コード例 #1
ファイル: cut.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
 def _attributes(self):
    attr = VMap()
    attr.thisown = False
    nstart = Variant(self.startOff)
    nstart.thisown = False
    attr["start offset"] = nstart
    return attr
コード例 #2
ファイル: K800i.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
   def _attributes(self):
      attr = VMap()
      attr.thisown = False

      for i in xrange(0, 2):
        vmap = VMap()
        vmap.thisown = False

        name = ["segment 0 (norfs)", "segment 1 (nandfs)"]
        vstart = Variant(self.boot.segment[i].start)
        vstart.thisown = False
        vmap["start offset"] = vstart

        vend = Variant(self.boot.segment[i].end)
        vend.thisown = False
        vmap["end offset"] = vend

        vsize = Variant(self.boot.segment[i].size)
        vsize.thisown = False
        vmap["size"] = vsize

        verasesize = Variant(self.boot.segment[i].erasesize)
        verasesize.thisown = False
        vmap["erse block size"] = verasesize

        vblocksize = Variant(self.boot.segment[i].blocksize)
        vblocksize.thisown = False
        vmap["block size"] = vblocksize
        v = Variant(vmap)
        v.thisown = False
        attr[name[i]] = v
      return attr
コード例 #3
 def _attributes(self):
     vt = vtime(long(self.timestamp/1e6), TIME_UNIX)
     vt.thisown = False
     v_vt = Variant(vt)
     #v_profile_dir = Variant(self.profile_dir())
     v_data = Variant(self.data)
     v_data1 = Variant(self.data1)
     v_data2 = Variant(self.data2)
     v_data3 = Variant(self.data3)
     v_data4 = Variant(self.data4)
     v_vt.thisown = False
     #v_profile_dir.thisown = False
     v_data.thisown = False
     v_data1.thisown = False
     v_data2.thisown = False
     v_data3.thisown = False
     v_data4.thisown = False
     attr = VMap()
     attr.thisown = False
     #attr["profile directory"] = v_profile_dir
     if (self.browser == 'firefox'):
         if(self.extract == 'history'):
             attr['accessed'] = v_vt
             attr['visit count'] = v_data
             attr['typed'] = v_data1
             return attr
         elif(self.extract == 'cookies'):
             attr['name'] = v_data2
             attr['cookie'] = v_data3
             attr['accessed'] = v_vt
             return attr
         elif(self.extract == 'downloads'):
             attr['url'] = v_data2
             attr['location'] = v_data3
             #attr['start'] = v_data2
             attr['finished'] = v_vt
             return attr
         elif(self.extract == 'signons'):
             attr['username'] = v_data2
             attr['password'] = v_data3
             return attr
         elif(self.extract == 'formhistory'):
             attr['input'] = v_data2
             attr['times used'] = v_data3
             attr['last used'] = v_vt
             return attr
コード例 #4
ファイル: parseHives.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
  def getKeyAttributes(self, attr):
      vmap = VMap()
      vmap.thisown = False

          keybuff = self.hive.read(0x50)
      except vfsError, e:
          print "Base block read Magic ERROR"
コード例 #5
ファイル: hash.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
 def attributes(self, node):
    m = VMap()
    hashes = self.calculatedHash[long(node.this)]
    for h in hashes.iterkeys():
        v = Variant(hashes[str(h)])
        v.thisown = False
        m[str(h)] = v
    m.thisown = False
    return m
コード例 #6
    def _attributes(self):

        vt = vtime(long(self.timestamp / 1e6), TIME_UNIX)
        vt.thisown = False

        v_vt = Variant(vt)
        #v_profile_dir = Variant(self.profile_dir())
        v_data = Variant(self.data)
        v_data1 = Variant(self.data1)
        v_data2 = Variant(self.data2)
        v_data3 = Variant(self.data3)
        v_data4 = Variant(self.data4)

