def model_test(use_existing): print('-' * 30) print('Loading test data...') print('-' * 30) # Loading test data: filename = cm.filename modelname = cm.modellist[0] originFile_list = sorted( glob(cm.workingPath.originTestingSet_path + filename)) maskFile_list = sorted(glob(cm.workingPath.maskTestingSet_path + filename)) preFile_list = sorted(glob(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'mask*.dcm')) out_test_images = [] out_test_masks = [] out_pre_masks = [] for i in range(len(originFile_list)): # originTestVolInfo = loadFileInformation(originFile_list[i]) # maskTestVolInfo = loadFileInformation(maskFile_list[i]) originTestVol, originTestVol_num, originTestVolwidth, originTestVolheight = loadFile( originFile_list[i]) maskTestVol, maskTestVol_num, maskTestVolwidth, maskTestVolheight = loadFile( maskFile_list[i]) preTestVol, preTestVol_num, preTestVolwidth, preTestVolheight = loadFile( preFile_list[i]) for j in range(len(maskTestVol)): maskTestVol[j] = np.where(maskTestVol[j] != 0, 1, 0) for img in originTestVol: out_test_images.append(img) for img in maskTestVol: out_test_masks.append(img) for img in preTestVol: out_pre_masks.append(img) num_test_images = len(out_test_images) final_test_images = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512], dtype=np.int16) final_test_masks = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512], dtype=np.int8) final_pre_masks = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512], dtype=np.int8) for i in range(num_test_images): final_test_images[i] = out_test_images[i] final_test_masks[i] = out_test_masks[i] final_pre_masks[i] = out_pre_masks[i] final_test_images = np.expand_dims(final_test_images, axis=-1) final_test_masks = np.expand_dims(final_test_masks, axis=-1) final_pre_masks = np.expand_dims(final_pre_masks, axis=-1) for i in range(num_test_images): dice_coef_slice = nw.dice_coef_np(final_test_masks[i], final_pre_masks[i]) total_progress = i / num_test_images * 100 print('predicting slice: %03d' % (i), ' total progress: %5.2f%%' % (total_progress), ' dice coef: %5.3f' % (dice_coef_slice))
def model_test(use_existing): print('-' * 30) print('Loading test data...') print('-' * 30) # Loading test data: filename = cm.filename modelname = cm.modellist[0] originFile_list = sorted( glob(cm.workingPath.originTestingSet_path + filename)) maskFile_list = sorted(glob(cm.workingPath.maskTestingSet_path + filename)) file = str(originFile_list[0])[23:] out_test_images = [] out_test_masks = [] for i in range(len(originFile_list)): # originTestVolInfo = loadFileInformation(originFile_list[i]) # maskTestVolInfo = loadFileInformation(maskFile_list[i]) originTestVol, originTestVol_num, originTestVolwidth, originTestVolheight = loadFile( originFile_list[i]) maskTestVol, maskTestVol_num, maskTestVolwidth, maskTestVolheight = loadFile( maskFile_list[i]) for j in range(len(maskTestVol)): maskTestVol[j] = np.where(maskTestVol[j] != 0, 1, 0) for img in originTestVol: # new_img = resize(img, [512, 512]) out_test_images.append(img) for img in maskTestVol: # new_mask = resize(img, [512, 512]) out_test_masks.append(img) num_test_images = len(out_test_images) # num_test_images = 1 # test_num = 241 final_test_images = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512], dtype=np.int16) final_test_masks = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512], dtype=np.int8) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() for i in range(num_test_images): final_test_images[i] = out_test_images[i] final_test_masks[i] = out_test_masks[i] final_test_images = np.expand_dims(final_test_images, axis=-1) final_test_masks = np.expand_dims(final_test_masks, axis=-1) learning_rate = 0.0001 decay_rate = 5e-6 momentum = 0.9 # sgd = SGD(lr=learning_rate, momentum=momentum, decay=decay_rate, nesterov=False) adam = Adam(lr=learning_rate, decay=decay_rate) opti = adam print('_' * 30) print('calculating model...') print('_' * 30) # model = nw.get_unet_more_feature() # model = nw.get_unet_less_feature() # model = nw.get_unet_dilated_conv_4() model = nw.get_unet(opti) # model = nw.get_shallow_unet() # model = nw.get_dropout_unet() using_start_end = 0 start_slice = 121 end_slice = 283 if use_existing: model.load_weights(modelname) imgs_mask_test = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512, 1], dtype=np.float32) # logs = [] for i in range(num_test_images): imgs_mask_test[i] = resize( (model.predict([final_test_images[i:i + 1]], verbose=0)[0]), [512, 512, 1]) # imgs_mask_test[i] = np.where(imgs_mask_test[i] < 0.5, 0, 1) # imgs_mask_test[i] = morphology.erosion(imgs_mask_test[i], np.ones([2, 2, 1])) # imgs_mask_test[i] = morphology.dilation(imgs_mask_test[i], np.ones([5, 5, 1])) dice_coef_slice = nw.dice_coef_np(final_test_masks[i], imgs_mask_test[i]) total_progress = i / num_test_images * 100 print('predicting slice: %03d' % (i), ' total progress: %5.2f%%' % (total_progress), ' dice coef: %5.3f' % (dice_coef_slice)) final_test_images = final_test_images + 4000 + 'testImages.npy', final_test_images) + 'testMasks.npy', final_test_masks) + 'masksTestPredicted.npy', imgs_mask_test) # Load data: imgs_origin = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testImages.npy').astype(np.int16) imgs_true = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testMasks.npy').astype(np.int8) imgs_predict = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.npy').astype(np.float32) imgs_predict_threshold = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.npy').astype( np.float32) imgs_origin = np.squeeze(imgs_origin, axis=-1) imgs_true = np.squeeze(imgs_true, axis=-1) imgs_predict = np.squeeze(imgs_predict, axis=-1) imgs_predict_threshold = np.squeeze(imgs_predict_threshold, axis=-1) imgs_predict_threshold = np.where(imgs_predict_threshold < 0.5, 0, 1) if using_start_end == 1: mean = nw.dice_coef_np(imgs_predict[start_slice:end_slice], imgs_true[start_slice:end_slice]) else: mean = nw.dice_coef_np(imgs_predict, imgs_true) np.savetxt(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'dicemean.txt', np.array(mean).reshape(1, ), fmt='%.5f') print('-' * 30) print('Model file:', modelname) print('Total Dice Coeff', mean) print('-' * 30) # Draw the subplots of figures: color1 = 'gray' # *** color2 = 'viridis' # ****** # color = 'plasma' # ** # color = 'magma' # *** # color2 = 'RdPu' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** transparent1 = 1.0 transparent2 = 0.5 # Slice parameters: ############################################# # Automatically: steps = 40 slice = range(0, len(imgs_true), steps) plt_row = 3 plt_col = int(len(imgs_true) / steps) plt.figure(1, figsize=(25, 12)) for i in slice: if i == 0: plt_num = int(i / steps) + 1 else: plt_num = int(i / steps) if plt_num <= plt_col: plt.figure(1) ax1 = plt.subplot(plt_row, plt_col, plt_num) title = 'slice=' + str(i) plt.title(title) ax1.imshow(imgs_origin[i, :, :], cmap=color1, alpha=transparent1) ax1.imshow(imgs_true[i, :, :], cmap=color2, alpha=transparent2) ax2 = plt.subplot(plt_row, plt_col, plt_num + plt_col) title = 'slice=' + str(i) plt.title(title) ax2.imshow(imgs_origin[i, :, :], cmap=color1, alpha=transparent1) ax2.imshow(imgs_predict[i, :, :], cmap=color2, alpha=transparent2) ax3 = plt.subplot(plt_row, plt_col, plt_num + 2 * plt_col) title = 'slice=' + str(i) plt.title(title) ax3.imshow(imgs_origin[i, :, :], cmap=color1, alpha=transparent1) ax3.imshow(imgs_predict_threshold[i, :, :], cmap=color2, alpha=transparent2) else: pass modelname = cm.modellist[0] imageName = re.findall(r'\d+\.?