コード例 #1
def main():
    die1 = Die()
    die2 = Die()
    die3 = Die()
    numPlayers = 0
    while True:
        numPlayersS = input("Input the number of players")
        if numPlayersS.isdigit():
            numPlayers = int(numPlayersS)
    #Initialize Player Array
    playList = []
    for i in range(0, numPlayers):
            Player(input("Please give the name for Player " + str(i + 1))))
    #Actual Game Code
    gamePlay = True
    i = 0
    while gamePlay:
        #Cycles through players
        if i == numPlayers:
            i = 0
        playList[i].isTurn = True
        while playList[i].isTurn:
            die1Value = die1.__str__()
            die2Value = die2.__str__()
            die3Value = die3.__str__()
            print(playList[i].name, "rolled a " + str(die1Value),
                  str(die2Value), str(die3Value))
            die12Sum = die1Value + die2Value
            die13Sum = die1Value + die3Value
            die23Sum = die2Value + die3Value
            die123Sum = die12Sum + die3Value
            madeChange = False
            playList[i].canPlay = True
            while playList[i].canPlay:
                if len(playList[i].board) == 0:
                    playList[i].canPlay = False
                    playList[i].isTurn = False
                    print(playList[i].name, "wins!")
                    return 0
                if die1Value == playList[i].board[0] or die2Value == playList[
                        i].board[0] or die3Value == playList[i].board[
                            0] or die12Sum == playList[i].board[
                                0] or die23Sum == playList[i].board[
                                    0] or die13Sum == playList[i].board[
                                        0] or die123Sum == playList[i].board[0]:
                    print(str(playList[i].board[0]) + " removed")
                    removeValue = playList[i].board[0]
                    if removeValue == 12 and playList[i].board[0] == 12:
                        playList[i].canPlay = False
                        isTurn = False
                        madeChange = False
                        playList[i].canPlay = True
                        madeChange = True
                    playList[i].canPlay = False
            if madeChange:
                playList[i].isTurn = True
                playList[i].isTurn = False
        print(playList[i].name, "ends their turn.")
        i = i + 1