コード例 #1
    def BringMeCenterRotate(self):
            A test method that only rotates the drone

        # Reset flags
        self.stopTask = False
        self.wasTagCentered = False


        while not self.stopTask and (
            self.recentNavdata.tags_xc[self.GetFrontTagIndex(self.recentNavdata)] > 480
            or self.recentNavdata.tags_xc[self.GetFrontTagIndex(self.recentNavdata)] < 520

            # Create a copy of the current navdata, so it doesn't get refreshed while we work on it
            workingNavdata = self.recentNavdata

            if workingNavdata.tags_count == 0:
                # No tag visible
                # We want the drone to turn in one place

                steeringCommand = matrix33(
                    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, self.constants.FIND_TAG_TURN_VELOCITY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

                # Receive the necessary actions
                steeringCommand = self.TellMeFindTag(workingNavdata)


        print "Done"
コード例 #2
        def keyReleaseEvent(self,event):
                key = event.key()

                steering_matrix = matrix33(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
                # If we have constructed the drone  and the key is not generated from an auto-repeating key
                if not event.isAutoRepeat():
                        # Note that we don't handle the release of emergency/takeoff/landing keys here, there is no need.
                        # Now we handle moving, notice that this section is the opposite (-=) of the keypress section
                        if key == KeyMapping.YawLeft:
                                self.yaw_velocity -= 1
                        elif key == KeyMapping.YawRight:
                                self.yaw_velocity -= -1

                        elif key == KeyMapping.PitchForward:
                                self.pitch -= 1
                        elif key == KeyMapping.PitchBackward:
                                self.pitch -= -1

                        elif key == KeyMapping.RollLeft:
                                self.roll -= 1
                        elif key == KeyMapping.RollRight:
                                self.roll -= -1

                        elif key == KeyMapping.IncreaseAltitude:
                                self.z_velocity -= 1
                        elif key == KeyMapping.DecreaseAltitude:
                                self.z_velocity -= -1

                        # finally we set the command to be sent. The controller handles sending this at regular intervals
                        steering_matrix.m11 = self.pitch
                        steering_matrix.m12 = self.roll
                        steering_matrix.m13 = self.z_velocity
                        steering_matrix.m21 = self.yaw_velocity
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self):

        # How long the drone should carry out the action
        # Unit is Hz
        self.COMMAND_PUBLISH_RATE   = 5

        # The velocity with which the drone turns, between 0 and 1, 1 is
        # what a keyboard press sends
        self.FIND_TAG_TURN_VELOCITY = 0.2

        # The command to approach the tag is sent for this duration
        # Unit is Hz, so it moves for only 1/10th of a second
        self.TAG_APPROACH_RATE = 2

        # The size of the angle the drone will make sideways, between 0 and 1, 1 is
        # what a keyboard press sends
        self.TAG_CENTER_VELOCITY = 0.15

        # The velocity with which the drone approaches a tag, between 0 and 1,
        # 1 is equivalent to a keypress
        self.TAG_APPROACH_VELOCITY = 0.05

        # A matrix with an empty command, this is sent whenever the drone needs to stop
        # moving
        self.STOP_MOVING = matrix33(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

        # The code for the 3 striped tag:
        self.frontTagType = 0

        # The code for the oriented A4 tag:
        self.bottomTagType = 131072

        # The distance, up to which the tag should be approached, measured in cm
        self.desiredDistance = 100.0

        # The distance, from which point on the controller will regulate the approach speed, measured in cm
        self.controllerDistance = 250.0

        # The distance, from which on the sidewards movements to center the tag will be reduced linearly
        # (See LandingNavigator.CenterTag())
        self.reduceDistance = 250.0

        # A factor to further reduce sidewards movements
        #self.reduceFactor = 0.5

        # How fast the drone should move laterally to center the bottom tag in the x direction
        self.CENTER_BOTTOM_X_VELOCITY = 0.02

