コード例 #1
def GetTopClosers(days, startdate, enddate, identities_db, filter,
                  closed_condition, limit):

    affiliations = ""
    for aff in filter:
        affiliations += " com.name<>'" + aff + "' and "

    date_limit = ""
    if (days != 0):
        sql = "SELECT @maxdate:=max(changed_on) from changes limit 1"
        date_limit = " AND DATEDIFF(@maxdate, changed_on)<" + str(days)

    q = "SELECT up.id as id, up.identifier as closers, "+\
        "       count(distinct(c.id)) as closed "+\
        "FROM "+GetTablesCompaniesITS(identities_db)+ ", "+\
        "     "+identities_db+".companies com, "+\
        "     "+identities_db+".upeople up "+\
        "WHERE "+GetFiltersCompaniesITS() +" and "+\
        "      "+affiliations+ " "+\
        "      upc.company_id = com.id and "+\
        "      c.changed_by = pup.people_id and "+\
        "      pup.upeople_id = up.id and "+\
        "      c.changed_on >= "+ startdate+ " and "+\
        "      c.changed_on < "+ enddate+ " and " +\
        "      "+closed_condition+ " " + date_limit+ " "+\
        "GROUP BY up.identifier "+\
        "ORDER BY closed desc, closers "+\
        "LIMIT "+ limit

    data = ExecuteQuery(q)
    return (data)
コード例 #2
def GetTopAuthorsMediaWiki(days, startdate, enddate, identities_db, bots,
    date_limit = ""
    filter_bots = ''
    for bot in bots:
        filter_bots += " user<>'" + bot + "' and "

    if (days != 0):
        ExecuteQuery("SELECT @maxdate:=max(date) from wiki_pages_revs limit 1")
        date_limit = " AND DATEDIFF(@maxdate, date)<" + str(days)

    q = "SELECT up.id as id, up.identifier as authors, "+\
        "    count(wiki_pages_revs.id) as reviews "+\
        "FROM wiki_pages_revs, people_upeople pup, "+identities_db+".upeople up "+\
        "WHERE "+ filter_bots+ " "+\
        "    wiki_pages_revs.user = pup.people_id and "+\
        "    pup.upeople_id = up.id and "+\
        "    date >= "+ startdate+ " and "+\
        "    date  < "+ enddate+ " "+ date_limit+ " "+\
        "    GROUP BY authors "+\
        "    ORDER BY reviews desc, authors "+\
        "    LIMIT "+ limit

    data = ExecuteQuery(q)
    return (data)
コード例 #3
ファイル: MLS.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/VizGrimoireR
def top_senders(days, startdate, enddate, identities_db, filter, limit):

    affiliations = ""
    if (not filter): filter = []
    for aff in filter:
        affiliations = affiliations + " c.name<>'" + aff + "' and "

    date_limit = ""
    if (days != 0):
        sql = "SELECT @maxdate:=max(first_date) from messages limit 1"
        date_limit = " AND DATEDIFF(@maxdate,first_date)<" + str(days)

    q = "SELECT up.id as id, up.identifier as senders, "+\
            "COUNT(distinct(m.message_id)) as sent "+\
            "FROM "+ GetTablesCompanies(identities_db)+\
            " ,"+identities_db+".upeople up "+\
            "WHERE "+ GetFiltersCompanies()+ " AND "+\
            "  pup.upeople_id = up.id AND "+\
            "  "+ affiliations + " "+\
            "  m.first_date >= "+startdate+" AND "+\
            "  m.first_date < "+enddate +\
            date_limit+ " "+\
            "GROUP BY up.identifier "+\
            "ORDER BY sent desc "+\
            "LIMIT " + limit
    data = ExecuteQuery(q)
    return (data)
コード例 #4
def get_project_subproject(project_info):
    ## returns a dict with {"project":["subproject_a",..]}

    dict_res = {}

    ## projects of level 0
    q = "SELECT project_id as id FROM projects WHERE "+\
        "project_id NOT IN (SELECT subproject_id from project_children);"
    res = ExecuteQuery(q)
    p_no_children = res["id"]

    for p in p_no_children:
        key = project_info[p]["string_id"]
        title = project_info[p]["title"]
        dict_res[key] = {"parent_project": "root", "title": title}

