コード例 #1
# results_L = results_L[20:-1]

# -------------------------------MAIN SCRIPT----------------------------------

# -----------------initialize variables-------------------
alpha1 = 0
alpha2 = 0
alpha3 = 0  # increasing these two variables appears to make the particles move farther
alpha4 = 0

mot = MotionModel(alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4)

M = 1000  # number of particles

map = MapBuilder('../map/wean.dat')
mapList = map.getMap()

sensorModel = SensorModel('../map/wean.dat')
resampler = Resampling()

# ------------initialize particles throughout map--------
# generate list of locations with '0' value
counter = 0
goodLocs_x = []
goodLocs_y = []
for i in range(0, 800):
    for j in range(0, 800):
        if mapList[i][j] == 0:
            counter = counter + 1