def run(self): i = 0 while True: p = self.get_next_image_file() if p is None: break img = cv2.imread(p) if i >= self.skip: rect = self.label_file.readline() try: box = map(lambda x: int(x), rect.split("\t")) B = BoundingRegion(image_shape=img.shape, box=np.array(box)) except: try: box = map(lambda x: int(x), rect.split(",")) B = BoundingRegion(image_shape=img.shape, box=np.array(box)) except: print "No more bounding boxes!" B = BoundingRegion() else: B = BoundingRegion() F = LabeledMovieFrame(internal_storage_method='jpg', compression_level=90) F.set_image(img) F.set_label(B) B.draw_box(img) cv2.imshow("image", img) cv2.moveWindow("image", 50, 50) cv2.waitKey(1) i += 1 self.frame_collection.append(F) self.frame_collection.write_to_file(self.output_file)
class StruckTracker(GenericVisionTracker): """ TODO """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize the tracker """ = 'struck_tracker' f = open("config.txt", "w") f.write(struck_config) f.close() self.reset() def reset(self): """ Reset the tracker :return: """ self._primed = False self.bbox = None def _prime(self, im, bounding_region): """ prime tracker on image and bounding box :param im: input image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :param bounding_region: initial bounding region of the tracked object :type bounding_region: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ self.bbox=bounding_region bounding_box = bounding_region.get_box_pixels() struck.STRUCK_init(im, bounding_box) def _track(self, im): """ Track on given image, return a bounding box :param im: image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding box of the tracker object :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ # this is required so that tracker is re-initialized if it is primed again self._primed = False struck.STRUCK_track(im) struck_bbox = struck.STRUCK_get_bbox() self.bounding_box = [struck_bbox["xmin"], struck_bbox["ymin"], struck_bbox["width"], struck_bbox["height"]] if self.bounding_box == (): self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=(im.shape[0], im.shape[1], 3), box=self.bounding_box) return self.bbox.copy() def get_heatmap(self, heatmap_name=None): return self.bbox.get_mask()
def set_bounding_box_with_center(self, x, y): box = [ np.clip(int(x + 0.5) - self.x_size / 2, 0, self.image_shape[1]), np.clip(int(y + 0.5) - self.y_size / 2, 0, self.image_shape[0]), self.x_size + min(int(x + 0.5) - self.x_size / 2, 0), self.y_size + min(int(y + 0.5) - self.y_size / 2, 0) ] self._current_bounds = BoundingRegion(box=box) self.needs_refresh = True
def _track(self, im): """ Track on given image, rseturn a bounding box :param im: image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding box of the tracker object :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ # this is required so that tracker is re-initialized if it is primed again current_frame = cv2.resize(im, dsize=self.image_size) self.prop_dict['input_array'][:] = current_frame self.prop_dict['input_array_float'][:] = current_frame.astype(np.float)/255 for i in range(self.step_per_frame): self.executor.step() norm = 1.0 / len(self.prop_dict['predicted_readout_arrays']) self.readout_heatmap[:] = 0 for k in self.prop_dict['predicted_readout_arrays']: self.readout_heatmap[:] += cv2.resize(k.view(np.ndarray), dsize=self.image_size) * norm am = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(self.readout_heatmap), self.readout_heatmap.shape) if len(am) == 3: for d in range(3): if am[2] != d: self.readout_heatmap[:, :, d] = 0 self.heatmap = self.readout_heatmap.view(np.ndarray) if len(self.heatmap.shape) == 3: self.heatmap = np.max(self.heatmap, axis=2) self.heatmap = cv2.resize(self.heatmap, dsize=(im.shape[1], im.shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) self.heatmap = (self.heatmap * 255).astype(np.uint8) if np.max(self.heatmap) > (np.median(self.heatmap)+self.threshold): threshold=(np.max(self.heatmap)-np.median(self.heatmap))*0.5+np.median(self.heatmap) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(self.heatmap, threshold, 255, 0) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if len(contours) > 0: max_cnt=None for cnt in contours: pt = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(self.heatmap), self.heatmap.shape) if cv2.pointPolygonTest(cnt, (pt[1], pt[0]), False)>=0: max_cnt = cnt break if max_cnt is None: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(max_cnt) if w*h > 25: self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=im.shape, box=[x, y, w, h]) self.bbox.scale(1.1) else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() self._primed = False return self.bbox.copy()
class CenterVisionTracker(GenericVisionTracker): """ This class exposes the null vision tracker which just always returns its priming bounding box """ def __init__(self, size_factor=0.2, new_name=None): """ Initialize the tracker """ if new_name is None: = 'center_tracker' else: = new_name self.size_factor = size_factor def reset(self): """ Reset the tracker :return: """ self._primed = False self.bbox = None def _prime(self, im, bounding_region): """ prime tracker on image and bounding box :param im: input image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :param bounding_region: initial bounding region of the tracked object :type bounding_region: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ box = np.array([(im.shape[1] - im.shape[1] * self.size_factor) / 2, (im.shape[0] - im.shape[0] * self.size_factor) / 2, im.shape[1] * self.size_factor, im.shape[0] * self.size_factor]).astype( self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=im.shape, box=box) if not self._primed: self._primed = True def _track(self, im): """ Track on given image, rseturn a bounding box :param im: image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding box of the tracker object :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ # this is required so that tracker is re-initialized if it is primed again self._primed = False return self.bbox.copy() def get_heatmap(self, heatmap_name=None): return self.bbox.get_mask()
class CenterVisionTracker(GenericVisionTracker): """ This class exposes the null vision tracker which just always returns its priming bounding box """ def __init__(self, size_factor=0.2, new_name=None): """ Initialize the tracker """ if new_name is None: = 'center_tracker' else: = new_name self.size_factor = size_factor def reset(self): """ Reset the tracker :return: """ self._primed = False self.bbox = None def _prime(self, im, bounding_region): """ prime tracker on image and bounding box :param im: input image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :param bounding_region: initial bounding region of the tracked object :type bounding_region: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ box = np.array([(im.shape[1]-im.shape[1]*self.size_factor)/2, (im.shape[0]-im.shape[0]*self.size_factor)/2, im.shape[1]*self.size_factor, im.shape[0]*self.size_factor]).astype( self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=im.shape, box=box) if not self._primed: self._primed = True def _track(self, im): """ Track on given image, rseturn a bounding box :param im: image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding box of the tracker object :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ # this is required so that tracker is re-initialized if it is primed again self._primed = False return self.bbox.copy() def get_heatmap(self, heatmap_name=None): return self.bbox.get_mask()
def process(self, heatmap, previous_bb=None, peak=None): """ This method computes a bounding box around the heatmap peak. Arguments: heatmap - target position heat map (may have multiple local maxima). peak - [y, x] of the most likely target position (usually the highest peak of the heatmap). This argument tells compute_bounding_box() which local maximum to choose. returns a bounding box array (x_upper_left,y_upper_left,width,height) or None if it can't be found """ if np.max(heatmap) == 0.0: return BoundingRegion() heatmap = cv2.boxFilter(heatmap, ddepth=-1, ksize=(self.recovery_kernel_size, self.recovery_kernel_size), borderType=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) if peak is None: peak = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(heatmap), heatmap.shape) if np.issubdtype(heatmap.dtype, np.float): _, heatmap = cv2.threshold(heatmap, self.heatmap_threshold * (1.0 / 255), 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) else: _, heatmap = cv2.threshold(heatmap, self.heatmap_threshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) if heatmap[peak[0], peak[1]] != 255: cors = np.nonzero(heatmap) new_peak = None if len(cors[0]) > 0: dist2 = (cors[0] - peak[0])**2 + (cors[1] - peak[1])**2 ind = np.argmin(dist2) if dist2[ind] < self.distance_threshold**2: new_peak = np.array([cors[0][ind], cors[1][ind]]) if new_peak is None: return BoundingRegion(image_shape=(heatmap.shape[0], heatmap.shape[1], 3), box=np.array([peak[1], peak[0], 1, 1])) peak = new_peak _, bounding_box = cv2.floodFill(heatmap, None, tuple(peak[::-1]), 255, loDiff=10, flags=cv2.FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE) return BoundingRegion(image_shape=(heatmap.shape[0], heatmap.shape[1], 3), box=np.asarray(bounding_box))
