def make_tgrapherrors(name, title, color=1, marker=20, marker_size=1, width=1, asym_err=False, style=1, x=None, y=None): if (x and y) is None: gr = TGraphErrors() if not asym_err else TGraphAsymmErrors() else: gr = TGraphErrors(len(x), array(x, 'd'), array( y, 'd')) if not asym_err else TGraphAsymmErrors( len(x), array(x, 'd'), array(y), 'd') gr.SetTitle(title) gr.SetName(name) gr.SetMarkerStyle(marker) gr.SetMarkerColor(color) gr.SetLineColor(color) gr.SetMarkerSize(marker_size) gr.SetLineWidth(width) gr.SetLineStyle(style) return gr
def Sigma_Calc(g,i_,x,y,xe,ye,percentage): #print'Creating TGraph with new uncertainty band' # sigma factor. What to multiply uncertainties by, assuming current uncertainties are 1 sigma. #print'percentage/100. = ',percentage/100. sf = TMath.ErfInverse(percentage/100.)*TMath.Sqrt(2) # sigma value for desired percentage events contained in distribution #print"sf = ",sf #for i in range(i_ - 1): #print'i_ = ',i_ for i in range(i_): ye[i] = ye[i]*sf # multiply 1 sigma uncertainties by new sigma value. #print sf,'sig errors = ',ye #ng = TGraphErrors(i_ - 1, x, y, xe, ye) ng = TGraphErrors(i_, x, y, xe, ye) if percentage == 90: j = 2 if percentage == 99.5: j = 4 ng.SetMarkerStyle(g.GetMarkerStyle()) ng.SetLineStyle(g.GetLineStyle()) #ng.SetMarkerColor(g.GetMarkerColor() + j) #ng.SetLineColor(g.GetLineColor() + j) ng.SetFillColor(g.GetFillColor() + j) #ng.SetName(g.GetName()) ng.SetFillStyle(g.GetFillStyle()) return ng
def load_cck(): #model by Guillermo at. al. f = open("data/data-dtdy-y_0-RHIC-clean_CCK.dat", "read") sigma = [] for line in f: if line[0] == "#": continue p = line.split("\t") t = float(p[3]) nucl = float(p[4]) hs = float(p[8]) sigma.append({"t": t, "nucl": nucl, "hs": hs}) #correction from gamma-Au to AuAu by Michal k_auau = 9.0296 #scaling to XnXn kx = 0.1702 gCCK = TGraphErrors(len(sigma)) for i in xrange(len(sigma)): gCCK.SetPoint(i, sigma[i]["t"], sigma[i]["hs"] * k_auau * kx) gCCK.SetLineColor(rt.kRed) gCCK.SetLineWidth(3) gCCK.SetLineStyle(rt.kDashed) # 9 return gCCK
def load_ms(): #model by Heikki and Bjorn f = open("data/to_star_ms.txt", "read") t_sigma = [] for line in f: if line[0] == "#": continue point = line.split(" ") t_sigma.append([float(point[0]), float(point[1])]) #scaling to XnXn kx = 0.1702 gMS = TGraphErrors(len(t_sigma)) for i in xrange(len(t_sigma)): gMS.SetPoint(i, t_sigma[i][0], t_sigma[i][1] * kx) gMS.SetLineColor(rt.kViolet) gMS.SetLineWidth(3) gMS.SetLineStyle(rt.kDashDotted) # kDashed return gMS
Number_of_Atom(Avalanche_region1, math.pow(math.pow(10, 10 + i * 0.5), 0.33))) print str( Number_of_Atom(Avalanche_region1, math.pow(math.pow(10, 10 + i * 0.5), 0.33))) print str( Number_of_Atom(Avalanche_region, math.pow(math.pow(10, 10 + i * 0.5), 0.33))) c = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 0, 0, 500, 500) gStyle.SetOptFit() gr = TGraphErrors(17, xarray, yarray, xarrayerror, yarrayerror) gr1 = TGraphErrors(17, xarray, yarray1, xarrayerror, yarrayerror) gr.SetLineStyle(1) gr.SetMarkerColor(2) gr.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr.SetLineWidth(2) gr1.SetLineStyle(1) gr1.SetMarkerColor(3) gr1.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr1.SetLineWidth(2) gr1.SetTitle(";Concentration(1/cm^{3}) ;# of impurities ") gr1.GetHistogram().SetMaximum(30) gr1.GetHistogram().SetMinimum(0) gr1.GetXaxis().SetLimits(math.pow(10, 10 + 0 * 0.5), math.pow(10, 10 + 16 * 0.5))