    q = "SELECT * FROM project_children"
    relationships = ExecuteQuery(q)

    cont = 0
    length = len(relationships['project_id'])
    while cont < length:
        parent_num_id = relationships['project_id'][cont]
        child_num_id = relationships['subproject_id'][cont]
        parent_str_id = project_info[parent_num_id]["string_id"]
        child_str_id = project_info[child_num_id]["string_id"]
        child_title = project_info[child_num_id]["title"]
        dict_res[child_str_id] = {
            "parent_project": parent_str_id,
            "title": child_title
        cont += 1
    #print project_info
    return dict_res
コード例 #5
ファイル: IRC.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/VizGrimoireR
def GetRepoEvolSentSendersIRC (repo, period, startdate, enddate):
    fields = 'COUNT(irclog.id) AS sent, COUNT(DISTINCT(pup.upeople_id)) AS senders'
    tables= GetTablesReposIRC()
    filters = GetFiltersReposIRC() + " AND c.name='"+repo+"'"
    filters += " AND irclog.type='COMMENT'"
    q = GetSQLPeriod(period,'date', fields, tables, filters, startdate, enddate)
コード例 #6
ファイル: IRC.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/VizGrimoireR
def GetSendersIRC (period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, type_analysis, evolutionary):    
    fields = " count(distinct(nick)) as senders "
    tables = " irclog " + GetSQLReportFrom(identities_db, type_analysis)
    filters = GetSQLReportWhere(type_analysis, "author")
    filters += " and type='COMMENT' "
    q = BuildQuery(period, startdate, enddate, " date ", fields, tables, filters, evolutionary)    
コード例 #7
ファイル: IRC.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/VizGrimoireR
def StaticNumRepositoriesIRC (period, startdate, enddate, identities_db=None, type_analysis=[]):
    fields = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(channel_id)) AS repositories "
    tables = "FROM irclog "
    filters = "WHERE date >=" + startdate + " AND date < " + enddate
    filters += " AND type='COMMENT' "
    q = fields + tables + filters
コード例 #8
ファイル: IRC.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/VizGrimoireR
def StaticNumSendersIRC (period, startdate, enddate, identities_db=None, type_analysis=[]):
    fields = "SELECT count(distinct(nick)) as senders"
    tables = " FROM irclog "
    filters = "WHERE date >=" + startdate + " and date < " + enddate
    filters += " AND type='COMMENT' "
    q = fields + tables + filters
コード例 #9
ファイル: MLS.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/VizGrimoireR
def StaticNumSent(startdate, enddate):
    fields = " COUNT(*) as sent "
    tables = GetTablesOwnUniqueIdsMLS()
    filters = GetFiltersOwnUniqueIdsMLS()
    q = GetSQLGlobal('first_date', fields, tables, filters, startdate, enddate)
    sent = ExecuteQuery(q)
    return (sent)
コード例 #10
def GetEvolChanges(period, startdate, enddate, value):
    fields = "count(issue_id) as "+ value+ "_changes"
    tables = "changes"
    filters = "new_value='"+value+"'"
    q = GetSQLPeriod(period, " changed_on", fields, tables, filters,
            startdate, enddate)
コード例 #11
ファイル: MLS.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/VizGrimoireR
def StaticNumSenders(startdate, enddate):
    fields = " COUNT(DISTINCT(pup.upeople_id)) as senders "
    tables = GetTablesOwnUniqueIdsMLS()
    filters = GetFiltersOwnUniqueIdsMLS()
    q = GetSQLGlobal('first_date', fields, tables, filters, startdate, enddate)
    senders = ExecuteQuery(q)
    return (senders)
コード例 #12
def StaticNumAuthorsMediaWiki(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db,
    select = "SELECT count(distinct(user)) as authors"
    tables = " FROM wiki_pages_revs "
    where = " where date >=" + startdate + " and date < " + enddate
    q = select + tables + where
    return (ExecuteQuery(q))
コード例 #13
def GetWaiting4Submitter (period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, type_analysis, evolutionary):