def set_bounding_box_with_center(self, x, y): box = [np.clip(int(x+0.5)-self.x_size/2, 0, self.image_shape[1]), np.clip(int(y+0.5)-self.y_size/2, 0, self.image_shape[0]), self.x_size + min(int(x+0.5)-self.x_size/2, 0), self.y_size + min(int(y+0.5)-self.y_size/2, 0)] self._current_bounds = BoundingRegion(box=box) self.needs_refresh = True
def create_windows(self): ''' Create playback progress bar (allow user to move along the movie) ''' cv2.namedWindow(self.win_name) cv2.moveWindow(self.win_name, 150, 150) cv2.namedWindow("completeness") cv2.moveWindow("completeness", 150, 50) cv2.setMouseCallback(self.win_name, self.trackbar_window_onMouse) cv2.createTrackbar("Frame", self.win_name, 0, len( - 1, self.jump_to_frame_callback) cv2.createTrackbar("Trim start", self.win_name, 0, len( - 1, self.set_trim_start) cv2.createTrackbar("Trim end", self.win_name, len( - 1, len( - 1, self.set_trim_end) im_height = 30 # 30 pixels high completeness bar im_width = len( self.completeness_image = np.zeros((im_height, im_width, 3)) current_frame_index = int(im_width * float(self.current_frame_index) / len( self.completeness_image[:, current_frame_index, :] = 1. self.completeness = np.zeros(im_width, dtype=np.uint8) for i in xrange(len( bounds =, if bounds is None or bounds.empty: if bounds is None:,, label=BoundingRegion()) self.completeness[i] = 2 else: if bounds.is_keyframe(): self.completeness[i] = 1 else: self.completeness[i] = 0
def _prime(self, im, bounding_region): """ prime tracker on image and bounding box :param im: input image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :param bounding_region: initial bounding region of the tracked object :type bounding_region: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ box = np.array([(im.shape[1] - im.shape[1] * self.size_factor) / 2, (im.shape[0] - im.shape[0] * self.size_factor) / 2, im.shape[1] * self.size_factor, im.shape[0] * self.size_factor]).astype( self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=im.shape, box=box) if not self._primed: self._primed = True
def _track(self, im): """ Track :param im: image :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding region :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ if not self._primed: return BoundingRegion() self.prob = self._back_projector.calculate(im) bounding_box = self._bounding_boxer.process(heatmap=self.prob) if bounding_box.confidence > self._confidence_threshold: return bounding_box.copy() else: return BoundingRegion()
def _track(self, im): """ Track on given image, return a bounding box :param im: image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding box of the tracker object :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ # this is required so that tracker is re-initialized if it is primed again self._primed = False struck.STRUCK_track(im) struck_bbox = struck.STRUCK_get_bbox() self.bounding_box = [struck_bbox["xmin"], struck_bbox["ymin"], struck_bbox["width"], struck_bbox["height"]] if self.bounding_box == (): self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=(im.shape[0], im.shape[1], 3), box=self.bounding_box) return self.bbox.copy()
def _track(self, im): """ Track on given image, return a bounding box :param im: image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding box of the tracker object :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ # this is required so that tracker is re-initialized if it is primed again self._primed = False self.im_prev = im im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) self.cmt.process_frame(im) self.confidence = 1 if np.isnan( self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=im.shape,, confidence=self.confidence) return self.bbox.copy()
def process(self, heatmap): """ The main processing method. Given the probability map, returns a bounding region :param heatmap: the map (e.g. result of histogram backprojection etc.). Its supposed to be a numpy array of float. :type heatmap: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding_box :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ self._last_prob = heatmap harea = if self._last_bb is None or self._last_bb.empty: (bb, area, mean_prob) = self._find_new_box(heatmap) confidence = mean_prob if bb[2] > 0 and bb[3] > 0 and[2:])<2*harea/3: self._last_bb = BoundingRegion(image_shape=(heatmap.shape[0], heatmap.shape[1], 3), box=np.array(bb,, confidence=confidence) else: # Empty bounding box self._last_bb = BoundingRegion() else: # Step 1 go with the last bbox _, bb0 = cv2.meanShift(heatmap, tuple(self._last_bb.get_box_pixels()), self.term_crit) area0 =[2:]) mean_prob0 = np.sum(heatmap[bb0[1]:bb0[1] + bb0[3], bb0[0]:bb0[0] + bb0[2]]) / (1e-12 + area0) _, bb = cv2.CamShift(heatmap, tuple(self._last_bb.get_box_pixels()), self.term_crit) area =[2:]) mean_prob = np.sum(heatmap[bb[1]:bb[1] + bb[3], bb[0]:bb[0] + bb[2]]) / (1e-12 + area) if mean_prob > self.threshold_retrieve and area > self.min_recovered_box_area and area < 2*harea/3: self._last_bb = BoundingRegion(image_shape=(heatmap.shape[0], heatmap.shape[1], 3), box=np.array(bb,, confidence=mean_prob) elif mean_prob0 > self.threshold_retrieve and area0 > self.min_recovered_box_area: # Go with the mean shift box, changing size apparently does no good. return self._last_bb else: # Empty bounding box self._last_bb = BoundingRegion() return self._last_bb
def process(self, heatmap): """ The main processing method. Given the probability map, returns a bounding region :param heatmap: the map (e.g. result of histogram backprojection etc.). Its supposed to be a numpy array of float. :type heatmap: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding_box :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ self._last_prob = heatmap harea = if self._last_bb is None or self._last_bb.empty: (bb, area, mean_prob) = self._find_new_box(heatmap) confidence = mean_prob if bb[2] > 0 and bb[3] > 0 and[2:]) < 2 * harea / 3: self._last_bb = BoundingRegion(image_shape=(heatmap.shape[0], heatmap.shape[1], 3), box=np.array(bb,, confidence=confidence) else: # Empty bounding box self._last_bb = BoundingRegion() else: # Step 1 go with the last bbox _, bb0 = cv2.meanShift(heatmap, tuple(self._last_bb.get_box_pixels()), self.term_crit) area0 =[2:]) mean_prob0 = np.sum(heatmap[bb0[1]:bb0[1] + bb0[3], bb0[0]:bb0[0] + bb0[2]]) / (1e-12 + area0) _, bb = cv2.CamShift(heatmap, tuple(self._last_bb.get_box_pixels()), self.term_crit) area =[2:]) mean_prob = np.sum(heatmap[bb[1]:bb[1] + bb[3], bb[0]:bb[0] + bb[2]]) / (1e-12 + area) if mean_prob > self.threshold_retrieve and area > self.min_recovered_box_area and area < 2 * harea / 3: self._last_bb = BoundingRegion(image_shape=(heatmap.shape[0], heatmap.shape[1], 3), box=np.array(bb,, confidence=mean_prob) elif mean_prob0 > self.threshold_retrieve and area0 > self.min_recovered_box_area: # Go with the mean shift box, changing size apparently does no good. return self._last_bb else: # Empty bounding box self._last_bb = BoundingRegion() return self._last_bb
def _track(self, im): """ Track on given image, return a bounding box :param im: image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding box of the tracker object :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ # this is required so that tracker is re-initialized if it is primed again self._primed = False img_cvmat = self.tld.processImage(img_cvmat) self.bounding_box = self.tld.getCurrBB() self.confidence = self.tld.currConf if self.bounding_box == (): self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=(im.shape[0], im.shape[1], 3), box=self.bounding_box, confidence=self.confidence) return self.bbox.copy()
def reset(self, reload=False): cv2.destroyAllWindows() fc = FrameCollection() if reload: fc.load_from_file(filename=self.output_file) else: fc.load_from_file(filename=self.input_filename) = fc self.tracker = None self.current_frame_index = 0 self.right_button_pressed = False self.left_button_pressed = False self._anchor = None self.x_size = 30 self.y_size = 30 self._tracked_bounds = None self._stored_bounds = None self._current_bounds = BoundingRegion() # Make sure self.timer is set self.schedule_callback() # Initialization of the Graphic User Interface self.ready_to_refresh = threading.Lock() self.timer_lock = threading.Lock() self.win_name = 'Labeling video GUI' self.image = self.current_frame_index).get_image( self.display_image = self.current_frame_index).get_image( self.image_shape = self.image.shape self.create_windows() self.set_target_absent() self.image_buffer = {} self._last_update = time.time() self.refresh_timer = threading.Timer(0.05, self.refresh) self.refresh_timer.start() self.needs_refresh = True self.trim_end = len( - 1 self.trim_start = 0
