def createEditor(self, parent, option, index): if not index.isValid(): return QSqlRelationalDelegate.createEditor(self, parent, option, index) if index.column() in self.__read_only: return None elif index.column() in self.__dates: return QDateEdit(QDate.currentDate(), parent) elif index.column() in self.__booleens: editor = QCheckBox("", parent) r = self.checkBoxRect(option, editor) rect = option.rect rect.moveTo(r.x(), r.y()) rect.setWidth(r.width()) rect.setHeight(r.height()) editor.setGeometry(rect) editor.setAutoFillBackground(True) return editor elif index.column() in self.__numbers: editor = QSpinBox(parent) editor.setMinimum(0) editor.setMaximum(100) return editor return QSqlRelationalDelegate.createEditor(self, parent, option, index)
class UiMain(QMainWindow): """ The main gui interface, invokes all windows and ties everything together """ def __init__(self): """ automatically called __init__ function """ super(UiMain, self).__init__() # initialize all the variables that are going to be defined in the # future self.update_dialog = None self.update_dialog_lbl = None self.app_select_box = None self.selector_lbl = None self.current_playing_lbl = None self.current_playing = None self.misc_messages = None self.start_btn = None self.output_dir_lbl = None self.select_output_dir_btn = None self.output_cur_dir_lbl = None self.active_items_list = None self.inactive_items_list = None self.switch_active_item_button_off = None self.switch_active_item_button_on = None self.switch_output_split_btn = None self.switch_output_split_lbl = None # initialize the system tray # self.system_tray = QSystemTrayIcon(self) # self.system_tray.setIcon(QIcon(resource_path('icon.png'))) # # self.system_tray.setToolTip('SMG') # self.system_tray.activated.connect(self.on_systray_activated) # initialize the main window self.setObjectName('self') self.setWindowTitle('SMG - By Azeirah') self.resize(400, 250) # Gives the self an icon self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(resource_path('icon.png'))) # create the tabs # the tab widget itself self.tabbed_windows = QTabWidget(self) self.tabbed_windows.resize(400, 300) # tab 1, contains the music player selection self.music_players = QFrame() # tab 2, contains options self.options = QFrame() self.tabbed_windows.addTab(self.music_players, 'Music players') self.tabbed_windows.addTab(self.options, 'Options') # initializes the two tabs, with all the code down below self.tab_music_players() self.tab_options() # shows the main window # self.update() CheckUpdateThread = Thread(target=self.update) CheckUpdateThread.setName('CheckUpdateThread') def closeEvent(self, event): """ an automatically called function when the program is about to close. """ # Stops all Threads. These would continue to run in the background # Even if the window was closed. Main.running = False # close the ZuneNowPlaying.exe process if Constants.SUBP: Constants.SUBP.kill() def changeEvent(self, event): # if event.type() == QEvent.WindowStateChange: # if self.isMinimized(): # event.ignore() # self.hide() # self.system_tray.showMessage('Running', 'Running in the # background.') # return super(UiMain, self).changeEvent(event) def on_systray_activated(self, reason): if reason == QSystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick: @staticmethod def toggle_split(event): # 0 = Qt.Unchecked The item is unchecked. # 1 = Qt.PartiallyChecked The item is partially checked. Items in # hierarchical models may be partially checked if some, but not all, # of # their children are checked. # 2 = Qt.Checked The item is checked. if event == 0: Constants.OPTIONS['splitText'] = False elif event == 2: Constants.OPTIONS['splitText'] = True def update(self): """ Checks a webpage for current version, compares this to built-in current versions, and shows update dialog if necessary """ try: ver = urlopen('')\ .read() except IOError: # if for some reason it couldn't retrieve the version, set it to # automatically ignore the update: False ver = False if not float(VERSION) >= float(ver): self.popup = QDialog(self) self.popup.setModal(True) self.popup.setGeometry(200, 100, 500, 100) self.popup_text = QLabel(self.popup) self.popup_text.setGeometry(5, 5, 500, 30) self.popup_text.setOpenExternalLinks(True) self.popup_text.setText( """There is an update available. Run update.exe or <a href=''>download the update manually</a>""" ) # reply = QMessageBox.question(Constants.UI, 'Message', # "Do you want to update?