class Robot_PID(): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.dis4constV = 3. # Distance for constant velocity self.pos_ctrl_max = 0.6 self.pos_ctrl_min = 0 self.ang_ctrl_max = 0.4 self.ang_ctrl_min = -0.4 self.turn_threshold = 30 self.cmd_ctrl_max = 0.1 self.cmd_ctrl_min = -0.1 self.arrived_dis = 0.5 # meters self.frame_id = 'map' self.emergency_stop = False self.final_goal = None # The final goal that you want to arrive self.goal = self.final_goal self.cmd = Twist() self.spaceship_cmd = MotorsCmd() rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " %(self.node_name)) self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("pursue_point", PoseStamped, self.goal_cb, queue_size=1) self.pub_spaceship_cmd = rospy.Publisher("/spaceship/motors_cmd", MotorsCmd, queue_size = 1) self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("/husky_velocity_controller/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size = 1) self.pub_cmd2d = rospy.Publisher("/spaceship/vel_cmd", Twist2D, queue_size = 1) self.cmd2d = Twist2D() self.pub_goal = rospy.Publisher("/goal_point", Marker, queue_size = 1) self.emergency_stop_srv = rospy.Service("/emergency_stop", SetBool, self.emergency_stop_cb) self.pos_control = PID_control("Position") self.ang_control = PID_control("Angular") self.pos_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_pid_cb, "Position") self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "Angular") self.initialize_PID() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #self.pub_spaceship_cmd.publish(self.spaceship_cmd) #self.pub_cmd.publish(self.cmd) ##### omni version ##### self.pub_cmd2d.publish(self.cmd2d) if self.goal is not None: self.publish_goal(self.goal) rospy.sleep(0.1) def goal_cb(self, p): robot_position = [0, 0] self.final_goal = [p.pose.position.x, p.pose.position.y] if self.final_goal == [0, 0]: cmd_msg = Twist() cmd_msg.linear.x = 0 cmd_msg.angular.z = 0 self.cmd = cmd_msg return self.goal = self.final_goal goal_distance = self.get_distance(robot_position, self.goal) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(0, robot_position, self.goal) if goal_distance < self.arrived_dis or self.emergency_stop: rospy.loginfo("Stop!!!") pos_output, ang_output = (0, 0) else: pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle) cmd_msg = Twist() cmd_msg.linear.x = pos_output cmd_msg.angular.z = ang_output self.cmd = cmd_msg ##### omni version ##### cmd2d = Twist2D() cmd2d.v = pos_output + 0.2 = ang_output self.cmd2d = cmd2d print('===',self.cmd2d) #spaceship_cmd_msg = MotorsCmd() #self.spaceship_cmd.vel_front_left = 1300 + (pos_output + ang_output) * 600 / (self.pos_ctrl_max + self.ang_ctrl_max) #self.spaceship_cmd.vel_front_right = 1300 + (pos_output - ang_output) * 600 / ((self.pos_ctrl_max + self.ang_ctrl_max)) def control(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_constrain(-self.pos_control.output/self.dis4constV) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_constrain(self.ang_control.output*3/180.) if abs(self.ang_control.output) > self.turn_threshold: if pos_output > 0.1: pos_output = 0.1 return pos_output, ang_output def emergency_stop_cb(self, req): if == True: self.emergency_stop = True else: self.emergency_stop = False res = SetBoolResponse() res.success = True res.message = "recieved" return res def cmd_constarin(self, input): if input > self.cmd_ctrl_max: return self.cmd_ctrl_max if input < self.cmd_ctrl_min: return self.cmd_ctrl_min return input def pos_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_ctrl_max: return self.pos_ctrl_max if input < self.pos_ctrl_min: return self.pos_ctrl_min return input def ang_constrain(self, input): if input > self.ang_ctrl_max: return self.ang_ctrl_max if input < self.ang_ctrl_min: return self.ang_ctrl_min return input def initialize_PID(self): self.pos_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_control.SetPoint = 0.0 def get_goal_angle(self, robot_yaw, robot, goal): robot_angle = np.degrees(robot_yaw) p1 = [robot[0], robot[1]] p2 = [robot[0], robot[1]+1.] p3 = goal angle = self.get_angle(p1, p2, p3) result = angle - robot_angle result = self.angle_range(-(result + 90.)) return result def get_angle(self, p1, p2, p3): v0 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p1) v1 = np.array(p3) - np.array(p1) angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v0,v1]),,v1)) return np.degrees(angle) def angle_range(self, angle): # limit the angle to the range of [-180, 180] if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) elif angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) return angle def get_distance(self, p1, p2): return math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) def publish_goal(self, goal): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = self.frame_id marker.header.stamp = marker.ns = "pure_pursuit" marker.type = marker.SPHERE marker.action = marker.ADD marker.pose.orientation.w = 1 marker.pose.position.x = goal[0] marker.pose.position.y = goal[1] = 0 marker.scale.x = 0.6 marker.scale.y = 0.6 marker.scale.z = 0.6 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 self.pub_goal.publish(marker) def pos_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_control.setKd(Kd) return config
class Robot_PID(): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.dis4constV = 3. # Distance for constant velocity self.pos_ctrl_max = 0.7 self.pos_ctrl_min = 0 self.ang_ctrl_max = 1.0 self.ang_ctrl_min = -1.0 self.turn_threshold = 20 self.slow_speed = 0.1 self.cmd_ctrl_max = 0.7 self.cmd_ctrl_min = -0.7 self.arrived_dis = 0.5 # meters self.frame_id = 'map' self.emergency_stop = False self.final_goal = None # The final goal that you want to arrive self.goal = self.final_goal self.arrive = True rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("pursue_point", PoseStamped, self.goal_cb, queue_size=1) self.sub_arrive = rospy.Subscriber("arrive", Bool, self.arrive_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('odometry/ground_truth', Odometry, self.odom_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("/X1/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) self.pub_goal = rospy.Publisher("goal_point", Marker, queue_size=1) self.emergency_stop_srv = rospy.Service("/emergency_stop", SetBool, self.emergency_stop_cb) self.pos_control = PID_control("Position") self.ang_control = PID_control("Angular") self.pos_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_pid_cb, "Position") self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "Angular") self.initialize_PID() def arrive_cb(self, msg): self.arrive = def odom_cb(self, msg): self.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id robot_position = [msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y] quat = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.y,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.z,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) if self.goal is None: # if the robot haven't recieve any goal return #yaw = yaw + np.pi/2 goal_distance = self.get_distance(robot_position, self.goal) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(yaw, robot_position, self.goal) if goal_distance < self.arrived_dis or self.emergency_stop or self.arrive: rospy.loginfo("Stop!!!") pos_output, ang_output = (0, 0) else: pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle) cmd_msg = Twist() cmd_msg.linear.x = pos_output cmd_msg.angular.z = ang_output self.pub_cmd.publish(cmd_msg) self.publish_goal(self.goal) def control(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_constrain(-self.pos_control.output / self.dis4constV) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_constrain(self.ang_control.output * 3 / 180.) if abs(self.ang_control.output) > self.turn_threshold: if pos_output > 0.1: pos_output = self.slow_speed return pos_output, ang_output def goal_cb(self, p): self.final_goal = [p.pose.position.x, p.pose.position.y] self.goal = self.final_goal def emergency_stop_cb(self, req): if == True: self.emergency_stop = True else: self.emergency_stop = False res = SetBoolResponse() res.success = True res.message = "recieved" return res def cmd_constarin(self, input): if input > self.cmd_ctrl_max: return self.cmd_ctrl_max if input < self.cmd_ctrl_min: return self.cmd_ctrl_min return input def pos_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_ctrl_max: return self.pos_ctrl_max if input < self.pos_ctrl_min: return self.pos_ctrl_min return input def ang_constrain(self, input): if input > self.ang_ctrl_max: return self.ang_ctrl_max if input < self.ang_ctrl_min: return self.ang_ctrl_min return input def initialize_PID(self): self.pos_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_control.SetPoint = 0.0 def get_goal_angle(self, robot_yaw, robot, goal): robot_angle = np.degrees(robot_yaw) p1 = [robot[0], robot[1]] p2 = [robot[0], robot[1] + 1.] p3 = goal angle = self.get_angle(p1, p2, p3) result = angle - robot_angle result = self.angle_range(-(result + 90.)) return result def get_angle(self, p1, p2, p3): v0 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p1) v1 = np.array(p3) - np.array(p1) angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v0, v1]),, v1)) return np.degrees(angle) def angle_range(self, angle): # limit the angle to the range of [-180, 180] if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) elif angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) return angle def get_distance(self, p1, p2): return math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) def publish_goal(self, goal): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = self.frame_id marker.header.stamp = marker.ns = "pure_pursuit" marker.type = marker.SPHERE marker.action = marker.ADD marker.pose.orientation.w = 1 marker.pose.position.x = goal[0] marker.pose.position.y = goal[1] = 0 marker.scale.x = 0.6 marker.scale.y = 0.6 marker.scale.z = 0.6 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 self.pub_goal.publish(marker) def pos_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_pid_cb(self, config, level): print( "Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_control.setKd(Kd) return config
