def __init__(self, image, parent=None, cid=-1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, title=sitwPara.Title): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, cid, title) self.SetBackgroundColour((0, 255, 0)) self.SetSize((360, 80)) self.Center() self.Iconize() self.utLogEvent = SitwLog(self, 'logActions') #self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnResize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnCloseWindow) self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle) self.utLogEvent.logMsg( '------------ ' + sitwPara.Title + ' ------------', True) self.readIniFile() self.initComm() self.timer3 = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.Timer_1_Second, self.timer3) self.timer3.Start(1000) # 1s self.timerHB = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.Timer_15_Second, self.timerHB) self.timerHB.Start(sitwPara.lHeartbeatInterval) # 15s
def __init__(self, image, parent = None, id = -1, pos = wx.DefaultPosition, title = sitwPara.Title): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title) self.SetBackgroundColour((0, 0, 0)) self.SetSize((360, 80)) self.Center() self.Iconize() self.panel = wx.Panel(self, size=(320, 336)) self.panel.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) #self.panel.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground) self.Fit() self.SampleCount = 12 #for detecting environment 12 x 10sec = 2min self.KeyPressed = '' self.CurAction = '' self.CurPos = win32api.GetCursorPos() self.PreAction = '' self.PrePos = win32api.GetCursorPos() self.bKeyIntervalOK = True self.KeyMatReady = False self.ListValMat = [] self.ListValEnv = [] self.ListValBrt = [] self.KeySearch = False self.dtSearchStart = self.dtAction = self.dtRefresh = self.ChannelCount = 0 self.bNight = False self.ctEvn = 0 #self.edgeTop = 50 #self.edgeBottom = sitwPara.MoveEdgeBottom1 #self.edgeLeft = 50 #self.edgeRight = 50 self.edgeTop = 18 self.edgeBottom = 18 self.edgeLeft = 18 self.edgeRight = 18 self.strLogAction = '' self.strLogBrightness = '' self.subp = None self.List_ProgramFile = [] self.List_Program = [] self.OnScreenApp = '' #self.utSchedule = SitwScheduleTools(self) self.utLogAction = SitwLog(self, 'logAction') self.utLogBrightness = SitwLog(self, 'logBrightness') #self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnResize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnCloseWindow) self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle) self.prtMsg('PhidgetsKey Starting...') self.readIniFile() self.initPhidgets() self.initKeys() '''collect ambient light info''' self.timer1 = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.CheckEnv, self.timer1) self.timer1.Start(sitwPara.SampleInterval_Env) #1000 = 1 second '''check if there is any key has been covered''' self.timer2 = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.CheckKey, self.timer2) self.timer2.Start(sitwPara.SampleInterval_Key) #1000 = 1 second '''find current on screen experience according to schedule file''' ''' -- removed --''' '''collect sensor readings for analysis''' if sitwPara.Log_Brightness == 'Yes': print '<Log_Brightness On>' self.timer5 = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.logBrightness, self.timer5) self.timer5.Start(60 * 1000) #1000 = 1 second self.utLogBrightness.logMsg('------ log is starting ------\t' + sitwPara.Title) self.logBrightness(None) else: print '<Log_Brightness Off>' '''collect keypad actions for analysis''' if sitwPara.Log_Action == 'Yes': print '<Log_Action On>' self.timer6 = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.logActions, self.timer6) self.timer6.Start(9 * 1000) #1000 = 1 second self.utLogAction.logMsg('------ log is starting ------\t' + sitwPara.Title) else: print '<Log_Action Off>' ###Change Cursor ### ### self.SetSystemCursor = windll.user32.SetSystemCursor #reference to function self.SetSystemCursor.restype = c_int #return self.SetSystemCursor.argtype = [c_int, c_int] #arguments self.LoadCursorFromFile = windll.user32.LoadCursorFromFileA #reference