     fields = "count(distinct(c.id)) as WaitingForSubmitter "
     tables = "  changes c, "+\
              "   issues i, "+\
              "        (select c.issue_id as issue_id, "+\
              "                c.old_value as old_value, "+\
              "                max(c.id) as id "+\
              "         from changes c, "+\
              "              issues i "+\
              "         where c.issue_id = i.id and "+\
              "               i.status='NEW' "+\
              "         group by c.issue_id, c.old_value) t1 "
     tables = tables + GetSQLReportFromSCR(identities_db, type_analysis)
     filters = " i.id = c.issue_id "+\
               "  and t1.id = c.id "+\
	           "  and (c.field='CRVW' or c.field='Code-Review' or c.field='Verified' or c.field='VRIF') "+\
               "  and (c.new_value=-1 or c.new_value=-2) "
     filters = filters + GetSQLReportWhereSCR(type_analysis)

     if (evolutionary):
         q = GetSQLPeriod(period, " c.changed_on", fields, tables, filters,
                           startdate, enddate)
         q = GetSQLGlobal(" c.changed_on ", fields, tables, filters,
                           startdate, enddate)

コード例 #14
def GetTopSubmittersQuerySCR   (days, startdate, enddate, identities_db, bots, limit, merged = False):
    date_limit = ""
    merged_sql = ""
    rol = "openers"
    action = "opened"
    filter_bots = ''
    for bot in bots:
        filter_bots = filter_bots+ " up.identifier<>'"+bot+"' and "

    if (days != 0 ):
        q = "SELECT @maxdate:=max(submitted_on) from issues limit 1"
        date_limit = " AND DATEDIFF(@maxdate, submitted_on)<"+str(days)

    if (merged):
        merged_sql = " AND status='MERGED' "
        rol = "mergers"
        action = "merged"

    q = "SELECT up.id as id, up.identifier as "+rol+", "+\
        "            count(distinct(i.id)) as "+action+" "+\
        "        FROM people_upeople pup, issues i, "+identities_db+".upeople up "+\
        "        WHERE "+ filter_bots+ " "+\
        "            i.submitted_by = pup.people_id and "+\
        "            pup.upeople_id = up.id and "+\
        "            i.submitted_on >= "+ startdate+ " and "+\
        "            i.submitted_on < "+ enddate+ " "+\
        "            "+date_limit+ merged_sql+ " "+\
        "        GROUP BY up.identifier "+\
        "        ORDER BY "+action+" desc, id "+\
        "        LIMIT "+ limit
コード例 #15
ファイル: threads.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/VizGrimoireR
    def _init_threads(self):
        # Returns dictionary of message_id threads. Each key contains a list
        # of emails associated to that thread (not ordered).

        # Retrieving all of the messages.
        query = """
                select message_ID, is_response_of 
                from messages 
                where first_date > '%s' and first_date <= '%s'
                """ % (self.initdate, self.enddate)
        list_messages = ExecuteQuery(query)
        self.list_message_id = list_messages["message_ID"]
        self.list_is_response_of = list_messages["is_response_of"]

        messages = {}
        for message_id in self.list_message_id:
            # Looking for messages in the thread
            index = self.list_message_id.index(message_id)

            # Only analyzing those whose is_response_of is None,
            # those are the message 'root' of each thread.
            if self.list_is_response_of[index] is None:
                messages[message_id] = self._build_threads(message_id)
                # Adding the root message to the list in first place
                messages[message_id].insert(0, message_id)

        self.threads = messages
コード例 #16
def GetCompaniesNameITS(startdate, enddate, identities_db, closed_condition,
    affiliations = ""
    for aff in filter:
        affiliations += " c.name<>'" + aff + "' and "

