コード例 #1
class TestScheduler(object):

    def __init__(self, test_names, test_data=None,
                 no_run=False, no_build=False, no_setup=False, no_batch=None,
                 test_root=None, test_id=None,
                 machine_name=None, compiler=None,
                 baseline_root=None, baseline_cmp_name=None, baseline_gen_name=None,
                 clean=False, namelists_only=False,
                 project=None, parallel_jobs=None,
                 walltime=None, proc_pool=None,
                 use_existing=False, save_timing=False, queue=None,
                 allow_baseline_overwrite=False, output_root=None,
                 force_procs=None, force_threads=None, mpilib=None, input_dir=None):
        self._cime_root       = CIME.utils.get_cime_root()
        self._cime_model      = get_model()
        self._save_timing     = save_timing
        self._queue           = queue
        self._test_data       = {} if test_data is None else test_data # Format:  {test_name -> {data_name -> data}}
        self._mpilib          = mpilib  # allow override of default mpilib
        self._completed_tests = 0
        self._input_dir       = input_dir

        self._allow_baseline_overwrite = allow_baseline_overwrite

        self._machobj = Machines(machine=machine_name)

        # If user is forcing procs or threads, re-write test names to reflect this.
        if force_procs or force_threads:
            test_names = _translate_test_names_for_new_pecount(test_names, force_procs, force_threads)

        self._no_setup = no_setup
        self._no_build = no_build or no_setup or namelists_only
        self._no_run   = no_run or self._no_build
        self._output_root = output_root
        # Figure out what project to use
        if project is None:
            self._project = CIME.utils.get_project()
            if self._project is None:
                self._project = self._machobj.get_value("PROJECT")
            self._project = project

            # Needed in case default root depends on PROJECT
            self._machobj.set_value("PROJECT", project)

        # We will not use batch system if user asked for no_batch or if current
        # machine is not a batch machine
        self._no_batch = no_batch or not self._machobj.has_batch_system()
        expect(not (self._no_batch and self._queue is not None),
               "Does not make sense to request a queue without batch system")

        # Determine and resolve test_root
        if test_root is not None:
            self._test_root = test_root
        elif self._output_root is not None:
            self._test_root = self._output_root
            self._test_root = self._machobj.get_value("CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT")

        if self._project is not None:
            self._test_root = self._test_root.replace("$PROJECT", self._project)

        self._test_root = os.path.abspath(self._test_root)
        self._test_id   = test_id if test_id is not None else CIME.utils.get_timestamp()

        self._compiler = self._machobj.get_default_compiler() if compiler is None else compiler

        self._clean          = clean
        self._namelists_only = namelists_only

        self._walltime = walltime

        if parallel_jobs is None:
            self._parallel_jobs = min(len(test_names),
            self._parallel_jobs = parallel_jobs

        self._baseline_cmp_name = baseline_cmp_name # Implies comparison should be done if not None
        self._baseline_gen_name = baseline_gen_name # Implies generation should be done if not None

        if baseline_cmp_name or baseline_gen_name:
            # Compute baseline_root
            self._baseline_root = baseline_root if baseline_root is not None \
                else self._machobj.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT")

            if self._project is not None:
                self._baseline_root = self._baseline_root.replace("$PROJECT", self._project)

            self._baseline_root = os.path.abspath(self._baseline_root)

            if self._baseline_cmp_name:
                full_baseline_dir = os.path.join(self._baseline_root, self._baseline_cmp_name)
                       "Missing baseline comparison directory %s" % full_baseline_dir)

            # the following is to assure that the existing generate directory is not overwritten
            if self._baseline_gen_name:
                full_baseline_dir = os.path.join(self._baseline_root, self._baseline_gen_name)
                existing_baselines = []
                for test_name in test_names:
                    test_baseline = os.path.join(full_baseline_dir, test_name)
                    if os.path.isdir(test_baseline):
                expect(allow_baseline_overwrite or len(existing_baselines) == 0,
                       "Baseline directories already exists %s\n" \
                       "Use -o to avoid this error" % existing_baselines)
            self._baseline_root = None

        # This is the only data that multiple threads will simultaneously access
        # Each test has it's own value and setting/retrieving items from a dict
        # is atomic, so this should be fine to use without mutex.
        # name -> (phase, status)
        self._tests = {}
        for test_name in test_names:
            self._tests[test_name] = (TEST_START, TEST_PASS_STATUS)

        # Oversubscribe by 1/4
        if proc_pool is None:
            pes = int(self._machobj.get_value("PES_PER_NODE"))
            self._proc_pool = int(pes * 1.25)
            self._proc_pool = int(proc_pool)

        self._procs_avail = self._proc_pool

        # Setup phases
        self._phases = list(PHASES)
        if self._no_setup:
        if self._no_build:
        if self._no_run:

        if use_existing:
            for test in self._tests:
                ts = TestStatus(self._get_test_dir(test))
                for phase, status in ts:
                    if phase in CORE_PHASES:
                        if status in [TEST_PEND_STATUS, TEST_FAIL_STATUS]:
                            # We need to pick up here
                            self._update_test_status(test, phase, TEST_PEND_STATUS)
                            self._update_test_status(test, phase, status)
                logger.info("Using existing test directory %s"%(self._get_test_dir(test)))
            # None of the test directories should already exist.
            for test in self._tests:
                expect(not os.path.exists(self._get_test_dir(test)),
                       "Cannot create new case in directory '%s', it already exists."
                       " Pick a different test-id" % self._get_test_dir(test))
                logger.info("Creating test directory %s"%(self._get_test_dir(test)))

