def _convert_tgrapherrors(root_obj: TGraphErrors) -> dict: """ Take the values from a TGraphErrors and add them to a series of arrays Parameters ---------- root_obj : TGraphError ROOT TGraphError Returns ------- dict Dictionary with x, y, xerr, yerr points """ xm, ym, x_errm, y_errm = (root_obj.GetX(), root_obj.GetY(), root_obj.GetEX(), root_obj.GetEY()) x, y, x_err, y_err = [], [], [], [] for n in range(0, root_obj.GetN()): x.append(xm[n]) y.append(ym[n]) x_err.append(x_errm[n]) y_err.append(y_errm[n]) return {'x': np.array(x), 'y': np.array(y), 'xerr': np.array(x_err), 'yerr': np.array(y_err)}
def testIthr(): lines = get_lines('DAC_scan_ithr_0x40to0xf0.dat') gr1 = TGraphErrors() gr2 = TGraphErrors() fUnit = 1000. / 0.7 yUnit = 'e^{-}' for line in lines: if len(line) == 0: continue if line[0] in ['#', '\n']: continue fs = line.rstrip().split() ix = int(fs[0]) gr1.SetPoint(ix, float(fs[1]), float(fs[2]) * fUnit) gr1.SetPointError(ix, 0, float(fs[3]) * fUnit) gr2.SetPoint(ix, float(fs[1]), float(fs[4]) * fUnit) gr2.SetPointError(ix, 0, float(fs[5]) * fUnit) useAtlasStyle() gStyle.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr1.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr1.Draw('AP') h1 = gr1.GetHistogram() h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Threshold [" + yUnit + "]") h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("I_{Thre} code") # h1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,0.2) gPad.SetTicks(1, 0) gPad.SetRightMargin(0.16) y1b = 0 y2b = 15 x1 = h1.GetXaxis().GetXmax() y1 = h1.GetYaxis().GetXmin() y2 = h1.GetYaxis().GetXmax() raxis = TGaxis(x1, y1, x1, y2, y1b, y2b, 506, "+L") raxis.SetLineColor(2) raxis.SetLabelColor(2) raxis.SetTitleColor(2) raxis.SetTitle("ENC [" + yUnit + "]") raxis.Draw() nP = gr2.GetN() Ys = gr2.GetY() EYs = gr2.GetEY() Y = array( 'd', [y1 + (y2 - y1) / (y2b - y1b) * (Ys[i] - y1b) for i in range(nP)]) EY = array('d', [(y2 - y1) / (y2b - y1b) * EYs[i] for i in range(nP)]) gr2x = TGraphErrors(nP, gr2.GetX(), Y, gr2.GetEX(), EY) gr2x.SetMarkerStyle(24) gr2x.SetLineColor(2) gr2x.SetMarkerColor(2) gr2x.Draw('Psame') waitRootCmdX()
def GetData(file, scale=1., sed=True, title='SED', barUL=True): GetData.Ng += 1 g = TGraphErrors(file) gUL = TGraphErrors() if sed: for i in range(g.GetN()): g.GetY()[i] = pow(g.GetX()[i], 2) * g.GetY()[i] * 1e-6 / scale g.GetEY()[i] = pow(g.GetX()[i], 2) * g.GetEY()[i] * 1e-6 / scale g.GetX()[i] *= 1e-3 idel = 0 nUL = 0 while idel < g.GetN(): if g.GetEY()[idel] < 0: gUL.SetPoint(nUL, g.GetX()[idel], g.GetY()[idel]) if barUL: gUL.SetPointError(nUL, 0, g.GetY()[idel] * 1e-5) nUL += 1 g.RemovePoint(idel) else: idel += 1 if sed: g.SetTitle(title + ";Energy [GeV];E^{2}dN/dE [TeV cm^{-2} s^{-1}]") else: g.SetTitle(title + ";Energy [MeV];dN/dE [cm^{-2} s^{-1} MeV^{-1}]") g.SetLineColor(kRed) g.SetMarkerColor(kRed) g.SetMarkerStyle(20) g.SetName("g%d" % GetData.Ng) gUL.SetLineColor(g.GetLineColor()) gUL.SetName("gUL%d" % GetData.Ng) return g, gUL
