def MagXCompPlot(pkl1, pkl2): pklfrep1 = pklrep + pkl1 pklfrep2 = pklrep + pkl2 #initially going to hardcode for intensity or magnitude MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename = RetrieveVars( pklfrep1) MagX1 = MagXarr #/max(MagXarr) #since cross and co polar are mixed up plt.figure(facecolor='xkcd:pale green') plt.subplot(221, facecolor='#d8dcd6') plt.scatter(PixCenX * 1000, PixCenY * 1000, c=MagX1, cmap='jet', marker='s', s=5) plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("FP - {}".format(pkl1), fontsize=10) plt.subplot(222, facecolor='#d8dcd6') MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename = RetrieveVars( pklfrep2) MagX2 = MagYarr #/max(MagYarr) plt.scatter(PixCenX * 1000, PixCenY * 1000, c=MagX2, cmap='jet', marker='s', s=5) plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("FP - {}".format(pkl2), fontsize=10) plt.subplot(223, facecolor='#d8dcd6') comp = (MagX1 - MagX2) / MagX1 * 100 analysisarray = ([]) #okay so here i am finding all of the outer pixels and setting to zero #this allows me to analyse valid pixels between grasp and modal #maybe i should delete these elements of the array to make data analysis easier for i in range(len(PixCenX)): if np.sqrt(PixCenX[i]**2 + PixCenY[i]**2) > 0.05: comp[i] = np.mean(comp) PixCenX[i] = 0.05 PixCenY[i] = 0.05 else: analysisarray = np.append(comp[i], analysisarray) #print "radius test", np.sqrt(PixCenX[i]**2 + PixCenY[i]**2) #plt.scatter(PixCenX[i]*1000,PixCenY[i]*1000, c=comp[i], cmap='jet',marker='s') plt.scatter(PixCenX * 1000, PixCenY * 1000, c=comp, cmap='jet', marker='s', s=5) plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("Data Comparison", fontsize=10) plt.subplot(224, facecolor='#d8dcd6') #do histogram here #binarr = [-0.35, -0.25, -0.15, -0.05, 0.05, 0.015] #binarr = [-0.325, -0.275, -0.225, -0.175, -0.125, -0.075, -0.025, 0.025, 0.075, 0.125] #binarr = [-32.5, -27.5, -22.5, -17.5, -12.5, -7.5, -2.5, 2.5, 7.5, 12.5] #binarr = [0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20, 22.5, 25] analysisarray = np.abs(analysisarray) #analysisarray = analysisarray[~np.isnan(analysisarray)] print("analysis info, max, length, mean ", np.max(analysisarray), len(analysisarray), np.mean(analysisarray)) n, bins, patches = plt.hist(analysisarray) print("hist data ", n, bins, patches) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9) cax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.05, 0.8]) plt.colorbar(cax=cax, label="% Difference Comparison") return
def FPComparisonPlotRAW(pkl1, pkl2): #initially going to hardcode for intensity or magnitude MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename, freq = RetrieveVars( pkl1) IntX1 = IT / max(IT) # cx and co mixed print("pkl1 max intensity ", max(IT)) plt.figure(facecolor='xkcd:pale green') plt.subplot(221, facecolor='#d8dcd6') plt.scatter(xycoords[:, 1] * 1000, xycoords[:, 0] * 1000, c=IntX1, cmap='jet', marker='s') plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("pkl1", fontsize=10) #delete vars del MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename, freq MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename, freq = RetrieveVars( pkl2) IntX2 = IT / max(IT) # norm to first plot print("pkl2 max intensity ", max(IT)) plt.subplot(222, facecolor='#d8dcd6') plt.scatter(xycoords[:, 0] * 1000, xycoords[:, 1] * 1000, c=IntX2, cmap='jet', marker='s') plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("pkl2", fontsize=10) #initialise comparison array and plot #IntX1[IntX1 == 0] = min(IntX1) #IntX2[IntX2 == 0] = min(IntX1) comp = ((IntX1 - IntX2) / IntX1) * 100 plt.subplot(223, facecolor='#d8dcd6') plt.scatter(xycoords[:, 0] * 1000, xycoords[:, 1] * 1000, c=comp, cmap='RdYlGn', marker='s') #RdPu, YlGnBu plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("Data Comparison", fontsize=10) #Now do histogram plt.subplot(224, facecolor='#d8dcd6') print("analysis info, max, length, mean ", np.max(comp), len(comp), np.mean(comp)) n, bins, patches = plt.hist(comp) print("hist data ", n, bins, patches) #Set colorbar plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9) cax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.05, 0.8]) plt.colorbar(cax=cax, label="Model % Diff Comparison") return
