コード例 #1
def search_phrase_index(index: OOBTree, query: str) -> List[Set[int]]:
    words = query.split()

    # If a query consists of two words
    if len(words) == 2:
        # Just search the index
        return index.get(fr'{normalize(words.pop(0))} {normalize(words.pop(0))}', None)
        # Otherwise, split the query into pairs of words
        phrase: List[str] = []
        result: List[Set[int]] = []

        for word in words:
            # Add word to the phrase (a pair of words)

            # If we have two words in the phrase
            if len(phrase) == 2:
                # Search this phrase in the index
                item = index.get(fr'{phrase.pop(0)} {phrase[0]}', {})
                # Append the search result (list of file's ids) to the result

                # If we have two lists in the result
                if len(result) == 2:
                    # Intersect them

    return result
コード例 #2
class FieldTemplate(Folder):
    """ Field information """

    def __init__(self, title=u"", description=u"", field_type=u""):
        self._storage = OOBTree()
        super(FieldTemplate, self).__init__()
        self.title = title
        self.description = description
        self.field_type = field_type

    def get_title(self):
        return self._storage.get('title', '')
    def set_title(self, value):
        self._storage['title'] = value
    title = property(get_title, set_title)

    def get_description(self):
        return self._storage.get('description', '')
    def set_description(self, value):
        self._storage['description'] = value
    description = property(get_description, set_description)

    def get_field_type(self):
        return self._storage.get('field_type', '')
    def set_field_type(self, value):
        self._storage['field_type'] = value
    field_type = property(get_field_type, set_field_type)

    def get_node(self, context, request, name = None, **kw):
        if name is None:
            name = self.__name__
        fa = request.registry.getAdapter(self, IFieldAdapter, name = self.field_type)
        return fa.get_node(context, request, name, title = self.title,
                           description = self.description, **kw)
コード例 #3
    def objects(self):
        """Returns the data to create the sitemap."""
        catalog = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_catalog')
        query = {}
        utils = getToolByName(self.context, 'plone_utils')
        query['portal_type'] = utils.getUserFriendlyTypes()
        ptool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_properties')
        siteProperties = getattr(ptool, 'site_properties')
        typesUseViewActionInListings = frozenset(
            siteProperties.getProperty('typesUseViewActionInListings', [])

        is_plone_site_root = IPloneSiteRoot.providedBy(self.context)
        if not is_plone_site_root:
            query['path'] = '/'.join(self.context.getPhysicalPath())

        query['is_default_page'] = True
        default_page_modified = OOBTree()
        for item in catalog.searchResults(query, Language='all'):
            key = item.getURL().rsplit('/', 1)[0]
            value = (item.modified.micros(), item.modified.ISO8601())
            default_page_modified[key] = value

        # The plone site root is not catalogued.
        if is_plone_site_root:
            loc = self.context.absolute_url()
            date = self.context.modified()
            # Comparison must be on GMT value
            modified = (date.micros(), date.ISO8601())
            default_modified = default_page_modified.get(loc, None)
            if default_modified is not None:
                modified = max(modified, default_modified)
            lastmod = modified[1]
            yield {
                'loc': loc,
                'lastmod': lastmod,
                #'changefreq': 'always',
                # hourly/daily/weekly/monthly/yearly/never
                #'prioriy': 0.5, # 0.0 to 1.0

        query['is_default_page'] = False
        for item in catalog.searchResults(query, Language='all'):
            loc = item.getURL()
            date = item.modified
            # Comparison must be on GMT value
            modified = (date.micros(), date.ISO8601())
            default_modified = default_page_modified.get(loc, None)
            if default_modified is not None:
                modified = max(modified, default_modified)
            lastmod = modified[1]
            if item.portal_type in typesUseViewActionInListings:
                loc += '/view'
            yield {
                'loc': loc,
                'lastmod': lastmod,
                #'changefreq': 'always',
                # hourly/daily/weekly/monthly/yearly/never
                #'prioriy': 0.5, # 0.0 to 1.0
コード例 #4
ファイル: shorturl.py プロジェクト: Siyavula/emas.mobiletheme
class MobileImageShortURLStorage(ShortURLStorage):
    """ utility to keep track of shortened urls for mobile images


    def __init__(self):
        self._map = OOBTree()
        self._reverse_map = OOBTree()

    def add(self, short, target):
        self._map[short] = target
        self._reverse_map[target] = short

    def remove(self, short):
        if self._map.has_key(short):
            target = self.get(short)
            del self._map[short]
            del self._reverse_map[target]

    def get(self, short, default=None):
        return self._map.get(short, default)

    def getkey(self, url, default=None):
        return self._reverse_map.get(url, default)
コード例 #5
ファイル: offlineEvents.py プロジェクト: NIIF/indico
class OfflineEventsModule(Module):
    This module holds all the information needed to keep the creation process of the offline version of the events.
    That means all the news items and other related information.

    id = "offlineEvents"
    _offlineEventTypes = {"Queued": L_("Queued"), "Generated": L_("Generated"), "Failed": L_("Failed"),
                          "Expired": L_("Expired")}

    def __init__(self):
        self._idxConf = OOBTree()
        self._offlineEventCounter = Counter()

    def getOfflineEventIndex(self):
        return self._idxConf

    def getOfflineEventByConfId(self, confId):
        return self._idxConf.get(confId, [])

    def getOfflineEventByFileId(self, confId, fileId):
        offline_request_list = self._idxConf.get(confId, [])
        for req in offline_request_list:
            if req.id == fileId:
                return req
        return None

    def addOfflineEvent(self, offlineEvent):
        confId = offlineEvent.conference.getId()
        if not self._idxConf.has_key(confId):
            lst = []
            self._idxConf[confId] = lst
            lst = self._idxConf[confId]
        offlineEvent.id = self._offlineEventCounter.newCount()
        self._idxConf[confId] = lst

    def removeOfflineEvent(self, offlineEvent, del_file=False):
        if offlineEvent:
            confId = offlineEvent.conference.getId()
            lst = self._idxConf.get(confId,[])
            if offlineEvent in lst:
            self._idxConf[confId] = lst
            if del_file:
            raise Exception(_("OfflineEvent does not exist"))

    def removeOfflineFile(self, offlineEvent):
        filepath = offlineEvent.file.getFilePath()
        if os.path.isfile(filepath):
        offlineEvent.status = "Expired"

    def getOfflineEventTypes(self):
        return OfflineEventsModule._offlineEventTypes
コード例 #6
ファイル: LinkManager.py プロジェクト: zenoss/zenoss-prodbin
class DeviceNetworksCache(object):
    Data structure used to store the networks devices belong to.
            Key:    Device.id
            Value:  OOBtree
                        Key:    Network
                        Value:  number of ip addresses that belong to that network
    def __init__(self):
        self.cache = OOBTree()

    def add_device_network(self, device_id, network_id):
        device_id = Device.getId()
        network_id = IpNetwork.getPrimaryUrlPath()
        device_dict = self.cache.get(device_id)
        if device_dict is None:
            device_dict = OOBTree()
            self.cache[device_id] = device_dict
        network_value = device_dict.get(network_id, 0) + 1
        device_dict[network_id] = network_value

    def remove_device_network(self, device_id, network_id):
        device_id = Device.getId()
        network_id = IpNetwork.getPrimaryUrlPath()
        device_dict = self.cache.get(device_id)
        if device_dict:
            network_value = device_dict.get(network_id, 0) - 1
            if device_dict.has_key(network_id):
                if network_value > 0:
                    device_dict[network_id] = network_value
                    del device_dict[network_id]

    def remove_device(self, device_id):
        if self.cache.get(device_id):
            del self.cache[device_id]

    def get_device_networks(self, device_id):
        nets = set()

        if self.cache.get(device_id):
            nets = set(self.cache.get(device_id).keys())

        return nets

    def __str__(self):
        to_str = ""
        for dev, nets in self.cache.iteritems():
            to_str = to_str + "{0} => {1}\n".format(dev, len(nets.keys()))
            for net in nets.keys():
                to_str = to_str + "\t{0}\n".format(net)
        return to_str
コード例 #7
ファイル: LinkManager.py プロジェクト: zenoss/zenoss-prodbin
class DeviceNetworksCache(object):
    Data structure used to store the networks devices belong to.
            Key:    Device.id
            Value:  OOBtree
                        Key:    Network
                        Value:  number of ip addresses that belong to that network
    def __init__(self):
        self.cache = OOBTree()

    def add_device_network(self, device_id, network_id):
        device_id = Device.getId()
        network_id = IpNetwork.getPrimaryUrlPath()
        device_dict = self.cache.get(device_id)
        if device_dict is None:
            device_dict = OOBTree()
            self.cache[device_id] = device_dict
        network_value = device_dict.get(network_id, 0) + 1
        device_dict[network_id] = network_value

