self.vizrank, self.vizrank_button = ScatterPlotVizRank.add_vizrank( vizrank_box, self, "Find Informative Projections", self.set_attr) gui.separator(box) gui.valueSlider(box, self, value='graph.jitter_size', label='Jittering: ', values=self.jitter_sizes, callback=self.reset_graph_data, labelFormat=lambda x: "None" if x == 0 else ("%.1f %%" if x < 1 else "%d %%") % x) gui.checkBox(gui.indentedBox(box), self, 'graph.jitter_continuous', 'Jitter continuous values', callback=self.reset_graph_data) self.sampling = gui.auto_commit(self.controlArea, self, "auto_sample", "Sample", box="Sampling", callback=self.switch_sampling, commit=lambda: self.add_data(1)) self.sampling.setVisible(False) g = self.graph.gui g.point_properties_box(self.controlArea) self.models = [self.xy_model] + g.points_models box = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, "Plot Properties") g.add_widgets([g.ShowLegend, g.ShowGridLines], box) gui.checkBox(box, self, value='graph.tooltip_shows_all', label='Show all data on mouse hover') self.cb_class_density = gui.checkBox(box, self, value='graph.class_density', label='Show class density', callback=self.update_density) self.cb_reg_line = gui.checkBox(box, self, value='graph.show_reg_line', label='Show regression line', callback=self.update_regression_line) gui.checkBox(box, self, 'graph.label_only_selected', 'Label only selected points', callback=self.graph.update_labels) self.zoom_select_toolbar = g.zoom_select_toolbar( gui.vBox(self.controlArea, "Zoom/Select"), nomargin=True, buttons=[ g.StateButtonsBegin, g.SimpleSelect, g.Pan, g.Zoom, g.StateButtonsEnd, g.ZoomReset ]) buttons = self.zoom_select_toolbar.buttons buttons[g.Zoom].clicked.connect(self.graph.zoom_button_clicked) buttons[g.Pan].clicked.connect(self.graph.pan_button_clicked) buttons[g.SimpleSelect].clicked.connect( self.graph.select_button_clicked) buttons[g.ZoomReset].clicked.connect(self.graph.reset_button_clicked) self.controlArea.layout().addStretch(100) self.icons = gui.attributeIconDict p = self.graph.plot_widget.palette() self.graph.set_palette(p) gui.auto_commit(self.controlArea, self, "auto_send_selection", "Send Selection", "Send Automatically") def zoom(s): """Zoom in/out by factor `s`.""" viewbox = plot.getViewBox() # scaleBy scales the view's bounds (the axis range) viewbox.scaleBy((1 / s, 1 / s)) def fit_to_view(): viewbox = plot.getViewBox() viewbox.autoRange() zoom_in = QAction("Zoom in", self, triggered=lambda: zoom(1.25)) zoom_in.setShortcuts([ QKeySequence(QKeySequence.ZoomIn), QKeySequence("Ctrl+=")) ]) zoom_out = QAction("Zoom out", self, shortcut=QKeySequence.ZoomOut, triggered=lambda: zoom(1 / 1.25)) zoom_fit = QAction("Fit in view", self, shortcut=QKeySequence(Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.Key_0), triggered=fit_to_view) self.addActions([zoom_in, zoom_out, zoom_fit])
def __init__(self, pen = QPen(, brush = QBrush(Qt.white), xData = None, yData = None, tooltip = None): OWCurve.__init__(self, xData, yData, tooltip=tooltip) self.set_pen(pen) self.set_brush(brush) self._item = QGraphicsRectItem(self)
def framePen(self): # type: () -> QPen """Return the frame pen. """ return QPen(self.__framePen)
def setPen(self, pen): pen = QPen(pen) if self.__pen != pen: self.__pen = pen for item in self.__items: item.setPen(pen)
class OWBoxPlot(widget.OWWidget): """ Here's how the widget's functions call each other: - `set_data` is a signal handler fills the list boxes and calls `grouping_changed`. - `grouping_changed` handles changes of grouping attribute: it enables or disables the box for ordering, orders attributes and calls `attr_changed`. - `attr_changed` handles changes of attribute. It recomputes box data by calling `compute_box_data`, shows the appropriate display box (discrete/continuous) and then calls`layout_changed` - `layout_changed` constructs all the elements for the scene (as lists of QGraphicsItemGroup) and calls `display_changed`. It is called when the attribute or grouping is changed (by attr_changed) and on resize event. - `display_changed` puts the elements corresponding to the current display settings on the scene. It is called when the elements are reconstructed (layout is changed due to selection of attributes or resize event), or when the user changes display settings or colors. For discrete attributes, the flow is a bit simpler: the elements are not constructed in advance (by layout_changed). Instead, layout_changed and display_changed call display_changed_disc that draws everything. """ name = "Box Plot" description = "Visualize the distribution of feature values in a box plot." icon = "icons/BoxPlot.svg" priority = 100 keywords = ["whisker"] class Inputs: data = Input("Data", class Outputs: selected_data = Output("Selected Data",, default=True) annotated_data = Output(ANNOTATED_DATA_SIGNAL_NAME, #: Comparison types for continuous variables CompareNone, CompareMedians, CompareMeans = 0, 1, 2 settingsHandler = DomainContextHandler() conditions = ContextSetting([]) attribute = ContextSetting(None) order_by_importance = Setting(False) group_var = ContextSetting(None) show_annotations = Setting(True) compare = Setting(CompareMeans) stattest = Setting(0) sig_threshold = Setting(0.05) stretched = Setting(True) show_labels = Setting(True) sort_freqs = Setting(False) _sorting_criteria_attrs = { CompareNone: "", CompareMedians: "median", CompareMeans: "mean" } _pen_axis_tick = QPen(Qt.white, 5) _pen_axis = QPen(Qt.darkGray, 3) _pen_median = QPen(QBrush(QColor(0xff, 0xff, 0x00)), 2) _pen_paramet = QPen(QBrush(QColor(0x33, 0x00, 0xff)), 2) _pen_dotted = QPen(QBrush(QColor(0x33, 0x00, 0xff)), 1) _pen_dotted.setStyle(Qt.DotLine) _post_line_pen = QPen(Qt.lightGray, 2) _post_grp_pen = QPen(Qt.lightGray, 4) for pen in (_pen_paramet, _pen_median, _pen_dotted, _pen_axis, _pen_axis_tick, _post_line_pen, _post_grp_pen): pen.setCosmetic(True) pen.setCapStyle(Qt.RoundCap) pen.setJoinStyle(Qt.RoundJoin) _pen_axis_tick.setCapStyle(Qt.FlatCap) _box_brush = QBrush(QColor(0x33, 0x88, 0xff, 0xc0)) _axis_font = QFont() _axis_font.setPixelSize(12) _label_font = QFont() _label_font.setPixelSize(11) _attr_brush = QBrush(QColor(0x33, 0x00, 0xff)) graph_name = "box_scene" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.stats = [] self.dataset = None self.posthoc_lines = [] self.label_txts = self.mean_labels = self.boxes = self.labels = \ self.label_txts_all = self.attr_labels = self.order = [] self.scale_x = 1 self.scene_min_x = self.scene_max_x = self.scene_width = 0 self.label_width = 0 self.attrs = VariableListModel() view = gui.listView( self.controlArea, self, "attribute", box="Variable", model=self.attrs, callback=self.attr_changed) view.setMinimumSize(QSize(30, 30)) # Any other policy than Ignored will let the QListBox's scrollbar # set the minimal height (see the penultimate paragraph of # view.