def init(delay = 0.0015): global running, StepCount, StepDir, stepsToDo, StepPosition, StepPins global StepCounter, Seq, WaitTime # Use physical pin numbers GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Define GPIO signals to use # StepPins = [35,36,32,33] # RoboHat StepPins = [4, 17, 27, 18] # ZeroPoint # Set all pins as output for pin in StepPins: GPIO.setup(pin,GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(pin, False) # Define pin sequence Seq = [[1,0,0,1], [1,0,1,0], [0,1,1,0], [0,1,0,1]] StepCount = len(Seq) StepDir = 1 # 1 == clockwise, -1 = anticlockwise StepsToDo = 0 #number of steps to move StepPosition = 0 # current steps anti-clockwise from the zero position # Initialise variables StepCounter = 0 WaitTime = delay running = True # Move pointer to zero position StepDir = -1 stepsToDo = 700 step()
def init(delay=0.0015): global running, StepCount, StepDir, stepsToDo, StepPosition, StepPins global StepCounter, Seq, WaitTime # Use physical pin numbers GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Define GPIO signals to use # StepPins = [35,36,32,33] # RoboHat StepPins = [4, 17, 27, 18] # ZeroPoint # Set all pins as output for pin in StepPins: GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(pin, False) # Define pin sequence Seq = [[1, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]] StepCount = len(Seq) StepDir = 1 # 1 == clockwise, -1 = anticlockwise StepsToDo = 0 #number of steps to move StepPosition = 0 # current steps anti-clockwise from the zero position # Initialise variables StepCounter = 0 WaitTime = delay running = True # Move pointer to zero position StepDir = -1 stepsToDo = 700 step()
def setup(): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) for l in LED_GPIO: GPIO.setup(l, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(l, False) for b in BUTTON_GPIO: GPIO.setup(b, GPIO.IN)
def main(): # Main program block #GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Use BCM GPIO numbers GPIO.setup(LCD_E, GPIO.OUT) # E GPIO.setup(LCD_RS, GPIO.OUT) # RS GPIO.setup(LCD_D4, GPIO.OUT) # DB4 GPIO.setup(LCD_D5, GPIO.OUT) # DB5 GPIO.setup(LCD_D6, GPIO.OUT) # DB6 GPIO.setup(LCD_D7, GPIO.OUT) # DB7 # Initialise display lcd_init() while True: # Send some test lcd_string("RTk.GPIO",LCD_LINE_1) lcd_string("16x2 LCD Test",LCD_LINE_2) time.sleep(3) # 3 second delay # Send some text lcd_string("1234567890123456",LCD_LINE_1) lcd_string("abcdefghijklmnop",LCD_LINE_2) time.sleep(3) # 3 second delay # Send some text lcd_string("Code by",LCD_LINE_1) lcd_string("RPiSPY",LCD_LINE_2) time.sleep(3) # Send some text lcd_string("Wow, Very LCD",LCD_LINE_1) lcd_string("Such Magic",LCD_LINE_2) time.sleep(3) lcd_string("All done on a", LCD_LINE_1) lcd_string("Desktop Computer", LCD_LINE_2) time.sleep(3)
import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft import mcpi.block as block import mcpi.minecraftstuff as minecraftstuff import time import random import thread import anyio.seg7 as display import anyio.GPIO as GPIO BUTTON = 4 LED_PINS = [7,6,14,16,10,8,9,15] GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(BUTTON, GPIO.IN) ON = False # common-anode, set to True for common cathode display.setup(GPIO, LED_PINS, ON) #arena constants ARENAX = 20 ARENAZ = 30 ARENAY = 5 RIVERWIDTH = 6 def createArena(pos): mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create() pos.x mc.setBlocks(pos.x - 1, pos.y, pos.z - 1, pos.x + ARENAX + 1, pos.y - 3, pos.z + ARENAZ + 1, mc.setBlocks(pos.x - 1, pos.y + 1, pos.z - 1, pos.x + ARENAX + 1, pos.y + ARENAY, pos.z + ARENAZ + 1,
# BIG BANG - COUNTDOWN # Import modules import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft import mcpi.block as block import time #import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import anyio.GPIO as GPIO # GPIO pins on breadboard BANG = 15 # Setup mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # use broadcom GPIO numbers GPIO.setup(BANG, GPIO.OUT) pos = mc.player.getTilePos() mc.setBlock(pos.x + 1, pos.y, pos.z, mc.postToChat("hit that gold block!") # Main loop while True: time.sleep(0.1) # Input Sensing bang = False events = for e in events: pos = e.pos b = mc.getBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
#Program that tests each pin of the RTk.GPIO port #Import the RTk.GPIO Board import anyio.GPIO as RTKGPIO #And now the RPi header import RPi.GPIO as RPIGPIO import sys from time import sleep #Set the modes RPIGPIO.setmode(RPIGPIO.BCM) RTKGPIO.setmode(RTKGPIO.BCM) # #Define GPIO pins gpios = [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25] #2,3,26 and 27 removed for now errorPins = [] print("Setting up GPIO Outs on the RTK Board") #Setup the RPi for gpio in gpios: print(gpio) RTKGPIO.setup(gpio, RTKGPIO.OUT) #sleep(0.1) print("Setting up GPIO Ins on the RPi Board") for gpio in gpios: print(gpio) RPIGPIO.setup(gpio, RPIGPIO.IN,pull_up_down=RPIGPIO.PUD_DOWN) print("Now Testing")