        # By the end of this constructor, this program should never hard abort,
        # instead, errors will be placed in the TestStatus files for the various
        # tests cases

    def _log_output(self, test, output):
        test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test)
        if not os.path.isdir(test_dir):
            # Note: making this directory could cause create_newcase to fail
            # if this is run before.
        append_testlog(output, caseroot=test_dir)

    def _get_case_id(self, test):
        baseline_action_code = ""
        if self._baseline_gen_name:
            baseline_action_code += "G"
        if self._baseline_cmp_name:
            baseline_action_code += "C"
        if len(baseline_action_code) > 0:
            return "%s.%s.%s" % (test, baseline_action_code, self._test_id)
            return "%s.%s" % (test, self._test_id)

    def _get_test_dir(self, test):
        return os.path.join(self._test_root, self._get_case_id(test))

    def _get_test_data(self, test):
        # Must be atomic
        return self._tests[test]

    def _is_broken(self, test):
        status = self._get_test_status(test)
        return status != TEST_PASS_STATUS and status != TEST_PEND_STATUS

    def _work_remains(self, test):
        test_phase, test_status = self._get_test_data(test)
        return (test_status == TEST_PASS_STATUS or test_status == TEST_PEND_STATUS) and\
            test_phase != self._phases[-1]

    def _get_test_status(self, test, phase=None):
        curr_phase, curr_status = self._get_test_data(test)
        if phase is None or phase == curr_phase:
            return curr_status
            expect(phase is None or self._phases.index(phase) < self._phases.index(curr_phase),
                   "Tried to see the future")
            # Assume all older phases PASSed
            return TEST_PASS_STATUS

    def _get_test_phase(self, test):
        return self._get_test_data(test)[0]

    def _update_test_status(self, test, phase, status):
        phase_idx = self._phases.index(phase)
        old_phase, old_status = self._get_test_data(test)

        if old_phase == phase:
            expect(old_status == TEST_PEND_STATUS,
                   "Only valid to transition from PEND to something else, found '%s' for phase '%s'" %
                   (old_status, phase))
            expect(status != TEST_PEND_STATUS,
                   "Cannot transition from PEND -> PEND")
            expect(old_status == TEST_PASS_STATUS,
                   "Why did we move on to next phase when prior phase did not pass?")
            expect(status == TEST_PEND_STATUS,
                   "New phase should be set to pending status")
            expect(self._phases.index(old_phase) == phase_idx - 1,
                   "Skipped phase? %s %s"%(old_phase, phase_idx))

        # Must be atomic
        self._tests[test] = (phase, status)

    def _shell_cmd_for_phase(self, test, cmd, phase, from_dir=None):
        while True:
            rc, output, errput = run_cmd(cmd, from_dir=from_dir)
            if rc != 0:
                                 "%s FAILED for test '%s'.\nCommand: %s\nOutput: %s\n" %
                                 (phase, test, cmd, output + "\n" + errput))
                # Temporary hack to get around odd file descriptor use by
                # buildnml scripts.
                if "bad interpreter" in output:
                    return False, errput
                # We don't want "RUN PASSED" in the TestStatus.log if the only thing that
                # succeeded was the submission.
                phase = "SUBMIT" if phase == RUN_PHASE else phase
                                 "%s PASSED for test '%s'.\nCommand: %s\nOutput: %s\n" %
                                 (phase, test, cmd, output + "\n" + errput))
                return True, errput

    def _create_newcase_phase(self, test):
        test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test)

        _, case_opts, grid, compset,\
            machine, compiler, test_mods = CIME.utils.parse_test_name(test)

        create_newcase_cmd = "%s --case %s --res %s --mach %s --compiler %s --compset %s"\
                               " --test" % \
                              (os.path.join(self._cime_root, "scripts", "create_newcase"),
                               test_dir, grid, machine, compiler, compset)
        if self._project is not None:
            create_newcase_cmd += " --project %s " % self._project
        if self._output_root is not None:
            create_newcase_cmd += " --output-root %s " % self._output_root
        if self._input_dir is not None:
            create_newcase_cmd += " --input-dir %s " % self._input_dir

        if test_mods is not None:
            files = Files()
            if get_model() == "acme":
                component = "allactive"
                modspath = test_mods
                (component, modspath) = test_mods.split('/',1)

            testmods_dir = files.get_value("TESTS_MODS_DIR", {"component": component})
            test_mod_file = os.path.join(testmods_dir, component, modspath)
            if not os.path.exists(test_mod_file):
                error = "Missing testmod file '%s'" % test_mod_file
                self._log_output(test, error)
                return False, error

            create_newcase_cmd += " --user-mods-dir %s" % test_mod_file

        mpilib = None
        if case_opts is not None:
            for case_opt in case_opts: # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
                if case_opt.startswith('M'):
                    mpilib = case_opt[1:]
                    create_newcase_cmd += " --mpilib %s" % mpilib
                    logger.debug (" MPILIB set to %s" % mpilib)
                if case_opt.startswith('N'):
                    ninst = case_opt[1:]
                    create_newcase_cmd += " --ninst %s" %ninst
                    logger.debug (" NINST set to %s" % ninst)
                if case_opt.startswith('P'):
                    pesize = case_opt[1:]
                    create_newcase_cmd += " --pecount %s"%pesize

        # create_test mpilib option overrides default but not explicitly set case_opt mpilib
        if mpilib is None and self._mpilib is not None:
            create_newcase_cmd += " --mpilib %s" % self._mpilib
            logger.debug (" MPILIB set to %s" % self._mpilib)

        if self._queue is not None:
            create_newcase_cmd += " --queue=%s" % self._queue

        if self._walltime is not None:
            create_newcase_cmd += " --walltime %s" % self._walltime
            # model specific ways of setting time
            if get_model() == "acme":
                recommended_time = get_recommended_test_time(test)
                if recommended_time is not None:
                    create_newcase_cmd += " --walltime %s" % recommended_time
                if test in self._test_data and "options" in self._test_data[test] and \
                        "wallclock" in self._test_data[test]['options']:
                    create_newcase_cmd += " --walltime %s" % self._test_data[test]['options']['wallclock']

        logger.debug("Calling create_newcase: " + create_newcase_cmd)
        return self._shell_cmd_for_phase(test, create_newcase_cmd, CREATE_NEWCASE_PHASE)

    def _xml_phase(self, test):
        test_case = CIME.utils.parse_test_name(test)[0]