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Ignored) gui.separator(, 6, 6) self.cb_order = gui.checkBox(, self, "order_by_importance", "Order by relevance", tooltip="Order by 𝜒² or ANOVA over the subgroups", callback=self.apply_sorting) self.group_vars = DomainModel( placeholder="None", separators=False, self.group_view = view = gui.listView( self.controlArea, self, "group_var", box="Subgroups", model=self.group_vars, callback=self.grouping_changed) view.setEnabled(False) view.setMinimumSize(QSize(30, 30)) # See the comment above view.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Ignored) # TODO: move Compare median/mean to grouping box # The vertical size policy is needed to let only the list views expand self.display_box = gui.vBox( self.controlArea, "Display", sizePolicy=(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Maximum), addSpace=False) gui.checkBox(self.display_box, self, "show_annotations", "Annotate", callback=self.display_changed) self.compare_rb = gui.radioButtonsInBox( self.display_box, self, 'compare', btnLabels=["No comparison", "Compare medians", "Compare means"], callback=self.layout_changed) # The vertical size policy is needed to let only the list views expand self.stretching_box = box = gui.vBox( self.controlArea, box="Display", sizePolicy=(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) self.stretching_box.sizeHint = self.display_box.sizeHint gui.checkBox( box, self, 'stretched', "Stretch bars", callback=self.display_changed) gui.checkBox( box, self, 'show_labels', "Show box labels", callback=self.display_changed) self.sort_cb = gui.checkBox( box, self, 'sort_freqs', "Sort by subgroup frequencies", callback=self.display_changed) gui.rubber(box) gui.vBox(self.mainArea, addSpace=True) self.box_scene = QGraphicsScene() self.box_scene.selectionChanged.connect(self.commit) self.box_view = QGraphicsView(self.box_scene) self.box_view.setRenderHints(QPainter.Antialiasing | QPainter.TextAntialiasing | QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform) self.box_view.viewport().installEventFilter(self) self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(self.box_view) gui.hBox(self.mainArea, addSpace=False) self.stat_test = "" self.mainArea.setMinimumWidth(300) self.stats = self.dist = self.conts = [] self.is_continuous = False self.update_display_box() def sizeHint(self): return QSize(900, 500) def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if obj is self.box_view.viewport() and \ event.type() == QEvent.Resize: self.layout_changed() return super().eventFilter(obj, event) def reset_attrs(self, domain): self.attrs[:] = [ var for var in chain( domain.class_vars, domain.metas, domain.attributes) if var.is_primitive()] # noinspection PyTypeChecker def set_data(self, dataset): if dataset is not None and ( not bool(dataset) or not len(dataset.domain) and not any(var.is_primitive() for var in dataset.domain.metas)): dataset = None self.closeContext() self.dataset = dataset self.dist = self.stats = self.conts = [] self.group_var = None self.attribute = None if dataset: domain = dataset.domain self.group_vars.set_domain(domain) self.group_view.setEnabled(len(self.group_vars) > 1) self.reset_attrs(domain) self.select_default_variables(domain) self.openContext(self.dataset) self.grouping_changed() else: self.reset_all_data() self.commit() def select_default_variables(self, domain): # visualize first non-class variable, group by class (if present) if len(self.attrs) > len(domain.class_vars): self.attribute = self.attrs[len(domain.class_vars)] elif self.attrs: self.attribute = self.attrs[0] if domain.class_var and domain.class_var.is_discrete: self.group_var = domain.class_var else: self.group_var = None # Reset to trigger selection via callback def apply_sorting(self): def compute_score(attr): if attr is group_var: return 3 if attr.is_continuous: # One-way ANOVA col = data.get_column_view(attr)[0].astype(float) groups = (col[group_col == i] for i in range(n_groups)) groups = (col[~np.isnan(col)] for col in groups) groups = [group for group in groups if len(group)] p = f_oneway(*groups)[1] if len(groups) > 1 else 2 else: # Chi-square with the given distribution into groups # (see degrees of freedom in computation of the p-value) if not attr.values or not group_var.values: return 2 observed = np.array( contingency.get_contingency(data, group_var, attr)) observed = observed[observed.sum(axis=1) != 0, :] observed = observed[:, observed.sum(axis=0) != 0] if min(observed.shape) < 2: return 2 expected = \ np.outer(observed.sum(axis=1), observed.sum(axis=0)) / \ np.sum(observed) p = chisquare(observed.ravel(), f_exp=expected.ravel(), ddof=n_groups - 1)[1] if math.isnan(p): return 2 return p data = self.dataset if data is None: return domain = data.domain attribute = self.attribute group_var = self.group_var if self.order_by_importance and group_var is not None: n_groups = len(group_var.values) group_col = data.get_column_view(group_var)[0] if \ domain.has_continuous_attributes( include_class=True, include_metas=True) else None self.attrs.sort(key=compute_score) else: self.reset_attrs(domain) self.attribute = attribute def