def createLocalizationNetwork(self): if self.localizationType == "Rotary": return RotaryLayer() if self.localizationType == "Scaled": return ScaledLayer() if self.localizationType == "ScaledUp": return ScaledUpLayer() if self.localizationType == "ScaledWithOffset": return ScaledWithOffsetLayer() if self.localizationType == "Unitary": return UnitaryLayer() if self.localizationType == "FullyConnected": network = NeuralNetwork() network.addLayer(FullyConnectedLayer(self.inputW * self.inputH * self.inputC, 32, 0, "ReLu")) network.addLayer(FullyConnectedLayer(32, 3*4, 1, "ReLu")) return network if self.localizationType == "ConvLayer": network = NeuralNetwork() network.addLayer(ConvLayer((self.inputW, self.inputH, self.inputC), (3, 3, self.inputC, self.inputC), 0, "ReLu")) network.addLayer(FullyConnectedLayer(self.inputW * self.inputH * self.inputC, 3*4, 1, "ReLu")) return network
def test(base_directory, ignore_word_file, filtered, nb_hidden_neurons, nb_max_iteration): print("post reading...") pr = PostReader(base_directory, ignore_word_file, filtered) print("creating neural network...") nn = NeuralNetwork(pr.get_word_set(), nb_hidden_neurons, nb_max_iteration) print("training...") training_set = pr.get_training_set() t0 = time.clock() nb_iteration = nn.train(training_set) training_time = time.clock() - t0 print("verification...") t0 = time.clock() verification_set = pr.get_verification_set() verification_time = time.clock() - t0 nb_correct = 0 for msg in verification_set: final = NeuralNetwork.threshold(nn.classify(msg[0])) if final == msg[1]: nb_correct += 1 print("=======================") print("training set length : %s" % len(training_set)) print("nb hidden neurons : %s" % nb_hidden_neurons) print("nb max iterations : %s" % nb_max_iteration) print("nb iterations : %s" % nb_iteration) print("verification set length: %s posts" % len(verification_set)) print("nb correct classified : %s posts" % nb_correct) print("rate : %i %%" % (nb_correct / len(verification_set) * 100)) print("training time : %i s" % training_time) print("verification time : %i s" % verification_time) print("=======================") print("")
def run_iris_comparison(num=25): """ Compare a few different test and training configurations """ print("Running neural network {} times each for three different sets of training and testing files".format(num)) test_files = ['iris_tes.txt', 'iris_tes50.txt',\ 'iris_tes30.txt'] train_files = ['iris_tra.txt', 'iris_tra100.txt',\ 'iris_tra120.txt'] for i in range(0, len(test_files)): print("trainfile = {} testfile = {}".format(train_files[i], test_files[i])) config_obj = openJsonConfig('conf/annconfig_iris.json') summary = {} for i in range(0, len(test_files)): config_obj['testing_file'] = test_files[i] config_obj['training_file'] = train_files[i] config_obj['plot_error'] = False config_obj['test'] = False crates = [] for j in range(0, num): nn = NeuralNetwork(config_obj) nn.back_propagation() cmat, crate, cout = nn.classification_test(nn.testing_data, nn.weights_best) crates.append(crate) summary[config_obj['testing_file']] =\ nn_stats(np.array(crates)) print print_stat_summary(summary)
def accuracy(self, number_layers, numbers_neurons, learning_rate): """Returns the accuracy of a neural network associated with an Individual""" net = NeuralNetwork(number_layers, numbers_neurons, learning_rate, X_train=self.dataset.X_train, Y_train=self.dataset.Y_train, X_test=self.dataset.X_test, Y_test=self.dataset.Y_test) #train neural NeuralNetwork net.train() #calcule accurate acc = net.classify() #set AUC self.__auc = net.get_auc() return acc
def main(): data = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ]) result = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0] ]) Nn = NeuralNetwork([5, 5, 5]) print Nn.feedforward(np.array([[5], [5], [5], [5], [5]])) # to do trainning function print Nn.feedforward(np.array([[5], [5], [5], [5], [5]]))
def __init__(self, in_dim, hidden_dim, out_dim, activation, loss_type, layer_num=0): NeuralNetwork.__init__(self, activation, loss_type) args = [self.activation, self.grad_activation] self.layers = [] self.layers.append(FullyConnectedLayer(in_dim, hidden_dim, *args)) for _ in xrange(layer_num): self.layers.append(FullyConnectedLayer(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, *args)) if loss_type == 'mse': self.layers.append(FullyConnectedLayer(hidden_dim, out_dim, *args)) else: from SoftmaxLayer import SoftmaxLayer self.layers.append(SoftmaxLayer(hidden_dim, out_dim, *args))
def main(): print "Starting Support Vector Machine Simulations" # svr = SupportVectorMachine() # svr.simulate() # basicNeuralNetwork = NeuralNetwork() # basicNeuralNetwork.simulate() # svr1 = SupportVectorMachine(20, 10, 500, 60) # svr1.simulate() # neuralNetwork1 = NeuralNetwork(20, 10, 500, 60) # neuralNetwork1.simulate() # # # larger window # svr2 = SupportVectorMachine(48, 10, 200) # svr2.simulate() # neuralNetwork2 = NeuralNetwork(48, 10, 200) # neuralNetwork2.simulate() # # # large window # svr3 = SupportVectorMachine(32, 10, 200) # svr3.simulate() # neuralNetwork3 = NeuralNetwork(32, 10, 200) # neuralNetwork3.simulate() # # # day sized window # svr4 = SupportVectorMachine(24, 10, 200) # svr4.simulate() # neuralNetwork4 = NeuralNetwork(24, 10, 200) # neuralNetwork4.simulate() # half a day sized window svr5 = SupportVectorMachine(12, 10, 200) svr5.simulate() neuralNetwork5 = NeuralNetwork(12, 10, 200) neuralNetwork5.simulate()
def eventListener(self): tickTime = pygame.time.Clock() holdTime = 0 pygame.init() DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((900, 900)) DISPLAYSURF.fill((255, 255, 255, 255)) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: holdTime = tickTime.tick(60) print self.alias, "DOWN: ", holdTime if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if holdTime < 3000: print "----------------------------" print self.alias, "CLASSIFYING... " print "----------------------------""perro.wav") self.takePicture() #Para pruebas de reproducción --- (En mi compu no furula)"perro")"gato")"desconocido") # ------------------------------- self.startClasification() print self.alias, "UP: ", holdTime holdTime = 0 else: print self.alias, ": ", holdTime, " miliSegundos" networkModel, netMean, prototype, classes = self.netHandler.getNextNet() self.neuralNetwork = NeuralNetwork(networkModel, netMean, prototype, classes) holdTime = 0 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit(0)