canvas.Print("metTriggerEfficiency_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.pdf", "pdf") label_200kHz = TLatex(220000, 0.9, "110 GeV - 200 kHz") label_200kHz.SetTextSize(0.03) line_200kHz = TLine(200000, 0, 200000, 1.1) line_200kHz.SetLineColor(2) line_200kHz.SetLineStyle(2) canvas.SetLogx(1) canvas.SetLogy(0) text.SetX1NDC(0.12) text.SetX2NDC(0.52) efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events = TGraphErrors(14) for x in xrange(1, 15): efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.SetPoint(x - 1, jetToMETTriggerRate.GetY()[x], metTriggerEfficiency_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.GetY()[x]) efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.SetPointError(x - 1, jetToMETTriggerRate.GetEY()[x], metTriggerEfficiency_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.GetEY()[x]) efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.SetTitle("ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events") efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.SetName("efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events") efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.GetYaxis().SetTitle("% accepted events") efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1.1) efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.SetMarkerColor(4) efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.SetLineColor(1) efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.SetMarkerStyle(21) efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Rate [Hz]") efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.Draw("AP") efficiencyPlotWithRate_ff_H_WW_enuenu_1000events.Write() line_200kHz.Draw() label_200kHz.Draw() text.Draw()
def plotDistributionComparisonPlot(cfg): multiGraph = TMultiGraph() multiGraph.SetName("triggerRateMultiGraph") tfiles = [] histograms = [] canvas = TCanvas("canvas", "canvas", 800, 800) '''Contains the legend''' legend = TLegend(0.3, 0.7, 0.90, 0.9) '''Maximum value container, used to scale histograms''' maximumY = float("-inf") pad1 = TPad("pad1", "pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0) pad1.SetBottomMargin(0.05) # Upper and lower plot are joined #pad1.SetBottomMargin(0) # Upper and lower plot are joined pad1.SetGridx() # Vertical grid pad1.Draw() # Draw the upper pad: pad1 # pad1 becomes the current pad for histogramFileNameAndTitle in cfg.plots: tfile = TFile(histogramFileNameAndTitle[0]) tfiles.append(tfile) histogram = tfile.Get(histogramFileNameAndTitle[1]) histograms.append(histogram) if histogram.ClassName() == "TH1F": histogram.SetStats(0) # No statistics on upper plot maximumY = histogram.GetMaximum( ) if histogram.GetMaximum() > maximumY else maximumY legend.AddEntry(histogram, histogramFileNameAndTitle[2], "l") # histograms[0] settings histograms[0].SetMarkerColor(4) histograms[0].SetLineColor(4) histograms[0].SetLineWidth(1) # Y axis histograms[0] plot settings histograms[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(20) histograms[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(43) histograms[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.55) #histograms[0].Scale(1./histograms[0].GetEntries()) if histograms[0].ClassName() == "TH1F": histograms[0].Draw( "SAME HIST") # Draw histograms[1] on top of histograms[0] else: histograms[0].Draw( "SAME APE") # Draw histograms[1] on top of histograms[0] #multiGraph.Add(histograms[0]) if getattr(cfg, "xRange", None) is not None: histograms[0].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(cfg.xRange[0], cfg.xRange[1]) gPad.RedrawAxis() if getattr(cfg, "xAxisLabel", None) is not None: histograms[0].GetXaxis().SetTitle(cfg.xAxisLabel) gPad.RedrawAxis() if getattr(cfg, "yAxisLabel", None) is not None: histograms[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle(cfg.yAxisLabel) gPad.RedrawAxis() if getattr(cfg, "yRange", None) is not None: histograms[0].