    def remove_device_network(self, device_id, network_id):
        device_id = Device.getId()
        network_id = IpNetwork.getPrimaryUrlPath()
        device_dict = self.cache.get(device_id)
        if device_dict:
            network_value = device_dict.get(network_id, 0) - 1
            if device_dict.has_key(network_id):
                if network_value > 0:
                    device_dict[network_id] = network_value
                    del device_dict[network_id]

    def remove_device(self, device_id):
        if self.cache.get(device_id):
            del self.cache[device_id]

    def get_device_networks(self, device_id):
        nets = set()

        if self.cache.get(device_id):
            nets = set(self.cache.get(device_id).keys())

        return nets

    def __str__(self):
        to_str = ""
        for dev, nets in self.cache.iteritems():
            to_str = to_str + "{0} => {1}\n".format(dev, len(nets.keys()))
            for net in nets.keys():
                to_str = to_str + "\t{0}\n".format(net)
        return to_str
コード例 #8
class DefaultTokenManager(Persistent):
    """Tokens manager persistent utility (per site)

    def __init__(self):
        # {token: user id, ...}
        self._token2uid = OOBTree()
        # {user id: token, ...}
        self._uid2token = OOBTree()

    def userIdForToken(self, token):
        """See ITokensManager
        return self._token2uid.get(token, None)

    def tokenForUserId(self, user_id):
        """See ITokensManager
        if user_id in self._uid2token:
            return self._uid2token[user_id]

        # We'll make a token for this new user id
        return self.resetToken(user_id)

    def resetToken(self, user_id):
        """See ITokensManager
        old_token = self._uid2token.get(user_id, None)
        if old_token is not None:
            del self._token2uid[old_token]

        generator = getUtility(IUUIDGenerator)
        token = generator()
        self._token2uid[token] = user_id
        self._uid2token[user_id] = token
        return token

    def pruneUserId(self, user_id):
        """See ITokensManager
        token = self._uid2token[user_id]
        del self._uid2token[user_id]
        del self._token2uid[token]

    def knownUserIds(self):
        """See ITokensManager
        for user_id in self._uid2token.keys():
            yield user_id
コード例 #9
ファイル: upgrade.py プロジェクト: dtgit/dtedu
class UpgradeRegistry(object):
    """Registry of upgrade steps, by profile.
    Registry keys are profile ids.

    Each registry value is a nested mapping:
      - id -> step for single steps
      - id -> [ (id1, step1), (id2, step2) ] for nested steps
    def __init__(self):
        self._registry = OOBTree()

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self._registry.get(key)

    def keys(self):
        return self._registry.keys()

    def clear(self):

    def getUpgradeStepsForProfile(self, profile_id):
        """Return the upgrade steps mapping for a given profile, or
        None if there are no steps registered for a profile matching
        that id.
        profile_steps = self._registry.get(profile_id, None)
        if profile_steps is None:
            self._registry[profile_id] = OOBTree()
            profile_steps = self._registry.get(profile_id)
        return profile_steps

    def getUpgradeStep(self, profile_id, step_id):
        """Returns the specified upgrade step for the specified
        profile, or None if it doesn't exist.
        profile_steps = self._registry.get(profile_id, None)
        if profile_steps is not None:
            step = profile_steps.get(step_id, None)
            if step is None:
                for key in profile_steps.keys():
                    if type(profile_steps[key]) == list:
                        subs = dict(profile_steps[key])
                        step = subs.get(step_id, None)
                        if step is not None:
            elif type(step) == list:
                subs = dict(step)
                step = subs.get(step_id, None)
            return step
コード例 #10
ファイル: assignment.py プロジェクト: CGTIC/Plone_SP
class LocalAssignmentUtility(Persistent):
    """A utility for determining which rating categories are available for an

    def __init__(self):
        self._mapping = OOBTree()

    def getId(self):
        return "contentratings"

    def _check_instance(self, content):
        return not IUnratable.providedBy(content)

    def supports_category(self, content, category):
        type_name = content.getPortalTypeName()
        # If the category is not assigned specifically to IDynamicType,
        # it should not be rejected
        if category not in self._avalable_categories:
            return True
        cat_name = category.name
        if self._check_instance(content) and cat_name in \
               self._mapping.get(type_name, ()):
            return True
        return False

    def supported_categories(self, content):
        if not self._check_instance(content):
            return []
            return self.categories_for_type(content.getPortalTypeName())

    def _avalable_categories(self):
        return getUtility(IVocabularyFactory,

    def assign_categories(self, portal_type, categories):
        """Check that the given names are actually valid category names,
        if so assign them to the portal_type"""
        categories = set(categories)
        available_categories = set(t.value for t in self._avalable_categories)
        assert categories.issubset(available_categories)
        self._mapping[portal_type] = set(c.name for c in categories)

    def categories_for_type(self, portal_type):
        """Returns the categories set for a given portal type"""
        names = self._mapping.get(portal_type, ())
        categories = self._avalable_categories
        return [categories.getTermByToken(n).value for n in names]
コード例 #11
class UpgradeRegistry(object):
    """Registry of upgrade steps, by profile.
    Registry keys are profile ids.

    Each registry value is a nested mapping:
      - id -> step for single steps
      - id -> [ (id1, step1), (id2, step2) ] for nested steps
    def __init__(self):
        self._registry = OOBTree()

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self._registry.get(key)

    def keys(self):
        return self._registry.keys()

    def clear(self):

    def getUpgradeStepsForProfile(self, profile_id):
        """Return the upgrade steps mapping for a given profile, or
        None if there are no steps registered for a profile matching
        that id.
        profile_steps = self._registry.get(profile_id, None)
        if profile_steps is None:
            self._registry[profile_id] = OOBTree()
            profile_steps = self._registry.get(profile_id)
        return profile_steps

    def getUpgradeStep(self, profile_id, step_id):
        """Returns the specified upgrade step for the specified
        profile, or None if it doesn't exist.
        profile_steps = self._registry.get(profile_id, None)
        if profile_steps is not None:
            step = profile_steps.get(step_id, None)
            if step is None:
                for key in profile_steps.keys():
                    if type(profile_steps[key]) == list:
                        subs = dict(profile_steps[key])
                        step = subs.get(step_id, None)
                        if step is not None:
            elif type(step) == list:
                subs = dict(step)
                step = subs.get(step_id, None)
            return step
コード例 #12
class LocalAssignmentUtility(Persistent):
    """A utility for determining which rating categories are available for an

    def __init__(self):
        self._mapping = OOBTree()

    def getId(self):
        return "contentratings"

    def _check_instance(self, content):
        return not IUnratable.providedBy(content)

    def supports_category(self, content, category):
        type_name = content.getPortalTypeName()
        # If the category is not assigned specifically to IDynamicType,
        # it should not be rejected
        if category not in self._avalable_categories:
            return True
        cat_name = category.name
        if self._check_instance(content) and cat_name in \
               self._mapping.get(type_name, ()):
            return True
        return False

    def supported_categories(self, content):
        if not self._check_instance(content):
            return []
            return self.categories_for_type(content.getPortalTypeName())

    def _avalable_categories(self):
        return getUtility(IVocabularyFactory,

    def assign_categories(self, portal_type, categories):
        """Check that the given names are actually valid category names,
        if so assign them to the portal_type"""
        categories = set(categories)
        available_categories = set(t.value for t in self._avalable_categories)
        assert categories.issubset(available_categories)
        self._mapping[portal_type] = set(c.name for c in categories)

    def categories_for_type(self, portal_type):
        """Returns the categories set for a given portal type"""
        names = self._mapping.get(portal_type, ())
        categories = self._avalable_categories
        return [categories.getTermByToken(n).value for n in names]
コード例 #13
ファイル: indexes.py プロジェクト: pferreir/indico-backup
class BookingManagerConferenceIndex(Persistent):

    def __init__(self):
        self._tree = OOBTree()
        self._name = "bookingManagerByConf"

    def initialize(self, dbi=None):
        for i, conf in enumerate(ConferenceHolder()._getIdx().itervalues()):
            # Store CSBookingManager in the index
            csbm = getattr(conf, "_CSBookingManager", None)
            if csbm is None:
                csbm = CSBookingManager(conf)
            self.index(conf.getId(), csbm)
            if dbi and i % 1000 == 999:
        if dbi:

    def getName(self):
        return self._name

    def index(self, conf, csbm):
        if not self._tree.has_key(conf):
            self._tree[conf] = csbm
            self._tree._p_changed = 1

    def unindex(self, conf):
        del self._tree[conf]
        self._tree._p_changed = 1

    def get(self, conf):
        return self._tree.get(conf,None)

    def dump(self):
        return [(k, s) for k, s in self._tree.iteritems()]
コード例 #14
class UIDMappingStorage(Persistent):
    """Stores a mapping between remote uids and local uids.
    def __init__(self):
        self._uidmap = OOBTree()
    def add(self, site_id, remote_uid, local_uid):
        if not site_id or not remote_uid or not local_uid:
        self._uidmap[(site_id, remote_uid)] = local_uid
    def remove(self, site_id, remote_uid):
        del self._uidmap[(site_id, remote_uid)]
    def has_remote_uid(self, site_id, remote_uid):
        return bool(self._uidmap.has_key((site_id, remote_uid)))

    def get(self, site_id, remote_uid, default=None):
        return self._uidmap.get((site_id, remote_uid), default)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._uidmap)
コード例 #15
class PrincipalAnnotationUtility(Persistent):
    Stores :class:`zope.annotation.interfaces.IAnnotations` for