def createNeuralNetwork(self, load = False): listHidden1 = [Neuron("1", 6, load), Neuron("2", 6, load), Neuron("3", 6, load)] listHidden2 = [Neuron("4", 3, load), Neuron("5", 3, load)] listHidden3 = [Neuron("6", 2, load)] listNetwork = [NeuronLayer(listHidden1), NeuronLayer(listHidden2), NeuronLayer(listHidden3)] self.neuralNetwork = NeuralNetwork(listNetwork)
def createFullyConnectedNetwork(parameters): ("Creating a fully connected network") network = NeuralNetwork() idx = 0 for inputSize, outputSize in parameters: isLastLayer = (idx == (len(parameters) - 1)) if isLastLayer: nonlinearity = "Null" else: nonlinearity = "ReLu" network.addLayer(FullyConnectedLayer(inputSize, outputSize, idx, nonlinearity)) idx += 1 return network
def __init__(self): self.alias = "[CLASSIFIER]>> " print self.alias , "Iniciando Clasificador..." self.netHandler = NeuralNetworksHandler() self.imageProcesor = ImagePreprocesor(wideSegment=150, highSegment=150, horizontalStride=50, verticalStride=50, withResizeImgOut=250, highResizeImgOut=250) networkModel, netMean, prototype, classes = self.netHandler.getNetworkByIndex(0) self.neuralNetwork = NeuralNetwork(networkModel, prototype, netMean, classes) self.speaker = AudioPlayer() self.eventListener()
def process(self): print '[ Prepare input images ]' inputs = self.prepare_images() print '[ Init Network ]' network = NeuralNetwork(inputs, self.p, self.image_size, self.min_error) print '[ Start training]' # network.load_weights() print '[ Start recovering picture ]' rec_images = network.process() rec_picture = self.recover_image(rec_images) print '[ Save recoverd image to file ]' misc.imsave('images/rec_image.bmp', rec_picture)
def __trainbAction(self): config = {'input_size': 30 * 30, 'hidden_size': 30 * 30, 'lambda': 1, 'num_labels': (len(self.learned))} self.nn = NeuralNetwork(config=config) cost_params_fscore = [] for i in range(self._k): cost_params_fscore.append(self.nn.train(self.training_X[i], self.training_y[i], self.cross_validation_set[i], self.test_set, self.cross_validation_set_y[i], self.testing_y)) best_model = max(cost_params_fscore, key=itemgetter(2)) print best_model[0], best_model[2]
class Creature(Entity): BASE_SHAPE = [[10, 0], [0, -10], [-5, -5], [-5, 5], [0, 10]] MAX_HEALTH = 100 def __init__(self, world, position, orientation, color): self.polygonshape = PolygonShape(self.BASE_SHAPE) self.position = position self.orientation = orientation self.color = color self.movespeed = MoveSpeed(0) self.turnspeed = TurnSpeed(0) self.neuralnetwork = NeuralNetwork(2, 7, 2) self.neuralnetwork.initialize_random_network() = Health(self.MAX_HEALTH) self.foodseen = FoodSeen(0) bounding_square = get_bounding_square(self.BASE_SHAPE) self.collider = Collider(self, bounding_square, self.BASE_SHAPE)
class NeuralNetworkTestcase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.nn = NeuralNetwork(['a', 'b'], 2) self.nn.hidden_neurons[0].input_weights['a'] = 0.25 self.nn.hidden_neurons[0].input_weights['b'] = 0.50 self.nn.hidden_neurons[0].bias = 0.0 self.nn.hidden_neurons[1].input_weights['a'] = 0.75 self.nn.hidden_neurons[1].input_weights['b'] = 0.75 self.nn.hidden_neurons[1].bias = 0.0 self.nn.final_neuron.input_weights[0] = 0.5 self.nn.final_neuron.input_weights[1] = 0.5 self.nn.final_neuron.bias = 0.0 def test_calc(self): self.nn.classify({'a': 1.0, 'b': 0.0}) self.assertAlmostEquals(self.nn.final_neuron.last_output, 0.650373, 5)
def exo8(): print("\n\n>>EXERCICE 8 MNIST") Xtrain, ytrain, Xvalid, yvalid, Xtest, ytest = utils.readMNISTfile() default_h = 30 maxIter = 1 neuralNetwork = NeuralNetwork(len(Xtrain[0]), default_h, utils.getClassCount(ytrain),K=100) neuralNetworkEfficient = NeuralNetworkEfficient(len(Xtrain[0]), default_h, utils.getClassCount(ytrain),K=100) neuralNetworkEfficient._w1 = neuralNetwork._w1 neuralNetworkEfficient._w2 = neuralNetwork._w2 print("--- Reseau de depart ---") t1 = neuralNetwork.train(Xtrain, ytrain, maxIter) t2 = delta = t2 - t1 print("Cela a mis : " + str(delta.total_seconds()) + " secondes") print("--- Reseau optimise ---") t1 = neuralNetworkEfficient.train(Xtrain, ytrain, maxIter) t2 = delta = t2 - t1 print("Cela a mis : " + str(delta.total_seconds()) + " secondes")
def createSpatialTransformerWithFullyConnectedNetwork(parameters, isVerbose): ("Creating a fully connected network with a spatial transformer input layer") network = NeuralNetwork() idx = 0 for inputSize, outputSize in parameters: isLastLayer = (idx == (len(parameters) - 1)) if isLastLayer: nonlinearity = "Null" else: nonlinearity = "ReLu" if idx == 0: network.addLayer(SpatialTransformerLayer(inputSize[0], inputSize[1], inputSize[2], outputSize[0], outputSize[1], outputSize[2], "ConvLayer")) else: network.addLayer(FullyConnectedLayer(inputSize, outputSize, idx, nonlinearity)) idx += 1 return network
def exo67(): print("\n\n>>EXERCICE 6 et 7 : Calcul matriciel") print(" --- K=1 ---") #Xtrain, ytrain, Xvalid, yvalid, Xtest, ytest = utils.readMoonFile() Xtrain = [[30, 20, 40, 50], [25, 15, 35, 45]] ytrain = [0,0] default_h = 2 nn = NeuralNetwork(len(Xtrain[0]), default_h, utils.getClassCount(ytrain), K=1, wd=0) nne = NeuralNetworkEfficient(len(Xtrain[0]), default_h, utils.getClassCount(ytrain), K=1, wd=0) nne._w1 = nn._w1 # trick pour que l'aleatoire soit egale nne._w2 = nn._w2 nn.train(Xtrain,ytrain,1) nne.train(Xtrain,ytrain,1) utils.compareNN(nn,nne) print(" --- K=10 ---") Xtrain = [[30, 20, 40, 50], [25, 15, 35, 45],[30, 76, 45, 44],[89, 27, 42, 52],[30, 24, 44, 53],[89, 25, 45, 50],[30, 20, 40, 50],[30, 65, 47, 50],[30, 34, 40, 50],[39, 20, 29, 58]] ytrain = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] default_h = 2 nn = NeuralNetwork(len(Xtrain[0]), default_h, utils.getClassCount(ytrain), K=10, wd=0) nne = NeuralNetworkEfficient(len(Xtrain[0]), default_h, utils.getClassCount(ytrain), K=10, wd=0) nne._w1 = nn._w1 # trick pour que l'aleatoire soit egale nne._w2 = nn._w2 nn.train(Xtrain,ytrain,1) nne.train(Xtrain,ytrain,1) utils.compareNN(nn,nne,10)
def train(method, learningRate, momentum, numEpochs, output, samples, layers=None, minibatchsize=None): trainImages, trainOutput, trainNumbers = loadData('training', samples) nn = NeuralNetwork(layerCount=len(layers), layerSize=np.array(layers), actFunctions=np.array([1, 1])) trainmethod = { TRAININGMETHODS[0]: nn.trainBatch, TRAININGMETHODS[1]: nn.trainStochastic } errors = trainmethod[method]( trainImages, trainOutput, learningRate=learningRate, momentum=momentum, numEpochs=numEpochs) # Error did happen, we just return, error message would be printed by the # train method if not errors or len(errors) == 0: return # print 'Training done, errors:', errors print 'Saving output to', output print 'Testing...' test(nn)