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) # if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: # import atexit # import subprocess # def runUpdater(): # import time # time.sleep(3) # subprocess.Popen(resource_path('update.exe')) # atexit.register(runUpdater) # sys.exit() # Constants.update_dialog = QWidget() # Constants.update_dialog.resize(350, 100) # Constants.update_dialog.setWindowIcon(QIcon(resource_path\ # ('icon.png'))) # Constants.update_dialog.setWindowTitle('Updater') # Constants.update_dialog_lbl = QLabel(Constants.update_dialog) # Constants.update_dialog_lbl.setGeometry(10, 40, 340, 12) # # updateThread = Thread(target = update.update) # updateThread.setName('updateThread') # updateThread.start() def tab_music_players(self): """ Everything inside the Music players tab gets created here.""" # self.music_players # Creates the box with all the music players inside of it self.app_select_box = QComboBox(self.music_players) self.app_select_box.setGeometry(135, 10, 150, 25) # Whenever you change the application, it runs the selectnewapp func self.app_select_box.activated[str].connect(self.select_new_app) # Creates the label for the selection combobox self.selector_lbl = QLabel(self.music_players) self.selector_lbl.setGeometry(10, 10, 150, 25) self.selector_lbl.setText('Select your music player: ') # Creates the label for the current playing song (and the current # playing song label) self.current_playing_lbl = QLabel(self.music_players) self.current_playing_lbl.setGeometry(10, 45, 150, 25) self.current_playing_lbl.setText('Current playing song: ') self.current_playing = QLabel(self.music_players) self.current_playing.setGeometry(117, 45, 250, 25) self.current_playing.setText(Misc.noSongPlaying) # Creates a label which displays any additional messages self.misc_messages = QLabel(self.music_players) self.misc_messages.setGeometry(10, 80, 390, 24) self.misc_messages.setText(Misc.misc_message()) self.misc_messages.setOpenExternalLinks(True) # adds all the music players into the combobox self.app_select_box.addItem(None) for item in Constants.ACTIVEITEMS: if item == '__name__' or item == 'active': continue self.app_select_box.addItem(item) # creates the start button self.start_btn = QPushButton(self.music_players) self.start_btn.setGeometry(75, 120, 250, 35) self.start_btn.setText('Start') # links the start button to the self.start function QObject.connect( self.start_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda: Thread(target=self.start, name='startbutton').start()) def tab_options(self): """ Everything inside the Options tab gets created here. """ # self.options # This section is for selecting output dir # Creates the output dir label self.output_dir_lbl = QLabel(self.options) self.output_dir_lbl.setGeometry(10, 10, 125, 15) self.output_dir_lbl.setText('Change Output Directory: ') # Creates the output dir button self.select_output_dir_btn = QPushButton(self.options) self.select_output_dir_btn.setGeometry(137, 8, 30, 20) self.select_output_dir_btn.setText('...') # Creates the output dir currentdir Lineedit self.output_cur_dir_lbl = QLineEdit(self.options) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setGeometry(170, 6, 210, 25) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setReadOnly(True) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setText( Constants.CONFIG.get('directories', 'current_song')) # when the '...' button is clicked, show a dialog (fire func # disp_dialog) QObject.connect(self.select_output_dir_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.disp_dialog) # This section is for selecting what players you use # The box with all the active players self.active_items_list = QListWidget(self.options) self.active_items_list.setGeometry(10, 40, 150, 100) # The box with all the inactive players self.inactive_items_list = QListWidget(self.options) self.inactive_items_list.setGeometry(230, 40, 150, 100) # Populate the two boxes with active and inactive items for item in Constants.ACTIVEITEMS: if item == '__name__' or item == 'active': continue self.active_items_list.addItem(item) for item in Constants.INACTIVEITEMS: if item == '__name__' or item == 'active': continue self.inactive_items_list.addItem(item) # The buttons responsible for switching # off button self.switch_active_item_button_off = QPushButton(self.options) self.switch_active_item_button_off.setText('->'.decode('utf-8')) # Makes the -> readable and clear self.switch_active_item_button_off.setFont(QFont('SansSerif', 17)) self.switch_active_item_button_off.setGeometry(175, 55, 40, 30) # on button self.switch_active_item_button_on = QPushButton(self.options) self.switch_active_item_button_on.setText('<-'.decode('utf-8')) # makes <- readable and clear self.switch_active_item_button_on.setFont(QFont('SansSerif', 17)) self.switch_active_item_button_on.setGeometry(175, 90, 40, 30) QObject.connect(self.switch_active_item_button_on, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.switch_item_on) QObject.connect(self.switch_active_item_button_off, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.switch_item_off) # A button to toggle the split output in half option. It's a temporary # fix for the Foobar double output problem. self.switch_output_split_btn = QCheckBox(self.options) self.switch_output_split_btn.setCheckState(Qt.CheckState.Unchecked) self.switch_output_split_btn.setGeometry(10, 140, 40, 30) self.switch_output_split_btn.stateChanged.connect(self.toggle_split) # The label for the split toggle self.switch_output_split_lbl = QLabel(self.options) self.switch_output_split_lbl.setText( "Split the output text in half (don't use this if you don't need it)" ) self.switch_output_split_lbl.setGeometry(30, 140, 300, 30) def switch_item_on(self): """ Switches items (musicapps) on """ try: # If an item from the active box is selected # Remove it and place it inside the inactive box item_taken = self.inactive_items_list.takeItem( self.inactive_items_list.currentRow()) self.active_items_list.addItem(item_taken) active_items = {} inactive_items = {} for i in range(self.active_items_list.count()): active_items[self.active_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.active_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] for i in range(self.inactive_items_list.count()): inactive_items[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] Constants.ACTIVE_ITEMS = active_items Constants.INACTIVE_ITEMS = inactive_items # clear the selection combobox self.app_select_box.clear() # Repopulate the combobox self.app_select_box.addItem(None) for item in active_items: self.app_select_box.addItem(item) Constants.CONFIG.set('active', item_taken.text(), ITEMS[item_taken.text()]) Constants.CONFIG.remove_option('inactive', item_taken.text()) # Updates the config file to be up to date with activeItems Constants.CONFIG.update() except: raise def switch_item_off(self): """ Switches items (musicapps) off """ try: # If an item from the inactive box is selected. # Remove it and place it inside the active box item_taken = self.active_items_list.takeItem( self.active_items_list.currentRow()) self.inactive_items_list.addItem(item_taken) # update activeItems active_items = {} inactive_items = {} for i in range(self.active_items_list.count()): active_items[self.active_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.active_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] for i in range(self.inactive_items_list.count()): inactive_items[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] Constants.ACTIVE_ITEMS = active_items Constants.INACTIVE_ITEMS = inactive_items # clear the selection combobox self.app_select_box.clear() # Repopulate the combobox self.app_select_box.addItem(None) for item in active_items: self.app_select_box.addItem(item) # Updates the active items Constants property Constants.CONFIG.set('inactive', item_taken.text(), ITEMS[item_taken.text()]) Constants.CONFIG.remove_option('active', item_taken.text()) # Updates the config file to be up to date with activeItems Constants.CONFIG.update() except: raise def disp_dialog(self): """ displays the dialog which select a directory for output. """ fname = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory() Constants.CONFIG.set('directories', 'current_song', fname) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setText( Constants.CONFIG.get('directories', 'current_song')) def select_new_app(self, text): """ Sets the new application to check for """ try: Main.selectedProgram = ITEMS[text] except KeyError: # catches the empty option, it's obviously not in the dict pass # custom message for zune if Main.selectedProgram == 'zune': self.misc_messages.setText(Misc.ZuneNotification) # custom message for webplayers which require the groovemarklet elif text.find('*'): self.misc_messages.setText(Misc.GetGroovemarklet) def start(self): """ When the start button is pressed, start the main program loop """ if Main.selectedProgram: if not Main.running: self.start_btn.setText('Stop') Main.running = True try: pythoncom.CoInitializeEx(pythoncom.COINIT_MULTITHREADED) except pythoncom.com_error: # already initialized. pass thread = Thread(target=Main.enumWindows, name='enumWindows') else: self.start_btn.setText('Start') Main.running = False self.set_playing(Misc.noSongPlaying) Wr.write('') def set_playing(self, title=''): """ Sets the text of the label of what song is playing """ # print 'setting title: ', title self.current_playing.setText(title)
class UiMain(QMainWindow): """ The main gui interface, invokes all windows and ties everything together """ def __init__(self): """ automatically called __init__ function """ super(UiMain, self).__init__() # initialize all the variables that are going to be defined in the # future self.update_dialog = None self.update_dialog_lbl = None self.app_select_box = None self.selector_lbl = None self.current_playing_lbl = None self.current_playing = None self.misc_messages = None self.start_btn = None self.output_dir_lbl = None self.select_output_dir_btn = None self.output_cur_dir_lbl = None self.active_items_list = None self.inactive_items_list = None self.switch_active_item_button_off = None self.switch_active_item_button_on = None self.switch_output_split_btn = None self.switch_output_split_lbl = None # initialize the system tray # self.system_tray = QSystemTrayIcon(self) # self.system_tray.setIcon(QIcon(resource_path('icon.png'))) # # self.system_tray.setToolTip('SMG') # self.system_tray.activated.connect(self.on_systray_activated) # initialize the main window self.setObjectName('self') self.setWindowTitle('SMG - By Azeirah') self.resize(400, 250) # Gives the self an icon self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(resource_path('icon.png'))) # create the tabs # the tab widget itself self.tabbed_windows = QTabWidget(self) self.tabbed_windows.resize(400, 300) # tab 1, contains the music player selection self.music_players = QFrame() # tab 2, contains options self.options = QFrame() self.tabbed_windows.addTab(self.music_players, 'Music players') self.tabbed_windows.addTab(self.options, 'Options') # initializes the two tabs, with all the code down below self.tab_music_players() self.tab_options() # shows the main window def closeEvent(self, event): """ an automatically called function when the program is about to close. """ # Stops all Threads. These would continue to run in the background # Even if the window was closed. Main.running = False # close the ZuneNowPlaying.exe process if Constants.SUBP: Constants.SUBP.kill() def changeEvent(self, event): # if event.type() == QEvent.WindowStateChange: # if self.isMinimized(): # event.ignore() # self.hide() # self.system_tray.showMessage('Running', 'Running in the # background.') # return super(UiMain, self).changeEvent(event) def on_systray_activated(self, reason): if reason == QSystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick: @staticmethod def toggle_split(event): # 0 = Qt.Unchecked The item is unchecked. # 1 = Qt.PartiallyChecked The item is partially checked. Items in # hierarchical models may be partially checked if some, but not all, # of # their children are checked. # 2 = Qt.Checked The item is checked. if event == 0: Constants.OPTIONS['splitText'] = False elif event == 2: Constants.OPTIONS['splitText'] = True def update(self): """ Checks a webpage for current version, compares this to built-in current versions, and shows update dialog if necessary """ try: ver = urlopen('')\ .read() except IOError: # if for some reason it couldn't retrieve the version, set it to # automatically ignore the update: False ver = False if not float(VERSION) >= float(ver): self.popup = QDialog(self) self.popup.setModal(True) self.popup.setGeometry(200, 100, 500, 100) self.popup_text = QLabel(self.popup) self.popup_text.setGeometry(5, 5, 500, 30) self.popup_text.setOpenExternalLinks(True) self.popup_text.setText( """There is an update available. Run update.exe or <a href=''>download the update manually</a>""") # reply = QMessageBox.question(Constants.UI, 'Message', # "Do you want to update?