        v_vt.thisown = False
        #v_profile_dir.thisown = False
        v_data.thisown = False
        v_data1.thisown = False
        v_data2.thisown = False
        v_data3.thisown = False
        v_data4.thisown = False

        attr = VMap()
        attr.thisown = False

        #attr["profile directory"] = v_profile_dir
        if (self.browser == 'firefox'):

            if (self.extract == 'history'):
                attr['accessed'] = v_vt
                attr['visit count'] = v_data
                attr['typed'] = v_data1
                return attr

            elif (self.extract == 'cookies'):
                attr['name'] = v_data2
                attr['cookie'] = v_data3
                attr['accessed'] = v_vt
                return attr

            elif (self.extract == 'downloads'):
                attr['url'] = v_data2
                attr['location'] = v_data3
                #attr['start'] = v_data2
                attr['finished'] = v_vt
                return attr

            elif (self.extract == 'signons'):
                attr['username'] = v_data2
                attr['password'] = v_data3
                return attr

            elif (self.extract == 'formhistory'):
                attr['input'] = v_data2
                attr['times used'] = v_data3
                attr['last used'] = v_vt
                return attr
コード例 #7
ファイル: parseHives.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
  def _attributes(self):
      attr = VMap()	
      attr.thisown = False

      vt = Variant(self.createdTime())
      vt.thisown = False
      attr['created'] = vt
      return attr
コード例 #8
ファイル: spare.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
 def _attributes(self):
    attr = VMap()
    attr.thisown = False
    ps = Variant(self.pageSize)
    ps.thisown = False
    attr["page size"] = ps
    sps = Variant(self.spareSize)
    sps.thisown = False
    attr["spare size"] = sps
    return attr	
コード例 #9
ファイル: K800i.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
 def _attributes(self):
    attr = VMap()
    attr.thisown = False
    fatstart = Variant(self.partTable.start)
    fatstart.thisown = False
    attr["partition start"] = fatstart
    blocksize = Variant(self.partTable.blocksize)
    blocksize.thisown = False
    attr["blocksize"] = blocksize
    size = Variant(self.partTable.size)
    size.thisown = False
    attr["size in block"] = size
    return attr
コード例 #10
ファイル: metaexif.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
  def  attributes(self, node): #metaexif.status(decoding exif')
    attr = VMap()
    attr.thisown = False
    file = node.open()
    tags = EXIF.process_file(file)
    if len(tags) == 0:
      v = Variant("no exif")
      v.thisown = 0
      attr["info"] = v
      return attr
      sortedTags = {}
      for tag in tags.keys():
        if tag not in ('JPEGThumbnail', 'TIFFThumbnail', 'Filename', 'EXIF MakerNote'):
          spaceidx = tag.find(" ")
          ifd = tag[:spaceidx].strip()
          if ifd == "Image":
            ifd = "IFD 0 (Image)"
          if ifd == "Thumbnail":
            ifd = "IFD 1 (Thumbnail)"
          key = tag[spaceidx:].strip()
          val = None
          if tags[tag].tag in dateTimeTags:
            # Try converting from usual string format to vtime, or to string
            # if it fails.
              vt = time.strptime(str(tags[tag]), '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S')
              val = vtime(vt.tm_year, vt.tm_mon, vt.tm_mday, vt.tm_hour, vt.tm_min, vt.tm_sec, 0)
              val.thisown = False
            except ValueError:
          if not val:
              val = str(tags[tag])
              val = "cannot be decoded"
          if ifd not in sortedTags.keys():
            sortedTags[ifd] = []
          sortedTags[ifd].append((key, val))
      for ifd in sortedTags.keys():
        m = VMap()
	m.thisown = 0 
        for res in sortedTags[ifd]:
	  v = Variant(res[1])
	  v.thisown = False
          m[res[0]]  = v
        vv = Variant(m)
        vv.thisown = False
        attr[ifd] = vv 
    return attr
コード例 #11