def __load_learned(self): try: with open('learned.json') as learned_file: for line in learned_file: learned = json.loads(line) for key in learned.keys(): self._totrainlist.__add__([key]) except IOError: learned = {} config = {'input_size': 30 * 30, 'hidden_size': 30 * 30, 'lambda': 1, 'num_labels': (len(learned))} self.nn = NeuralNetwork(config=config) return learned
def setUp(self): self.nn = NeuralNetwork(['a', 'b'], 2) self.nn.hidden_neurons[0].input_weights['a'] = 1.0 self.nn.hidden_neurons[0].input_weights['b'] = 1.0 self.nn.hidden_neurons[0].bias = 0.0 self.nn.hidden_neurons[1].input_weights['a'] = 1.0 self.nn.hidden_neurons[1].input_weights['b'] = 1.0 self.nn.hidden_neurons[1].bias = 0.0 self.nn.final_neuron.input_weights[0] = -1 self.nn.final_neuron.input_weights[1] = 1 self.nn.final_neuron.bias = 0.0
def __init__(self): tkinter.Tk.__init__(self) self.nn = NeuralNetwork(784, 300, 10) self.background = tkinter.Canvas(self, width = 308, height = 308) self.background.config(background="black") self.input_canvas = InputCanvas(self, width = 300, height = 300) self.result_label = tkinter.Label(self, text='') self.recog_button = tkinter.Button(self, text='Recognize', command=self.recognize) self.clear_button = tkinter.Button(self, text='Clear', command=self.input_canvas.clear) self.background.pack(), y=4) self.result_label.pack() self.recog_button.pack() self.clear_button.pack()
def test_train(self): self.nn = NeuralNetwork(['a', 'b'], 2) self.nn.train([[{'a': 1.0, 'b': 0.0}, 1.0]]) self.nn.train([[{'a': 0.0, 'b': 1.0}, 1.0]]) self.nn.train([[{'a': 1.0, 'b': 0.0}, 1.0]]) self.nn.train([[{'a': 0.0, 'b': 1.0}, 1.0]]) self.nn.train([[{'a': 1.0, 'b': 0.0}, 1.0]]) self.nn.train([[{'a': 0.0, 'b': 1.0}, 1.0]]) self.nn.train([[{'a': 1.0, 'b': 0.0}, 1.0]]) self.nn.train([[{'a': 0.0, 'b': 1.0}, 1.0]]) self.assertAlmostEquals(self.nn.classify({'a': 1.0, 'b': 0.0}), 1.0, 5) self.assertAlmostEquals(self.nn.classify({'a': 0.0, 'b': 1.0}), 1.0, 5) self.assertAlmostEquals(self.nn.classify({'a': 1.0, 'b': 1.0}), 0.0, 5) self.assertAlmostEquals(self.nn.classify({'a': 0.0, 'b': 0.0}), 0.0, 5) self.nn.hidden_neurons[0].input_weights
def main(): print("Program Start") headers = [ "Data set", "layers", "pop", "Beta", "CR", "generations", "loss1", "loss2" ] filename = 'VIDEORESULTS.csv' Per = Performance.Results() Per.PipeToFile([], headers, filename) data_sets = [ "soybean", "glass", "abalone", "Cancer", "forestfires", "machine" ] regression_data_set = { "soybean": False, "Cancer": False, "glass": False, "forestfires": True, "machine": True, "abalone": True } categorical_attribute_indices = { "soybean": [], "Cancer": [], "glass": [], "forestfires": [], "machine": [], "abalone": [] } tuned_0_hl = { "soybean": { "omega": .5, "c1": .1, "c2": 5, "hidden_layer": [] }, "Cancer": { "omega": .5, "c1": .5, "c2": 5, "hidden_layer": [] }, "glass": { "omega": .2, "c1": .9, "c2": 5, "hidden_layer": [] }, "forestfires": { "omega": .2, "c1": 5, "c2": .5, "hidden_layer": [] }, "machine": { "omega": .5, "c1": .9, "c2": 5, "hidden_layer": [] }, "abalone": { "omega": .2, "c1": 5, "c2": .9, "hidden_layer": [] } } tuned_1_hl = { "soybean": { "omega": .5, "c1": .5, "c2": 1, "hidden_layer": [7] }, "Cancer": { "omega": .2, "c1": .5, "c2": 5, "hidden_layer": [4] }, "glass": { "omega": .2, "c1": .9, "c2": 5, "hidden_layer": [8] }, "forestfires": { "omega": .2, "c1": 5, "c2": 5, "hidden_layer": [8] }, "machine": { "omega": .5, "c1": 5, "c2": .5, "hidden_layer": [4] }, "abalone": { "omega": .2, "c1": .1, "c2": 5, "hidden_layer": [8] } } tuned_2_hl = { "soybean": { "omega": .5, "c1": .9, "c2": .1, "hidden_layer": [7, 12] }, "Cancer": { "omega": .2, "c1": .5, "c2": 5, "hidden_layer": [4, 4] }, "glass": { "omega": .2, "c1": .9, "c2": 5, "hidden_layer": [8, 6] }, "forestfires": { "omega": .2, "c1": .9, "c2": 5, "hidden_layer": [8, 8] }, "machine": { "omega": .2, "c1": .9, "c2": .1, "hidden_layer": [7, 2] }, "abalone": { "omega": .2, "c1": 5, "c2": 5, "hidden_layer": [6, 8] } } du = DataUtility.DataUtility(categorical_attribute_indices, regression_data_set) total_counter = 0 for data_set in data_sets: if data_set != 'Cancer': continue data_set_counter = 0 # ten fold data and labels is a list of [data, labels] pairs, where # data and labels are numpy arrays: tenfold_data_and_labels = du.Dataset_and_Labels(data_set) for j in range(10): test_data, test_labels = copy.deepcopy(tenfold_data_and_labels[j]) #Append all data folds to the training data set remaining_data = [ x[0] for i, x in enumerate(tenfold_data_and_labels) if i != j ] remaining_labels = [ y[1] for i, y in enumerate(tenfold_data_and_labels) if i != j ] #Store off a set of the remaining dataset X = np.concatenate(remaining_data, axis=1) #Store the remaining data set labels labels = np.concatenate(remaining_labels, axis=1) print(data_set, "training data prepared") regression = regression_data_set[data_set] #If the data set is a regression dataset if regression == True: #The number of output nodes is 1 output_size = 1 #else it is a classification data set else: #Count the number of classes in the label data set output_size = du.CountClasses(labels) #Get the test data labels in one hot encoding test_labels = du.ConvertLabels(test_labels, output_size) #Get the Labels into a One hot encoding labels = du.ConvertLabels(labels, output_size) input_size = X.shape[0] data_set_size = X.shape[1] + test_data.shape[1] tuned_parameters = [ tuned_0_hl[data_set], tuned_1_hl[data_set], tuned_2_hl[data_set] ] for z in range(1): hidden_layers = tuned_parameters[z]["hidden_layer"] layers = [input_size] + hidden_layers + [output_size] nn = NeuralNetwork(input_size, hidden_layers, regression, output_size) nn.set_input_data(X, labels) nn1 = NeuralNetwork(input_size, hidden_layers, regression, output_size) nn1.set_input_data(X, labels) nn2 = NeuralNetwork(input_size, hidden_layers, regression, output_size) nn2.set_input_data(X, labels) total_weights = 0 for i in range(len(layers) - 1): total_weights += layers[i] * layers[i + 1] hyperparameters = { "population_size": 10 * total_weights, "beta": .5, "crossover_rate": .6, "max_gen": 