コード例 #1
    def getFlights(self):
        print self.shorthand
        """Create a flight object from a shorthand command"""
        regexp = """
        regexp = ''.join(regexp.split())
            matches = re.match(regexp, self.shorthand).groups()	
        except AttributeError:
            raise ShorthandParseException(self.shorthand, "Failed to parse shorthand")
        expectedMatches = [
            "Number Of Flights",
            "Launch Type",

        successfulParseCount = 0
        for idx, expectedMatch in enumerate(expectedMatches):
            if matches[idx] is not None:
                match = matches[idx][1:]
                if expectedMatch == "Identifier":
                    gliders = GliderSearch.find(self.db, GliderSearch.TRIGRAPH, match)
                    if len(gliders) == 0:
                        gliders = GliderSearch.find(self.db, GliderSearch.COMPNO, match)
                        if len(gliders) == 0:
                            raise ShorthandParseException(matches[idx], "Could not parse this %s" % expectedMatch )
                    gliderID = random.choice(gliders).Get('ID')
                elif expectedMatch == "Date":
                        flightDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(match, "%d%m%y")
                        raise ShorthandParseException(matches[idx], "Could not parse this %s" % expectedMatch )
                elif expectedMatch == "Location":
                    location_name = Location.findByName(self.db, match).Get('name')
                    if location_name is None:
                        raise ShorthandParseException(matches[idx], "Could not parse this %s" % expectedMatch)
                elif expectedMatch == "Number Of Flights":
                        number_of_flights = int(match)
                        raise ShorthandParseException(matches[idx], "Could not parse this %s" % expectedMatch)
                elif expectedMatch == "Capacity":
                    capacity = "P" + match
                elif expectedMatch == "Times":
                    times = self.__parseQuickEntryTimes(matches[idx])
                    if times is None:
                        raise ShorthandParseException(matches[idx], "Could not parse this as %s" % expectedMatch)
                elif expectedMatch == "Launch Type":
                    launchtype = match
                elif expectedMatch == "Notes":
                    notes = match
                ## Date, launch type and notes are not required
                if expectedMatch == "Launch Type":
                    launchtype = "W" # Default to winch type
                elif expectedMatch == "Notes":
                    notes = ""
                elif expectedMatch == "Date":
                    flightDate = date.today()
                    raise ShorthandParseException(self.shorthand, "Expected entry %s was not found" % expectedMatch)

        if len(times) != number_of_flights:
            raise ShorthandParseException(self.shorthand, "Number of flights (%d) and provided times (%d) do not match." % (number_of_flights, len(times)))
        flights = [Flight(self.db, self.db.flights, flightDate, gliderID, location_name, capacity, t, launchtype, 0, notes) for t in times]
        return flights