    __parent__ = None
    __name__ = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.annotations = OOBTree()

    def getAnnotations(self, principal):
        See :meth:`.IPrincipalAnnotationUtility.getAnnotations`.
        return self.getAnnotationsById(principal.id)

    def getAnnotationsById(self, principalId):
        See :meth:`.IPrincipalAnnotationUtility.getAnnotationsById`.
        annotations = self.annotations.get(principalId)
        if annotations is None:
            annotations = Annotations(principalId, store=self.annotations)
            annotations.__parent__ = self
            annotations.__name__ = principalId
        return annotations

    def hasAnnotations(self, principal):
        See :meth:`.IPrincipalAnnotationUtility.hasAnnotations`.
        return principal.id in self.annotations
コード例 #16
ファイル: utility.py プロジェクト: grodniewicz/oship
class PrincipalAnnotationUtility(Persistent, Contained):
    """Stores `IAnnotations` for `IPrinicipals`.
    The utility ID is 'PrincipalAnnotation'.
    def __init__(self):
        self.annotations = OOBTree()

    def getAnnotations(self, principal):
        """Return object implementing IAnnotations for the given principal.
        If there is no `IAnnotations` it will be created and then returned.
        return self.getAnnotationsById(principal.id)
    def getAnnotationsById(self, principalId):
        """Return object implementing `IAnnotations` for the given principal.
        If there is no `IAnnotations` it will be created and then returned.
        annotations = self.annotations.get(principalId)
        if annotations is None:
            annotations = Annotations(principalId, store=self.annotations)
            annotations.__parent__ = self
            annotations.__name__ = principalId
        return annotations

    def hasAnnotations(self, principal):
        """Return boolean indicating if given principal has `IAnnotations`."""
        return principal.id in self.annotations
コード例 #17
class Users(Folder, JSONRenderable):
    def __init__(self, **kw):
        self.providers = OOBTree()

    def add_provider(self, user, userpayload: dict):
        :param user: A Kedja User object
        :param userpayload: the result from the authomatic login, the user part as a dict
        provider = self.providers.setdefault(userpayload['provider'],
        provider[userpayload['id']] = user.rid

    def find_providers_user(self, result, default=None):
        :param result: Authomatic login result
        :param default: Return value when not found
        :return: User or default
        user_rid = self.providers.get(result.provider.name,
                                      {}).get(result.user.id, None)
        return self.get_rid_user(user_rid, default)

    def get_rid_user(self, rid, default=None):
        :param rid: Users RID (resource  ID)
        :param default: Return value when not found
        :return: User or default
        root = find_root(self)
        user = root.rid_map.get_resource(rid, default)
        if IUser.providedBy(user):
            return user
        return default
コード例 #18
ファイル: storage.py プロジェクト: jbeyers/upfront.shorturl
class ShortURLStorage(Persistent):
    """Stores short codes and urls to redirect to. """

    def __init__(self):
        self._map = OOBTree()

    def add(self, short, target):
        self._map[short] = target

    def remove(self, short):
        if self._map.has_key(short):
            del self._map[short]

    def get(self, short, default=None):
        return self._map.get(short, default)

    def suggest(self):
            key = self._map.maxKey()
        except ValueError:
            # If the tree is empty
            return 'AAAAA'
        return _increment(key)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self._map.items()[key]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._map)
コード例 #19
class PasswordResetUtility(Persistent, Contained):

    def __init__(self):
        self.requests = OOBTree()

    def request(self, login, req):
        auth = getUtility(IAuthentication)
        pf = auth[u'principalfolder']
        if login in pf:
            principal_id = pf.prefix + login
            code = random_string(30)
            data = OOBucket({'id': principal_id, 'time': time.time()})
            self.requests[code] = data
            notify(PasswordResetRequest(principal_id, login, code, req))
            raise KeyError

    def reset(self, login, code, password):
        auth = getUtility(IAuthentication)
        pf = auth[u'principalfolder']
        if login in pf:
            principal_id = pf.prefix + login
            data = self.requests.get(code)
            if data and data['id'] == principal_id:
                ip = internal_principal(principal_id)
                ip.setPassword(password, "SSHA")
                notify(PasswordResetEvent(principal_id, password))
コード例 #20
ファイル: components.py プロジェクト: Cromlech/cromlech.zodb
class PersitentOOBTree(Persistent):
    """A persitent wrapper around a OOBTree"""

    def __init__(self):
        self._data = OOBTree()
        self.__len = Length()

    def _PersitentOOBTree__len(self):
        l = Length()
        ol = len(self._data)
        if ol > 0:
        self._p_changed = True
        return l

    def __len__(self):
        return self.__len()

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        # make sure our lazy property gets set
        l = self.__len
        self._data[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        # make sure our lazy property gets set
        l = self.__len
        del self._data[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._data)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """See interface `IReadContainer`.
        return self._data[key]

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        """See interface `IReadContainer`.
        return self._data.get(key, default)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        """See interface `IReadContainer`.
        return key in self._data

    has_key = __contains__

    def items(self, key=None):
        return self._data.items(key)

    def keys(self, key=None):
        return self._data.keys(key)

    def values(self, key=None):
        return self._data.values(key)
コード例 #21
ファイル: WorkflowRepository.py プロジェクト: goschtl/zope
class WorkflowRepository (SimpleItemWithProperties):
    """An object where a workflow tool stores object status.
    meta_type = 'Workflow Repository'

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    manage_options = (
        {'label': 'Info', 'action': 'manage_main'},
        ) + SimpleItemWithProperties.manage_options

    manage_main = PageTemplateFile('workflowRepositoryInfo', _www)

    _properties = ()

    def __init__(self, id):
        self.id = id
        self._histories = OOBTree()

    def getHistory(self, id):
        return self._histories.get(id)

    def setHistory(self, id, h):
        self._histories[id] = h

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'countHistories')
    def countHistories(self):
        return len(self._histories)
コード例 #22
ファイル: indexes.py プロジェクト: ferhatelmas/indico
class BookingManagerConferenceIndex(Persistent):

    def __init__(self):
        self._tree = OOBTree()
        self._name =  "bookingManagerByConf"

    def initialize(self, dbi=None):

    def getName(self):
        return self._name

    def index(self, conf, csbm):
        if not self._tree.has_key(conf):
            self._tree[conf] = csbm
            self._tree._p_changed = 1

    def unindex(self, conf):
        del self._tree[conf]
        self._tree._p_changed = 1

    def get(self, conf):
        return self._tree.get(conf,None)

    def dump(self):
        return [(k, s) for k, s in self._tree.iteritems()]
コード例 #23
class ShadowStorage(Persistent):
    """Container for Shadow Histories

    Only cares about containerish operations.
    def __init__(self):
        # Using an OOBtree to allow history ids of any type. The type
        # of the history ids highly depends on the unique id tool which
        # isn't under our control.
        self._storage = OOBTree()

    def isRegistered(self, history_id):
        """Returns True if a History With the Given History id Exists
        if history_id is None:
            return False
        return history_id in self._storage

    def getHistory(self, history_id, autoAdd=False):
        """Returns the History Object of the Given ``history_id``.