\d*', modelname) epoch_num = int(imageName[0]) + 1 accuracy = float( np.loadtxt(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'dicemean.txt', float)) # saveName = 'epoch_' + str(epoch_num) + '_dice_' +str(accuracy) + '.png' saveName = 'epoch_%02d_dice_%.3f.png' % (epoch_num - 1, accuracy) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, bottom=0.05, right=1.0, top=0.95, hspace=0.3, wspace=0.3) plt.savefig(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + saveName) # ################################### # Manually: # # slice = (100,150,230,250) # # plt.figure(2) # # ax1 = plt.subplot(2,4,1) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[0]) # plt.title(title) # ax1.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[0],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax1.imshow(new_imgs_true[slice[0],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax2 = plt.subplot(2,4,5) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[0]) # plt.title(title) # ax2.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[0],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax2.imshow(new_imgs_predict[slice[0],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax3 = plt.subplot(2,4,2) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[1]) # plt.title(title) # ax3.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[1],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax3.imshow(new_imgs_true[slice[1],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax4 = plt.subplot(2,4,6) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[1]) # plt.title(title) # ax4.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[1],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax4.imshow(new_imgs_predict[slice[1],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax5 = plt.subplot(2,4,3) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[2]) # plt.title(title) # ax5.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[2],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax5.imshow(new_imgs_true[slice[2],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax6 = plt.subplot(2,4,7) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[2]) # plt.title(title) # ax6.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[2],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax6.imshow(new_imgs_predict[slice[2],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax7 = plt.subplot(2,4,4) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[3]) # plt.title(title) # ax7.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[3],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax7.imshow(new_imgs_true[slice[3],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax8 = plt.subplot(2,4,8) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[3]) # plt.title(title) # ax8.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[3],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax8.imshow(new_imgs_predict[slice[3],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ############################################# print('Images saved') # Save npy as dcm files: imgs_origin = np.uint16(imgs_origin) imgs_true = np.uint16(imgs_true) imgs_predict_threshold = np.uint16(imgs_predict_threshold) new_imgs_origin_dcm = sitk.GetImageFromArray(imgs_origin) new_imgs_true_dcm = sitk.GetImageFromArray(imgs_true) new_imgs_predict_dcm = sitk.GetImageFromArray(imgs_predict_threshold) sitk.WriteImage(new_imgs_predict_dcm, cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + "Predicted_" + file) ds1 = dicom.read_file(maskFile_list[0]) ds2 = dicom.read_file(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + "Predicted_" + file) ds1.PixelData = ds2.PixelData ds1.save_as(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + "Predicted_" + file) print('DICOM saved')
def train_and_predict(use_existing): print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) # Choose which subset you would like to use: i = 0 imgs_train = np.load(cm.workingPath.training3DSet_path + 'trainImages_%04d.npy' % (i)).astype(np.float32) imgs_mask_train = np.load(cm.workingPath.training3DSet_path + 'trainMasks_%04d.npy' % (i)).astype(np.float32) # imgs_test = np.load(cm.workingPath.trainingSet_path + 'testImages_%04d.npy'%(i)).astype(np.float32) # imgs_mask_test_true = np.load(cm.workingPath.trainingSet_path + 'testMasks_%04d.npy'%(i)).astype(np.float32) # Mean for data centering: # mean= np.mean(imgs_train) # Std for data normalization: # std = np.std(imgs_train) # imgs_train -= mean # imgs_train /= std print('_' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('_' * 30) model = nw.get_3D_unet() # model = nw.get_3D_unet_2() # model = nw.get_simple_3D_unet() modelname = 'model.png' plot_model(model, show_shapes=True, to_file=cm.workingPath.model_path + modelname) model.summary() # config = model.get_config() # print(config) # Callbacks: filepath = cm.workingPath.model_path + 'weights.{epoch:02d}-{loss:.5f}.hdf5' bestfilepath = cm.workingPath.model_path + 'Best_weights.{epoch:02d}-{loss:.5f}.hdf5' model_checkpoint = callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor='loss', verbose=0, save_best_only=False) model_best_checkpoint = callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(bestfilepath, monitor='val_loss', verbose=0, save_best_only=True) # history = cm.LossHistory_Gerda(cm.workingPath.working_path) history = nw.LossHistory() # model_history = callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir='./logs', histogram_freq=1, write_graph=True, write_images=True, # embeddings_freq=1, embeddings_layer_names=None, embeddings_metadata= None) callbacks_list = [history, model_best_checkpoint] # Should we load existing weights? # Set argument for call to train_and_predict to true at end of script if use_existing: model.load_weights('./unet.hdf5') print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30), imgs_mask_train, batch_size=1, epochs=400, verbose=1, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.1, callbacks=callbacks_list) print('training finished')
