コード例 #1
 def handler(domain_name, node_from, node_to, starsst, end, info, 
             success, error):
     logger.info('Migrated status: %s - %s' % (domain_name, success))
     # Migration failed
     if success == False:
         print 'Error - migration failed, checking if domain still exists...'
         _, lv_connection = util.find_domain(domain)
         if lv_connection is not None:
             logger.info('Retrying migration: %s -> %s' % (domain, target_node))
             reactor.callFromThread(lambda: allocation.migrateDomain(domain, lv_connection.getHostname(), 
                                                                 target_node, handler))
             # Retry
             print 'Error - Fatal - Could not retry migration, domain is not active in the infrastructure'
     # Trigger defer callback - for successful and unsuccessful migrations
     reactor.callFromThread(lambda: dret.callback(domain_name)) 
コード例 #2
def start_and_migrate(domain, target_node):
    Start domain and migrate it to the target node
    # Get libivrt connection
    _, lv_connection = util.find_domain(domain)
    # Lookup libvirt domain object
    lv_domain = lv_connection.lookupByName(domain)
    # Launch domain
    print 'Starting domain: %s' % domain
    started = False
    while not started:
            started = True
            print 'ERROR while starting domain'
            print sys.exc_info()[0]
            print 'retrying...'
    # Create a deferred to return    
    dret = defer.Deferred()
    # Migration callback handler
    def handler(domain_name, node_from, node_to, starsst, end, info, 
                success, error):
        logger.info('Migrated status: %s - %s' % (domain_name, success))
        # Migration failed
        if success == False:
            print 'Error - migration failed, checking if domain still exists...'
            _, lv_connection = util.find_domain(domain)
            if lv_connection is not None:
                logger.info('Retrying migration: %s -> %s' % (domain, target_node))
                reactor.callFromThread(lambda: allocation.migrateDomain(domain, lv_connection.getHostname(), 
                                                                    target_node, handler))
                # Retry
                print 'Error - Fatal - Could not retry migration, domain is not active in the infrastructure'
        # Trigger defer callback - for successful and unsuccessful migrations
        reactor.callFromThread(lambda: dret.callback(domain_name)) 
    # Check if migration is necessary
    if lv_connection.getHostname().find(target_node) == -1:
        # Migration is neccessary
        logger.info('Migrating: %s -> %s from %s' % (domain, target_node, lv_connection.getHostname()))
        allocation.migrateDomain(domain, lv_connection.getHostname(), 
                                 target_node, handler)
        # Migration is NOT necessary
        logger.info('Skipping: %s -> %s from %s' % (domain, target_node, lv_connection.getHostname()))
        # reactor.callLater(3, lambda: dret.callback(domain))
        return domain
    # Return deferred object that will be called after the migration
    return dret