import anyio.GPIO as GPIO #Import GPIO library import time #Import time library GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #Set GPIO pin numbering TRIG = 23 #Associate pin 23 to TRIG ECHO = 24 #Associate pin 24 to ECHO print "Distance measurement in progress" GPIO.setup(TRIG,GPIO.OUT) #Set pin as GPIO out GPIO.setup(ECHO,GPIO.IN) #Set pin as GPIO in while True: GPIO.output(TRIG, False) #Set TRIG as LOW print "Waitng For Sensor To Settle" time.sleep(2) #Delay of 2 seconds GPIO.output(TRIG, True) #Set TRIG as HIGH time.sleep(0.00001) #Delay of 0.00001 seconds GPIO.output(TRIG, False) #Set TRIG as LOW while GPIO.input(ECHO)==0: #Check whether the ECHO is LOW pulse_start = time.time() #Saves the last known time of LOW pulse while GPIO.input(ECHO)==1: #Check whether the ECHO is HIGH pulse_end = time.time() #Saves the last known time of HIGH pulse pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start #Get pulse duration to a variable distance = pulse_duration * 17150 #Multiply pulse duration by 17150 to get distance
# - Test a 7-segment display import anyio.seg7 as display import time # Use this for Raspberry Pi #import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #LED_PINS = [10,22,25,8,7,9,11,15] # Use this for Arduino import anyio.GPIO as GPIO LED_PINS = [7, 6, 14, 16, 10, 8, 9, 15] GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) ON = False # common-anode. Set to True for a common cathode display display.setup(GPIO, LED_PINS, ON) try: while True: for d in range(10): display.write(str(d)) time.sleep(0.5) finally: GPIO.cleanup() # END
#Program that tests each pin of the RTk.GPIO port #Import the RTk.GPIO Board import anyio.GPIO as RTKGPIO #And now the RPi header import RPi.GPIO as RPIGPIO import sys from time import sleep #Set the modes RPIGPIO.setmode(RPIGPIO.BCM) RTKGPIO.setmode(RTKGPIO.BCM) # #Define GPIO pins gpios = [ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 ] #2,3,26 and 27 removed for now errorPins = [] print("Setting up GPIO Outs on the RTK Board") #Setup the RPi for gpio in gpios: print(gpio) RTKGPIO.setup(gpio, RTKGPIO.IN) #sleep(0.1) print("Setting up GPIO Ins on the RPi Board") for gpio in gpios: print(gpio)
def setup(): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(BUTTON, GPIO.IN)
import anyio.GPIO as GPIO #Import GPIO library import time #Import time library GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #Set GPIO pin numbering TRIG = 23 #Associate pin 23 to TRIG ECHO = 24 #Associate pin 24 to ECHO print "Distance measurement in progress" GPIO.setup(TRIG, GPIO.OUT) #Set pin as GPIO out GPIO.setup(ECHO, GPIO.IN) #Set pin as GPIO in while True: GPIO.output(TRIG, False) #Set TRIG as LOW print "Waitng For Sensor To Settle" time.sleep(2) #Delay of 2 seconds GPIO.output(TRIG, True) #Set TRIG as HIGH time.sleep(0.00001) #Delay of 0.00001 seconds GPIO.output(TRIG, False) #Set TRIG as LOW while GPIO.input(ECHO) == 0: #Check whether the ECHO is LOW pulse_start = time.time() #Saves the last known time of LOW pulse while GPIO.input(ECHO) == 1: #Check whether the ECHO is HIGH pulse_end = time.time() #Saves the last known time of HIGH pulse pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start #Get pulse duration to a variable
# BIG BANG - COUNTDOWN # Import modules import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft import mcpi.block as block import time #import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import anyio.GPIO as GPIO # GPIO pins on breadboard BANG = 15 # Setup mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # use broadcom GPIO numbers GPIO.setup(BANG, GPIO.OUT) pos = mc.player.getTilePos() mc.setBlock(pos.x+1, pos.y, pos.z, mc.postToChat("hit that gold block!") # Main loop while True: time.sleep(0.1) # Input Sensing bang = False events = for e in events: pos = e.pos b = mc.getBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)