        # Create, fill and write an envtest object
        test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test)
        envtest = EnvTest(test_dir)

        # Determine list of component classes that this coupler/driver knows how
        # to deal with. This list follows the same order as compset longnames follow.
        files = Files()
        drv_config_file = files.get_value("CONFIG_CPL_FILE")
        drv_comp = Component(drv_config_file)
        envtest.add_elements_by_group(files, {}, "env_test.xml")
        envtest.add_elements_by_group(drv_comp, {}, "env_test.xml")
        envtest.set_value("TESTCASE", test_case)
        envtest.set_value("TEST_TESTID", self._test_id)
        envtest.set_value("CASEBASEID", test)
        if test in self._test_data and "options" in self._test_data[test] and \
                "memleak_tolerance" in self._test_data[test]['options']:
            envtest.set_value("TEST_MEMLEAK_TOLERANCE", self._test_data[test]['options']['memleak_tolerance'])

        test_argv = "-testname %s -testroot %s" % (test, self._test_root)
        if self._baseline_gen_name:
            test_argv += " -generate %s" % self._baseline_gen_name
            basegen_case_fullpath = os.path.join(self._baseline_root,self._baseline_gen_name, test)
            logger.debug("basegen_case is %s"%basegen_case_fullpath)
            envtest.set_value("BASELINE_NAME_GEN", self._baseline_gen_name)
            envtest.set_value("BASEGEN_CASE", os.path.join(self._baseline_gen_name, test))
        if self._baseline_cmp_name:
            test_argv += " -compare %s" % self._baseline_cmp_name
            envtest.set_value("BASELINE_NAME_CMP", self._baseline_cmp_name)
            envtest.set_value("BASECMP_CASE", os.path.join(self._baseline_cmp_name, test))

        envtest.set_value("TEST_ARGV", test_argv)
        envtest.set_value("CLEANUP", self._clean)

        if self._baseline_gen_name or self._baseline_cmp_name:
            envtest.set_value("BASELINE_ROOT", self._baseline_root)
        envtest.set_value("GENERATE_BASELINE", self._baseline_gen_name is not None)
        envtest.set_value("COMPARE_BASELINE", self._baseline_cmp_name is not None)
        envtest.set_value("CCSM_CPRNC", self._machobj.get_value("CCSM_CPRNC", resolved=False))
        tput_tolerance = self._machobj.get_value("TEST_TPUT_TOLERANCE", resolved=False)
        envtest.set_value("TEST_TPUT_TOLERANCE", 0.25 if tput_tolerance is None else tput_tolerance)

        # Add the test instructions from config_test to env_test in the case
        config_test = Tests()
        testnode = config_test.get_test_node(test_case)

        # Determine the test_case from the test name
        test_case, case_opts = CIME.utils.parse_test_name(test)[:2]

        # Determine case_opts from the test_case
        if case_opts is not None:
            logger.debug("case_opts are %s " %case_opts)
            for opt in case_opts:

                logger.debug("case_opt is %s" %opt)
                if opt == 'D':
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("DEBUG", "TRUE")
                    logger.debug (" DEBUG set to TRUE")

                elif opt == 'E':
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("USE_ESMF_LIB", "TRUE")
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("COMP_INTERFACE", "ESMF")
                    logger.debug (" USE_ESMF_LIB set to TRUE")
                    logger.debug (" COMP_INTERFACE set to ESMF")

                elif opt == 'CG':
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("CALENDAR", "GREGORIAN")
                    logger.debug (" CALENDAR set to %s" %opt)

                elif opt.startswith('L'):
                    match =  re.match('L([A-Za-z])([0-9]*)', opt)
                    stop_option = {"y":"nyears", "m":"nmonths", "d":"ndays", "h":"nhours",
                                   "s":"nseconds", "n":"nsteps"}
                    opt = match.group(1)
                    opti = match.group(2)
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("STOP_N", opti)
                    logger.debug (" STOP_OPTION set to %s" %stop_option[opt])
                    logger.debug (" STOP_N      set to %s" %opti)
		elif opt.startswith('R'):
                    # R option is for testing in PTS_MODE or Single Column Model 
                    #  (SCM) mode
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("PTS_MODE", "TRUE")
                    # For PTS_MODE, compile with mpi-serial
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("MPILIB", "mpi-serial")
                    for comp in comps:
                    # Set latitude and longitude for the appropriate case
                    # Below for ARM97, default SCM test case
                    if 'A97' in test:
                        envtest.set_test_parameter("PTS_LAT", "36.6")
                        envtest.set_test_parameter("PTS_LON", "262.5")
                elif opt.startswith('M'):
                    # M option handled by create newcase

                elif opt.startswith('P'):
                    # P option handled by create newcase

                elif opt.startswith('N'):
                    # handled in create_newcase
                elif opt.startswith('IOP'):
                    logger.warn("IOP test option not yet implemented")
                    expect(False, "Could not parse option '%s' " %opt)

        lock_file("env_run.xml", caseroot=test_dir, newname="env_run.orig.xml")

        with Case(test_dir, read_only=False) as case:
            if self._output_root is None:
                self._output_root = case.get_value("CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT")
            # if we are running a single test we don't need sharedlibroot
            if len(self._tests) > 1 and get_model() != "acme":
            case.set_value("TEST", True)
            case.set_value("SAVE_TIMING", self._save_timing)

        return True, ""
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_scheduler.py プロジェクト: apcraig/cime
class TestScheduler(object):