        Returns None if ``autoAdd`` is False and the history
        does not exist. Else prepares and returns an empty history.
        if history_id is None:
            return None
        # Create a new history if there isn't one yet
        if autoAdd and not self.isRegistered(history_id):
            self._storage[history_id] = ShadowHistory()
        return self._storage.get(history_id, None)
コード例 #24
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: ecreall/nova-ideo
class Emojiable(Entity):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Emojiable, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.emojis = OOBTree()
        self.users_emoji = OOBTree()

    def add_emoji(self, emoji, user):
        user_oid = get_oid(user)
        current_emoji = self.get_user_emoji(user)
        if current_emoji:
            self.remove_emoji(current_emoji, user)
        if emoji:
            self.emojis.setdefault(emoji, PersistentList())
            self.users_emoji[user_oid] = emoji

    def remove_emoji(self, emoji, user):
        user_oid = get_oid(user)
        if emoji in self.emojis and \
           user_oid in self.emojis[emoji]:

    def get_user_emoji(self, user):
        user_oid = get_oid(user)
        return self.users_emoji.get(user_oid, None)

    def can_add_reaction(self, user, process):
        return False
コード例 #25
class RuleSet(Content):
    type_title = _("Ruleset")
    _referenced_questions = frozenset()
    choice_scores = None
    nav_visible = False

    def referenced_questions(self):
        return self._referenced_questions
    def referenced_questions(self, value):
        self._referenced_questions = frozenset(value)

    def __init__(self, **kw):
        super(RuleSet, self).__init__(**kw)
        self.choice_scores = OOBTree()

    def set_choice_score(self, question, choice, score):
        q_cluster = _question_by_type_or_id(question)
        c_cluster = _choice_by_type_or_id(choice)
        assert isinstance(score, int)
        choices = self.choice_scores.setdefault(q_cluster, OIBTree())
        choices[c_cluster] = score

    def get_choice_score(self, question, choice, default = None):
        q_cluster = _question_by_type_or_id(question)
        c_cluster = _choice_by_type_or_id(choice)
        return self.choice_scores.get(q_cluster, {}).get(c_cluster, default)
コード例 #26
ファイル: indexes.py プロジェクト: pferreir/indico-backup
class BookingManagerConferenceIndex(Persistent):
    def __init__(self):
        self._tree = OOBTree()
        self._name = "bookingManagerByConf"

    def initialize(self, dbi=None):
        for i, conf in enumerate(ConferenceHolder()._getIdx().itervalues()):
            # Store CSBookingManager in the index
            csbm = getattr(conf, "_CSBookingManager", None)
            if csbm is None:
                csbm = CSBookingManager(conf)
            self.index(conf.getId(), csbm)
            if dbi and i % 1000 == 999:
        if dbi:

    def getName(self):
        return self._name

    def index(self, conf, csbm):
        if not self._tree.has_key(conf):
            self._tree[conf] = csbm
            self._tree._p_changed = 1

    def unindex(self, conf):
        del self._tree[conf]
        self._tree._p_changed = 1

    def get(self, conf):
        return self._tree.get(conf, None)

    def dump(self):
        return [(k, s) for k, s in self._tree.iteritems()]
コード例 #27
ファイル: subscribe.py プロジェクト: sm2x/castle.cms
class SubscriptionStorage(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.site = api.portal.get()
            self._data = self.site._subscribers
        except AttributeError:
            self._data = OOBTree()
            self.site._subscribers = self._data

    def add(self, email, data=None):
        email = email.lower()
        if data is None:
            data = {}
            'created': time(),
            'code': make_random_key(100),
            'confirmed': False,
            'phone_number_confirmed': False,
            'email': email
        self._data[email] = PersistentMapping(data)
        return data

    def remove(self, email):
        if email.lower() in self._data:
            del self._data[email.lower()]

    def get(self, email):
        return self._data.get(email.lower())
コード例 #28
ファイル: pwdreset.py プロジェクト: ilshad/tackle
class PasswordResetUtility(Persistent, Contained):

    def __init__(self):
        self.requests = OOBTree()

    def request(self, login, req):
        auth = getUtility(IAuthentication)
        pf = auth[u'principalfolder']
        if login in pf:
            principal_id = pf.prefix + login
            code = random_string(30)
            data = OOBucket({'id':principal_id, 'time':time.time()})
            self.requests[code] = data
            notify(PasswordResetRequest(principal_id, login, code, req))
            raise KeyError

    def reset(self, login, code, password):
        auth = getUtility(IAuthentication)
        pf = auth[u'principalfolder']
        if login in pf:
            principal_id = pf.prefix + login
            data = self.requests.get(code)
            if data and data['id'] == principal_id:
                ip = internal_principal(principal_id)
                ip.setPassword(password, "SSHA")
                notify(PasswordResetEvent(principal_id, password))
コード例 #29
class WorkflowRepository(SimpleItemWithProperties):
    """An object where a workflow tool stores object status.
    meta_type = 'Workflow Repository'

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

    manage_options = ({
        'label': 'Info',
        'action': 'manage_main'
    }, ) + SimpleItemWithProperties.manage_options

    manage_main = PageTemplateFile('workflowRepositoryInfo', _www)

    _properties = ()

    def __init__(self, id=None):
        if id is not None:
        self._histories = OOBTree()


    def getHistory(self, id):
        return self._histories.get(id)


    def setHistory(self, id, h):
        self._histories[id] = h

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'countHistories')

    def countHistories(self):
        return len(self._histories)
コード例 #30
class Emojiable(Entity):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Emojiable, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.emojis = OOBTree()
        self.users_emoji = OOBTree()

    def add_emoji(self, emoji, user):
        user_oid = get_oid(user)
        current_emoji = self.get_user_emoji(user)
        if current_emoji:
            self.remove_emoji(current_emoji, user)

        if emoji:
            self.emojis.setdefault(emoji, PersistentList())
            self.users_emoji[user_oid] = emoji

    def remove_emoji(self, emoji, user):
        user_oid = get_oid(user)
        if emoji in self.emojis and \
           user_oid in self.emojis[emoji]:

    def get_user_emoji(self, user):
        user_oid = get_oid(user)
        return self.users_emoji.get(user_oid, None)

    def can_add_reaction(self, user, process):
        return False
コード例 #31
def get_words_by_joker(doc_index: OOBTree, gram_index: OOBTree,
                       query: str) -> Set[str]:
    query: str = query.replace('*', '')
    words: Set[str] = set()

    # If a pattern consists of more than 3 letters
    # (this includes letters + symbols which represent
    # beginning and the end of a word) we make three grams
    # from it and search for them.
    if len(query) > 3:
        queries: List[str] = [query[i:i + 3] for i in range(len(query) - 2)]
        words = set(gram_index.get(queries.pop(0), []))

        for item in queries:
            words = words.intersection(set(gram_index.get(item, [])))
    # If a pattern consists of just three letters
    # we search for it in the three gram index
    elif len(query) == 3:
        words: Set[str] = set(gram_index.get(query, []))
    # If a pattern consists of two words
    # (letter + symbols which represent beginning
    # and the end of a word) we search for all grams
    # in the three gram index which begin or end with
    # this word.
    elif len(query) == 2:
              f'WARNING: One letter query with a joker'
              f' may process longer than queries '
              f'which have more letters.'

        for key in gram_index:
            if query in key:
                words.update(gram_index.get(key, []))
        return set()

    if query.index('^') == 0:
        words = set(
            filter(lambda x: x.startswith(query.replace('^', '')), words))
        words = set(filter(lambda x: x.endswith(query.replace('^', '')),

    return words
コード例 #32
class ContentTemplate(Folder):
    title = None
    description = None
    fields = None
    def __init__(self):
        self._storage = OOBTree()
        super(ContentTemplate, self).__init__()

    def get_title(self):
        return self._storage.get('title', '')
    def set_title(self, value):
        self._storage['title'] = value
    title = property(get_title, set_title)

    def get_description(self):
        return self._storage.get('description', '')
    def set_description(self, value):
        self._storage['description'] = value
    description = property(get_description, set_description)
    def get_fields(self):
        return self._storage.get('fields', ())
    def set_fields(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, tuple):
            value = tuple(value)
        self._storage['fields'] = value
    fields = property(get_fields, set_fields)

    def get_schema(self, context, request, **kw):
        schema = colander.Schema()  #gets the current schema
        for fieldname in self.order:
            schema.add(self[fieldname].get_node(context, request, **kw))    #adds field subnode to the current schema
        schema.bind(context = context, request = request, **kw)
        return schema

    def member_data_factory(self, values):
        #XXX This is an example
        #FIXME: Add factories later on
        from openmember.models.member_data import MemberData
        #FIXME: Soft validation goes here, i.e check if data contains errors or problems, but don't die on errors
        #Check that fields actually exist
        for k in values:
            if k not in self:
                raise KeyError("There's no field with name '%s' in %s" % (k, self))
        return MemberData(values)
コード例 #33
 def btree(self, name):
     d = OOBTree()
     col = self.namemap[name]
     for i in range(len(self)):
         L = d.get(col[i], [])
         d[col[i]] = L
     self.indexes[name] = d
コード例 #34
    def group(self, seq):
        sortIndex = self._sortIndex
        sortReverse = self._sortReverse
        ns = len(seq)
        ni = len(sortIndex)
        if ns >= 0.1 * ni:
            # result large compared to index -- sort via index
            handled = IISet()
            hn = 0
            _load = getattr(sortIndex, '_load', None)
            if _load is None:
                # not an optimized index
                items = sortIndex.items()

