コード例 #1
def main():
    # Get running configuration
    config, _ = get_config()

    # Build tensorflow graph from config
    print("Building graph...")
    actor = Actor(config)

    # Creating dataset
    if not config.inference_mode:
        l = []
        for i in range(config.nCells):
            for j in range(config.nMuts):
        l = np.asarray(l)

    # Saver to save & restore all the variables.
    variables_to_save = [v for v in tf.global_variables() if 'Adam' not in v.name]
    saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=variables_to_save, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=1.0, max_to_keep= 1000)  

    print("Starting session...")
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        # Run initialize op

        # Training mode
        if not config.inference_mode:

            dataset = data(config.nb_epoch*config.batch_size, config.nCells, config.nMuts, config.ms_dir, config.alpha, config.beta)
            print('Dataset was created!')
            matrices_p, matrices_n = dataset

            print("Starting training...")
            for i in tqdm(range(config.nb_epoch)): 
                feed = {actor.input_: train_batch(config, np.asarray(matrices_n), l, i)}

                # Forward pass & train step
                summary, train_step1, train_step2 = sess.run([actor.merged, actor.train_step1, actor.train_step2], feed_dict=feed)

            print("Training COMPLETED !")
            saver.save(sess, config.save_to + "/actor.ckpt")
        # Inference mode

            dataset = data(config.nTestMats, config.nCells, config.nMuts, config.ms_dir, config.alpha, config.beta)
            print('Dataset was created!')
            matrices_p, matrices_n = dataset
            matrices_n_t = np.asarray(matrices_n)
            matrices_p_t = np.asarray(matrices_p)
            nMats = np.shape(matrices_n_t)[0]

            saver.restore(sess, config.restore_from + "/actor.ckpt")
            print("Model restored.")
            V_o = np.zeros((nMats, 1), dtype = np.float64)
            f_1_to_0_o = np.zeros((nMats, 1), dtype = np.float64)
            f_0_to_1_o = np.zeros((nMats, 1), dtype = np.float64)
            N00_o = np.zeros((nMats, 1), dtype = np.float64)
            N11_o = np.zeros((nMats, 1), dtype = np.float64)            
            N00_NLL_o = np.zeros((nMats, 1), dtype = np.float64)
            N11_NLL_o = np.zeros((nMats, 1), dtype = np.float64)
            N10_NLL_o = np.zeros((nMats, 1), dtype = np.float64)
            N01_NLL_o = np.zeros((nMats, 1), dtype = np.float64)
            NLL_o = np.zeros((nMats, 1), dtype = np.float64)
            V_o = np.zeros((nMats, 1), dtype = np.float64)
            fp_fn = np.zeros((nMats, config.nCells, config.nMuts), dtype = np.float32)
            for k in range(np.shape(matrices_n_t)[0]):
                fp_fn[k, matrices_n_t[k,:,:] == 1] = config.alpha
                fp_fn[k, matrices_n_t[k,:,:] == 0] = config.beta
                N01_o_ = np.sum(matrices_n_t[k,:,:] - matrices_p_t[k,:,:] == -1) 
                N10_o_ = np.sum(matrices_p_t[k,:,:] - matrices_n_t[k,:,:] == -1)
                N11_o_ = np.sum(matrices_p_t[k,:,:] + matrices_n_t[k,:,:] == 2)
                N00_o_ = np.sum(matrices_p_t[k,:,:] - matrices_n_t[k,:,:] == 0) - N11_o_
                f_1_to_0_o[k, 0] = N10_o_
                f_0_to_1_o[k, 0] = N01_o_
                # fp_o = config.alpha
                # fn_o = config.beta