def train_and_predict(use_existing, x_train, x_val, y_train, y_val, cross, pre_lrate): cm.mkdir(cm.workingPath.model_path) cm.mkdir(cm.workingPath.best_model_path) class LossHistory(callbacks.Callback): def on_train_begin(self, logs={}): self.losses = [1] self.val_losses = [] = [] def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}): self.losses.append(logs.get('loss')) loss_file = (list(self.losses)) np.savetxt(cm.workingPath.model_path + 'loss_' + 'Val.%02d.txt' % (cross), loss_file[1:], newline='\r\n') self.val_losses.append(logs.get('val_loss')) val_loss_file = (list(self.val_losses)) np.savetxt(cm.workingPath.model_path + 'val_loss_' + 'Val.%02d.txt' % (cross), val_loss_file, newline='\r\n') print('\nLearning rate:', step_decay(len(self.losses))) lrate_file = (list( np.savetxt(cm.workingPath.model_path + 'lrate_' + 'Val.%02d.txt' % (cross), lrate_file, newline='\r\n') if cross == 0: learning_rate = 0.0001 decay_rate = 5e-6 momentum = 0.9 else: learning_rate = pre_lrate decay_rate = 5e-6 momentum = 0.9 # sgd = SGD(lr=learning_rate, momentum=momentum, decay=decay_rate, nesterov=False) adam = Adam(lr=learning_rate, decay=decay_rate) opti = adam def step_decay(losses): if float(2 * np.sqrt(np.array(history.losses[-1]))) < 100: if cross == 0: lrate = 0.0001 * 1 / (1 + 0.1 * len(history.losses)) # lrate = 0.0001 momentum = 0.8 decay_rate = 2e-6 else: lrate = pre_lrate * 1 / (1 + 0.1 * len(history.losses)) # lrate = 0.0001 momentum = 0.8 decay_rate = 2e-6 return lrate else: if cross == 0: lrate = 0.0001 else: lrate = pre_lrate return lrate history = LossHistory() lrate = LearningRateScheduler(step_decay) print('_' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('_' * 30) # model = nw.get_simple_unet(opti) # model = nw.get_shallow_unet(sgd) model = nw.get_unet(opti) # model = nw.get_dropout_unet() # model = nw.get_unet_less_feature() # model = nw.get_unet_dilated_conv_4() # model = nw.get_unet_dilated_conv_7() # model = nw.get_2D_Deeply_supervised_network() modelname = 'model.png' # plot_model(model, show_shapes=True, to_file=cm.workingPath.model_path + modelname) model.summary() # Callbacks: filepath = cm.workingPath.model_path + 'Val.%02d_' % (cross) + 'weights.{epoch:02d}-{loss:.5f}.hdf5' bestfilepath = cm.workingPath.best_model_path + 'Val.%02d_' % (cross) + 'Best_weights.{epoch:02d}-{loss:.5f}.hdf5' unet_hdf5_path = cm.workingPath.working_path + 'unet.hdf5' model_checkpoint = callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor='loss', verbose=0, save_best_only=True) model_best_checkpoint = callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(bestfilepath, monitor='val_loss', verbose=0, save_best_only=True) model_best_unet_hdf5 = callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(unet_hdf5_path, monitor='val_loss', verbose=0, save_best_only=True) history = LossHistory() callbacks_list = [history, lrate, model_checkpoint, model_best_checkpoint, model_best_unet_hdf5] # Should we load existing weights? # Set argument for call to train_and_predict to true at end of script if use_existing: model.load_weights('./unet.hdf5') print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model...') print('-' * 30), y_train, batch_size=4, epochs=50, verbose=1, shuffle=True, validation_data=(x_val, y_val), callbacks=callbacks_list) print('training finished')
def model_test(use_existing, ii): print('-' * 30) print('Loading test data...') print('-' * 30) # Loading test data: filename = cm.filename modelname = cm.modellist[ii] originFile_list = glob(cm.workingPath.originTestingSet_path + filename) maskFile_list = glob(cm.workingPath.maskTestingSet_path + filename) out_test_images = [] out_test_masks = [] for i in range(len(originFile_list)): # originTestVolInfo = loadFileInformation(originFile_list[i]) # maskTestVolInfo = loadFileInformation(maskFile_list[i]) originTestVol, originTestVol_num, originTestVolwidth, originTestVolheight = loadFile( originFile_list[i]) maskTestVol, maskTestVol_num, maskTestVolwidth, maskTestVolheight = loadFile( maskFile_list[i]) for j in range(len(maskTestVol)): maskTestVol[j] = np.where(maskTestVol[j] != 0, 1, 0) for img in originTestVol: # new_img = resize(img, [512, 512]) out_test_images.append(img) for img in maskTestVol: # new_mask = resize(img, [512, 512]) out_test_masks.append(img) # num_test_images = len(out_test_images) num_test_images = 1 test_num = 140 final_test_images = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512], dtype=np.float32) final_test_masks = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512], dtype=np.float32) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() final_test_images[0] = out_test_images[test_num] final_test_masks[0] = out_test_masks[test_num] final_test_images = np.expand_dims(final_test_images, axis=-1) final_test_masks = np.expand_dims(final_test_masks, axis=-1) print('_' * 30) print('calculating model...') print('_' * 30) model = nw.get_unet() if use_existing: model.load_weights(modelname) imgs_mask_test = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512, 1], dtype=np.float32) imgs_mask_test[0] = resize( (model.predict([final_test_images[0:1]], verbose=0)[0]), [512, 512, 1]) + 'testImages.npy', final_test_images) + 'testMasks.npy', final_test_masks) + 'masksTestPredicted.npy', imgs_mask_test) # Save npy as dcm files: imgs_origin = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testImages.npy').astype(np.uint16) imgs_true = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testMasks.npy').astype(np.uint16) imgs_predict = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.npy').astype(np.uint16) # for j in range(len(imgs_true)): # imgs_true[j] = np.where(imgs_true[j] < 0.5, 0, 1) # for j in range(len(imgs_predict)): # imgs_predict[j] = np.where(imgs_predict[j] < 0.5, 0, 1) imgs_origin = np.squeeze(imgs_origin, axis=-1) imgs_true = np.squeeze(imgs_true, axis=-1) imgs_predict = np.squeeze(imgs_predict, axis=-1) new_image_origin = sitk.GetImageFromArray(imgs_origin) new_image_true = sitk.GetImageFromArray(imgs_true) new_image_predict = sitk.GetImageFromArray(imgs_predict) # sitk.WriteImage(new_image_origin, cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testImages.dcm') # sitk.WriteImage(new_image_true, cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testMasks.dcm') # sitk.WriteImage(new_image_predict, cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.dcm') mean = 0.0 for i in range(num_test_images): mean += nw.dice_coef_np(final_test_masks[i], imgs_mask_test[i]) mean /= num_test_images np.savetxt(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'dicemean.txt', np.array(mean).reshape(1, ), fmt='%.3f') print('model file:', modelname) print('Mean Dice Coeff', mean) # Load data: imgs_origin = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testImages.npy').astype(np.float32) imgs_true = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testMasks.npy').astype(np.float32) imgs_predict = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.npy').astype(np.float32) # Turn images into binary images from (0,1): for i in range(len(imgs_true)): imgs_true[i] = np.where(imgs_true[i] < 0.5, 0, 1) for j in range(len(imgs_predict)): imgs_predict[j] = np.where(imgs_predict[j] < 0.5, 0, 1) # Prepare to do some operations on images, or not: new_imgs_origin = imgs_origin new_imgs_true = imgs_true new_imgs_predict = imgs_predict # for i in range(len(imgs_true)): # new_imgs_true[len(imgs_true)-i-1] = imgs_true[i] # # for i in range(len(imgs_predict)): # new_imgs_predict[len(imgs_predict)-i-1] = imgs_predict[i] # Draw the subplots of figures: color1 = 'gray' # *** color2 = 'viridis' # ****** # color = 'plasma' # ** # color = 'magma' # *** # color2 = 'RdPu' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** transparent1 = 1.0 transparent2 = 0.5 # Slice parameters: ############################################# # Automatically: steps = 1 slice = range(0, len(new_imgs_true), steps) plt_row = 2 plt_col = int(len(new_imgs_true) / steps) plt.figure(1, figsize=(20, 10)) for i in slice: if i == 0: plt_num = int(i / steps) + 1 else: plt_num = int(i / steps) if plt_num <= plt_col: plt.figure(1) ax1 = plt.subplot(plt_row, plt_col, plt_num) title = 'slice=' + str(i) plt.title(title) ax1.imshow(new_imgs_origin[i, :, :, 0], cmap=color1, alpha=transparent1) ax1.imshow(new_imgs_true[i, :, :, 0], cmap=color2, alpha=transparent2) ax2 = plt.subplot(plt_row, plt_col, plt_num + plt_col) title = 'slice=' + str(i) plt.title(title) ax2.imshow(new_imgs_origin[i, :, :, 0], cmap=color1, alpha=transparent1) ax2.imshow(new_imgs_predict[i, :, :, 0], cmap=color2, alpha=transparent2) else: pass modelname = cm.modellist[ii] imageName = re.findall(r'\d+\.?\d*', modelname) epoch_num = int(imageName[0]) + 1 accuracy = float( np.loadtxt(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'dicemean.txt', float)) # saveName = 'epoch_' + str(epoch_num) + '_dice_' +str(accuracy) + '.png' saveName = 'epoch_%02d_dice_%.3f.png' % (epoch_num, accuracy) plt.savefig(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + saveName) # ################################### # Manually: # # slice = (100,150,230,250) # # plt.figure(2) # # ax1 = plt.subplot(2,4,1) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[0]) # plt.title(title) # ax1.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[0],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax1.imshow(new_imgs_true[slice[0],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax2 = plt.subplot(2,4,5) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[0]) # plt.title(title) # ax2.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[0],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax2.imshow(new_imgs_predict[slice[0],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax3 = plt.subplot(2,4,2) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[1]) # plt.title(title) # ax3.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[1],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax3.imshow(new_imgs_true[slice[1],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax4 = plt.subplot(2,4,6) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[1]) # plt.title(title) # ax4.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[1],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax4.imshow(new_imgs_predict[slice[1],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax5 = plt.subplot(2,4,3) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[2]) # plt.title(title) # ax5.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[2],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax5.imshow(new_imgs_true[slice[2],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax6 = plt.subplot(2,4,7) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[2]) # plt.title(title) # ax6.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[2],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax6.imshow(new_imgs_predict[slice[2],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax7 = plt.subplot(2,4,4) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[3]) # plt.title(title) # ax7.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[3],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax7.imshow(new_imgs_true[slice[3],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax8 = plt.subplot(2,4,8) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[3]) # plt.title(title) # ax8.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[3],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax8.imshow(new_imgs_predict[slice[3],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ############################################# print('Images showing')
def main(): """ Builds, trains, and runs the neural network. """ app_time = timer.Timer() # Gets the phenotype names and the regression y values. print() pheno_names, pheno_data = dh.get_data("./data/8.pheno.2.txt", False) print("Phenotypes:", pheno_data.shape, "\n\n", pheno_names, "\n\n", pheno_data, "\n") # Gets the snp names and the regressors. snp_names, snp_data = dh.get_data("./data/8.snps.txt", True) snp_names = np.transpose(snp_names) snp_data = np.transpose(snp_data) print("SNPs:", snp_data.shape, "\n\n", snp_names, "\n\n", snp_data, "\n") # Make batches out of snp_data and unallocate snp_data snp_data = bb.make_batches(snp_data, len(pheno_data[0])) # Initialize graph structure. layer = net.ConnectedLayer(len(snp_data[0][0]), OUT_SIZE) layer.shape() # Start TensorFlow session. sess = sh.start_session() past_loss = 0 step = 1 index = np.arange(len(snp_data)) while True: # rng_state = np.random.get_state() # np.random.shuffle(snp_data) # np.random.set_state(rng_state) # np.random.shuffle(pheno_data[0]) # Train for an epoch # Get the current loss and train the graph. np.random.shuffle(index) for i in range(len(snp_data)): snp_sample = snp_data[index[i]] pheno_sample = [[pheno_data[0][index[i]]]] current_loss, _ =[layer.loss, layer.train_step], feed_dict={ layer.input: snp_sample, layer.observed: pheno_sample }) prog.progress(i, len(snp_data), "Training Completed in Epoch " + str(step)) prog.log_training(past_loss, current_loss, ALPHA, step, app_time) # Save the weight and bias tensors when the model converges. if abs(past_loss - current_loss) < (ALPHA): np.savetxt("w.out",, feed_dict={ layer.input: snp_data[0], layer.observed: np.asarray([pheno_data[0][0] ]).reshape(1, OUT_SIZE) }), delimiter="\t") np.savetxt("b.out",, feed_dict={ layer.input: snp_data[0], layer.observed: np.asarray([pheno_data[0][0] ]).reshape(1, OUT_SIZE) }), delimiter="\t") break past_loss = current_loss step += 1 print(" [", app_time.get_time(), "]", "Closing session...\n") sess.close()