def _track(self, im): """ Track on given image, return a bounding box :param im: image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding box of the tracker object :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ # this is required so that tracker is re-initialized if it is primed again self._primed = False struck.STRUCK_track(im) struck_bbox = struck.STRUCK_get_bbox() self.bounding_box = [ struck_bbox["xmin"], struck_bbox["ymin"], struck_bbox["width"], struck_bbox["height"] ] if self.bounding_box == (): self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=(im.shape[0], im.shape[1], 3), box=self.bounding_box) return self.bbox.copy()
def _prime(self, im, bounding_region): """ prime tracker on image and bounding box :param im: input image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :param bounding_region: initial bounding region of the tracked object :type bounding_region: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ box = np.array([(im.shape[1]-im.shape[1]*self.size_factor)/2, (im.shape[0]-im.shape[0]*self.size_factor)/2, im.shape[1]*self.size_factor, im.shape[0]*self.size_factor]).astype( self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=im.shape, box=box) if not self._primed: self._primed = True
def interpolate(self, start, end): print "Interpolating %d %d" % (start, end) label0 =, label1 =, if (label0.empty) or (label1.empty): return box0 = label0.get_box_pixels() box1 = label1.get_box_pixels() for i in xrange(start + 1, end, 1): alpha = (end - i) * 1.0 / (end - start) box2 = alpha * np.array(box0) + (1 - alpha) * np.array(box1) box2 = map(lambda x: int(x), box2) box=box2,,, self.completeness[i] = 0
def reset(self, reload=False): cv2.destroyAllWindows() fc = FrameCollection() if reload: fc.load_from_file(filename=self.output_file) else: fc.load_from_file(filename=self.input_filename) = fc self.tracker = None self.current_frame_index = 0 self.right_button_pressed = False self.left_button_pressed = False self._anchor = None self.x_size = 30 self.y_size = 30 self._tracked_bounds = None self._stored_bounds = None self._current_bounds = BoundingRegion() # Make sure self.timer is set self.schedule_callback() # Initialization of the Graphic User Interface self.ready_to_refresh = threading.Lock() self.timer_lock = threading.Lock() self.win_name = 'Labeling video GUI' self.image = self.display_image = self.image_shape = self.image.shape self.create_windows() self.set_target_absent() self.image_buffer = {} self._last_update = time.time() self.refresh_timer = threading.Timer(0.05, self.refresh) self.refresh_timer.start() self.needs_refresh = True self.trim_end = len( self.trim_start = 0
class TLDVisionTracker(GenericVisionTracker): """ This class exposes the open tld tracker implemented in C++ by Originally OpenTLD that was originally published in MATLAB by Zdenek Kalal. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize the tracker """ = 'tld_tracker' self.reset() def reset(self): """ Reset the tracker :return: """ self.tld = None self._primed = False self.bbox = None def _prime(self, im, bounding_region): """ prime tracker on image and bounding box :param im: input image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :param bounding_region: initial bounding region of the tracked object :type bounding_region: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ self.bbox = bounding_region bounding_box = bounding_region.get_box_pixels() if not self._primed: self.tld = tld.TLD2() self._primed = True self.height, self.width = im.shape[:2] self.tld.set_width_and_height((self.width, self.height)) im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) img_cvmat = if bounding_box[0] + bounding_box[2] > self.width: bounding_box[2] = self.width - bounding_box[0] if bounding_box[1] + bounding_box[3] > self.height: bounding_box[3] = self.height - bounding_box[1] self.tld.selectObject( img_cvmat, tuple([ int(bounding_box[0]), int(bounding_box[1]), int(bounding_box[2]), int(bounding_box[3]) ])) def _track(self, im): """ Track on given image, return a bounding box :param im: image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding box of the tracker object :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ # this is required so that tracker is re-initialized if it is primed again self._primed = False img_cvmat = self.tld.processImage(img_cvmat) self.bounding_box = self.tld.getCurrBB() self.confidence = self.tld.currConf if self.bounding_box == (): self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=(im.shape[0], im.shape[1], 3), box=self.bounding_box, confidence=self.confidence) return self.bbox.copy() def get_heatmap(self, heatmap_name=None): return self.bbox.get_mask()
def set_target_absent(self): self._current_bounds = BoundingRegion()
class CMTVisionTracker(GenericVisionTracker): """ This class exposes the CMT tracker implemented in """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize the tracker """ = 'cmt_tracker' self.reset() def reset(self): """ Reset the tracker :return: """ self.cmt = None self._primed = False self.bbox = None def _prime(self, im, bounding_region): """ prime tracker on image and bounding box :param im: input image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :param bounding_region: initial bounding region of the tracked object :type bounding_region: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ self.bbox=bounding_region bounding_box = bounding_region.get_box_pixels() if not self._primed: this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) sys.path.append(this_dir+"/original_cmt/") from CMT import CMT self.cmt = CMT() self._primed = True self.height, self.width = im.shape[:2] im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) self.cmt.initialise(im_gray0=im, tl=tuple([bounding_box[0], bounding_box[1]]), br=tuple([bounding_box[0]+bounding_box[2], bounding_box[1]+bounding_box[3]])) self.im_prev = im def _track(self, im): """ Track on given image, return a bounding box :param im: image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding box of the tracker object :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ # this is required so that tracker is re-initialized if it is primed again self._primed = False self.im_prev = im im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) self.cmt.process_frame(im) self.confidence = 1 if np.isnan( self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=im.shape,, confidence=self.confidence) return self.bbox.copy() def get_heatmap(self, heatmap_name=None): return self.bbox.get_mask()
class StruckTracker(GenericVisionTracker): """ TODO """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize the tracker """ = 'struck_tracker' f = open("config.txt", "w") f.write(struck_config) f.close() self.reset() def reset(self): """ Reset the tracker :return: """ self._primed = False self.bbox = None def _prime(self, im, bounding_region): """ prime tracker on image and bounding box :param im: input image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :param bounding_region: initial bounding region of the tracked object :type bounding_region: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ self.bbox = bounding_region bounding_box = bounding_region.get_box_pixels() struck.STRUCK_init(im, bounding_box) def _track(self, im): """ Track on given image, return a bounding box :param im: image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding box of the tracker object :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ # this is required so that tracker is re-initialized if it is primed again self._primed = False struck.STRUCK_track(im) struck_bbox = struck.STRUCK_get_bbox() self.bounding_box = [ struck_bbox["xmin"], struck_bbox["ymin"], struck_bbox["width"], struck_bbox["height"] ] if self.bounding_box == (): self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=(im.shape[0], im.shape[1], 3), box=self.bounding_box) return self.bbox.copy() def get_heatmap(self, heatmap_name=None): return self.bbox.get_mask()