100 } hyperparameterss = { "maxGen": 100, "pop_size": 100, "mutation_rate": .5, "mutation_range": 10, "crossover_rate": .5 } hyperparametersss = { "position_range": 10, "velocity_range": 1, "omega": .1, # tuned_parameters[z]["omega"], "c1": .9, # tuned_parameters[z]["c1"], "c2": .1, # tuned_parameters[z]["c2"], "vmax": 1, "pop_size": 1000, "max_t": 50 } de = DE.DE(hyperparameters, total_weights, nn) ga = GA.GA(hyperparameterss, total_weights, nn1) pso = PSO.PSO(layers, hyperparametersss, nn2) learning_rate = 3 momentum = 0 VNN = VideoNN.NeuralNetworks(input_size, hidden_layers, regression, output_size, learning_rate, momentum) VNN.set_input_data(X, labels) for gen in range(de.maxgens): de.mutate_and_crossover() for gen in range(ga.maxGen): ga.selection() ga.crossover() counter = 0 for epoch in range(pso.max_t): pso.update_fitness() pso.update_position_and_velocity() for epoch in range(100): VNN.forward_pass() VNN.backpropagation_pass() bestSolution = de.bestChromie.getchromie() bestWeights = de.nn.weight_transform(bestSolution) de.nn.weights = bestWeights Estimation_Values = de.nn.classify(test_data, test_labels) Estimation_Values1 = ga.nn.classify(test_data, test_labels) Estimation_Values2 = pso.NN.classify(test_data, test_labels) Estimation_Values3 = VNN.classify(test_data, test_labels) if regression == False: #Decode the One Hot encoding Value Estimation_Values = de.nn.PickLargest(Estimation_Values) test_labels_list = de.nn.PickLargest(test_labels) Estimation_Values1 = ga.nn.PickLargest(Estimation_Values1) Tll = ga.nn.PickLargest(test_labels) Estimation_Values2 = pso.NN.PickLargest(Estimation_Values2) tll1 = pso.NN.PickLargest(test_labels) Estimation_Values3 = VNN.PickLargest(Estimation_Values3) tll = VNN.PickLargest(test_labels) # print("ESTiMATION VALUES BY GIVEN INDEX (CLASS GUESS) ") # print(Estimation_Values) else: Estimation_Values = Estimation_Values.tolist() test_labels_list = test_labels.tolist()[0] Estimation_Values = Estimation_Values[0] Estimat = Estimation_Values groun = test_labels_list meta = list() Nice = Per.ConvertResultsDataStructure(groun, Estimat) Nice1 = Per.ConvertResultsDataStructure( Tll, Estimation_Values1) Nice2 = Per.ConvertResultsDataStructure( tll1, Estimation_Values2) Nice3 = Per.ConvertResultsDataStructure( tll, Estimation_Values3) DEss = Per.StartLossFunction(regression, Nice, meta) GAss = Per.StartLossFunction(regression, Nice1, meta) PSOSS = Per.StartLossFunction(regression, Nice2, meta) VNNS = Per.StartLossFunction(regression, Nice3, meta) print("DE") print(DEss) print("GA") print(GAss) print("PSO") print(PSOSS) print("NN Back prop.") print(VNNS) # print("THE GROUND VERSUS ESTIMATION:") # print(Nice) # headers = ["Data set", "layers", "pop", "Beta", "CR", "generations", "loss1", "loss2"] Meta = [ data_set, len(hidden_layers), hyperparameters["population_size"], hyperparameters["beta"], hyperparameters["crossover_rate"], hyperparameters["max_gen"] ] Per.StartLossFunction(regression, Nice, Meta, filename) data_set_counter += 1 total_counter += 1 print("Program End ")
# 每个图片8x8 识别数字:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 手写识别 from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn.datasets import load_digits import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, classification_report digits = load_digits() x = y = # 得到一个 交叉验证的比例 x -= x.min() x /= x.max() nn = NeuralNetwork([64, 100, 10], "logistic") x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y) print(x_test.shape) ''' 对于标称型数据,preprocessing.LabelBinarizer 标签二值化,是一个很好用的工具。 可把yes和no转化为0和1,或把 incident(变化) 和 normal (正常) 转化为0和1。 当然,对于两类以上的标签也是适用的。 ''' label_train = LabelBinarizer().fit_transform(y_train) label_test = LabelBinarizer().fit_transform(y_test) print("start fitting..") predictions = [], label_train, epochs=10000) # 官方的测试集 for i in range(x_test.shape[0]):
class Mnist: def __init__(self, hidden_nodes, learning_rate): input_nodes = 784 # input data has 28 * 28 pixel self.output_nodes = 10 # output data are the numbers from 0..9 self.train_data_list = Mnist.get_train_data_list() self.test_data_list = Mnist.get_test_data_list() self.neural_network = NeuralNetwork(input_nodes, hidden_nodes, self.output_nodes, learning_rate) def train(self): for record in self.train_data_list: all_values = record.split( ',') # split the record by the ',' commas inputs = (numpy.asfarray(all_values[1:]) / 255.0 * 0.99) + 0.01 # scale and shift he inputs targets = numpy.zeros(self.output_nodes) + 0.01 targets[int(all_values[0])] = 0.99 self.neural_network.train(inputs, targets) def test(self): scorecard = [] for record in self.test_data_list: all_values = record.split( ',') # split the record by the ',' commas correct_label = int( all_values[0]) # correct answer is the first label # scale and shift the inputs inputs = (numpy.asfarray(all_values[1:]) / 255.0 * 0.99) + 0.01 # query the network outputs = self.neural_network.query(inputs) # the index of the highest value corresponds to the label label = numpy.argmax(outputs) # append correct or incorrect answer to list if label == correct_label: scorecard.append(1) else: scorecard.append(0) # calculates the performance score, the fraction of correct answers scorecard_array = numpy.asarray(scorecard) # return performance return scorecard_array.sum() / scorecard_array.size # run the network backwards, given a label, see what image it produces def backward(self, label): # create the output signals for this label targets = numpy.zeros(self.output_nodes) + 0.01 # all_values[0] is the target label for this record targets[label] = 0.99 # get image data image_data = self.neural_network.backquery(targets) # plot image data matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(image_data.reshape(28, 28), cmap='Greys', interpolation='None') @staticmethod def get_train_data_list(): optional_train_file_name = "data/mnist_train.csv" default_train_file_name = "data/mnist_train_100.csv" return FileReader.read_optional_file_or_default( optional_train_file_name, default_train_file_name) @staticmethod def get_test_data_list(): optional_test_file_name = "data/mnist_test.csv" default_test_file_name = "data/mnist_test_10.csv" return FileReader.read_optional_file_or_default( optional_test_file_name, default_test_file_name)