def makePlot1D(filepath, foutname, plottitle='', masstitle=''): br = 1 if 'Resonant' in plottitle else 0.68 limits = parseLimitFiles2D(filepath, br) xaxis = [] xseclist = [] xsecerr = [] cent = [] obs = [] up1 = [] up2 = [] down1 = [] down2 = [] maxval = 0 minval = 999 for m in sorted(limits): l = limits[m] xaxis.append(m) xseclist.append(l.xsec) xsecerr.append(l.xsec * .2) cent.append(l.cent) up1.append(l.up1 - l.cent) up2.append(l.up2 - l.cent) down1.append(l.cent - l.down1) down2.append(l.cent - l.down2) obs.append(l.obs) maxval = max(maxval, l.up2) minval = min(minval, l.down2) N = len(xaxis) up1Sigma = array('f', up1) up2Sigma = array('f', up2) down1Sigma = array('f', down1) down2Sigma = array('f', down2) cent = array('f', cent) obs = array('f', obs) xarray = array('f', xaxis) xsecarray = array('f', xseclist) xsecerrarray = array('f', xsecerr) zeros = array('f', [0 for i in xrange(N)]) graphXsec = TGraphErrors(N, xarray, xsecarray, zeros, xsecerrarray) graphCent = TGraph(N, xarray, cent) graphObs = TGraph(N, xarray, obs) graph1Sigma = TGraphAsymmErrors(N, xarray, cent, zeros, zeros, down1Sigma, up1Sigma) graph2Sigma = TGraphAsymmErrors(N, xarray, cent, zeros, zeros, down2Sigma, up2Sigma) c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 700, 600) c.SetLogy() c.SetLeftMargin(.15) graph2Sigma.GetXaxis().SetTitle(masstitle + ' [GeV]') graph2Sigma.GetYaxis().SetTitle( '95% C.L. upper limit [#sigma/#sigma_{theory}]') c2 = root.kOrange c1 = root.kGreen + 1 graph2Sigma.SetLineColor(c2) graph1Sigma.SetLineColor(c1) graph2Sigma.SetFillColor(c2) graph1Sigma.SetFillColor(c1) graph2Sigma.SetMinimum(0.5 * minval) graph2Sigma.SetMaximum(10 * maxval) graphCent.SetLineWidth(2) graphCent.SetLineStyle(2) graphObs.SetLineColor(1) graphObs.SetLineWidth(3) graphObs.SetMarkerStyle(20) graphObs.SetMarkerSize(1) graphObs.SetMarkerColor(1) graph1Sigma.SetLineStyle(0) graph2Sigma.SetLineStyle(0) leg = TLegend(0.55, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9) leg.AddEntry(graphCent, 'Expected', 'L') if not BLIND: leg.AddEntry(graphObs, 'Observed', 'Lp') leg.AddEntry(graph1Sigma, '1 std. dev.', 'F') leg.AddEntry(graph2Sigma, '2 std. dev.', 'F') leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) graph2Sigma.Draw('A3') graph1Sigma.Draw('3 same') graphCent.Draw('same L') if not BLIND: graphObs.Draw('same Lp') subscript = 'SR' if 'Resonant' in plottitle else 'FC' coupling = '0.1' if 'Resonant' in plottitle else '0.25' graphXsec.SetLineColor(2) graphXsec.SetLineWidth(2) graphXsec.SetLineStyle(2) graphXsec.SetFillColor(2) graphXsec.SetFillStyle(3005) graphXsec.Draw('same L3') ''' if not scale: if 'Resonant' in plottitle: leg.AddEntry(graphXsec,'Theory #splitline{a_{%s}=b_{%s}=%s}{m_{#chi}=100 GeV}'%(subscript,subscript,coupling),'l') else: leg.AddEntry(graphXsec,'Theory #splitline{a_{%s}=b_{%s}=%s}{m_{#chi}=10 GeV}'%(subscript,subscript,coupling),'l') ''' if not BLIND: findIntersect1D(graphObs, graphXsec, xaxis[0], xaxis[-1]) findIntersect1D(graphCent, graphXsec, xaxis[0], xaxis[-1]) leg.Draw() label = TLatex() label.SetNDC() label.SetTextSize(0.8 * c.GetTopMargin()) label.SetTextFont(62) label.SetTextAlign(11) label.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.94, "CMS") label.SetTextFont(52) label.SetTextSize(0.6 * c.GetTopMargin()) # label.DrawLatex(0.25,0.94,"Preliminary") label.SetTextFont(42) label.SetTextSize(0.7 * c.GetTopMargin()) label.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.83, plottitle) if 'Resonant' in plottitle: label.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.75, "a_{SR} = b_{SR} = %s" % coupling) label.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.68, "m_{#chi}=100 GeV") else: label.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.75, "g_{DM}^{V}=1,g_{q}^{V}=0.25") label.DrawLatex(0.19, 0.68, "m_{#chi}=1 GeV") label.SetTextSize(0.6 * c.GetTopMargin()) label.SetTextFont(42) label.SetTextAlign(31) # align right label.DrawLatex(0.95, 0.94, "%.1f fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" % (plotConfig.lumi)) c.SaveAs(foutname + '.pdf') c.SaveAs(foutname + '.png')