    def __init__(self, test_names, test_data=None,
                 no_run=False, no_build=False, no_setup=False, no_batch=None,
                 test_root=None, test_id=None,
                 machine_name=None, compiler=None,
                 baseline_root=None, baseline_cmp_name=None, baseline_gen_name=None,
                 clean=False, namelists_only=False,
                 project=None, parallel_jobs=None,
                 walltime=None, proc_pool=None,
                 use_existing=False, save_timing=False, queue=None,
                 allow_baseline_overwrite=False, output_root=None,
                 force_procs=None, force_threads=None, mpilib=None,
                 input_dir=None, pesfile=None):
        self._cime_root       = CIME.utils.get_cime_root()
        self._cime_model      = get_model()
        self._save_timing     = save_timing
        self._queue           = queue
        self._test_data       = {} if test_data is None else test_data # Format:  {test_name -> {data_name -> data}}
        self._mpilib          = mpilib  # allow override of default mpilib
        self._completed_tests = 0
        self._input_dir       = input_dir
        self._pesfile         = pesfile
        self._allow_baseline_overwrite = allow_baseline_overwrite

        self._machobj = Machines(machine=machine_name)

        self._model_build_cost = 4

        # If user is forcing procs or threads, re-write test names to reflect this.
        if force_procs or force_threads:
            test_names = _translate_test_names_for_new_pecount(test_names, force_procs, force_threads)

        self._no_setup = no_setup
        self._no_build = no_build or no_setup or namelists_only
        self._no_run   = no_run or self._no_build
        self._output_root = output_root
        # Figure out what project to use
        if project is None:
            self._project = CIME.utils.get_project()
            if self._project is None:
                self._project = self._machobj.get_value("PROJECT")
            self._project = project

            # Needed in case default root depends on PROJECT
            self._machobj.set_value("PROJECT", project)

        # We will not use batch system if user asked for no_batch or if current
        # machine is not a batch machine
        self._no_batch = no_batch or not self._machobj.has_batch_system()
        expect(not (self._no_batch and self._queue is not None),
               "Does not make sense to request a queue without batch system")

        # Determine and resolve test_root
        if test_root is not None:
            self._test_root = test_root
        elif self._output_root is not None:
            self._test_root = self._output_root
            self._test_root = self._machobj.get_value("CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT")

        if self._project is not None:
            self._test_root = self._test_root.replace("$PROJECT", self._project)

        self._test_root = os.path.abspath(self._test_root)
        self._test_id   = test_id if test_id is not None else CIME.utils.get_timestamp()

        self._compiler = self._machobj.get_default_compiler() if compiler is None else compiler

        self._clean          = clean
        self._namelists_only = namelists_only

        self._walltime = walltime

        if parallel_jobs is None:
            self._parallel_jobs = min(len(test_names),
            self._parallel_jobs = parallel_jobs

        self._baseline_cmp_name = baseline_cmp_name # Implies comparison should be done if not None
        self._baseline_gen_name = baseline_gen_name # Implies generation should be done if not None

        if baseline_cmp_name or baseline_gen_name:
            # Compute baseline_root
            self._baseline_root = baseline_root if baseline_root is not None \
                else self._machobj.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT")

            if self._project is not None:
                self._baseline_root = self._baseline_root.replace("$PROJECT", self._project)

            self._baseline_root = os.path.abspath(self._baseline_root)

            if self._baseline_cmp_name:
                full_baseline_dir = os.path.join(self._baseline_root, self._baseline_cmp_name)
                       "Missing baseline comparison directory {}".format(full_baseline_dir))

            # the following is to assure that the existing generate directory is not overwritten
            if self._baseline_gen_name:
                full_baseline_dir = os.path.join(self._baseline_root, self._baseline_gen_name)
                existing_baselines = []
                for test_name in test_names:
                    test_baseline = os.path.join(full_baseline_dir, test_name)
                    if os.path.isdir(test_baseline):
                expect(allow_baseline_overwrite or len(existing_baselines) == 0,
                       "Baseline directories already exists {}\n" \
                       "Use -o to avoid this error".format(existing_baselines))
            self._baseline_root = None

        # This is the only data that multiple threads will simultaneously access
        # Each test has it's own value and setting/retrieving items from a dict
        # is atomic, so this should be fine to use without mutex.
        # name -> (phase, status)
        self._tests = OrderedDict()
        for test_name in test_names:
            self._tests[test_name] = (TEST_START, TEST_PASS_STATUS)

        # Oversubscribe by 1/4
        if proc_pool is None:
            pes = int(self._machobj.get_value("MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE"))
            self._proc_pool = int(pes * 1.25)
            self._proc_pool = int(proc_pool)

        self._procs_avail = self._proc_pool

        # Setup phases
        self._phases = list(PHASES)
        if self._no_setup:
        if self._no_build:
        if self._no_run:

        if use_existing:
            for test in self._tests:
                ts = TestStatus(self._get_test_dir(test))
                for phase, status in ts:
                    if phase in CORE_PHASES:
                        if status in [TEST_PEND_STATUS, TEST_FAIL_STATUS]:
                            # We need to pick up here
                            if phase != SUBMIT_PHASE:
                                # Somewhat subtle. Create_test considers submit/run to be the run phase,
                                # so don't try to update test status for a passed submit phase
                                self._update_test_status(test, phase, TEST_PEND_STATUS)
                                self._update_test_status(test, phase, status)

                                if phase == RUN_PHASE:
                                    logger.info("Test {} passed and will not be re-run".format(test))

                logger.info("Using existing test directory {}".format(self._get_test_dir(test)))
            # None of the test directories should already exist.
            for test in self._tests:
                expect(not os.path.exists(self._get_test_dir(test)),
                       "Cannot create new case in directory '{}', it already exists."
                       " Pick a different test-id".format(self._get_test_dir(test)))
                logger.info("Creating test directory {}".format(self._get_test_dir(test)))