                _load = lambda (x1, x2): x2
                if sortReverse: items.reverse()
            elif sortReverse:
                gRO = getattr(sortIndex, 'getReverseOrder', None)
                items = gRO and gRO()
                if items is None:
                    items = list(sortIndex._index.keys())
                items = sortIndex._index.keys()
            for i in items:
                ids = intersection(seq, _load(i))
                if ids:
                    hn += len(ids)
                    yield i, ids
            if hn != len(seq): yield None, difference(seq, handled)
            # result relatively small -- sort via result
            m = OOBTree()
            keyFor = getattr(sortIndex, 'keyForDocument', None)
            # work around "nogopip" bug: it defines "keyForDocument" as an integer
            if not callable(keyFor):
                # this will fail, when the index neither defines a reasonable
                # "keyForDocument" nor "documentToKeyMap". In this case,
                # the index cannot be used for sorting.
                keyFor = lambda doc, map=sortIndex.documentToKeyMap(): map[doc]
            noValue = IITreeSet()
            for doc in seq.keys():
                    k = keyFor(doc)
                except KeyError:
                l = m.get(k)
                if l is None: l = m[k] = IITreeSet()
            items = m.items()
            if sortReverse:
                items = list(items)
            for i in items:
                yield i
            if noValue: yield None, noValue
コード例 #35
class MembershipTerm(Folder):

    def __init__(self):
        self._storage = OOBTree()
        super(MembershipTerm, self).__init__()

    def get_start_date(self):
        return self._storage.get('start_date', '')
    def set_start_date(self, value):
        self._storage['start_date'] = value
    start_date = property(get_start_date, set_start_date)

    def get_end_date(self):
        return self._storage.get('end_date', '')
    def set_end_date(self, value):
        self._storage['end_date'] = value
    end_date = property(get_end_date, set_end_date)
コード例 #36
ファイル: storage.py プロジェクト: syslabcom/slc.mailrouter
class FriendlyNameStorage(Persistent):

    def __init__(self):
        self._forward = OOBTree()  # name -> uid
        self._reverse = OOBTree()  # uid -> name

    def add(self, uid, name):
        """ Map name -> uid. """
        store_name = name.lower()
        if store_name in self._forward:
            raise ValueError("%s already mapped" % name)
        if uid in self._reverse:
            raise ValueError("%s already has a friendly name" % uid)
        self._forward[store_name] = uid
        self._reverse[uid] = store_name

    def remove(self, uid):
        """ Remove mapping. This will be called when a folder is deleted,
            therefore we use the uid. """
        marker = object()
        name = self._reverse.get(uid, marker)
        if name is not marker:
            except KeyError:
                # If it isn't there, good, that is the outcome we wanted,
                # right?

    def get(self, name, _marker=None):
        """ Look up name, map uid to an object and return it. """
        return self._forward.get(name.lower(), _marker)

    def lookup(self, uid, _marker=None):
        """ Look up uid, return name. """
        return self._reverse.get(uid, _marker)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self._forward.items()[key]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._forward)
コード例 #37
class IX_IndexHandle:
    def __init__(self, fileName, indexNo):
        self.filename = fileName + '.' + str(indexNo)
        self.indexNo = indexNo
        self.fileName = fileName
        with open(self.filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            tree_dict = json.load(f)

            keys = list(map(int, tree_dict.keys()))
            values = list(tree_dict.values())
            new_tree_dict = dict(zip(keys, values))
            self.tree = Tree()


    def __del__(self):

    def InsertEntry(self, record, rid):
        key = record[self.indexNo]
        l = self.tree.get(key)
        pageNum = rid.getPageNum()
        slotNum = rid.getSlotNum()
        if l:
            l.append((pageNum, slotNum))
            self.tree[key] = [(pageNum, slotNum)]

    def DeleteEntry(self, record, rid):
        key = record[self.indexNo]
        l = self.tree.get(key)
        pageNum = rid.getPageNum()
        slotNum = rid.getSlotNum()
        if l:
            l.remove((pageNum, slotNum))
            return False

    def ForcePages(self):
        with open(self.filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:

            tree_dict = dict(self.tree.items())
            json.dump(tree_dict, f)
コード例 #38
class FriendlyNameStorage(Persistent):

    def __init__(self):
        self._forward = OOBTree()  # name -> uid
        self._reverse = OOBTree()  # uid -> name

    def add(self, uid, name):
        """ Map name -> uid. """
        store_name = name.lower()
        if store_name in self._forward:
            raise ValueError("%s already mapped" % name)
        if uid in self._reverse:
            raise ValueError("%s already has a friendly name" % uid)
        self._forward[store_name] = uid
        self._reverse[uid] = store_name

    def remove(self, uid):
        """ Remove mapping. This will be called when a folder is deleted,
            therefore we use the uid. """
        marker = object()
        name = self._reverse.get(uid, marker)
        if name is not marker:
            del (self._reverse[uid])
                del (self._forward[name])
            except KeyError:
                # If it isn't there, good, that is the outcome we wanted,
                # right?

    def get(self, name, _marker=None):
        """ Look up name, map uid to an object and return it. """
        return self._forward.get(name.lower(), _marker)

    def lookup(self, uid, _marker=None):
        """ Look up uid, return name. """
        return self._reverse.get(uid, _marker)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self._forward.items()[key]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._forward)
コード例 #39
ファイル: wiki.py プロジェクト: Zojax/zojax.wiki_
class BaseWiki(ContentContainer):
    interface.implements(IWiki, IWikiContents)

    maxOldLines = FieldProperty(IWiki['maxOldLines'])
    maxNewLines = FieldProperty(IWiki['maxNewLines'])

    parents = {}
    links = {}
    backlinks = {}

    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        super(BaseWiki, self).__init__(*args, **kw)

        self.links = OOBTree()
        self.backlinks = OOBTree()

    def relink(self, page, links):
        for link in self.links.get(page, ()):
            oldlinks = self.backlinks[link]
            if not oldlinks:
                del self.backlinks[link]

        self.links[page] = OOTreeSet(links)

        for link in links:
            data = self.backlinks.get(link)
            if data is None:
                data = OOTreeSet()
                self.backlinks[link] = data

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        # remove backlinks
        if key in self.links:
            for link in self.links[key]:
                oldlinks = self.backlinks[link]
                if not oldlinks:
                    del self.backlinks[link]
            del self.links[key]

        super(BaseWiki, self).__delitem__(key)
コード例 #40
ファイル: catalog.py プロジェクト: achouhans/schooltool-2.8.5
class SharedIndex(Persistent, Contained):

    def __init__(self):
        self.uids = OOBTree()
        self.data = OOBTree()

    def get(self, docid, key):
        uid = self.uids.get(docid)
        if uid is None:
            return None
        return self.data.get((uid, key))

    def __contains__(self, docid_key):
        docid, key = docid_key
        if docid not in self.uids:
            return False
        return (self.uids[docid], key) in self.data

    def index_doc(self, docid, link):
        self.uids[docid] = get_link_shared_uid(link)
        for key, value in link.shared.items():
            self.data[self.uids[docid], key] = value

    def unindex_doc(self, docid):
        if docid not in self.uids:
        unindex_uid = self.uids[docid]
        tounindex = set()
        for uid, key in self.data:
            if uid == unindex_uid:
                tounindex.add((uid, key))
        for idx in tounindex:
            del self.data[idx]

    def clear(self):

    def apply(query):
        raise NotImplemented('querying this index is not supported')
コード例 #41
ファイル: catalog.py プロジェクト: l1ph0x/schooltool-2
class SharedIndex(Persistent, Contained):

    def __init__(self):
        self.uids = OOBTree()
        self.data = OOBTree()

    def get(self, docid, key):
        uid = self.uids.get(docid)
        if uid is None:
            return None
        return self.data.get((uid, key))

    def __contains__(self, docid_key):
        docid, key = docid_key
        if docid not in self.uids:
            return False
        return (self.uids[docid], key) in self.data

    def index_doc(self, docid, link):
        self.uids[docid] = get_link_shared_uid(link)
        for key, value in link.shared.items():
            self.data[self.uids[docid], key] = value

    def unindex_doc(self, docid):
        if docid not in self.uids:
        unindex_uid = self.uids[docid]
        tounindex = set()
        for uid, key in self.data:
            if uid == unindex_uid:
                tounindex.add((uid, key))
        for idx in tounindex:
            del self.data[idx]

    def clear(self):

    def apply(query):
        raise NotImplemented('querying this index is not supported')
コード例 #42
class UsedPasswordStorage(Persistent):
    """A local utility for storing a list of previously used passwords.


