def __getitem__(self, idx): imageid = self.image_ids[idx] im1 = get_image(imageid, basepath=self.basepath, time='im1') im2 = get_image(imageid, basepath=self.basepath, time='im2') augmented = self.aug(image=im1, image1=im2) return img_to_tensor(augmented['image']), img_to_tensor( augmented['image1']), imageid
def __getitem__(self, idx): name = self.names[idx] img_path = os.path.join(self.data_path, self.image_type, name) image = if image is None: raise ValueError(img_path) image_path = os.path.join(self.data_path, "train_mask_binned_mc_10", name[:-4].replace("RGB", "MS") + ".tif") try: raster_ds = gdal.Open(image_path, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) speed_mask = raster_ds.ReadAsArray() except: # retry raster_ds = gdal.Open(image_path, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) speed_mask = raster_ds.ReadAsArray() if speed_mask.shape[-1] > 100: speed_mask = np.moveaxis(speed_mask, 0, -1) junction_mask = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.data_path, "junction_masks", name[:-4].replace("PS-RGB_", "").replace("PS-MS_", "") + ".png"), cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) if junction_mask is None: junction_mask = np.zeros((1300, 1300)) if speed_mask is None: speed_mask = np.zeros((1300, 1300, 11), dtype=np.uint8) sample = self.transforms(image=image, mask=np.concatenate([speed_mask, np.expand_dims(junction_mask, -1), np.expand_dims(junction_mask, -1)], axis=-1), img_name=name) mask = sample["mask"] city = np.zeros((len(cities), 1, 1)) city[get_city_idx(name), 0, 0] = 1 sample['city'] = city sample['img_name'] = name mask = np.moveaxis(mask, -1, 0) / 255. sample['mask'] = torch.from_numpy(mask) sample['image'] = img_to_tensor(sample["image"], self.normalize) return sample
def __getitem__(self, idx): img_file_name = self.file_names[idx] image = load_image(img_file_name) mask = load_mask(img_file_name, self.problem_type) data = {"image": image, "mask": mask} augmented = self.transform(**data) image, mask = augmented["image"], augmented["mask"] if self.mode == 'train': if self.problem_type == 'binary': return img_to_tensor(image), torch._C.from_numpy( np.expand_dims(mask, 0)).float() else: return img_to_tensor(image), torch._C.from_numpy(mask).long() else: return img_to_tensor(image), str(img_file_name)
def __getitem__(self, idx): imageid = self.image_ids[idx] im1 = get_image(imageid, basepath=self.basepath, time='im1') im2 = get_image(imageid, basepath=self.basepath, time='im2') mask = cv2.imread(f'{self.basepath}/mask/{imageid}.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) assert mask is not None augmented = self.aug(image=im1, image1=im2, mask=mask) mask_ = (augmented['mask'] > 0).astype(np.uint8) mask_ = torch.from_numpy(np.expand_dims(mask_, 0)).float() # label_ = torch.from_numpy(np.expand_dims(augmented['mask'], 0)).float() return (img_to_tensor(augmented['image']), img_to_tensor(augmented['image1']), mask_, imageid)
def __getitem__(self, idx): image_path = self.image_df.iloc[idx].path image = self._read_image(image_path, one_channel=False) mask_path = self.mask_df.iloc[idx].path if mask_path.exists(): mask = self._read_image(mask_path, one_channel=True) else: mask = np.zeros_like(image)[:, :, :1] if self.transform: augmented = self.transform(image=image, mask=mask) image = augmented['image'] mask = augmented['mask'] image = img_to_tensor(image) mask = img_to_tensor(mask) return image, mask
def __getitem__(self, idx): name = self.names[idx] img_path = os.path.join(self.data_path, name) image = if image is None: raise ValueError(img_path) sample = self.transforms(image=image) sample['img_name'] = name sample['image'] = img_to_tensor(sample["image"], self.normalize) return sample