def model_test(use_existing): print('-' * 30) print('Loading test data...') # Loading test data: filename = cm.filename modelname = cm.modellist[0] originFile_list = sorted( glob(cm.workingPath.originTestingSet_path + filename)) maskFile_list = sorted(glob(cm.workingPath.maskTestingSet_path + filename)) out_test_images = [] out_test_masks = [] for i in range(len(originFile_list)): # originTestVolInfo = loadFileInformation(originFile_list[i]) # maskTestVolInfo = loadFileInformation(maskFile_list[i]) originTestVol, originTestVol_num, originTestVolwidth, originTestVolheight = loadFile( originFile_list[i]) maskTestVol, maskTestVol_num, maskTestVolwidth, maskTestVolheight = loadFile( maskFile_list[i]) for j in range(len(maskTestVol)): maskTestVol[j] = np.where(maskTestVol[j] != 0, 1, 0) for img in originTestVol: out_test_images.append(img) for img in maskTestVol: out_test_masks.append(img) num_test_images = len(out_test_images) final_test_images = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512], dtype=np.int16) final_test_masks = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512], dtype=np.int8) for i in range(num_test_images): final_test_images[i] = out_test_images[i] final_test_masks[i] = out_test_masks[i] final_test_images = np.expand_dims(final_test_images, axis=-1) final_test_masks = np.expand_dims(final_test_masks, axis=-1) row = nw.img_rows_3d col = nw.img_cols_3d num_rowes = 1 num_coles = 1 row_1 = int((512 - row) / 2) row_2 = int(512 - (512 - row) / 2) col_1 = int((512 - col) / 2) col_2 = int(512 - (512 - col) / 2) slices = nw.slices_3d gaps = nw.gaps_3d final_images_crop = final_test_images[:, row_1:row_2, col_1:col_2, :] final_masks_crop = final_test_masks[:, row_1:row_2, col_1:col_2, :] num_patches = int((num_test_images - slices) / gaps) num_patches1 = int(final_images_crop.shape[0] / slices) test_image = np.ndarray([1, slices, row, col, 1], dtype=np.int16) test_mask = np.ndarray([1, slices, row, col, 1], dtype=np.int8) predicted_mask_volume = np.ndarray([num_test_images, row, col], dtype=np.float32) # model = nw.get_3D_unet() model = nw.get_3D_CNN() # model = nw.get_3D_unet_drop_1() # model = nw.get_3D_unet_BN() using_start_end = 1 start_slice = cm.start_slice end_slice = -1 if use_existing: model.load_weights(modelname) for i in range(num_patches): count1 = i * gaps count2 = i * gaps + slices test_image[0] = final_images_crop[count1:count2] test_mask[0] = final_masks_crop[count1:count2] predicted_mask = model.predict(test_image) predicted_mask_volume[count1:count2] += predicted_mask[0, :, :, :, 0] predicted_mask_volume = np.expand_dims(predicted_mask_volume, axis=-1) + 'testImages.npy', final_images_crop) + 'testMasks.npy', final_masks_crop) + 'masksTestPredicted.npy', predicted_mask_volume) imgs_origin = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testImages.npy').astype(np.int16) imgs_true = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testMasks.npy').astype(np.int8) imgs_predict = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.npy').astype(np.float32) imgs_origin = np.squeeze(imgs_origin, axis=-1) imgs_true = np.squeeze(imgs_true, axis=-1) imgs_predict = np.squeeze(imgs_predict, axis=-1) imgs_predict_threshold = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.npy').astype( np.float32) imgs_predict_threshold = np.squeeze(imgs_predict_threshold, axis=-1) imgs_predict_threshold = np.where(imgs_predict_threshold < (8), 0, 1) if using_start_end == 1: mean = nw.dice_coef_np(imgs_predict_threshold[start_slice:end_slice], imgs_true[start_slice:end_slice]) else: mean = nw.dice_coef_np(imgs_predict_threshold, imgs_true) np.savetxt(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'dicemean.txt', np.array(mean).reshape(1, ), fmt='%.5f') print('Model file:', modelname) print('Total Dice Coeff', mean) print('-' * 30) # mean=[] # # for thre in range(1,17): # imgs_predict_threshold = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.npy').astype(np.float32) # imgs_predict_threshold = np.squeeze(imgs_predict_threshold, axis=-1) # imgs_predict_threshold = np.where(imgs_predict_threshold < (thre), 0, 1) # # if using_start_end == 1: # meantemp = nw.dice_coef_np(imgs_predict_threshold[start_slice:end_slice], imgs_true[start_slice:end_slice]) # mean.append(meantemp) # else: # meantemp = nw.dice_coef_np(imgs_predict_threshold, imgs_true) # mean.append(meantemp) # # np.savetxt(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'dicemean.txt', mean, fmt='%.5f') # # print('Model file:', modelname) # print('Total Dice Coeff', mean) # print('-' * 30) # Draw the subplots of figures: color1 = 'gray' # *** color2 = 'viridis' # ****** # color = 'plasma' # ** # color = 'magma' # *** # color2 = 'RdPu' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** transparent1 = 1.0 transparent2 = 0.5 # Slice parameters: ############################################# # Automatically: steps = 40 slice = range(0, len(imgs_origin), steps) plt_row = 3 plt_col = int(len(imgs_origin) / steps) plt.figure(1, figsize=(25, 12)) for i in slice: if i == 0: plt_num = int(i / steps) + 1 else: plt_num = int(i / steps) if plt_num <= plt_col: plt.figure(1) ax1 = plt.subplot(plt_row, plt_col, plt_num) title = 'slice=' + str(i) plt.title(title) ax1.imshow(imgs_origin[i, :, :], cmap=color1, alpha=transparent1) ax1.imshow(imgs_true[i, :, :], cmap=color2, alpha=transparent2) ax2 = plt.subplot(plt_row, plt_col, plt_num + plt_col) title = 'slice=' + str(i) plt.title(title) ax2.imshow(imgs_origin[i, :, :], cmap=color1, alpha=transparent1) ax2.imshow(imgs_predict[i, :, :], cmap=color2, alpha=transparent2) ax3 = plt.subplot(plt_row, plt_col, plt_num + 2 * plt_col) title = 'slice=' + str(i) plt.title(title) ax3.imshow(imgs_origin[i, :, :], cmap=color1, alpha=transparent1) ax3.imshow(imgs_predict_threshold[i, :, :], cmap=color2, alpha=transparent2) else: pass modelname = cm.modellist[0] imageName = re.findall(r'\d+\.?