    def __init__(self):
        self._user_passwords = OOBTree()

    def isPasswordUsed(self, login, password, history_size=0):
        """Query password store to see if password has been previously used.
        for hash in self.getPasswordsForUser(login, history_size):
            if AuthEncoding.pw_validate(hash, password):
                log.info("Password '%s' for user '%s' not valid (already used)" % (password, login))
                return True
        log.info("Password '%s' for user '%s' valid" % (password, login))
        return False

    def getPasswordsForUser(self, login, history_size=0):
        """Return a list of previously used paswords for a user.
        hashes = self._user_passwords.get(login, [])[-history_size:]
        return hashes

    def setPasswordForUser(self, login, password):
        """Add password to the list of previously used passwords for a user.
        hashes = self._user_passwords.get(login, [])
        hash = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
        self._user_passwords[login] = hashes
        log.info("Password '%s' for user '%s' stored" % (password, login))

    def clearPasswordsForUser(self, login):
        """Remove stored passwords for a user.
        del self._user_passwords[login]

    def clearAllPasswords(self):
        """Remove stored passwords for all users.
コード例 #43
ファイル: LinkManager.py プロジェクト: zenoss/zenoss-prodbin
 def add_device_network(self, device_id, network_id):
     device_id = Device.getId()
     network_id = IpNetwork.getPrimaryUrlPath()
     device_dict = self.cache.get(device_id)
     if device_dict is None:
         device_dict = OOBTree()
         self.cache[device_id] = device_dict
     network_value = device_dict.get(network_id, 0) + 1
     device_dict[network_id] = network_value
コード例 #44
ファイル: LinkManager.py プロジェクト: zenoss/zenoss-prodbin
 def add_device_network(self, device_id, network_id):
     device_id = Device.getId()
     network_id = IpNetwork.getPrimaryUrlPath()
     device_dict = self.cache.get(device_id)
     if device_dict is None:
         device_dict = OOBTree()
         self.cache[device_id] = device_dict
     network_value = device_dict.get(network_id, 0) + 1
     device_dict[network_id] = network_value
コード例 #45
class CacheStore(Persistent):
    basic persistent cache object
    see cache.txt
    def __init__(self, id_):
        self.id = id_
        self._cache = OOBTree()

    def __repr__(self):
        name = self.__class__.__name__
        name = "%s '%s'" %(name, self.id)
        return "%s %s :: %s" %(name, self.field, [x for x in self._cache.items()])

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        return self._cache.get(key, default)

    def set(self, key, value):
        self._cache[key] = value

    def getCache(self, key):
        subcache = self.field.get(key, _marker)
        if subcache is _marker:
            cache = Cache(parent=self, id_=self.id)
            self.field[key] = cache
            subcache = self.field[key]
        return subcache
    def remove(self, key):
        val = self._cache.get(key)
        if val:
            del self._cache[key]
            for name, fcache in self.field.items():
                for slug, uid in fcache.items():
                    if uid==key:
                        del fcache[slug]
コード例 #46
class CacheStore(Persistent):
    basic persistent cache object

    see cache.txt
    def __init__(self, id_):
        self.id = id_
        self._cache = OOBTree()

    def __repr__(self):
        name = self.__class__.__name__
        name = "%s '%s'" %(name, self.id)
        return "%s %s :: %s" %(name, self.field, [x for x in self._cache.items()])

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        return self._cache.get(key, default)

    def set(self, key, value):
        self._cache[key] = value

    def getCache(self, key):
        subcache = self.field.get(key, _marker)
        if subcache is _marker:
            cache = Cache(parent=self, id_=self.id)
            self.field[key] = cache
            subcache = self.field[key]
        return subcache

    def remove(self, key):
        val = self._cache.get(key)
        if val:
            del self._cache[key]
            for name, fcache in self.field.items():
                for slug, uid in fcache.items():
                    if uid==key:
                        del fcache[slug]
コード例 #47
ファイル: manager.py プロジェクト: Zojax/zojax.portlet
    def getPortletData(self, name):
        data = self.__data__.get('__portlets_data__')
        if data is None:
            data = OOBTree()
            self.__data__['__portlets_data__'] = data

        pdata = data.get(name)
        if pdata is None:
            pdata = OOBTree()
            data[name] = pdata

        return pdata
コード例 #48
class BlobReferencesManager(Persistent, Contained):
    """Global blobs references manager utility

    The utility is used to keep all references of persistent files objects to
    their blobs; typically, when duplicating contents, we just increase blobs references instead
    of duplicating all their internal files contents, until they are modified.

    References management is done automatically when using file-related properties, like
    :py:class:`FileProperty <pyams_file.property.FileProperty>` or :py:class:`I18nFileProperty
    def __init__(self):
        self.refs = OOBTree()

    def add_reference(self, blob, reference):
        """Add reference to given blob"""
        oid = getattr(blob, '_p_oid')
        if not oid:
            getattr(reference, '_p_jar').add(blob)
            oid = getattr(blob, '_p_oid')
        oid = oid_repr(oid)
        refs = self.refs.get(oid) or set()
        self.refs[oid] = refs

    def drop_reference(self, blob, reference):
        """Remove reference from given blob"""
        oid = oid_repr(getattr(blob, '_p_oid'))
        refs = self.refs.get(oid)
        if refs is not None:
            if reference in refs:
            if refs:
                self.refs[oid] = refs
                del self.refs[oid]
                del blob
            del blob
コード例 #49
ファイル: configlet.py プロジェクト: fafhrd91/memphis-dev
    def __data__(self):
        site = getSite()
        data = getattr(site.aq_base, '__cp_data__', None)
        if data is None:
            data = OOBTree()
            site.__cp_data__ = data
        cdata = data.get(self.__id__)
        if cdata is None:
            cdata = OOBTree()
            data[self.__id__] = cdata

        return cdata
コード例 #50
ファイル: consumer.py プロジェクト: PMR2/pmr2.oauth
class ConsumerManager(Persistent, Contained):
    A very basic consumer manager for the default layer.

    This manager only capture the very basics, and does not really
    allow users to add their own consumers and have them approved in 
    a way that is more integrated into the Plone (or other) CMS.

    zope.component.adapts(IAttributeAnnotatable, zope.interface.Interface)

    __dummy_key = fieldproperty.FieldProperty(IConsumer['key'])
    __dummy_secret = fieldproperty.FieldProperty(IConsumer['secret'])

    def DUMMY_KEY(self):
        return self.__dummy_key

    def DUMMY_SECRET(self):
        return self.__dummy_secret
    def __init__(self):
        self.__dummy_key = random_string(24)
        self.__dummy_secret = random_string(24)
        self._consumers = OOBTree()

    def add(self, consumer):
        assert IConsumer.providedBy(consumer)
        if self.get(consumer.key):
            raise ValueError('consumer %s already exists', consumer.key)
        self._consumers[consumer.key] = consumer

    def get(self, consumer_key, default=None):
        return self._consumers.get(consumer_key, default)

    def getValidated(self, consumer_key, default=None):
        # Provision for further checks by alternative implementations.
        return self.get(consumer_key, default)

    def getAllKeys(self):
        return self._consumers.keys()

    def makeDummy(self):
        return Consumer(str(self.DUMMY_KEY), str(self.DUMMY_SECRET))

    def remove(self, consumer):
        if IConsumer.providedBy(consumer):
            consumer = consumer.key
コード例 #51
def get_all_words(tree: OOBTree,
                  words: List[str] = None,
                  word: str = '') -> List[str]:
    if words is None:
        words = []

    for key in tree.keys():
        if key == '^':
            words.append(word + key)
            get_all_words(tree.get(key), words, word + key)

    return words
コード例 #52
class Session(Implicit, Persistent, RoleManager, Item):
    def __init__(self, sessionId):
        self._sessionId = sessionId
        self._questionId = OOBTree()
        self._answer = OOBTree()
        self._nav = OOBTree()
        self._context = OOBTree()
        self._loginStatus = OOBTree()
        self._page = OOBTree()
        self._query = OOBTree()
        self._qstPage = OOTreeSet()

    def addAnswer(self, questionId, answer, nav, time, context, loginStatus,
                  page, query):
        if not self._questionId.has_key(time):
            self._questionId[time] = questionId
            self._answer[time] = answer
            self._nav[time] = nav
            self._context[time] = context
            self._loginStatus[time] = loginStatus
            self._page[time] = page
            self._query[time] = query
            self._qstPage.insert(str(questionId) + str(page))
            return True
        return False

    def getTotFeedback(self):
        return len(self._questionId)