to function self.LoadCursorFromFile.restype = c_int #return self.LoadCursorFromFile.argtype = c_char_p #arguments CursorPath ='../pic/handr.cur' NewCursor = self.LoadCursorFromFile(CursorPath) if NewCursor is None: print "Error loading the cursor" elif self.SetSystemCursor(NewCursor, win32con.IDC_ARROW) == 0: print "Error in setting the cursor" ###Change Cursor self.DimScreen = wx.DisplaySize() print 'Screen Dimensions: ' + str(self.DimScreen[0]) + ' x ' + str(self.DimScreen[1]) ########################################## '''m,b parameters for each sensor''' for i in range(len(sitwPara.List_mb)): print '===== ', sitwPara.List_mb[i][0], sitwPara.List_mb[i][1]
class SitwUsageLog(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, image, parent=None, cid=-1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, title=sitwPara.Title): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, cid, title) self.SetBackgroundColour((0, 255, 0)) self.SetSize((360, 80)) self.Center() self.Iconize() self.utLogEvent = SitwLog(self, 'logActions') #self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnResize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnCloseWindow) self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle) self.utLogEvent.logMsg( '------------ ' + sitwPara.Title + ' ------------', True) self.readIniFile() self.initComm() self.timer3 = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.Timer_1_Second, self.timer3) self.timer3.Start(1000) # 1s self.timerHB = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.Timer_15_Second, self.timerHB) self.timerHB.Start(sitwPara.lHeartbeatInterval) # 15s def initComm(self): self.comm1 = None self.comm2 = None self.comm1 = SitwSocket('Union Client', self) self.comm1.setRunFlag(True) self.comm1.start() #self.comm2 = SitwSocketServer('Scheduler Server', self) #self.comm2.setRunFlag(True) #self.comm2.start() def readIniFile(self): self.prtMsg('Read system ini file...') try: config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(open(sitwPara.FilePath_Ini)) for eachIniData in self.iniData(): Section = eachIniData[0] Keys = eachIniData[1] for Key in Keys: val = config.get(Section, Key) if (Section == "General"): if (Key == "Node_Name"): sitwPara.Node_Name = val else: pass print('[' + Section + '] ' + Key + ' = ' + val) continue except Exception, msg: print '[Err] ' + str(msg) self.prtMsg('Error: readIniFile()') finally:
class SitwPhidgetsKey(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, image, parent = None, id = -1, pos = wx.DefaultPosition, title = sitwPara.Title): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title) self.SetBackgroundColour((0, 0, 0)) self.SetSize((360, 80)) self.Center() self.Iconize() self.panel = wx.Panel(self, size=(320, 336)) self.panel.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) #self.panel.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground) self.Fit() self.SampleCount = 12 #for detecting environment 12 x 10sec = 2min self.KeyPressed = '' self.CurAction = '' self.CurPos = win32api.GetCursorPos() self.PreAction = '' self.PrePos = win32api.GetCursorPos() self.bKeyIntervalOK = True self.KeyMatReady = False self.ListValMat = [] self.ListValEnv = [] self.ListValBrt = [] self.KeySearch = False self.dtSearchStart = self.dtAction = self.dtRefresh = self.ChannelCount = 0 self.bNight = False self.ctEvn = 0 #self.edgeTop = 50 #self.edgeBottom = sitwPara.MoveEdgeBottom1 #self.edgeLeft = 50 #self.edgeRight = 50 self.edgeTop = 18 self.edgeBottom = 18 self.edgeLeft = 18 self.edgeRight = 18 self.strLogAction = '' self.strLogBrightness = '' self.subp = None self.List_ProgramFile = [] self.List_Program = [] self.OnScreenApp = '' #self.utSchedule = SitwScheduleTools(self) self.utLogAction = SitwLog(self, 'logAction') self.utLogBrightness = SitwLog(self, 'logBrightness') #self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnResize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnCloseWindow) self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle) self.prtMsg('PhidgetsKey