                N00_o[k, 0] = N00_o_
                N11_o[k, 0] = N11_o_
                N00_NLL_o[k, 0] = N00_o_*np.log(1/(1-config.beta))
                N11_NLL_o[k, 0] = N11_o_*np.log(1/(1-config.alpha))
                N01_NLL_o[k, 0] = N01_o_*np.log(1/config.beta)
                N10_NLL_o[k, 0] = N10_o_*np.log(1/config.alpha)
                NLL_o[k, 0] = np.sum([N00_NLL_o[k, 0], N11_NLL_o[k, 0], N01_NLL_o[k, 0], N10_NLL_o[k, 0]])
                k += 1
            l = []
            for i in range(config.nCells):
                for j in range(config.nMuts):
            l = np.asarray(l)
            max_length = config.nCells * config.nMuts
            a = np.expand_dims(matrices_n_t.reshape(-1, actor.max_length),2)
            b = np.expand_dims(fp_fn.reshape(-1, actor.max_length),2)
            x = np.tile(l,(nMats,1,1))
            c = np.squeeze(np.concatenate([x,b,a], axis = 2))
            d = np.asarray([np.take(c[i,:,:],np.random.permutation(c[i,:,:].shape[0]),axis=0,out=c[i,:,:]) for i in range(np.shape(c)[0])])
            output_ = np.zeros((nMats, 14), dtype = np.float64)
            for j in tqdm(range(nMats)): # num of examples
                start_t = time()

                input_batch = np.tile(d[j,:,:],(actor.batch_size,1,1))
                feed = {actor.input_: input_batch}

                pos  = sess.run([actor.positions] , feed_dict=feed)[0]

                inp_ = tf.convert_to_tensor(input_batch, dtype=tf.float32)
                pos =  tf.convert_to_tensor(pos, dtype=tf.int32)

                r = tf.range(start = 0, limit = actor.batch_size, delta = 1)
                r = tf.expand_dims(r ,1)
                r = tf.expand_dims(r ,2)
                r3 = tf.cast(tf.ones([actor.max_length , 1]) * tf.cast(r, tf.float32), tf.int32)
                r4 = tf.squeeze(r, axis = 2)
                i = 0
                while i < int(max_length/10):    
                    r5 = tf.expand_dims(tf.fill([actor.batch_size], i), axis = 1)
                    u = tf.ones_like(r5)
                    r4_r5 = tf.concat([r4, r5], axis = 1)

                    pos_mask = tf.squeeze(tf.scatter_nd(indices = r4_r5, updates = u, shape = [actor.batch_size, actor.max_length, 1]), axis = 2)

                    pos_mask_cum1 = tf.cumsum(pos_mask, reverse = True, exclusive = True, axis = 1)
                    pos_mask_cum2 = tf.cumsum(pos_mask, reverse = False, exclusive = False, axis = 1) # for calculating NLL

                    per_pos = tf.concat([r3, tf.expand_dims(pos, axis = 2)], axis = 2)

                    per_ = tf.gather_nd(inp_, indices = per_pos)
                    per_matrix = per_[:,:,3:4]

                    # flipping the input
                    m1 = tf.multiply(tf.squeeze(per_matrix, axis = 2), tf.cast(pos_mask_cum1, tf.float32))
                    m1 = tf.subtract(tf.cast(pos_mask_cum1, tf.float32) , m1)
                    m2 = tf.multiply(tf.squeeze(per_matrix, axis = 2), tf.cast(pos_mask_cum2, tf.float32))
                    T_f = tf.add(m1, m2)

                    per_flipped = tf.concat([per_[:,:,0:3], tf.expand_dims(T_f, axis = 2)], axis = 2)
                    idx = tf.concat([r3, tf.cast(per_flipped[:,:,0:2], tf.int32)], axis = 2)
                    m_f = tf.scatter_nd(indices = tf.expand_dims(idx,2), updates = per_flipped[:,:,3:4], shape = tf.constant([actor.batch_size, actor.config.nCells, actor.config.nMuts]))           
                    c_v = actor.count3gametes(m_f) # cost for flipped matrix
                    V_rl = c_v.eval()
                    g = np.min(V_rl)
                    # Calculating NLL
                    per_fp_fn = per_[:,:,2:3]
                    per_fp_fn_log = tf.log(1/per_fp_fn) # for N01 and N10
                    per_fp_fn_com = tf.subtract(tf.ones_like(per_fp_fn), per_fp_fn) # for N00 and N11
                    per_fp_fn_com_log = tf.log(1/per_fp_fn_com)