    #note: isAnswered(questionId, sessionId=sessionId, page=url)
    def isAnswered(self, questionId, **kwargs):
        if 'page' in kwargs:
            qstPage = str(questionId) + str(kwargs['page'])
            return True if self._qstPage.has_key(qstPage) else False
            return True if questionId in self._questionId.values() else False

    def getAnswerList(self):
        answers = []
        for time in self._questionId.keys():
            tmp = [
                self._sessionId, time,
        return answers
コード例 #53
    def create_index(self, index_data_type, metadata):

        # get the index of parameters in metadata
        require_index = GeneralFunction.get_index_of_metadata(self.metadata, [metadata])
        # create index based on hash or btree
        if index_data_type == 'hash':
            new_dic = {}
            new_dic = OOBTree()

        for key in self.main_table:
            new_key = self.main_table[key].value[require_index[0]]
            if new_dic.get(new_key):
                new_dic[new_key] = [key]

        self.index[metadata] = new_dic
コード例 #54
ファイル: registration.py プロジェクト: rnunez80/castle.cms
class RegistrationStorage(object):

    attr_name = '_registration_confirmations'

    def __init__(self, context):
        self.context = context
            self._data = getattr(context, self.attr_name)
        except AttributeError:
            self._data = OOBTree()
            setattr(context, self.attr_name, self._data)

    def add(self, email, data=None):
        email = email.lower()
        if data is None:
            data = {}
            'created': time(),
            'code': make_random_key(100)
        self._data[email] = data
        return data

    def remove(self, email):
        if email.lower() in self._data:
            del self._data[email.lower()]

    def get(self, email):
        return self._data.get(email.lower())

    def clean(self):
        now = time()
        delete = []
        for email, item in self._data.items():
            if not item:
            created = item['created']
            # delete all older than 1 hour
            if int((now - created) / 60 / 60) > 1:
        for code in delete:
            del self._data[code]
コード例 #55
def search_with_joker(doc_index: OOBTree, gram_index: OOBTree,
                      query: str) -> Set[str]:
    jokers: List[str] = re.findall(r'\*', query)
    docs: Set[str] = set()
    words: Set[str] = set()

    if len(jokers) == 1:
        index: int = query.index('*')

        if index == 0:
            words = get_words_by_joker(doc_index, gram_index, f'{query}^')

        elif index == len(query) - 1:
            words = get_words_by_joker(doc_index, gram_index, f'^{query}')
            split_query = query.split('*')

            a: Set[str] = get_words_by_joker(doc_index, gram_index,
            b: Set[str] = get_words_by_joker(doc_index, gram_index,

            words = a.intersection(b)
    elif len(jokers) == 2:
        split_query = query.split('*')

        a: Set[str] = get_words_by_joker(doc_index, gram_index,
        b: Set[str] = get_words_by_joker(doc_index, gram_index,

        words = a.intersection(b)

        words = set(
            filter(lambda x: True if split_query[1] in x else False, words))
              f'ERROR: Queries with three jokers are not supported.'

    for word in words:
        docs.update(doc_index.get(normalize(word), []))

    return docs
コード例 #56
class DomainAuthHelper(BasePlugin):
    """ Domain Authentication plugin for the PluggableAuthService """
    security = ClassSecurityInfo()
    meta_type = 'Domain Authentication Plugin'

    security.declareProtected(manage_users, 'manage_map')
    manage_map = PageTemplateFile('www/daMatches', globals())

    security.declareProtected(manage_users, 'manage_genericmap')
    manage_genericmap = PageTemplateFile('www/daGeneric', globals())

    manage_options = (
        BasePlugin.manage_options[:1] + (
                'label': 'User Map',
                'action': 'manage_map'
                # , 'help'   : ( 'PluggableAuthService'
                #              ,'matches.stx')
                'label': 'Generic Map',
                'action': 'manage_genericmap'
            }) + BasePlugin.manage_options[1:])

    def __init__(self, id, title=''):
        """ Initialize a new instance """
        self.id = id
        self.title = title
        self._domain_map = OOBTree()


    def extractCredentials(self, request):
        """ Extract credentials from 'request'.
        creds = {}

        remote_host = request.get('REMOTE_HOST', '')
        if remote_host:
            creds['remote_host'] = request.get('REMOTE_HOST', '')

            remote_address = request.getClientAddr()
        except AttributeError:
            remote_address = request.get('REMOTE_ADDR', '')

        if remote_host or remote_address:
            creds['remote_host'] = remote_host
            creds['remote_address'] = remote_address

        return creds


    def authenticateCredentials(self, credentials):
        """ Fulfill AuthenticationPlugin requirements """
        login = credentials.get('login', '')
        r_host = credentials.get('remote_host', '')
        r_address = credentials.get('remote_address', '')
        matches = self._findMatches(login, r_host, r_address)

        if len(matches) > 0:
            if login:
                return (login, login)
                best_match = matches[0]
                u_name = best_match.get('username', 'remote')
                return (best_match.get('user_id', u_name), u_name)

        return (None, None)


    def getRolesForPrincipal(self, user, request=None):
        """ Fulfill RolesPlugin requirements """
        roles = []

        if request is None:
            # Without request there is no way I can do anything...
            return tuple(roles)

        uname = user.getUserName()

        if uname.find('Remote User') != -1:
            uname = ''

        matches = self._findMatches(uname, request.get('REMOTE_HOST', ''),

        # We want to grab the first match because it is the most specific
        if len(matches) > 0:
            roles = matches[0].get('roles', [])

        return tuple(roles)


    def _findMatches(self, login, r_host='', r_address=''):
        """ Find the match """
        matches = []

        if not r_host and not r_address:
            return tuple(matches)

        all_info = list(self._domain_map.get(login, []))
        all_info.extend(self._domain_map.get('', []))

        if not r_host:
                r_host = socket.gethostbyaddr(r_address)[0]
            except socket.error:

        if not r_address:
                r_address = socket.gethostbyname(r_host)
            except socket.error:

        if not r_host and not r_address:
            return tuple(matches)

        candidates = [r_host, r_address]

        for match_info in all_info:
            m = []
            m_type = match_info['match_type']
            m_string = match_info['match_string']
            filter = match_info.get('match_filter')

            if filter is None:  # legacy data
                filter = _MATCH_TYPE_FILTERS[m_type](m_string)

            matches.extend([match_info for x in candidates if filter(x)])

        return tuple(matches)

    security.declareProtected(manage_users, 'listMatchTypes')

    def listMatchTypes(self):
        """ Return a sequence of possible match types """
        return _MATCH_TYPE_FILTERS.keys()

    security.declareProtected(manage_users, 'listMappingsForUser')

    def listMappingsForUser(self, user_id=''):
        """ List the mappings for a specific user """
        result = []
        record = self._domain_map.get(user_id, [])

        for match_info in record:
                'match_type': match_info['match_type'],
                'match_string': match_info['match_string'],
                'match_id': match_info['match_id'],
                'roles': match_info['roles'],
                'username': match_info['username']

        return result

    security.declareProtected(manage_users, 'manage_addMapping')

    def manage_addMapping(self,
        """ Add a mapping for a user """
        msg = ''

            filter = _MATCH_TYPE_FILTERS[match_type](match_string)
        except KeyError:
            msg = 'Unknown match type %s' % match_type
        except re.error:
            msg = 'Invalid regular expression %s' % match_string
        except ValueError, e:
            msg = 'Invalid match string %s (%s)' % (match_string, e)

        if not match_string:
            msg = 'No match string specified'

        if msg:
            if REQUEST is not None:
                return self.manage_map(manage_tabs_message=msg)

            raise ValueError, msg

        record = self._domain_map.get(user_id, [])

        match = {
            'match_type': match_type,
            'match_string': match_string,
            'match_filter': filter,
            'match_id': '%s_%s' % (user_id, str(time.time())),
            'username': user_id or username or 'Remote User',
            'roles': roles

        if match not in record:
            msg = 'Match already exists'

        self._domain_map[user_id] = record

        if REQUEST is not None:
            msg = msg or 'Match added.'
            if user_id:
                return self.manage_map(manage_tabs_message=msg)
                return self.manage_genericmap(manage_tabs_message=msg)
コード例 #57
ファイル: issue.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/CompoundDoc
class Issue(ListText):
    "this object represents a single votable Issue"