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(cfg.yRange[0], cfg.yRange[1]) gPad.RedrawAxis() else: maximumY *= 1.1 histograms[0].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1e-6, maximumY) if getattr(cfg, "logY", False): canvas.SetLogy() # histograms[1] settings histograms[1].SetMarkerColor(2) histograms[1].SetLineColor(2) histograms[1].SetLineWidth(1) #histograms[1].Scale(1./histograms[1].GetEntries()) if histograms[1].ClassName() == "TH1F": histograms[1].Draw( "SAME HIST") # Draw histograms[1] on top of histograms[0] else: histograms[1].Draw( "SAME PE") # Draw histograms[1] on top of histograms[0] #multiGraph.Add(histograms[1]) #if multiGraph.GetListOfGraphs() != None: # multiGraph.Draw("SAME PE") # Do not draw the Y axis label on the upper plot and redraw a small # axis instead, in order to avoid the first label (0) to be clipped. #histograms[0].GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.) #axis = TGaxis( 0, 20, 0, maximumY, 20, maximumY, 510,"") #axis.SetLabelFont(43) # Absolute font size in pixel (precision 3) #axis.SetLabelSize(15) #axis.Draw() # Adding a small text with the chi-squared chiSquared = 0 if (histograms[0].ClassName() == "TGraph") or (histograms[0].ClassName() == "TGraphErrors"): numberOfBins = histograms[0].GetN() numberOfDegreesOfFreedom = numberOfBins else: numberOfBins = histograms[0].GetNbinsX() numberOfDegreesOfFreedom = numberOfBins for x in xrange( 1, numberOfBins + 1 ): # numberOfBins contains last bin, numberOfBins+1 contains the overflow (latter excluded), underflow also excluded if (histograms[0].ClassName() == "TGraph") or (histograms[0].ClassName() == "TGraphErrors"): binContent0 = histograms[0].GetY()[x - 1] else: binContent0 = histograms[0].GetBinContent(x) if (histograms[1].ClassName() == "TGraph") or (histograms[1].ClassName() == "TGraphErrors"): binContent1 = histograms[1].GetY()[x - 1] else: binContent1 = histograms[1].GetBinContent(x) bin0ErrorSquared = binContent0 bin1ErrorSquared = binContent1 #bin1ErrorSquared = 0 if (binContent0 == 0) and (binContent1 == 0): numberOfDegreesOfFreedom -= 1 #No data means one less degree of freedom else: binDifferenceSquared = (binContent0 - binContent1)**2 chiSquaredTerm = binDifferenceSquared / (bin0ErrorSquared + bin1ErrorSquared) chiSquared += chiSquaredTerm if chiSquaredTerm > chiSquaredWarningThreshold: if (histograms[0].ClassName() == "TGraph") or (histograms[0].ClassName() == "TGraphErrors"): print "Bin", x, "-", histograms[0].GetX()[ x - 1], "has a CS=", chiSquaredTerm else: print "Bin", x, "-", histograms[0].GetBinCenter( x), "has a CS=", chiSquaredTerm chiSquareLabel = TPaveText(0.7, 0.6, 0.9, 0.4) chiSquareLabel.AddText("#chi^{2}/ndf = " + str(chiSquared) + "/" + str(numberOfDegreesOfFreedom) + " = " + str(chiSquared / numberOfDegreesOfFreedom)) chiSquareLabel.Draw() print "FINAL CS IS", format( chiSquared, ".2f") + "/" + str(numberOfDegreesOfFreedom) + " = " + format( chiSquared / numberOfDegreesOfFreedom, ".2f") legend.SetHeader( "#chi^{2}/ndf = " + format(chiSquared, ".2f") + "/" + str(numberOfDegreesOfFreedom) + " = " + format(chiSquared / numberOfDegreesOfFreedom, ".2f"), "C") legend.Draw() # lower plot will be in pad # Go back to the main canvas before defining pad2 pad2 = TPad("pad2", "pad2", 0, 0.05, 1, 0.3) pad2.SetTopMargin(0) pad2.SetBottomMargin(0.2) pad2.SetGridx() # vertical grid pad2.Draw() # pad2 becomes