class Robot_PID(): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.dis4constV = 3. # Distance for constant velocity self.pos_ctrl_max = 0.7 self.pos_ctrl_min = 0 self.ang_ctrl_max = 1.0 self.ang_ctrl_min = -1.0 self.turn_threshold = 20 self.slow_speed = 0.1 self.cmd_ctrl_max = 0.7 self.cmd_ctrl_min = -0.7 self.arrived_dis = 0.2 # meters #self.frame_id = 'map' self.frame_id = 'laser_frame' #self.frame_id = 'camera_link' self.emergency_stop = True self.final_goal = None # The final goal that you want to arrive self.goal = self.final_goal rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) self.use_odom = rospy.get_param("use_odom") if not self.use_odom: rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1 / 30.), self.timer_cb) self.cmd = Twist() self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("pursue_point", PoseStamped, self.goal_cb, queue_size=1) self.pub_arrive = rospy.Publisher("arrive", Bool, queue_size=1) if self.use_odom: rospy.Subscriber('odometry/ground_truth', Odometry, self.odom_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) self.pub_goal = rospy.Publisher("goal_point", Marker, queue_size=1) self.pub_estop = rospy.Publisher("/racecar/stop_mode", Bool, queue_size=1) self.emergency_stop_srv = rospy.Service("emergency_stop", SetBool, self.emergency_stop_cb) self.pos_control = PID_control("Position") self.ang_control = PID_control("Angular") self.pos_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_pid_cb, "Position") self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "Angular") self.initialize_PID() # sub joy to switch on or off = False self.sub_joy = rospy.Subscriber('joy', Joy, self.cb_joy, queue_size=1) def odom_cb(self, msg): self.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id robot_position = [msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y] quat = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.y,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.z,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) if self.goal is None: # if the robot haven't recieve any goal return #yaw = yaw + np.pi/2 goal_distance = self.get_distance(robot_position, self.goal) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(yaw, robot_position, self.goal) if goal_distance < self.arrived_dis or self.emergency_stop: print "Goal: ", self.goal, ", robot at: ", robot_position print goal_distance rospy.loginfo("Stop in odom_cb!!!") self.pub_arrive.publish(Bool(True)) print goal_distance, " ", self.emergency_stop, " " pos_output, ang_output = (0, 0) self.goal = None else: pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle) cmd_msg = Twist() cmd_msg.linear.x = pos_output * 2 cmd_msg.angular.z = ang_output if not self.emergency_stop: self.pub_cmd.publish(cmd_msg) if self.goal is not None: self.publish_goal(self.goal) def control(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_constrain(-self.pos_control.output / self.dis4constV) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_constrain(self.ang_control.output * 3 / 180.) if abs(self.ang_control.output) > self.turn_threshold: if pos_output > 0.1: pos_output = self.slow_speed return pos_output, ang_output def goal_cb(self, p): print('goal_cb') self.final_goal = [p.pose.position.x, p.pose.position.y] self.goal = self.final_goal # New goal, publish arrive to false self.pub_arrive.publish(Bool(False)) if not self.use_odom: robot_position = [0.0, 0.0] yaw = 0 goal_distance = self.get_distance(robot_position, self.goal) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(yaw, robot_position, self.goal) estop = Bool() if goal_distance < self.arrived_dis: rospy.loginfo("Arrived!!!") self.pub_arrive.publish(Bool(True)) print goal_distance pos_output, ang_output = (0, 0) = True self.pub_estop.publish(estop) self.goal = None elif self.emergency_stop: rospy.loginfo("JOYSTICK: Stop!!!") self.pub_arrive.publish(Bool(True)) pos_output, ang_output = (0, 0) = True self.pub_estop.publish(estop) self.publish_goal(self.goal) return else: = False self.pub_estop.publish(estop) pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle) self.cmd = Twist() self.cmd.linear.x = pos_output * 2 self.cmd.angular.z = ang_output if self.pub_cmd.publish(self.cmd) print('Pub cmd') if self.goal is not None: self.publish_goal(self.goal) def emergency_stop_cb(self, req): if == True: self.emergency_stop = True rospy.loginfo("Mode: Joystick") else: self.emergency_stop = False rospy.loginfo("Mode: Autonomous") res = SetBoolResponse() res.success = True res.message = "recieved" return res def cmd_constarin(self, input): if input > self.cmd_ctrl_max: return self.cmd_ctrl_max if input < self.cmd_ctrl_min: return self.cmd_ctrl_min return input def pos_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_ctrl_max: return self.pos_ctrl_max if input < self.pos_ctrl_min: return self.pos_ctrl_min return input def ang_constrain(self, input): if input > self.ang_ctrl_max: return self.ang_ctrl_max if input < self.ang_ctrl_min: return self.ang_ctrl_min return input def initialize_PID(self): self.pos_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_control.SetPoint = 0.0 def get_goal_angle(self, robot_yaw, robot, goal): robot_angle = np.degrees(robot_yaw) p1 = [robot[0], robot[1]] p2 = [robot[0], robot[1] + 1.] p3 = goal angle = self.get_angle(p1, p2, p3) result = angle - robot_angle result = self.angle_range(-(result + 90.)) return result def get_angle(self, p1, p2, p3): v0 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p1) v1 = np.array(p3) - np.array(p1) angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v0, v1]),, v1)) return np.degrees(angle) def angle_range(self, angle): # limit the angle to the range of [-180, 180] if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) elif angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) return angle def get_distance(self, p1, p2): return math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) def publish_goal(self, goal): marker = Marker() if self.use_odom: marker.header.frame_id = self.frame_id else: marker.header.frame_id = "laser_frame" marker.header.stamp = marker.ns = "pure_pursuit" marker.type = marker.SPHERE marker.action = marker.ADD marker.pose.orientation.w = 1 marker.pose.position.x = goal[0] marker.pose.position.y = goal[1] = 0 marker.scale.x = 0.6 marker.scale.y = 0.6 marker.scale.z = 0.6 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 self.pub_goal.publish(marker) def timer_cb(self, event): if not self.emergency_stop: self.pub_cmd.publish(self.cmd) def pos_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_control.setKd(Kd) return config def cb_joy(self, joy_msg): # MODE D start_button = 1 back_button = 3 # Start button if joy_msg.buttons[start_button] == 1: = True rospy.loginfo('go auto') elif joy_msg.buttons[back_button] == 1: = False rospy.loginfo('go manual')
class Robot_PID(): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.dis4constV = 3. # Distance for constant velocity self.pos_ctrl_max = 0.7 self.pos_ctrl_min = 0 self.ang_ctrl_max = 1.0 self.ang_ctrl_min = -1.0 self.pos_station_max = 0.5 self.pos_station_min = -0.5 self.turn_threshold = 20 self.cmd_ctrl_max = 0.7 self.cmd_ctrl_min = -0.7 self.station_keeping_dis = 0.5 # meters self.frame_id = 'map' self.is_station_keeping = False self.stop_pos = [] self.final_goal = None # The final goal that you want to arrive self.goal = self.final_goal self.robot_position = None rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("/planning_path", Path, self.path_cb, queue_size=1) #self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("/move_base_simple/goal", PoseStamped, self.goal_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/odometry/ground_truth', Odometry, self.odom_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("/X1/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) self.pub_lookahead = rospy.Publisher("/lookahead_point", Marker, queue_size=1) self.pub_goal = rospy.Publisher("/goal_point", Marker, queue_size=1) self.station_keeping_srv = rospy.Service("/station_keeping", SetBool, self.station_keeping_cb) self.pos_control = PID_control("Position") self.ang_control = PID_control("Angular") self.ang_station_control = PID_control("Angular_station") self.pos_station_control = PID_control("Position_station") self.purepursuit = PurePursuit() self.pos_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_pid_cb, "Position") self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "Angular") self.pos_station_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_station_pid_cb, "Angular_station") self.ang_station_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_station_pid_cb, "Position_station") self.initialize_PID() def path_cb(self, msg): self.final_goal = [] for pose in msg.poses: self.final_goal.append( [pose.pose.position.x, pose.pose.position.y]) self.goal = self.final_goal self.is_station_keeping = False self.start_navigation = True self.purepursuit.set_goal(self.robot_position, self.goal) def odom_cb(self, msg): self.