\d*', modelname) epoch_num = int(imageName[0]) + 1 accuracy = float( np.loadtxt(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'dicemean.txt', float)) # saveName = 'epoch_' + str(epoch_num) + '_dice_' +str(accuracy) + '.png' saveName = 'epoch_%02d_dice_%.3f.png' % (epoch_num - 1, accuracy) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, bottom=0.05, right=1.0, top=0.95, hspace=0.3, wspace=0.3) plt.savefig(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + saveName) # print('Images saved') # Save npy as dcm files: # final_test_predicted_threshold = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512], dtype=np.int8) # final_test_images = np.squeeze(final_test_images + 4000, axis=-1) final_test_masks = np.squeeze(final_test_masks, axis=-1) # final_test_images[0:num_patches1 * slices, row_1:row_2, col_1:col_2,] = imgs_origin[:, :, :] # final_test_masks[0:num_patches1 * slices:, row_1:row_2, col_1:col_2,] = imgs_true[:, :, :] final_test_predicted_threshold = final_test_masks final_test_predicted_threshold[:, row_1:row_2, col_1: col_2] = imgs_predict_threshold[:, :, :] final_test_predicted_threshold = np.uint16(final_test_predicted_threshold) new_imgs_predict_dcm = sitk.GetImageFromArray( final_test_predicted_threshold) sitk.WriteImage(new_imgs_predict_dcm, cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.dcm') ds1 = dicom.read_file(maskFile_list[0]) ds2 = dicom.read_file(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.dcm') ds1.PixelData = ds2.PixelData ds1.save_as(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.dcm') print('DICOM saved')
def model_test(use_existing, modelnum): print('-' * 30) print('Loading test data...') print('-' * 30) # Loading test data: filename = cm.filename modelname = cm.modelname originFile_list = glob(cm.workingPath.originTestingSet_path + filename) maskFile_list = glob(cm.workingPath.maskTestingSet_path + filename) out_test_images = [] out_test_masks = [] for i in range(len(originFile_list)): # originTestVolInfo = loadFileInformation(originFile_list[i]) # maskTestVolInfo = loadFileInformation(maskFile_list[i]) originTestVol, originTestVol_num, originTestVolwidth, originTestVolheight = loadFile( originFile_list[i]) maskTestVol, maskTestVol_num, maskTestVolwidth, maskTestVolheight = loadFile( maskFile_list[i]) for j in range(len(maskTestVol)): maskTestVol[j] = np.where(maskTestVol[j] != 0, 1, 0) for img in originTestVol: # new_img = resize(img, [512, 512]) out_test_images.append(img) for img in maskTestVol: # new_mask = resize(img, [512, 512]) out_test_masks.append(img) # num_test_images = len(out_test_images) num_test_images = 1 test_num = 177 final_test_images = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512], dtype=np.float32) final_test_masks = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512], dtype=np.float32) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() for i in range(num_test_images): final_test_images[i] = out_test_images[i + test_num] final_test_masks[i] = out_test_masks[i + test_num] final_test_images = np.expand_dims(final_test_images, axis=-1) final_test_masks = np.expand_dims(final_test_masks, axis=-1) print('_' * 30) print('calculating model...') print('_' * 30) # model = nw.get_unet_more_feature() model = nw.get_unet() if use_existing: model.load_weights(cm.modellist[modelnum]) imgs_mask_test = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512, 1], dtype=np.float32) # logs = [] for i in range(num_test_images): imgs_mask_test[i] = resize( (model.predict([final_test_images[i:i + 1]], verbose=0)[0]), [512, 512, 1]) # imgs_mask_test[i] = np.where(imgs_mask_test[i] < 0.5, 0, 1) # imgs_mask_test[i] = morphology.erosion(imgs_mask_test[i], np.ones([2, 2, 1])) # imgs_mask_test[i] = morphology.dilation(imgs_mask_test[i], np.ones([5, 5, 1])) dice_coef_slice = nw.dice_coef_np(final_test_masks[i], imgs_mask_test[i]) total_progress = i / num_test_images * 100 # log_slice = 'predicting slice: %03d' %(i),' total progress: %5.2f%%' %(total_progress), ' dice coef: %5.3f'%(dice_coef_slice) # log_slice = str(log_slice) # np.append(logs, log_slice) print('predicting slice: %03d' % (i), ' total progress: %5.2f%%' % (total_progress), ' dice coef: %5.3f' % (dice_coef_slice)) # logs = np.array(logs) # np.savetxt(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'logs.txt', logs) final_test_images = final_test_images + 4000 + 'testImages.npy', final_test_images) + 'testMasks.npy', final_test_masks) + 'masksTestPredicted.npy', imgs_mask_test) # Load data: imgs_origin = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testImages.npy').astype(np.float32) imgs_true = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testMasks.npy').astype(np.float32) imgs_predict = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.npy').astype(np.float32) imgs_predict_threshold = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.npy').astype( np.float32) imgs_origin = np.squeeze(imgs_origin, axis=-1) imgs_true = np.squeeze(imgs_true, axis=-1) imgs_predict = np.squeeze(imgs_predict, axis=-1) imgs_predict_threshold = np.squeeze(imgs_predict_threshold, axis=-1) imgs_predict_threshold = np.where(imgs_predict_threshold < 0.5, 0, 1) mean = nw.dice_coef_np(imgs_predict, imgs_true) np.savetxt(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'dicemean.txt', np.array(mean).reshape(1, ), fmt='%.5f') print('-' * 30) print('Model file:', modelname) print('Total Dice Coeff', mean) print('-' * 30) # Draw the subplots of figures: color1 = 'gray' # *** color2 = 'viridis' # ****** # color = 'plasma' # ** # color = 'magma' # *** # color2 = 'RdPu' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** transparent1 = 1.0 transparent2 = 0.5 # Slice parameters: ############################################# # Automatically: steps = 1 slice = range(0, len(imgs_true), steps) plt_row = 3 plt_col = int(len(imgs_true) / steps) plt.figure('Single Slice', figsize=(4, 12)) for i in slice: if i == 0: plt_num = int(i / steps) + 1 else: plt_num = int(i / steps) if plt_num <= plt_col: plt.figure(1) ax1 = plt.subplot(plt_row, plt_col, plt_num) title = 'slice=' + str(i) plt.title(title) ax1.imshow(imgs_origin[i, :, :], cmap=color1, alpha=transparent1) ax1.imshow(imgs_true[i, :, :], cmap=color2, alpha=transparent2) ax2 = plt.subplot(plt_row, plt_col, plt_num + plt_col) title = 'slice=' + str(i) plt.title(title) ax2.imshow(imgs_origin[i, :, :], cmap=color1, alpha=transparent1) ax2.imshow(imgs_predict[i, :, :], cmap=color2, alpha=transparent2) ax3 = plt.subplot(plt_row, plt_col, plt_num + 2 * plt_col) title = 'slice=' + str(i) plt.title(title) ax3.imshow(imgs_origin[i, :, :], cmap=color1, alpha=transparent1) ax3.imshow(imgs_predict_threshold[i, :, :], cmap=color2, alpha=transparent2) else: pass modelname = cm.modelname imageName = re.findall(r'\d+\.?