Starting...') self.readIniFile() self.initPhidgets() self.initKeys() '''collect ambient light info''' self.timer1 = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.CheckEnv, self.timer1) self.timer1.Start(sitwPara.SampleInterval_Env) #1000 = 1 second '''check if there is any key has been covered''' self.timer2 = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.CheckKey, self.timer2) self.timer2.Start(sitwPara.SampleInterval_Key) #1000 = 1 second '''find current on screen experience according to schedule file''' ''' -- removed --''' '''collect sensor readings for analysis''' if sitwPara.Log_Brightness == 'Yes': print '<Log_Brightness On>' self.timer5 = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.logBrightness, self.timer5) self.timer5.Start(60 * 1000) #1000 = 1 second self.utLogBrightness.logMsg('------ log is starting ------\t' + sitwPara.Title) self.logBrightness(None) else: print '<Log_Brightness Off>' '''collect keypad actions for analysis''' if sitwPara.Log_Action == 'Yes': print '<Log_Action On>' self.timer6 = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.logActions, self.timer6) self.timer6.Start(9 * 1000) #1000 = 1 second self.utLogAction.logMsg('------ log is starting ------\t' + sitwPara.Title) else: print '<Log_Action Off>' ###Change Cursor ### ### self.SetSystemCursor = windll.user32.SetSystemCursor #reference to function self.SetSystemCursor.restype = c_int #return self.SetSystemCursor.argtype = [c_int, c_int] #arguments self.LoadCursorFromFile = windll.user32.LoadCursorFromFileA #reference to function self.LoadCursorFromFile.restype = c_int #return self.LoadCursorFromFile.argtype = c_char_p #arguments CursorPath ='../pic/handr.cur' NewCursor = self.LoadCursorFromFile(CursorPath) if NewCursor is None: print "Error loading the cursor" elif self.SetSystemCursor(NewCursor, win32con.IDC_ARROW) == 0: print "Error in setting the cursor" ###Change Cursor self.DimScreen = wx.DisplaySize() print 'Screen Dimensions: ' + str(self.DimScreen[0]) + ' x ' + str(self.DimScreen[1]) ########################################## '''m,b parameters for each sensor''' for i in range(len(sitwPara.List_mb)): print '===== ', sitwPara.List_mb[i][0], sitwPara.List_mb[i][1] ########################################## ### not in use at the moment def OnEraseBackground(self, event): return True def OnPaint(self, event): ''' # establish the painting surface dc = wx.PaintDC(self.panel) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('blue', 4)) # draw a blue line (thickness = 4) dc.DrawLine(50, 20, 300, 20) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('red', 1)) # draw a red rounded-rectangle rect = wx.Rect(50, 50, 100, 100) dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(rect, 8) # draw a red circle with yellow fill dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush('yellow')) x = 250 y = 100 r = 50 dc.DrawCircle(x, y, r) ''' #dc = wx.PaintDC(self.panel) dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self.panel) dc.SetBackground(wx.BLUE_BRUSH) dc.Clear() self.onDraw(dc) def onDraw(self, dc): strColorPen1 = 'red' strColorPen2 = 'blue' for i in range(sitwPara.KeyCount): rect = sitwPara.List_ButtonPos[i] dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush((0, 255*self.ListValBrt[i], 255*self.ListValBrt[i]))) if self.KeyPressed == sitwPara.List_Action[i]: dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(strColorPen1, 5)) else: dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(strColorPen2, 1)) #dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(rect, 8) def initPhidgets(self): try: self.interfaceKit = InterfaceKit() except RuntimeError as e: print("Runtime Exception: %s" % e.details) print("Exiting....") exit(1) try: self.interfaceKit.setOnAttachHandler(self.inferfaceKitAttached) self.interfaceKit.setOnDetachHandler(self.interfaceKitDetached) self.interfaceKit.setOnErrorhandler(self.interfaceKitError) self.interfaceKit.setOnInputChangeHandler(self.interfaceKitInputChanged) self.interfaceKit.setOnOutputChangeHandler(self.interfaceKitOutputChanged) self.interfaceKit.setOnSensorChangeHandler(self.interfaceKitSensorChanged) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Opening phidget object....") try: self.interfaceKit.