class AIPlayer: def __init__(self, gameModel, name): self.neuralNetwork = NeuralNetwork(16, [4, 4], 3) # print(self.neuralNetwork) # gameModel to get data from and send input to self.gameModel = gameModel # keep input and output to print them on screen self.inputVector = np.zeros(8) self.commands = np.zeros(3) = name def DNA(self): return self.neuralNetwork.DNA() def setFromDNA(self, dna): self.neuralNetwork.setFromDNA(dna) def update(self, delta): # get environment data from gameModel nbQuadrants = 8 # number of quadrants in the front 180° arc distances = math.inf * np.ones(nbQuadrants) relativeSpeeds = np.zeros(nbQuadrants) # compute referential change matrix for the ship rotMatrix = np.array([[ math.cos(self.gameModel.ship.theta), math.sin(self.gameModel.ship.theta) ], [ -math.sin(self.gameModel.ship.theta), math.cos(self.gameModel.ship.theta) ]]) # print("Ship angle:", self.gameModel.ship.theta, "Rotation Matrix:", rotMatrix.flatten()) for a in self.gameModel.asteroidsGroup: # compute the asteroid coordinates in the ship's referential deltaPos = a.pos - self.gameModel.ship.pos deltaPos1 = np.matmul(rotMatrix, deltaPos) # find in which quadrant is the asteroid relativeAngle = np.arctan2(deltaPos1[1], deltaPos1[0]) quadrantIndex = int( round(relativeAngle / (math.pi * 2 / nbQuadrants)) % nbQuadrants) # print("Angle:", relativeAngle, "Rounded:", round(relativeAngle / (math.pi * 2 / nbQuadrants)), "Quadrant:", quadrantIndex,"\n", end="", flush=True) # compute the distance and update NN inputs distance = max(1.0, np.linalg.norm(deltaPos1) - a.radius - SHIP_SIZE) # print("Asteroid", ,"in quadrant ",self.quadrantIndex, "at", distance) distances[quadrantIndex] = min(distances[quadrantIndex], distance) # compute the speed nextRelativePos = a.pos + delta * a.speed * np.array([ math.cos(a.theta), math.sin(a.theta) ]) - self.gameModel.ship.pos relativeSpeed = distance - np.linalg.norm(nextRelativePos) if relativeSpeed > 0.0: # the asteroid is getting closer relativeSpeeds[quadrantIndex] = max( relativeSpeeds[quadrantIndex], relativeSpeed) # compute commands distances = 100.0 / (distances + 100.0) relativeSpeeds = relativeSpeeds / ASTEROID_MAX_SPEED self.inputVector = np.concatenate([distances, relativeSpeeds]) self.commands = self.neuralNetwork.compute(self.inputVector) self.commands = np.clip(self.commands, -1.0, 1.0) # print(self.inputVector, self.commands) # send self.commands to gameModel # rotation command self.gameModel.ship.thetaSpeed = SHIP_TURN_RATE * self.commands[0] # acceleration command self.commands[1] = np.round(self.commands[1]) self.gameModel.ship.acceleration = ( (self.commands[1] + 1.0) / 2.0) * SHIP_ACCELERATION # firing command self.gameModel.ship.toggleFire(self.commands[2] >= 0.0)
def img_show(array): pixels = array.reshape((28, 28)) plt.imshow(pixels, cmap='gray') sigmoid = lambda x: 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) dsigmoid = lambda x: x * (1 - x) tanh = np.tanh dtanh = lambda x: 1 - (np.tanh(x)**2) if __name__ == '__main__': T1 = time.time() n = NeuralNetwork([784, 1000, 600, 250, 10], 0.01, [tanh, sigmoid, tanh, sigmoid], [dtanh, dsigmoid, dtanh, dsigmoid]) BATCH = 20 BATCH_SIZE = 2 losses = np.zeros(BATCH) losses2 = np.zeros(BATCH) for i in range(BATCH): t1 = time.time() for j in range(BATCH_SIZE): rn = np.random.randint(59999) n.train([x_train[rn]], [tjb_train[rn]]) t2 = time.time() u = n.losses(x_test[:10], tjb_test[:10]) losses[i] = u
pre_word = poem[i] next_word = poem[i + 1] input_idx.append(word2index[pre_word]) output_idx.append(word2index[next_word]) # using the keras library to express words # in the form of one-hot vector oht_inputs = to_categorical(np.array(input_idx)) oht_outputs = to_categorical(np.array(output_idx)) vocab_size = len(oht_inputs[0]) # sending necessary parameters to create the # Feed-Forward Neural Network Language model model = NeuralNetwork(i2w=index2word, inp_dim=vocab_size, hid_dim=512, out_dim=vocab_size) # training the model with custom epoch size which is 50. for i in range(50): print("ITER:", i) model.train(oht_inputs, oht_outputs) model.save_model() model.load_model() # Task 2: Poem Generation def calc_perplexity(probs): log_sum = 0
}, { 'inputs': [1, 0, 1], # 'target': [1.] # }, { 'inputs': [1, 1, 0], 'target': [0.] }, { 'inputs': [1, 1, 1], 'target': [0.] } ] nn = NeuralNetwork(3, 4, 2, 2, 1) print("Untrained Neural Network:\n") for i in range(8): data = training_data[i] results = nn.predict(data['inputs']) print("results: ", round(results[0, 0], 3)) print("\nTrained Neural Network:\n") for i in range(10000): r = np.random.randint(8) data = training_data[r] nn.train(data['inputs'], data['target'])
train_label = img[:, 0:int(img.shape[1]/2), :] predict_data = color.rgb2gray(img[:, int(img.shape[1]/2):img.shape[1], :]) predict_label = img[:, int(img.shape[1]/2):img.shape[1], :] # # Use two pics, one for train and another for test # img_train = color_normalize(io.imread('sun01.jpeg')) # img_test = color_normalize(io.imread('beach01.jpg')) # train_data = color.rgb2gray(img_train) # train_label = img_train # predict_data = color.rgb2gray(img_test) # predict_label = img_test # img_original = img_train # Set up nn for R value nn_r = NeuralNetwork(layers, 'tanh') X = [] y_r = [] # Set up nn for G value nn_g = NeuralNetwork(layers, 'tanh') y_g = [] # Set up nn for B value nn_b = NeuralNetwork(layers, 'tanh') y_b = [] # Set train data and label for i in range(1, train_data.shape[0]-1): for j in range(1, train_data.shape[1]-1): X.append(window(train_data, i, j))
def test_nn(config): nn = NeuralNetwork(config) nn.back_propagation() cmat, crate, cout = nn.classification_test(nn.testing_data, nn.weights_best) print cmat print crate
from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork as NN import numpy as np import test_fixtures as tf a = tf.t3_123 assert NN.pad_with_zeros(a, 10).shape[0] % 10 == 0 assert NN.pad_with_zeros(a, 3).shape[0] % 3 == 0 assert NN.pad_with_zeros(a, 5).shape[0] % 5 == 0 assert NN.pad_with_zeros(a, 1).shape[0] % 1 == 0 assert NN.pad_with_zeros(a, 2).shape[0] % 2 == 0 assert NN.pad_with_wrap(a, 10).shape[0] % 10 == 0 assert NN.pad_with_wrap(a, 3).shape[0] % 3 == 0 assert NN.pad_with_wrap(a, 5).shape[0] % 5 == 0 assert NN.pad_with_wrap(a, 1).shape[0] % 1 == 0 assert NN.pad_with_wrap(a, 2).shape[0] % 2 == 0 assert == 0 assert NN.DataSet.validation.value == 1 assert NN.DataSet.testing.value == 2
