def loop(): old_first = False old_left = False old_right = False old_last = False index = 0 while True: # POLL BUTTONS # remember they are inverted first = not GPIO.input(BUTTON_FIRST) left = not GPIO.input(BUTTON_LEFT) right = not GPIO.input(BUTTON_RIGHT) last = not GPIO.input(BUTTON_LAST) # REPORT ANY CHANGED BUTTONS if first != old_first: print("FIRST=" + str(first)) old_first = first if left != old_left: print("LEFT=" + str(left)) old_left = left if right != old_right: print("RIGHT=" + str(right)) old_right = right if last != old_last: print("LAST=" + str(last)) old_last = last # PROCESS HELD BUTTONS IN PRIORITY ORDER if first: index = 0 elif last: index = len(LED_GPIO)-1 elif left: if index > 0: index -= 1 elif right: if index < len(LED_GPIO)-1: index += 1 # FLASH PRESENTLY SELECTED LED GPIO.output(LED_GPIO[index], True) time.sleep(FLASH_TIME/2) GPIO.output(LED_GPIO[index], False) time.sleep(FLASH_TIME/2)
def loop(): old_first = False old_left = False old_right = False old_last = False index = 0 while True: # POLL BUTTONS # remember they are inverted first = not GPIO.input(BUTTON_FIRST) left = not GPIO.input(BUTTON_LEFT) right = not GPIO.input(BUTTON_RIGHT) last = not GPIO.input(BUTTON_LAST) # REPORT ANY CHANGED BUTTONS if first != old_first: print("FIRST=" + str(first)) old_first = first if left != old_left: print("LEFT=" + str(left)) old_left = left if right != old_right: print("RIGHT=" + str(right)) old_right = right if last != old_last: print("LAST=" + str(last)) old_last = last # PROCESS HELD BUTTONS IN PRIORITY ORDER if first: index = 0 elif last: index = len(LED_GPIO) - 1 elif left: if index > 0: index -= 1 elif right: if index < len(LED_GPIO) - 1: index += 1 # FLASH PRESENTLY SELECTED LED GPIO.output(LED_GPIO[index], True) time.sleep(FLASH_TIME / 2) GPIO.output(LED_GPIO[index], False) time.sleep(FLASH_TIME / 2)
def loop(): while True: time.sleep(TIME) b = GPIO.input(BUTTON) if not b: print("pressed") else: print("released")
WALLZ = RIVERZ + RIVERWIDTH + 3 thread.start_new_thread(theWall, (arenaPos, WALLZ)) HOLESZ = WALLZ + 5 thread.start_new_thread(theHoles, (arenaPos, HOLESZ)) LEVELS = 3 DIAMONDS = [3,5,9] TIMEOUTS = [8,30,30] level = 0 points = 0 mc.postToChat("Press the button to start") while GPIO.input(BUTTON): time.sleep(0.1) #game loop while not gameOver: createDiamonds(arenaPos, DIAMONDS[level]) diamondsLeft = DIAMONDS[level] display.write(str(diamondsLeft)) start = time.time() levelComplete = False #level loop while not gameOver and not levelComplete: pos = mc.player.getTilePos()
print "Distance measurement in progress" GPIO.setup(TRIG,GPIO.OUT) #Set pin as GPIO out GPIO.setup(ECHO,GPIO.IN) #Set pin as GPIO in while True: GPIO.output(TRIG, False) #Set TRIG as LOW print "Waitng For Sensor To Settle" time.sleep(2) #Delay of 2 seconds GPIO.output(TRIG, True) #Set TRIG as HIGH time.sleep(0.00001) #Delay of 0.00001 seconds GPIO.output(TRIG, False) #Set TRIG as LOW while GPIO.input(ECHO)==0: #Check whether the ECHO is LOW pulse_start = time.time() #Saves the last known time of LOW pulse while GPIO.input(ECHO)==1: #Check whether the ECHO is HIGH pulse_end = time.time() #Saves the last known time of HIGH pulse pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start #Get pulse duration to a variable distance = pulse_duration * 17150 #Multiply pulse duration by 17150 to get distance distance = round(distance, 2) #Round to two decimal points if distance > 2 and distance < 400: #Check whether the distance is within range print "Distance:",distance - 0.5,"cm" #Print distance with 0.5 cm calibration else: print "Out Of Range" #display out of range
RTKGPIO.setup(gpio, RTKGPIO.IN) #sleep(0.1) print("Setting up GPIO Ins on the RPi Board") for gpio in gpios: print(gpio) RPIGPIO.setup(gpio, RPIGPIO.OUT) print("Now Testing") for gpio in gpios: print("Testing GPIO%s", str(gpio)) print("Turning off") RPIGPIO.output(gpio, 0) sleep(0.1) print("Reading input") input1 = RTKGPIO.input(gpio) print("Turning on") RPIGPIO.output(gpio, True) sleep(0.1) print("Reading input") input2 = RTKGPIO.input(gpio) if (input1 == 0 and input2 == 1): print("GPIO Pin Passed") else: errorPins.append(gpio) print("GPIO Pin Failed") print(input1) print(input2) #sleep(0.1) #Sleep buffers required