def IntensityXPlot(plotfname): pklrep = '/home/james/files4CSFPA/qbdataioOUTFILES/' + plotfname ######################IntensityX plot MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename = RetrieveVars( pklrep) plt.figure(facecolor='xkcd:pale green') plt.subplot(121, facecolor='#d8dcd6') #xkcd reference for this colour plt.scatter(PixCenX, PixCenY, c=IntX / max(IntX), s=25, cmap='jet', marker='s') plt.axis([-0.06, 0.06, -0.06, 0.06]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("{} as Bolometers Intensity X dir".format(plotfname), fontsize=10) plt.subplot(122, facecolor='#d8dcd6') #xkcd reference for this colour plt.scatter(xycoords[:, 0], xycoords[:, 1], c=Ix / max(Ix), cmap='jet', marker='.') plt.axis([-0.06, 0.06, -0.06, 0.06]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("{}".format(plotfname), fontsize=10) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9) cax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.05, 0.8]) plt.colorbar(cax=cax, label="Intensity X") return
def PhaYCompPlot(pkl1, pkl2): #initially going to hardcode for intensity or magnitude #Is this a Pha Y plot? MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename = RetrieveVars( pkl1) PhaY1 = PhaYarr / max(PhaYarr) # cross and co polar mixed up plt.figure(facecolor='xkcd:pale green') plt.subplot(221, facecolor='#d8dcd6') plt.scatter(PixCenX * 1000, PixCenY * 1000, c=PhaY1, cmap='jet', marker='s', s=5) plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("FP - {}".format(pkl1), fontsize=10) plt.subplot(222, facecolor='#d8dcd6') MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename = RetrieveVars( pkl2) PhaY2 = PhaYarr / max(PhaYarr) plt.scatter(PixCenX * 1000, PixCenY * 1000, c=PhaY2, cmap='jet', marker='s', s=5) plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("FP - {}".format(pkl2), fontsize=10) plt.subplot(223, facecolor='#d8dcd6') PhaY1[PhaY1 == 0] = 0.000001 PhaY2[PhaY2 == 0] = 0.000001 comp = PhaY1 / PhaY2 analysisarray = ([]) #okay so here i am finding all of the outer pixels and setting to zero #this allows me to analyse valid pixels between grasp and modal #maybe i should delete these elements of the array to make data analysis easier for i in range(len(PixCenX)): if np.sqrt(PixCenX[i]**2 + PixCenY[i]**2) > 0.05: comp[i] = 0 PixCenX[i] = 0.05 PixCenY[i] = 0.05 else: analysisarray = np.append(comp[i], analysisarray) #print "radius test", np.sqrt(PixCenX[i]**2 + PixCenY[i]**2) #plt.scatter(PixCenX[i]*1000,PixCenY[i]*1000, c=comp[i], cmap='jet',marker='s') plt.scatter(PixCenX * 1000, PixCenY * 1000, c=comp, cmap='jet', marker='s', s=5) plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("Data Comparison", fontsize=10) plt.subplot(224, facecolor='#d8dcd6') #analysisarray = np.abs(analysisarray) analysisarray = analysisarray[~np.isnan(analysisarray)] #print "analysis info, max, length, mean", np.max(analysisarray), len(analysisarray), np.mean(analysisarray) binarr = [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3] n, bins, patches = plt.hist(analysisarray, bins=binarr) print("hist data ", n, bins, patches) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9) cax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.05, 0.8]) plt.colorbar(cax=cax, label="% Difference Comparison") return
def PhaYPlot(): MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename = RetrieveVars( ) #load raw data from file dataCF = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=1) ############################### plot normalised data ################ plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) plt.scatter(PixCenX * 1000, PixCenY * 1000, c=PhaYarr / max(PhaYarr), cmap='plasma', marker='s') plt.axis([-0.06, 0.06, -0.06, 0.06]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("Phase Y CF Source as Bolometers", fontsize=10) plt.subplot(122) plt.scatter(xycoords[:, 0], xycoords[:, 1], c=dataCF[:, 7] / (max(dataCF[:, 7])), cmap='plasma', marker='.') plt.axis([-0.06, 0.06, -0.06, 0.06]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("Phase Y CF Source - MODAL", fontsize=10) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9) cax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.05, 0.8]) plt.colorbar(cax=cax, label="Phase Y") return