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id self.robot_position = [ msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y ] if not self.is_station_keeping: self.stop_pos = [ msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y ] quat = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.y,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.z,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) if self.goal is None: # if the robot haven't recieve any goal return reach_goal = self.purepursuit.set_robot_pose(self.robot_position, yaw) pursuit_point = self.purepursuit.get_pursuit_point() if reach_goal or reach_goal is None: pos_output, ang_output = 0, 0 else: self.publish_lookahead(self.robot_position, pursuit_point) goal_distance = self.get_distance(self.robot_position, pursuit_point) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(yaw, self.robot_position, pursuit_point) pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle) #yaw = yaw + np.pi/2 '''goal_distance = self.get_distance(robot_position, self.goal) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(yaw, robot_position, self.goal) if goal_distance < self.station_keeping_dis or self.is_station_keeping: rospy.loginfo("Station Keeping") pos_output, ang_output = self.station_keeping(goal_distance, goal_angle) else: pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle)''' cmd_msg = Twist() cmd_msg.linear.x = pos_output cmd_msg.angular.z = ang_output self.pub_cmd.publish(cmd_msg) #self.publish_goal(self.goal) def control(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_constrain(-self.pos_control.output / self.dis4constV) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_constrain(self.ang_control.output * 2 / 180.) if abs(self.ang_control.output) > self.turn_threshold: if pos_output > 0.1: pos_output = 0.1 return pos_output, ang_output def station_keeping(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_station_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_station_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_station_constrain( -self.pos_station_control.output / self.dis4constV) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_station_control.output / 180. # if the goal is behind the robot if abs(goal_angle) > 90: pos_output = -pos_output ang_output = -ang_output return pos_output, ang_output def station_keeping_cb(self, req): if == True: self.goal = self.stop_pos self.is_station_keeping = True else: self.goal = self.final_goal self.is_station_keeping = False res = SetBoolResponse() res.success = True res.message = "recieved" return res def cmd_constarin(self, input): if input > self.cmd_ctrl_max: return self.cmd_ctrl_max if input < self.cmd_ctrl_min: return self.cmd_ctrl_min return input def pos_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_ctrl_max: return self.pos_ctrl_max if input < self.pos_ctrl_min: return self.pos_ctrl_min return input def ang_constrain(self, input): if input > self.ang_ctrl_max: return self.ang_ctrl_max if input < self.ang_ctrl_min: return self.ang_ctrl_min return input def pos_station_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_station_max: return self.pos_station_max if input < self.pos_station_min: return self.pos_station_min return input def initialize_PID(self): self.pos_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_station_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_station_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.pos_station_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_station_control.SetPoint = 0.0 def get_goal_angle(self, robot_yaw, robot, goal): robot_angle = np.degrees(robot_yaw) p1 = [robot[0], robot[1]] p2 = [robot[0], robot[1] + 1.] p3 = goal angle = self.get_angle(p1, p2, p3) result = angle - robot_angle result = self.angle_range(-(result + 90.)) return result def get_angle(self, p1, p2, p3): v0 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p1) v1 = np.array(p3) - np.array(p1) angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v0, v1]),, v1)) return np.degrees(angle) def angle_range(self, angle): # limit the angle to the range of [-180, 180] if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) elif angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) return angle def get_distance(self, p1, p2): return math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) def publish_goal(self, goal): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = self.frame_id marker.header.stamp = marker.ns = "pure_pursuit" marker.type = marker.SPHERE marker.action = marker.ADD marker.pose.orientation.w = 1 marker.pose.position.x = goal[0] marker.pose.position.y = goal[1] = 0 marker.scale.x = 0.6 marker.scale.y = 0.6 marker.scale.z = 0.6 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 self.pub_goal.publish(marker) def pos_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_pid_cb(self, config, level): print( "Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_control.setKd(Kd) return config def pos_station_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_station_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_station_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_station_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_station_pid_cb(self, config, level): print( "Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_station_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_station_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_station_control.setKd(Kd) return config def publish_lookahead(self, robot, lookahead): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "/map" marker.header.stamp = marker.ns = "pure_pursuit" marker.type = marker.LINE_STRIP marker.action = marker.ADD wp = Point() wp.x, wp.y = robot[:2] wp.z = 0 marker.points.append(wp) wp = Point() wp.x, wp.y = lookahead[0], lookahead[1] wp.z = 0 marker.points.append(wp) = 0 marker.scale.x = 0.2 marker.scale.y = 0.2 marker.scale.z = 0.2 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.b = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 self.pub_lookahead.publish(marker)
class Tracking(): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) self.ROBOT_NUM = 3 self.wavm_labels = ["wamv", ""] #rospy.Subscriber('/pcl_points_img', PoseArray, self.call_back, queue_size = 1, buff_size = 2**24) = build_ssd('test', 300, 3) # initialize SSD '/home/arg_ws3/argbot/catkin_ws/src/tracking/src/ssd300_wamv_5000.pth' ) if torch.cuda.is_available(): = # Image definition self.width = 1280 self.height = 960 self.h_w = 10. self.const_SA = 0.17 self.bridge = CvBridge() self.predict_prob = 0.5 self.pos_ctrl_max = 1 self.pos_ctrl_min = -1 self.cmd_ctrl_max = 0.95 self.cmd_ctrl_min = -0.95 self.station_keeping_dis = 3.5 # meters self.frame_id = 'odom' self.is_station_keeping = False self.stop_pos = [] self.final_goal = None # The final goal that you want to arrive self.goal = self.final_goal rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) #self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/BRIAN/camera_node/image/compressed", Image, self.img_cb, queue_size=1) self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/detecter/predictions", Boxlist, self.box_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("/MONICA/cmd_drive", UsvDrive, queue_size=1) self.pub_goal = rospy.Publisher("/goal_point", Marker, queue_size=1) self.image_pub = rospy.Publisher("/predict_img", Image, queue_size=1) self.station_keeping_srv = rospy.Service("/station_keeping", SetBool, self.station_keeping_cb) self.pos_control = PID_control("Position_tracking") self.ang_control = PID_control("Angular_tracking") self.ang_station_control = PID_control("Angular_station") self.pos_station_control = PID_control("Position_station") self.pos_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_pid_cb, "Position_tracking") self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "Angular_tracking") self.pos_station_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_station_pid_cb, "Angular_station") self.ang_station_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_station_pid_cb, "Position_station") self.initialize_PID() def box_cb(self, msg): self.width = msg.image_width self.height = msg.image_height try: np_arr = np.fromstring(, np.uint8) cv_image = cv2.imdecode(np_arr, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) #cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, "bgr8") except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) #(rows, cols, channels) = cv_image.shape boxes = msg.list predict = get_control_info(boxes, cv_image) if predict is None: return angle, dis = predict[0], predict[1] self.tracking_control(angle, dis) def tracking_control(self, goal_angle, goal_distance): if self.is_station_keeping: rospy.loginfo("Station Keeping") pos_output, ang_output = self.station_keeping( goal_distance, goal_angle) else: pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle) cmd_msg = UsvDrive() cmd_msg.left = self.cmd_constarin(pos_output + ang_output) cmd_msg.right = self.cmd_constarin(pos_output - ang_output) self.pub_cmd.publish(cmd_msg) #self.publish_goal(self.goal) def get_control_info(self, boxes, img): # Image Preprocessing (vgg use BGR image as training input) confidence = 0 bbox = None for box in boxes: if box.confidence > confidence: bbox = box angle, dis, center = self.BBx2AngDis(bbox), (int(center[0]), int(center[1])), 10, (0, 0, 255), -1) cv2.rectangle(img, (int(coords[0][0]), int(coords[0][1])),\ (int(coords[0][0] + coords[1]), int(coords[0][1] + coords[2])),(0,0,255),5) try: img = self.draw_cmd(img, dis, angle) self.image_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img, "bgr8")) except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) return angle, dis def draw_cmd(self, img, dis, angle): v = dis omega = angle rad = omega * math.pi / 2. # [-1.57~1.57] rad = rad - math.pi / 2. # rotae for correct direction radius = 120 alpha = 0.3 v_length = radius * math.sqrt(v**2 + v**2) / math.sqrt(1**2 + 1**2) if v_length > radius: v_length = radius x = v_length * math.cos(rad) y = v_length * math.sin(rad) x_max = radius * math.cos(rad) y_max = radius * math.sin(rad) center = (int(self.width / 2.), int(self.height)) draw_img = img.copy(), center, radius, (255, 255, 255), 10) cv2.addWeighted(draw_img, alpha, img, 1 - alpha, 0, img), (int(center[0]+x_max), int(center[1]+y_max)), 15, (255, 255, 255), -1) cv2.arrowedLine(img, center, (int(center[0] + x), int(center[1] + y)), (255, 255, 255), 7) return img def BBx2AngDis(self, bbox): x = bbox.x y = bbox.y w = bbox.w h = bbox.h center = (x + w / 2., y + h / 2.) angle = (center[0] - self.width / 2.) / (self.width / 2.) dis = (self.height - h) / (self.height) return angle, dis, center def control(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_control.update(10 * (goal_distance - self.const_SA)) self.ang_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_constrain(self.pos_control.output) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_control.output / (self.width / 2.) return pos_output, ang_output