        # By the end of this constructor, this program should never hard abort,
        # instead, errors will be placed in the TestStatus files for the various
        # tests cases

    def get_testnames(self):
        return list(self._tests.keys())

    def _log_output(self, test, output):
        test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test)
        if not os.path.isdir(test_dir):
            # Note: making this directory could cause create_newcase to fail
            # if this is run before.
        append_testlog(output, caseroot=test_dir)

    def _get_case_id(self, test):
        baseline_action_code = ""
        if self._baseline_gen_name:
            baseline_action_code += "G"
        if self._baseline_cmp_name:
            baseline_action_code += "C"
        if len(baseline_action_code) > 0:
            return "{}.{}.{}".format(test, baseline_action_code, self._test_id)
            return "{}.{}".format(test, self._test_id)

    def _get_test_dir(self, test):
        return os.path.join(self._test_root, self._get_case_id(test))

    def _get_test_data(self, test):
        # Must be atomic
        return self._tests[test]

    def _is_broken(self, test):
        status = self._get_test_status(test)
        return status != TEST_PASS_STATUS and status != TEST_PEND_STATUS

    def _work_remains(self, test):
        test_phase, test_status = self._get_test_data(test)
        return (test_status == TEST_PASS_STATUS or test_status == TEST_PEND_STATUS) and\
            test_phase != self._phases[-1]

    def _get_test_status(self, test, phase=None):
        curr_phase, curr_status = self._get_test_data(test)
        if phase is None or phase == curr_phase:
            return curr_status
            expect(phase is None or self._phases.index(phase) < self._phases.index(curr_phase),
                   "Tried to see the future")
            # Assume all older phases PASSed
            return TEST_PASS_STATUS

    def _get_test_phase(self, test):
        return self._get_test_data(test)[0]

    def _update_test_status(self, test, phase, status):
        phase_idx = self._phases.index(phase)
        old_phase, old_status = self._get_test_data(test)

        if old_phase == phase:
            expect(old_status == TEST_PEND_STATUS,
                   "Only valid to transition from PEND to something else, found '{}' for phase '{}'".format(old_status, phase))
            expect(status != TEST_PEND_STATUS,
                   "Cannot transition from PEND -> PEND")
            expect(old_status == TEST_PASS_STATUS,
                   "Why did we move on to next phase when prior phase did not pass?")
            expect(status == TEST_PEND_STATUS,
                   "New phase should be set to pending status")
            expect(self._phases.index(old_phase) == phase_idx - 1,
                   "Skipped phase? {} {}".format(old_phase, phase_idx))

        # Must be atomic
        self._tests[test] = (phase, status)

    def _shell_cmd_for_phase(self, test, cmd, phase, from_dir=None):
        while True:
            rc, output, errput = run_cmd(cmd, from_dir=from_dir)
            if rc != 0:
                                 "{} FAILED for test '{}'.\nCommand: {}\nOutput: {}\n".format(phase, test, cmd, output + "\n" + errput))
                # Temporary hack to get around odd file descriptor use by
                # buildnml scripts.
                if "bad interpreter" in output:
                    return False, errput
                # We don't want "RUN PASSED" in the TestStatus.log if the only thing that
                # succeeded was the submission.
                phase = "SUBMIT" if phase == RUN_PHASE else phase
                                 "{} PASSED for test '{}'.\nCommand: {}\nOutput: {}\n".format(phase, test, cmd, output + "\n" + errput))
                return True, errput

    def _create_newcase_phase(self, test):
        test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test)

        _, case_opts, grid, compset,\
            machine, compiler, test_mods = CIME.utils.parse_test_name(test)

        create_newcase_cmd = "{} --case {} --res {} --compset {}"\
                             " --test".format(os.path.join(self._cime_root, "scripts", "create_newcase"),
                                              test_dir, grid, compset)
        if machine is not None:
            create_newcase_cmd += " --machine {}".format(machine)
        if compiler is not None:
            create_newcase_cmd += " --compiler {}".format(compiler)
        if self._project is not None:
            create_newcase_cmd += " --project {} ".format(self._project)
        if self._output_root is not None:
            create_newcase_cmd += " --output-root {} ".format(self._output_root)
        if self._input_dir is not None:
            create_newcase_cmd += " --input-dir {} ".format(self._input_dir)

        if self._pesfile is not None:
            create_newcase_cmd += " --pesfile {} ".format(self._pesfile)

        if test_mods is not None:
            files = Files()
            if get_model() == "acme":
                component = "allactive"
                modspath = test_mods
                (component, modspath) = test_mods.split('/',1)

            testmods_dir = files.get_value("TESTS_MODS_DIR", {"component": component})
            test_mod_file = os.path.join(testmods_dir, component, modspath)
            if not os.path.exists(test_mod_file):
                error = "Missing testmod file '{}'".format(test_mod_file)
                self._log_output(test, error)
                return False, error

            create_newcase_cmd += " --user-mods-dir {}".format(test_mod_file)

        mpilib = None
        ninst = 1
        ncpl = 1
        if case_opts is not None:
            for case_opt in case_opts: # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
                if case_opt.startswith('M'):
                    mpilib = case_opt[1:]
                    create_newcase_cmd += " --mpilib {}".format(mpilib)
                    logger.debug (" MPILIB set to {}".format(mpilib))
                if case_opt.startswith('N'):
                    expect(ncpl == 1,"Cannot combine _C and _N options")
                    ninst = case_opt[1:]
                    create_newcase_cmd += " --ninst {}".format(ninst)
                    logger.debug (" NINST set to {}".format(ninst))
                if case_opt.startswith('C'):
                    expect(ninst == 1,"Cannot combine _C and _N options")
                    ncpl = case_opt[1:]
                    create_newcase_cmd += " --ninst {} --multi-driver" .format(ncpl)
                    logger.debug (" NCPL set to {}" .format(ncpl))
                if case_opt.startswith('P'):
                    pesize = case_opt[1:]
                    create_newcase_cmd += " --pecount {}".format(pesize)

