p.Draw('cont4z') #p2.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1) # gPad.Update() # palette = exclusion.GetListOfFunctions().FindObject("palette") # palette.SetX1NDC(1.1) # palette.SetX2NDC(1.2) # palette.SetY1NDC(1.1) # palette.SetY2NDC(1.2) #p.Write() #plots.append(p) if tipo=='obs': bm = c.GetBottomMargin() lm = c.GetLeftMargin() rm = c.GetRightMargin() to = c.GetTopMargin() x1 = p.GetXaxis().GetXmin() yf = p.GetYaxis().GetXmin() x2 = p.GetXaxis().GetXmax() y2 = p.GetYaxis().GetXmax() Xa = (x2-x1)/(1-lm-rm)-(x2-x1) Ya = (y2-yf)/(1-bm-to)-(y2-yf) LM = Xa*(lm/(lm+rm)) RM = Xa*(rm/(lm+rm)) BM = Ya*(bm/(bm+to)) TM = Ya*(to/(bm+to)) null2 = TPad("null2","",0,0,1,1) null2.SetFillStyle(0)
leg2.AddEntry(h[2], "WZ", "f") leg2.AddEntry(h[3], "ZZ", "f") leg2.AddEntry(h[9], "TTA", "f") leg3 = TLegend(0.7, 0.65, 0.88, 0.89) leg3.SetBorderSize(0) leg3.AddEntry(h[4], "STop_s", "f") leg3.AddEntry(h[5], "STop_t", "f") leg3.AddEntry(h[6], "STop_tbar", "f") leg3.AddEntry(h[8], "STop_tbarW", "f") leg3.AddEntry(h[7], "STop_tW", "f") # set stytle H = cv.GetWh() W = cv.GetWw() l = cv.GetLeftMargin() t = cv.GetTopMargin() r = cv.GetRightMargin() b = cv.GetBottomMargin() lumiText = str(lumi) + " fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" lumiTextSize = 0.5 lumiTextOffset = 0.2 cmsText = "CMS" cmsTextFont = 61 cmsTextSize = 0.75 cmsTextOffset = 0.1 extraText = "Preliminary" extraTextFont = 52
p.Draw('cont4z') #p2.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1) # gPad.Update() # palette = exclusion.GetListOfFunctions().FindObject("palette") # palette.SetX1NDC(1.1) # palette.SetX2NDC(1.2) # palette.SetY1NDC(1.1) # palette.SetY2NDC(1.2) #p.Write() #plots.append(p) xx=array('d',[-0.05,1.05,1.05]) yy=array('d',[1.05,1.05,-0.05]) bm = c.GetBottomMargin() lm = c.GetLeftMargin() rm = c.GetRightMargin() to = c.GetTopMargin() x1 = p.GetXaxis().GetXmin() yf = p.GetYaxis().GetXmin() x2 = p.GetXaxis().GetXmax() y2 = p.GetYaxis().GetXmax() Xa = (x2-x1)/(1-lm-rm)-(x2-x1) Ya = (y2-yf)/(1-bm-to)-(y2-yf) LM = Xa*(lm/(lm+rm)) RM = Xa*(rm/(lm+rm)) BM = Ya*(bm/(bm+to)) TM = Ya*(to/(bm+to)) null2 = TPad("null2","",0,0,1,1)