def _track(self, im): """ Track on given image, rseturn a bounding box :param im: image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding box of the tracker object :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ # this is required so that tracker is re-initialized if it is primed again current_frame = cv2.resize(im, dsize=self.image_size) self.prop_dict['input_array'][:] = current_frame self.prop_dict['input_array_float'][:] = current_frame.astype( np.float) / 255 for i in range(self.step_per_frame): self.executor.step() norm = 1.0 / len(self.prop_dict['predicted_readout_arrays']) self.readout_heatmap[:] = 0 for k in self.prop_dict['predicted_readout_arrays']: self.readout_heatmap[:] += cv2.resize(k.view(np.ndarray), dsize=self.image_size) * norm am = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(self.readout_heatmap), self.readout_heatmap.shape) if len(am) == 3: for d in range(3): if am[2] != d: self.readout_heatmap[:, :, d] = 0 self.heatmap = self.readout_heatmap.view(np.ndarray) if len(self.heatmap.shape) == 3: self.heatmap = np.max(self.heatmap, axis=2) self.heatmap = cv2.resize(self.heatmap, dsize=(im.shape[1], im.shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) self.heatmap = (self.heatmap * 255).astype(np.uint8) if np.max(self.heatmap) > (np.median(self.heatmap) + self.threshold): threshold = (np.max(self.heatmap) - np.median( self.heatmap)) * 0.5 + np.median(self.heatmap) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(self.heatmap, threshold, 255, 0) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if len(contours) > 0: max_cnt = None for cnt in contours: pt = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(self.heatmap), self.heatmap.shape) if cv2.pointPolygonTest(cnt, (pt[1], pt[0]), False) >= 0: max_cnt = cnt break if max_cnt is None: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(max_cnt) if w * h > 25: self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=im.shape, box=[x, y, w, h]) self.bbox.scale(1.1) else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() self._primed = False return self.bbox.copy()
class LabelingApp(object): def __init__(self, filename, output=None, channel="default", target="default"): self.input_filename = filename if output is None: self.output_file = self.input_filename else: self.output_file = output = channel = target self.reset() def reset(self, reload=False): cv2.destroyAllWindows() fc = FrameCollection() if reload: fc.load_from_file(filename=self.output_file) else: fc.load_from_file(filename=self.input_filename) = fc self.tracker = None self.current_frame_index = 0 self.right_button_pressed = False self.left_button_pressed = False self._anchor = None self.x_size = 30 self.y_size = 30 self._tracked_bounds = None self._stored_bounds = None self._current_bounds = BoundingRegion() # Make sure self.timer is set self.schedule_callback() # Initialization of the Graphic User Interface self.ready_to_refresh = threading.Lock() self.timer_lock = threading.Lock() self.win_name = 'Labeling video GUI' self.image = self.current_frame_index).get_image( self.display_image = self.current_frame_index).get_image( self.image_shape = self.image.shape self.create_windows() self.set_target_absent() self.image_buffer = {} self._last_update = time.time() self.refresh_timer = threading.Timer(0.05, self.refresh) self.refresh_timer.start() self.needs_refresh = True self.trim_end = len( - 1 self.trim_start = 0 def fill_up_the_buffer(self): r0 = max(self.current_frame_index - 5, 0) r1 = min(self.current_frame_index + 5, len( for i in xrange(r0, r1, 1): if i not in self.image_buffer.keys(): self.image_buffer[i] = for i in self.image_buffer.keys(): if i < r0 or i > r1: del self.image_buffer[i] def create_windows(self): ''' Create playback progress bar (allow user to move along the movie) ''' cv2.namedWindow(self.win_name) cv2.moveWindow(self.win_name, 150, 150) cv2.namedWindow("completeness") cv2.moveWindow("completeness", 150, 50) cv2.setMouseCallback(self.win_name, self.trackbar_window_onMouse) cv2.createTrackbar("Frame", self.win_name, 0, len( - 1, self.jump_to_frame_callback) cv2.createTrackbar("Trim start", self.win_name, 0, len( - 1, self.set_trim_start) cv2.createTrackbar("Trim end", self.win_name, len( - 1, len( - 1, self.set_trim_end) im_height = 30 # 30 pixels high completeness bar im_width = len( self.completeness_image = np.zeros((im_height, im_width, 3)) current_frame_index = int(im_width * float(self.current_frame_index) / len( self.completeness_image[:, current_frame_index, :] = 1. self.completeness = np.zeros(im_width, dtype=np.uint8) for i in xrange(len( bounds =, if bounds is None or bounds.empty: if bounds is None:,, label=BoundingRegion()) self.completeness[i] = 2 else: if bounds.is_keyframe(): self.completeness[i] = 1 else: self.completeness[i] = 0 def set_trim_start(self, frame_index): self.trim_start = frame_index + 0 def set_trim_end(self, frame_index): self.trim_end = frame_index + 0 def jump_to_frame_callback(self, frame_index): self.current_frame_index = frame_index self.image = self.current_frame_index).get_image( self.needs_refresh = True def update_completeness_window(self): if self.ready_to_refresh.acquire(False): self.completeness_image *= 0 self.completeness_image[:, self.current_frame_index, :] = 255 for i in xrange(len( self.completeness_image[:, i, self.completeness[i]] = 255 cv2.putText(self.completeness_image, '%i' % self.current_frame_index, (10, 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, (255, 255, 255), lineType=cv2.CV_AA) cv2.imshow('completeness', self.completeness_image) self.ready_to_refresh.release() def update_trackbar_window(self): if self.ready_to_refresh.acquire(): image = self.image.copy() self._stored_bounds = self.current_frame_index).get_label(, # display rectangle over selected area self._current_bounds.draw_box(image, color=(255, 255, 255)) self._current_bounds.draw_box(image, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=1) # display rectangle over stored area if self._stored_bounds is not None: self._stored_bounds.draw_box(image, color=(255, 0, 0)) if self._tracked_bounds is not None: self._tracked_bounds.draw_box(image, color=(0, 255, 0)) # reshape to display if too small min_width = 320 if image.shape[1] < min_width: resize_height = int(0.5 + image.shape[0] * min_width / float(image.shape[1])) image = cv2.resize(image, (min_width, resize_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) self.display_image = image self.ready_to_refresh.release() def refresh(self): if self.timer_lock.acquire(): if self.needs_refresh: self.update_trackbar_window() self.update_completeness_window() self.needs_refresh = False self.refresh_timer = threading.Timer(0.05, self.refresh) self.refresh_timer.start() self.timer_lock.release() def trackbar_window_onMouse(self, event, x, y, flags, _): cv2.imshow(self.win_name, self.display_image) # Update state self.right_button_pressed = (flags & cv2.EVENT_FLAG_RBUTTON ) != 0 and event != cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONUP self.left_button_pressed = (flags & cv2.EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON ) != 0 and event != cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP # Set bounding box if event == cv2.EVENT_MBUTTONDOWN: if self._anchor is None: # Setting the anchor self._anchor = (x, y) else: # Defining the box self.save_and_advance() elif self._anchor is not None and event != cv2.EVENT_MBUTTONUP: # We are creating new bounding box from anchor to current position self.x_size = max(5, int(abs(x - self._anchor[0]) + 0.5)) self.y_size = max(5, int(abs(y - self._anchor[1]) + 0.5)) center_x = (x + self._anchor[0]) / 2 center_y = (y + self._anchor[1]) / 2 self.set_bounding_box_with_center(center_x, center_y) elif event == cv2.EVENT_MBUTTONUP: self.x_size = max(5, int(abs(x - self._anchor[0]) + 0.5)) self.y_size = max(5, int(abs(y - self._anchor[1]) + 0.5)) center_x = (x + self._anchor[0]) / 2 center_y = (y + self._anchor[1]) / 2 self.set_bounding_box_with_center(center_x, center_y) keyframe = False if flags & cv2.EVENT_FLAG_CTRLKEY != 0: keyframe = True self.save_and_advance(keyframe=keyframe) else: self.set_bounding_box_with_center(x, y) # If this is a left/right button down event, # we can advance one frame immediately # and then start the timer if event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: self.set_target_absent() self.save_and_advance() self.right_button_pressed = True if self.timer.finished: # Rearm the timer self.schedule_callback() elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: self.set_bounding_box_with_center(x, y) keyframe = False if flags & cv2.EVENT_FLAG_CTRLKEY != 0: keyframe = True self.save_and_advance(keyframe=keyframe) self.left_button_pressed = True if self.timer.finished: # Rearm the timer self.schedule_callback() elif not (self.right_button_pressed or self.left_button_pressed): # No mouse button pressed, so cancel the timer if it's running self.timer.cancel() if time.time() - self._last_update > 0.1: self._last_update = time.time() self.needs_refresh = True def set_target_absent(self): self._current_bounds = BoundingRegion() def set_bounding_box_with_center(self, x, y): box = [ np.clip(int(x + 0.5) - self.x_size / 2, 0, self.image_shape[1]), np.clip(int(y + 0.5) - self.y_size / 2, 0, self.image_shape[0]), self.x_size + min(int(x + 0.5) - self.x_size / 2, 0), self.y_size + min(int(y + 0.5) - self.y_size / 2, 0) ] self._current_bounds = BoundingRegion(box=box) self.needs_refresh = True def schedule_callback(self): # 0.2 secs => 5 Hz self.timer = threading.Timer(0.1, self.timer_callback) self.timer.start() def timer_callback(self): if self.right_button_pressed or self.left_button_pressed: self.save_and_advance() self.schedule_callback() def advance_current_frame(self, increment=1): self.current_frame_index = min( len( - 1, max(0, self.current_frame_index + increment)) self.image = self.current_frame_index).get_image( cv2.setTrackbarPos("Frame", self.win_name, self.current_frame_index) if self.tracker is not None: self._tracked_bounds = self.tracker.track( self.current_frame_index).get_image( def save_and_advance(self, keyframe=False): self._anchor = None self._current_bounds.copy(),, if self._current_bounds.empty: self.completeness[self.current_frame_index] = 2 else: if self._current_bounds.is_keyframe(): self.completeness[self.current_frame_index] = 1 else: self.completeness[self.current_frame_index] = 0 if keyframe: self.make_keyframe() self.advance_current_frame(15) else: self.advance_current_frame(1) def toggle_tracker(self): if self.tracker is None: self.tracker = CMTVisionTracker() self.current_frame_index).get_image(, self._current_bounds) logging.warning("Tracker is enabled") else: self.tracker = None self._tracked_bounds = None logging.warning("Tracker is disabled") def advance_tracker(self): if self._tracked_bounds is not None: self._current_bounds = self._tracked_bounds self.save_and_advance() def export_movie(self): trim_frames_front = self.trim_start trim_frames_end = (len( - 1) - self.trim_end if trim_frames_end > 0: for i in range(trim_frames_end): if trim_frames_front > 0: for i in range(trim_frames_front): logging.warning("Exporting result in file " + self.output_file) logging.warning("Exporting completed !") def interpolate(self, start, end): print "Interpolating %d %d" % (start, end) label0 =, label1 =, if (label0.empty) or (label1.empty): return box0 = label0.get_box_pixels() box1 = label1.get_box_pixels() for i in xrange(start + 1, end, 1): alpha = (end - i) * 1.0 / (end - start) box2 = alpha * np.array(box0) + (1 - alpha) * np.array(box1) box2 = map(lambda x: int(x), box2) box=box2,,, self.completeness[i] = 0 def make_keyframe(self): self.completeness[self.current_frame_index] = 1, # find previous keyframe next_keyframe = -1 for i in xrange(self.current_frame_index + 1, len(, 1): bounds =, if bounds.is_keyframe(): next_keyframe = i break if next_keyframe >= 0: print next_keyframe self.interpolate(self.current_frame_index, next_keyframe) # find next keyframe prev_keyframe = -1 for i in xrange(self.current_frame_index - 1, -1, -1): bounds =, if bounds.is_keyframe(): prev_keyframe = i break if prev_keyframe >= 0: print prev_keyframe self.interpolate(prev_keyframe, self.current_frame_index) def run(self): while True: key = cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.imshow(self.win_name, self.display_image) if key == 65361: # left arrow # Go to previous frame self.advance_current_frame(-1) elif key == 65362: self.advance_current_frame(-10) elif key == 65363: # right arrow # Go to next frame self.advance_current_frame() elif key == 65364: self.advance_current_frame(10) elif key == ord('w'): # Write self.export_movie() if self.timer_lock.acquire(): if not self.refresh_timer.finished: self.refresh_timer.cancel() self.timer_lock.release() self.timer.cancel() self.reset() elif key == ord('t'): # Tracker self.toggle_tracker() elif key == ord(' '): # Advance tracker self.advance_tracker() self.needs_refresh = True elif key == ord('a'): self.x_size = int(self.x_size * 1.1) self.y_size = int(self.y_size * 1.1) self.needs_refresh = True elif key == ord('z'): self.x_size = int(self.x_size * 1 / 1.1) self.y_size = int(self.y_size * 1 / 1.1) self.needs_refresh = True elif key == ord('s'): self.y_size = int(self.y_size * 1.1) self.needs_refresh = True elif key == ord('k'): self.make_keyframe() elif key == ord('x'): self.y_size = int(self.y_size * 1 / 1.1) self.needs_refresh = True elif key == ord('q'): # Export while key != -1: for k in range(10): key = cv2.waitKey(10) print "Quiting! Do you want to save your work? [Y/N]" while True: key = cv2.waitKey(0) if key == ord('Y') or key == ord('y'): self.export_movie() break if key == ord('N') or key == ord('n'): break break logging.warning('Exiting') self.refresh_timer.cancel()
class TLDVisionTracker(GenericVisionTracker): """ This class exposes the open tld tracker implemented in C++ by Originally OpenTLD that was originally published in MATLAB by Zdenek Kalal. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize the tracker """ = 'tld_tracker' self.reset() def reset(self): """ Reset the tracker :return: """ self.tld = None self._primed = False self.bbox = None def _prime(self, im, bounding_region): """ prime tracker on image and bounding box :param im: input image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :param bounding_region: initial bounding region of the tracked object :type bounding_region: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ self.bbox=bounding_region bounding_box = bounding_region.get_box_pixels() if not self._primed: self.tld = tld.TLD2() self._primed = True self.height, self.width = im.shape[:2] self.tld.set_width_and_height((self.width, self.height)) im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) img_cvmat = if bounding_box[0] + bounding_box[2] > self.width: bounding_box[2] = self.width - bounding_box[0] if bounding_box[1] + bounding_box[3] > self.height: bounding_box[3] = self.height - bounding_box[1] self.tld.selectObject(img_cvmat, tuple([int(bounding_box[0]), int(bounding_box[1]), int(bounding_box[2]), int(bounding_box[3])])) def _track(self, im): """ Track on given image, return a bounding box :param im: image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding box of the tracker object :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ # this is required so that tracker is re-initialized if it is primed again self._primed = False img_cvmat = self.tld.processImage(img_cvmat) self.bounding_box = self.tld.getCurrBB() self.confidence = self.tld.currConf if self.bounding_box == (): self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=(im.shape[0], im.shape[1], 3), box=self.bounding_box, confidence=self.confidence) return self.bbox.copy() def get_heatmap(self, heatmap_name=None): return self.bbox.get_mask()
class CamshiftBoundingBoxer(AbstractBoundingBoxer): """ Given a prob-map of pixel membership, return a bounding box: (PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion) This class uses the opencv CamShift method to estimate the new position of the bounding box based on the previous one. In the case the previous bounding box is empty, then a search over the entire map is performed to estimate the new position. """ def __init__(self, recovery_kernel_size=20, min_recovered_box_area=400, threshold_retrieve=0.2): """ :param recovery_kernel_size: when searching for a new box, the probablity map will be filtered with a box filter, to smooth out single peaks and find a better candidate. This is the size of the box kernal. :type recovery_kernel_size: int :param min_recovered_box_area: after finding a box, assert that width x height is at least this number of pixels. Otherwise do not accept that as a good box and return an empty box. :type min_recovered_box_area: int :param threshold_retrieve: When object the is lost, that is the minimal confidence the tracker must get to consider that a new candidate is considered as the new target Lower value (ex 0.1) provides better recovery but more false positive. Typical value are between 0.1 and 0.2 :type threshold_retrieve: float """ self.term_crit = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, 10, 1) self._last_bb = None self.confidence = 1. self.recovery_kernel_size = recovery_kernel_size self.min_recovered_box_area = min_recovered_box_area self.threshold_retrieve = threshold_retrieve def reset(self): """ Reset the object. """ self._last_bb = None def _find_new_box(self, heatmap): heatmap = cv2.boxFilter(heatmap, ddepth=-1, ksize=(self.recovery_kernel_size, self.recovery_kernel_size), borderType=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) # new_bb = np.array(np.unravel_index(np.argmax(conv_prob), conv_prob.shape))[::-1] # new_bb = np.array(tuple(new_bb - max(1, min(10, self.recovery_kernel_size/2))) + (min(20, self.recovery_kernel_size), ) * 2) # _, bb_reset = cv2.CamShift(heatmap, tuple(new_bb), self.term_crit) peak = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(heatmap), heatmap.shape) _, heatmap = cv2.threshold(heatmap, np.max(heatmap)*0.9, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) _, bb_reset = cv2.floodFill(heatmap, None, tuple(peak[::-1]), 255, loDiff=10, flags=cv2.FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE) bb_area = bb_reset[2] * bb_reset[3] mean_prob_reset = np.sum(heatmap[bb_reset[1]:bb_reset[1] + bb_reset[3], bb_reset[0]:bb_reset[0] + bb_reset[2]]) / float(bb_area) return bb_reset, bb_area, mean_prob_reset def process(self, heatmap): """ The main processing method. Given the probability map, returns a bounding region :param heatmap: the map (e.g. result of histogram backprojection etc.). Its supposed to be a numpy array of float. :type heatmap: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding_box :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ self._last_prob = heatmap harea = if self._last_bb is None or self._last_bb.empty: (bb, area, mean_prob) = self._find_new_box(heatmap) confidence = mean_prob if bb[2] > 0 and bb[3] > 0 and[2:])<2*harea/3: self._last_bb = BoundingRegion(image_shape=(heatmap.shape[0], heatmap.shape[1], 3), box=np.array(bb,, confidence=confidence) else: # Empty bounding box self._last_bb = BoundingRegion() else: # Step 1 go with the last bbox _, bb0 = cv2.meanShift(heatmap, tuple(self._last_bb.get_box_pixels()), self.term_crit) area0 =[2:]) mean_prob0 = np.sum(heatmap[bb0[1]:bb0[1] + bb0[3], bb0[0]:bb0[0] + bb0[2]]) / (1e-12 + area0) _, bb = cv2.CamShift(heatmap, tuple(self._last_bb.get_box_pixels()), self.term_crit) area =[2:]) mean_prob = np.sum(heatmap[bb[1]:bb[1] + bb[3], bb[0]:bb[0] + bb[2]]) / (1e-12 + area) if mean_prob > self.threshold_retrieve and area > self.min_recovered_box_area and area < 2*harea/3: self._last_bb = BoundingRegion(image_shape=(heatmap.shape[0], heatmap.shape[1], 3), box=np.array(bb,, confidence=mean_prob) elif mean_prob0 > self.threshold_retrieve and area0 > self.min_recovered_box_area: # Go with the mean shift box, changing size apparently does no good. return self._last_bb else: # Empty bounding box self._last_bb = BoundingRegion() return self._last_bb def set_current_bounding_box(self, bounding_box): """ If the bounding box is somehow available (e.g. in priming) that values can be passed in here to affect future computation (new boxes will be found in reference to this one) :param bounding_box: A bounding region object :type bounding_box: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ self._last_bb = bounding_box
class PVMVisionTracker(GenericVisionTracker): """ This class exposes the null vision tracker which just always returns its priming bounding box """ def __init__(self, filename="", remote_filename="", cores="4", storage=None, steps_per_frame=1): """ Initialize the tracker """ = 'PVMtracker' if filename == "": filename = storage.get(remote_filename) self.prop_dict = CoreUtils.load_model(filename)"Loaded the dictionary %s", filename) PVM_Create.upgrade_dictionary_to_ver1_0(self.prop_dict) self.prop_dict['num_proc'] = int(cores) for k in range(len(self.prop_dict['learning_rates'])): self.prop_dict['learning_rates'][k][0] = 0.0"Setting learning rate in layer %d to zero" % k) self.prop_dict["readout_learning_rate"][0] = 0.0"Setting readout learning rate to zero") self.manager = Manager(self.prop_dict, 1000) self.executor = CoreUtils.ModelExecution(prop_dict=self.prop_dict, manager=self.manager, port=9100) self.executor.start(blocking=False) self.threshold = 32 self.image_size = self.prop_dict['input_array'].shape[:2][::-1] self.readout_heatmap = np.zeros(self.image_size, dtype=np.float) self.step_per_frame = steps_per_frame def reset(self): """ Reset the tracker :return: """ self._primed = False self.bbox = None def _prime(self, im, bounding_region): """ prime tracker on image and bounding box :param im: input image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :param bounding_region: initial bounding region of the tracked object :type bounding_region: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ if not self._primed:"Priming the PVM tracker")"Setting up the tracker threshold to %d" % self.threshold) self._primed = True def _track(self, im): """ Track on given image, rseturn a bounding box :param im: image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding box of the tracker object :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ # this is required so that tracker is re-initialized if it is primed again current_frame = cv2.resize(im, dsize=self.image_size) self.prop_dict['input_array'][:] = current_frame self.prop_dict['input_array_float'][:] = current_frame.astype( np.float) / 255 for i in range(self.step_per_frame): self.executor.step() norm = 1.0 / len(self.prop_dict['predicted_readout_arrays']) self.readout_heatmap[:] = 0 for k in self.prop_dict['predicted_readout_arrays']: self.readout_heatmap[:] += cv2.resize(k.view(np.ndarray), dsize=self.image_size) * norm am = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(self.readout_heatmap), self.readout_heatmap.shape) if len(am) == 3: for d in range(3): if am[2] != d: self.readout_heatmap[:, :, d] = 0 self.heatmap = self.readout_heatmap.view(np.ndarray) if len(self.heatmap.shape) == 3: self.heatmap = np.max(self.heatmap, axis=2) self.heatmap = cv2.resize(self.heatmap, dsize=(im.shape[1], im.shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) self.heatmap = (self.heatmap * 255).astype(np.uint8) if np.max(self.heatmap) > (np.median(self.heatmap) + self.threshold): threshold = (np.max(self.heatmap) - np.median( self.heatmap)) * 0.5 + np.median(self.heatmap) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(self.heatmap, threshold, 255, 0) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if len(contours) > 0: max_cnt = None for cnt in contours: pt = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(self.heatmap), self.heatmap.shape) if cv2.pointPolygonTest(cnt, (pt[1], pt[0]), False) >= 0: max_cnt = cnt break if max_cnt is None: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(max_cnt) if w * h > 25: self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=im.shape, box=[x, y, w, h]) self.bbox.scale(1.1) else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() self._primed = False return self.bbox.copy() def get_heatmap(self, heatmap_name=None): return self.heatmap() def finish(self): self.manager._running = False self.executor.step() self.executor.finish()
class CamshiftBoundingBoxer(AbstractBoundingBoxer): """ Given a prob-map of pixel membership, return a bounding box: (PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion) This class uses the opencv CamShift method to estimate the new position of the bounding box based on the previous one. In the case the previous bounding box is empty, then a search over the entire map is performed to estimate the new position. """ def __init__(self, recovery_kernel_size=20, min_recovered_box_area=400, threshold_retrieve=0.2): """ :param recovery_kernel_size: when searching for a new box, the probablity map will be filtered with a box filter, to smooth out single peaks and find a better candidate. This is the size of the box kernal. :type recovery_kernel_size: int :param min_recovered_box_area: after finding a box, assert that width x height is at least this number of pixels. Otherwise do not accept that as a good box and return an empty box. :type min_recovered_box_area: int :param threshold_retrieve: When object the is lost, that is the minimal confidence the tracker must get to consider that a new candidate is considered as the new target Lower value (ex 0.1) provides better recovery but more false positive. Typical value are between 0.1 and 0.2 :type threshold_retrieve: float """ self.term_crit = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, 10, 1) self._last_bb = None self.confidence = 1. self.recovery_kernel_size = recovery_kernel_size self.min_recovered_box_area = min_recovered_box_area self.threshold_retrieve = threshold_retrieve def reset(self): """ Reset the object. """ self._last_bb = None def _find_new_box(self, heatmap): heatmap = cv2.boxFilter(heatmap, ddepth=-1, ksize=(self.recovery_kernel_size, self.recovery_kernel_size), borderType=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) # new_bb = np.array(np.unravel_index(np.argmax(conv_prob), conv_prob.shape))[::-1] # new_bb = np.array(tuple(new_bb - max(1, min(10, self.recovery_kernel_size/2))) + (min(20, self.recovery_kernel_size), ) * 2) # _, bb_reset = cv2.CamShift(heatmap, tuple(new_bb), self.term_crit) peak = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(heatmap), heatmap.shape) _, heatmap = cv2.threshold(heatmap, np.max(heatmap) * 0.9, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) _, bb_reset = cv2.floodFill(heatmap, None, tuple(peak[::-1]), 255, loDiff=10, flags=cv2.FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE) bb_area = bb_reset[2] * bb_reset[3] mean_prob_reset = np.sum( heatmap[bb_reset[1]:bb_reset[1] + bb_reset[3], bb_reset[0]:bb_reset[0] + bb_reset[2]]) / float(bb_area) return bb_reset, bb_area, mean_prob_reset def process(self, heatmap): """ The main processing method. Given the probability map, returns a bounding region :param heatmap: the map (e.g. result of histogram backprojection etc.). Its supposed to be a numpy array of float. :type heatmap: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding_box :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ self._last_prob = heatmap harea = if self._last_bb is None or self._last_bb.empty: (bb, area, mean_prob) = self._find_new_box(heatmap) confidence = mean_prob if bb[2] > 0 and bb[3] > 0 and[2:]) < 2 * harea / 3: self._last_bb = BoundingRegion(image_shape=(heatmap.shape[0], heatmap.shape[1], 3), box=np.array(bb,, confidence=confidence) else: # Empty bounding box self._last_bb = BoundingRegion() else: # Step 1 go with the last bbox _, bb0 = cv2.meanShift(heatmap, tuple(self._last_bb.get_box_pixels()), self.term_crit) area0 =[2:]) mean_prob0 = np.sum(heatmap[bb0[1]:bb0[1] + bb0[3], bb0[0]:bb0[0] + bb0[2]]) / (1e-12 + area0) _, bb = cv2.CamShift(heatmap, tuple(self._last_bb.get_box_pixels()), self.term_crit) area =[2:]) mean_prob = np.sum(heatmap[bb[1]:bb[1] + bb[3], bb[0]:bb[0] + bb[2]]) / (1e-12 + area) if mean_prob > self.threshold_retrieve and area > self.min_recovered_box_area and area < 2 * harea / 3: self._last_bb = BoundingRegion(image_shape=(heatmap.shape[0], heatmap.shape[1], 3), box=np.array(bb,, confidence=mean_prob) elif mean_prob0 > self.threshold_retrieve and area0 > self.min_recovered_box_area: # Go with the mean shift box, changing size apparently does no good. return self._last_bb else: # Empty bounding box self._last_bb = BoundingRegion() return self._last_bb def set_current_bounding_box(self, bounding_box): """ If the bounding box is somehow available (e.g. in priming) that values can be passed in here to affect future computation (new boxes will be found in reference to this one) :param bounding_box: A bounding region object :type bounding_box: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ self._last_bb = bounding_box
class PVMVisionTracker(GenericVisionTracker): """ This class exposes the null vision tracker which just always returns its priming bounding box """ def __init__(self, filename="", remote_filename="", cores="4", storage=None, steps_per_frame=1): """ Initialize the tracker """ = 'PVMtracker' if filename == "": filename = storage.get(remote_filename) self.prop_dict = CoreUtils.load_model(filename)"Loaded the dictionary %s", filename) PVM_Create.upgrade_dictionary_to_ver1_0(self.prop_dict) self.prop_dict['num_proc'] = int(cores) for k in range(len(self.prop_dict['learning_rates'])): self.prop_dict['learning_rates'][k][0] = 0.0"Setting learning rate in layer %d to zero" % k) self.prop_dict["readout_learning_rate"][0] = 0.0"Setting readout learning rate to zero") self.manager = Manager(self.prop_dict, 1000) self.executor = CoreUtils.ModelExecution(prop_dict=self.prop_dict, manager=self.manager, port=9100) self.executor.start(blocking=False) self.threshold = 32 self.image_size = self.prop_dict['input_array'].shape[:2][::-1] self.readout_heatmap = np.zeros(self.image_size, dtype=np.float) self.step_per_frame = steps_per_frame def reset(self): """ Reset the tracker :return: """ self._primed = False self.bbox = None def _prime(self, im, bounding_region): """ prime tracker on image and bounding box :param im: input image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :param bounding_region: initial bounding region of the tracked object :type bounding_region: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ if not self._primed:"Priming the PVM tracker")"Setting up the tracker threshold to %d" % self.threshold) self._primed = True def _track(self, im): """ Track on given image, rseturn a bounding box :param im: image (3 - channel numpy array) :type im: numpy.ndarray :return: bounding box of the tracker object :rtype: PVM_tools.bounding_region.BoundingRegion """ # this is required so that tracker is re-initialized if it is primed again current_frame = cv2.resize(im, dsize=self.image_size) self.prop_dict['input_array'][:] = current_frame self.prop_dict['input_array_float'][:] = current_frame.astype(np.float)/255 for i in range(self.step_per_frame): self.executor.step() norm = 1.0 / len(self.prop_dict['predicted_readout_arrays']) self.readout_heatmap[:] = 0 for k in self.prop_dict['predicted_readout_arrays']: self.readout_heatmap[:] += cv2.resize(k.view(np.ndarray), dsize=self.image_size) * norm am = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(self.readout_heatmap), self.readout_heatmap.shape) if len(am) == 3: for d in range(3): if am[2] != d: self.readout_heatmap[:, :, d] = 0 self.heatmap = self.readout_heatmap.view(np.ndarray) if len(self.heatmap.shape) == 3: self.heatmap = np.max(self.heatmap, axis=2) self.heatmap = cv2.resize(self.heatmap, dsize=(im.shape[1], im.shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) self.heatmap = (self.heatmap * 255).astype(np.uint8) if np.max(self.heatmap) > (np.median(self.heatmap)+self.threshold): threshold=(np.max(self.heatmap)-np.median(self.heatmap))*0.5+np.median(self.heatmap) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(self.heatmap, threshold, 255, 0) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if len(contours) > 0: max_cnt=None for cnt in contours: pt = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(self.heatmap), self.heatmap.shape) if cv2.pointPolygonTest(cnt, (pt[1], pt[0]), False)>=0: max_cnt = cnt break if max_cnt is None: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(max_cnt) if w*h > 25: self.bbox = BoundingRegion(image_shape=im.shape, box=[x, y, w, h]) self.bbox.scale(1.1) else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() else: self.bbox = BoundingRegion() self._primed = False return self.bbox.copy() def get_heatmap(self, heatmap_name=None): return self.heatmap() def finish(self): self.manager._running = False self.executor.step() self.executor.finish()
class LabelingApp(object): def __init__(self, filename, output=None, channel="default", target="default"): self.input_filename = filename if output is None: self.output_file = self.input_filename else: self.output_file = output = channel = target self.reset() def reset(self, reload=False): cv2.destroyAllWindows() fc = FrameCollection() if reload: fc.load_from_file(filename=self.output_file) else: fc.load_from_file(filename=self.input_filename) = fc self.tracker = None self.current_frame_index = 0 self.right_button_pressed = False self.left_button_pressed = False self._anchor = None self.x_size = 30 self.y_size = 30 self._tracked_bounds = None self._stored_bounds = None self._current_bounds = BoundingRegion() # Make sure self.timer is set self.schedule_callback() # Initialization of the Graphic User Interface self.ready_to_refresh = threading.Lock() self.timer_lock = threading.Lock() self.win_name = 'Labeling video GUI' self.image = self.display_image = self.image_shape = self.image.shape self.create_windows() self.set_target_absent() self.image_buffer = {} self._last_update = time.time() self.refresh_timer = threading.Timer(0.05, self.refresh) self.refresh_timer.start() self.needs_refresh = True self.trim_end = len( self.trim_start = 0 def fill_up_the_buffer(self): r0 = max(self.current_frame_index-5, 0) r1 = min(self.current_frame_index+5, len( for i in xrange(r0, r1, 1): if i not in self.image_buffer.keys(): self.image_buffer[i] = for i in self.image_buffer.keys(): if i < r0 or i > r1: del self.image_buffer[i] def create_windows(self): ''' Create playback progress bar (allow user to move along the movie) ''' cv2.namedWindow(self.win_name) cv2.moveWindow(self.win_name, 150, 150) cv2.namedWindow("completeness") cv2.moveWindow("completeness", 150, 50) cv2.setMouseCallback(self.win_name, self.trackbar_window_onMouse) cv2.createTrackbar("Frame", self.win_name, 0, len( - 1, self.jump_to_frame_callback) cv2.createTrackbar("Trim start", self.win_name, 0, len( - 1, self.set_trim_start) cv2.createTrackbar("Trim end", self.win_name, len( - 1, len( - 1, self.set_trim_end) im_height = 30 # 30 pixels high completeness bar im_width = len( self.completeness_image = np.zeros((im_height, im_width, 3)) current_frame_index = int(im_width * float(self.current_frame_index) / len( self.completeness_image[:, current_frame_index, :] = 1. self.completeness = np.zeros(im_width, dtype=np.uint8) for i in xrange(len( bounds =, if bounds is None or bounds.empty: if bounds is None:,, label=BoundingRegion()) self.completeness[i] = 