# 每个图片8x8 识别数字:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 import numpy as np from sklearn.datasets import load_digits from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, classification_report from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split digits = load_digits() X = y = X -= X.min() # normalize the values to bring them into the range 0-1 X /= X.max() nn = NeuralNetwork([64, 100, 10], 'logistic') X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y) labels_train = LabelBinarizer().fit_transform(y_train) labels_test = LabelBinarizer().fit_transform(y_test) print "start fitting", labels_train, epochs=3000) predictions = [] for i in range(X_test.shape[0]): o = nn.predict(X_test[i]) predictions.append(np.argmax(o)) print confusion_matrix(y_test, predictions) print classification_report(y_test, predictions)
def predict(self,x): x = np.array(x) temp = np.ones(x.shape[0]+1) temp[0:-1] = x a = temp for l in range(0,len(self.weights)): a = self.activation(,self.weights[l])) return a from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork nn = NeuralNetwork([2,2,1],'tanh') X = np.array([[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]]) y = np.array([0,1,1,0]), y) for i in [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]]: print(i,nn.predict(i))
EXAMPLE ON USING THE NEURAL NETWORK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is an exmple on how to use the neural network library in In the following example, the neural network is being trained and tested on the XOR-problem ================================================================================ """ import numpy as np from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork import random # Creating model model = NeuralNetwork(2) # Creates an input layer with 2 input nodes model.add_layer( 2, activation="sigmoid") # Creates a hidden layer with 2 input nodes model.add_layer( 1, activation="sigmoid") # Creates an output layer with 1 output node # Constants N_EPOCHS = 100 N_SAMPLES = 1000 LEARNING_RATE = 0.1 # Generating data X = np.array([[0, 0]]).reshape((1, -1)) y = np.array([[0]]).reshape((1, -1)) for i in range(N_SAMPLES - 1):
train_features, train_targets = features[:-60 * 24], targets[:-60 * 24] val_features, val_targets = features[-60 * 24:], targets[-60 * 24:] def MSE(y, Y): return np.mean((y - Y)**2) ### Set the hyperparameters here ### epochs = 500 learning_rate = 0.01 hidden_nodes = 25 output_nodes = 1 N_i = train_features.shape[1] network = NeuralNetwork(N_i, hidden_nodes, output_nodes, learning_rate) losses = {'train': [], 'validation': []} for e in range(epochs): # Go through a random batch of 128 records from the training data set batch = np.random.choice(train_features.index, size=128) for record, target in zip(train_features.loc[batch].values, train_targets.loc[batch]['cnt']): network.train(record, target) # Printing out the training progress train_loss = MSE(, train_targets['cnt'].values) val_loss = MSE(, val_targets['cnt'].values) sys.stdout.write("\rProgress: " + str(100 * e / float(epochs))[:4] \ + "% ... Training loss: " + str(train_loss)[:5] \ + " ... Validation loss: " + str(val_loss)[:5])
# coding:utf-8 __author__ = 'fz' __date__ = '2017-05-18 11:51' from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork import numpy as np #几层,每层分别有几个神经元[2,2,1] 2输入层 nn = NeuralNetwork([2, 2, 1], 'logistic') X = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]) y = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0]), y) for i in [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]: print(i, nn.predict(i))
class NNPlayer(AbstractPlayer): def __init__(self): self.nn = NeuralNetwork(NN_SHAPE) self.log = "" def _write_log(self, string): """Log Writer for Debugging the class/neural network""" #print(string) self.log += string + "\n" def play(self, myState, oppState, myScore, oppScore, turn, length, nPips): """Overrides""" self._write_log(f"Turn Number: {turn}") self._write_log(f"Player Score: {myScore}") self._write_log(f"Oppenent Score: {oppScore}") # ###################### # Inputs are: # myState = 3x3x3 array of ints # oppState = 3x3x3 array of ints # myScore = int # oppScore = int # turn = int # length = int # nPips = int # ###################### # Need to return an array of length == nPips # each element of the array is a sub array of length 3 # each element of the sub array is an intefer of the set (0,1,2) my_state_flat = [] opp_state_flat = [] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): my_state_flat += myState[i][j] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): opp_state_flat += oppState[i][j] input_data = my_state_flat + opp_state_flat input_data = list(map(float,input_data)) self._write_log(f"NN Input = {input_data}") output_data = self.nn.forward(input_data).flatten().tolist() self._write_log(f"NN Output = {output_data}") d1 = output_data[0:3] d2 = output_data[3:6] d3 = output_data[6:9] decision = [np.argmax(d1), np.argmax(d2), np.argmax(d3)] self._write_log(f"Decision = {decision}") return decision
def test_activation(self): network = NeuralNetwork(3, 2, 1, 0.5) # Test that the activation function is a sigmoid self.assertTrue( np.all(network.activation_function(0.5) == 1 / (1 + np.exp(-0.5))))"chr1_IH1", sortedPop1[0].IHWeights)"chr1_HO1", sortedPop1[0].HOWeights)"chr1_IH2", sortedPop1[1].IHWeights)"chr1_HO2", sortedPop1[1].HOWeights)"chr2_IH1", sortedPop2[0].IHWeights)"chr2_HO1", sortedPop2[0].HOWeights)"chr2_IH2", sortedPop2[1].IHWeights)"chr2_HO2", sortedPop2[1].HOWeights) while True: curChromosone1 = pop1.chromosones[pop1.curChromosone] curChromosone2 = pop2.chromosones[pop2.curChromosone] NN1 = NN() NN2 = NN() game = CT() game_over = False score1 = 0 score2 = 0 while not game_over: if (iterationCounter % 20 == 0): print(score1) print(score2) game.print_board(game.board) if (iterationCounter % 1000 == 0): saveState(pop1, pop2)
import numpy as np # library for plotting arrays import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork if __name__ == '__main__': # number of input, hidden and output nodes input_nodes = 784 hidden_nodes = 200 output_nodes = 10 # learning rate learning_rate = 0.1 # create instance of neural network n = NeuralNetwork(input_nodes, hidden_nodes, output_nodes, learning_rate) # load the mnist training data CSV file into a list with open("mnist_dataset/mnist_train_100.csv", 'r') as training_data_file: training_data_list = training_data_file.readlines() # # train the neural network # epochs is the number of times the training data set is used for training epochs = 5 for e in range(epochs): # go through all records in the training data set for record in training_data_list: # split the record by the ',' commas all_values = record.split(',')