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) # if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: # import atexit # import subprocess # def runUpdater(): # import time # time.sleep(3) # subprocess.Popen(resource_path('update.exe')) # atexit.register(runUpdater) # sys.exit() # Constants.update_dialog = QWidget() # Constants.update_dialog.resize(350, 100) # Constants.update_dialog.setWindowIcon(QIcon(resource_path\ # ('icon.png'))) # Constants.update_dialog.setWindowTitle('Updater') # Constants.update_dialog_lbl = QLabel(Constants.update_dialog) # Constants.update_dialog_lbl.setGeometry(10, 40, 340, 12) # # updateThread = Thread(target = update.update) # updateThread.setName('updateThread') # updateThread.start() def tab_music_players(self): """ Everything inside the Music players tab gets created here.""" # self.music_players # Creates the box with all the music players inside of it self.app_select_box = QComboBox(self.music_players) self.app_select_box.setGeometry(135, 10, 150, 25) # Whenever you change the application, it runs the selectnewapp func self.app_select_box.activated[str].connect(self.select_new_app) # Creates the label for the selection combobox self.selector_lbl = QLabel(self.music_players) self.selector_lbl.setGeometry(10, 10, 150, 25) self.selector_lbl.setText('Select your music player: ') # Creates the label for the current playing song (and the current # playing song label) self.current_playing_lbl = QLabel(self.music_players) self.current_playing_lbl.setGeometry(10, 45, 150, 25) self.current_playing_lbl.setText('Current playing song: ') self.current_playing = QLabel(self.music_players) self.current_playing.setGeometry(117, 45, 250, 25) self.current_playing.setText(Misc.noSongPlaying) # Creates a label which displays any additional messages self.misc_messages = QLabel(self.music_players) self.misc_messages.setGeometry(10, 80, 390, 24) self.misc_messages.setText(Misc.misc_message()) self.misc_messages.setOpenExternalLinks(True) # adds all the music players into the combobox self.app_select_box.addItem(None) for item in Constants.ACTIVEITEMS: if item == '__name__' or item == 'active': continue self.app_select_box.addItem(item) # creates the start button self.start_btn = QPushButton(self.music_players) self.start_btn.setGeometry(75, 120, 250, 35) self.start_btn.setText('Start') # links the start button to the self.start function QObject.connect(self.start_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda: Thread(target=self.start, name='startbutton').start()) def tab_options(self): """ Everything inside the Options tab gets created here. """ # self.options # This section is for selecting output dir # Creates the output dir label self.output_dir_lbl = QLabel(self.options) self.output_dir_lbl.setGeometry(10, 10, 125, 15) self.output_dir_lbl.setText('Change Output Directory: ') # Creates the output dir button self.select_output_dir_btn = QPushButton(self.options) self.select_output_dir_btn.setGeometry(137, 8, 30, 20) self.select_output_dir_btn.setText('...') # Creates the output dir currentdir Lineedit self.output_cur_dir_lbl = QLineEdit(self.options) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setGeometry(170, 6, 210, 25) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setReadOnly(True) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setText(Constants.CONFIG. get('directories', 'current_song')) # when the '...' button is clicked, show a dialog (fire func # disp_dialog) QObject.connect(self.select_output_dir_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.disp_dialog) # This section is for selecting what players you use # The box with all the active players self.active_items_list = QListWidget(self.options) self.active_items_list.setGeometry(10, 40, 150, 100) # The box with all the inactive players self.inactive_items_list = QListWidget(self.options) self.inactive_items_list.setGeometry(230, 40, 150, 100) # Populate the two boxes with