def station_keeping(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_station_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_station_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_station_constrain( -self.pos_station_control.output / self.dis4constV) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_station_control.output / 180. # if the goal is behind the robot if abs(goal_angle) > 90: pos_output = -pos_output ang_output = -ang_output return pos_output, ang_output def station_keeping_cb(self, req): if == True: self.goal = self.stop_pos self.is_station_keeping = True else: self.goal = self.final_goal self.is_station_keeping = False res = SetBoolResponse() res.success = True res.message = "recieved" return res def cmd_constarin(self, input): if input > self.cmd_ctrl_max: return self.cmd_ctrl_max if input < self.cmd_ctrl_min: return self.cmd_ctrl_min return input def pos_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_ctrl_max: return self.pos_ctrl_max if input < self.pos_ctrl_min: return self.pos_ctrl_min return input def initialize_PID(self): self.pos_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_station_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_station_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.pos_station_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_station_control.SetPoint = 0.0 def get_goal_angle(self, robot_yaw, robot, goal): robot_angle = np.degrees(robot_yaw) p1 = [robot[0], robot[1]] p2 = [robot[0], robot[1] + 1.] p3 = goal angle = self.get_angle(p1, p2, p3) result = angle - robot_angle result = self.angle_range(-(result + 90.)) return result def get_angle(self, p1, p2, p3): v0 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p1) v1 = np.array(p3) - np.array(p1) angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v0, v1]),, v1)) return np.degrees(angle) def angle_range(self, angle): # limit the angle to the range of [-180, 180] if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) elif angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) return angle def get_distance(self, p1, p2): return math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) def publish_goal(self, goal): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = self.frame_id marker.header.stamp = marker.ns = "pure_pursuit" marker.type = marker.SPHERE marker.action = marker.ADD marker.pose.orientation.w = 1 marker.pose.position.x = goal[0] marker.pose.position.y = goal[1] = 0 marker.scale.x = 0.6 marker.scale.y = 0.6 marker.scale.z = 0.6 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 self.pub_goal.publish(marker) def pos_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_pid_cb(self, config, level): print( "Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_control.setKd(Kd) return config def pos_station_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_station_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_station_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_station_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_station_pid_cb(self, config, level): print( "Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_station_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_station_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_station_control.setKd(Kd) return config
class Robot_PID(): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.dis4constV = 5.0 # Distance for constant velocity self.max_dis_ratiao = 0.8 self.pos_ctrl_max = 1 self.pos_ctrl_min = -1 self.pos_station_max = 0.8 self.pos_station_min = -0.8 self.cmd_ctrl_max = 1 self.cmd_ctrl_min = -1 self.station_keeping_dis = 3.5 # meters self.frame_id = 'map' self.is_station_keeping = False self.stop_pos = [] self.final_goal = None # The final goal that you want to arrive self.goal = self.final_goal self.heading = 0 rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) # Param self.sim = rospy.get_param('sim', False) self.tune = rospy.get_param('tune', True) self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("/move_base_simple/goal", PoseStamped, self.goal_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('localization_gps_imu/odometry', Odometry, self.odom_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) if self.sim: from duckiepond_vehicle.msg import UsvDrive self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("cmd_drive", UsvDrive, queue_size=1) else: self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("cmd_drive", VelocityVector, queue_size=1) self.pub_goal = rospy.Publisher("goal_point", Marker, queue_size=1) self.station_keeping_srv = rospy.Service("station_keeping", SetBool, self.station_keeping_cb) if self.tune: self.pos_control = PID_control("Position") self.ang_control = PID_control("Angular") self.ang_station_control = PID_control("Angular_station") self.pos_station_control = PID_control("Position_station") self.pos_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_pid_cb, "Position") self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "Angular") self.pos_station_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_station_pid_cb, "Angular_station") self.ang_station_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_station_pid_cb, "Position_station") self.initialize_PID() else: print 'no working...' def odom_cb(self, msg): self.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id robot_position = [msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y] if not self.is_station_keeping: self.stop_pos = [ msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y ] quat = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.y,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.z,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) if self.goal is None: # if the robot haven't recieve any goal return #yaw = yaw + np.pi/2 goal_vector = self.get_distance(robot_position, self.goal) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(yaw, robot_position, self.goal) goal_distance = math.sqrt(goal_vector[0]**2 + goal_vector[1]**2) if goal_distance < self.station_keeping_dis or self.is_station_keeping: rospy.loginfo("Station Keeping") head_angle = self.angle_range(np.degrees(yaw) - self.heading) pos_x_output, pos_y_output, ang_output = self.station_keeping( head_angle, goal_distance, goal_angle) else: rospy.loginfo("Navigating") head_angle = goal_angle pos_x_output, pos_y_output, ang_output = self.control( head_angle, goal_distance, goal_angle) if self.sim: cmd_msg = UsvDrive() else: cmd_msg = VelocityVector() cmd_msg.x = self.cmd_constarin(pos_x_output) cmd_msg.y = self.cmd_constarin(pos_y_output) cmd_msg.angular = self.cmd_constarin(ang_output) print("heading %f" % self.heading) print("angular %f" % cmd_msg.angular) print("compare %f" % np.degrees(yaw)) self.pub_cmd.publish(cmd_msg) self.publish_goal(self.goal) def control(self, head_angle, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_control.update(goal_distance) dis_ratiao = -self.pos_control.output / self.dis4constV dis_ratiao = max(min(dis_ratiao, self.max_dis_ratiao), 0) print("dis ratiao%f" % dis_ratiao) pos_x_output = math.sin(math.radians(goal_angle)) pos_y_output = math.cos(math.radians(goal_angle)) pos_x_output = self.pos_constrain(pos_x_output * dis_ratiao) pos_y_output = self.pos_constrain(pos_y_output * dis_ratiao) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 self.ang_control.update(head_angle) ang_output = self.ang_control.output / 180. * -1 return pos_x_output, pos_y_output, ang_output def station_keeping(self, head_angle, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_station_control.update(goal_distance) dis_ratiao = -self.pos_station_control.output dis_ratiao = max(min(dis_ratiao, self.max_dis_ratiao), 0) pos_x_output = math.sin(math.radians(goal_angle)) pos_y_output = math.cos(math.radians(goal_angle)) pos_x_output = self.pos_constrain(pos_x_output * dis_ratiao) pos_y_output = self.pos_constrain(pos_y_output * dis_ratiao) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 self.ang_station_control.update(head_angle) ang_output = self.ang_station_control.output / 180. * -1 return pos_x_output, pos_y_output, ang_output def goal_cb(self, p): self.final_goal = [p.pose.position.x, p.pose.position.y] self.goal = self.final_goal quat = (p.pose.orientation.x,\ p.pose.orientation.y,\ p.pose.orientation.z,\ p.pose.orientation.w) _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) self.heading = np.degrees(yaw) def station_keeping_cb(self, req): if == True: self.goal = self.stop_pos self.is_station_keeping = True else: self.goal = self.final_goal self.is_station_keeping = False res = SetBoolResponse() res.success = True res.message = "recieved" return res def cmd_constarin(self, input): if input > self.cmd_ctrl_max: return self.cmd_ctrl_max if input < self.cmd_ctrl_min: return self.cmd_ctrl_min return input def pos_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_ctrl_max: return self.pos_ctrl_max if input < self.pos_ctrl_min: return self.pos_ctrl_min return input def pos_station_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_station_max: return self.pos_station_max if input < self.pos_station_min: return self.pos_station_min return input def initialize_PID(self): self.pos_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_station_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_station_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.pos_station_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_station_control.SetPoint = 0.0 def get_goal_angle(self, robot_yaw, robot, goal): robot_angle = np.degrees(robot_yaw) p1 = [robot[0], robot[1]] p2 = [robot[0], robot[1] + 1.] p3 = goal angle = self.get_angle(p1, p2, p3) result = angle - robot_angle result = self.angle_range(-(result + 90.)) return result def get_angle(self, p1, p2, p3): v0 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p1) v1 = np.array(p3) - np.array(p1) angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v0, v1]),, v1)) return np.degrees(angle) def angle_range(self, angle): # limit the angle to the range of [-180, 180] if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) elif angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) return angle def get_distance(self, p1, p2): return [p1[0] - p2[0], p1[1] - p2[1]] def publish_goal(self, goal): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = self.frame_id marker.header.stamp = marker.ns = "pure_pursuit" marker.type = marker.SPHERE marker.action = marker.ADD marker.pose.orientation.w = 1 marker.pose.position.x = goal[0] marker.pose.position.y = goal[1] = 0 marker.scale.x = 0.6 marker.scale.y = 0.6 marker.scale.z = 0.6 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 self.pub_goal.publish(marker) def pos_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_control.setKd(Kd) return config def pos_station_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_station_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_station_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_station_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_station_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_station_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_station_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_station_control.setKd(Kd) return config
