コード例 #1
def abc(pewl, name=None, niter=None, npart=None, restart=None): 
    if restart is not None:
        # read pool 
        theta_init  = np.loadtxt(
                os.path.join(abc_dir, 'theta.t%i.dat' % restart)) 
        rho_init    = np.loadtxt(
                os.path.join(abc_dir, 'rho.t%i.dat' % restart)) 
        w_init      = np.loadtxt(
                os.path.join(abc_dir, 'w.t%i.dat' % restart)) 
        init_pool = abcpmc.PoolSpec(restart, None, None, theta_init, rho_init, w_init) 

        npart = len(theta_init) 
        print('%i particles' % npart) 
        init_pool = None

    #--- inference with ABC-PMC below ---
    # prior 
    prior = abcpmc.TophatPrior(prior_min, prior_max) 

    # sampler 
    abcpmc_sampler = abcpmc.Sampler(
            N=npart,                # N_particles
            Y=x_obs,                # data
            postfn=_sumstat_model_wrap,   # simulator 
            dist=_distance_metric_wrap,   # distance metric 
            postfn_kwargs={'dem': dem}#, dist_kwargs={'method': 'L2', 'phi_err': phi_err}

    # threshold 
    eps = abcpmc.ConstEps(niter, eps0) 

    print('eps0', eps.eps)

    for pool in abcpmc_sampler.sample(prior, eps, pool=init_pool):
        eps_str = ", ".join(["{0:>.4f}".format(e) for e in pool.eps])
        print("T: {0}, eps: [{1}], ratio: {2:>.4f}".format(pool.t, eps_str, pool.ratio))

        for i, (mean, std) in enumerate(zip(*abcpmc.weighted_avg_and_std(pool.thetas, pool.ws, axis=0))):
            print(u"    theta[{0}]: {1:>.4f} \u00B1 {2:>.4f}".format(i, mean,std))
        print('dist', pool.dists)
        # write out theta, weights, and distances to file 
        dustInfer.writeABC('eps', pool, abc_dir=abc_dir)
        dustInfer.writeABC('theta', pool, abc_dir=abc_dir) 
        dustInfer.writeABC('w', pool, abc_dir=abc_dir) 
        dustInfer.writeABC('rho', pool, abc_dir=abc_dir) 

        # update epsilon based on median thresholding 
        eps.eps = np.median(pool.dists, axis=0)
        print('eps%i' % pool.t, eps.eps)
        #if pool.ratio <0.2: break
    return None 
コード例 #2
def plot_pool(T, prior=None, dem='slab_calzetti', abc_dir=None):
    ''' plot ABC pool 
    # read pool 
    theta_T = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(abc_dir, 'theta.t%i.dat' % T)) 
    rho_T   = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(abc_dir, 'rho.t%i.dat' % T)) 
    w_T     = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(abc_dir, 'w.t%i.dat' % T)) 
    pool    = abcpmc.PoolSpec(T, None, None, theta_T, rho_T, w_T) 

    dustInfer.plotABC(pool, prior=prior, dem=dem, abc_dir=abc_dir)
    return None 
コード例 #3
def FixedTauABC(T, eps_input, fixtau='satellite', Npart=1000, prior_name='try0', 
        observables=['fqz_multi'], abcrun=None, 
        restart=False, t_restart=None, eps_restart=None, **sim_kwargs):
    ''' Run ABC-PMC analysis for central galaxy SFH model with *FIXED* quenching 

    T : (int) 
        Number of iterations

    eps_input : (float)
        Starting epsilon threshold value 

    N_part : (int)
        Number of particles

    prior_name : (string)
        String that specifies what prior to use.

    abcrun : (string)
        String that specifies abc run information 
    if isinstance(eps_input, list):
        if len(eps_input) != len(observables): 
            raise ValueError
    if len(observables) > 1 and isinstance(eps_input, float): 
        raise ValueError

    # output abc run details
    sfinherit_kwargs, abcrun_flag = MakeABCrun(
            abcrun=abcrun, Niter=T, Npart=Npart, prior_name=prior_name, 
            eps_val=eps_input, restart=restart, **sim_kwargs) 

