def _Setup () -> None: for mod in Mods.GetAllMods(): # type: Mods.Mod modLoader = _Loader(mod) # type: _Loader modLoader.GetInformation() registeredMods = "" # type: str for mod in Mods.GetAllMods(): # type: Mods.Mod if not mod.ReadInformation: continue if registeredMods != "": registeredMods += "\n" versionString = str(mod.Version) if versionString == mod.VersionDisplay: registeredMods += "%s, v%s" % (mod.Namespace, versionString) else: registeredMods += "%s, v%s (%s)" % (mod.Namespace, versionString, mod.VersionDisplay) Debug.Log("Registered mods:\n" + registeredMods, This.Mod.Namespace, Debug.LogLevels.Info, group = This.Mod.Namespace, owner = __name__) _CheckInstallation() LoadingEvents.ModLoadedEvent += _ModLoadedCallback atexit.register(_OnExitCallback) _PatchOnLoadingScreenAnimationFinished()
def PatchedOnLoadingScreenAnimationFinished (*args, **kwargs): global _failedLoadingMods, _invalidSetupMods, _cascadeFailureMods, _showedNotLoadedFailureNotification originalFunction(*args, **kwargs) from sims4 import log try: if len(_failedLoadingMods) != 0: _WarnOfLoadingFailure() _failedLoadingMods = list() if len(_invalidSetupMods) != 0: _WarnOfInvalidSetup() _invalidSetupMods = list() if len(_cascadeFailureMods) != 0: _WarnOfCascadeFailure() _cascadeFailureMods = list() if not _showedNotLoadedFailureNotification: for mod in Mods.GetAllMods(): if not mod.IsLoaded() and mod.IsLoadable(This.Mod.Namespace): _WarnOfNotLoadedFailure() _showedNotLoadedFailureNotification = True break except Exception as e: log.exception(This.Mod.Namespace, "Failed to show loading failure dialogs.", exc = e, owner = __name__)
def CanShow(self, shownPromotions: typing.List[str]) -> bool: if self.Text is None: return False if self.TargetsType == _FilterTypes.Whitelist: validGame = False # type: bool for promotionTarget in self.Targets: # type: str if promotionTarget.lower() == "s4": validGame = True if not validGame: return False else: for promotionTarget in self.Targets: # type: str if promotionTarget.lower() == "s4": return False if self.ModsType == _FilterTypes.Whitelist: validMods = True # type: bool for promotionMod in self.Mods: # type: str if not Mods.IsInstalled(promotionMod): validMods = False if not validMods: return False else: for promotionMod in self.Mods: # type: str if Mods.IsInstalled(promotionMod): return False if self.Rating == Mods.Rating.NSFW: validRating = False for mod in Mods.GetAllMods(): # type: Mods.Mod if mod.Rating == Mods.Rating.NSFW: validRating = True if not validRating: return False identifierLower = self.Identifier.lower() # type: str for shownPromotion in shownPromotions: # type: str if identifierLower == shownPromotion.lower(): return False return True
def _WarnOfNotLoadedFailure () -> None: badMods = "" for mod in Mods.GetAllMods(): # type: Mods.Mod if not mod.IsLoaded() and mod.IsLoadable(This.Mod.Namespace): if badMods != "": badMods += "\n" if mod.ReadInformation: badMods += mod.Namespace + ": v" + str(mod.Version) else: badMods += mod.Namespace Debug.Log("The following mods have not been loaded, even though they should have been.\n" + badMods, This.Mod.Namespace, Debug.LogLevels.Error, group = This.Mod.Namespace, owner = __name__) notificationArguments = { "title": NotLoadedFailureNotificationTitle.GetCallableLocalizationString(), "text": NotLoadedFailureNotificationText.GetCallableLocalizationString(badMods), "expand_behavior": ui_dialog_notification.UiDialogNotification.UiDialogNotificationExpandBehavior.FORCE_EXPAND, "urgency": ui_dialog_notification.UiDialogNotification.UiDialogNotificationUrgency.URGENT } # type: typing.Dict[str, ...] Notifications.ShowNotification(queue = True, **notificationArguments)