    # list each of the companies analyzed
    # those are order by number of closed issues
    q = "select c.name "+\
        "from issues i, "+\
        "     changes ch, "+\
        "     people_upeople pup, "+\
        "     "+ identities_db+ ".upeople_companies upc, "+\
        "     "+ identities_db+ ".companies c "+\
        "where i.id = ch.issue_id and "+\
        "      ch.changed_by = pup.people_id and "+\
        "      pup.upeople_id = upc.upeople_id and "+\
        "      upc.company_id = c.id and "+\
        "      ch.changed_on >= "+ startdate+ " and "+\
        "      ch.changed_on < "+ enddate+" and "+\
        "      "+ affiliations  +\
               closed_condition +\
        "      group by c.name  "+\
        "      order by count(distinct(i.id)) desc"

    data = ExecuteQuery(q)
    return (data)
コード例 #17
def GetChangers(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, type_analysis,
    #This function returns the evolution or agg number of changed issues
    #This function can be also reproduced using the Backlog function.
    #However this function is less time expensive.
    fields = " count(distinct(pup.upeople_id)) as changers "
    tables = " issues i, changes ch " + GetITSSQLReportFrom(
        identities_db, type_analysis)

    filters = " i.id = ch.issue_id "
    filters_ext = GetITSSQLReportWhere(type_analysis)
    if (filters_ext != ""):
        filters += " and " + filters_ext

    #unique identities filters
    if (type_analysis is None or len(type_analysis) != 2):
        #Specific case for the basic option where people_upeople table is needed
        #and not taken into account in the initial part of the query
        tables += ", people_upeople pup"
        filters += " and i.submitted_by = pup.people_id"

    elif (type_analysis[0] == "repository"):
        #Adding people_upeople table
        tables += ", people_upeople pup"
        filters += " and i.submitted_by = pup.people_id "

    #Action needed to replace issues filters by changes one
    filters = filters.replace("i.submitted", "ch.changed")

    q = BuildQuery(period, startdate, enddate, " ch.changed_on ", fields,
                   tables, filters, evolutionary)

    data = ExecuteQuery(q)
    return (data)
コード例 #18
ファイル: threads.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/VizGrimoireR
 def verboseThread(self):
     # TODO: at some point these numbers should be calculated when
     # retrieving the initial list of message_id, is_response_of values
     # Returns the most verbose thread (the biggest emails)
     if self.verbose == None:
         # variable was not initialize
         self.verbose = ""
         current_len = 0
         # iterating through the root messages
         for message_id in self.threads.keys():
             total_len_bodies = 0  # len of all of the body messages
             # iterating through each of the messages of the thread
             for msg in self.threads[message_id]:
                 query = """
                         select length(message_body) as length
                         from messages
                         where message_ID = '%s'
                         """ % (msg)
                 result = ExecuteQuery(query)
                 length = int(result["length"])
                 total_len_bodies = total_len_bodies + length
                 if total_len_bodies > current_len:
                     # New bigger thread found
                     self.verbose = message_id
                     current_len = total_len_bodies
     return Email(self.verbose, self.i_db)
コード例 #19
ファイル: IRC.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/VizGrimoireR
def GetListPeopleIRC (startdate, enddate) :
    fields = "DISTINCT(pup.upeople_id) as id, count(irclog.id) total"
    tables = GetTablesOwnUniqueIdsIRC()
    filters = GetFiltersOwnUniqueIdsIRC()
    filters += " AND irclog.type='COMMENT' "
    filters += " GROUP BY nick ORDER BY total desc"
    q = GetSQLGlobal('date',fields,tables, filters, startdate, enddate)
コード例 #20
def GetPeopleStaticITS(developer_id, startdate, enddate, closed_condition):
    ## FIXME is this function used only to calculate closed issues? if not it must be
    ## fixed
    q = GetPeopleQueryITS(developer_id, None, startdate, enddate, False,

    data = ExecuteQuery(q)
    return (data)
コード例 #21
def GetLastActivityITS(days, closed_condition):
    # opened issues
    days = str(days)
    q = "select count(*) as opened_"+days+" "+\
        "from issues "+\
        "where submitted_on >= ( "+\
        "      select (max(submitted_on) - INTERVAL "+days+" day) "+\
        "      from issues)"

    data1 = ExecuteQuery(q)

    # closed issues
    q = "select count(distinct(issue_id)) as closed_"+days+" "+\
        "from changes "+\
        "where  "+closed_condition+" "+\
        "and changed_on >= ( "+\
        "      select (max(changed_on) - INTERVAL "+days+" day) "+\
        "      from changes)"

    data2 = ExecuteQuery(q)