the current pad pad2.SetGridy() # Define the ratio plot ratioPlot = TGraphErrors(histograms[0]) ratioPlot.SetName("ratioPlot") graph_histo0 = TGraphErrors(histograms[0]) graph_histo1 = TGraphErrors(histograms[1]) ratioPlot.SetLineColor(1) ratioPlot.SetMinimum(0.6) # Define Y .. ratioPlot.SetMaximum(1.5) # .. range #ratioPlot.Sumw2() #ratioPlot.SetStats(0) # No statistics on lower plot #Dividing point by point for index in xrange(0, ratioPlot.GetN()): if graph_histo1.GetY()[index] == 0: ratioPlot.GetY()[index] = 0 ratioPlot.GetEY()[index] = 0 else: ratioPlot.GetY()[index] /= graph_histo1.GetY()[index] ratioPlot.GetEY()[index] = sqrt( ((graph_histo1.GetY()[index])**2 * (graph_histo0.GetEY()[index])**2 + (graph_histo0.GetY()[index])**2 * (graph_histo1.GetEY()[index])**2) / (graph_histo1.GetY()[index])**4) ratioPlot.SetMarkerStyle(21) if getattr(cfg, "xRange", None) is not None: ratioPlot.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(cfg.xRange[0], cfg.xRange[1]) gPad.RedrawAxis() if getattr(cfg, "yRangeRatio", None) is not None: ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(cfg.yRangeRatio[0], cfg.yRangeRatio[1]) gPad.RedrawAxis() ratioPlot.Draw("APE") # Draw the ratio plot line0 = TLine(ratioPlot.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), 1, ratioPlot.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), 1) line0.SetLineColor(2) line0.SetLineWidth(2) line0.SetLineStyle(2) line0.Draw() # Ratio plot (ratioPlot) settings ratioPlot.SetTitle("") # Remove the ratio title # Y axis ratio plot settings ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Ratio #frac{blue}{red}") ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505) ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(20) ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(43) ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.55) ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont( 43) # Absolute font size in pixel (precision 3) ratioPlot.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(15) # X axis ratio plot settings ratioPlot.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(20) ratioPlot.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(43) ratioPlot.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(4.) ratioPlot.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont( 43) # Absolute font size in pixel (precision 3) ratioPlot.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(15) xRangeBinning = getattr(cfg, "simplifiedRatioPlotXRangeBinning", None) if xRangeBinning is not None: simplifiedRatioPlot = TGraphErrors(len(xRangeBinning) - 1) simplifiedRatioPlot.SetName("simplifiedRatioPlot") ratioPlotIndex = 0 for idx in xrange(0, simplifiedRatioPlot.GetN()): yAverage = 0. yMax = float("-inf") yMin = float("+inf") nPoints = 0. simplifiedRatioPlot.GetX()[idx] = (xRangeBinning[idx] + xRangeBinning[idx + 1]) / 2. simplifiedRatioPlot.GetEX()[idx] = (xRangeBinning[idx + 1] - xRangeBinning[idx]) / 2. while (ratioPlot.GetX()[ratioPlotIndex] < xRangeBinning[idx]): ratioPlotIndex += 1 while ((ratioPlotIndex < ratioPlot.GetN()) and (ratioPlot.GetX()[ratioPlotIndex] < xRangeBinning[idx + 1]) and (ratioPlot.GetX()[ratioPlotIndex] >= xRangeBinning[idx])): yAverage += ratioPlot.GetY()[ratioPlotIndex] if (yMax < ratioPlot.GetY()[ratioPlotIndex] + ratioPlot.GetEY()[ratioPlotIndex]): yMax = ratioPlot.GetY()[ratioPlotIndex] + ratioPlot.GetEY( )[ratioPlotIndex] if (yMin > ratioPlot.GetY()[ratioPlotIndex] - ratioPlot.GetEY()[ratioPlotIndex]): yMin = ratioPlot.GetY()[ratioPlotIndex] - ratioPlot.GetEY( )[ratioPlotIndex] nPoints += 1. ratioPlotIndex += 1 simplifiedRatioPlot.GetY()[idx] = yAverage / nPoints simplifiedRatioPlot.GetEY()[idx] = (yMax - yMin) / 2. saveFile = TFile(cfg.saveFileName, "RECREATE") canvas.Write() histograms[0].Write() histograms[1].Write() if multiGraph.GetListOfGraphs() != None: multiGraph.Write() ratioPlot.Write() if xRangeBinning is not None: simplifiedRatioPlot.Write() saveFile.Close() for tfile in tfiles: tfile.Close()
def make_1d_plots(df, c=None): if c is None: from ROOT import TCanvas c = TCanvas() c.Divide(1, 2) import seaborn as sns import ROOT from ROOT import TGraphErrors, TLegend plot = PlotData() plot.canvas = c graphs = plot.graphs = [] graphs_lam = plot.graphs_lam = [] leg = plot.legend = TLegend(0.68, 0.6, 0.88, 0.8) leg.SetHeader("Centrality", 'C') # colors = [ROOT.kRed, ROOT.kBlue, ROOT.k] sns_colors = sns.color_palette("colorblind") tcolors = plot.tcolors = [ROOT.TColor(ROOT.TColor.GetFreeColorIndex(), *c) for c in sns_colors] colors = plot.colors = [c.GetNumber() for c in tcolors] for i, (cent, cdf) in enumerate(df.groupby('cent')): color = colors[i] data = merge_points(cdf) g_rinv = TGraphErrors(data.shape[0]) np.frombuffer(g_rinv.GetX())[:] = np.array(data.kT) np.frombuffer(g_rinv.GetY())[:] = np.array(data.radius) np.frombuffer(g_rinv.GetEY())[:] = np.array(data.radius_err) * 10 g_lam = TGraphErrors(data.shape[0]) np.frombuffer(g_lam.GetX())[:] = np.array(data.kT) np.frombuffer(g_lam.GetY())[:] = np.array(data.lam) np.frombuffer(g_lam.GetEY())[:] = np.array(data.lam_err) * 10 for g in (g_rinv, g_lam): g.SetMarkerStyle(21) g.SetMarkerSize(0.7) g.SetMarkerColor(color) g.SetLineColor(color) graphs.append(g_rinv) graphs_lam.append(g_lam) if i == 0: g_rinv.Draw("APE") else: g_rinv.Draw("P ") if i == 0: g_lam.Draw("APE") else: g_lam.Draw("P ") cent_name = cent.replace('_', '-') + "%" leg.AddEntry(g_rinv, cent_name, 'P') # for g in graphs: # g.Draw('AP') # g.Draw('APL') # g.SetTitle("Radius") leg.Draw() return plot
class RatePlotProducerPileUp(Analyzer): '''Analyzer creating a rate plot with pile up events and saving it to ROOT and SVG format. Example:: rate = cfg.Analyzer( RatePlotProducerPileUp, file_label = 'tfile1', plot_name = 'rate', plot_title = 'A rate plot', zerobias_rate = 1/25e-9, input_objects = 'jets', bins = [30, 40, 50, 60], yscale = 1e6, scale_factors = [3, 5, 4] ) * file_label: (Facultative) Name of a TFileService. If specified, the histogram will be saved in that root file, otherwise it will be saved in a <plot_name>.png and <plot_name>.root file * plot_name: Name of the plot (Key in the output root file). * plot_title: Title of the plot. * bins: Array containing the bins to be tested * zerobias_rate: zero bias trigger rate, 40 MHz @ 25 ns bunch spacing * input_objects: name of the particle collection * yscale: y level of the reference line * scale_factors: custom factors to be applied to the bin, 1 is assumed in case of missing parameter or if less factors than bins are provided ''' '''Generates a threshold function''' def thresholdTriggerGenerator(self, threshold): def thresholdTrigger(ptc): return > threshold return thresholdTrigger def beginLoop(self, setup): super(RatePlotProducerPileUp, self).beginLoop(setup) self.hasTFileService = hasattr(self.cfg_ana, "file_label") if