import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft import mcpi.block as block import time # import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import anyio.GPIO as GPIO clearButton = 5 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(clearButton, GPIO.IN) ON = False mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create() # clears blocks around player. Great for mining or getting through walls. def clearNear(x, y, z): radius = 20 mc.setBlocks(x-radius, y-radius, z-radius, x+radius, y+radius+1, z+radius, try: while True: time.sleep(0.1) if GPIO.input(clearButton) == False: pos = mc.player.getTilePos() clearNear(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) finally: GPIO.cleanup()
display.setup(GPIO, LED_PINS, ON) mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create() def bomb(x, y, z): size = 10 mc.setBlock(x+1, y, z+1, for t in range(6): display.write(str(5-t)) # clever countdown time.sleep(1) # tp player if inside blast radius pos = mc.player.getTilePos() if pos.x > x-size and pos.x<x+size and pos.y>(y-size/2) and pos.y<y+size and pos.z>z-size and pos.z<z+size: # tp player above bomb site mc.player.setPos(x,y+size,z) mc.postToChat("BANG!") mc.setBlocks(x-size, y-(size/2), z-size, x+size, y+size, z+size, try: while True: time.sleep(0.1) if GPIO.input(BUTTON) == False: pos = mc.player.getTilePos() bomb(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) finally: GPIO.cleanup()
print "Distance measurement in progress" GPIO.setup(TRIG, GPIO.OUT) #Set pin as GPIO out GPIO.setup(ECHO, GPIO.IN) #Set pin as GPIO in while True: GPIO.output(TRIG, False) #Set TRIG as LOW print "Waitng For Sensor To Settle" time.sleep(2) #Delay of 2 seconds GPIO.output(TRIG, True) #Set TRIG as HIGH time.sleep(0.00001) #Delay of 0.00001 seconds GPIO.output(TRIG, False) #Set TRIG as LOW while GPIO.input(ECHO) == 0: #Check whether the ECHO is LOW pulse_start = time.time() #Saves the last known time of LOW pulse while GPIO.input(ECHO) == 1: #Check whether the ECHO is HIGH pulse_end = time.time() #Saves the last known time of HIGH pulse pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start #Get pulse duration to a variable distance = pulse_duration * 17150 #Multiply pulse duration by 17150 to get distance distance = round(distance, 2) #Round to two decimal points if distance > 2 and distance < 400: #Check whether the distance is within range print "Distance:", distance - 0.5, "cm" #Print distance with 0.5 cm calibration else: print "Out Of Range" #display out of range
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(BUTTON, GPIO.IN) mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create() mc.postToChat("PRESS THE BUTTON!") def bomb(x, y, z): mc.setBlock(x+1, y, z+1, for a in range(5, 0, -1): mc.postToChat(str(a)) time.sleep(1) ####countdown.count() mc.postToChat("BANG!") mc.setBlocks(x-10, y-5, z-10, x+10, y+10, z+10, ####mc.player.setTilePos(x, y+40, z) ####countdown.bang() try: while True: time.sleep(0.1) if GPIO.input(BUTTON) == False: pos = mc.player.getTilePos() bomb(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) finally: GPIO.cleanup()
RTKGPIO.setup(gpio, RTKGPIO.IN) #sleep(0.1) print("Setting up GPIO Ins on the RPi Board") for gpio in gpios: print(gpio) RPIGPIO.setup(gpio, RPIGPIO.OUT) print("Now Testing") for gpio in gpios: print("Testing GPIO%s",str(gpio)) print("Turning off") RPIGPIO.output(gpio,0) sleep(0.1) print("Reading input") input1 = RTKGPIO.input(gpio) print("Turning on") RPIGPIO.output(gpio,True) sleep(0.1) print("Reading input") input2 = RTKGPIO.input(gpio) if(input1 == 0 and input2 ==1): print("GPIO Pin Passed") else: errorPins.append(gpio) print("GPIO Pin Failed") print(input1) print(input2) #sleep(0.1) #Sleep buffers required