def draw(hist, var_type, log='', plotdir=None, plotname='foop', more_hists=None, write_csv=False, stats=None, bounds=None, errors=False, shift_overflows=False, csv_fname=None, scale_errors=None, rebin=None, plottitle='', colors=None, linestyles=None, cwidth=None, cheight=None, imagetype='svg', xtitle=None, ytitle=None, xline=None, yline=None, draw_str=None, normalize=False, normalization_bounds=None, linewidths=None, markersizes=None, no_labels=False, graphify=False, translegend=(0.0, 0.0)): assert os.path.exists(plotdir) if not has_root: return if normalization_bounds is not None: assert bounds is None if bounds is not None: assert normalization_bounds is None cvn = TCanvas('cvn-' + plotname, '', 700 if cwidth is None else cwidth, 600 if cheight is None else cheight) hists = [ hist, ] if more_hists != None: hists = hists + more_hists xmin, xmax, ymax = None, None, None ih = 0 for htmp in hists: if rebin is not None: htmp.Rebin(rebin) if scale_errors is not None: factor = float( scale_errors[0]) if len(scale_errors) == 1 else float( scale_errors[ih]) for ibin in range(htmp.GetNbinsX() + 2): htmp.SetBinError(ibin, htmp.GetBinError(ibin) * factor) if not normalize: assert normalization_bounds is None if bounds is not None: ibin_start = htmp.FindBin(bounds[0]) ibin_end = htmp.FindBin(bounds[1]) this_y_max = GetMaximumWithBounds( htmp, htmp.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(ibin_start), htmp.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(ibin_end)) else: this_y_max = htmp.GetMaximum() else: # renormalize the hist within these bounds if normalization_bounds is None: factor = 1. / htmp.Integral() if htmp.Integral() > 0.0 else 0.0 htmp.Scale(factor) this_y_max = htmp.GetMaximum() else: ibin_start = 0 if normalization_bounds[ 0] is None else htmp.FindBin(normalization_bounds[0]) ibin_end = htmp.GetNbinsX( ) if normalization_bounds[1] is None else htmp.FindBin( normalization_bounds[1]) factor = htmp.Integral(ibin_start, ibin_end) if htmp.Integral( ibin_start, ibin_end ) > 0.0 else 0.0 # NOTE this is inclusive, i.e. includes <ibin_end> htmp.Scale(factor) this_y_max = GetMaximumWithBounds( htmp, htmp.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(ibin_start), htmp.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(ibin_end)) if ymax is None or this_y_max > ymax: ymax = this_y_max if xmin is None or htmp.GetBinLowEdge(1) < xmin: xmin = htmp.GetBinLowEdge(1) if xmax is None or htmp.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge( htmp.GetNbinsX()) > xmax: xmax = htmp.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(htmp.GetNbinsX()) ih += 1 if bounds is not None: xmin, xmax = bounds hframe = TH1D('hframe', '', hist.GetNbinsX(), xmin, xmax) if not no_labels and (var_type == 'string' or var_type == 'bool'): for ib in range(1, hframe.GetNbinsX() + 1): hframe.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(ib, hist.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(ib)) if 'y' in log: hframe.SetMaximum(3 * ymax) else: hframe.SetMaximum(1.2 * ymax) if var_type == 'bool': hframe.