self.hasTFileService: servname = '_'.join([ '', self.cfg_ana.file_label ]) tfileservice =[servname] self.rootfile = tfileservice.file else: self.rootfile = TFile( '/'.join([self.dirName, self.cfg_ana.plot_name + '.root']), 'recreate') bins = array("f", self.cfg_ana.bins) self.histogram = TH1F(self.cfg_ana.plot_name, self.cfg_ana.plot_title, len(bins) - 1, bins) self.numberOfEvents = self.cfg_comp.nGenEvents def process(self, event): '''Process the event. event must contain * self.cfg_ana.input_objects: collection of objects to be selected These objects must be usable by the filtering function self.cfg_ana.trigger_func. ''' input_collection = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.input_objects) #We want accept events without objects if the threshold is 0 or less startIdx = 0 #Adding events for that thresholds for x in range(0, len(self.cfg_ana.bins) - 1): if self.cfg_ana.bins[x] <= 0: self.histogram.AddBinContent(x + 1) startIdx = x + 1 #startIdx keeps track of where the positive thresholds start # MET is not iterable, it is a single object # We treat here single objects if not isinstance(input_collection, collections.Iterable): for x in range(startIdx, len(self.cfg_ana.bins) - 1): # Preparing the check function trigger_func = self.thresholdTriggerGenerator( self.cfg_ana.bins[x]) # Checking if the object passes the trigger if trigger_func(input_collection): self.histogram.AddBinContent(x + 1) else: #If no item passes the threshold I can stop break elif isinstance(input_collection, collections.Mapping): # Iterating through all the objects for x in range(startIdx, len(self.cfg_ana.bins) - 1): # Checking what thresholds are satisfied isPassed = False for key, val in input_collection.iteritems(): # Preparing the check function trigger_func = self.thresholdTriggerGenerator( self.cfg_ana.bins[x]) # Checking if the object passes the trigger if trigger_func(val): self.histogram.AddBinContent(x + 1) isPassed = True # We don't need to check for other objects break if not isPassed: #If no objects passes the threshold I can stop break else: for x in range(startIdx, len(self.cfg_ana.bins) - 1): # Checking what thresholds are satisfied isPassed = False for obj in input_collection: # Preparing the check function trigger_func = self.thresholdTriggerGenerator( self.cfg_ana.bins[x]) # Checking if the object passes the trigger if trigger_func(obj): self.histogram.AddBinContent(x + 1) isPassed = True # We don't need to check for other objects break if not isPassed: #If no objects passes the threshold I can stop break def write(self, setup): #Rescaling to corresponding rate if self.cfg_ana.normalise: normalisation = self.cfg_ana.zerobias_rate / self.numberOfEvents self.graphErrors = TGraphErrors(self.histogram) for x in xrange(0, self.graphErrors.GetN()): #Rescaling everything to have rates self.graphErrors.GetEY()[x] *= normalisation self.graphErrors.GetY()[x] *= normalisation self.graphErrors.SetName(self.cfg_ana.plot_name) self.histogram = self.graphErrors if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, "scale_factors"): for x in xrange(0, len(self.cfg_ana.scale_factors)): self.histogram.SetBinContent( x + 1, self.histogram.GetBinContent(x + 1) * self.cfg_ana.scale_factors[x]) self.histogram.Write() xMax = self.histogram.GetXaxis().GetXmax() xMin = self.histogram.GetXaxis().GetXmin() yMin = self.histogram.GetMinimum() yMax = self.histogram.GetMaximum() self.histogram.SetMarkerStyle(20) self.histogram.SetMarkerColor(4) self.histogram.SetLineColor(1) c1 = TCanvas("canvas_" + self.cfg_ana.plot_name, self.cfg_ana.plot_title, 600, 600) c1.SetGridx() c1.SetGridy() self.histogram.Draw("PE") c1.SetLogy(True) c1.Update() c1.Print(self.cfg_ana.plot_name + ".svg", "svg")