def __init__(self): self.nn = NeuralNetwork(NN_SHAPE) self.log = ""
from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork nn = NeuralNetwork() i1 = nn.create_new_input() i2 = nn.create_new_input() i3 = nn.create_new_input() o1 = nn.create_new_output() #nn.create_full_mesh([]) right = False counter = 0 weights = [] i1.set_value(1) i2.set_value(2) i3.set_value(3) nn.train(0) value = o1.get_value() while not right: value = o1.get_value() print(counter, ": ", value) right, weights = nn.train(counter=counter, weights=weights, value=value, rate=0.07)
import pickle # WARNING: It's better to download the ./assets/train.txt from the assignment page since it seem to have problems with crlf thingy on git if __name__ == '__main__': ''' test from lab (OK) myW = [np.array([0]), np.array([[0.3, -0.9, 1], [-1.2, 1, 1]]), np.array([[1, 0.8]])] nn = NeuralNetwork([3, 2, 1], sigmoid, sigmoidDeriv, myW) x = np.array([1, 0, 1]) y = np.array([0]) nn.forward(x) # print(nn.a) print(nn.backward(y, 0.3)) print() print() print(nn.w) ''' data = Data(conf.TRAIN_PATH) nn = NeuralNetwork(data.structure, conf.sigmoid, conf.sigmoidDeriv) epochs = int(input("Epochs: ")) alpha = float(input("Learning rate: ")) nn.learn(, epochs, alpha) plt.plot(nn.errors) params = [nn.w, [,]] with open(conf.PARAMS_PATH, 'wb') as outfile: pickle.dump(params, outfile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print(nn.w)
np.random.seed(seed) x = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, n)) y = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 1, n)) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) z = np.ravel(f.FrankeFunction(x, y) + 0.1*np.random.randn(x.shape[0], x.shape[1])) z = z.reshape(-1, 1) # set up the design matrix data = DataPrep() X = data.design_matrix(x, y, degree=1)[:, 1:] # split data in train and test and scale it X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test = data.train_test_scale(X, z) # set up the neural network network = NeuralNetwork(X_train.shape[1], neurons, n_outputs, cost.MSE()) network.create_layers(hidden_act, output_act, seed) # train the network batch_size = len(X_train)//n_batches index_array = np.arange(len(X_train)) for k in range(n_epochs): np.random.shuffle(index_array) X_minibatches = np.split(X_train[index_array], n_batches) z_minibatches = np.split(z_train[index_array], n_batches) for l in range(n_batches): network.backprop(X_minibatches[l], z_minibatches[l], eta, lmbda) network.feedforward(X_test) print(f"MSE test NN {f.MSE(z_test, network.layers[-1].a)}")
n_epochs = 5 # 20 batch_size = 1 # 100 learning_rate = 0.035 # 1 #regularisation = 0.6 trainingShare = 0.8 seed = 42 training_input, test_input, training_labels, test_labels = train_test_split( input_prepared, labels, train_size=trainingShare, test_size = 1-trainingShare, random_state=seed ) network = NeuralNetwork(layers, Sigmoid()) network.train(training_input, training_labels, learning_rate, n_epochs, batch_size, \ test_input, test_labels, test='accuracy') pred_prob = network.predict_probabilities(test_input) pred = network.predict(test_input) figurepath = '../figures/' #compute confusion matrix true_negative, false_positive, false_negative, true_positive = confusion_matrix(test_labels, pred).ravel() #normalize ''' n_negative = true_negative+false_negative true_negative /= n_negative false_negative /= n_negative
from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork import pandas as pd # Data 1 print('Starting training data 1') data = pd.read_csv('dataset.csv').values N, d = data.shape X = data[:, 0:d - 1].reshape(-1, d - 1) y = data[:, 2].reshape(-1, 1) p = NeuralNetwork([X.shape[1], 5, 1], 0.1), y, 10000, 100) # This will print the result = 0 print('Result for x = [5 0.1] ', p.predict([5, 0.1])) # This will print the result = 1 print('Result for x = [10 0.8] ', p.predict([10, 0.8]))
def build(): lr = math.pow(5, -4) alpha = 4e-4 optimizer = Optimizers.Adam(lr) optimizer.add_regularizer(Constraints.L2_Regularizer(alpha)) net = NeuralNetwork(optimizer, Initializers.He(), Initializers.Constant(0.1)) net.loss_layer = Loss.CrossEntropyLoss() cl_1 = Conv.Conv((1, 1), (1, 5, 5), 6) net.append_trainable_layer(cl_1) net.layers.append(ReLU.ReLU()) pl_2 = Pooling.Pooling((2, 2), (2, 2)) net.layers.append(pl_2) cl_3 = Conv.Conv((1, 1), (1, 5, 5), 16) net.append_trainable_layer(cl_3) net.layers.append(ReLU.ReLU()) pl_4 = Pooling.Pooling((2, 2), (2, 2)) #16*7*7 net.layers.append(pl_4) cl_5 = Conv.Conv( (100, 100), (1, 15, 15), 120 ) #stride and convolution shape large enough, it's the same use as valid convolution net.append_trainable_layer(cl_5) net.layers.append(ReLU.ReLU()) net.layers.append(Flatten.Flatten()) #120 fcl_1 = FullyConnected.FullyConnected(120, 84) net.append_trainable_layer(fcl_1) net.layers.append(ReLU.ReLU()) fcl_2 = FullyConnected.FullyConnected(84, 10) net.append_trainable_layer(fcl_2) net.layers.append(SoftMax.SoftMax()) return net
random.seed(4) random.shuffle(X) random.seed(4) random.shuffle(y) return np.asarray(X), np.asarray(y) episodes = range(0, 50) #X, y = generate_training_examples() X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = get_mnist_dataset() print(X_train[2]) print(y_train[2]) net = NeuralNetwork([784, 1024, 10], LogisticFunction.function, 0.001, batch_size=512) for e in tqdm(episodes): net.train(X_train, y_train) error_total = net.calc_total_error(X_train[1], y_train[1]) print("Total error: " + str(error_total)) print(net.calc_feed_forward([0, 0])) print(net.calc_feed_forward([0, 1])) print(net.calc_feed_forward([1, 0])) print(net.calc_feed_forward([1, 1])) #print(net.calc_feed_forward(np.array([0.05, 0.1]))) #print(net.calc_total_error(np.array([0.05, 0.1]), np.array([0.01, 0.99])))
correct = 0 for x in range(testData.shape[0]): inputs = norm(np.ndarray.flatten(testData[x])) guess = nn.guess(inputs) print("the number was: " + str(testLabels[x])) guess = whatIndex(guess) + 1 print("it guessed it was :" + str(guess)) if guess == testLabels[x]: correct += 1 # print("it correctly predicted " + str(correct / len(data) * 100) + "%") return (correct / testData.shape[0] * 100) nn = NeuralNetwork(784, [400], 26, 0.1) if doSave: trainingData, trainingLabels = emnist.extract_training_samples('letters') trained = False bestResult = 0 # remember to randomise the 2d array when going over another epoch!!!!!!!!! while not trained: oldPercent = 0 for x in range(trainingData.shape[0]): inputs = norm(np.ndarray.flatten(trainingData[x])) targets = toTargets(trainingLabels[x]) percent = int(x / trainingData.shape[0] * 100) if percent > oldPercent:
#!/usr/bin/env python3.4 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as n from speedtest import Speedtest as sp from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork mysp=sp() nn = NeuralNetwork([2,2,4,2,1]) # Erstelle neues Neurales Netzwerk mit 2 Eingangsneuronen, 6 Hidden-Neuronen und 1 Ausgangsneuronen. # Möglich wäre auch: NeuralNetwork([2,6,7,3,1]) also mit mehren Hidden Layern! s_in = n.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]) #Trainingsdaten Input s_teach = n.array([[0], [1], [1], [0]]) #Trainingsdaten Output #s_teach = n.array([[0,0], [1,1], [1,1], [0,0]]) #Trainingsdaten Output mysp.record('start') nn.teach(s_in, s_teach ,0.2,50000) # Trainiren: mysp.record('ende') mysp.printRecords() #s_in: Input Daten als numpy-Array #s_teach: Output Daten als numpy-Array # optional: epsilon=0.2: Lernfaktor
def NN4py(): # load the mnist training data CSV file into a list training_data_file = open( "./code_from_book/makeyourownneuralnetwork/mnist_dataset/mnist_train.csv", "r") training_data_list = training_data_file.readlines() training_data_file.close() # load the mnist test data CSV file into a list testing_data_file = open( "./code_from_book/makeyourownneuralnetwork/mnist_dataset/mnist_test.csv", "r") testing_data_list = testing_data_file.readlines() testing_data_file.close() # initialise the neural network base # number of input, hidden and output nodes input_nodes = 784 hidden_nodes = 300 output_nodes = 10 # learning rate learning_rate = 0.1 # create instance of neural network nw = NeuralNetwork(input_nodes, hidden_nodes, output_nodes, learning_rate) # epochs is the number of times the training data set is used for training epochs = 5 time_train_start = time.time() print("strat training now !!!!") for e in range(epochs): # go throgh all records in the training data set for record in training_data_list: # split the record by the ',' commas all_values = record.split(',') # scale and shift the inputs ''' 数据是像素值,范围是0-255,下面的代码是让输入数据偏移到0.01-1.0的范围,原因如下: 选择0.01作为范围最低点是为了避免0值输入最终人为造成权重更新失败 选择1.0作为上限值是因为不需要避免输入,只需要避免输出值是1.0 我们使用的逻辑函数,即激活函数,输出范围是0.0-1.0,但事实上不能达到这两个边界值,这是逻辑函数的极限,逻辑函数仅接近这两个极限 训练的目标也一样,用0.01代表0,用0.99代表1 ''' inputs = (np.asfarray(all_values[1:]) / 255.0 * 0.99) + 0.01 # create the target output values (all 0.01, except the desired label which is 0.99) targets = np.zeros(output_nodes) + 0.01 # all_values[0] is the target label for this record # 下标是目标数字,也是输出层10个节点对应10个数字中想要激活的那个节点 targets[int(all_values[0])] = 0.99 nw.train(inputs, targets) pass pass print("training done !!!!") time_train_end = time.time() time_train_final = time_train_end - time_train_start print 'training time is ', time_train_final, 's' # scorecard for how well the network performs, initially empty scorecard = [] time_test_start = time.time() print("start testing now !!!!") # go through all the records in the test data set for record in testing_data_list: # split the record by the ',' commas all_values = record.split(',') # correct answer is first value correct_label = int(all_values[0]) # print correct_label, 'correct label ' # scale and shift the inputs inputs = (np.asfarray(all_values[1:]) / 255.0 * 0.99) + 0.01 # query the network outputs = nw.query(inputs) # the index of the highest value corresponds to the label label = np.argmax(outputs) # np.argmax找到数组中的最大值并返回它的位置 # print label,"network's answer" # append correct or incorrect to list if (label == correct_label): # network's answer matches correct answer, add 1 to scorecard scorecard.append(1) else: # network's answer doesn't match correct answer, add 0 to scorecard scorecard.append(0) pass pass print("testing done !!!!") time_test_end = time.time() time_test_final = time_test_end - time_test_start print "testing time is ", time_test_final, 's' # calculate the performance score, the fraction of correct answers scorecard_array = np.asarray(scorecard) print(scorecard_array.sum()) print(scorecard_array.size) zhengquede = float(scorecard_array.sum()) zongshu = float(scorecard_array.size) zhunquelv = zhengquede / zongshu print 'testing accurancy is ', zhunquelv * 100, '%'
def run_xor(): nn = NeuralNetwork('xor.json') nn.back_propagation() plot_error(nn)
""" 简单非线性关系数据集测试(XOR) X Y 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 """ from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork import numpy as np print(__doc__) XORArray = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]] nn = NeuralNetwork([2, 2, 1], 'tanh') X = np.array(XORArray) y = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0]), y) for i in range(len(XORArray)): print("样本:%s,属于:%s,预测:%s" % (XORArray[i], y[i], nn.predict(XORArray[i])))
def run_nn(config): nn = NeuralNetwork(config) nn.back_propagation()
from NeuralNetwork import NeuralNetwork nn = NeuralNetwork(2, 6, 1) training_data = [{ "input": [0, 0], "output": [0] }, { "input": [1, 1], "output": [0] }, { "input": [1, 0], "output": [1] }, { "input": [0, 1], "output": [1] }] for i in range(2000): for data in training_data: nn.train(data["input"], data["output"]) print(nn.predict([0, 0])) print(nn.predict([0, 1])) print(nn.predict([1, 0])) print(nn.predict([1, 1]))
def run_reg_nn(): nn = NeuralNetwork('fake_config.json') nn.back_propagation() #plot_error(nn) return nn
test_sound_file = "" frame_size = 512 frame_overlap = 0.5 # as a decimal sampling_rate = 44100 feature_extraction = FeatureExtraction() # Create Feature Extraction object & begin if extract_features is True: feature_extraction.extract_features(framesize=frame_size, frameoverlap=frame_overlap, base_dir=base_dir, results_path=results_dir, sampling_rate=sampling_rate) # Create NN nn = NeuralNetwork() nn.train(results_loc=results_dir) nn.test() input_sound = input("Would you like to test a single audio file?") if input_sound == "Yes": test_sound_files = "../../Sounds/Speech_TIMIT/test/MJWT0/SA1.wav" test_csv_file = "../../RESULTS/test/MJWT0/SA1.csv" prediction = nn.predict_file(test_csv_file) if prediction is 0: prediction = "Female" else: prediction = "Male" print("Prediction: ", prediction) # display result