\d*', modelname) epoch_num = int(imageName[0]) + 1 accuracy = float( np.loadtxt(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'dicemean.txt', float)) # saveName = 'epoch_' + str(epoch_num) + '_dice_' +str(accuracy) + '.png' saveName = 'epoch_%02d_dice_%.3f.png' % (modelnum, accuracy) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, bottom=0.05, right=1.0, top=0.95, hspace=0.3, wspace=0.3) plt.savefig(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + saveName) # ################################### # Manually: # # slice = (100,150,230,250) # # plt.figure(2) # # ax1 = plt.subplot(2,4,1) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[0]) # plt.title(title) # ax1.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[0],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax1.imshow(new_imgs_true[slice[0],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax2 = plt.subplot(2,4,5) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[0]) # plt.title(title) # ax2.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[0],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax2.imshow(new_imgs_predict[slice[0],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax3 = plt.subplot(2,4,2) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[1]) # plt.title(title) # ax3.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[1],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax3.imshow(new_imgs_true[slice[1],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax4 = plt.subplot(2,4,6) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[1]) # plt.title(title) # ax4.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[1],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax4.imshow(new_imgs_predict[slice[1],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax5 = plt.subplot(2,4,3) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[2]) # plt.title(title) # ax5.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[2],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax5.imshow(new_imgs_true[slice[2],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax6 = plt.subplot(2,4,7) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[2]) # plt.title(title) # ax6.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[2],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax6.imshow(new_imgs_predict[slice[2],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax7 = plt.subplot(2,4,4) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[3]) # plt.title(title) # ax7.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[3],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax7.imshow(new_imgs_true[slice[3],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ax8 = plt.subplot(2,4,8) # title = 'slice=' + str(slice[3]) # plt.title(title) # ax8.imshow(new_imgs_origin[slice[3],0,:,:],cmap=color1,alpha=transparent1) # ax8.imshow(new_imgs_predict[slice[3],0,:,:],cmap=color2,alpha=transparent2) # # ############################################# print('Images saved')
def model_test(use_existing): print('-' * 30) print('Loading test data...') print('-' * 30) # Loading test data: filename = cm.filename modelname = cm.modellist[0] originFile_list = sorted( glob(cm.workingPath.originTestingSet_path + filename)) maskFile_list = sorted(glob(cm.workingPath.maskTestingSet_path + filename)) out_test_images = [] out_test_masks = [] for i in range(len(originFile_list)): # originTestVolInfo = loadFileInformation(originFile_list[i]) # maskTestVolInfo = loadFileInformation(maskFile_list[i]) originTestVol, originTestVol_num, originTestVolwidth, originTestVolheight = loadFile( originFile_list[i]) maskTestVol, maskTestVol_num, maskTestVolwidth, maskTestVolheight = loadFile( maskFile_list[i]) for j in range(len(maskTestVol)): maskTestVol[j] = np.where(maskTestVol[j] != 0, 1, 0) for img in originTestVol: out_test_images.append(img) for img in maskTestVol: out_test_masks.append(img) num_test_images = len(out_test_images) final_test_images = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512], dtype=np.int16) final_test_masks = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512], dtype=np.int8) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() for i in range(num_test_images): final_test_images[i] = out_test_images[i] final_test_masks[i] = out_test_masks[i] final_test_images = np.expand_dims(final_test_images, axis=-1) final_test_masks = np.expand_dims(final_test_masks, axis=-1) row = nw.img_rows_3d col = nw.img_cols_3d num_rows = 3 num_coles = 3 row_1 = int((512 - row * num_rows) / 2) row_2 = int(512 - (512 - row * num_rows) / 2) col_1 = int((512 - col * num_coles) / 2) col_2 = int(512 - (512 - col * num_coles) / 2) slices = 32 final_test_images_crop = final_test_images[:, row_1:row_2, col_1:col_2, :] final_test_masks_crop = final_test_masks[:, row_1:row_2, col_1:col_2, :] imgs_image_test = np.ndarray([0, row, col, 1], dtype=np.int16) imgs_mask_test = np.ndarray([0, row, col, 1], dtype=np.float32) num_patches = int(final_test_images_crop.shape[0] / slices) for num_patch in range(0, num_patches): for num_row in range(0, num_rows): for num_col in range(0, num_coles): imgs_image_test = np.concatenate( (imgs_image_test, final_test_images_crop[num_patch * slices:(num_patch * slices + slices), num_row * row:(num_row * row + row), num_col * col:(num_col * col + col), :]), axis=0) imgs_mask_test = np.concatenate( (imgs_mask_test, final_test_masks_crop[num_patch * slices:(num_patch * slices + slices), num_row * row:(num_row * row + row), num_col * col:(num_col * col + col), :]), axis=0) tubes = int(imgs_image_test.shape[0] / slices) imgs_image_test_last = np.ndarray([tubes, slices, row, col, 1], dtype=np.int16) imgs_mask_test_last = np.ndarray([tubes, slices, row, col, 1], dtype=np.int8) imgs_predict_last = np.ndarray([tubes, slices, row, col, 1], dtype=np.float32) for i in range(tubes): imgs_image_test_last[i, :, :, :, :] = imgs_image_test[i * slices:(i + 1) * slices, :, :, :] imgs_mask_test_last[i, :, :, :, :] = imgs_mask_test[i * slices:(i + 1) * slices, :, :, :] print('_' * 30) print('calculating model...') print('_' * 30) model = nw.get_3D_unet() if