コード例 #1
def read_source_file(file_name, locoation_file_name):
    with open(file_name, 'r') as readCollision:  # r represent read model
        print("Start to read file: " + file_name +
              ". This may take a while...")
        file = csv.reader(readCollision)
        for row in file:
            if "COLLISION_ID" not in row[0]:
                collision = Collision()
                collision.collision_id = row[0]
                collision.location_id = row[1]
                collision.hour_key = row[2]
                collision.environment = row[3]
                collision.light = row[4]
                collision.surface_condition = row[5]
                collision.traffic_control = row[6]
                collision.traffic_control_condition = row[7]
                collision.collision_classification = row[8]
                collision.impace_type = row[9]
                collision.no_of_pedestrians = row[10]
                collision.date = row[11]

    with open(locoation_file_name,
              'r') as readLocation:  # r represent read model
        print("Start to read file: " + locoation_file_name +
              ". This may take a while...")
        file = csv.reader(readLocation)
        for row in file:
            if "LOCATION_ID" not in row[0]:
                location = Location()
                location.location_id = row[0]
                location.street_name = row[1]
                location.intersection_one = row[2]
                location.intersection_two = row[3]
                location.longitude = row[4]
                location.latitude = row[5]
                location.neighborhood = row[6]
                location.closest_weather_station = row[7]
def location_string_processor(file_name):
    Retrieve data about the location of the ottawa's collision record from a csv file.
    :param file_name: the file to retrieve data
    global total_record
    global total_valid_record
    locations = []
    total_ctr = 0
    neighborhoods = generate_neighborhood_lookup_table()
    weather_stations = generate_weather_station_list()
    with open(file_name, 'r') as readData:  # r represent read model
        print("Start to read file: " + file_name +
              ". This may take a while...")
        file = csv.reader(readData)
        for row in file:
            if "COLLISION_ID" not in row[0]:
                location = Location()
                total_ctr = total_ctr + 1
                sys.stdout.write("\r" + str(total_ctr) +
                                 " records have been processed!")
                location_str = row[1]
                is_at = False
                is_btwn = False
                if "@" in location_str:
                    is_at = True
                if "btwn" in location_str:
                    is_btwn = True
                if is_at and is_btwn:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Unexpected format: have both btwn and @: " +

                if is_at:
                    substring = location_str.split("@", 1)
                    location.street_name = substring[0]
                    substring = substring[1]
                    if "&" in substring:
                        substring = substring.split("&", 1)
                        if len(substring) == 2:
                            location.intersection_one = substring[0]
                            location.intersection_two = substring[1]
                        elif len(substring) == 1:
                            location.intersection_one = substring[0]
                            location.intersection_two = "N/A"
                            raise Exception("Wrong format location address: " +
                    if "/" in substring:
                        substring = substring.split("/", 1)
                        if len(substring) == 2:
                            location.intersection_one = substring[0]
                            location.intersection_two = substring[1]
                        elif len(substring) == 1:
                            location.intersection_one = substring[0]
                            location.intersection_two = "N/A"
                            raise Exception("Wrong format location address: " +
                    if "@" in substring or "btwn" in substring:
                        raise Exception("Wrong location format " +

                elif is_btwn:
                    substring = location_str.split("btwn", 1)
                    location.street_name = substring[0]
                    substring = substring[1]
                    if "&" in substring:
                        substring = substring.split("&", 1)
                        if len(substring) == 2:
                            location.intersection_one = substring[0]
                            location.intersection_two = substring[1]
                        elif len(substring) == 1:
                            location.intersection_one = substring[0]
                            location.intersection_two = "N/A"
                            raise Exception("Wrong format location address: " +
                    if "/" in substring:
                        substring = substring.split("/", 1)
                        if len(substring) == 2:
                            location.intersection_one = substring[0]
                            location.intersection_two = substring[1]
                        elif len(substring) == 1:
                            location.intersection_one = substring[0]
                            location.intersection_two = "N/A"
                            raise Exception("Wrong format location address: " +
                    if "@" in substring or "btwn" in substring:
                        raise Exception("Wrong location format " +
                    substring = location_str.split("/", 1)
                    location.street_name = substring[0]
                    substring = substring[1]
                    if "&" in substring:
                        substring = substring.split("&", 1)
                        if len(substring) == 2:
                            location.intersection_one = substring[0]
                            location.intersection_two = substring[1]
                        elif len(substring) == 1:
                            location.intersection_one = substring[0]
                            location.intersection_two = "N/A"
                            raise Exception("Wrong format location address: " +
                    if "/" in substring:
                        substring = substring.split("/", 1)
                        if len(substring) == 2:
                            location.intersection_one = substring[0]
                            location.intersection_two = substring[1]
                        elif len(substring) == 1:
                            location.intersection_one = substring[0]
                            location.intersection_two = "N/A"
                            raise Exception("Wrong format location address: " +
                    if "@" in substring or "btwn" in substring:
                        raise Exception("Wrong location format " +
                location.longitude = row[2]
                if ((int(float(location.longitude)) != -75)
                        and (int(float(location.longitude)) != -76)):
                    raise Exception("Wrong longitude: [" + location.longitude +
                                    "], " + row[2])
                location.latitude = row[3]
                if int(float(location.latitude)) != 45 and int(
                        float(location.latitude)) != 44:
                    raise Exception("Wrong latitude: " + row[3] + ", [" +
                                    location.latitude + "]")
                location.location_id = str(location.longitude) + str(
                shortest_dist = float("inf")
                for neighborhood in neighborhoods:
                    difflong = float(
                        location.longitude) - neighborhood.longitude
                    difflati = float(location.latitude) - neighborhood.latitude
                    distance = math.sqrt(pow(difflong, 2) + pow(difflati, 2))
                    if distance < shortest_dist:
                        shortest_dist = distance
                        location.neighborhood = neighborhood.neighborhood
                shortest_dist = float("inf")
                for station in weather_stations:
                    difflong = float(location.longitude) - float(
                        station[7])  # long
                    difflati = float(location.latitude) - float(
                        station[6])  # lati
                    distance = math.sqrt(pow(difflong, 2) + pow(difflati, 2))
                    if distance < shortest_dist:
                        shortest_dist = distance
                        location.closest_weather_station = station[0]  # name
    return locations