def TotIntCompPlot(pkl1, pkl2): #initially going to hardcode for intensity or magnitude MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename = RetrieveVars( pkl1) IntT1 = IntT / max(IntT) plt.figure(facecolor='xkcd:pale green') plt.subplot(221, facecolor='#d8dcd6') plt.scatter(PixCenX * 1000, PixCenY * 1000, c=IntT1, cmap='jet', marker='s', s=5) plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("FP - {}".format(pkl1), fontsize=10) plt.subplot(222, facecolor='#d8dcd6') MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename = RetrieveVars( pkl2) IntT2 = IntT / max(IntT) #Normalise to first files peak plt.scatter(PixCenX * 1000, PixCenY * 1000, c=IntT2, cmap='jet', marker='s', s=5) plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("FP - {}".format(pkl2), fontsize=10) plt.subplot(223, facecolor='#d8dcd6') IntT1[IntT1 == 0] = 0.000001 IntT2[IntT2 == 0] = 0.000001 comp = ((IntT1 - IntT2) / IntT1) * 100 #can delete this % conversion analysisarray = ([]) #okay so here i am finding all of the outer pixels and setting to zero #this allows me to analyse valid pixels between grasp and modal #maybe i should delete these elements of the array to make data analysis easier for i in range(len(PixCenX)): if np.sqrt(PixCenX[i]**2 + PixCenY[i]**2) > 0.05: comp[i] = np.mean(comp) PixCenX[i] = 0.05 PixCenY[i] = 0.05 else: analysisarray = np.append(comp[i], analysisarray) #print "radius test", np.sqrt(PixCenX[i]**2 + PixCenY[i]**2) #plt.scatter(PixCenX[i]*1000,PixCenY[i]*1000, c=comp[i], cmap='jet',marker='s') plt.scatter(PixCenX * 1000, PixCenY * 1000, c=comp, cmap='RdPu', marker='s', s=5) plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("Data Comparison", fontsize=10) plt.subplot(224, facecolor='#d8dcd6') #do histogram here #binarr = [-0.35, -0.25, -0.15, -0.05, 0.05, 0.015] #binarr = [-0.325, -0.275, -0.225, -0.175, -0.125, -0.075, -0.025, 0.025, 0.075, 0.125] #binarr = [-32.5, -27.5, -22.5, -17.5, -12.5, -7.5, -2.5, 2.5, 7.5, 12.5] #binarr = [0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20, 22.5, 25] #binarr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] #comp = np.abs(comp) #analysisarray = np.abs(analysisarray) print("analysis info, max, length, mean ", np.max(analysisarray), len(analysisarray), np.mean(analysisarray)) n, bins, patches = plt.hist(analysisarray) print("hist data ", n, bins, patches) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9) cax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.05, 0.8]) plt.colorbar(cax=cax, label="% Difference Comparison - Total Intensity") return
def MagXPlot(plotfname): #load saved variables MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename = RetrieveVars( plotfname) #load raw data from file dataCF = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=1) plt.figure(facecolor='xkcd:pale green') plt.subplot(121, facecolor='#d8dcd6') plt.scatter(PixCenX, PixCenY, c=MagXarr / max(MagXarr), s=25, cmap='jet', marker='s') plt.axis([-0.055, 0.055, -0.055, 0.055]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("{} as Bolometers".format(plotfname), fontsize=10) #plt.plot(0, 0, 'o', mfc='none',markersize=57.16*2,color='black') plt.subplot(122, facecolor='#d8dcd6') plt.scatter(xycoords[:, 0], xycoords[:, 1], c=dataCF[:, 4] / (max(dataCF[:, 4])), cmap='jet', marker='.') #plt.scatter(xycoords[:,0],xycoords[:,1], c=MagXarr/(max(MagXarr)), cmap='plasma',marker='.') #plt.plot(0, 0, 'o', mfc='none',markersize=57.16*2,color='black') plt.axis([-0.055, 0.055, -0.055, 0.055]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("Source - {}".format(filename), fontsize=10) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9) cax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.05, 0.8]) plt.colorbar(cax=cax, label="Mag X") return