reset_all_data(self): self.clear_scene() self.stat_test = "" self.attrs.clear() self.group_vars.set_domain(None) self.group_view.setEnabled(False) self.is_continuous = False self.update_display_box() def grouping_changed(self): self.cb_order.setEnabled(self.group_var is not None) self.apply_sorting() self.attr_changed() def select_box_items(self): temp_cond = self.conditions.copy() for box in self.box_scene.items(): if isinstance(box, FilterGraphicsRectItem): box.setSelected(box.filter.conditions in [c.conditions for c in temp_cond]) def attr_changed(self): self.compute_box_data() self.update_display_box() self.layout_changed() if self.is_continuous: heights = 90 if self.show_annotations else 60 self.box_view.centerOn(self.scene_min_x + self.scene_width / 2, -30 - len(self.stats) * heights / 2 + 45) else: self.box_view.centerOn(self.scene_width / 2, -30 - len(self.boxes) * 40 / 2 + 45) def compute_box_data(self): attr = self.attribute if not attr: return dataset = self.dataset self.is_continuous = attr.is_continuous if dataset is None or not self.is_continuous and not attr.values or \ self.group_var and not self.group_var.values: self.stats = self.dist = self.conts = [] return if self.group_var: self.dist = [] self.conts = contingency.get_contingency( dataset, attr, self.group_var) if self.is_continuous: stats, label_texts = [], [] for i, cont in enumerate(self.conts): if np.sum(cont[1]): stats.append(BoxData(cont, attr, i, self.group_var)) label_texts.append(self.group_var.values[i]) self.stats = stats self.label_txts_all = label_texts else: self.label_txts_all = \ [v for v, c in zip(self.group_var.values, self.conts) if np.sum(c) > 0] else: self.dist = distribution.get_distribution(dataset, attr) self.conts = [] if self.is_continuous: self.stats = [BoxData(self.dist, attr, None)] self.label_txts_all = [""] self.label_txts = [txts for stat, txts in zip(self.stats, self.label_txts_all) if stat.n > 0] self.stats = [stat for stat in self.stats if stat.n > 0] def update_display_box(self): if self.is_continuous: self.stretching_box.hide() self.compare_rb.setEnabled(self.group_var is not None) else: self.display_box.hide() self.sort_cb.setEnabled(self.group_var is not None) def clear_scene(self): self.closeContext() self.box_scene.clearSelection() self.box_scene.clear() self.box_view.viewport().update() self.attr_labels = [] self.labels = [] self.boxes = [] self.mean_labels = [] self.posthoc_lines = [] self.openContext(self.dataset) def layout_changed(self): attr = self.attribute if not attr: return self.clear_scene() if self.dataset is None or len(self.conts) == len(self.dist) == 0: return if not self.is_continuous: self.display_changed_disc() return self.mean_labels = [self.mean_label(stat, attr, lab) for stat, lab in zip(self.stats, self.label_txts)] self.draw_axis() self.boxes = [self.box_group(stat) for stat in self.stats] self.labels = [self.label_group(stat, attr, mean_lab) for stat, mean_lab in zip(self.stats, self.mean_labels)] self.attr_labels = [QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(lab) for lab in self.label_txts] for it in chain(self.labels, self.attr_labels): self.box_scene.addItem(it) self.display_changed() self.draw_stat() def display_changed(self): if self.dataset is None: return if not self.is_continuous: self.display_changed_disc() return self.order = list(range(len(self.stats))) criterion = self._sorting_criteria_attrs[] if criterion: vals = [getattr(stat, criterion) for stat in self.stats] overmax = max((val for val in vals if val is not None), default=0) \ + 1 vals = [val if val is not None else overmax for val in vals] self.order = sorted(self.order, key=vals.__getitem__) heights = 90 if self.show_annotations else 60 for row, box_index in enumerate(self.order): y = (-len(self.stats) + row) * heights + 10 for item in self.boxes[box_index]: self.box_scene.addItem(item) item.setY(y) labels = self.labels[box_index] if self.show_annotations: labels.setY(y) else: labels.hide() label = self.attr_labels[box_index] label.setY(y - 15 - label.boundingRect().height()) if self.show_annotations: label.hide() else: stat = self.stats[box_index] if == OWBoxPlot.CompareMedians and \ stat.median is not None: pos = stat.median + 5 / self.scale_x elif == OWBoxPlot.CompareMeans or stat.q25 is None: pos = stat.mean + 5 / self.scale_x else: pos = stat.q25 label.setX(pos * self.scale_x) r = QRectF(self.scene_min_x, -30 - len(self.stats) * heights, self.scene_width, len(self.stats) * heights + 90) self.box_scene.setSceneRect(r) self.compute_tests() self.show_posthoc() self.select_box_items() def display_changed_disc(self): assert not self.is_continuous self.clear_scene() self.attr_labels = [QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(lab) for lab in self.label_txts_all] if not self.stretched: if self.group_var: self.labels = [ QGraphicsTextItem("{}".format(int(sum(cont)))) for cont in self.conts if np.sum(cont) > 0] else: self.labels = [ QGraphicsTextItem(str(int(sum(self.dist))))] self.order = list(range(len(self.attr_labels))) self.draw_axis_disc() if self.group_var: self.boxes = \ [self.strudel(cont, i) for i, cont in enumerate(self.conts) if np.sum(cont) > 0] self.conts = self.conts[np.sum(np.array(self.conts), axis=1) > 0] if self.sort_freqs: # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type self.order = sorted(self.order, key=(-np.sum(self.conts, axis=1)).__getitem__) else: self.boxes = [self.strudel(self.dist)] for row, box_index in enumerate(self.order): y = (-len(self.boxes) + row) * 40 + 10 box = self.boxes[box_index] bars, labels = box[::2], box[1::2] self.__draw_group_labels(y, box_index) if not self.stretched: self.__draw_row_counts(y, box_index) if self.show_labels and self.attribute is not self.group_var: self.__draw_bar_labels(y, bars, labels) self.