def _CheckUpdates() -> None: previewAvailableMods = list( ) # type: typing.List[typing.Tuple[Mods.Mod, Version.Version]] releaseAvailableMods = list( ) # type: typing.List[typing.Tuple[Mods.Mod, Version.Version]] distributeUpdates = Settings.CheckForUpdates.Get() # type: bool distributePreviewUpdates = Settings.CheckForPreviewUpdates.Get( ) # type: bool if not distributeUpdates: return latestURL = _distributionURL + "/mods/latest.json" # type: str try: latestDictionary = _ReadVersionFile( latestURL ) # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict[str, Version.Version]] except Exception: Debug.Log("Failed to get mod versions.", This.Mod.Namespace, Debug.LogLevels.Warning, group=This.Mod.Namespace, owner=__name__) return for mod in Mods.GetAllMods(): # type: Mods.Mod if not mod.ReadInformation: continue if mod.Distribution.UpdatesController is None: continue if mod.Distribution.UpdatesController != Information.RootNamespace: continue modShownReleaseVersions = _shownReleaseVersions.get(mod) # type: list if modShownReleaseVersions is None: modShownReleaseVersions = list() _shownReleaseVersions[mod] = modShownReleaseVersions modShownPreviewVersions = _shownPreviewVersions.get(mod) # type: list if modShownPreviewVersions is None: modShownPreviewVersions = list() _shownPreviewVersions[mod] = modShownPreviewVersions try: modVersions = latestDictionary.get(mod.Namespace) # type: Version if modVersions is None: Debug.Log("Missing version data for '" + mod.Namespace + "'.", This.Mod.Namespace, Debug.LogLevels.Warning, group=This.Mod.Namespace, owner=__name__) continue releaseVersion = modVersions.get( "Release") # type: Version.Version if releaseVersion is None: Debug.Log("Missing release version for '" + mod.Namespace + "'.", This.Mod.Namespace, Debug.LogLevels.Warning, group=This.Mod.Namespace, owner=__name__) releaseVersion = Version.Version() if distributePreviewUpdates: previewVersion = modVersions.get( "Preview") # type: Version.Version if previewVersion is None: Debug.Log("Missing preview version for '" + mod.Namespace + "'.", This.Mod.Namespace, Debug.LogLevels.Warning, group=This.Mod.Namespace, owner=__name__) previewVersion = Version.Version() if previewVersion <= releaseVersion: if not releaseVersion in modShownReleaseVersions: if mod.Version < releaseVersion: releaseAvailableMods.append((mod, releaseVersion)) continue else: if not previewVersion in modShownPreviewVersions: if mod.Version < previewVersion: previewAvailableMods.append((mod, previewVersion)) continue else: if not releaseVersion in modShownReleaseVersions: if mod.Version < releaseVersion: releaseAvailableMods.append((mod, releaseVersion)) continue except Exception: Debug.Log("Failed to get update information for '" + mod.Namespace + "'.", This.Mod.Namespace, Debug.LogLevels.Warning, group=This.Mod.Namespace, owner=__name__) for releaseTuple in releaseAvailableMods: # type: typing.Tuple[Mods.Mod, Version.Version] try: _ShowReleaseUpdateNotification(releaseTuple[0], releaseTuple[1]) except Exception: Debug.Log("Failed to show release update notification for '" + releaseTuple[0].Namespace + "'.", This.Mod.Namespace, Debug.LogLevels.Warning, group=This.Mod.Namespace, owner=__name__) for previewTuple in previewAvailableMods: # type: typing.Tuple[Mods.Mod, Version.Version] try: _ShowPreviewUpdateNotification(previewTuple[0], previewTuple[1]) except Exception: Debug.Log("Failed to show release update notification for '" + previewTuple[0].Namespace + "'.", This.Mod.Namespace, Debug.LogLevels.Warning, group=This.Mod.Namespace, owner=__name__)