        # create_test mpilib option overrides default but not explicitly set case_opt mpilib
        if mpilib is None and self._mpilib is not None:
            create_newcase_cmd += " --mpilib {}".format(self._mpilib)
            logger.debug (" MPILIB set to {}".format(self._mpilib))

        if self._queue is not None:
            create_newcase_cmd += " --queue={}".format(self._queue)

        if self._walltime is not None:
            create_newcase_cmd += " --walltime {}".format(self._walltime)
            # model specific ways of setting time
            if get_model() == "acme":
                recommended_time = get_recommended_test_time(test)
                if recommended_time is not None:
                    create_newcase_cmd += " --walltime {}".format(recommended_time)
                if test in self._test_data and "options" in self._test_data[test] and \
                        "wallclock" in self._test_data[test]['options']:
                    create_newcase_cmd += " --walltime {}".format(self._test_data[test]['options']['wallclock'])

        logger.debug("Calling create_newcase: " + create_newcase_cmd)
        return self._shell_cmd_for_phase(test, create_newcase_cmd, CREATE_NEWCASE_PHASE)

    def _xml_phase(self, test):
        test_case = CIME.utils.parse_test_name(test)[0]

        # Create, fill and write an envtest object
        test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test)
        envtest = EnvTest(test_dir)

        # Determine list of component classes that this coupler/driver knows how
        # to deal with. This list follows the same order as compset longnames follow.
        files = Files()
        drv_config_file = files.get_value("CONFIG_CPL_FILE")
        drv_comp = Component(drv_config_file, "CPL")
        envtest.add_elements_by_group(files, {}, "env_test.xml")
        envtest.add_elements_by_group(drv_comp, {}, "env_test.xml")
        envtest.set_value("TESTCASE", test_case)
        envtest.set_value("TEST_TESTID", self._test_id)
        envtest.set_value("CASEBASEID", test)
        if test in self._test_data and "options" in self._test_data[test] and \
                "memleak_tolerance" in self._test_data[test]['options']:
            envtest.set_value("TEST_MEMLEAK_TOLERANCE", self._test_data[test]['options']['memleak_tolerance'])

        test_argv = "-testname {} -testroot {}".format(test, self._test_root)
        if self._baseline_gen_name:
            test_argv += " -generate {}".format(self._baseline_gen_name)
            basegen_case_fullpath = os.path.join(self._baseline_root,self._baseline_gen_name, test)
            logger.debug("basegen_case is {}".format(basegen_case_fullpath))
            envtest.set_value("BASELINE_NAME_GEN", self._baseline_gen_name)
            envtest.set_value("BASEGEN_CASE", os.path.join(self._baseline_gen_name, test))
        if self._baseline_cmp_name:
            test_argv += " -compare {}".format(self._baseline_cmp_name)
            envtest.set_value("BASELINE_NAME_CMP", self._baseline_cmp_name)
            envtest.set_value("BASECMP_CASE", os.path.join(self._baseline_cmp_name, test))

        envtest.set_value("TEST_ARGV", test_argv)
        envtest.set_value("CLEANUP", self._clean)

        if self._baseline_gen_name or self._baseline_cmp_name:
            envtest.set_value("BASELINE_ROOT", self._baseline_root)
        envtest.set_value("GENERATE_BASELINE", self._baseline_gen_name is not None)
        envtest.set_value("COMPARE_BASELINE", self._baseline_cmp_name is not None)
        envtest.set_value("CCSM_CPRNC", self._machobj.get_value("CCSM_CPRNC", resolved=False))

        # Add the test instructions from config_test to env_test in the case
        config_test = Tests()
        testnode = config_test.get_test_node(test_case)
        # Determine the test_case from the test name
        test_case, case_opts = CIME.utils.parse_test_name(test)[:2]

        # Determine case_opts from the test_case
        if case_opts is not None:
            logger.debug("case_opts are {} ".format(case_opts))
            for opt in case_opts: # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable

                logger.debug("case_opt is {}".format(opt))
                if opt == 'D':
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("DEBUG", "TRUE")
                    logger.debug (" DEBUG set to TRUE")

                elif opt == 'E':
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("USE_ESMF_LIB", "TRUE")
                    logger.debug (" USE_ESMF_LIB set to TRUE")

                elif opt == 'CG':
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("CALENDAR", "GREGORIAN")
                    logger.debug (" CALENDAR set to {}".format(opt))

                elif opt.startswith('L'):
                    match =  re.match('L([A-Za-z])([0-9]*)', opt)
                    stop_option = {"y":"nyears", "m":"nmonths", "d":"ndays", "h":"nhours",
                                   "s":"nseconds", "n":"nsteps"}
                    opt = match.group(1)
                    opti = match.group(2)
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("STOP_N", opti)
                    logger.debug (" STOP_OPTION set to {}".format(stop_option[opt]))
                    logger.debug (" STOP_N      set to {}".format(opti))
                elif opt.startswith('I'):
                    # Marker to distinguish tests with same name - ignored

                elif opt.startswith('M'):
                    # M option handled by create newcase

                elif opt.startswith('P'):
                    # P option handled by create newcase

                elif opt.startswith('N'):
                    # handled in create_newcase
                elif opt.startswith('C'):
                    # handled in create_newcase
                elif opt.startswith('IOP'):
                    logger.warning("IOP test option not yet implemented")
                    expect(False, "Could not parse option '{}' ".format(opt))

        lock_file("env_run.xml", caseroot=test_dir, newname="env_run.orig.xml")

        with Case(test_dir, read_only=False) as case:
            if self._output_root is None:
                self._output_root = case.get_value("CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT")
            # if we are running a single test we don't need sharedlibroot
            if len(self._tests) > 1 and get_model() != "acme":
            case.set_value("TEST", True)
            case.set_value("SAVE_TIMING", self._save_timing)