__draw_bars(y, bars) self.box_scene.setSceneRect(-self.label_width - 5, -30 - len(self.boxes) * 40, self.scene_width, len(self.boxes * 40) + 90) self.stat_test = "" self.select_box_items() def __draw_group_labels(self, y, row): """Draw group labels Parameters ---------- y: int vertical offset of bars row: int row index """ label = self.attr_labels[row] b = label.boundingRect() label.setPos(-b.width() - 10, y - b.height() / 2) self.box_scene.addItem(label) def __draw_row_counts(self, y, row): """Draw row counts Parameters ---------- y: int vertical offset of bars row: int row index """ assert not self.is_continuous label = self.labels[row] b = label.boundingRect() if self.group_var: right = self.scale_x * sum(self.conts[row]) else: right = self.scale_x * sum(self.dist) label.setPos(right + 10, y - b.height() / 2) self.box_scene.addItem(label) def __draw_bar_labels(self, y, bars, labels): """Draw bar labels Parameters ---------- y: int vertical offset of bars bars: List[FilterGraphicsRectItem] list of bars being drawn labels: List[QGraphicsTextItem] list of labels for corresponding bars """ label = bar_part = None for text_item, bar_part in zip(labels, bars): label = self.Label( text_item.toPlainText()) label.setPos(bar_part.boundingRect().x(), y - label.boundingRect().height() - 8) label.setMaxWidth(bar_part.boundingRect().width()) self.box_scene.addItem(label) def __draw_bars(self, y, bars): """Draw bars Parameters ---------- y: int vertical offset of bars bars: List[FilterGraphicsRectItem] list of bars to draw """ for item in bars: item.setPos(0, y) self.box_scene.addItem(item) # noinspection PyPep8Naming def compute_tests(self): # The t-test and ANOVA are implemented here since they efficiently use # the widget-specific data in self.stats. # The non-parametric tests can't do this, so we use statistics.tests # pylint: disable=comparison-with-itself def stat_ttest(): d1, d2 = self.stats if d1.n < 2 or d2.n < 2: return np.nan, np.nan pooled_var = d1.var / d1.n + d2.var / d2.n # pylint: disable=comparison-with-itself if pooled_var == 0 or np.isnan(pooled_var): return np.nan, np.nan df = pooled_var ** 2 / \ ((d1.var / d1.n) ** 2 / (d1.n - 1) + (d2.var / d2.n) ** 2 / (d2.n - 1)) t = abs(d1.mean - d2.mean) / math.sqrt(pooled_var) p = 2 * (1 - scipy.special.stdtr(df, t)) return t, p # TODO: Check this function # noinspection PyPep8Naming def stat_ANOVA(): if any(stat.n == 0 for stat in self.stats): return np.nan, np.nan n = sum(stat.n for stat in self.stats) grand_avg = sum(stat.n * stat.mean for stat in self.stats) / n var_between = sum(stat.n * (stat.mean - grand_avg) ** 2 for stat in self.stats) df_between = len(self.stats) - 1 var_within = sum(stat.n * stat.var for stat in self.stats) df_within = n - len(self.stats) if var_within == 0 or df_within == 0 or df_between == 0: return np.nan, np.nan F = (var_between / df_between) / (var_within / df_within) p = 1 - scipy.special.fdtr(df_between, df_within, F) return F, p n = len(self.dataset) if == OWBoxPlot.CompareNone or len(self.stats) < 2: t = "" elif any(s.n <= 1 for s in self.stats): t = "At least one group has just one instance, " \ "cannot compute significance" elif len(self.stats) == 2: if == OWBoxPlot.CompareMedians: t = "" # z, p = tests.wilcoxon_rank_sum( # self.stats[0].dist, self.stats[1].dist) # t = "Mann-Whitney's z: %.1f (p=%.3f)" % (z, p) else: t, p = stat_ttest() t = "" if np.isnan(t) else f"Student's t: {t:.3f} (p={p:.3f}, N={n})" else: if == OWBoxPlot.CompareMedians: t = "" # U, p = -1, -1 # t = "Kruskal Wallis's U: %.1f (p=%.3f)" % (U, p) else: F, p = stat_ANOVA() t = "" if np.isnan(F) else f"ANOVA: {F:.3f} (p={p:.3f}, N={n})" self.stat_test = t def mean_label(self, stat, attr, val_name): label = QGraphicsItemGroup() t = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(attr.str_val(stat.mean), label) t.setFont(self._label_font) bbox = t.boundingRect() w2, h = bbox.width() / 2, bbox.height() t.setPos(-w2, -h) tpm = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem( " \u00b1 " + "%.*f" % (attr.number_of_decimals + 1,, label) tpm.setFont(self._label_font) tpm.setPos(w2, -h) if val_name: vnm = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(val_name + ": ", label) vnm.setFont(self._label_font) vnm.setBrush(self._attr_brush) vb = vnm.boundingRect() label.min_x = -w2 - vb.width() vnm.setPos(label.min_x, -h) else: label.min_x = -w2 return label def draw_axis(self): """Draw the horizontal axis and sets self.scale_x""" misssing_stats = not self.stats stats = self.stats or [BoxData(np.array([[0.], [1.]]), self.attribute)] mean_labels = self.mean_labels or [self.mean_label(stats[0], self.attribute, "")] bottom = min(stat.a_min for stat in stats) top = max(stat.a_max for stat in stats) first_val, step = compute_scale(bottom, top) while bottom <= first_val: first_val -= step bottom = first_val no_ticks = math.ceil((top - first_val) / step) + 1 top = max(top, first_val + no_ticks * step) gbottom = min(bottom, min(stat.mean - for stat in stats)) gtop = max(top, max(stat.mean + for stat in stats)) bv = self.box_view viewrect = bv.viewport().rect().adjusted(15, 15, -15, -30) self.scale_x = scale_x = viewrect.width() / (gtop - gbottom) # In principle we should repeat this until convergence since the new # scaling is too conservative. (No chance am I doing this.) mlb = min(stat.mean + mean_lab.min_x / scale_x for stat, mean_lab in zip(stats, mean_labels)) if mlb < gbottom: gbottom = mlb self.scale_x = scale_x = viewrect.width() / (gtop - gbottom) self.scene_min_x = gbottom * scale_x self.scene_max_x = gtop * scale_x self.scene_width = self.scene_max_x - self.scene_min_x val = first_val last_text = self.scene_min_x while True: l = self.box_scene.addLine(val * scale_x, -1, val * scale_x, 1, self._pen_axis_tick) l.setZValue(100) t = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem( self.attribute.str_val(val) if not misssing_stats else "?") t.setFont(self._axis_font) t.