def pil_img_to_tensor(img: np.ndarray): """[Convert np.ndarray Image to torch.Tensor] Args: img (np.ndarray): [Image ] Returns: [torch.Tensor]: [returns processed image] """ img_tensor = T.Compose([ T.ToTensor(), ]) processed_img = img_to_tensor(img) return processed_img
def predict_localization(image, config: ModelConfig): conf = load_config(config.config_path) model = models.__dict__[conf['network']](seg_classes=1, backbone_arch=conf['encoder']) checkpoint_path = os.path.join(weight_path, config.weight_path) print("=> loading checkpoint '{}'".format(checkpoint_path)) checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location="cpu") model.load_state_dict({ k.replace("module.", ""): v for k, v in checkpoint['state_dict'].items() }) model.eval() model = model.cpu() print("predicting", config) with torch.no_grad(): image = img_to_tensor(image, conf["input"]["normalize"]).cpu().numpy() if "dpn" in config.weight_path: image = np.pad(image, [(0, 0), (16, 16), (16, 16)], mode='reflect') images = np.array([ image, image[:, ::-1, :], image[:, :, ::-1], image[:, ::-1, ::-1], ]) images = torch.from_numpy(images).cpu().float() prediction_masks = [] for i in range(4): logits = model(images[i:i + 1]) preds = torch.sigmoid(logits).cpu().numpy() pred = preds[0] if i == 1: pred = preds[0].copy()[:, ::-1, :] if i == 2: pred = preds[0].copy()[:, :, ::-1] if i == 3: pred = preds[0].copy()[:, ::-1, ::-1] prediction_masks.append(pred) preds = np.average(prediction_masks, axis=0) if "dpn" in config.weight_path: preds = preds[:, 16:-16, 16:-16] return preds
def predict_damage(image, config: ModelConfig): conf = load_config(config.config_path) model = models.__dict__[conf['network']](seg_classes=5, backbone_arch=conf['encoder']) checkpoint_path = os.path.join(weight_path, config.weight_path) print("=> loading checkpoint '{}'".format(checkpoint_path)) checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location="cpu") model.load_state_dict( {k[7:]: v for k, v in checkpoint['state_dict'].items()}) model.eval() model = model.cpu() print("predicting", config) with torch.no_grad(): image = img_to_tensor(image, conf["input"]["normalize"]).cpu().numpy() images = np.array([ image, image[:, ::-1, :], image[:, :, ::-1], image[:, ::-1, ::-1], ]) images = torch.from_numpy(images).cpu().float() prediction_masks = [] for i in range(4): logits = model(images[i:i + 1]) preds = torch.softmax(logits, dim=1).cpu().numpy() pred = preds[0] if i == 1: pred = preds[0].copy()[:, ::-1, :] if i == 2: pred = preds[0].copy()[:, :, ::-1] if i == 3: pred = preds[0].copy()[:, ::-1, ::-1] prediction_masks.append(pred) preds = np.average(prediction_masks, axis=0) return preds
w = math.ceil(w / factor) * factor // 2 #print(h, w) mask = np.zeros(shape=(h, w)) image = cv2.resize(image, (w, h)) image_ori = image # image=illum(image) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) aug = Compose([ # PadIfNeeded(min_height=h, min_width=w, border_mode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0, p=1.0), # padding到2的5次方的倍数 Normalize(p=1) # 归一化 ]) augmented = aug(image=image, mask=mask) image = augmented['image'] image = img_to_tensor(image).unsqueeze(0).to( DEVICE ) # torch.from_numpy(img).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).float().to(DEVICE) # 图像转为tensor格式 output = model(image) # 预测 seg_mask = (output[0].data.cpu().numpy().argmax(axis=0)).astype( np.uint8) t2 = time.time() print("time:", (t2 - t1)) full_mask = np.zeros((h, w, 3)) for mask_label, sub_color in enumerate(class_color): full_mask[seg_mask == mask_label, 0] = sub_color[2] full_mask[seg_mask == mask_label, 1] = sub_color[1] full_mask[seg_mask == mask_label, 2] = sub_color[0] # print(full_mask.max()) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.imshow(full_mask)