            # Scale back build parallelism on systems with few cores
            if self._model_build_cost > self._proc_pool:
                case.set_value("GMAKE_J", self._proc_pool)
                self._model_build_cost = self._proc_pool

        return True, ""

    def _setup_phase(self, test):
        test_dir  = self._get_test_dir(test)
        rv = self._shell_cmd_for_phase(test, "./case.setup", SETUP_PHASE, from_dir=test_dir)

        # It's OK for this command to fail with baseline diffs but not catastrophically
        if rv[0]:
            cmdstat, output, _ = run_cmd("./case.cmpgen_namelists", combine_output=True, from_dir=test_dir)
            expect(cmdstat in [0, TESTS_FAILED_ERR_CODE], "Fatal error in case.cmpgen_namelists: {}".format(output))

        return rv

    def _sharedlib_build_phase(self, test):
        test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test)
        return self._shell_cmd_for_phase(test, "./case.build --sharedlib-only", SHAREDLIB_BUILD_PHASE, from_dir=test_dir)

    def _model_build_phase(self, test):
        test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test)
        return self._shell_cmd_for_phase(test, "./case.build --model-only", MODEL_BUILD_PHASE, from_dir=test_dir)

    def _run_phase(self, test):
        test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test)
        if self._no_batch:
            cmd = "./case.submit --no-batch --skip-preview-namelist"
            cmd = "./case.submit --skip-preview-namelist"

        return self._shell_cmd_for_phase(test, cmd, RUN_PHASE, from_dir=test_dir)

    def _run_catch_exceptions(self, test, phase, run):
            return run(test)
        except (SystemExit, Exception) as e:
            exc_tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
            errput = "Test '{}' failed in phase '{}' with exception '{}'\n".format(test, phase, str(e))
            errput += ''.join(traceback.format_tb(exc_tb))
            self._log_output(test, errput)
            return False, errput

    def _get_procs_needed(self, test, phase, threads_in_flight=None, no_batch=False):
        if phase == RUN_PHASE and (self._no_batch or no_batch):
            test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test)
            total_pes = int(run_cmd_no_fail("./xmlquery TOTALPES --value", from_dir=test_dir))
            threads = eval(run_cmd_no_fail("./xmlquery NTHRDS --value", from_dir=test_dir))
            max_threads = 0
            for item in threads:
                _, comp_threads = item.split(":")
                comp_threads = int(comp_threads)
                if comp_threads > max_threads:
                    max_threads = comp_threads

            max_cores = total_pes * max_threads
            return max_cores

        elif (phase == SHAREDLIB_BUILD_PHASE):
            if get_model() == "cesm":
                # Will force serialization of sharedlib builds
                # TODO - instead of serializing, compute all library configs needed and build
                # them all in parallel
                for _, _, running_phase in threads_in_flight.values():
                    if (running_phase == SHAREDLIB_BUILD_PHASE):
                        return self._proc_pool + 1

            return 1
        elif (phase == MODEL_BUILD_PHASE):
            # Model builds now happen in parallel
            return self._model_build_cost
            return 1

    def _wait_for_something_to_finish(self, threads_in_flight):
        expect(len(threads_in_flight) <= self._parallel_jobs, "Oversubscribed?")
        finished_tests = []
        while not finished_tests:
            for test, thread_info in threads_in_flight.items():
                if not thread_info[0].is_alive():
                    finished_tests.append((test, thread_info[1]))

            if not finished_tests:

        for finished_test, procs_needed in finished_tests:
            self._procs_avail += procs_needed
            del threads_in_flight[finished_test]

    def _update_test_status_file(self, test, test_phase, status):
        In general, test_scheduler should not be responsible for updating
        the TestStatus file, but there are a few cases where it has to.
        test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test)
        with TestStatus(test_dir=test_dir, test_name=test) as ts:
            ts.set_status(test_phase, status)

    def _consumer(self, test, test_phase, phase_method):
        before_time = time.time()
        success, errors = self._run_catch_exceptions(test, test_phase, phase_method)
        elapsed_time = time.time() - before_time
        status  = (TEST_PEND_STATUS if test_phase == RUN_PHASE and not \
                   self._no_batch else TEST_PASS_STATUS) if success else TEST_FAIL_STATUS

        if status != TEST_PEND_STATUS:
            self._update_test_status(test, test_phase, status)

        if not self._work_remains(test):
            self._completed_tests += 1
            total = len(self._tests)
            status_str = "Finished {} for test {} in {:f} seconds ({}). [COMPLETED {:d} of {:d}]".format(test_phase, test, elapsed_time, status, self._completed_tests, total)
            status_str = "Finished {} for test {} in {:f} seconds ({})".format(test_phase, test, elapsed_time, status)

        if not success:
            status_str += "\n    Case dir: {}\n".format(self._get_test_dir(test))
            status_str += "    Errors were:\n        {}\n".format("\n        ".join(errors.splitlines()))


        if test_phase in [CREATE_NEWCASE_PHASE, XML_PHASE]:
            # These are the phases for which TestScheduler is reponsible for
            # updating the TestStatus file
            self._update_test_status_file(test, test_phase, status)

        if test_phase == XML_PHASE:
            append_status("Case Created using: "+" ".join(sys.argv), "README.case", caseroot=self._get_test_dir(test))

        # On batch systems, we want to immediately submit to the queue, because
        # it's very cheap to submit and will get us a better spot in line
        if (success and not self._no_run and not self._no_batch and test_phase == MODEL_BUILD_PHASE):
            logger.info("Starting {} for test {} with 1 proc on interactive node and {:d} procs on compute nodes".format(RUN_PHASE, test, self._get_procs_needed(test, RUN_PHASE, no_batch=True)))
            self._update_test_status(test, RUN_PHASE, TEST_PEND_STATUS)
            self._consumer(test, RUN_PHASE, self._run_phase)

    def _producer(self):
        threads_in_flight = {} # test-name -> (thread, procs, phase)
        while True:
            work_to_do = False
            num_threads_launched_this_iteration = 0
            for test in self._tests:
                logger.debug("test_name: " + test)

                if self._work_remains(test):
                    work_to_do = True

                    # If we have no workers available, immediately break out of loop so we can wait
                    if len(threads_in_flight) == self._parallel_jobs:

                    if test not in threads_in_flight:
                        test_phase, test_status = self._get_test_data(test)
                        expect(test_status != TEST_PEND_STATUS, test)
                        next_phase = self._phases[self._phases.index(test_phase) + 1]
                        procs_needed = self._get_procs_needed(test, next_phase, threads_in_flight)