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.1) if plottitle == '': plottitle = plotname if xtitle is None: xtitle = hist.GetXaxis().GetTitle() if ytitle is None: ytitle = hframe.GetYaxis().GetTitle() hframe.SetTitle(plottitle + ';' + xtitle + ';' + ytitle) # gStyle.SetTitleFontSize(.075) # gStyle.SetTitleY(gStyle.GetTitleY() + .0004) if cwidth is not None: gStyle.SetTitleOffset(0.99 * gStyle.GetTitleOffset('y'), 'y') # gStyle.SetTitleFillStyle(0) # hframe.SetTitleSize(gStyle.GetTitleSize()) # hframe.SetTitleFont(gStyle.GetTitleFont()) hframe.Draw('txt') if shift_overflows: for htmp in hists: if htmp == None: continue underflows, overflows = 0.0, 0.0 first_shown_bin, last_shown_bin = -1, -1 for ib in range(0, htmp.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 2): if htmp.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(ib) <= xmin: underflows += htmp.GetBinContent(ib) htmp.SetBinContent(ib, 0.0) elif first_shown_bin == -1: first_shown_bin = ib else: break for ib in reversed(range(0, htmp.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 2)): if htmp.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(ib) >= xmax: overflows += htmp.GetBinContent(ib) htmp.SetBinContent(ib, 0.0) elif last_shown_bin == -1: last_shown_bin = ib else: break if 'd_hamming' in plotname: print htmp.GetTitle() print ' underflow', underflows, htmp.GetBinContent( first_shown_bin) print ' overflow', overflows, htmp.GetBinContent( last_shown_bin) print ' first', htmp.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(first_shown_bin) print ' last', htmp.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(last_shown_bin) htmp.SetBinContent( first_shown_bin, underflows + htmp.GetBinContent(first_shown_bin)) htmp.SetBinContent(last_shown_bin, overflows + htmp.GetBinContent(last_shown_bin)) if colors is None: assert len(hists) < 5 colors = (kRed, kBlue - 4, kGreen + 2, kOrange + 1 ) # 632, 596, 418, 801 else: assert len(hists) <= len(colors) if linestyles is None: # assert len(hists) < 5 linestyles = [1 for _ in range(len(hists))] else: assert len(hists) <= len(linestyles) # legends x0, y0, x1, y1 = 0.57 + translegend[0], 0.66 + translegend[ 1], 0.99 + translegend[0], 0.88 + translegend[1] if len(hists) < 5: leg = TLegend(x0, y0, x1, y1) else: leg = TLegend(x0, y0 - 0.05, x1, y1) leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) # draw if graphify: graphs = [] for ih in range(len(hists)): htmp = hists[ih] n_bins = hists[ih].GetNbinsX() xvals, yvals, xerrs, yerrs = array( 'f', [0 for i in range(n_bins)]), array( 'f', [0 for i in range(n_bins)]), array( 'f', [0 for i in range(n_bins)]), array( 'f', [0 for i in range(n_bins)]) for ib in range(1, n_bins + 1): # NOTE ignoring overflows xvals[ib - 1] = hists[ih].GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(ib) xerrs[ib - 1] = 0.0 yvals[ib - 1] = hists[ih].GetBinContent(ib) yerrs[ib - 1] = hists[ih].GetBinError(ib) if errors else 0.0 gr = TGraphErrors(n_bins, xvals, yvals, xerrs, yerrs) if markersizes is not None: imark = ih if len(markersizes) > 1 else 0 gr.SetMarkerSize(markersizes[imark]) gr.SetMarkerColor(colors[ih]) if linewidths is None: if ih < 6: # and len(hists) < 5: gr.SetLineWidth(6 - ih) else: ilw = ih if len(linewidths) > 1 else 0 gr.SetLineWidth(linewidths[ilw]) gr.SetLineColor(colors[ih]) # if int(linewidth) == 1: # gr.SetLineColorAlpha(colors[ih], 0.4) gr.SetLineStyle(linestyles[ih]) if draw_str is None: draw_str = 'lpz' if hists[ih].Integral() != 0.0: gr.Draw(draw_str + ' same') statstr = '' if stats is not None: if 'rms' in stats: statstr += ' (%.2f)' % htmp.GetRMS() if 'mean' in stats: statstr += ' (%.2f)' % htmp.GetMean() if '0-bin' in stats: statstr += ' (%.2f)' % htmp.GetBinContent(1) leg.AddEntry(gr, hists[ih].GetTitle() + ' ' + statstr, 'pl') graphs.append( gr ) # yes, you really do have to do this to keep