def TotalIntensityPlot(): MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename = RetrieveVars( ) ######################Total Intensity plot - Normalised plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) plt.scatter(PixCenX * 1000, PixCenY * 1000, c=IntT[:] / max(IntT[:]), cmap='plasma', marker='s') plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("CF1 Source as Bolometers Total Instensity", fontsize=10) plt.subplot(122) plt.scatter(xycoords[:, 0], xycoords[:, 1], c=IT[:] / max(IT[:]), cmap='plasma', marker='.') plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("CF1 Source - MODAL", fontsize=10) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9) cax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.05, 0.8]) plt.colorbar(cax=cax, label="Intensity") os.system('spd-say "BING! BING! BING!"') return
def IntensityXPlot(): ######################IntensityX plot MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename = RetrieveVars( ) plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) plt.scatter(PixCenX * 1000, PixCenY * 1000, c=IntX / max(IntX), s=8, cmap='plasma', marker='s') plt.axis([-0.06, 0.06, -0.06, 0.06]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("CF1 Source as Bolometers Intensity X dir", fontsize=10) plt.subplot(122) plt.scatter(xycoords[:, 0], xycoords[:, 1], c=Ix / max(Ix), cmap='plasma', marker='.') plt.axis([-0.06, 0.06, -0.06, 0.06]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("CF1 Source - MODAL", fontsize=10) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9) cax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.05, 0.8]) plt.colorbar(cax=cax, label="Intensity X") return
def PoynICompPlot(mpath, gpath): #prep MODAL data df = pd.read_csv(mpath, sep='\t', header=0) garea, parea = GetMODALGridPixArea(mpath) #prep GRASP MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename = RetrieveVars( gpath) gfile = os.path.basename(gpath) GPow = GridPowerCalc(gfile) #calculate %diff comp = ((abs(df.PoynZ * parea) - abs(GPow)) / abs(GPow)) * 100 #comp = np.isclose(GPow, df.PoynZ*parea, atol=1e-6) fourpi = 4 * np.pi #do multi plots fig = plt.figure(facecolor='xkcd:pale green') fig.suptitle("FP Comparison") ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221, facecolor='#d8dcd6', aspect='equal') ax1.set_title("MODAL FP from Poynting Z") sc = ax1.scatter(df.X, df.Y, c=df.PoynZ * parea, cmap='jet', marker='.') cbar = fig.colorbar(sc, label="MODAL Poynting (W)") ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222, facecolor='#d8dcd6', aspect='equal') ax2.set_title("GRASP FP from Total Intensity") sc = ax2.scatter(xycoords[:, 1] * 1000, xycoords[:, 0] * 1000, c=GPow, cmap='jet', marker='.') cbar = fig.colorbar(sc, label="GRASP Total Intensity (W)") #plot %diff between models ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223, facecolor='#d8dcd6', aspect='equal') ax3.set_title("Difference between Softwares") sc = ax3.scatter(xycoords[:, 1] * 1000, xycoords[:, 0] * 1000, c=comp, cmap='RdPu', marker='.') #Both useful PiYG & RdPu cbar = fig.colorbar(sc, label="Difference") #plot histogram of %diff per pixel ax4 = fig.add_subplot(224, facecolor='#d8dcd6') ax4.set_title("% Difference Histogram") n, bins, patches = ax4.hist(comp) print "hist data", n, bins, patches #calcualte sum of power print "Poynting Sum W = ", sum( df.PoynZ * parea), "% Diff from 1 W = ", ((sum(df.PoynZ * parea) - 1) / 1) * 100 print "modal values: max, mean ", max(df.PoynZ * parea), np.mean(df.PoynZ * parea) print "grasp values: max, mean ", max(GPow), np.mean(GPow) return
def TotalIntensityPlot(plotfname): pklrep = '/home/james/files4CSFPA/qbdataioOUTFILES/' + plotfname MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, filename = RetrieveVars( pklrep) ######################Total Intensity plot - Normalised TESPower = TESPowerCalc(plotfname) GPow = GridPowerCalc(plotfname) plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) plt.scatter(PixCenX * 1000, PixCenY * 1000, c=TESPower, cmap='jet', marker='s') plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("Bolometers Total Intensity", fontsize=10) plt.subplot(122) plt.scatter(xycoords[:, 1], xycoords[:, 0], c=GPow, cmap='jet', marker='.', s=1) plt.axis([-60, 60, -60, 60]) plt.axis('equal') plt.title("Model Power Data", fontsize=10) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9) cax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.05, 0.8]) plt.colorbar(cax=cax, label="Intensity (1 W Source)") os.system('spd-say "BING! BING! BING!"') return