def testMJD_UTC_Convertion(self): #test mjd + utc convertion test_data = array.array('B', hex_to_byte("D641 10 29 40")) res = dvb_mjd_to_string(None , test_data ) self.assertEqual( "18/1/2009 10:29:40 ", str(res)) #unlimited test_data = array.array('B', hex_to_byte("FFFFFFFFFF")) res = dvb_mjd_to_string(None , test_data ) self.assertEqual( "Unlimited", str(res)) #wrong size test_data = array.array('B', hex_to_byte("FFFFFFFF")) res = dvb_mjd_to_string(None , test_data ) self.assertEqual( "Didn't parse", str(res))
def main(): # set debug level if (verbose): verbose_level = logging.DEBUG else: verbose_level = logging.INFO # Log everything, and send it to stderr. # create logger log = logging.getLogger("simple_example") log.setLevel(verbose_level) # create console handler and set level to debug ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(verbose_level) # create formatter formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s") # add formatter to ch ch.setFormatter(formatter) # add ch to logger log.addHandler(ch) log.debug("open file") TS_file = openTSFile('''C:\signaling\Xad_14_12.ts''') print TS_file SeekPacket(TS_file, 1577717) for i in range(1000000): pack = GetPakcet(TS_file, i) data = array.array('B', pack) #print len(pack) #print ByteToHex(pack) try: parseTS_Packet(data) except ValueError: pass
def testProfileByte_Convertion(self): #test profile byte convertion test_data = array.array('B', hex_to_byte("01 000f 01 0014 00 02 01 0002 04 02 00 01 00 08 00 06")) test_bs = BitStructureExt('TEST') test_bs.set_array(test_data) self.assertEqual( 19 , len( test_data ) ) self.assertEqual('!( ( ( A15 < A20 ) and ( A2 == 2 ) ) )', ProfileByte_to_string(test_bs, len( test_data ), test_data))
def dvb_mjd_to_string( bit_structure=None , byte_array=None ): ''' convert 5 byte array to string reprsention time from ETSI EN 300 468 Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Specification for Service Information (SI) in DVB systems ''' if byte_array is None: byte_array = array.array('B', bit_structure.array()) if len(byte_array) != 5: LOG.error("No a DVB MJD: size is not 5 bytes") return "Didn't parse" elif byte_to_hex(byte_array.tostring()) == "FF FF FF FF FF": LOG.error("No a DVB MJD: 0xFFFFFFFFFF") return "Unlimited" elif byte_to_hex(byte_array.tostring()) == "00 00 00 00 00": LOG.error("No a DVB MJD: 0x0000000000") return "None" LOG.debug( byte_to_hex(byte_array.tostring())) bitstruct = BitStructureExt('MJD+UTC') bitstruct.append(BitFieldExt('MJD', BYTE_SIZE * 2)) bitstruct.append(BitFieldExt('hours', BYTE_SIZE * 1)) bitstruct.append(BitFieldExt('mins', BYTE_SIZE * 1)) bitstruct.append(BitFieldExt('secs', BYTE_SIZE * 1)) bitstruct.set_array (byte_array) number = bitstruct['MJD'] LOG.debug( "dvb_mjd_to_string got MJD: 0x%x" % number) y_tag = int((int (number) - 15078.2) / 365.25) m_tag = int( (int (number) - 14956.1 - int (y_tag * 365.25) ) / 30.6001 ) d = int(number) - 14956 - int (y_tag * 365.25) - int (m_tag * 30.6001 ) if (m_tag == 14) or (m_tag == 15): k = 1 else: k = 0 y = y_tag + k m = m_tag - 1 - k * 12 time_string = "%s/%s/%s %x:%x:%x " % (d, m, 1900+y, bitstruct['hours'], bitstruct['mins'], bitstruct['secs']) LOG.debug(time_string) return time_string
def main(): '''main function''' params = handle_args() configure_debug(params) data = None # TEST PACKET if (params['testing']): from xmlrunner import XmlTestRunner runner = XmlTestRunner() sys.exit() # open a file if(params['input_filename'] != None): try: data_file = open(params['input_filename']) except IOError, err: print err sys.exit(2) data = array.array('B', hex_to_byte(data_file.readline()))
def testMyPacket(self): # my packet data = array.array('B', hex_to_byte("000001BD003D8C80052100010001810021050801000101113E80008106110000000000820DA0D100000BB8010104010203040007110000000000000000000000000000")) (bs, data) = ParsePacket_No_TS_Header(data) print bs
def testStreamPacket(self): # stream packet data = array.array('B', hex_to_byte("000001bd002e8180052b925721bd860021050801000178d17f88008106c3001323d400820d9fc3000002ee010104000000010000")) (bs, data) = ParsePacket_No_TS_Header(data) print bs