root from giving you only one graph else: if draw_str is None: draw_str = 'hist same' else: draw_str += ' same' if errors: draw_str += ' e' for ih in range(len(hists)): htmp = hists[ih] if stats is not None: if 'rms' in stats: htmp.SetTitle(htmp.GetTitle() + (' (%.2f)' % htmp.GetRMS())) if 'mean' in stats: htmp.SetTitle(htmp.GetTitle() + (' (%.2f)' % htmp.GetMean())) if '0-bin' in stats: htmp.SetTitle(htmp.GetTitle() + (' (%.2f)' % htmp.GetBinContent(1))) htmp.SetLineColor(colors[ih]) if markersizes is not None: imark = ih if len(markersizes) > 1 else 0 htmp.SetMarkerSize(markersizes[imark]) htmp.SetMarkerColor(colors[ih]) htmp.SetLineStyle(linestyles[ih]) if linewidths is None: if ih < 6: # and len(hists) < 5: htmp.SetLineWidth(6 - ih) else: ilw = ih if len(linewidths) > 1 else 0 htmp.SetLineWidth(linewidths[ilw]) leg.AddEntry(htmp, htmp.GetTitle(), 'l') htmp.Draw(draw_str) leg.Draw() if xline is not None: # if xline < hframe.GetXaxis().GetXmin() or xline > hframe.GetXaxis().GetXmax(): # make sure we got valid a x position for the line # print 'WARNING plotting x line at %f out of bounds (%f, %f)' % (float(xmin), hframe.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), hframe.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) # xl = TLine(xline, hframe.GetYaxis().GetXmin(), xline, 0.5*ymax) xl = TLine(xline, -0.1 * ymax, xline, 0.5 * ymax) xl.SetLineStyle(2) xl.Draw() if yline is not None: # if yline < hframe.GetYaxis().GetXmin() or xline > hframe.GetYaxis().GetXmax(): # make sure we got valid a x position for the line # print 'WARNING plotting y line at %f out of bounds (%f, %f)' % (float(ymin), hframe.GetYaxis().GetXmin(), hframe.GetYaxis().GetXmax()) yl = TLine(hframe.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), yline, hframe.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), yline) yl.Draw() cvn.SetLogx('x' in log) cvn.SetLogy('y' in log) if not os.path.exists(plotdir + '/plots'): print 'ERROR dir \'' + plotdir + '/plots\' d.n.e.' assert False if write_csv: assert more_hists == None if csv_fname == None: write_hist_to_file(plotdir + '/plots/' + plotname + '.csv', hist) else: write_hist_to_file(csv_fname, hist) cvn.SaveAs(plotdir + '/plots/' + plotname + '.' + imagetype)
yarray_QQ_RMS.append(f1F.GetMeanError()) yarray_QQ_RMS.append(f2F.GetMeanError()) yarray_QQ_RMS.append(f3F.GetMeanError()) yarray_QQ_RMS.append(f4F.GetMeanError()) yarray_WW_RMS.append(f5F.GetMeanError()) yarray_WW_RMS.append(f6F.GetMeanError()) yarray_WW_RMS.append(f7F.GetMeanError()) yarray_WW_RMS.append(f8F.GetMeanError()) #===============================# c = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 0, 0, 500, 500) gr_QQ = TGraphErrors(4, xarray, yarray_QQ, xarray_error, yarray_QQ_RMS) gr_QQ.SetLineColor(1) gr_QQ.SetLineWidth(1) gr_QQ.SetLineStyle(1) gr_QQ.SetMarkerColor(2) gr_QQ.SetMarkerStyle(1) gr_QQ.SetMarkerSize(1) gr_QQ.GetXaxis().SetTitle("E[TeV]") gr_QQ.GetYaxis().SetTitle("<T_{delay}>[ns]") gr_WW = TGraphErrors(4, xarray, yarray_WW, xarray_error, yarray_WW_RMS) gr_WW.SetLineColor(3) gr_WW.SetLineWidth(1) gr_WW.SetLineStyle(1) gr_WW.SetMarkerColor(4) gr_WW.SetMarkerStyle(1) gr_WW.SetMarkerSize(1) #gr.GetXaxis().SetTitle("E[TeV]") #gr.GetXaxis().SetTitleColor(4)
