コード例 #1
    def _writeMessageToSocket(self, data, rewrite=False, nextPart=0, destAddresses=None):

        def getWord(type):
            """ Used to create logging text only """
            if type:
                return '(type: %s)' % type
                return '(type: UNKNOWN)'

            if type == 'SVC':
                return '(type: SVC)'
            elif type == 'AFTN':
                return '(type: AFTN)'
            elif type == 'RF':
                return '(type: RF)'
            elif type == 'RQ':
                return '(type: RQ)'
            elif type == 'RQM_OK':
                return '(type: RQM_OK)'
            elif type == 'RQM_UNK':
                return '(type: RQM_UNK)'
            elif type == 'RQF_OK':
                return '(type: RQF_OK)'
            elif type == 'RQF_UNK':
                return '(type: RQF_UNK)'
                return '(type: UNKNOWN)'

        mm = self.mm
        if len(data) >= 1:
            if not rewrite:
                self.logger.info("%d new bulletin will be sent" % len(data))
                self.logger.info("%d new bulletin will be resent (ack not received / reconnexion)" % len(data))

            for index in range(len(data)):
                if nextPart == 0:
                    # We will have access to the first part of the message here (big or not)
                    mp = MessageParser(data[index], mm, self.logger, True)
                    mm.header, mm.type = mp.getHeader(), mp.getType()
                    self.logger.debug("Header: %s, Type: %s" % (mm.header, mm.type))
                if mm.header== None and mm.type==None:
                    self.logger.error("Header %s is not in %s" % (mm.header, mm.routingTable))
                    if self.slow:
                    self.logger.info("%s has been erased", os.path.basename(self.dataFromFiles[0][1]))
                    del self.dataFromFiles[0]

                elif mm.header == None and mm.type=='SVC':
                    #FIXME: Is it possible to rewrite Service Message?
                    # If so, the CSN must not change!
                    messageAFTN = MessageAFTN(self.logger, data[index], mm.stationID, mm.address, MessageAFTN.PRIORITIES[2],
                                              destAddresses or [mm.otherAddress], mm.CSN, mm.filingTime, mm.dateTime)
                    #self.logger.debug('\n' + messageAFTN.message)
                    #mm.archiveObject(self.archivePath + mm.CSN, messageAFTN)

                elif mm.header == None and mm.type in ['RQ', 'RF']:
                    # We will never have to sent such a message, it is only
                    # there for tests purposes
                    messageAFTN = MessageAFTN(self.logger, data[index], mm.stationID, mm.address, MessageAFTN.PRIORITIES[2],
                                              destAddresses or [mm.otherAddress], mm.CSN, mm.filingTime, mm.dateTime)
                    #self.logger.debug('\n' + messageAFTN.message)
                    #mm.archiveObject(self.archivePath + mm.CSN, messageAFTN)

                elif mm.header == None and mm.type in MessageParser.REPLY_TYPES:
                    messageAFTN = MessageAFTN(self.logger, data[index], mm.stationID, mm.address, MessageAFTN.PRIORITIES[3],
                                              destAddresses, mm.CSN, mm.filingTime, mm.dateTime)
                    #self.logger.debug('\n' + messageAFTN.message)
                    #mm.archiveObject(self.archivePath + mm.CSN, messageAFTN)

                elif mm.type == 'PRI_DESTADD_TEXT':
                    mm.destAddress = mp.destAddress
                    if mm.destAddress:
                        mm.priority = mp.priority
                        messageAFTN = MessageAFTN(self.logger, mp.text, mm.stationID, mm.address, mm.priority, mm.destAddress, mm.CSN, mm.filingTime, mm.dateTime)
                        if mm.isFromDisk():
                                self.logger.warning("%s has been erased (no valid destination address)", os.path.basename(self.dataFromFiles[0][1]))
                            except OSError, e:
                                (type, value, tb) = sys.exc_info()
                                self.logger.error("Unable to unlink %s ! Type: %s, Value: %s" % (self.dataFromFiles[0][1], type, value))
                            del self.dataFromFiles[0]