                    NLL_N10_N01 = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(tf.squeeze(per_fp_fn_log, axis = 2), tf.cast(pos_mask_cum1, tf.float32)), axis = 1, keepdims = True)

                    per_matrix_mul_cum2 = tf.multiply(tf.squeeze(per_[:,:,3:4], axis = 2), tf.cast(pos_mask_cum2, tf.float32))
                    N11 = tf.reduce_sum(per_matrix_mul_cum2, axis = 1, keepdims = True)
                    N11_rl = tf.squeeze(N11, axis = 1).eval()
                    sum_mask_cum2 = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(pos_mask_cum2, tf.float32), axis = 1, keepdims = True )
                    N00 = tf.subtract(sum_mask_cum2, N11)
                    N00_rl = tf.squeeze(N00, axis = 1).eval()

                    sum_per_matrix = tf.reduce_sum(tf.squeeze(per_matrix, axis = 2) , axis = 1)
                    sum_per_fp =  tf.reduce_sum(tf.squeeze(tf.multiply(per_fp_fn, per_matrix) , axis = 2) , axis = 1)
                    fp = tf.divide(sum_per_fp, sum_per_matrix)
                    fp_r = fp.eval()

                    sum_per_fn = tf.subtract(tf.reduce_sum(tf.squeeze(per_fp_fn, axis = 2), axis = 1), sum_per_fp)
                    q = tf.cast(tf.tile(tf.constant([actor.max_length]), tf.constant([actor.batch_size])), tf.float32)
                    fn = tf.divide(sum_per_fn, tf.subtract(q, sum_per_matrix) )
                    fn_r = fn.eval()

                    fp_com = tf.log(1/tf.subtract(tf.cast(tf.tile(tf.constant([1]), tf.constant([actor.batch_size])), tf.float32), fp))
                    fn_com = tf.log(1/tf.subtract(tf.cast(tf.tile(tf.constant([1]), tf.constant([actor.batch_size])), tf.float32), fn))

                    N00_NLL = tf.multiply(tf.expand_dims(fp_com, axis = 1), N00)
                    N11_NLL = tf.multiply(tf.expand_dims(fn_com, axis = 1), N11)

                    NLL = tf.scalar_mul(config.gamma, tf.add_n([NLL_N10_N01, N00_NLL, N11_NLL ]))            
                    NLL_rl = tf.squeeze(NLL, axis =1).eval()
                    g_w = np.where(V_rl == g)[0]
                    g_w_nll = np.argmin(NLL_rl[g_w])
                    gg = g_w[g_w_nll]    