class Tracking(): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) # Image definition self.width = 640 self.height = 480 self.h_w = 10. self.const_SA = 0.4 self.predict_prob = 0.5 self.pos_ctrl_max = 1 self.pos_ctrl_min = -1 self.cmd_ctrl_max = 1 self.cmd_ctrl_min = -1 rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("BoundingBoxes", BoundingBoxes, self.box_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher('track_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) self.cmd_msg = Twist() self.pos_control = PID_control("Position_tracking") self.ang_control = PID_control("Angular_tracking") self.pos_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_pid_cb, "Position_tracking") self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "Angular_tracking") self.initialize_PID() self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.2), self.cb_publish) def cb_publish(self, event): self.pub_cmd.publish(self.cmd_msg) def box_cb(self, msg): goal_angle, goal_distance = self.BBx2AngDis(msg.bounding_boxes[0]) pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle) self.cmd_msg = Twist() self.cmd_msg.linear.x = pos_output self.cmd_msg.angular.z = ang_output def BBx2AngDis(self, bbox): center = [(bbox.xmin + bbox.xmax) / 2., (bbox.ymin + bbox.ymax) / 2.] angle = (center[0] - self.width / 2.) / (self.width / 2.) dis = float(self.height - (bbox.ymax - bbox.ymin)) / (self.height) return angle, dis def control(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_control.update(5 * (goal_distance - self.const_SA)) self.ang_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = -self.pos_constrain(self.pos_control.output) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_control.output return pos_output, ang_output def cmd_constarin(self, input): if input > self.cmd_ctrl_max: return self.cmd_ctrl_max if input < self.cmd_ctrl_min: return self.cmd_ctrl_min return input def pos_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_ctrl_max: return self.pos_ctrl_max if input < self.pos_ctrl_min: return self.pos_ctrl_min return input def initialize_PID(self): self.pos_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_control.SetPoint = 0.0 def get_goal_angle(self, robot_yaw, robot, goal): robot_angle = np.degrees(robot_yaw) p1 = [robot[0], robot[1]] p2 = [robot[0], robot[1] + 1.] p3 = goal angle = self.get_angle(p1, p2, p3) result = angle - robot_angle result = self.angle_range(-(result + 90.)) return result def get_angle(self, p1, p2, p3): v0 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p1) v1 = np.array(p3) - np.array(p1) angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v0, v1]),, v1)) return np.degrees(angle) # limit the angle to the range of [-180, 180] def angle_range(self, angle): if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) elif angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) return angle def get_distance(self, p1, p2): return math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) def pos_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_pid_cb(self, config, level): print( "Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_control.setKd(Kd) return config
class BoatHRVO(object): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing" % self.node_name) # initiallize PID self.dis_pid = PID_control("distance_control") self.angu_pid = PID_control("angular_control") self.dis_server = Server(dis_PIDConfig, self.cb_dis_pid, "distance_control") self.ang_server = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.cb_ang_pid, "angular_control") self.dis_pid.setSampleTime(0.1) self.angu_pid.setSampleTime(0.1) self.dis_pid.SetPoint = 0 self.angu_pid.SetPoint = 0 # setup publisher # self.pub_v1 = rospy.Publisher("cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) # self.sub_p3d1 = rospy.Subscriber( # "p3d_odom", Odometry, self.cb_boat1_odom, queue_size=1) # initiallize boat status self.boat_odom = Odometry() self.yaw = 0 # initiallize HRVO environment self.ws_model = dict() # robot radius self.ws_model['robot_radius'] = 1 print os.path.dirname(__file__) data = pd.read_csv( "/home/developer/vrx/catkin_ws/src/vrx/vrx_gazebo/worlds/block_position.csv" ) objs = [] for idx, item in data.iterrows(): objs.append([item['x'], item['y'], objs_dict[item['object']]]) self.ws_model['circular_obstacles'] = objs # rectangular boundary, format [x,y,width/2,heigth/2] self.ws_model['boundary'] = [] self.position = [[0, 0]] self.goal = self.random_goal() # print(self.position) # print(self.goal) self.velocity = [[0, 0]] self.v_max = [1] # timer # self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.2), self.cb_hrvo) def random_goal(self): # random angle alpha = 2 * math.pi * random.random() # random radius r = 50 * math.sqrt(2) # calculating coordinates x = r * math.cos(alpha) y = r * math.sin(alpha) return [[x, y]] def start_hrvo(self): env = gym_env.SubtCaveNobackEnv() epoch = 0 iteration = 60 record = np.zeros([iteration, 2]) for i in range(iteration): start_time = time.time() ep_reward = 0 step = 0 distance = 0 while True: v_des = compute_V_des(self.position, self.goal, self.v_max) self.velocity = RVO_update(self.position, v_des, self.velocity, self.ws_model) dis, angle = self.process_ang_dis(self.velocity[0][0], self.velocity[0][1], self.yaw) self.position, self.yaw, out_bound, r, done, info = env.step( [dis * 0.4, angle * 0.4]) if out_bound or done: self.goal = self.random_goal() if done or env.total_dis > 600: record[epoch][0] = env.total_dis record[epoch][1] = time.time() - start_time s = env.reset() break print epoch, record[epoch] epoch += 1 folder = os.getcwd() record_name = 'hrvo.pkl' fileObject = open(folder + "/" + record_name, 'wb') pkl.dump(record, fileObject) fileObject.close() def process_ang_dis(self, vx, vy, yaw): dest_yaw = math.atan2(vy, vx) angle = dest_yaw - yaw if angle > np.pi: angle = angle - 2 * np.pi if angle < -np.pi: angle = angle + 2 * np.pi angle = angle / np.pi dis = math.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2) # print "pos %2.2f, %2.2f" % (self.position[0][0], self.position[0][1]) # print "goal %2.2f, %2.2f" % (self.goal[0][0], self.goal[0][1]) # print "dest_yaw %2.2f" % dest_yaw # print "yaw %2.2f" % yaw # print "angle %2.2f" % angle # print "dis %2.2f\n" % dis dis = max(min(dis, 1), -1) angle = max(min(angle, 1), -1) return dis, angle def update_all(self): self.position = [] # update position pos = [ self.boat_odom.pose.pose.position.x, self.boat_odom.pose.pose.position.y ] self.position.append(pos) # update orientation quaternion = (self.boat_odom.pose.pose.orientation.x, self.boat_odom.pose.pose.orientation.y, self.boat_odom.pose.pose.orientation.z, self.boat_odom.pose.pose.orientation.w) euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion) self.yaw = euler[2] def cb_boat1_odom(self, msg): self.boat_odom = msg def cb_dis_pid(self, config, level): print("distance: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.dis_pid.setKp(Kp) self.dis_pid.setKi(Ki) self.dis_pid.setKd(Kd) return config def cb_ang_pid(self, config, level): print("angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.angu_pid.setKp(Kp) self.angu_pid.setKi(Ki) self.angu_pid.setKd(Kd) return config
class Robot_PID(): def __init__(self): cmd_ratio = rospy.get_param("~cmd_ratio", 1) self.dis4constV = 1. # Distance for constant velocity self.pos_ctrl_max = 1 self.pos_ctrl_min = 0.0 self.cmd_ctrl_max = 1 * cmd_ratio self.cmd_ctrl_min = -1 * cmd_ratio self.goal = None self.robot_pos = None self.robot_yaw = None rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % rospy.get_name()) self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) self.pos_control = PID_control("Position") self.ang_control = PID_control("Angular") self.pos_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_pid_cb, "Position") self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "Angular") self.initialize_PID() self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("pid_control/goal", PoseStamped, self.cb_goal, queue_size=1) # sub joy to switch on or off = False self.sub_joy = rospy.Subscriber('joy_teleop/joy', Joy, self.cb_joy, queue_size=1) # tf v.s. Odometry => depend on user and scenario self.use_odom = rospy.get_param("~use_odom", True) self.use_tf = rospy.get_param("~use_tf", False) if self.use_odom: self.sub_pose = rospy.Subscriber('pid_control/pose', Odometry, self.cb_pose, queue_size=1) if self.use_tf: self.map_frame = rospy.get_param("~map_frame", 'map') self.robot_frame = rospy.get_param("~robot_frame", 'base_link') self.listener = tf.TransformListener() def cb_pose(self, msg): self.robot_pos = [msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y] quat = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) self.robot_yaw = yaw def control(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_constrain(-self.pos_control.output / self.dis4constV) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_control.output / 180. return pos_output, ang_output def cb_goal(self, p): rospy.logwarn("PID_control_cb_goal") self.goal = [p.pose.position.x, p.pose.position.y] if self.use_tf: try: (trans_c, rot_c) = self.listener.lookupTransform( self.map_frame, self.robot_frame, rospy.Time(0)) self.robot_pos = [trans_c[0], trans_c[1]] _, _, self.robot_yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion( rot_c) except (tf.Exception, tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): rospy.logerr("faile to catch tf %s 2 %s" % (target_frame, source_frame)) return if self.robot_pos is None: rospy.logwarn("%s : no robot pose" % rospy.get_name()) return # self.robot_yaw = self.robot_yaw + np.pi/2 goal_distance = self.get_distance(self.robot_pos, self.goal) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(self.robot_yaw, self.robot_pos, self.goal) pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle) if cmd_msg = Twist() cmd_msg.linear.x = self.cmd_constarin(pos_output) cmd_msg.angular.z = self.cmd_constarin(ang_output) self.pub_cmd.publish(cmd_msg) def cmd_constarin(self, input): if input > self.cmd_ctrl_max: return self.cmd_ctrl_max if input < self.cmd_ctrl_min: return self.cmd_ctrl_min return input def pos_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_ctrl_max: return self.pos_ctrl_max if input < self.pos_ctrl_min: return self.pos_ctrl_min return input def initialize_PID(self): self.pos_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_control.SetPoint = 0.0 def get_goal_angle(self, robot_yaw, robot, goal): robot_angle = np.degrees(robot_yaw) p1 = [robot[0], robot[1]] p2 = [robot[0], robot[1] + 1.] p3 = goal angle = self.get_angle(p1, p2, p3) result = angle - robot_angle result = self.angle_range(-(result + 90.)) return result def get_angle(self, p1, p2, p3): v0 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p1) v1 = np.array(p3) - np.array(p1) angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v0, v1]),, v1)) return np.degrees(angle) # limit the angle to the range of [-180, 180] def angle_range(self, angle): if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) elif angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) return angle def get_distance(self, p1, p2): return math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) def pos_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_pid_cb(self, config, level): print( "Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_control.setKd(Kd) return config def cb_joy(self, joy_msg): # MODE D start_button = 7 back_button = 6 # Start button if (joy_msg.buttons[start_button] == 1) and not = True rospy.loginfo('go auto') elif joy_msg.buttons[back_button] == 1 and = False rospy.loginfo('go manual')
class Robot_PID(): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.dis4constV = 1. # Distance for constant velocity self.pos_ctrl_max = 1 self.pos_ctrl_min = 0.0 self.pos_station_max = 0.5 self.pos_station_min = -0.5 self.cmd_ctrl_max = 0.95 self.cmd_ctrl_min = -0.95 self.station_keeping_dis = 1 self.is_station_keeping = False self.start_navigation = False self.stop_pos = [] self.final_goal = None # The final goal that you want to arrive self.goal = self.final_goal self.robot_position = None #parameter self.sim = rospy.get_param('sim', False) rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " %(self.node_name)) self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("/move_base_simple/goal", PoseStamped, self.goal_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('odometry', Odometry, self.odom_cb, queue_size = 1, buff_size = 2**24) if self.sim: from duckiepond_vehicle.msg import UsvDrive self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("cmd_drive", UsvDrive, queue_size = 1) else : self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("cmd_drive", MotorCmd, queue_size = 1) self.pub_lookahead = rospy.Publisher("lookahead_point", Marker, queue_size = 1) self.station_keeping_srv = rospy.Service("station_keeping", SetBool, self.station_keeping_cb) self.navigate_srv = rospy.Service("navigation", SetBool, self.navigation_cb) self.pos_control = PID_control("Position") self.ang_control = PID_control("Angular") self.ang_station_control = PID_control("Angular_station") self.pos_station_control = PID_control("Position_station") self.purepursuit = PurePursuit() self.pos_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_pid_cb, "Position") self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "Angular") self.pos_station_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_station_pid_cb, "Angular_station") self.ang_station_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_station_pid_cb, "Position_station") self.lookahead_srv = Server(lookaheadConfig, self.lookahead_cb, "LookAhead") self.initialize_PID() def odom_cb(self, msg): robot_position = [msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y] if not self.is_station_keeping: self.stop_pos = [[msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y]] quat = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.y,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.z,\ msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) self.robot_position = robot_position if self.goal is None: # if the robot haven't recieve any goal return if not self.start_navigation: return reach_goal = self.purepursuit.set_robot_pose(robot_position, yaw) pursuit_point = self.purepursuit.get_pursuit_point() #yaw = yaw + np.pi/2. if reach_goal or reach_goal is None: self.publish_lookahead(robot_position, self.final_goal[-1]) goal_distance = self.get_distance(robot_position, self.final_goal[-1]) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(yaw, robot_position, self.final_goal[-1]) pos_output, ang_output = self.station_keeping(goal_distance, goal_angle) elif self.is_station_keeping: rospy.loginfo("Station Keeping") self.publish_lookahead(robot_position, self.goal[0]) goal_distance = self.get_distance(robot_position, self.goal[0]) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(yaw, robot_position, self.goal[0]) pos_output, ang_output = self.station_keeping(goal_distance, goal_angle) else: self.publish_lookahead(robot_position, pursuit_point) goal_distance = self.get_distance(robot_position, pursuit_point) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(yaw, robot_position, pursuit_point) pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle) if self.sim: cmd_msg = UsvDrive() else: cmd_msg = MotorCmd() cmd_msg.left = self.cmd_constarin(pos_output - ang_output) cmd_msg.right = self.cmd_constarin(pos_output + ang_output) self.pub_cmd.publish(cmd_msg) def control(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_constrain(-self.pos_control.output/self.dis4constV) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_control.output/180. return pos_output, ang_output def station_keeping(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_station_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_station_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_station_constrain(-self.pos_station_control.output/self.dis4constV) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_station_control.output/180. # if the goal is behind the robot if abs(goal_angle) > 90: pos_output = - pos_output ang_output = - ang_output return pos_output, ang_output def goal_cb(self, p): if self.final_goal is None: self.final_goal = [] self.final_goal.append([p.pose.position.x, p.pose.position.y]) self.goal = self.final_goal def station_keeping_cb(self, req): if == True: self.goal = self.stop_pos self.is_station_keeping = True else: self.is_station_keeping = False res = SetBoolResponse() res.success = True res.message = "recieved" return res def navigation_cb(self, req): if == True: if not self.is_station_keeping: self.purepursuit.set_goal(self.robot_position, self.goal) self.is_station_keeping = False self.start_navigation = True else: self.start_navigation = False self.final_goal = None self.goal = self.stop_pos res = SetBoolResponse() res.success = True res.message = "recieved" return res def cmd_constarin(self, input): if input > self.cmd_ctrl_max: return self.cmd_ctrl_max if input < self.cmd_ctrl_min: return self.cmd_ctrl_min return input def pos_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_ctrl_max: return self.pos_ctrl_max if input < self.pos_ctrl_min: return self.pos_ctrl_min return input def pos_station_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_station_max: return self.pos_station_max if input < self.pos_station_min: return self.pos_station_min return input def initialize_PID(self): self.pos_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_station_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_station_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.pos_station_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_station_control.SetPoint = 0.0 def get_goal_angle(self, robot_yaw, robot, goal): robot_angle = np.degrees(robot_yaw) p1 = [robot[0], robot[1]] p2 = [robot[0], robot[1]+1.] p3 = goal angle = self.get_angle(p1, p2, p3) result = angle - robot_angle result = self.angle_range(-(result + 90.)) return result def get_angle(self, p1, p2, p3): v0 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p1) v1 = np.array(p3) - np.array(p1) angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v0,v1]),,v1)) return np.degrees(angle) def angle_range(self, angle): # limit the angle to the range of [-180, 180] if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) elif angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) return angle def get_distance(self, p1, p2): return math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) def pos_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_control.setKd(Kd) return config def publish_lookahead(self, robot, lookahead): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "map" marker.header.stamp = marker.ns = "pure_pursuit" marker.type = marker.LINE_STRIP marker.action = marker.ADD wp = Point() wp.x, wp.y = robot[:2] wp.z = 0 marker.points.append(wp) wp = Point() wp.x, wp.y = lookahead[0], lookahead[1] wp.z = 0 marker.points.append(wp) = 0 marker.scale.x = 0.2 marker.scale.y = 0.2 marker.scale.z = 0.2 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.b = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 self.pub_lookahead.publish(marker) def ang_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_control.setKd(Kd) return config def pos_station_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_station_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_station_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_station_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_station_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_station_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_station_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_station_control.setKd(Kd) return config def lookahead_cb(self, config, level): print("Look Ahead Distance: {Look_Ahead}\n".format(**config)) lh = float("{Look_Ahead}".format(**config)) self.purepursuit.set_lookahead(lh) return config