active and inactive items for item in Constants.ACTIVEITEMS: if item == '__name__' or item == 'active': continue self.active_items_list.addItem(item) for item in Constants.INACTIVEITEMS: if item == '__name__' or item == 'active': continue self.inactive_items_list.addItem(item) # The buttons responsible for switching # off button self.switch_active_item_button_off = QPushButton(self.options) self.switch_active_item_button_off.setText('->'.decode('utf-8')) # Makes the -> readable and clear self.switch_active_item_button_off.setFont(QFont('SansSerif', 17)) self.switch_active_item_button_off.setGeometry(175, 55, 40, 30) # on button self.switch_active_item_button_on = QPushButton(self.options) self.switch_active_item_button_on.setText('<-'.decode('utf-8')) # makes <- readable and clear self.switch_active_item_button_on.setFont(QFont('SansSerif', 17)) self.switch_active_item_button_on.setGeometry(175, 90, 40, 30) QObject.connect(self.switch_active_item_button_on, SIGNAL ("clicked()"), self.switch_item_on) QObject.connect(self.switch_active_item_button_off, SIGNAL ("clicked()"), self.switch_item_off) # A button to toggle the split output in half option. It's a temporary # fix for the Foobar double output problem. self.switch_output_split_btn = QCheckBox(self.options) self.switch_output_split_btn.setCheckState(Qt.CheckState.Unchecked) self.switch_output_split_btn.setGeometry(10, 140, 40, 30) self.switch_output_split_btn.stateChanged.connect(self.toggle_split) # The label for the split toggle self.switch_output_split_lbl = QLabel(self.options) self.switch_output_split_lbl.setText( "Split the output text in half (don't use this if you don't need it)") self.switch_output_split_lbl.setGeometry(30, 140, 300, 30) def switch_item_on(self): """ Switches items (musicapps) on """ try: # If an item from the active box is selected # Remove it and place it inside the inactive box item_taken = self.inactive_items_list.takeItem( self.inactive_items_list.currentRow()) self.active_items_list.addItem(item_taken) active_items = {} inactive_items = {} for i in range(self.active_items_list.count()): active_items[self.active_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.active_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] for i in range(self.inactive_items_list.count()): inactive_items[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] Constants.ACTIVE_ITEMS = active_items Constants.INACTIVE_ITEMS = inactive_items # clear the selection combobox self.app_select_box.clear() # Repopulate the combobox self.app_select_box.addItem(None) for item in active_items: self.app_select_box.addItem(item) Constants.CONFIG.set('active', item_taken.text(), ITEMS[item_taken.text()]) Constants.CONFIG.remove_option('inactive', item_taken.text()) # Updates the config file to be up to date with activeItems Constants.CONFIG.update() except: raise def switch_item_off(self): """ Switches items (musicapps) off """ try: # If an item from the inactive box is selected. # Remove it and place it inside the active box item_taken = self.active_items_list.takeItem( self.active_items_list.currentRow()) self.inactive_items_list.addItem(item_taken) # update activeItems active_items = {} inactive_items = {} for i in range(self.active_items_list.count()): active_items[self.active_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.active_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] for i in range(self.inactive_items_list.count()): inactive_items[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text()] =\ ITEMS[self.inactive_items_list.item(i).text() .encode('utf-8')] Constants.ACTIVE_ITEMS = active_items Constants.INACTIVE_ITEMS = inactive_items # clear the selection combobox self.app_select_box.clear() # Repopulate the combobox self.app_select_box.addItem(None) for item in active_items: self.app_select_box.addItem(item) # Updates the active items Constants property Constants.CONFIG.set('inactive', item_taken.text(), ITEMS[item_taken.text()]) Constants.CONFIG.remove_option('active', item_taken.text()) # Updates the config file to be up to date with activeItems Constants.CONFIG.update() except: raise def disp_dialog(self): """ displays the dialog which select a directory for output. """ fname = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory() Constants.CONFIG.set('directories', 