                    if g == 0:
                        c_v_rl = V_rl[gg]
                        m_rl = m_f.eval()[gg]                    
                        N10 = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(tf.squeeze(per_matrix, axis = 2), tf.cast(pos_mask_cum1, tf.float32)), axis = 1, keepdims = True)
                        f_1_to_0_rl = tf.squeeze(N10, axis = 1)[gg].eval()
                        sum_mask_cum1 = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(pos_mask_cum1, tf.float32), axis = 1, keepdims = True )
                        N01 = tf.subtract(sum_mask_cum1, N10)
                        f_0_to_1_rl = tf.squeeze(N01, axis = 1)[gg].eval()
                        n_f = copy.deepcopy(i)
                        # cost of original
                        idx = tf.concat([r3, tf.cast(inp_[:,:,0:2], tf.int32)], axis = 2)
                        m = tf.scatter_nd(indices = tf.expand_dims(idx,2), updates = inp_[:,:,3:4], shape = tf.constant([actor.batch_size, actor.config.nCells, actor.config.nMuts]))
                        c_v_o = actor.count3gametes(m)
                        c_n = c_v_o[0].eval()
                        fp_v = fp_r[gg]
                        fn_v = fn_r[gg]
                        c2 = copy.deepcopy(NLL_rl[gg])
                        df = pd.DataFrame(m_rl.astype(int) , index = ['cell' + str(k1) for k1 in range(np.shape(m_rl)[0])], \
                                          columns = ['mut' + str(h1) for h1 in range(np.shape(m_rl)[1])])
                        df.index.rename('cellID/mutID', inplace=True)
                        df.to_csv(config.output_dir + '/mrl_{}.txt'.format(j + 1), sep='\t')
                    c_t = tf.add(tf.squeeze(NLL, axis = 1), tf.cast(c_v, tf.float32))
                    if i == 0:
                        c2 = copy.deepcopy(NLL_rl[gg])
                        c_v_rl = V_rl[gg]
                        n_f = copy.deepcopy(i)
                        f_0_to_1_rl = 0
                        f_1_to_0_rl = 0
                        m_rl = m_f.eval()[gg]
                        fp_v = fp_r[gg]
                        fn_v = fn_r[gg]
                        g1 = copy.deepcopy(g)
                    if g1 > g: #c2 > NLL_rl[gg]:
                        c2 = copy.deepcopy(NLL_rl[gg])
                        c_v_rl = V_rl[gg]
                        n_f = copy.deepcopy(i)
                        f_0_to_1_rl = tf.squeeze(N01, axis = 1)[gg].eval()
                        f_1_to_0_rl = tf.squeeze(N10, axis = 1)[gg].eval()
                        m_rl = m_f.eval()[gg] 
                        fp_v = fp_r[gg]
                        fn_v = fn_r[gg]
                        g1 = copy.deepcopy(g)
                    if i == int(max_length/10) - 1: 
                        # cost of original
                        idx = tf.concat([r3, tf.cast(inp_[:,:,0:2], tf.int32)], axis = 2)
                        m = tf.scatter_nd(indices = tf.expand_dims(idx,2), updates = inp_[:,:,3:4], shape = tf.constant([actor.batch_size, actor.config.nCells, actor.config.nMuts]))
                        c_v_o = actor.count3gametes(m)
                        c_n = c_v_o[0].eval()
                        df = pd.DataFrame(m_rl.astype(int) , index = ['cell' + str(k1) for k1 in range(np.shape(m_rl)[0])], \
                                          columns = ['mut' + str(h1) for h1 in range(np.shape(m_rl)[1])])
                        df.index.rename('cellID/mutID', inplace=True)
                        df.to_csv(config.output_dir + '/mrl_{}.txt'.format(j + 1), sep='\t') 
                    i += 1  
                dur_t = time() - start_t

                output_[j,0] = fp_v
                output_[j,1] = fn_v 
                output_[j,2] = c2  # cost (NLL part)
                output_[j,3] = c_v_rl  # cost (violation part)
                output_[j,4] = c_n # number of violations  for noisy matrix
                output_[j,5] = n_f # total number of flips based on rl
                output_[j,6] = f_0_to_1_rl
                output_[j,7] = f_1_to_0_rl
                output_[j,8] = dur_t
                # output_[j,9] = s_m[j]
            output_[:,9] = np.squeeze(N00_o)
            output_[:,10] = np.squeeze(N11_o)
            output_[:,11] = np.squeeze(NLL_o)
            output_[:,12] = np.squeeze(f_1_to_0_o)
            output_[:,13] = np.squeeze(f_0_to_1_o)
            df = pd.DataFrame(output_, index = ["test" + str(k) for k in range(nMats)], \
                             columns = ["fp", "fn","NLL_rl", "V_rl", "V_o", "n_f", "f_0_to_1_rl", "f_1_to_0_rl",\
                                        "time", "N00_o", "N11_o", "NLL_o", "f_1_to_0_o", "f_0_to_1_o"])
            df.to_csv(config.output_dir + '/test_{nCells}x{nMuts}.csv'.format(nCells = config.nCells, nMuts = config.nMuts), sep = ',')