                    # True if mm.header is in the routing table with destination addresses
                    #if mm.header == None: mm.header = 'SACN31 CWAO'
                    if mm.setInfos(mm.header, rewrite):
                        messageAFTN = MessageAFTN(self.logger, data[index], mm.stationID, mm.address, mm.priority,
                                              mm.destAddress, mm.CSN, mm.filingTime, mm.dateTime)
                        if mm.isFromDisk():
                                self.logger.warning("%s has been erased", os.path.basename(self.dataFromFiles[0][1]))
                            except OSError, e:
                                (type, value, tb) = sys.exc_info()
                                self.logger.error("Unable to unlink %s ! Type: %s, Value: %s" % (self.dataFromFiles[0][1], type, value))
                            del self.dataFromFiles[0]

                # If it is the first time we sent this message, we archive it.
                #if not rewrite:
                self.logger.debug('Message as it will be sent:')
                self.logger.debug('\n' + messageAFTN.message)
                mm.archiveObject(self.archivePath + mm.CSN, messageAFTN)

                nbBytesToSend = len(messageAFTN.message)

                while nbBytesToSend > 0:
                    nbBytesSent = self.socket.send(messageAFTN.message)
                    # This sleep is machiavelic! It permits to see many potential problems
                    #if self.subscriber:
                    #    time.sleep(5)
                    messageAFTN.message = messageAFTN.message[nbBytesSent:]
                    nbBytesToSend = len(messageAFTN.message)
                    self.totBytes += nbBytesSent


                # Archive State
                mm.archiveObject(AFTNPaths.STATE, mm.state)
                self.logger.debug("State has been archived")

                # Log the fact that the message has been sent 
                if not rewrite:
                    if mm.isFromDisk():
                        mm.filenameToSend = os.path.basename(self.dataFromFiles[0][1])
                        mm.filenameToErase = self.dataFromFiles[0][1]
                        if mp.type == 'SVC':
                            mm.filenameToSend = mp.getServiceName(mp.getServiceType())
                        elif mp.type in MessageParser.REPLY_TYPES:
                            mm.filenameToSend = ''
                            # We should never go here
                            self.logger.error("Unknown message type has just been sent. See code!")

                    self.logger.info("(%5d Bytes) Message %s %s (%s/%s) has been sent => delivered" % (self.totBytes, getWord(mm.type), 
                                       mm.filenameToSend, mm.nextPart+1, mm.numberOfParts))
                    self.logger.info("(%5d Bytes) Message %s %s (%s/%s) has been resent => delivered" % (self.totBytes, getWord(mm.type), 
                                       mm.filenameToSend, mm.nextPart+1, mm.numberOfParts))

                # Reset byte count
                self.totBytes = 0
                # If the last part of a message (big or not) has been sent, erase the file.
                # We do this even if we have not yet received the ack. At this point, we have already
                # archived all the parts with their CSN as filename.
                if mm.isLastPart(): 
                    if mm.isFromDisk() and not rewrite:
                            self.logger.debug("%s has been erased", os.path.basename(self.dataFromFiles[0][1]))
                        except OSError, e:
                            (type, value, tb) = sys.exc_info()
                            self.logger.error("Unable to unlink %s ! Type: %s, Value: %s" % (self.dataFromFiles[0][1], type, value))
                        del self.dataFromFiles[0]
コード例 #2
    def readFromSocket(self):
        replyAFTN = ''
        mm = self.mm
        buf = self.socket.recv(32768)

        if len(buf): 
            self.logger.debug('Raw Buffer: %s' % repr(buf))
            message, type = mm.parseReadBuffer(buf) # Only to find if it is an AFTN (SVC included) or Ack message
            while message:
                if type == 'AFTN':
                    # An AFTN Message has been read on the socket. It can be a SVC Message or a 
                    # Standard Message.
                    self.logger.debug("AFTN Message: %s" % repr(message))
                    mm.messageIn = MessageAFTN(self.logger)
                    if not mm.messageIn.messageToValues():
                        # Here we have a problem because our parser is unable to parse the message. We print the message,
                        # get the next message if present and quit the method (no ack sent, no tid verification)
                        self.logger.error("Method MessageAFTN.messageToValues() has not worked correctly (returned 0)")
                        message, type = mm.parseReadBuffer("") # Only to find if it is an AFTN (SVC included) or Ack message


                    self.logger.debug('Message as it has been received:')
                    self.logger.debug('\n' + mm.messageIn.message)

                    status = mm.isItPart(mm.messageIn.textLines)

