def DocumentOpen(self, uri): (proto, path) = Tools.splitURI(uri) if self._d_notebook.hasPageURI( uri ): self._d_notebook.selectPageByURI( uri ) return try: self._d_notebook.openURI(uri) self._d_main_frame.bindClose(self.OnDocumentClose) except: showExceptionDialog(self._d_notebook, -1, "Unable to open document %s"%uri)
def DocumentDelete(self, uri): # Ask for delete dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self._d_main_frame, "Do you realy wan to delete %s?"%uri, "delete?", wx.YES|wx.NO) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_NO: raise Exception("Delete aborted") # delete try: self._d_model.deleteURI( uri ) if self._d_notebook.hasPageURI( uri ): self._d_notebook.closePage( self._d_notebook.getPageByURI( uri ) ) except: showExceptionDialog(self._d_notbook, -1, "Unable to delete document %s"%uri) raise Exception("Delete aborted")