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Waiting for attach....") try: self.interfaceKit.waitForAttach(10000) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) self.closePhidgets() else: self.displayDeviceInfo() #get sensor count try: self.ChannelCount = self.interfaceKit.getSensorCount() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) self.closePhidgets() sitwPara.KeyCount = 0 #no sensor has been detected self.prtMsg(' ****** No sensor has been detected !!!\n') print("Setting the data rate for each sensor index to 4ms....") for i in range(sitwPara.KeyCount): try: self.interfaceKit.setDataRate(i, 4) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) ### depends on the low light performance of the sensor print("Setting the sensitivity for each sensor index to ???....") for i in range(sitwPara.KeyCount): try: self.interfaceKit.setSensorChangeTrigger(i, 2) #~~~~*YL*~~~~ except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) def closePhidgets(self): #print("Press Enter to quit....") #chr = #print("Closing...") try: self.interfaceKit.closePhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) #print("Done.") #exit(1) def initKeys(self): self.KeyPressed = '' self.ListValMat = [] for i in range(sitwPara.KeyCount): self.ListValEnv = [] for j in range(self.SampleCount): self.ListValEnv.append(self.readSensorValue(i)) self.ListValMat.append(self.ListValEnv) self.KeyMatReady = True self.ListValBrt = [] for i in range(sitwPara.KeyCount): self.ListValBrt.append(0) def readIniFile(self): self.prtMsg('Read system ini file...') try: config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(open(sitwPara.FilePath_Ini)) for eachIniData in self.iniData(): Section = eachIniData[0] Keys = eachIniData[1] for Key in Keys: val = config.get(Section, Key) if (Section == "General"): if (Key == "KeyCount"): sitwPara.KeyCount = int(val) elif (Key == "Sensitivity"): sitwPara.Sensitivity = float(val) elif (Key == "MovingPace"): sitwPara.MovingPace = int(val) elif (Key == "SampleInterval_Key"): sitwPara.SampleInterval_Key = int(val) elif (Key == "SampleInterval_Env"): sitwPara.SampleInterval_Env = int(val) elif (Key == "Log_Action"): sitwPara.Log_Action = str(val) elif (Key == "Log_Brightness"): sitwPara.Log_Brightness = str(val) else: pass print('[' + Section + '] ' + Key + ' = ' + val) continue except: #IOError self.prtMsg('Error: readIniFile()') finally: pass def iniData(self): return (("General", ("KeyCount", "Sensitivity", "MovingPace", "SampleInterval_Key", "SampleInterval_Env", "Log_Action", "Log_Brightness")),) #Information Display Function def displayDeviceInfo(self): print("|------------|----------------------------------|--------------|------------|") print("|- Attached -|- Type -|- Serial No. -|- Version -|") print("|------------|----------------------------------|--------------|------------|") print("|- %8s -|- %30s -|- %10d -|- %8d -|" % (self.interfaceKit.isAttached(), self.interfaceKit.getDeviceName(), self.interfaceKit.getSerialNum(), self.interfaceKit.getDeviceVersion())) print("|------------|----------------------------------|--------------|------------|") print("Number of Digital Inputs: %i" % (self.interfaceKit.getInputCount())) print("Number of Digital Outputs: %i" % (self.interfaceKit.getOutputCount())) print("Number of Sensor Inputs: %i" % (self.interfaceKit.getSensorCount())) #Event Handler Callback Functions def inferfaceKitAttached(self, e): attached = e.device print("InterfaceKit %i Attached!" % (attached.getSerialNum())) def interfaceKitDetached(self, e): detached = e.device print("InterfaceKit %i Detached!" % (detached.getSerialNum())) def interfaceKitError(self, e): try: source = e.device print("InterfaceKit %i: Phidget Error %i: %s" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.eCode, e.description)) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) def