                    # Not part of a big message, possibly a SVC message
                    if status == 0:
                        suffix = 'NOT_SVC_NOR_AFTN'
                        mp = MessageParser(mm.messageIn.textLines)
                        textType = mp.getType()
                        if textType == "SVC": 
                            # A Service  Message has been read on the socket. 
                            suffix = 'SVC'
                            self.logger.info("SVC Message Received(%s): %s (%s)" % (mm.messageIn.getTransmitID(), str(mm.messageIn.getTextLines()), MessageParser.names.get(mp.serviceType,
                                              "The service type of this message is unknown. Contact NavCanada")))

                            #if mp.serviceType in [8, 9]:
                            #    self.logger.info("*********************** SERVICE MESSAGE *****************************")
                            #    self.logger.info(str(mm.messageIn.getTextLines()))
                            #    self.logger.info("********************* END SERVICE MESSAGE ***************************")

                        elif textType == "AFTN":
                            suffix = ''
                            if mp.getHeader() in ['SI', 'SM']:
                                # Only one message will be in messages
                                messages = mm.completeHeader(mm.messageIn)

                            elif mp.getHeader(): 
                                # Only one message will be in messages
                                messages = ['\n'.join(mm.messageIn.textLines) + '\n'] 
                                # Create headers before ingesting
                                messages = mm.addHeaderToMessage(mm.messageIn)

                            # Ingest in met px
                            for m in messages:

                        elif textType in ['RQ', 'RF']:
                            suffix = textType
                            # request for amis or metser
                            from RequestReplyAFTN import RequestReplyAFTN
                            import dateLib
                            date = dateLib.getYYGGgg()
                            if textType == 'RQ': # amis
                                addOn = 'AACN02 ANIK %s\nATTN %s\n\n' % (date, mm.messageIn.originatorAddress)
                                replyAFTN = 'RQM '
                            elif textType == 'RF': # metser
                                addOn = 'AACN44 CWAO %s\nATTN %s\n\n' % (date, mm.messageIn.originatorAddress)
                                replyAFTN = 'RQF '

                            self.logger.info('AFTN Request Received: Type = %s, Value = %s' % (textType, mp.request))

                            # We want to put the answer on amis or metser.
                                rr = RequestReplyAFTN(mp.request, addOn, mp.sendOn, self.logger)
                                (type, value, tb) = sys.exc_info()
                                self.logger.error("In RequestReplyAFTN: Type = %s, Value = %s" % (type, value))

                            if rr.bulletin:
                                self.logger.info('Reply is not empty, we will put bulletin in the queue of receiver %s and send an OK message' % rr.receiverName)
                                # bulletin is not empty, put it in queue and create an "OK" message
                                replyAFTN += 'OK'
                                self.logger.info('Request is empty, we will send an UNK message')
                                # bulletin is empty, create an "UNK" message
                                replyAFTN += 'UNK'

                        elif textType in ['RQM_UNK', 'RQM_OK', 'RQF_UNK', 'RQM_OK']:
                        # reply about a request. I think a request never originates from us,
                        # so we should never receive such a reply.
                            suffix = textType
                            self.logger.info("Reply received is: %s" % textType)

                        # We keep one copy of all received messages in a special AFTN directory
                        file = open(self.writePath + mm.messageIn.getName() + suffix, 'w')
                        for line in mm.messageIn.textLines:
                            file.write(line + '\n')

                    # General part of a big message
                    elif status == 1:
                        self.logger.debug("We are in section 'General part of a big message'")
                    # Last part of a big message
                    elif status == -1:
                        file = open(self.writePath + mm.messageIn.getName(), 'w')
                        for line in mm.receivedParts:
                            file.write(line + '\n')

                        # We must ingest the bulletin contained in the message in the px system
                        lines = [line.strip() for line in mm.receivedParts]
                        mp = MessageParser(lines)

                        if mp.getHeader(): 
                            # Only one message will be in messages
                            messages = ['\n'.join(lines) + '\n'] 
                            # Create headers before ingesting
                            messages = mm.addHeaderToMessage(mm.messageIn, lines)

                        # Ingest in met px
                        for m in messages:

                        mm.receivedParts = []

                    # FIXME: The number of bytes include the ones associated to the protocol overhead,
                    # maybe a simple substraction should do the job.
                    self.logger.info("(%i Bytes) Message %s has been received" % (len(mm.messageIn.getTextString()), mm.messageIn.getName()))
                    if mm.ackUsed:
                        mm.totAck += 1
                        #if mm.totAck == 5:
                        #    mm.ackUsed = False 