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresTransformations) r = t.boundingRect() x_start = val * scale_x - r.width() / 2 x_finish = x_start + r.width() if x_start > last_text + 10 and x_finish < self.scene_max_x: t.setPos(x_start, 8) self.box_scene.addItem(t) last_text = x_finish if val >= top: break val += step self.box_scene.addLine( bottom * scale_x - 4, 0, top * scale_x + 4, 0, self._pen_axis) def draw_stat(self): if self.stat_test: label = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(self.stat_test) label.setPos((self.scene_min_x + self.scene_max_x)/2 - label.boundingRect().width()/2, 8 + self._axis_font.pixelSize()*2) label.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresTransformations) self.box_scene.addItem(label) def draw_axis_disc(self): """ Draw the horizontal axis and sets self.scale_x for discrete attributes """ assert not self.is_continuous if self.stretched: if not self.attr_labels: return step = steps = 10 else: if self.group_var: max_box = max(float(np.sum(dist)) for dist in self.conts) else: max_box = float(np.sum(self.dist)) if max_box == 0: self.scale_x = 1 return _, step = compute_scale(0, max_box) step = int(step) if step > 1 else 1 steps = int(math.ceil(max_box / step)) max_box = step * steps bv = self.box_view viewrect = bv.viewport().rect().adjusted(15, 15, -15, -30) self.scene_width = viewrect.width() lab_width = max(lab.boundingRect().width() for lab in self.attr_labels) lab_width = max(lab_width, 40) lab_width = min(lab_width, self.scene_width / 3) self.label_width = lab_width right_offset = 0 # offset for the right label if not self.stretched and self.labels: if self.group_var: rows = list(zip(self.conts, self.labels)) else: rows = [(self.dist, self.labels[0])] # available space left of the 'group labels' available = self.scene_width - lab_width - 10 scale_x = (available - right_offset) / max_box max_right = max(sum(dist) * scale_x + 10 + lbl.boundingRect().width() for dist, lbl in rows) right_offset = max(0, max_right - max_box * scale_x) self.scale_x = scale_x = \ (self.scene_width - lab_width - 10 - right_offset) / max_box self.box_scene.addLine(0, 0, max_box * scale_x, 0, self._pen_axis) for val in range(0, step * steps + 1, step): l = self.box_scene.addLine(val * scale_x, -1, val * scale_x, 1, self._pen_axis_tick) l.setZValue(100) t = self.box_scene.addSimpleText(str(val), self._axis_font) t.setPos(val * scale_x - t.boundingRect().width() / 2, 8) if self.stretched: self.scale_x *= 100 def label_group(self, stat, attr, mean_lab): def centered_text(val, pos): t = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(attr.str_val(val), labels) t.setFont(self._label_font) bbox = t.boundingRect() t.setPos(pos - bbox.width() / 2, 22) return t def line(x, down=1): QGraphicsLineItem(x, 12 * down, x, 20 * down, labels) def move_label(label, frm, to): label.setX(to) to += t_box.width() / 2 path = QPainterPath() path.lineTo(0, 4) path.lineTo(to - frm, 4) path.lineTo(to - frm, 8) p = QGraphicsPathItem(path) p.setPos(frm, 12) labels.addToGroup(p) labels = QGraphicsItemGroup() labels.addToGroup(mean_lab) m = stat.mean * self.scale_x mean_lab.setPos(m, -22) line(m, -1) if stat.median is not None: msc = stat.median * self.scale_x med_t = centered_text(stat.median, msc) med_box_width2 = med_t.boundingRect().width() / 2 line(msc) if stat.q25 is not None: x = stat.q25 * self.scale_x t = centered_text(stat.q25, x) t_box = t.boundingRect() med_left = msc - med_box_width2 if x + t_box.width() / 2 >= med_left - 5: move_label(t, x, med_left - t_box.width() - 5) else: line(x) if stat.q75 is not None: x = stat.q75 * self.scale_x t = centered_text(stat.q75, x) t_box = t.boundingRect() med_right = msc + med_box_width2 if x - t_box.width() / 2 <= med_right + 5: move_label(t, x, med_right + 5) else: line(x) return labels def box_group(self, stat, height=20): def line(x0, y0, x1, y1, *args): return QGraphicsLineItem(x0 * scale_x, y0, x1 * scale_x, y1, *args) scale_x = self.scale_x box = [] whisker1 = line(stat.a_min, -1.5, stat.a_min, 1.5) whisker2 = line(stat.a_max, -1.5, stat.a_max, 1.5) vert_line = line(stat.a_min, 0, stat.a_max, 0) mean_line = line(stat.mean, -height / 3, stat.mean, height / 3) for it in (whisker1, whisker2, mean_line): it.setPen(self._pen_paramet) vert_line.setPen(self._pen_dotted) var_line = line(stat.mean -, 0, stat.mean +, 0) var_line.setPen(self._pen_paramet) box.extend([whisker1, whisker2, vert_line, mean_line, var_line]) if stat.q25 is not None and stat.q75 is not None: mbox = FilterGraphicsRectItem( stat.conditions, stat.q25 * scale_x, -height / 2, (stat.q75 - stat.q25) * scale_x, height) mbox.setBrush(self._box_brush) mbox.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) mbox.setZValue(-200) box.append(mbox) if stat.median is not None: median_line = line(stat.median, -height / 2, stat.median, height / 2) median_line.setPen(self._pen_median) median_line.setZValue(-150) box.append(median_line) return box def strudel(self, dist, group_val_index=None): attr = self.attribute ss = np.sum(dist) box = [] if ss < 1e-6: cond = [FilterDiscrete(attr, None)] if group_val_index is not None: cond.append(FilterDiscrete(self.group_var, [group_val_index])) box.append(FilterGraphicsRectItem(cond, 0, -10, 1, 10)) cum = 0 for i, v in enumerate(dist): if v < 1e-6: continue if self.stretched: v /= ss v *= self.scale_x cond = [FilterDiscrete(attr, [i])] if group_val_index is not None: cond.append(FilterDiscrete(self.group_var, [group_val_index])) rect = FilterGraphicsRectItem(cond, cum + 1, -6, v - 2, 12) rect.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(*attr.colors[i]))) rect.