ファイル: merge.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
 def _attributes(self):
    i = 1
    attr = VMap()
    attr.thisown = False
    vlist = VList()
    vlist.thisown = False
    for f in self.files:
       node = f.value()
       cattr = Variant(node.absolute())
       cattr.thisown = False
    vvlist = Variant(vlist)
    vvlist.thisown = False
    attr["concatanated files (ordered)"] = vvlist
    return attr
コード例 #12
ファイル: K800i.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
 def _attributes(self):
    attr = VMap()
    attr.thisown = False
    vmap = VMap()
    vmap.thisown = False
    for t in self.tables.map:
      v = Variant(hex(self.tables.map[t].write))
      v.thisown = False
      vmap[hex(t)] = v
    m = Variant(vmap)
    m.thisown = False
    attr["tables"] = m
    al = Variant(self.aalloc)
    al.thisown = False
    attr["reallocated blocks"] = al
    return attr	
コード例 #13
ファイル: split.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
 def __split(self, root, chunksize):
     nodesize = self.origin.size()
     chunks = nodesize / chunksize
     vchunks = Variant(chunks)
     vchunks.thisown = False
     vmap = VMap()
     vmap.thisown = False
     vmap["complete chunks"] = vchunks
     for idx in xrange(0, chunks * chunksize, chunksize):
         snode = SplitNode(self, root, self.origin, idx, chunksize)
     lastchunk = nodesize % chunksize
     if lastchunk != 0:
         snode = SplitNode(self, root, self.origin, self.origin.size() - lastchunk, lastchunk)
         vtruncated = Variant(lastchunk)
         vtruncated.thisown = False
         vmap["truncated chunk (size)"] = vtruncated
     vvmap = Variant(vmap)
     vvmap.thisown = False
     self.res[str(chunksize) + " bytes split"] = vvmap
コード例 #14
ファイル: parseHives.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
  def readSKBuffer(self, secmap, size):
          skcontentbuff = self.hive.read(20)
          skstruct = struct.unpack("<BBHIIII", skcontentbuff)
          skmap = VMap()
          skmap.thisown = False
          vrev = Variant(skstruct[0])
          vrev.thisown = False
          skmap["Revision"] = vrev
          vsbz = Variant(skstruct[1])
          vsbz.thisown = False
          skmap["SBZ"] = vsbz
          vcontrol = Variant(skstruct[2])
          vcontrol.thisown = False
          skmap["Control"] = vcontrol
          vowneroff = Variant(skstruct[3])
          vowneroff.thisown = False
          skmap["Owner offset"] = vowneroff
          vgroupoff = Variant(skstruct[4])
          vgroupoff.thisown = False
          skmap["Group offset"] = vgroupoff
          vsacloff = Variant(skstruct[5])
          vsacloff.thisown = False
          skmap["SACL offset"] = vsacloff
          vdacloff = Variant(skstruct[6])
          vdacloff.thisown = False
          skmap["DACL offset"] = vdacloff

          skdata = size - 20
          #TODO read & parse skdata

          v = Variant(skmap)
          v.thisown = False
          secmap["SK data header"] = v

      except vfsError, e:
          print "Base block read Magic ERROR"
コード例 #15
ファイル: parseHives.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
  def readSecurityDescriptor(self, offset, vmap):
          skbuff = self.hive.read(24)
          skstruct = struct.unpack("<IHHIIII", skbuff)

          secmap = VMap()
          secmap.thisown = False

          vhead = Variant(skstruct[0])
          vhead.thisown = False
          secmap["head"] = vhead
          vmagic = Variant(skstruct[1])
          vmagic.thisown = False
          secmap["magic"] = vmagic
          vuk = Variant(skstruct[2])
          vuk.thisown = False
          secmap["Unknown"] = vuk
          vprevsk = Variant(skstruct[3])
          vprevsk.thisown = False
          secmap["Point to previous SK"] = vprevsk
          vnextsk = Variant(skstruct[4])
          vnextsk.thisown = False
          secmap["Point to next SK"] = vnextsk
          vrefcount = Variant(skstruct[5])
          vrefcount.thisown = False
          secmap["Reference count"] = vrefcount
          vsksize = Variant(skstruct[6])
          vsksize.thisown = False
          secmap["Size"] = vsksize

