コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, os_name, browser_name, profiles, cmd, args_tuple=()):
        self.os_name = os_name
        self.browser_name = browser_name
        self.profiles = []
        if type(profiles) != list:
            profiles = [profiles]
        for p in profiles:
            if type(p) == str:
                self.profiles.append({'path': p})
        self.cmd = cmd
        self.cmd_args = tuple()
        self.args_tuple = args_tuple
        self.proc = None
        self.launch_time = None
            self.cmd = config.cfg.get(os_name, browser_name)
        except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError):

        args = config.get_str(os_name, browser_name + "_args")
        if args is not None:
            self.cmd_args = tuple(args.split())

        self.NameExtra = config.get_str(os_name, browser_name + "_suffix")
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, os_name, browser_name, package='org.mozilla.fennec', activity='.App'):
        super(AndroidBrowserController, self).__init__(os_name, browser_name, "default", None)
        self.browserPackage = config.get_str('android', browser_name + '_package', package)
        self.browserActivity = config.get_str('android', browser_name + '_activity', activity)
        self.dm = createDeviceManager(packageName=package)

        self.remoteProfile = "%s/profile" % self.dm.getDeviceRoot()
        #TODO: pull this in from the conf file, we might want to specify something custom
        self.localProfile = "android_profile"
コード例 #3
 def __init__(self, os_name, browser_name, package='org.mozilla.fennec', activity='.App'):
     super(AndroidBrowserController, self).__init__(os_name, browser_name, "default", None)
     self.browserPackage = config.get_str('android', browser_name + '_package', package)
     self.browserActivity = config.get_str('android', browser_name + '_activity', activity)
     self.dm = createDeviceManager(packageName=package)
コード例 #4
ファイル: speedtests.py プロジェクト: rwood-moz/speedtests
def main():
    from optparse import OptionParser
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option('-f', '--config', dest='config_file', type='string', action='store', default=None,
                      help='config file (default speedtests.conf)')
    parser.add_option('-t', '--test', dest='tests', action='append', default=[])
    parser.add_option('-n', '--noresults', dest='noresults', action='store_true')
    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='count')
    parser.add_option('--ignore', dest='ignore', action='store_true',
                      help='instruct server to ignore results')
    parser.add_option('--client', dest='client', type='string', action='store',
                     help='override client name reported to server')
    parser.add_option('--platform', dest='platform', type='string', action='store',
                     help='override detected platform')
    parser.add_option('--port', dest='local_port', type='int', action='store',
                     help='override local_port')
    parser.add_option('--cycles', dest='cycles', type='int', default=1, action='store',
                      help='number of cycles to run, default 1, -1 to run forever')
    parser.add_option('--forever', dest='cycles', const=-1, action='store_const',
                      help='run forever')
    parser.add_option('--nap-after', dest='nap_after', type='int', action='store',
                      help='take a break after this many cycles (0=never)')
    parser.add_option('--nap-time', dest='nap_time', type='int', action='store',
                      help='duration of nap, in seconds')
    parser.add_option('--reboot-after', dest='reboot_after', type='int', action='store',
                      help='reboot device after this many cycles (0=never)')
    parser.add_option('--include-dev-builds', dest='include_dev_builds', action='store_true',
                      help='Include developer builds in browsers lists (specifically for Android Firefox)')

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    config.read(options.noresults, options.ignore, options.config_file)

    if options.client:
        config.client = options.client

    if options.local_port:
        config.local_port = options.local_port

    if options.verbose:
        config.verbose = options.verbose

    if options.include_dev_builds:
        config.include_dev_builds = True

    if not options.client and not config.get_str('speedtests', 'client'):
        print "--client must be specified on command line or in config (we don't support ip-based clients here)"

    if options.platform:
        config.platform = options.platform

    config.nap_after = config.get_int(config.platform, 'nap_after', 0)
    config.nap_time = config.get_int(config.platform, 'nap_time', 0)
    config.reboot_after = config.get_int(config.platform, 'reboot_after', 0)
    config.reboot_sleep = config.get_int(config.platform, 'reboot_sleep', 180)

    # Allow override from platform subsections
    if config.get_str(config.platform, 'test_base_url'):
        config.test_base_url = config.get_str(config.platform, 'test_base_url')

    if options.nap_after:
        config.nap_after = options.nap_after
    if options.nap_time:
        config.nap_time = options.nap_time
    if options.reboot_after:
        config.reboot_after = options.reboot_after

    def get_browser_arg():
            browser = args[1]
        except IndexError:
            print 'Specify a browser.'
        return browser

    evt = threading.Event()
    if len(args) >= 1 and args[0] == 'archive':
        browser = get_browser_arg()

    # start tests in specified browsers.  if none given, run all.

    # create a configuration object to pass to the tests
    testconfig = dict()
    testconfig["clientName"] = config.client
    testconfig["runnerServer"] = "http://%s:%d/submit-result" % (config.local_ip, config.local_port)
    testconfig["platform"] = config.platform
    if not options.noresults:
        testconfig["resultServer"] = config.results_server
        testconfig["cubeServer"] = config.cube_results_server

    if not options.tests:
        print 'Getting test list from server...'
            # pass the config to testpaths, so that it can do potentially useful things with that info
            test_extra_params = "?_benchconfig=" + base64.b64encode(json.dumps(testconfig))
            tests_url = config.test_base_url + '/testpaths'
            print 'Getting test list from %s...' % tests_url
            options.tests = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(tests_url + test_extra_params).read())
        except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
            sys.stderr.write('Could not get test list: %s\n' % e)
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            sys.stderr.write('Could not get test list: %s\n' % e.reason)
コード例 #5
ファイル: speedtests.py プロジェクト: rwood-moz/speedtests
            # pass the config to testpaths, so that it can do potentially useful things with that info
            test_extra_params = "?_benchconfig=" + base64.b64encode(json.dumps(testconfig))
            tests_url = config.test_base_url + '/testpaths'
            print 'Getting test list from %s...' % tests_url
            options.tests = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(tests_url + test_extra_params).read())
        except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
            sys.stderr.write('Could not get test list: %s\n' % e)
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            sys.stderr.write('Could not get test list: %s\n' % e.reason)

    browsers = args

    conf_browsers = config.get_str(config.platform, "browsers")
    if browsers is None or len(browsers) == 0 and conf_browsers is not None:
        browsers = conf_browsers.split()

    global runner
    runner = BrowserRunner(evt, browsers, options.tests, testconfig)
    print 'Starting HTTP server...'
    trs = TestRunnerHTTPServer(('', config.local_port), runner)
    server_thread = threading.Thread(target=trs.serve_forever)
    server_thread.daemon = True

    cycle_count = 0

    global report
    report = TestReport()