def waitForEvent(self, emptyBuffer=False): jevent = self.sense.stick.wait_for_event(emptybuffer=emptyBuffer) evtInstance = Event( 'com.apamax.sensehat.InputEvent', { "actionValue": jevent.action, "directionValue": jevent.direction, "timestamp": jevent.timestamp }) return evtInstance
def _createDeviceEvent(self, addr, dev): self.devices[addr] = dev; return Event("kasa.Device", { "address":addr, "id":dev.device_id, "powerState":dev.is_on, "model":dev.model, "deviceType":str(dev.device_type), "sysinfo":dev.sys_info, "hwinfo":dev.hw_info, })
def getAccelerometerRaw(self): ''' Gets the raw x, y and z axis accelerometer data @return event representing the acceleration intensity of the axis in Gs ''' x, y, z = sense.get_accelerometer_raw().values() evtInstance = Event('com.apamax.sensehat.IMUDataRaw', { "x": x, "y": y, "z": z }) return evtInstance
def getGyroscopeRaw(self): ''' Gets the raw x, y and z axis gyroscope data @return event representing the rotational intensity of the axis in radians per second ''' x, y, z = sense.get_gyroscope_raw().values() evtInstance = Event('com.apamax.sensehat.IMUDataRaw', { "x": x, "y": y, "z": z }) return evtInstance
def getOrientation(self): ''' @return event with pitch, roll and yaw representing the angle of the axis in degrees ''' pitch, roll, yaw = self.sense.get_orientation().values() evtInstance = Event('com.apamax.sensehat.IMUData', { "pitch": pitch, "roll": roll, "yaw": yaw }) return evtInstance
def getEvents(self): events = list() for event in self.sense.stick.get_events(): evtInstance = Event( 'com.apamax.sensehat.InputEvent', { "actionValue": jevent.action, "directionValue": jevent.direction, "timestamp": jevent.timestamp }) events.append(evtInstance) return events
def getCompassRaw(self): ''' Gets the raw x, y and z axis magnetometer data @return event representing the magnetic intensity of the axis in microteslas (uT) ''' x, y, z = self.sense.get_compass_raw().values() evtInstance = Event('com.apamax.sensehat.IMUDataRaw', { "x": x, "y": y, "z": z }) return evtInstance
def getOrientationDegrees(self): ''' Gets the current orientation in degrees using the aircraft principal axes of pitch, roll and yaw @return event with pitch, roll and yaw values. Values are Floats representing the angle of the axis in degrees ''' pitch, roll, yaw = self.sense.get_orientation_degrees().values() evtInstance = Event('com.apamax.sensehat.IMUData', { "pitch": pitch, "roll": roll, "yaw": yaw }) return evtInstance
def getAccelerometer(self): ''' Calls set_imu_config in Python core to disable the magnetometer and gyroscope then gets the current orientation from the accelerometer only @return Object representing the angle of the axis in degrees ''' pitch, roll, yaw = self.sense.get_accelerometer().values() evtInstance = Event('com.apamax.sensehat.IMUData', { "pitch": pitch, "roll": roll, "yaw": yaw }) return evtInstance
def poll(plugin, interval): while (True): try: doWaitCursor(8) #2 secs plugin.getLogger().info( "TemperatureMonitor Thread triggers every " + str(interval) + " secs") evt = Event('Temperature', {"reading": sense.temp}) Correlator.sendTo("monitor_messages", evt) showTemp() doWaitCursor(8) #2 secs showSystemStatus(plugin) except: plugin.getLogger().error("Poll Thread Exception: %s", sys.exc_info()[1]) time.sleep(interval)
def pollTemperature(plugin, interval): #temperatures = [32.6, 32.8, 32.9, 32.4, 32.7, 32.8, 32.6, 45] #temperatureIdx = 0 plugin.getLogger().info("***** Temperature is read every " + str(interval) + " seconds") while(True): try: #temperature = temperatures[temperatureIdx] #temperatureIdx = temperatureIdx + 1 #if temperatureIdx > len(temperatures) -1: # temperatureIdx = 0 temperature = round(getTemperatureFromSenseHat(),2) plugin.getLogger().info("temperature is " + str(temperature)) evt = Event('Temperature', {"reading": str(temperature)}) Correlator.sendTo("monitor_messages", evt) except: plugin.getLogger().error("Poll Thread exception: %s", sys.exc_info()[1]) time.sleep(interval)
def pushed_right(event): if event.action == ACTION_RELEASED: joyevt = Event('Control', {"controlType": 4}) Correlator.sendTo("monitor_messages", joyevt)
def _sendResponseEvent(self, channel, eventType, body): Correlator.sendTo(channel, Event(eventType, body))
def pushed_right(event): if event.action == ACTION_RELEASED: joyevt = Event('com.apamax.sensehat.JoystickControl', {"controlType": 4}) Correlator.sendTo("sensedhat_data", joyevt)