def acceptance(year): genPoints = [ 1800, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500, 6000, 7000, 8000 ] treeSign = {} ngenSign = {} nevtSign = {} nevtSign_eta = {} nevtSign_dEta = {} eff = TGraphErrors() eff_eta = TGraphErrors() eff_dEta = TGraphErrors() for i, m in enumerate(genPoints): ngenSign[m] = 0. nevtSign[m] = 0. nevtSign_eta[m] = 0. nevtSign_dEta[m] = 0. if year == "run2": years = ['2016', '2017', '2018'] else: years = [year] for yr in years: signName = "MC_signal_{}_M{}".format(yr, m) sfile = TFile(ACCEPTANCEDIR + signName + "_acceptanceHist.root", "READ") ngenSign[m] += sample["ZpBB_M" + str(m)]['genEvents'][yr] #all_events_hist = sfile.Get('all_events') #nEvents = all_events_hist.GetBinContent(1) #ngenSign[m] += nEvents passing_events_hist = sfile.Get('passing') eta_flag_hist = sfile.Get('eta_flag') dEta_flag_hist = sfile.Get('dEta_flag') nEvents = passing_events_hist.GetBinContent(1) nEvents_eta = eta_flag_hist.GetBinContent(1) nEvents_dEta = dEta_flag_hist.GetBinContent(1) nevtSign[m] += nEvents nevtSign_eta[m] += nEvents_eta nevtSign_dEta[m] += nEvents_dEta sfile.Close() print m, ":", nevtSign[m], "/", ngenSign[ m], "=", nevtSign[m] / ngenSign[m] if nevtSign[m] == 0 or ngenSign[m] < 0: continue n = eff.GetN() eff.SetPoint(n, m, nevtSign[m] / ngenSign[m]) eff.SetPointError(n, 0, math.sqrt(nevtSign[m]) / ngenSign[m]) eff_eta.SetPoint(n, m, nevtSign_eta[m] / ngenSign[m]) eff_eta.SetPointError(n, 0, math.sqrt(nevtSign_eta[m]) / ngenSign[m]) eff_dEta.SetPoint(n, m, nevtSign_dEta[m] / ngenSign[m]) eff_dEta.SetPointError(n, 0, math.sqrt(nevtSign_dEta[m]) / ngenSign[m]) eff.SetMarkerColor(4) eff.SetMarkerStyle(24) eff.SetMarkerSize(2) eff.SetLineColor(4) eff.SetLineWidth(3) eff_eta.SetMarkerColor(2) eff_eta.SetMarkerStyle(23) eff_eta.SetMarkerSize(2) eff_eta.SetLineColor(2) eff_eta.SetLineWidth(2) eff_eta.SetLineStyle(2) eff_dEta.SetMarkerColor(418) eff_dEta.SetMarkerStyle(23) eff_dEta.SetMarkerSize(2) eff_dEta.SetLineColor(418) eff_dEta.SetLineWidth(2) eff_dEta.SetLineStyle(2) n = eff.GetN() maxEff = 0. leg = TLegend(0.15, 0.7, 0.95, 0.8) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) #1001 leg.SetFillColor(0) #leg.SetY1(leg.GetY2()-len([x for x in channels if eff[x].GetN() > 0])/2.*0.045) leg.AddEntry(eff, "total") leg.AddEntry(eff_eta, "|#eta|<2.5") leg.AddEntry(eff_dEta, "#Delta#eta<1.1") #legS = TLegend(0.5, 0.85-0.045, 0.9, 0.85) #legS.SetBorderSize(0) #legS.SetFillStyle(0) #1001 #legS.SetFillColor(0) #legS.AddEntry(eff['sum'], "Total efficiency (1 b tag + 2 b tag)", "pl") c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Signal Acceptance", 1200, 800) eff.Draw("APL") eff_eta.Draw("SAME, PL") eff_dEta.Draw("SAME, PL") leg.Draw() #legS.Draw() #setHistStyle(eff["sum"], 1.1) eff.SetTitle(";m_{Z'} (GeV);Acceptance") eff.SetMinimum(0.) eff.SetMaximum(max(1.5, maxEff * 1.5)) #0.65 eff.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) eff.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) eff.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1) eff.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) eff.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(1500, 8000) c1.SetTopMargin(0.05) #drawCMS(-1, "Simulation Preliminary", year=year) #Preliminary #drawCMS(-1, "Work in Progress", year=year, suppressCMS=True) drawCMS(-1, "", year=year, suppressCMS=True) drawAnalysis("") c1.Print("plots/Efficiency/" + year + "_Acceptance.pdf") c1.Print("plots/Efficiency/" + year + "_Acceptance.png")