                    # Is the CSN Order correct? Maybe Service Message would have to be sent?
                    tid = mm.messageIn.getTransmitID()
                    if tid == mm.getWaitedTID():
                        self.logger.debug("The TID received (%s) is in correct order" % tid)
                    elif mm.getWaitedTID() == None:
                        self.logger.debug("Waited TID is None => the received TID (%s) is the first since the program start" % tid)
                        self.logger.error("The TID received (%s) is not the one we were waiting for (%s)" % (tid, mm.getWaitedTID()))
                        if int(mm.getWaitedTID()[3:]) - int(tid[3:]) == 1:
                            self.logger.error("Difference is 1 => Probably my ack has been lost (or is late) and the other side has resend")
                        # FIXME: A SVC Message should be sent here. Given the fact that we receive the same message
                        # again, can we conclude that it is a retransmission (because our ack has not been received)
                        # or an error in numbering message?
                        diffCSN = int(tid[3:])- int(mm.getWaitedTID()[3:])
                        if diffCSN < 0:
                            messageText = "SVC LR %s EXP %s" % (tid, mm.getWaitedTID())

                        # FIXME: This implementation is done with only a partial comprehension of how this 
                        # message should work. Should be completed later...
                        elif diffCSN > 0: 
                            if diffCSN == 1:
                                messageText = "SVC QTA MIS %s" % mm.getWaitedTID()
                                lastCSN = "%04d" % (int(tid[3:]) - 1)
                                messageText = "SVC QTA MIS %s-%s" % (mm.getWaitedTID(), lastCSN)

                        if not mm.getWaitingForAck():
                            mm.partsToSend = [messageText]
                            self._writeMessageToSocket([mm.partsToSend[0]], False, mm.nextPart)
                            # We queue the message to send it after we receive the ack we wait for.
                            self.logger.info("A service message (%s) will be queued" % messageText)
                            mm.serviceQueue.append((messageText, []))

                    # Do we have to send a reply to a request?
                    if replyAFTN:
                        if not mm.getWaitingForAck():
                            self.logger.debug("A reply (%s) to a request will be sent immediately" % replyAFTN)
                            mm.partsToSend = [replyAFTN]
                            self._writeMessageToSocket([mm.partsToSend[0]], False, mm.nextPart, [mm.messageIn.originatorAddress])
                            # We queue the message to send it after we receive the ack we wait for.
                            self.logger.info("A reply (%s) to a request will be queued (because we are waiting for an ack)" % replyAFTN)
                            mm.serviceQueue.append((replyAFTN, [mm.messageIn.originatorAddress]))

                elif type == 'ACK':
                    # An Ack Message has been read on the socket. 
                    self.logger.debug("Ack Message: %s" % repr(message))
                    strippedMessage = message[2:9]
                    if mm.getLastAckReceived() == mm.getWaitingForAck():
                        self.logger.info("Ack received is the ack we wait for: %s" % strippedMessage)
                        # FIXME: When deconnexion occurs, it is possible that we received an ack for a previously sent message???
                        self.logger.error("Ack received (%s) is not the ack we wait for: %s" % (strippedMessage, mm.getWaitingForAck()))
                        if mm.getWaitingForAck() == None:
                        elif int(mm.getWaitingForAck()[3:]) - int(strippedMessage[3:]) == 1:
                            self.logger.error("Difference is 1 => Probably my original message + the one I resend have been hacked (Timing problem)")

                # Archive State
                mm.archiveObject(AFTNPaths.STATE, mm.state)
                self.logger.debug("State has been archived")

                message, type = mm.parseReadBuffer("") # Only to find if it is an AFTN (SVC included) or Ack message
                if not message and type:
                    self.logger.debug("Message (type=%s) uncomplete. It's ok. We will try to complete it in the next pass." % type)

            # If we are here, it normally means the other side has hung up(not sure in this case, because I use
            # select. Maybe it simply not block and return 0 bytes? Maybe it's correct to do nothing and act 
            # only when the POLLHUP state is captured?
            # FIXME: POLLHUP is never present, I don't know why?
            self.logger.error("Zero byte have been read on the socket (Means the other side has HUNG UP?)")
            raise Exception("Zero byte have been read on the socket (Means the other side has HUNG UP?)")