def start_divide(self): class_color = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0], [0, 255, 255], [125, 255, 12]] t1 = time.time() # ******** seg = "binary" # 多类别分割,夹子为一类,铰链为一类,柄为一类 if seg == "parts": model = parts_seg(in_channels=3, out_channels=4) # model_path = r"" # 多类别分割模型地址 elif seg == "binary": # 二元分割,背景为一类手术器械为一类 model = binary_seg(in_channels=3, out_channels=2) # model_path = r"" # 二元分割模型地址 else: model = r"" model_path = r"" model_path = self.model_path state = torch.load(str(model_path), map_location='cpu') state = { key.replace('module.', ''): value for key, value in state['model'].items() } model.load_state_dict(state) model.eval() # ********** types = self.ui.type_combo.currentText() path = self.ui.data_path_text.toPlainText() # 要分割的图像或者视频或者nii所在的文件夹地址 path_save = self.ui.result_path_text.toPlainText() # 要保存图像的地址 names = file_name(path) # path目录下所有文件名字 factor = 2**5 # ******** if types == "image": for i, name in enumerate(names): t1 = time.time() path_single = os.path.join(path, name) image = cv2.imdecode(np.fromfile(path_single, dtype=np.uint8), -1) h, w, channel = image.shape h = math.ceil( h / factor ) * factor // 2 # 向上取整,由于模型需要下采样5次图像会变成原来的2的5次方分之一,需要输入图像是2的5次方的倍数 w = math.ceil(w / factor) * factor // 2 # print(h, w) mask = np.zeros(shape=(h, w)) image = cv2.resize(image, (w, h)) image_ori = image # image=illum(image) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) aug = Compose([ # PadIfNeeded(min_height=h, min_width=w, border_mode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0, p=1.0), # padding到2的5次方的倍数 Normalize(p=1) # 归一化 ]) augmented = aug(image=image, mask=mask) image = augmented['image'] image = img_to_tensor(image).unsqueeze(0).to( device ) # torch.from_numpy(img).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).float().to(DEVICE) # 图像转为tensor格式 output = model(image) # 预测 seg_mask = (output[0].data.cpu().numpy().argmax( axis=0)).astype(np.uint8) t2 = time.time() print("time:", (t2 - t1)) full_mask = np.zeros((h, w, 3)) for mask_label, sub_color in enumerate(class_color): full_mask[seg_mask == mask_label, 0] = sub_color[2] full_mask[seg_mask == mask_label, 1] = sub_color[1] full_mask[seg_mask == mask_label, 2] = sub_color[0] # print(full_mask.max()) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.imshow(full_mask) # seg = mask_overlay(image_ori, (full_mask > 0)).astype(np.uint8) # seg = mask_overlay((full_mask > 0)).astype(np.uint8) # cv2.imshow("seg",seg) # cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.imwrite(path_save + "/" + str(i).zfill(4) + ".png", seg) save_video(path_save, path_save, h, w, self.aviname) # 可以播放保存的视频展示分割结果 elif types == "video": # 对视频进行分割 splitFrames(path, path_save) # 调用图像分割的方法分割从视频中保存的图像 elif types == "nii": # 对nii3维医学图像进行分割 import nibabel as nib img = np.array(nib.load(path).get_data()) pass
from dataset import load_image import torch from generate_masks import get_model, img_transform from functions import jaccard import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from albumentations.pytorch.transforms import img_to_tensor arrt = np.random.randn(500, 500) tensor = img_to_tensor(arrt) mean=(0.485, 0.456, 0.406) std=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225) #new_img = img - mean /std #old img = model_path = 'pretrained/unet16_instruments_20/' model = get_model(model_path, model_type='UNet16', problem_type='instruments') img_l = load_image('dataset/instrument_dataset_1/left_frames/frame000.png') input_img_l = torch.unsqueeze(img_to_tensor(img_transform(p=1)(image=img_l)['image']), dim=0) mask_l = model(input_img_l) img_r = load_image('dataset/instrument_dataset_1/right_frames/frame000.png') input_img_r = torch.unsqueeze(img_to_tensor(img_transform(p=1)(image=img_r)['image']), dim=0) mask_r = model(input_img_r) mask = jaccard(mask_l, mask_r) im_seg =[0].cpu().numpy()[0]