interfaceKitInputChanged(self, e): source = e.device print("InterfaceKit %i: Input %i: %s" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.index, e.state)) def interfaceKitSensorChanged(self, e): if not self.KeyMatReady: return #source = e.device #print("InterfaceKit %i: Sensor %i: %i" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.index, e.value)) if not self.KeySearch: self.KeySearch = True self.dtSearchStart = def interfaceKitOutputChanged(self, e): source = e.device print("InterfaceKit %i: Output %i: %s" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.index, e.state)) def readSensorValue(self, channel_id): val = 0.0 try: val = self.interfaceKit.getSensorValue(channel_id) #val = self.interfaceKit.getSensorRawValue(channel_id) / 4.095 except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) #val = 1.478777 * float(val) + 33.67076 #------ for 1142_0: Lux = m * SensorValue + b #val = math.exp(0.02385 * float(val) - 0.56905) #------ for 1143_0: Lux = math.exp(m * SensorValue + b) #val = math.exp(sitwPara.List_mb[channel_id][0] * float(val) + sitwPara.List_mb[channel_id][1]) #------ for 1143_0: Lux = math.exp(m * SensorValue + b) return val def CheckEnv(self, event): for i in range(sitwPara.KeyCount): ValIns = self.readSensorValue(i) ValEnv = sum(self.ListValMat[i]) / len(self.ListValMat[i]) if (float(ValIns) / float(ValEnv)) > 0.70 or self.ctEvn >= 2: #natural change or the big change keeps for long time self.ListValMat[i].pop(0) self.ListValMat[i].append(ValIns) self.ctEvn = 0 else: self.ctEvn += 1 #ignore those suddenly changes ###test #for val in self.ListValMax: # print val, '->', sum(val)/len(val) #print '-------------------------------------------------------' def CheckKey(self, event): if not self.KeySearch: return dtCurrentTime = if dtCurrentTime - self.dtSearchStart > datetime.timedelta(microseconds = 6000000): # =6s ; 1000000 = 1s self.KeySearch = False if dtCurrentTime - self.dtAction > datetime.timedelta(microseconds = 500000): # =0.5s ; 1000000 = 1s self.bKeyIntervalOK = True else: self.bKeyIntervalOK = False self.bNight = True for i in range(sitwPara.KeyCount): ValIns = self.readSensorValue(i) ValEnv = sum(self.ListValMat[i]) / len(self.ListValMat[i]) if ValEnv > 20.0: self.bNight = False self.ListValBrt[i] = float(ValIns) / float(ValEnv) if self.ListValBrt[i] > 1.0: self.ListValBrt[i] = 1.0 #sort #self.ListValBrt.sort(cmp = None, key = None, reverse = False) if self.bNight == False: NightFactor = 1.0 else: NightFactor = 1.8 #KeyID = self.ListValBrt.index(min(self.ListValBrt)) for i in range(sitwPara.KeyCount): KeyID = sitwPara.List_KeyCheckOrder[i] if self.ListValBrt[KeyID] < (sitwPara.Sensitivity * NightFactor): bKey = True break else: bKey = False if bKey == True: if KeyID == 1: if self.KeyPressed == 'left' or self.bKeyIntervalOK == True: self.KeyPressed = 'left' self.dtAction = else: self.KeyPressed = '' elif KeyID == 2: if self.KeyPressed == 'right' or self.bKeyIntervalOK == True: self.KeyPressed = 'right' self.dtAction = else: self.KeyPressed = '' elif KeyID == 3: if self.KeyPressed == 'up' or self.bKeyIntervalOK == True: self.KeyPressed = 'up' self.dtAction = else: self.KeyPressed = '' elif KeyID == 4: if self.KeyPressed == 'down' or self.bKeyIntervalOK == True: self.KeyPressed = 'down' self.dtAction = else: self.KeyPressed = '' elif KeyID == 0: if self.KeyPressed != 'click' and self.KeyPressed != 'clicked' and self.KeyPressed != 'dclick' and self.KeyPressed != 'dclicked' and self.bKeyIntervalOK == True: self.KeyPressed = 'click' self.dtAction = elif self.KeyPressed != 'dclick' and self.KeyPressed != 'dclicked' and (dtCurrentTime - self.dtAction > datetime.timedelta(microseconds = 2200000)): # =2.2s ; 1000000 = 1s self.KeyPressed = 'dclick' self.dtAction = else: self.KeyPressed = '' if len(self.KeyPressed) > 0: ###filter #-- removed --- ###filter pos = win32api.GetCursorPos() if self.KeyPressed == 'up': if pos[1] >= self.edgeTop: #nx = (pos[0]) * 65535.0 / self.DimScreen[0] #ny = (pos[1] - sitwPara.MovingPace) * 65535.0 / self.DimScreen[1] win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE, 0, -sitwPara.MovingPace) #win32api.SetCursorPos((pos[0], pos[1] - sitwPara.MovingPace)) elif self.KeyPressed == 'down': if pos[1] <= self.DimScreen[1] - self.edgeBottom: #nx = (pos[0]) * 65535.0 / self.DimScreen[0] #ny = (pos[1] + sitwPara.MovingPace) * 65535.0 / self.DimScreen[1] win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE, 0, +sitwPara.MovingPace) #win32api.SetCursorPos((pos[0], pos[1] + sitwPara.MovingPace)) elif self.KeyPressed == 'left': if pos[0] >= self.edgeLeft: #nx = (pos[0] - sitwPara.MovingPace) * 65535.0 / self.DimScreen[0] #ny = (pos[1]) * 65535.0 / self.DimScreen[1] win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE, -sitwPara.MovingPace, 0) #win32api.SetCursorPos((pos[0] - sitwPara.MovingPace, pos[1])) elif self.KeyPressed == 'right': if pos[0] <= self.DimScreen[0] - self.edgeRight: #nx = (pos[0] + sitwPara.MovingPace) * 65535.0 / self.DimScreen[0] #ny = (pos[1]) * 65535.0 / self.DimScreen[1] win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE, +sitwPara.MovingPace, 0) #win32api.SetCursorPos((pos[0] + sitwPara.MovingPace, pos[1])) elif self.KeyPressed == 'click':[0], pos[1]) #print '**********click**************' self.KeyPressed = 'clicked' elif self.KeyPressed == 'dclick': self.dclick(pos[0], pos[1]) #print '**********dclick**************' self.KeyPressed = 'dclicked' ###Action Log if sitwPara.Log_Action == 'Yes': self.CurAction = self.KeyPressed self.CurPos = win32api.GetCursorPos() if self.CurAction != self.PreAction and len(self.PreAction) > 0: #dtCurrentTime = #strTimeTag = datetime.datetime.strftime(dtCurrentTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') #pos = win32api.GetCursorPos() strLog = self.PreAction + '\t(' + str(self.PrePos[0]) + ',' + str(self.PrePos[1]) + ')' \ + '\t' + self.OnScreenApp self.utLogAction.logMsg(strLog) self.PreAction = self.CurAction self.PrePos = self.CurPos def click(self, x,y): win32api.SetCursorPos((x,y)) win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN,x,y,0,0) win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP,x,y,0,0) def dclick(self, x,y): win32api.SetCursorPos((x,y)) win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN,x,y,0,0) win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP,x,y,0,0) win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN,x,y,0,0) win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP,x,y,0,0) def logBrightness(self, event): strValEnv = '' for i in range(sitwPara.KeyCount): ValEnv = sum(self.ListValMat[i]) / len(self.ListValMat[i]) strValEnv += str('%06.2f'%(ValEnv)) + '\t' self.utLogBrightness.logMsg(strValEnv) self.utLogBrightness.wrtLog(False) def logActions(self, event): self.utLogAction.wrtLog(False) def GetSchedule(self, event): # --removed -- pass def FindAppName(self, event): # --removed -- pass def prtMsg(self, strMsg): dtCurrentTime = strTimeTag = datetime.datetime.strftime(dtCurrentTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') #strTimeTag += str('%03d'%(int(datetime.datetime.strftime(dtCurrentTime, '%f'))/1000)) print(strTimeTag + ' ' + strMsg + "\n") def OnIdle(self, event): if not self.KeySearch: return dtCurrentTime = if dtCurrentTime - self.dtRefresh > datetime.timedelta(microseconds = 200000): #1000000 = 1s self.dtRefresh = dtCurrentTime self.panel.Refresh(eraseBackground = False) pass def OnCloseWindow(self, event): print "Do something b4 closing..." ###Change Cursor CursorPath = "../pic/arrow.cur" NewCursor = self.LoadCursorFromFile(CursorPath) if NewCursor is None: print "Error loading the cursor" elif self.SetSystemCursor(NewCursor, win32con.IDC_ARROW) == 0: print "Error in setting the cursor" ###Change Cursor self.closePhidgets() self.prtMsg('Destroy Phidgets Key') if sitwPara.Log_Action == 'Yes': self.utLogAction.wrtLog(True) #force to log all messages if sitwPara.Log_Brightness == 'Yes': self.utLogBrightness.wrtLog(True) #force to log all messages #time.sleep(1) self.Destroy()