          self.readSKBuffer(secmap, skstruct[6])

          v = Variant(secmap)
          v.thisown = False
          vmap["Security descriptor"] = v

      except vfsError, e:
          print "Base block read Magic ERROR"          
コード例 #16
ファイル: process.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
 def startCarving(self):
     selected = self.selector.selectedItems()
     patterns = self.createContext(selected)
     args = VMap()
     args.thisown = False
     args["patterns"] = patterns
     args["file"] = self.vnode
     startoff = Variant(self.offsetSpinBox.value(), typeId.UInt64)
     startoff.thisown = False
     args["start-offset"] = startoff
     factor = round(float(self.filesize) / 2147483647)
     if factor == 0:
         factor = 1
     proc = self.tm.add("carver", args, ["gui", "thread"])
     if proc:
         self.doJob(self.filesize, factor, self.offsetSpinBox.value())
コード例 #17
ファイル: dfwrapper.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
 def _attributes(self):
     attr = VMap()
     attr.thisown = False
     if self.pid != None:
       pidattr = Variant(self.pid)
       pidattr.thisown = False
       attr["pid"] = pidattr
     if self.active_threads:
       atattr = Variant(self.active_threads)
       atattr.thisown = False
       attr["threads"] = atattr
     if self.inherited_from:
       ifattr = Variant(self.inherited_from)
       ifattr.thisown = False
       attr["ppid"] = ifattr
     if self.handle_count:
       hcattr = Variant(self.handle_count)
       hcattr.thisown = False
       attr["handle count"] = hcattr
     if self.connections:
       cnattr = Variant(self.connections)
       cnattr.thisown = False
       attr["connection"] = cnattr
     if self.create_time:
      at = vtime() 
      at.thisown = False
      d = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.create_time).timetuple()
      at.year = d[0]
      at.month = d[1]
      at.day = d[2]
      at.hour = d[3]
      at.minute = d[4]
      at.second = d[5]
      at.usecond = 0
      vat = Variant(at)
      vat.thisown = False	
      attr["creation"] = vat
     return attr
コード例 #18
ファイル: parseHives.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
  def readClassName(self, offset, classnamelen, vmap):
          head = self.hive.read(4)
          cname = self.hive.read(classnamelen)

          classmap = VMap()
          classmap.thisown = False
          vhead = Variant(head)
          vhead.thisown = False
          classmap["head"] = vhead

          vname = Variant(cname)
          vname.thisown = False
          classmap["Name"] = vname

          v = Variant(classmap)
          v.thisown = False
          vmap["Class name"] = v

      except vfsError, e:
          print "Base block read Magic ERROR"
コード例 #19
ファイル: process.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
 def createContext(self, selected):
     lpatterns = VList()
     lpatterns.thisown = False
     for filetype in selected.iterkeys():
         patterns = selected[filetype][0]
         aligned = selected[filetype][1]
         for pattern in patterns:
             vpattern = VMap()
             vpattern.thisown = False
             vfiletype = Variant(filetype, typeId.String)
             vfiletype.thisown = False
             vpattern["filetype"] = vfiletype
             header = VMap()
             header.thisown = False
             val = Variant(pattern[0], typeId.String)
             val.thisown = False
             header["needle"] = val
             val = Variant(len(pattern[0]), typeId.UInt32)
             val.thisown = False
             header["size"] = val
             footer = VMap()
             footer.thisown = False
             val = Variant(pattern[1], typeId.String)
             val.thisown = False
             footer["needle"] = val
             val = Variant(len(pattern[1]), typeId.UInt32)
             val.thisown = False
             footer["size"] = val
             vheader = Variant(header)
             vheader.thisown = False
             vpattern["header"] = vheader
             vfooter = Variant(footer)
             vfooter.thisown = False
             vpattern["footer"] = vfooter
             vwindow = Variant(int(pattern[2]), typeId.UInt32)
             vwindow.thisown = False
             vpattern["window"] = vwindow
             val = Variant(aligned, typeId.Bool)
             val.thisown = False
             vpattern["aligned"] = val
     vpatterns = Variant(lpatterns)
     vpatterns.thisown = False
     return vpatterns
コード例 #20
ファイル: parseHives.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
          vbuff = self.hive.read(24)
      except vfsError, e:
          print "Base block read Magic ERROR"