H8_Projection_40TeV.Scale(1 / H8_Projection_40TeV.Integral()) Fraction_WW_Use = H8_Projection_40TeV.GetBinContent(Sort_particle) Fraction_WW_40TeV.append(Fraction_WW_Use) Y_Error_WW_40TeV.append( np.sqrt(H8_Projection_40TeV.GetEntries() * Fraction_WW_Use * (1 - Fraction_WW_Use)) / H8_Projection_40TeV.GetEntries()) else: Y_Error_WW_40TeV.append(0) Fraction_WW_40TeV.append(0) gr_QQ_5TeV = TGraphErrors(4, X_PT, Fraction_QQ_5TeV, X_Error, Y_Error_QQ_5TeV) gr_QQ_5TeV.SetLineColor(1) gr_QQ_5TeV.SetLineWidth(1) gr_QQ_5TeV.SetLineStyle(1) gr_QQ_5TeV.SetMarkerColor(1) gr_QQ_5TeV.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr_QQ_5TeV.SetMarkerSize(1) gr_QQ_5TeV.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Log(PT)") gr_QQ_5TeV.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Arbitrary") gr_WW_5TeV = TGraphErrors(4, X_PT, Fraction_WW_5TeV, X_Error, Y_Error_WW_5TeV) gr_WW_5TeV.SetLineColor(2) gr_WW_5TeV.SetLineWidth(1) gr_WW_5TeV.SetLineStyle(1) gr_WW_5TeV.SetMarkerColor(2) gr_WW_5TeV.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr_WW_5TeV.SetMarkerSize(1)
else: yarray3.append(Pre_selection) xarray.append(Electric_field) xarrayerror.append(0) yarrayerror.append(0) c = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 0, 0, 500, 500) gStyle.SetOptFit() gr = TGraphErrors(21, xarray, yarray, xarrayerror, yarrayerror) gr1 = TGraphErrors(21, xarray, yarray1, xarrayerror, yarrayerror) gr2 = TGraphErrors(21, xarray, yarray2, xarrayerror, yarrayerror) gr3 = TGraphErrors(21, xarray, yarray3, xarrayerror, yarrayerror) gr.SetLineStyle(1) gr.SetMarkerColor(2) gr.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr.SetLineWidth(2) gr1.SetLineStyle(1) gr1.SetMarkerColor(3) gr1.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr1.SetLineWidth(2) gr2.SetLineStyle(1) gr2.SetMarkerColor(4) gr2.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr2.SetLineWidth(2) gr3.SetLineStyle(1) gr3.SetMarkerColor(5) gr3.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr3.SetLineWidth(2)
gStyle.SetOptFit() yarray_4K_1_gr = TGraphErrors(1000, xarray, yarray_4K_1, xarrayerror, yarrayerror) yarray_4K_2_gr = TGraphErrors(1000, xarray, yarray_4K_2, xarrayerror, yarrayerror) yarray_4K_3_gr = TGraphErrors(1000, xarray, yarray_4K_3, xarrayerror, yarrayerror) yarray_77K_1_gr = TGraphErrors(1000, xarray, yarray_77K_1, xarrayerror, yarrayerror) yarray_77K_2_gr = TGraphErrors(1000, xarray, yarray_77K_2, xarrayerror, yarrayerror) yarray_77K_3_gr = TGraphErrors(1000, xarray, yarray_77K_3, xarrayerror, yarrayerror) yarray_4K_1_gr.SetLineStyle(1) yarray_4K_1_gr.SetMarkerColor(2) yarray_4K_1_gr.SetMarkerStyle(8) yarray_4K_1_gr.SetLineWidth(1) yarray_4K_2_gr.SetLineStyle(1) yarray_4K_2_gr.SetMarkerColor(3) yarray_4K_2_gr.SetMarkerStyle(8) yarray_4K_2_gr.SetLineWidth(1) yarray_4K_3_gr.SetLineStyle(1) yarray_4K_3_gr.SetMarkerColor(4) yarray_4K_3_gr.SetMarkerStyle(8) yarray_4K_3_gr.SetLineWidth(1) yarray_77K_1_gr.SetLineStyle(1)
for k2,v2, in efficiencies["Cleaned"]["125"].items(): temp.append( (int(k2),float(v2[0]), float(v2[1]) ) ) temp.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0]) for i in temp: xVals.append(i[0]) yVals.append(i[1]) errx.append(0) erry.append(i[2]) for i in range(len(erry) ): print erry[i] , yVals[i] * (1 - yVals[i]), (yVals[i] * (1 - yVals[i]) / erry[i]), (yVals[i] * (1 - yVals[i]) / erry[i]) **(1/2.0) erry[i] = (yVals[i] * (1 - yVals[i]) / erry[i]) **(1/2.0) g125C = TGraphErrors(9,xVals,yVals,errx,erry) g125C.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen+2) g125C.SetLineWidth(3) g125C.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kGreen+2) g125C.SetLineStyle(1) g125C.SetMarkerSize(1) g125C.SetMarkerStyle(8) g125C.SetTitle("") g125C.GetXaxis().SetTitle("m_{a} GeV") #g125C.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(1) g125C.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Reconstruction Efficiency") #g125C.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(1) temp = [] xVals = array( 'd' ) yVals = array( 'd' ) errx = array( 'd' ) erry = array( 'd' ) for k2,v2, in efficiencies["Cleaned"]["300"].items(): temp.append( (int(k2),float(v2[0]), float(v2[1])) )