def ApplyBinShiftCorrection(self, hist): """ Apply bin-shift correction to the input spectrum using an iterative procedure @param hist: Input spectrum @return: Bin-shift corrected spectrum """ h = deepcopy(hist) h.SetName("htemp") # Bin shift correction performed in model specturm * pt for i in range(1, h.GetNbinsX() + 1): pt = h.GetBinCenter(i) h.SetBinContent(i, h.GetBinContent(i) * pt) h.SetBinError(i, h.GetBinError(i) * pt) result = TGraphErrors(h) for i in range(0, result.GetN()): result.GetEX()[i] = 0. fitfun = TF1("fitfun", "([0]*(1.+x/[1])^(-[2])*x)-[3]", 0.15, 100.0) fitfun.SetParameter(0, 1000) fitfun.SetParameter(1, 1) fitfun.SetParameter(2, 5) fitfun.FixParameter(3, 0) h.Fit(fitfun, "") self.__StableFit(h, fitfun, True) # Iterative approach: # - Use model to get the mean of the function inside the bin # - Get the X where the mean is found # - Use the new coordinate (x,y) for the next iteration of the fit # for now 10 iterations fixed for k in range(1, 11): for i in range(1, h.GetNbinsX() + 1): y = fitfun.Integral(h.GetBinLowEdge(i), h.GetBinUpEdge(i)) / h.GetBinWidth(i) result.GetX()[i - 1] = self.FindX(y, fitfun, h.GetBinLowEdge(i), h.GetBinUpEdge(i)) self.__StableFit(result, fitfun, False) # Undo multiplication with pt for i in range(0, result.GetN()): pt = result.GetX()[i] result.GetY()[i] /= pt result.GetEY()[i] /= pt #remove points that are 0 while result.GetY()[0] < 1.e-99: result.RemovePoint(0) bval = 0 for mybin in range(0, result.GetN() + 1): if result.GetY()[bin] < 1.e-99: bval = mybin break while result.RemovePoint(bval) > 0: continue return result
def build_tgraphs_from_data(df, keys=None, xkey='kT', skip_systematics=False, title_dict=None): """ """ from collections import defaultdict from ROOT import TGraphErrors if keys is None: keys = ("Ro", "Rs", "Rl") if title_dict is None: title_dict = { 'Ro': "R_{out}", 'Rs': "R_{side}", 'Rl': "R_{long}", 'lam': "#lambda", 'alpha': "#alpha", 'radius': 'R_{inv}' } missing_titles = set(keys) - set(title_dict.keys()) if missing_titles: raise ValueError(f"Title dict missing keys: {missing_titles}") def _merge_points(df, key): results = [] for kt, data in df.groupby(xkey): errs = np.array(data[key + '_err']) weights = errs**-2 val = (data[key] * weights).sum() / weights.sum() err = np.sqrt(1.0 / weights.sum()) results.append([kt, val, err]) return np.array(results).T graphs = defaultdict(dict) for cent, cdf in df.sort_values(xkey).groupby('cent'): for r in keys: x = [] y = [] ye = [] x, y, ye = _merge_points(cdf, r) xe = np.zeros_like(x) title = [r] gdata = TGraphErrors(x.size) np.frombuffer(gdata.GetX(), dtype=np.float64)[:] = x np.frombuffer(gdata.GetY(), dtype=np.float64)[:] = y np.frombuffer(gdata.GetEY(), dtype=np.float64)[:] = ye if skip_systematics: gsys = None else: sys_key = f"{r}_sys_err" sys_err = np.array(cdf[sys_key]) gsys = TGraphErrors(x.size) np.frombuffer(gsys.GetX(), dtype=np.float64)[:] = x # - 0.004 np.frombuffer(gsys.GetY(), dtype=np.float64)[:] = y np.frombuffer(gsys.GetEY(), dtype=np.float64)[:] = sys_err np.frombuffer(gsys.GetEX(), dtype=np.float64)[:] = 0.012 graphs[r][cent] = (gdata, gsys) return dict(graphs)