      vstruct = struct.unpack('<IHHHHIIHH', vbuff)

      if vstruct[2] == 0:
          name = "Default"
              name = self.hive.read(vstruct[2])
          except vfsError, e:
              print "Base block read Magic ERROR"

      vmap = VMap()
      vmap.thisown = False

      voffset = Variant(offset)
      voffset.thisown = False
      vmap["offset"] = voffset

      vhead = Variant(vstruct[0])
      vhead.thisown = False
      vmap["head"] = vhead
      vmagic = Variant(vstruct[1])
      vmagic.thisown = False
      vmap["magic"] = vmagic

      vnamelen = Variant(vstruct[2])
      vnamelen.thisown = False
コード例 #21
ファイル: carverui.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
 def start(self, args):
     patterns = VList()
     patterns.thisown = False
     if args.has_key("start-offset"):
         startoff = args["start-offset"].value()
         startoff = 0
     if args.has_key("block-aligned"):
         aligned = True
         aligned = False
     for mimetype in filetypes.keys():
         if mimetype in args:
             vsubtypes = args[mimetype].value()
             for subtype in filetypes[mimetype].keys():
                 if subtype in vsubtypes:
                     pattern = VMap()
                     pattern.thisown = False
                     descr = filetypes[mimetype][subtype]
                     filetype = Variant(subtype, typeId.String)
                     filetype.thisown = False
                     for p in descr:
                         pattern["filetype"] = filetype
                         header = VMap()
                         header.thisown = False
                         val = Variant(p[0], typeId.String)
                         val.thisown = False
                         header["needle"] = val
                         val = Variant(len(p[0]), typeId.UInt32)
                         val.thisown = False
                         header["size"] = val
                         footer = VMap()
                         footer.thisown = False
                         val = Variant(p[1], typeId.String)
                         val.thisown = False
                         footer["needle"] = val
                         val = Variant(len(p[1]), typeId.UInt32)
                         val.thisown = False
                         footer["size"] = val
                         vheader = Variant(header)
                         vheader.thisown = False
                         pattern["header"] = vheader
                         vfooter = Variant(footer)
                         vfooter.thisown = False
                         pattern["footer"] = vfooter
                         pattern["window"] = Variant(int(p[2]), typeId.UInt32)
                         if aligned:
                             val = Variant(True, typeId.Bool)
                             val.thisown = False
                             pattern["aligned"] = val
                             val = Variant(False, typeId.Bool)
                             val.thisown = False
                             pattern["aligned"] = val
     vpatterns = Variant(patterns)
     vpatterns.thisown = False
     margs = VMap()
     margs.thisown = False
     margs["patterns"] = vpatterns
     margs["file"] = args["file"]
     vstartoff = Variant(startoff, typeId.UInt64)
     vstartoff.thisown = False
     margs["start-offset"] = vstartoff
     proc = self.tm.add("carver", margs, ["console"])
     if proc:
コード例 #22
ファイル: huge_node.py プロジェクト: halbbob/dff
 def _attributes(self):
     vm = VMap()
     vm.thisown = False
     return vm