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) if self.stretched: tooltip = "{}: {:.2f}%".format(attr.values[i], 100 * dist[i] / sum(dist)) else: tooltip = "{}: {}".format(attr.values[i], int(dist[i])) rect.setToolTip(tooltip) text = QGraphicsTextItem(attr.values[i]) box.append(rect) box.append(text) cum += v return box def commit(self): self.conditions = [item.filter for item in self.box_scene.selectedItems() if item.filter] selected, selection = None, [] if self.conditions: selected = Values(self.conditions, conjunction=False)(self.dataset) selection = np.in1d( self.dataset.ids, selected.ids, assume_unique=True).nonzero()[0] self.Outputs.selected_data.send(selected) self.Outputs.annotated_data.send( create_annotated_table(self.dataset, selection)) def show_posthoc(self): def line(y0, y1): it = self.box_scene.addLine(x, y0, x, y1, self._post_line_pen) it.setZValue(-100) self.posthoc_lines.append(it) while self.posthoc_lines: self.box_scene.removeItem(self.posthoc_lines.pop()) if == OWBoxPlot.CompareNone or len(self.stats) < 2: return if == OWBoxPlot.CompareMedians: crit_line = "median" else: crit_line = "mean" xs = [] height = 90 if self.show_annotations else 60 y_up = -len(self.stats) * height + 10 for pos, box_index in enumerate(self.order): stat = self.stats[box_index] x = getattr(stat, crit_line) if x is None: continue x *= self.scale_x xs.append(x * self.scale_x) by = y_up + pos * height line(by + 12, 0) used_to = [] last_to = to = 0 for frm, frm_x in enumerate(xs[:-1]): for to in range(frm + 1, len(xs)): if xs[to] - frm_x > 1.5: to -= 1 break if to in (last_to, frm): continue for rowi, used in enumerate(used_to): if used < frm: used_to[rowi] = to break else: rowi = len(used_to) used_to.append(to) y = - 6 - rowi * 6 it = self.box_scene.addLine(frm_x - 2, y, xs[to] + 2, y, self._post_grp_pen) self.posthoc_lines.append(it) last_to = to def get_widget_name_extension(self): return if self.attribute else None def send_report(self): self.report_plot() text = "" if self.attribute: text += "Box plot for attribute '{}' ".format( if self.group_var: text += "grouped by '{}'".format( if text: self.report_caption(text) class Label(QGraphicsSimpleTextItem): """Boxplot Label with settable maxWidth""" # Minimum width to display label text MIN_LABEL_WIDTH = 25 # padding bellow the text PADDING = 3 __max_width = None def maxWidth(self): return self.__max_width def setMaxWidth(self, max_width): self.__max_width = max_width def paint(self, painter, option, widget): """Overrides QGraphicsSimpleTextItem.paint If label text is too long, it is elided to fit into the allowed region """ if self.__max_width is None: width = option.rect.width() else: width = self.__max_width if width < self.MIN_LABEL_WIDTH: # if space is too narrow, no label return fm = painter.fontMetrics() text = fm.elidedText(self.text(), Qt.ElideRight, width) painter.drawText( option.rect.x(), option.rect.y() + self.boundingRect().height() - self.PADDING, text)
def __setup(self): # Setup the subwidgets/groups/layout smax = max( (np.nanmax(g.scores) for g in self.__groups if g.scores.size), default=1) smax = 1 if np.isnan(smax) else smax smin = min( (np.nanmin(g.scores) for g in self.__groups if g.scores.size), default=-1) smin = -1 if np.isnan(smin) else smin smin = min(smin, 0) font = self.font() font.setPixelSize(self.__barHeight) axispen = QPen( ax = pg.AxisItem(parent=self, orientation="top", maxTickLength=7, pen=axispen) ax.setRange(smin, smax) self.__topScale = ax layout = self.__layout assert layout is self.layout() layout.addItem(ax, 0, 2) for i, group in enumerate(self.__groups): silhouettegroup = BarPlotItem(parent=self) silhouettegroup.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(*group.color))) silhouettegroup.setPen(self.__pen) silhouettegroup.setDataRange(smin, smax) silhouettegroup.setPlotData(group.scores) silhouettegroup.setPreferredBarSize(self.__barHeight) silhouettegroup.setData(0, group.indices) layout.addItem(silhouettegroup, i + 1, 2) if group.label: layout.addItem(Line(orientation=Qt.Vertical), i + 1, 1) label = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem( "{} ({})".format(group.label, len(group.scores)), self) label.setRotation(-90) item = SimpleLayoutItem( label, anchor=(0., 1.0), anchorItem=(0., 0.), ) item.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) layout.addItem(item, i + 1, 0, Qt.AlignCenter) textlist = TextListWidget(self, font=font) sp = textlist.sizePolicy() sp.setVerticalPolicy(QSizePolicy.Ignored) textlist.setSizePolicy(sp) textlist.setParent(self) if group.rownames is not None: textlist.setItems(group.items) textlist.setVisible(self.__rowNamesVisible) else: textlist.setVisible(False) layout.addItem(textlist, i + 1, 3) ax = pg.AxisItem(parent=self, orientation="bottom", maxTickLength=7, pen=axispen) ax.setRange(smin, smax) self.__bottomScale = ax layout.addItem(ax, len(self.__groups) + 1, 2)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() = None self.distributions = None self.contingencies = None self.var = self.cvar = None varbox = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, "变量") self.varmodel = itemmodels.VariableListModel() self.groupvarmodel = [] self.varview = QListView( selectionMode=QListView.SingleSelection, uniformItemSizes=True, ) self.varview.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.varview.setModel(self.varmodel) self.varview.setSelectionModel( itemmodels.ListSingleSelectionModel(self.varmodel)) self.varview.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect( self._on_variable_idx_changed) varbox.layout().addWidget(self.varview) box = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, "精度") gui.separator(self.controlArea, 4, 4) box2 = gui.hBox(box) self.l_smoothing_l = gui.widgetLabel(box2, "Smooth") gui.hSlider(box2, self, "smoothing_index", minValue=0, maxValue=len(self.smoothing_facs) - 1, callback=self._on_set_smoothing, createLabel=False) self.l_smoothing_r = gui.widgetLabel(box2, "Precise") gui.checkBox(gui.indentedBox(box, sep=4), self, "disc_cont", "数字变量容器", callback=self._on_groupvar_idx_changed, tooltip="将数字变量显示为类别变量。") box = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, "分组") self.icons = gui.attributeIconDict gui.comboBox(box, self, "groupvar_idx", callback=self._on_groupvar_idx_changed, valueType=str, contentsLength=12) box2 = gui.indentedBox(box, sep=4) gui.checkBox(box2, self, "relative_freq", "显示相对频率", callback=self._on_relative_freq_changed, tooltip="Normalize probabilities so that probabilities " "for each group-by value sum to 1.") gui.separator(box2) gui.comboBox( box2, self, "show_prob", label="显示概率:", orientation=Qt.Horizontal, callback=self._on_relative_freq_changed, tooltip="Show probabilities for a chosen group-by value " "(at each point probabilities for all group-by values sum to 1).") self.plotview = pg.PlotWidget(background=None) self.plotview.