コード例 #1
ファイル: xcorr.py プロジェクト: mueller-physics/Chromagnon
def nanFilter(af, kernel=3):
    3D phase contrast filter often creates 'nan'
    this filter removes nan by averaging surrounding pixels
    return af
    af = af.copy()
    shape = N.array(af.shape)
    radius = N.subtract(kernel, 1) // 2
    box = kernel * af.ndim
    nan = N.isnan(af)
    nids = N.array(N.nonzero(nan)).T
    for nidx in nids:
        slc = [slice(idx, idx + 1) for idx in nidx]
        slices = []
        for dim in range(af.ndim):
            slc2 = slice(slc[dim].start - radius, slc[dim].stop + radius)
            while slc2.start < 0:
                slc2 = slice(slc2.start + 1, slc2.stop)
            while slc2.stop > shape[dim]:
                slc2 = slice(slc2.start, slc2.stop - 1)

        val = af[slices]
        nanlocal = N.isnan(val)
        ss = N.sum(N.where(nanlocal, 0, val)) / float((box - N.sum(nanlocal)))
        af[slc] = ss
    return af
コード例 #2
ファイル: xcorr.py プロジェクト: macronucleus/Chromagnon
def nanFilter(af, kernel=3):
    3D phase contrast filter often creates 'nan'
    this filter removes nan by averaging surrounding pixels
    return af
    af = af.copy()
    shape = N.array(af.shape)
    radius = N.subtract(kernel, 1) // 2
    box = kernel * af.ndim
    nan = N.isnan(af)
    nids = N.array(N.nonzero(nan)).T
    for nidx in nids:
        slc = [slice(idx,idx+1) for idx in nidx]
        slices = []
        for dim in range(af.ndim):
            slc2 = slice(slc[dim].start - radius, slc[dim].stop + radius)
            while slc2.start < 0:
                slc2 = slice(slc2.start + 1, slc2.stop)
            while slc2.stop > shape[dim]:
                slc2 = slice(slc2.start, slc2.stop -1)
        val = af[slices]
        nanlocal = N.isnan(val)
        ss = N.sum(N.where(nanlocal, 0, val)) / float((box - N.sum(nanlocal)))
        af[slc] = ss
    return af
コード例 #3
ファイル: imgFit.py プロジェクト: iandobbie/Chromagnon
def yGaussian2DR(param, shape, LD, rot=0):
    param: (mean, max - mean, y, x, sigma[y], [sigmax], [rot])
    shape: (y,x)
    rot:   scaler (counter clockwise) if len(param) < 7
    LD:    left down coordinate (offset)
    if len(param) == 7:
        rot = parm[-1]
    sy = 2. * (param[4] * param[4])
    sx = 2. * (param[5] * param[5])
    #  import imgFilters
    yx = N.subtract(param[2:4], LD)
    #    ll.append(yx)
    yyi, xxi = rotateIndices2D(shape, rot, yx)  # return float64

    dist = -(yyi) * (yyi) / sy - (xxi) * (xxi) / sx
    return param[0] + param[1] * N.exp(dist)
コード例 #4
ファイル: imgFit.py プロジェクト: macronucleus/Chromagnon
def yGaussian2DR(param, shape, LD, rot=0):
    param: (mean, max - mean, y, x, sigma[y], [sigmax], [rot])
    shape: (y,x)
    rot:   scaler (counter clockwise) if len(param) < 7
    LD:    left down coordinate (offset)
    if len(param) == 7:
        rot = parm[-1]
    sy = 2. * (param[4]*param[4])
    sx = 2. * (param[5]*param[5])
  #  import imgFilters
    yx = N.subtract(param[2:4], LD)
#    ll.append(yx)
    yyi, xxi = rotateIndices2D(shape, rot, yx) # return float64

    dist = -(yyi)*(yyi)/sy -(xxi)*(xxi)/sx
    return param[0] + param[1] * N.exp(dist)
コード例 #5
ファイル: imgFilters.py プロジェクト: macronucleus/Chromagnon
def gaussianArr2D(shape=(256,256), sigma=[2.,2.], peakVal=None, orig=None, rot=0):
    >1.5x faster implemetation than gaussianArrND
    shape: (y,x)
    sigma: scaler or [sigmay, sigmax]
    orig: (y,x)
    rot:   scaler anti-clockwise

    return N.float32
    shape = N.asarray(shape, N.uint)
        if len(sigma) == len(shape):
            sy = 2*(sigma[0]*sigma[0])
            sx = 2*(sigma[1]*sigma[1])
        elif len(sigma) == 1:
            sx = sy = 2*(sigma[0]*sigma[0])
            raise ValueError('sigma must be scaler or [sigmay, sigmax]')
    except TypeError: # sigma scaler
        sx = sy = 2*(sigma*sigma)

   # print y, x
    if rot:
        yyi, xxi = imgFit.rotateIndices2D(shape, rot, orig, N.float32)
        if orig is None:
            y, x = shape / 2. - 0.5 # pixel center remove
            y, x = N.subtract(orig, 0.5) # pixel center remove

        yi, xi = N.indices(shape, dtype=N.float32)
        yyi = y-yi
        xxi = x-xi
    k1 = -(yyi)*(yyi)/(sy) - (xxi)*(xxi)/(sx)

    if peakVal:
        k0 = peakVal
        k0 = 1. / ((sx+sy)/2. * ((2*N.pi)**0.5))
    return k0 * N.exp(k1)
コード例 #6
ファイル: imgFilters.py プロジェクト: iandobbie/Chromagnon
def gaussianArr2D(
        shape=(256, 256), sigma=[2., 2.], peakVal=None, orig=None, rot=0):
    >1.5x faster implemetation than gaussianArrND
    shape: (y,x)
    sigma: scaler or [sigmay, sigmax]
    orig: (y,x)
    rot:   scaler anti-clockwise

    return N.float32
    shape = N.asarray(shape, N.uint)
        if len(sigma) == len(shape):
            sy = 2 * (sigma[0] * sigma[0])
            sx = 2 * (sigma[1] * sigma[1])
        elif len(sigma) == 1:
            sx = sy = 2 * (sigma[0] * sigma[0])
            raise ValueError('sigma must be scaler or [sigmay, sigmax]')
    except TypeError:  # sigma scaler
        sx = sy = 2 * (sigma * sigma)

# print y, x
    if rot:
        yyi, xxi = imgFit.rotateIndices2D(shape, rot, orig, N.float32)
        if orig is None:
            y, x = shape / 2. - 0.5  # pixel center remove
            y, x = N.subtract(orig, 0.5)  # pixel center remove

        yi, xi = N.indices(shape, dtype=N.float32)
        yyi = y - yi
        xxi = x - xi
    k1 = -(yyi) * (yyi) / (sy) - (xxi) * (xxi) / (sx)

    if peakVal:
        k0 = peakVal
        k0 = 1. / ((sx + sy) / 2. * ((2 * N.pi)**0.5))
    return k0 * N.exp(k1)