def testDavidPacket(self): # david packet data = array.array('B', hex_to_byte("000001bd008b8c80052100010001810021050801000101113e80008106030000000000820d80c300000bb801010401020304005711ffffffffff018000000001020000000000ffffffffff 13 01000f01001400020100020402000100080006 01000000000102ee0000000000ffffffffff13 01000f0100140002010002040200010008000601000000000102ee00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")) (bs, data) = ParsePacket_No_TS_Header(data) print bs
def ProfileByte_to_string ( profileByte , length , data=None): ''' Parse the profile byte and return a string represntion of it Table 3 Data Type Definitions DataType Value Data Length Mnemonic Description 0x00 8 bits uimsbf This specifies that the proceeding data byte defines an evaluation that should take place. The set of valid values is defined in Table 4 0x01 16 bits uimsbf (MSBF) This signals that the data represents a Profile attribute. The STB shall retrieve the value associated with this Profile Attribute. 0x02 16 bits uimsbf (MSBF) A 16 bit unsigned int value 0x03 32 bits uimsbf (MSBF) A 32 bit unsigned int value 0x04 8 bits uimsbf (MSBF) An 8 bit unsigned int value 0x05 variable blsbf A null terminated ASCII string of variable length. Table 4 Operator data values Data Value Description 0x01 Signals an "equals" comparison 0x02 Signals a "less than" comparison 0x03 Signals a "greater than" comparison 0x04 Signals a "less than or equals" comparison 0x05 Signals a "greater than or equals" comparison 0x06 Signals a "not" comparison 0x07 Signals a "not equals" comparison 0x08 Signals an "AND" comparison 0x09 Signals an "OR" comparison ''' operators = [ "==", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "!=", "and", "or"] one_opt = ["!"] if (data == None): data = array.array('B', profileByte.array()) bs = BitStructureExt("PROFILE") byte_to_read = length i = 0 s = [] while (byte_to_read > 0): LOG.debug ("ProfileByte_to_string: byte_to_read = " + str(byte_to_read)) bs.append(BitFieldExt('Type_' +str(i) , BYTE_SIZE * 1)) byte_to_read -= 1 bs.set_array(data) type = bs['Type_' + str(i) ] if (type == 0x0): # take 8 bits bs.append(BitFieldExt('Value_' +str(i) , BIT_SIZE * 8)) byte_to_read -= 1 bs.set_array(data) predicte = bs['Value_' +str(i)] if (predicte == 0x01): s.append("==") elif (predicte == 0x02): s.append("<") elif (predicte == 0x03): s.append(">") elif (predicte == 0x04): s.append("<=") elif (predicte == 0x05): s.append(">=") elif (predicte == 0x06): s.append("!") elif (predicte == 0x07): s.append("!=") elif (predicte == 0x08): s.append("and") elif (predicte == 0x09): s.append("or") else: LOG.error ("Not a valid predicte inside a profile Byte: " + str (predicte)) return "ERROR !!! in ProfileByte_to_string" elif (type == 0x1): # take 16 bits bs.append(BitFieldExt('Value_' +str(i) , BYTE_SIZE * 2)) byte_to_read -= 2 bs.set_array(data) value = bs['Value_' +str(i)] s.append("A" + str(value)) elif (type == 0x2): # take 16 bits bs.append(BitFieldExt('Value_' +str(i) , BYTE_SIZE * 2)) byte_to_read -= 2 bs.set_array(data) value = bs['Value_' +str(i)] s.append(str(value)) elif (type == 0x3): #take 32 bits bs.append(BitFieldExt('Value_' +str(i) , BYTE_SIZE * 4)) byte_to_read -= 4 bs.set_array(data) value = bs['Value_' +str(i)] s.append(str(value)) elif (type == 0x4): #take 8 bits bs.append(BitFieldExt('Value_' +str(i) , BIT_SIZE * 8)) byte_to_read -= 1 bs.set_array(data) value = bs['Value_' +str(i)] s.append(str(value)) elif (type == 0x5): # take how to take null terminated ??? LOG.error ("No Support for null terminated vaule yet. ") return "ERROR !!! in ProfileByte_to_string" else: LOG.error ("No a valid type inside a profile Byte: " + str(type) ) return "ERROR !!! in ProfileByte_to_string" i += 1 temp_str = "" stack = [] for item in s: if item in operators: temp_str = "( " + str(stack.pop(-2)) + " " + str(item)+" " +str(stack.pop(-1))+ " )" LOG.debug (temp_str) stack.append(temp_str) elif item in one_opt: temp_str = str(item)+"( " +str(stack.pop(-1))+ " )" LOG.debug (temp_str) stack.append(temp_str) else: stack.append(item) LOG.debug (str(stack)) #Data Type Definitions return str(stack.pop(-1))