        # How fast the drone should move laterally to center the bottom tag in the y direction
        self.CENTER_BOTTOM_Y_VELOCITY = 0.02

        # How fast the drone should turn on the spot to orient itself properly over the bottom tag
        self.ALIGN_BOTTOM_TAG_VELOCITY = 0.1
コード例 #4
    def AlignBottomTag(self, navdata):
            Returns the command to orient the drone in a 180° angle over the bottom tag
        tagIndex = self.GetBottomTagIndex(navdata)

        controller_input = navdata.tags_orientation[tagIndex] - 180.0 / 360.0
        controller_output = self.alignBottomController.update(controller_input)
        controller_output = self.alignBottomController.avoid_drastic_corrections(controller_output)

        return matrix33(
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, controller_output * self.constants.ALIGN_BOTTOM_TAG_VELOCITY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
コード例 #5
    def TellMeFindTag(self, navdata):
            Returns a matrix33 with appropriate commands to center the front tag in the field of view,
            where those commands will turn the drone on the spot

        tagIndex = self.GetFrontTagIndex(navdata)

        # We feed the controller with values between -1 and 1, and we receive factors, with which we multiply the speed at which the
        # drone is turned
        controller_input = (navdata.tags_xc[tagIndex] - 500.0) / 500.0
        controller_output = self.findTagController.update(controller_input)
        # Sometimes the controller might want to do some drastic actions, which we want to avoid
        controller_output = self.findTagController.avoid_drastic_corrections(controller_output)

        return matrix33(
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, controller_output * self.constants.FIND_TAG_TURN_VELOCITY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
コード例 #6
        def keyPressEvent(self, event):
                key = event.key()
                steering_matrix = matrix33(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
                # If we have constructed the drone controller and the key is not generated from an auto-repeating key
                if not event.isAutoRepeat():
                        # Handle the important cases first!
                        if key == KeyMapping.Emergency:
                               steering_matrix.m33 = 1.0
                        elif key == KeyMapping.Takeoff:
                                steering_matrix.m31 = 1.0
                        elif key == KeyMapping.Land:
                                steering_matrix.m32 = 1.0
                                # Now we handle moving, notice that this section is the opposite (+=) of the keyrelease section
                                if key == KeyMapping.YawLeft:
                                        self.yaw_velocity += 1
                                elif key == KeyMapping.YawRight:
                                        self.yaw_velocity += -1

                                elif key == KeyMapping.PitchForward:
                                        self.pitch += 1
                                elif key == KeyMapping.PitchBackward:
                                        self.pitch += -1

                                elif key == KeyMapping.RollLeft:
                                        self.roll += 1
                                elif key == KeyMapping.RollRight:
                                        self.roll += -1

                                elif key == KeyMapping.IncreaseAltitude:
                                        self.z_velocity += 1
                                elif key == KeyMapping.DecreaseAltitude:
                                        self.z_velocity += -1

                        # finally we set the command to be sent. The controller handles sending this at regular intervals
                        steering_matrix.m11 = self.pitch
                        steering_matrix.m12 = self.roll
                        steering_matrix.m13 = self.z_velocity
                        steering_matrix.m21 = self.yaw_velocity
コード例 #7
    def TellMeApproach(self, navdata):
            Returns a matrix33 whith commands to approach the tag up to a certain distance
        tagIndex = self.GetFrontTagIndex(navdata)

        # We want the drone to stop at a certain point in front of the tag
        # Also, we want it to go full speed up to controllerDistance away from that point, followed by a
        # distance, where the controller handles the speed (The controller isn't given the actual distance but a float value representing how
        # far away we are. It then returns a factor, with which we multiply our TAG_APPROACH_VELOCITY)

        controller_input = (
            navdata.tags_distance[tagIndex] - self.constants.desiredDistance
        ) / self.constants.controllerDistance
        controller_output = self.approachFrontController.update(controller_input)