class Robot_PID(): def __init__(self): self.dis4constV = 1. # Distance for constant velocity self.pos_ctrl_max = 1 self.pos_ctrl_min = 0.0 self.cmd_ctrl_max = 1 self.cmd_ctrl_min = -1 self.goal = None self.robot_pos = None self.robot_yaw = None rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % rospy.get_name()) self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) self.pos_control = PID_control("Position") self.ang_control = PID_control("Angular") self.pos_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_pid_cb, "Position") self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "Angular") self.initialize_PID() self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("pid_control/goal", PoseStamped, self.cb_goal, queue_size=1) self.sub_pose = rospy.Subscriber('pose', PoseStamped, self.cb_pose, queue_size=1) def cb_pose(self, msg): self.robot_pos = [msg.pose.position.x, msg.pose.position.y] quat = (msg.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.orientation.w) _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) self.robot_yaw = yaw def control(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_constrain(-self.pos_control.output / self.dis4constV) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.ang_control.output / 180. return pos_output, ang_output def cb_goal(self, p): self.goal = [p.pose.position.x, p.pose.position.y] if self.robot_pos is None: rospy.logwarn("%s : no robot pose" % rospy.get_name()) return # self.robot_yaw = self.robot_yaw + np.pi/2 goal_distance = self.get_distance(self.robot_pos, self.goal) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(self.robot_yaw, self.robot_pos, self.goal) pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle) cmd_msg = Twist() cmd_msg.linear.x = self.cmd_constarin(pos_output) cmd_msg.angular.z = self.cmd_constarin(ang_output) self.pub_cmd.publish(cmd_msg) def cmd_constarin(self, input): if input > self.cmd_ctrl_max: return self.cmd_ctrl_max if input < self.cmd_ctrl_min: return self.cmd_ctrl_min return input def pos_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_ctrl_max: return self.pos_ctrl_max if input < self.pos_ctrl_min: return self.pos_ctrl_min return input def initialize_PID(self): self.pos_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_control.SetPoint = 0.0 def get_goal_angle(self, robot_yaw, robot, goal): robot_angle = np.degrees(robot_yaw) p1 = [robot[0], robot[1]] p2 = [robot[0], robot[1] + 1.] p3 = goal angle = self.get_angle(p1, p2, p3) result = angle - robot_angle result = self.angle_range(-(result + 90.)) return result def get_angle(self, p1, p2, p3): v0 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p1) v1 = np.array(p3) - np.array(p1) angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v0, v1]),, v1)) return np.degrees(angle) # limit the angle to the range of [-180, 180] def angle_range(self, angle): if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) elif angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) return angle def get_distance(self, p1, p2): return math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) def pos_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_pid_cb(self, config, level): print( "Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_control.setKd(Kd) return config
class Robot_PID(): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.motor_mode = rospy.get_param("~motor_mode", 0) rospy.loginfo("Motor Mode: " + str(self.motor_mode)) self.small_angle_thres = 0.35 self.angle_mag = 1 / 2.5 self.dis4constV = 5. # Distance for constant velocity self.alpha_p = 1.2 self.alpha_a = 1.3 self.pos_ctrl_max = 3 self.pos_ctrl_min = 0.0 # self.alpha_v = 1.0 # self.pos_station_max = 0.8 # self.pos_station_min = -0.8 self.cmd_ctrl_max = 2.5 self.cmd_ctrl_min = -2.5 self.station_keeping_dis = 3.5 # meters self.frame_id = 'map' self.goal = None self.pid_parent = ["pos", "ang", "pos_bridge", "ang_bridge"] self.pid_child = ["kp", "ki", "kd"] rospack = rospkg.RosPack() self.pid_param_path = os.path.join(rospack.get_path('asv_config'), "pid/pid.yaml") # if self.motor_mode == 0: # self.pid_param_path = os.path.join(rospack.get_path('asv_config'), "pid/pid_0.yaml") # elif self.motor_mode == 1: # self.pid_param_path = os.path.join(rospack.get_path('asv_config'), "pid/pid_1.yaml") self.pid_param = None with open(self.pid_param_path, 'r') as file: self.pid_param = yaml.safe_load(file) rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) # self.alpha_srv = rospy.Service("alphaV", SetValue, self.alpha_cb) self.param_srv = rospy.Service("param", SetString, self.param_cb) self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("cmd_drive", MotorCmd, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('robot_goal', RobotGoal, self.robot_goal_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) self.pub_goal = rospy.Publisher("goal_point", Marker, queue_size=1) self.pos_control = PID_control("Position") self.ang_control = PID_control("Angular") self.pos_bridge_control = PID_control("Position_Bridge") self.ang_bridge_control = PID_control("Angular_Bridge") self.set_pid_param() # self.ang_station_control = PID_control("Angular_station") # self.pos_station_control = PID_control("Position_station") # self.pos_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_pid_cb, "Position") # self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "Angular") # self.pos_station_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_station_pid_cb, "Angular_station") # self.ang_station_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_station_pid_cb, "Position_station") self.initialize_PID() def robot_goal_cb(self, msg): self.goal = [msg.goal.position.x, msg.goal.position.y] self.robot_position = [msg.robot.position.x, msg.robot.position.y] if msg.goal.position.x == msg.robot.position.x and msg.goal.position.y == msg.robot.position.y: # if station keeping cmd_msg = MotorCmd() cmd_msg.right = 0 cmd_msg.left = 0 cmd_msg.horizontal = 0 self.pub_cmd.publish(cmd_msg) self.publish_goal(self.goal) return quat = (msg.robot.orientation.x,\ msg.robot.orientation.y,\ msg.robot.orientation.z,\ msg.robot.orientation.w) _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) if len(self.goal) == 0 or len( self.robot_position ) == 0: # if the robot hasn't recieve any goal return #yaw = yaw + np.pi/2 goal_distance = self.get_distance(self.robot_position, self.goal) goal_angle = self.get_goal_angle(yaw, self.robot_position, self.goal) pos_output, ang_output = 0, 0 if goal_distance < self.station_keeping_dis: # rospy.loginfo("Station Keeping") # pos_output, ang_output = self.station_keeping(goal_distance, goal_angle) if ( == "bridge"): if (abs(goal_angle) < self.small_angle_thres): neg = (goal_angle < 0) goal_angle = self.small_angle_thres * ( (abs(goal_angle) / self.small_angle_thres)** self.angle_mag) if neg: goal_angle = -goal_angle pos_output, ang_output = self.bridge_control( goal_distance, goal_angle) else: pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle) else: if ( == "bridge"): if (abs(goal_angle) < self.small_angle_thres): neg = (goal_angle < 0) goal_angle = self.small_angle_thres * ( (abs(goal_angle) / self.small_angle_thres) * self.angle_mag) if neg: goal_angle = -goal_angle pos_output, ang_output = self.bridge_control( goal_distance, goal_angle) else: pos_output, ang_output = self.control(goal_distance, goal_angle) cmd_msg = MotorCmd() if self.motor_mode == 0: # three motors mode if not # for navigation cmd_msg.right = self.cmd_constarin(pos_output + ang_output) cmd_msg.left = self.cmd_constarin(pos_output - ang_output) else: # if only for rotation, instead of moving forward cmd_msg.right = self.cmd_constarin(ang_output) cmd_msg.left = self.cmd_constarin(ang_output) elif self.motor_mode == 1: # four motors mode if not # for navigation cmd_msg.right = self.cmd_constarin(pos_output) cmd_msg.left = self.cmd_constarin(pos_output) cmd_msg.horizontal = self.cmd_constarin(ang_output) else: # if only for rotation, instead of moving forward cmd_msg.horizontal = self.cmd_constarin(ang_output) self.pub_cmd.publish(cmd_msg) self.publish_goal(self.goal) def control(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_constrain( self.alpha_p * (-self.pos_control.output / self.dis4constV)) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.alpha_a * (self.ang_control.output / 180.) return pos_output, ang_output def bridge_control(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_bridge_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_bridge_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_constrain( self.alpha_p * (-self.pos_bridge_control.output / self.dis4constV)) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.alpha_a * (self.ang_bridge_control.output / 180.) return pos_output, ang_output def station_keeping(self, goal_distance, goal_angle): self.pos_station_control.update(goal_distance) self.ang_station_control.update(goal_angle) # pos_output will always be positive