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(self.plotview) w = QLabel() w.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(w, Qt.AlignCenter) self.ploti = pg.PlotItem() self.plot = self.ploti.vb self.ploti.hideButtons() self.plotview.setCentralItem(self.ploti) self.plot_prob = pg.ViewBox() self.ploti.hideAxis('right') self.ploti.scene().addItem(self.plot_prob) self.ploti.getAxis("right").linkToView(self.plot_prob) self.ploti.getAxis("right").setLabel("Probability") self.plot_prob.setZValue(10) self.plot_prob.setXLink(self.ploti) self.update_views() self.ploti.vb.sigResized.connect(self.update_views) self.plot_prob.setRange(yRange=[0, 1]) def disable_mouse(plot): plot.setMouseEnabled(False, False) plot.setMenuEnabled(False) disable_mouse(self.plot) disable_mouse(self.plot_prob) self.tooltip_items = [] self.plot.scene().installEventFilter( HelpEventDelegate(self.help_event, self)) pen = QPen(self.palette().color(QPalette.Text)) for axis in ("left", "bottom"): self.ploti.getAxis(axis).setPen(pen) self._legend = LegendItem() self._legend.setParentItem(self.plot) self._legend.hide() self._legend.anchor((1, 0), (1, 0))
def __init__(self, *args): QGraphicsEllipseItem.__init__(self, *args) self.setRect(-3.5, -3.5, 7., 7.) self.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.setBrush(QBrush(QColor("#9CACB4"))) self.__hover = False
def display_contingency(self): """ Set the contingency to display. """ cont = self.contingencies var, cvar = self.var, self.cvar if cont is None or not len(cont): return self.plot.clear() self.plot_prob.clear() self._legend.clear() self.tooltip_items = [] if self.show_prob: self.ploti.showAxis('right') else: self.ploti.hideAxis('right') bottomaxis = self.ploti.getAxis("bottom") bottomaxis.setLabel( bottomaxis.resizeEvent() cvar_values = cvar.values colors = [QColor(*col) for col in cvar.colors] if var and var.is_continuous: bottomaxis.setTicks(None) weights, cols, cvar_values, curves = [], [], [], [] for i, dist in enumerate(cont): v, W = dist if len(v): weights.append(numpy.sum(W)) cols.append(colors[i]) cvar_values.append(cvar.values[i]) curves.append( ash_curve(dist, cont, m=OWDistributions.ASH_HIST, smoothing_factor=self.smoothing_factor)) weights = numpy.array(weights) sumw = numpy.sum(weights) weights /= sumw colors = cols curves = [(X, Y * w) for (X, Y), w in zip(curves, weights)] curvesline = [] #from histograms to lines for X, Y in curves: X = X + (X[1] - X[0]) / 2 X = X[:-1] X = numpy.array(X) Y = numpy.array(Y) curvesline.append((X, Y)) for t in ["fill", "line"]: curve_data = list(zip(curvesline, colors, weights, cvar_values)) for (X, Y), color, w, cval in reversed(curve_data): item = pg.PlotCurveItem() pen = QPen(QBrush(color), 3) pen.setCosmetic(True) color = QColor(color) color.setAlphaF(0.2) item.setData(X, Y / (w if self.relative_freq else 1), antialias=True, stepMode=False, fillLevel=0 if t == "fill" else None, brush=QBrush(color), pen=pen) self.plot.addItem(item) if t == "line": item.tooltip = "{}\n{}={}".format( "Normalized density " if self.relative_freq else "Density ",, cval) self.tooltip_items.append((self.plot, item)) if self.show_prob: all_X = numpy.array( numpy.unique(numpy.hstack([X for X, _ in curvesline]))) inter_X = numpy.array( numpy.linspace(all_X[0], all_X[-1], len(all_X) * 2)) curvesinterp = [ numpy.interp(inter_X, X, Y) for (X, Y) in curvesline ] sumprob = numpy.sum(curvesinterp, axis=0) legal = sumprob > 0.05 * numpy.max(sumprob) i = len(curvesinterp) + 1 show_all = self.show_prob == i for Y, color, cval in reversed( list(zip(curvesinterp, colors, cvar_values))): i -= 1 if show_all or self.show_prob == i: item = pg.PlotCurveItem() pen = QPen(QBrush(color), 3, style=Qt.DotLine) pen.setCosmetic(True) prob = Y[legal] / sumprob[legal] item.setData(inter_X[legal], prob, antialias=True, stepMode=False, fillLevel=None, brush=None, pen=pen) self.plot_prob.addItem(item) item.tooltip = "Probability that \n" + + "=" + cval self.tooltip_items.append((self.plot_prob, item)) elif var and var.is_discrete: bottomaxis.setTicks([list(enumerate(var.values))]) cont = numpy.array(cont) maxh = 0 #maximal column height maxrh = 0 #maximal relative column height scvar = cont.sum(axis=1) #a cvar with sum=0 with allways have distribution counts 0, #therefore we can divide it by anything scvar[scvar == 0] = 1 for i, (value, dist) in enumerate(zip(var.values, cont.T)): maxh = max(maxh, max(dist)) maxrh = max(maxrh, max(dist / scvar)) for i, (value, dist) in enumerate(zip(var.values, cont.T)): dsum = sum(dist) geom = QRectF(i - 0.333, 0, 0.666, maxrh if self.relative_freq else maxh) if self.show_prob: prob = dist / dsum ci = 1.96 * numpy.sqrt(prob * (1 - prob) / dsum) else: ci = None item = DistributionBarItem( geom, dist / scvar / maxrh if self.relative_freq else dist / maxh, colors) self.plot.addItem(item) tooltip = "\n".join("%s: %.*f" % (n, 3 if self.relative_freq else 1, v) for n, v in zip( cvar_values, dist / scvar if self.relative_freq else dist)) item.tooltip = "{} ({}={}):\n{}".format( "Normalized frequency " if self.relative_freq else "Frequency ",, value, tooltip) self.tooltip_items.append((self.plot, item)) if self.show_prob: item.tooltip += "\n\nProbabilities:" for ic, a in enumerate(dist): if self.show_prob - 1 != ic and \ self.show_prob - 1 != len(dist): continue position = -0.333 + ((ic + 0.5) * 0.666 / len(dist)) if dsum < 1e-6: continue prob = a / dsum if not 1e-6 < prob < 1 - 1e-6: continue ci = 1.96 * sqrt(prob * (1 - prob) / dsum) item.tooltip += "\n%s: %.3f ± %.3f" % (cvar_values[ic], prob, ci) mark = pg.ScatterPlotItem() errorbar = pg.ErrorBarItem() pen = QPen(QBrush(QColor(0)), 1) pen.setCosmetic(True) errorbar.setData(x=[i + position], y=[prob], bottom=min(numpy.array([ci]), prob), top=min(numpy.array([ci]), 1 - prob), beam=numpy.array([0.05]), brush=QColor(1), pen=pen) mark.setData([i + position], [prob], antialias=True, symbol="o", fillLevel=None, pxMode=True, size=10, brush=QColor(colors[ic]), pen=pen) self.plot_prob.addItem(errorbar) self.plot_prob.addItem(mark) for color, name in zip(colors, cvar_values): self._legend.addItem( ScatterPlotItem(pen=color, brush=color, size=10, shape="s"), escape(name))