    # closers
    q = "SELECT count(distinct(pup.upeople_id)) as closers_"+days+" "+\
         "FROM changes, people_upeople pup "+\
         "WHERE pup.people_id = changes.changed_by and "+\
         "changed_on >= ( "+\
         "    select (max(changed_on) - INTERVAL "+days+" day) "+\
         "     from changes) AND "+ closed_condition

    data3 = ExecuteQuery(q)

    # people_involved
    q = "SELECT count(distinct(pup.upeople_id)) as changers_"+days+" "+\
         "FROM changes, people_upeople pup "+\
         "WHERE pup.people_id = changes.changed_by and "+\
         "changed_on >= ( "+\
         "    select (max(changed_on) - INTERVAL "+days+" day) "+\
         "     from changes)"

    data4 = ExecuteQuery(q)

    agg_data = dict(data1.items() + data2.items())
    agg_data = dict(agg_data.items() + data3.items())

    return (agg_data)
コード例 #22
def GetAuthorsMediaWiki(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db,
                        type_analysis, evolutionary):
    fields = " count(distinct(user)) as authors "
    tables = " wiki_pages_revs " + GetSQLReportFrom(identities_db,
    filters = GetSQLReportWhere(type_analysis, "author")
    q = BuildQuery(period, startdate, enddate, " date ", fields, tables,
                   filters, evolutionary)
    return (ExecuteQuery(q))
コード例 #23
def GetListPeopleMediaWiki(startdate, enddate):
    fields = "DISTINCT(pup.upeople_id) as id, count(wiki_pages_revs.id) total"
    tables = GetTablesOwnUniqueIdsMediaWiki()
    filters = GetFiltersOwnUniqueIdsMediaWiki()
    filters += " GROUP BY user ORDER BY total desc"
    q = GetSQLGlobal('date', fields, tables, filters, startdate, enddate)

    data = ExecuteQuery(q)
    return (data)
コード例 #24
def StaticNumReviewsMediaWiki(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db,
    select = "SELECT count(rev_id) as reviews, "+\
               "DATE_FORMAT (min(date), '%Y-%m-%d') as first_date, "+\
               "DATE_FORMAT (max(date), '%Y-%m-%d') as last_date "
    tables = " FROM wiki_pages_revs "
    where = " where date >=" + startdate + " and date < " + enddate
    q = select + tables + where
    return (ExecuteQuery(q))
コード例 #25
ファイル: MLS.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/VizGrimoireR
def GetListPeopleMLS(startdate, enddate):
    fields = "DISTINCT(pup.upeople_id) as id, count(m.message_ID) total"
    tables = GetTablesOwnUniqueIdsMLS()
    filters = GetFiltersOwnUniqueIdsMLS()
    filters += " GROUP BY id ORDER BY total desc"
    q = GetSQLGlobal('first_date', fields, tables, filters, startdate, enddate)

    data = ExecuteQuery(q)
    return (data)
コード例 #26
def GetIPs(period, startdate, enddate, evolutionary):
    # Generic function to obtain number of IPs
    fields = "count(distinct(ip)) as ips"
    tables = "downloads"
    filters = ""

    query = BuildQuery(period, startdate, enddate, " date ", fields, tables,
                       filters, evolutionary)
    return (ExecuteQuery(query))
コード例 #27
ファイル: IRC.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/VizGrimoireR
def StaticNumSentIRC (period, startdate, enddate, identities_db=None, type_analysis=[]):
    fields = "SELECT count(message) as sent, \
              DATE_FORMAT (min(date), '%Y-%m-%d') as first_date, \
              DATE_FORMAT (max(date), '%Y-%m-%d') as last_date "
    tables = " FROM irclog "
    filters = "WHERE date >=" + startdate + " and date < " + enddate
    filters += " AND type='COMMENT' "
    q = fields + tables + filters
コード例 #28
def GetPeopleListITS(startdate, enddate):
    fields = "DISTINCT(pup.upeople_id) as pid, count(c.id) as total"
    tables = GetTablesOwnUniqueIdsITS()
    filters = GetFiltersOwnUniqueIdsITS()
    filters += " GROUP BY pid ORDER BY total desc"
    q = GetSQLGlobal('changed_on', fields, tables, filters, startdate, enddate)