    # Data 
    data_sum = DataSummary(observables=observables)
    # Priors
    prior_min, prior_max = PriorRange(prior_name)
    prior = abcpmc.TophatPrior(prior_min, prior_max)    # ABCPMC prior object

    def Simz(tt):       # Simulator (forward model) 
        gv_slope = tt[0]
        gv_offset = tt[1]
        fudge_slope = tt[2]
        fudge_offset = tt[3]

        sim_kwargs = sfinherit_kwargs.copy()
        sim_kwargs['sfr_prop']['gv'] = {'slope': gv_slope, 'fidmass': 10.5, 'offset': gv_offset}
        sim_kwargs['evol_prop']['fudge'] = {'slope': fudge_slope, 'fidmass': 10.5, 'offset': fudge_offset}
        sim_kwargs['evol_prop']['tau'] = {'name': fixtau}
        sim_output = SimSummary(observables=observables, **sim_kwargs)
        return sim_output

    theta_file = lambda pewl: ''.join([code_dir(), 
        'dat/pmc_abc/', 'CenQue_theta_t', str(pewl), '_', abcrun_flag, 
        '.fixedtau.', fixtau, '.dat']) 
    w_file = lambda pewl: ''.join([code_dir(), 
        'dat/pmc_abc/', 'CenQue_w_t', str(pewl), '_', abcrun_flag, 
        '.fixedtau.', fixtau, '.dat']) 
    dist_file = lambda pewl: ''.join([code_dir(), 
        'dat/pmc_abc/', 'CenQue_dist_t', str(pewl), '_', abcrun_flag, 
        '.fixedtau.', fixtau, '.dat']) 
    eps_file = ''.join([code_dir(), 
        'dat/pmc_abc/epsilon_', abcrun_flag, 
        '.fixedtau.', fixtau, '.dat']) 

    distfn = RhoFq
    if restart:
        if t_restart is None: 
            raise ValueError

        last_thetas = np.loadtxt(theta_file(t_restart))
        last_ws = np.loadtxt(w_file(t_restart))
        last_dist = np.loadtxt(dist_file(t_restart))

        init_pool = abcpmc.PoolSpec(t_restart, None, None, last_thetas, last_dist, last_ws)
        init_pool = None 

    eps = abcpmc.ConstEps(T, eps_input)
        mpi_pool = mpi_util.MpiPool()
        abcpmc_sampler = abcpmc.Sampler(
                N=Npart,                # N_particles
                Y=data_sum,             # data
                postfn=Simz,            # simulator 
                dist=distfn,           # distance function  
    except AttributeError: 
        abcpmc_sampler = abcpmc.Sampler(
                N=Npart,                # N_particles
                Y=data_sum,             # data
                postfn=Simz,            # simulator 
                dist=distfn)           # distance function  
    abcpmc_sampler.particle_proposal_cls = abcpmc.ParticleProposal

    pools = []
    if init_pool is None: 
        f = open(eps_file, "w")
    eps_str = ''
    for pool in abcpmc_sampler.sample(prior, eps, pool=init_pool):
        print '----------------------------------------'
        print 'eps ', pool.eps
        new_eps_str = str(pool.eps)+'\t'+str(pool.ratio)+'\n'
        if eps_str != new_eps_str:  # if eps is different, open fiel and append 
            f = open(eps_file, "a")
            eps_str = new_eps_str

        print("T:{0},ratio: {1:>.4f}".format(pool.t, pool.ratio))
        print eps(pool.t)

        # write theta, weights, and distances to file 
        np.savetxt(theta_file(pool.t), pool.thetas, 
            header='gv_slope, gv_offset, fudge_slope, fudge_offset')
        np.savetxt(w_file(pool.t), pool.ws)
        np.savetxt(dist_file(pool.t), pool.dists)
        # update epsilon based on median thresholding 
        if len(observables) == 1: 
            eps.eps = np.median(pool.dists)
            #print pool.dists
            print np.median(np.atleast_2d(pool.dists), axis = 0)
            eps.eps = np.median(np.atleast_2d(pool.dists), axis = 0)
        print '----------------------------------------'

    return pools