'current_song', fname) self.output_cur_dir_lbl.setText(Constants.CONFIG. get('directories', 'current_song')) def select_new_app(self, text): """ Sets the new application to check for """ try: Main.selectedProgram = ITEMS[text] except KeyError: # catches the empty option, it's obviously not in the dict pass # custom message for zune if Main.selectedProgram == 'zune': self.misc_messages.setText(Misc.ZuneNotification) # custom message for webplayers which require the groovemarklet elif text.find('*'): self.misc_messages.setText(Misc.GetGroovemarklet) def start(self): """ When the start button is pressed, start the main program loop """ if Main.selectedProgram: if not Main.running: self.start_btn.setText('Stop') Main.running = True try: pythoncom.CoInitializeEx(pythoncom.COINIT_MULTITHREADED) except pythoncom.com_error: # already initialized. pass thread = Thread( target=Main.enumWindows, name='enumWindows') else: self.start_btn.setText('Start') Main.running = False self.set_playing(Misc.noSongPlaying) Wr.write('') def set_playing(self, title=''): """ Sets the text of the label of what song is playing """ # print 'setting title: ', title self.current_playing.setText(title)
class optdlg(QDialog): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(optdlg, self).__init__(parent) self.setFixedSize(484, 399) appicom = QIcon(":/icons/njnlogo.png") self.setWindowIcon(appicom) self.setWindowTitle("Nigandu English to Tamil Dictionary | OPTIONS") self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(self) self.buttonBox.setEnabled(True) self.buttonBox.setGeometry(QRect(350, 20, 121, 200)) self.buttonBox.setOrientation(Qt.Vertical) self.buttonBox.setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox.Apply|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel|QDialogButtonBox.Ok) self.buttonBox.setCenterButtons(True) self.restorebtn = QPushButton(self) self.restorebtn.setGeometry(QRect(354, 360, 121, 23)) self.restorebtn.setText("&RestoreDefults") self.fontbox = QGroupBox(self) self.fontbox.setGeometry(QRect(10, 10, 331, 141)) self.spinBox = QSpinBox(self.fontbox) self.spinBox.setGeometry(QRect(100, 20, 81, 21)) self.spinBox.setMinimum(10) self.spinBox.setMaximum(24) self.label = QLabel(self.fontbox) self.label.setGeometry(QRect(20, 20, 71, 21)) self.label.setText("Font Size:") self.fontbox.setTitle("Font") self.samplefontbox = QGroupBox(self) self.samplefontbox.setGeometry(QRect(20, 50, 291, 91)) self.samplefontbox.setTitle("Sample Text") self.sampletxt = QLabel(self.samplefontbox) self.sampletxt.setGeometry(QRect(20, 20, 251, 61)) self.sampletxt.setText("AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlYyZz") self.clipbox = QGroupBox(self) self.clipbox.setGeometry(QRect(10, 160, 331, 61)) self.clipbox.setTitle("ClipBoard Options") self.checkclip = QCheckBox(self.clipbox) self.checkclip.setGeometry(QRect(20, 20, 301, 31)) self.checkclip.setText("Allow copy from clipboard on start-up") self.histbox = QGroupBox(self) self.histbox.setGeometry(QRect(10, 230, 331, 91)) self.histbox.setTitle("History") self.checkshowhistdock = QCheckBox(self.histbox) self.checkshowhistdock.setGeometry(QRect(20, 60, 301, 17)) self.checkshowhistdock.setText("Show History Dock on the right side") self.checkdelhist = QCheckBox(self.histbox) self.checkdelhist.setGeometry(QRect(20, 30, 301, 17)) self.checkdelhist.setText("Clear all the past history records") self.bkmbox = QGroupBox(self) self.bkmbox.setGeometry(QRect(10, 330, 331, 61)) self.bkmbox.setTitle("Book Marks") self.checkshowbkmdock = QCheckBox(self.bkmbox) self.checkshowbkmdock.setGeometry(QRect(20, 30, 301, 17)) self.checkshowbkmdock.setText("Show Book Marks Dock on the right side.") self.spinBox.valueChanged[int].connect(self.setsampletxt) self.restorebtn.clicked.connect(self.setdeafults) self.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.close) def setdeafults(self): self.spinBox.setValue(13) self.checkshowhistdock.setChecked(True) self.checkshowbkmdock.setChecked(True) self.checkclip.setChecked(True) self.checkdelhist.setChecked(False) def setsampletxt(self, i): font = QFont() font.setPixelSize(i) self.sampletxt.setFont(font)
def createEditor(self,parent,option,index): editor = QCheckBox(parent) if option: editor.setGeometry(option.rect) return editor