    data = ExecuteQuery(q)
    return (data)
コード例 #29
def GetActiveSubmittersITS(days, enddate):
    # FIXME parameters should be: startdate and enddate
    q0 = "SELECT DISTINCT(pup.upeople_id) AS active_submitters"+\
      " FROM issues i, people_upeople pup"+\
      " WHERE pup.people_id = i.submitted_by AND"+\
      " submitted_on >= ( %s - INTERVAL %s day)"
    q1 = q0 % (enddate, days)
    data = ExecuteQuery(q1)
    return (data)
コード例 #30
def GetActiveChangersITS(days, enddate):
    # FIXME parameters should be: startdate and enddate
    q0 = "SELECT distinct(pup.upeople_id) as active_changers"+\
        " FROM changes, people_upeople pup "+\
        " WHERE pup.people_id = changes.changed_by and "+\
        " changed_on >= ( %s - INTERVAL %s day)"
    q1 = q0 % (enddate, days)
    data = ExecuteQuery(q1)
    return (data)
コード例 #31
def lastActivityMediaWiki (init_date, days) :
    days = str(days)
    q = "select count(wiki_pages_revs.id) as reviews_"+days+" "+\
        "from wiki_pages_revs "+\
        "where date >= ("+ init_date+ " - INTERVAL "+days+" day)"

    data1 = ExecuteQuery(q)
    q = "select count(distinct(pup.upeople_id)) as authors_"+days+" "+\
        "from wiki_pages_revs, people_upeople pup "+\
        "where pup.people_id = user  and "+\
        "  date >= ("+ init_date+ " - INTERVAL "+days+" day)"

    data2 = ExecuteQuery(q)

    agg_data = dict(data1.items() + data2.items())

コード例 #32
def lastActivity (days) :
    days = str(days)
    q = "select count(distinct(message_ID)) as sent_"+days+" "+\
        "    from messages "+\
        "    where first_date >= ( "+\
        "      select (max(first_date) - INTERVAL "+days+" day) "+\
        "      from messages)"

    data1 = ExecuteQuery(q)

    q = "select count(distinct(pup.upeople_id)) as senders_"+days+" "+\
        "    from messages m, "+\
        "      people_upeople pup, "+\
        "      messages_people mp "+\
        "    where pup.people_id = mp.email_address  and "+\
        "      m.message_ID = mp.message_id and "+\
        "      m.first_date >= (select (max(first_date) - INTERVAL "+days+" day) "+\
        "        from messages)"

    data2 = ExecuteQuery(q)

    agg_data = dict(data1.items() + data2.items())
コード例 #33
def GetLastActivityITS (days, closed_condition):
    # opened issues
    days = str(days)
    q = "select count(*) as opened_"+days+" "+\
        "from issues "+\
        "where submitted_on >= ( "+\
        "      select (max(submitted_on) - INTERVAL "+days+" day) "+\
        "      from issues)"

    data1 = ExecuteQuery(q)

    # closed issues
    q = "select count(distinct(issue_id)) as closed_"+days+" "+\
        "from changes "+\
        "where  "+closed_condition+" "+\
        "and changed_on >= ( "+\
        "      select (max(changed_on) - INTERVAL "+days+" day) "+\
        "      from changes)"

    data2 = ExecuteQuery(q)

    # closers
    q = "SELECT count(distinct(pup.upeople_id)) as closers_"+days+" "+\
         "FROM changes, people_upeople pup "+\
         "WHERE pup.people_id = changes.changed_by and "+\
         "changed_on >= ( "+\
         "    select (max(changed_on) - INTERVAL "+days+" day) "+\
         "     from changes) AND "+ closed_condition

    data3 = ExecuteQuery(q)

    # people_involved    
    q = "SELECT count(distinct(pup.upeople_id)) as changers_"+days+" "+\
         "FROM changes, people_upeople pup "+\
         "WHERE pup.people_id = changes.changed_by and "+\
         "changed_on >= ( "+\
         "    select (max(changed_on) - INTERVAL "+days+" day) "+\
         "     from changes)"

    data4 = ExecuteQuery(q)

    agg_data = dict(data1.items()+data2.items())
    agg_data = dict(agg_data.items()+data3.items())

    return (agg_data)