def setupGraphics(self): """ Set up the graphics. """ shape_rect = QRectF(-24, -24, 48, 48) self.shapeItem = NodeBodyItem(self) self.shapeItem.setShapeRect(shape_rect) self.shapeItem.setAnimationEnabled(self.__animationEnabled) # Rect for widget's 'ears'. anchor_rect = QRectF(-31, -31, 62, 62) self.inputAnchorItem = SinkAnchorItem(self) input_path = QPainterPath() start_angle = 180 - self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE / 2 input_path.arcMoveTo(anchor_rect, start_angle) input_path.arcTo(anchor_rect, start_angle, self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE) self.inputAnchorItem.setAnchorPath(input_path) self.outputAnchorItem = SourceAnchorItem(self) output_path = QPainterPath() start_angle = self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE / 2 output_path.arcMoveTo(anchor_rect, start_angle) output_path.arcTo(anchor_rect, start_angle, -self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE) self.outputAnchorItem.setAnchorPath(output_path) self.inputAnchorItem.hide() self.outputAnchorItem.hide() # Title caption item self.captionTextItem = NameTextItem(self) self.captionTextItem.setPlainText("") self.captionTextItem.setPos(0, 33) def iconItem(standard_pixmap): item = GraphicsIconItem(self, icon=standard_icon(standard_pixmap), iconSize=QSize(16, 16)) item.hide() return item self.errorItem = iconItem(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxCritical) self.warningItem = iconItem(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxWarning) self.infoItem = iconItem(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxInformation) self.backgroundItem = QGraphicsPathItem(self) backgroundrect = QPainterPath() backgroundrect.addRoundedRect(anchor_rect.adjusted(-4, -2, 4, 2), 5, 5, mode=Qt.AbsoluteSize) self.backgroundItem.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.backgroundItem.setBrush(QPalette().brush(QPalette.Highlight)) self.backgroundItem.setOpacity(0.5) self.backgroundItem.setPath(backgroundrect) self.backgroundItem.setZValue(-10) self.backgroundItem.setVisible(self.isSelected()) self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.results = None self.classifier_names = [] self.perf_line = None self.colors = [] self._curve_data = {} self._plot_curves = {} self._rocch = None self._perf_line = None self._tooltip_cache = None box = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, "Plot") self.target_cb = gui.comboBox(box, self, "target_index", label="Target", orientation=Qt.Horizontal, callback=self._on_target_changed, contentsLength=8, searchable=True) gui.widgetLabel(box, "Classifiers") line_height = 4 * QFontMetrics(self.font()).lineSpacing() self.classifiers_list_box = gui.listBox( box, self, "selected_classifiers", "classifier_names", selectionMode=QListView.MultiSelection, callback=self._on_classifiers_changed, sizeHint=QSize(0, line_height)) abox = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, "Curves") gui.comboBox(abox, self, "roc_averaging", items=[ "Merge Predictions from Folds", "Mean TP Rate", "Mean TP and FP at Threshold", "Show Individual Curves" ], callback=self._replot) gui.checkBox(abox, self, "display_convex_curve", "Show convex ROC curves", callback=self._replot) gui.checkBox(abox, self, "display_convex_hull", "Show ROC convex hull", callback=self._replot) box = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, "Analysis") gui.checkBox(box, self, "display_def_threshold", "Default threshold (0.5) point", callback=self._on_display_def_threshold_changed) gui.checkBox(box, self, "display_perf_line", "Show performance line", callback=self._on_display_perf_line_changed) grid = QGridLayout() gui.indentedBox(box, orientation=grid) sp = gui.spin(box, self, "fp_cost", 1, 1000, 10, alignment=Qt.AlignRight, callback=self._on_display_perf_line_changed) grid.addWidget(QLabel("FP Cost:"), 0, 0) grid.addWidget(sp, 0, 1) sp = gui.spin(box, self, "fn_cost", 1, 1000, 10, alignment=Qt.AlignRight, callback=self._on_display_perf_line_changed) grid.addWidget(QLabel("FN Cost:")) grid.addWidget(sp, 1, 1) self.target_prior_sp = gui.spin(box, self, "target_prior", 1, 99, alignment=Qt.AlignRight, callback=self._on_target_prior_changed) self.target_prior_sp.setSuffix(" %") self.target_prior_sp.addAction(QAction("Auto", sp)) grid.addWidget(QLabel("Prior probability:")) grid.addWidget(self.target_prior_sp, 2, 1) self.plotview = pg.GraphicsView(background="w") self.plotview.setFrameStyle(QFrame.StyledPanel) self.plotview.scene().sigMouseMoved.connect(self._on_mouse_moved) self.plot = pg.PlotItem(enableMenu=False) self.plot.setMouseEnabled(False, False) self.plot.hideButtons() pen = QPen(self.palette().color(QPalette.Text)) tickfont = QFont(self.font()) tickfont.setPixelSize(max(int(tickfont.pixelSize() * 2 // 3), 11)) axis = self.plot.getAxis("bottom") axis.setTickFont(tickfont) axis.setPen(pen) axis.setLabel("FP Rate (1-Specificity)") axis = self.plot.getAxis("left") axis.setTickFont(tickfont) axis.setPen(pen) axis.setLabel("TP Rate (Sensitivity)") self.plot.showGrid(True, True, alpha=0.1) self.plot.setRange(xRange=(0.0, 1.0), yRange=(0.0, 1.0), padding=0.05) self.plotview.setCentralItem(self.plot) self.mainArea.layout().addWidget(self.plotview)
def update_selection_rects(self): for i, (_, _, area) in enumerate(self.areas): if i in self.selection: area.setPen(QPen(, 3, Qt.DotLine)) else: area.setPen(QPen())
def itemChange(self, change, value): if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedHasChanged: self.setPen(QPen( if self.isSelected() else, 2)) return QGraphicsPathItem.itemChange(self, change, value)