                        if procs_needed <= self._procs_avail:
                            self._procs_avail -= procs_needed

                            # Necessary to print this way when multiple threads printing
                            logger.info("Starting {} for test {} with {:d} procs".format(next_phase, test, procs_needed))

                            self._update_test_status(test, next_phase, TEST_PEND_STATUS)
                            new_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._consumer,
                                args=(test, next_phase, getattr(self, "_{}_phase".format(next_phase.lower())) ))
                            threads_in_flight[test] = (new_thread, procs_needed, next_phase)
                            num_threads_launched_this_iteration += 1
                            if not threads_in_flight:
                                msg = "Phase '{}' for test '{}' required more processors, {:d}, than this machine can provide, {:d}".format(next_phase, test, procs_needed, self._procs_avail)
                                self._update_test_status(test, next_phase, TEST_PEND_STATUS)
                                self._update_test_status(test, next_phase, TEST_FAIL_STATUS)
                                self._log_output(test, msg)
                                self._update_test_status_file(test, next_phase, TEST_FAIL_STATUS)
                                num_threads_launched_this_iteration += 1

            if not work_to_do:

            if num_threads_launched_this_iteration == 0:
                # No free resources, wait for something in flight to finish

        for unfinished_thread, _, _ in threads_in_flight.values():

    def _setup_cs_files(self):
            python_libs_root = CIME.utils.get_python_libs_root()
            template_file = os.path.join(python_libs_root, "cs.status.template")
            template = open(template_file, "r").read()
            template = template.replace("<PATH>",
                                        ("<TESTID>", self._test_id).replace\
                                        ("<TESTROOT>", self._test_root)
            if not os.path.exists(self._test_root):
            cs_status_file = os.path.join(self._test_root, "cs.status.{}".format(self._test_id))
            with open(cs_status_file, "w") as fd:
            os.chmod(cs_status_file, os.stat(cs_status_file).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP)

            template_file = os.path.join(python_libs_root, "cs.submit.template")
            template = open(template_file, "r").read()
            setup_cmd = "./case.setup" if self._no_setup else ":"
            build_cmd = "./case.build" if self._no_build else ":"
            test_cmd  = "./case.submit"
            template = template.replace("<SETUP_CMD>", setup_cmd).\
                       replace("<BUILD_CMD>", build_cmd).\
                       replace("<RUN_CMD>", test_cmd).\
                       replace("<TESTID>", self._test_id)

            if self._no_run:
                cs_submit_file = os.path.join(self._test_root, "cs.submit.{}".format(self._test_id))
                with open(cs_submit_file, "w") as fd:
                         os.stat(cs_submit_file).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP)

            if get_model() == "cesm":
                template_file = os.path.join(python_libs_root, "testreporter.template")
                template = open(template_file, "r").read()
                template = template.replace("<PATH>",
                                            os.path.join(self._cime_root, "scripts", "Tools"))
                testreporter_file = os.path.join(self._test_root, "testreporter")
                with open(testreporter_file, "w") as fd:
                os.chmod(testreporter_file, os.stat(testreporter_file).st_mode
                         | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP)

        except Exception as e:
            logger.warning("FAILED to set up cs files: {}".format(str(e)))

    def run_tests(self, wait=False):
        Main API for this class.

        Return True if all tests passed.
        start_time = time.time()

        # Tell user what will be run
        logger.info( "RUNNING TESTS:")
        for test in self._tests:
            logger.info( "  {}".format(test))

        # Setup cs files


        expect(threading.active_count() == 1, "Leftover threads?")

        wait_handles_report = False
        if not self._no_run and not self._no_batch:
            if wait:
                logger.info("Waiting for tests to finish")
                rv = wait_for_tests(glob.glob(os.path.join(self._test_root, "*{}/TestStatus".format(self._test_id))))
                wait_handles_report = True
                logger.info("Due to presence of batch system, create_test will exit before tests are complete.\n" \
                            "To force create_test to wait for full completion, use --wait")

        # Return True if all tests passed from our point of view
        if not wait_handles_report:
            logger.info( "At test-scheduler close, state is:")
            rv = True
            for test in self._tests:
                phase, status = self._get_test_data(test)

                # Give highest priority to fails in test schduler
                if status not in [TEST_PASS_STATUS, TEST_PEND_STATUS]:
                    logger.info( "{} {} (phase {})".format(status, test, phase))
                    rv = False

                    # Be cautious about telling the user that the test passed. This
                    # status should match what they would see on the dashboard. Our
                    # self._test_states does not include comparison fail information,
                    # so we need to parse test status.
                    ts = TestStatus(self._get_test_dir(test))
                    nlfail = ts.get_status(NAMELIST_PHASE) == TEST_FAIL_STATUS
                    ts_status = ts.get_overall_test_status(ignore_namelists=True, check_memory=False, check_throughput=False)

                    if ts_status not in [TEST_PASS_STATUS, TEST_PEND_STATUS]:
                        logger.info( "{} {} (phase {})".format(ts_status, test, phase))
                        rv = False
                    elif nlfail:
                        logger.info( "{} {} (but otherwise OK) {}".format(NAMELIST_FAIL_STATUS, test, phase))
                        rv = False
                        logger.info("{} {} {}".format(status, test, phase))

                logger.info( "    Case dir: {}".format(self._get_test_dir(test)))

            logger.info( "test-scheduler took {} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time))

        return rv