g_purity.SetLineWidth(2) g_acceptance.Draw("PL") g_acceptance.SetMarkerStyle(23) g_acceptance.SetLineColor(kGreen + 2) g_acceptance.SetLineWidth(2) g_reco_eff.Draw("PL") g_reco_eff.SetLineColor(kGray + 2) g_reco_eff.SetLineWidth(2) g_reco_eff.SetMarkerStyle(29) g_reco_eff.SetMarkerSize(1.5) g_reco_eff_data.Draw("PL") g_data_eff.Draw("PL") g_data_eff.SetLineColor(kRed + 1) g_data_eff.SetLineWidth(2) g_data_eff.SetMarkerStyle(4) g_data_eff.SetLineStyle(2) g_reco_eff_data.SetLineColor(kGray + 2) g_reco_eff_data.SetLineWidth(2) g_reco_eff_data.SetMarkerStyle(30) g_reco_eff_data.SetMarkerSize(1.5) g_reco_eff_data.SetLineStyle(2) l = TLegend(0.46, 0.16, 0.85, 0.425) l.SetBorderSize(0) l.SetShadowColor(0) l.AddEntry(g_purity, "Purity #it{P}", "lp") l.AddEntry(g_acceptance, "Acceptance #it{A}", "lp") l.AddEntry(g_eff, "MuCS-MC tagging efficiency #it{#epsilon}_{tag}^{MuCS-MC}", "lp")
leg.AddEntry(jetToMETRatePlot, "MET", "l") leg.AddEntry(jetToElectronRatePlot, "Electrons", "l") leg.AddEntry(jetToMuonRatePlot, "Muons", "l") ## Removing stat info #jetRatePlot.SetStats(False) #jetToMuonRatePlot.SetStats(False) #jetToElectronRatePlot.SetStats(False) ## jetToPhotonRatePlot.SetStats(False) #jetToMETRatePlot.SetStats(False) # Plotting stuff ratePlot.Add(jetRatePlot, "A3L") jetRatePlot.SetFillStyle(1001) jetRatePlot.SetLineWidth(2) jetRatePlot.SetLineStyle(1) ratePlot.Add(jetToMuonRatePlot, "A3") jetToMuonRatePlot.SetFillStyle(1001) jetToMuonRatePlot.SetLineWidth(2) jetToMuonRatePlot.SetLineStyle(1) ratePlot.Add(jetToElectronRatePlot, "A3") jetToElectronRatePlot.SetFillStyle(1001) jetToElectronRatePlot.SetLineWidth(2) jetToElectronRatePlot.SetLineStyle(1) # ratePlot.Add(jetToPhotonRatePlot, "A3") # jetToPhotonRatePlot.SetFillStyle(1001) # jetToPhotonRatePlot.SetLineWidth(2) # jetToPhotonRatePlot.SetLineStyle(1) ratePlot.Add(jetToMETRatePlot, "A3") jetToMETRatePlot.SetFillStyle(1001) jetToMETRatePlot.SetLineWidth(2)
c1.Divide(1,2,small,small) gPad.SetPad(small, 0.3, 1.-small, 1.-small) gPad.SetBottomMargin(small) labelSize=10 makerSize = 0.3 gStyle.SetEndErrorSize(0) gr = TGraphErrors( n, energyVec, recoEnergyVec, energyErrorVec, recoEnergyErrorVec ) gr.SetName('gr') gr.SetLineColor( 1 ) gr.SetLineWidth( 1 ) gr.SetLineStyle( 2 ) gr.SetMarkerColor( 2 ) gr.SetMarkerStyle( 20 ) gr.SetMarkerSize( makerSize ) textsize = labelSize/(gPad.GetWh()*gPad.GetAbsHNDC()) gr.SetTitle( '' ) gr.GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'E_{particle} (GeV)' ) gr.GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'E_{reco} (GeV)' ) gr.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(textsize) gr.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(textsize) gr.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) gr.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(2, 100) gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.15) gr.Draw( 'AP' ) func1 = TF1('fun1', 'x', 0., 100.)
y_axis_pars.append(datapoint[1]) error_vals.append(datapoint[2]) Title = arg1 + " vs " + arg2 c1 = TCanvas("c1", Title) #c1.SetGrid() gr = TGraphErrors(len(x_axis_pars), x_axis_pars, y_axis_pars, array('f', [0 for i in range(len(x_axis_pars))]), error_vals) if "ke" in arg1: gr.GetXaxis().SetTitle(arg1 + "/MeV") else: gr.GetXaxis().SetTitle(arg1 + "/mm") if "ke" in arg2: gr.GetYaxis().SetTitle(arg2 + "/MeV") else: gr.GetYaxis().SetTitle(arg2 + "/mm") gr.SetTitle(Title) gr.Fit(fit) gr.SetMarkerStyle(5) gr.SetMarkerColor(4) gr.SetLineColor(1) gr.SetLineWidth(1) gr.SetLineStyle(1) gr.Draw("AP") gr.SetName(Title) new_file.WriteTObject(gr)