use_existing: model.load_weights(modelname) # logs = [] for i in range(imgs_image_test_last.shape[0]): imgs_predict_last[i] = model.predict([imgs_image_test_last[i:i + 1]]) # imgs_mask_test[i] = np.where(imgs_mask_test[i] < 0.5, 0, 1) # imgs_mask_test[i] = morphology.erosion(imgs_mask_test[i], np.ones([2, 2, 1])) # imgs_mask_test[i] = morphology.dilation(imgs_mask_test[i], np.ones([5, 5, 1])) dice_coef_slice = nw.dice_coef_np(imgs_predict_last[i], imgs_mask_test_last[i]) total_progress = i / imgs_image_test_last.shape[0] * 100 print('predicting slice: %03d' % (i), ' total progress: %5.2f%%' % (total_progress), ' dice coef: %5.3f' % (dice_coef_slice)) imgs_image_test_last = imgs_image_test_last + 4000 + 'testImages.npy', imgs_image_test_last) + 'testMasks.npy', imgs_mask_test_last) + 'masksTestPredicted.npy', imgs_predict_last) # Load data: imgs_origin = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testImages.npy').astype(np.int16) imgs_true = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testMasks.npy').astype(np.int8) imgs_predict = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.npy').astype(np.float32) imgs_predict_threshold = np.load(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.npy').astype( np.float32) imgs_origin = np.squeeze(imgs_origin, axis=-1) imgs_true = np.squeeze(imgs_true, axis=-1) imgs_predict = np.squeeze(imgs_predict, axis=-1) imgs_predict_threshold = np.squeeze(imgs_predict_threshold, axis=-1) imgs_predict_threshold = np.where(imgs_predict_threshold < 0.5, 0, 1) mean = nw.dice_coef_np(imgs_predict_threshold, imgs_true) np.savetxt(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'dicemean.txt', np.array(mean).reshape(1, ), fmt='%.5f') print('-' * 30) print('Model file:', modelname) print('Total Dice Coeff', mean) print('-' * 30) imgs_image_sized = np.ndarray( [num_patches * slices, row * num_rows, col * num_coles], dtype=np.int16) imgs_mask_sized = np.ndarray( [num_patches * slices, row * num_rows, col * num_coles], dtype=np.int8) imgs_predict_sized = np.ndarray( [num_patches * slices, row * num_rows, col * num_coles], dtype=np.float32) imgs_predict_threshold_sized = np.ndarray( [num_patches * slices, row * num_rows, col * num_coles], dtype=np.int8) num_patches = int(final_test_images_crop.shape[0] / slices) for num_patch in range(0, num_patches): for num_row in range(0, num_rows): for num_col in range(0, num_coles): count = num_patch * num_rows * num_coles + num_row * num_coles + num_col imgs_image_sized[num_patch * slices:(num_patch + 1) * slices, num_row * row:(num_row + 1) * row, num_col * col:(num_col + 1) * col] = imgs_origin[count, :, :, :] imgs_mask_sized[num_patch * slices:(num_patch + 1) * slices, num_row * row:(num_row + 1) * row, num_col * col:(num_col + 1) * col] = imgs_true[count, :, :, :] imgs_predict_sized[num_patch * slices:(num_patch + 1) * slices, num_row * row:(num_row + 1) * row, num_col * col:(num_col + 1) * col] = imgs_predict[count, :, :, :] imgs_predict_threshold_sized[ num_patch * slices:(num_patch + 1) * slices, num_row * row:(num_row + 1) * row, num_col * col:(num_col + 1) * col] = imgs_predict_threshold[count, :, :, :] # Draw the subplots of figures: color1 = 'gray' # *** color2 = 'viridis' # ****** # color = 'plasma' # ** # color = 'magma' # *** # color2 = 'RdPu' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** # color = 'gray' # *** transparent1 = 1.0 transparent2 = 0.5 # Slice parameters: ############################################# # Automatically: steps = 40 slice = range(0, len(imgs_mask_sized), steps) plt_row = 3 plt_col = int(len(imgs_mask_sized) / steps) plt.figure(1, figsize=(25, 12)) for i in slice: if i == 0: plt_num = int(i / steps) + 1 else: plt_num = int(i / steps) if plt_num <= plt_col: plt.figure(1) ax1 = plt.subplot(plt_row, plt_col, plt_num) title = 'slice=' + str(i) plt.title(title) ax1.imshow(imgs_image_sized[i, :, :], cmap=color1, alpha=transparent1) ax1.imshow(imgs_mask_sized[i, :, :], cmap=color2, alpha=transparent2) ax2 = plt.subplot(plt_row, plt_col, plt_num + plt_col) title = 'slice=' + str(i) plt.title(title) ax2.imshow(imgs_image_sized[i, :, :], cmap=color1, alpha=transparent1) ax2.imshow(imgs_predict_sized[i, :, :], cmap=color2, alpha=transparent2) ax3 = plt.subplot(plt_row, plt_col, plt_num + 2 * plt_col) title = 'slice=' + str(i) plt.title(title) ax3.imshow(imgs_image_sized[i, :, :], cmap=color1, alpha=transparent1) ax3.imshow(imgs_predict_threshold_sized[i, :, :], cmap=color2, alpha=transparent2) else: pass modelname = cm.modellist[0] imageName = re.findall(r'\d+\.?\d*', modelname) epoch_num = int(imageName[0]) + 1 accuracy = float( np.loadtxt(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'dicemean.txt', float)) # saveName = 'epoch_' + str(epoch_num) + '_dice_' +str(accuracy) + '.png' saveName = 'epoch_%02d_dice_%.3f.png' % (epoch_num, accuracy) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, bottom=0.05, right=1.0, top=0.95, hspace=0.3, wspace=0.3) plt.savefig(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + saveName) # print('Images saved') # Save npy as dcm files: # final_test_predicted_threshold = np.ndarray([num_test_images, 512, 512], dtype=np.int8) final_test_images = np.squeeze(final_test_images + 4000, axis=-1) final_test_masks = np.squeeze(final_test_masks, axis=-1) final_test_images[0:num_patches * slices, row_1:row_2, col_1:col_2] = imgs_image_sized[:, :, :] final_test_masks[0:num_patches * slices:, row_1:row_2, col_1:col_2] = imgs_mask_sized[:, :, :] final_test_predicted_threshold = final_test_masks final_test_predicted_threshold[ 0:num_patches * slices, row_1:row_2, col_1:col_2] = imgs_predict_threshold_sized[:, :, :] final_test_images = np.uint16(final_test_images) final_test_masks = np.uint16(final_test_masks) final_test_predicted_threshold = np.uint16(final_test_predicted_threshold) new_imgs_origin_dcm = sitk.GetImageFromArray(final_test_images) new_imgs_true_dcm = sitk.GetImageFromArray(final_test_masks) new_imgs_predict_dcm = sitk.GetImageFromArray( final_test_predicted_threshold) # sitk.WriteImage(new_imgs_origin_dcm, cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testImages.dcm') # sitk.WriteImage(new_imgs_true_dcm, cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'testMasks.dcm') sitk.WriteImage(new_imgs_predict_dcm, cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.dcm') ds1 = dicom.read_file(maskFile_list[0]) ds2 = dicom.read_file(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.dcm') ds1.PixelData = ds2.PixelData ds1.save_as(cm.workingPath.testingSet_path + 'masksTestPredicted.dcm') print('DICOM saved')