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()
    meta_type = "Issue"
    storage = None
    votes = None
    description = ''
    addType = 'IssueChoice'
    selectionType = "radio"
    selectionLimit = 1
    selectionLimitMin = 0
    format = '<div>%s</div>'
    MustSelectOne = '<strong>At least one choice must be made.</strong>'
    TooManyItems = '<strong>Too many items where selected.</strong>'
    NotEnoughItems = '<strong>Not Enough items where selected.</strong>'
    BadItemSelected = '''<strong>An item was selected that does not exist.
    You should never see this message please email the webmaster.</strong>'''
    voteText = '''%(error)s<div class="issue"><div class="issueDescription">%(description)s</div>
      <div class="issueChoices">%(issues)s</div></div>
    alreadyVotedText = '<p>You have already voted</p>'
    noVotingAllowed = '<p>Voting is not currently allowed</p>'
    thankYouText = '<p>Thank you for voting</p>'
    deleteButtonText = 'Delete Issue Choice'
    addButtonText = 'Add Issue Choice'

    selectionAllowedTypes = (('radio', 'Single Selection'),
                             ('checkbox', 'Multiple Selection'))

    classConfig = {}
    classConfig['selectionLimit'] = {
        'If you have selected multiple selection mode how many choices can people make (MAX)?',
        'type': 'int'
    classConfig['selectionLimitMin'] = {
        'If you have selected multiple selection mode how many choices do people have to make? (MIN)',
        'type': 'int'
    classConfig['selectionType'] = {
        'name': 'Allowed Selections',
        'type': 'list',
        'values': selectionAllowedTypes
    classConfig['description'] = {'name': 'Issue Description', 'type': 'text'}

    drawDict = ListText.drawDict.copy()
    drawDict['vote'] = 'drawVote'
    drawDict['voteChecked'] = 'drawVoteChecked'
    drawDict['report'] = 'drawReport'

    security.declareProtected('View management screens', 'edit')

    def edit(self, *args, **kw):
        "Inline edit view"
        temp = self.editSingleConfig('description')
        temp += self.editSingleConfig('selectionType')
        temp += self.editSingleConfig('selectionLimit')
        temp += self.editSingleConfig('selectionLimitMin')
        return temp + ListText.edit(self)

    security.declareProtected('CompoundDoc: Voting', 'alternate_security_edit')

    def alternate_security_edit(self, dict):
        "save the voting information if it is okay to do so"
        choices = None
        if 'choices' in dict:
            choices = dict.get('choices').values()
            del dict['choices']
        if choices:
            choices = [choice for choice in choices if choice]
            uid = self.getUID()
            if self.isOkayToVote(uid):
                self.vote(uid, choices)

    security.declareProtected('CompoundDoc: Voting', 'drawVote')

    def drawVote(self):
        "draw the voting interface"
        return self.drawVoteChecked()[1]

    security.declareProtected('CompoundDoc: Voting', 'drawVoteChecked')

    def drawVoteChecked(self):
        "draw the voting interface"
        structure = self.voteStructure()
        structure['error'], messageType = self.drawError()
        uid = self.getUID()
        if messageType == 'thankYouText':
            return (False, self.getMessage('thankYouText', structure))
        if self.voteEnabled:
            if self.isOkayToVote(uid):
                return (True, self.getMessage('voteText', structure))
            elif self.alreadyVoted(uid):
                return (False, self.getMessage('alreadyVotedText', structure))
                return (False, self.getMessage('notAllowedToVote', structure))
            return (False, self.getMessage('noVotingAllowed', structure))


    def getMessage(self, messageType, lookup):
        """if we have a url for a set of messages to use on errors go ahead and use that otherwise use the default string we have
        and get variables from this lookup(dictionary) object"""
        folder = self.getMessageFolder()
        if folder is not None:
            item = getattr(folder, messageType, None)
            if item is not None:
                return item.__of__(self)(lookup)
        return getattr(self, messageType) % lookup


    def drawError(self):
        "draw any needed any message"
        return self.getErrorMessage()

    def hasErrorMessage(self):
        "do we have an error message to draw?"
        messages = self.REQUEST.other.get('messages', {})
        return self.getPhysicalPath() in messages

    def getErrorMessage(self):
        "get the current Error Message"
        messages = self.REQUEST.other.get('messages', {})
        return messages.get(self.getPhysicalPath(), ('', ''))

    def writeErrorMessage(self, message, messageType):
        "write the current error message so we can get it later"
        messages = self.REQUEST.other.get('messages', {})
        messages[self.getPhysicalPath()] = (message, messageType)
        self.REQUEST.other['messages'] = messages


    def voteStructure(self):
        "get the voting data structure"
        lookup = {}
        lookup['description'] = self.description

        temp = []
        if len(self):
            if self.selectionType == 'radio':
                choices = [(choice.view(), choice.view()) for choice in self]
                temp = self.radio_list('radio',
                                       containers=('choices', ))
                formName = self.formName('radio', 'string', ('choices', ))
                    '<input type="hidden" name="%s:default" value="">' %
            elif self.selectionType == 'checkbox':
                formName = self.formName('default', 'string', ('choices', ))
                    '<input type="hidden" name="%s:default" value="">' %
                for choice in self:
                        self.check_box(choice.getId(), choice.view(),
                                       ('choices', )) + choice.view())
            if temp:
                temp = [self.format % i for i in temp]

        lookup['issues'] = ''.join(temp)
        return lookup


    def isOkayToVote(self, uid):
        "is it okay to vote"
            if getSecurityManager().validate(
                    None, self, 'drawVote', self.drawVote
            ) and self.voteEnabled and not self.alreadyVoted(
                    uid) and self.isOkayToVoteUserDefined():
                return True
        except Unauthorized:


    def alreadyVoted(self, uid):
        "is it okay to vote"
        return self.getStorage().has_key(uid)


    def drawReport(self):
        "draw a basic report of the voting results"
        results = self.report()
        results = [(votes, issueName) for issueName, votes in results]
        results.insert(0, ('Number of Votes', 'Choice'))
        results.append(('Total Number of Votes', len(self.getStorage())))
        temp = '<p>%s</p>' % self.description
        temp += self.createTable(results)
        return temp


    def report(self):
        "return the report of how the votes went"
        return self.getVotes().items()

    security.declareProtected('CompoundDoc: Voting Stats', 'getVotes')

    def getVotes(self):
        "get the current vote information"
        if self.votes is not None:
            return self.votes
        return OOBTree()

    security.declareProtected('CompoundDoc: Voting Stats', 'getStorage')

    def getStorage(self):
        "get the current storage information which is a mapping of who has voted"
        if self.storage is not None:
            return self.storage
        return OOBTree()

    security.declareProtected('View', 'vote')

    def vote(self, uid, choices):
        "increase the count for this choice in votes if this uid is not already recorded"
        if self.isValidChoices(choices) and not self.getStorage().has_key(uid):


    def isValidChoices(self, choices):
        "return true if all of the choices given are valid given the state of this object"
        allowedLength = 1
        allowedLengthMin = 0
        lookup = {}
        if self.selectionType == "checkbox":
            allowedLength = self.selectionLimit
            allowedLengthMin = self.selectionLimitMin
        lookup['selected'] = len(choices)
        lookup['max_selected'] = allowedLength
        lookup['min_selected'] = allowedLengthMin
        lookup['bad_choice'] = ''
        if not len(choices):
            self.writeErrorMessage(self.getMessage('MustSelectOne', lookup),
            return 0
        if len(choices) > allowedLength:
            self.writeErrorMessage(self.getMessage('TooManyItems', lookup),
            return 0
        if len(choices) < allowedLengthMin:
            self.writeErrorMessage(self.getMessage('NotEnoughItems', lookup),
            return 0
        allowedChoices = [i.view() for i in self]
        for choice in choices:
            if choice not in allowedChoices:
                lookup['bad_choice'] = choice
                    self.getMessage('BadItemSelected', lookup),
                return 0
        return 1


    def uidVoted(self, uid):
        "record that this uid has voted for this issue"
        if self.storage is None:
            self.storage = OOBTree()
        if not self.storage.has_key(uid):
            self.storage[uid] = True


    def choiceSelected(self, choices):
        "increment the counter for this choice"
        if self.votes is None:
            self.votes = OOBTree()
        lookup = {}
        lookup['choices'] = choices
        self.writeErrorMessage(self.getMessage('thankYouText', lookup),
        for choice in choices:
            count = self.votes.get(choice, 0)
            count += 1
            self.votes[choice] = count


    def classUpgrader(self):
        "upgrade this class"
        return None