pos_output = self.pos_station_constrain( self.alpha_p * (-self.pos_station_control.output / self.dis4constV)) # -1 = -180/180 < output/180 < 180/180 = 1 ang_output = self.alpha_a * (self.ang_station_control.output / 180.) # if the goal is behind the robot if abs(goal_angle) > 90: pos_output = -pos_output ang_output = -ang_output return pos_output, ang_output def param_cb(self, req): s = req.str ss = s.split('/') string_valid = False if len(ss) == 3: if ss[0] in self.pid_parent: if ss[1] in self.pid_child: try: string_valid = True self.pid_param[ss[0]][ss[1]] = float(ss[2]) with open(self.pid_param_path, "w") as file: yaml.dump(self.pid_param, file) self.set_pid_param() except: pass res = SetStringResponse() if string_valid: res.success = True else: res.success = False return res def cmd_constarin(self, input): if input > self.cmd_ctrl_max: return self.cmd_ctrl_max if input < self.cmd_ctrl_min: return self.cmd_ctrl_min return input def pos_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_ctrl_max: return self.pos_ctrl_max if input < self.pos_ctrl_min: return self.pos_ctrl_min return input def pos_station_constrain(self, input): if input > self.pos_station_max: return self.pos_station_max if input < self.pos_station_min: return self.pos_station_min return input def initialize_PID(self): self.pos_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_control.setSampleTime(1) # self.pos_station_control.setSampleTime(1) # self.ang_station_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_control.SetPoint = 0.0 # self.pos_station_control.SetPoint = 0.0 # self.ang_station_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.pos_bridge_control.setSampleTime(1) self.ang_bridge_control.setSampleTime(1) # self.pos_station_control.setSampleTime(1) # self.ang_station_control.setSampleTime(1) self.pos_bridge_control.SetPoint = 0.0 self.ang_bridge_control.SetPoint = 0.0 def get_goal_angle(self, robot_yaw, robot, goal): robot_angle = np.degrees(robot_yaw) p1 = [robot[0], robot[1]] p2 = [robot[0], robot[1] + 1.] p3 = goal angle = self.get_angle(p1, p2, p3) result = angle - robot_angle result = self.angle_range(-(result + 90.)) return result def get_angle(self, p1, p2, p3): v0 = np.array(p2) - np.array(p1) v1 = np.array(p3) - np.array(p1) angle = np.math.atan2(np.linalg.det([v0, v1]),, v1)) return np.degrees(angle) def angle_range(self, angle): # limit the angle to the range of [-180, 180] if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) elif angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) return angle def get_distance(self, p1, p2): return math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) def publish_goal(self, goal): marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = self.frame_id marker.header.stamp = marker.ns = "pure_pursuit" marker.type = marker.SPHERE marker.action = marker.ADD marker.pose.orientation.w = 1 marker.pose.position.x = goal[0] marker.pose.position.y = goal[1] = 0 marker.scale.x = 1.5 marker.scale.y = 1.5 marker.scale.z = 1.5 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 marker.color.r = 1.0 self.pub_goal.publish(marker) def set_pid_param(self): self.pos_control.setKp(self.pid_param['pos']['kp']) self.pos_control.setKi(self.pid_param['pos']['ki']) self.pos_control.setKd(self.pid_param['pos']['kd']) self.ang_control.setKp(self.pid_param['ang']['kp']) self.ang_control.setKi(self.pid_param['ang']['ki']) self.ang_control.setKd(self.pid_param['ang']['kd']) self.pos_bridge_control.setKp(self.pid_param['pos_bridge']['kp']) self.pos_bridge_control.setKi(self.pid_param['pos_bridge']['ki']) self.pos_bridge_control.setKd(self.pid_param['pos_bridge']['kd']) self.ang_bridge_control.setKp(self.pid_param['ang_bridge']['kp']) self.ang_bridge_control.setKi(self.pid_param['ang_bridge']['ki']) self.ang_bridge_control.setKd(self.pid_param['ang_bridge']['kd']) rospy.loginfo("PID parameters:") print("pos: ", self.pid_param['pos']) print("ang: ", self.pid_param['ang']) print("pos_bridge: ", self.pid_param['pos_bridge']) print("ang_bridge: ", self.pid_param['ang_bridge']) def pos_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_pid_cb(self, config, level): print( "Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_control.setKd(Kd) return config def pos_station_pid_cb(self, config, level): print("Position: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format( **config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.pos_station_control.setKp(Kp) self.pos_station_control.setKi(Ki) self.pos_station_control.setKd(Kd) return config def ang_station_pid_cb(self, config, level): print( "Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_station_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_station_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_station_control.setKd(Kd) return config
class JoyMapper(object): def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) # Publications self.pub_motor_cmd = rospy.Publisher("motor_cmd", Motor4Cmd, queue_size=1) # Subscriptions self.sub_cmd_drive = rospy.Subscriber("cmd_drive", VelocityVector, self.cbCmd, queue_size=1) self.sub_joy = rospy.Subscriber("joy", Joy, self.cbJoy, queue_size=1) self.sub_imu = rospy.Subscriber("imu/data", Imu, self.cb_imu, queue_size=1) #PID self.ang_control = PID_control("joy_stick_Angular") self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "joy_stick_Angular") self.ang_control.setSampleTime(0.1) self.ang_control.SetPoint = 0.0 #parameter self.differential_constrain = rospy.get_param("differential_constrain", 0.2) #varibles self.emergencyStop = False self.autoMode = False self.rotate = 0 self.motor_msg = Motor4Cmd() self.last_msg = Motor4Cmd() self.vector_msg = VelocityVector() self.imu_msg = Imu() self.boat_angle = 0 self.dest_angle = 0 self.last_msg.lf = 0 = 0 self.last_msg.rf = 0 self.last_msg.rr = 0 self.motor_stop() #timer self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.05), self.cb_publish) def cb_publish(self, event): if self.emergencyStop: self.motor_stop() self.pub_motor_cmd.publish(self.motor_msg) else: #low pass filter if not self.autoMode: if self.rotate > 0: self.dest_angle += 5 elif self.rotate < 0: self.dest_angle -= 5 self.dest_angle = self.angle_range(self.dest_angle) angular_input = self.angle_range(self.boat_angle - self.dest_angle) angular_output = self.control(angular_input) print("angular out %f" % angular_output) self.vector_msg.angular = angular_output self.motor_msg = self.vector_to_cmd(self.vector_msg) self.motor_msg = self.msg_constrain(self.motor_msg) self.last_msg.lf = self.low_pass_filter(self.motor_msg.lf, self.last_msg.lf) = self.low_pass_filter(, self.last_msg.rf = self.low_pass_filter(self.motor_msg.rf, self.last_msg.rf) self.last_msg.rr = self.low_pass_filter(self.motor_msg.rr, self.last_msg.rr) self.pub_motor_cmd.publish(self.last_msg) def low_pass_filter(self, current, last): current = last + max(min(current - last, self.differential_constrain), -self.differential_constrain) return current def control(self, head_angle): self.ang_control.update(head_angle) ang_output = self.ang_control.output / (-180.) return ang_output def cbCmd(self, cmd_msg): if not self.emergencyStop and self.autoMode: msg = self.vector_to_cmd(cmd_msg) self.motor_msg = self.msg_constrain(msg) def cbJoy(self, joy_msg): self.processButtons(joy_msg) if not self.emergencyStop and not self.autoMode: = joy_msg self.vector_msg = VelocityVector() self.vector_msg.x =[0] * -1 self.vector_msg.y =[1] if[3] > 0: self.rotate = 1 elif[3] < 0: self.rotate = -1 else: self.rotate = 0 self.vector_msg.angular = 0 def cb_imu(self, msg): self.imu_msg = msg quat = (msg.orientation.x, msg.orientation.y, msg.orientation.z, msg.orientation.w) _, _, yaw = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat) self.boat_angle = np.degrees(yaw) def ang_pid_cb(self, config, level): print( "Angular: [Kp]: {Kp} [Ki]: {Ki} [Kd]: {Kd}\n".format(**config)) Kp = float("{Kp}".format(**config)) Ki = float("{Ki}".format(**config)) Kd = float("{Kd}".format(**config)) self.ang_control.setKp(Kp) self.ang_control.setKi(Ki) self.ang_control.setKd(Kd) return config def angle_range(self, angle): # limit the angle to the range of [-180, 180] if angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) elif angle < -180: angle = angle + 360 angle = self.angle_range(angle) return angle def motor_stop(self): self.motor_msg.lf = 0 = 0 self.motor_msg.rf = 0 self.motor_msg.rr = 0 def vector_to_cmd(self, vec): motor4msg = Motor4Cmd() motor4msg.lf = max(min(vec.y + vec.x, 1), -1) + vec.angular = max(min(vec.y - vec.x, 1), -1) + vec.angular motor4msg.rf = max(min(vec.y - vec.x, 1), -1) - vec.angular motor4msg.rr = max(min(vec.y + vec.x, 1), -1) - vec.angular return motor4msg def msg_constrain(self, msg): new_msg = Motor4Cmd() new_msg.lf = max(min(msg.lf, 1), -1) = max(min(, 1), -1) new_msg.rf = max(min(msg.rf, 1), -1) new_msg.rr = max(min(msg.rr, 1), -1) return new_msg def processButtons(self, joy_msg): # Button A if (joy_msg.buttons[0] == 1): rospy.loginfo('A button') # Y button elif (joy_msg.buttons[3] == 1): rospy.loginfo('Y button') # Left back button elif (joy_msg.buttons[4] == 1): rospy.loginfo('left back button') # Right back button elif (joy_msg.buttons[5] == 1): rospy.loginfo('right back button') # Back button elif (joy_msg.buttons[6] == 1): rospy.loginfo('back button') # Start button elif (joy_msg.buttons[7] == 1): self.autoMode = not self.autoMode if self.autoMode: rospy.loginfo('going auto') else: rospy.loginfo('going manual') # Power/middle button elif (joy_msg.buttons[8] == 1): self.emergencyStop = not self.emergencyStop if self.emergencyStop: rospy.loginfo('emergency stop activate') self.motor_stop() else: rospy.loginfo('emergency stop release') # Left joystick button elif (joy_msg.buttons[9] == 1): rospy.loginfo('left joystick button') else: some_active = sum(joy_msg.buttons) > 0 if some_active: rospy.loginfo('No binding for joy_msg.buttons = %s' % str(joy_msg.buttons)) def on_shutdown(self): self.motor_stop() self.pub_motor_cmd.publish(self.motor_msg) rospy.loginfo("shutting down [%s]" % (self.node_name))