2 else: if bounds.is_keyframe(): self.completeness[i] = 1 else: self.completeness[i] = 0 def set_trim_start(self, frame_index): self.trim_start = frame_index + 0 def set_trim_end(self, frame_index): self.trim_end = frame_index + 0 def jump_to_frame_callback(self, frame_index): self.current_frame_index = frame_index self.image = self.needs_refresh = True def update_completeness_window(self): if self.ready_to_refresh.acquire(False): self.completeness_image *= 0 self.completeness_image[:, self.current_frame_index, :] = 255 for i in xrange(len( self.completeness_image[:, i, self.completeness[i]] = 255 cv2.putText(self.completeness_image, '%i' % self.current_frame_index, (10, 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, (255, 255, 255), lineType=cv2.CV_AA) cv2.imshow('completeness', self.completeness_image) self.ready_to_refresh.release() def update_trackbar_window(self): if self.ready_to_refresh.acquire(): image = self.image.copy() self._stored_bounds =, # display rectangle over selected area self._current_bounds.draw_box(image, color=(255, 255, 255)) self._current_bounds.draw_box(image, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=1) # display rectangle over stored area if self._stored_bounds is not None: self._stored_bounds.draw_box(image, color=(255, 0, 0)) if self._tracked_bounds is not None: self._tracked_bounds.draw_box(image, color=(0, 255, 0)) # reshape to display if too small min_width = 320 if image.shape[1] < min_width: resize_height = int(0.5 + image.shape[0] * min_width / float(image.shape[1])) image = cv2.resize(image, (min_width, resize_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) self.display_image=image self.ready_to_refresh.release() def refresh(self): if self.timer_lock.acquire(): if self.needs_refresh: self.update_trackbar_window() self.update_completeness_window() self.needs_refresh = False self.refresh_timer = threading.Timer(0.05, self.refresh) self.refresh_timer.start() self.timer_lock.release() def trackbar_window_onMouse(self, event, x, y, flags, _): cv2.imshow(self.win_name, self.display_image) # Update state self.right_button_pressed = (flags & cv2.EVENT_FLAG_RBUTTON) != 0 and event != cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONUP self.left_button_pressed = (flags & cv2.EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON) != 0 and event != cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP # Set bounding box if event == cv2.EVENT_MBUTTONDOWN: if self._anchor is None: # Setting the anchor self._anchor = (x, y) else: # Defining the box self.save_and_advance() elif self._anchor is not None and event != cv2.EVENT_MBUTTONUP: # We are creating new bounding box from anchor to current position self.x_size = max(5, int(abs(x - self._anchor[0])+0.5)) self.y_size = max(5, int(abs(y - self._anchor[1])+0.5)) center_x = (x + self._anchor[0]) / 2 center_y = (y + self._anchor[1]) / 2 self.set_bounding_box_with_center(center_x, center_y) elif event == cv2.EVENT_MBUTTONUP: self.x_size = max(5, int(abs(x - self._anchor[0])+0.5)) self.y_size = max(5, int(abs(y - self._anchor[1])+0.5)) center_x = (x + self._anchor[0]) / 2 center_y = (y + self._anchor[1]) / 2 self.set_bounding_box_with_center(center_x, center_y) keyframe = False if flags & cv2.EVENT_FLAG_CTRLKEY != 0: keyframe = True self.save_and_advance(keyframe=keyframe) else: self.set_bounding_box_with_center(x, y) # If this is a left/right button down event, # we can advance one frame immediately # and then start the timer if event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: self.set_target_absent() self.save_and_advance() self.right_button_pressed=True if self.timer.finished: # Rearm the timer self.schedule_callback() elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: self.set_bounding_box_with_center(x, y) keyframe = False if flags & cv2.EVENT_FLAG_CTRLKEY != 0: keyframe = True self.save_and_advance(keyframe=keyframe) self.left_button_pressed=True if self.timer.finished: # Rearm the timer self.schedule_callback() elif not (self.right_button_pressed or self.left_button_pressed): # No mouse button pressed, so cancel the timer if it's running self.timer.cancel() if time.time()-self._last_update > 0.1: self._last_update = time.time() self.needs_refresh = True def set_target_absent(self): self._current_bounds = BoundingRegion() def set_bounding_box_with_center(self, x, y): box = [np.clip(int(x+0.5)-self.x_size/2, 0, self.image_shape[1]), np.clip(int(y+0.5)-self.y_size/2, 0, self.image_shape[0]), self.x_size + min(int(x+0.5)-self.x_size/2, 0), self.y_size + min(int(y+0.5)-self.y_size/2, 0)] self._current_bounds = BoundingRegion(box=box) self.needs_refresh = True def schedule_callback(self): # 0.2 secs => 5 Hz self.timer = threading.Timer(0.1, self.timer_callback) self.timer.start() def timer_callback(self): if self.right_button_pressed or self.left_button_pressed: self.save_and_advance() self.schedule_callback() def advance_current_frame(self, increment=1): self.current_frame_index = min(len(, max(0, self.current_frame_index + increment)) self.image = cv2.setTrackbarPos("Frame", self.win_name, self.current_frame_index) if self.tracker is not None: self._tracked_bounds = self.tracker.track( def save_and_advance(self, keyframe=False): self._anchor = None,, if self._current_bounds.empty: self.completeness[self.current_frame_index] = 2 else: if self._current_bounds.is_keyframe(): self.completeness[self.current_frame_index] = 1 else: self.completeness[self.current_frame_index] = 0 if keyframe: self.make_keyframe() self.advance_current_frame(15) else: self.advance_current_frame(1) def toggle_tracker(self): if self.tracker is None: self.tracker = CMTVisionTracker(), self._current_bounds) logging.warning("Tracker is enabled") else: self.tracker = None self._tracked_bounds = None logging.warning("Tracker is disabled") def advance_tracker(self): if self._tracked_bounds is not None: self._current_bounds=self._tracked_bounds self.save_and_advance() def export_movie(self): trim_frames_front = self.trim_start trim_frames_end = (len( -1) - self.trim_end if trim_frames_end > 0: for i in range(trim_frames_end): if trim_frames_front>0: for i in range(trim_frames_front): logging.warning("Exporting result in file " + self.output_file) logging.warning("Exporting completed !") def interpolate(self, start, end): print "Interpolating %d %d" % (start, end) label0 =, label1 =, if (label0.empty) or (label1.empty): return box0 = label0.get_box_pixels() box1 = label1.get_box_pixels() for i in xrange(start+1, end, 1): alpha = (end-i)*1.0/(end-start) box2 = alpha*np.array(box0)+(1-alpha)*np.array(box1) box2 = map(lambda x: int(x), box2),,, self.completeness[i] = 0 def make_keyframe(self): self.completeness[self.current_frame_index] = 1, # find previous keyframe next_keyframe = -1 for i in xrange(self.current_frame_index+1, len(, 1): bounds =, if bounds.is_keyframe(): next_keyframe = i break if next_keyframe >= 0: print next_keyframe self.interpolate(self.current_frame_index, next_keyframe) # find next keyframe prev_keyframe = -1 for i in xrange(self.current_frame_index-1, -1, -1): bounds =, if bounds.is_keyframe(): prev_keyframe = i break if prev_keyframe >= 0: print prev_keyframe self.interpolate(prev_keyframe, self.current_frame_index) def run(self): while True: key = cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.imshow(self.win_name, self.display_image) if key == 65361: # left arrow # Go to previous frame self.advance_current_frame(-1) elif key == 65362: self.advance_current_frame(-10) elif key == 65363: # right arrow # Go to next frame self.advance_current_frame() elif key == 65364: self.advance_current_frame(10) elif key == ord('w'): # Write self.export_movie() if self.timer_lock.acquire(): if not self.refresh_timer.finished: self.refresh_timer.cancel() self.timer_lock.release() self.timer.cancel() self.reset() elif key == ord('t'): # Tracker self.toggle_tracker() elif key == ord(' '): # Advance tracker self.advance_tracker() self.needs_refresh = True elif key == ord('a'): self.x_size = int(self.x_size*1.1) self.y_size = int(self.y_size*1.1) self.needs_refresh = True elif key == ord('z'): self.x_size = int(self.x_size*1/1.1) self.y_size = int(self.y_size*1/1.1) self.needs_refresh = True elif key == ord('s'): self.y_size = int(self.y_size*1.1) self.needs_refresh = True elif key == ord('k'): self.make_keyframe() elif key == ord('x'): self.y_size = int(self.y_size*1/1.1) self.needs_refresh = True elif key == ord('q'): # Export while key != -1: for k in range(10): key = cv2.waitKey(10) print "Quiting! Do you want to save your work? [Y/N]" while True: key = cv2.waitKey(0) if key == ord('Y') or key == ord('y'): self.export_movie() break if key == ord('N') or key == ord('n'): break break logging.warning('Exiting') self.refresh_timer.cancel()