        # The output value needs to be inverted, avoid drastic controller outputs
        controller_output = -self.approachFrontController.avoid_drastic_corrections(controller_output)

        return matrix33(
            controller_output * self.constants.TAG_APPROACH_VELOCITY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
コード例 #8
    def TellMeCenter(self, navdata):
            Returns a matrix33 with appropriate commands to center the front tag in the field of view,
            where those commands will move the drone laterally
        tagIndex = self.GetFrontTagIndex(navdata)

        controller_input = (navdata.tags_xc[tagIndex] - 500.0) / 500.0
        controller_output = self.centerFrontController.update(controller_input)

        controller_output = self.centerFrontController.avoid_drastic_corrections(controller_output)

        # Thing is, the corrections done by the controller will have a pretty huge impact once we are
        # close to the tag, therefore we reduce those corrections depending on the distance from the tag

        # reducingFactor = self.constants.reduceFactor * navdata.tags_distance[tagIndex]  / self.constants.reduceDistance
        reducingFactor = navdata.tags_distance[tagIndex] / self.constants.reduceDistance

        if reducingFactor > 1:
            reducingFactor = 1
        sidewardsMovement = reducingFactor * controller_output * self.constants.TAG_CENTER_VELOCITY

        return matrix33(0.0, sidewardsMovement, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
コード例 #9
    def LandingPreparations(self, navdata):
            Returns the appropriate commands to center the bottom tag. Once it is centered, it returns the command to land
        tagIndex = self.GetBottomTagIndex(navdata)
        tagXPosition = navdata.tags_xc[tagIndex]
        tagYPosition = navdata.tags_yc[tagIndex]

        controller_input_y = (tagYPosition - 500.0) / 500.0
        controller_input_x = (tagXPosition - 500.0) / 500.0

        if not (tagYPosition > 400 and tagYPosition < 600) or not (tagXPosition > 400 and tagXPosition < 600):
            # We aren't centered, now we determine in which direction we are more off, so we can deal with that one first

            if (controller_input_y * controller_input_y) > (controller_input_x * controller_input_x):

                controller_output_y = self.centerBottomYController.update(controller_input_y)
                # controller_output_y = self.centerBottomYController.avoid_drastic_corrections(controller_output_y)

                print "Y"
                print controller_input_y
                print controller_output_y

                return matrix33(
                    controller_output_y * self.constants.CENTER_BOTTOM_Y_VELOCITY,

                controller_output_x = self.centerBottomXController.update(controller_input_x)
                #  controller_output_x = self.centerBottomXController.avoid_drastic_corrections(controller_output_x)

                print "X"
                print controller_input_x
                print controller_output_x

                return matrix33(
                    controller_output_x * self.constants.CENTER_BOTTOM_X_VELOCITY,

            print "READY"
            # return self.constants.STOP_MOVING
            # Tag is centered in both directions, we are done, we can land!
            self.success = True
            return matrix33(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
コード例 #10
    def TellMeWhatToDo(self, navdata):
            Gets the current navdata and returns a matrix33 with appropriate steering commands
            Automatically decides which commands to send, based on the available tags

        # We got 3 cases: No tag visible, front tag visble, bottom tag visible

        # Check where the tags are in the arrays in the navdata (You can check which information the navdata contains from the commandline with "rosmsg show ardrone/Navdata")
        bottomTagIndex = self.GetBottomTagIndex(navdata)
        frontTagIndex = self.GetFrontTagIndex(navdata)

        if navdata.tags_count == 0:
            # No tag visible
            # We want the drone to turn in one place

            print "Searching"
            self.searchCounter += 1

            steeringCommand = matrix33(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, self.constants.FIND_TAG_TURN_VELOCITY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            return steeringCommand
            # return self.constants.STOP_MOVING

        elif bottomTagIndex > -1:
            # Sweet, the bottom tag is visible!

            print "Centering bottom tag"
            self.bottomCounter += 1

            # We need to check if we are turned the right way above the tag
            currentAngle = navdata.tags_orientation[bottomTagIndex]

            # Actually this step doesn't seem to be necessary so we skip it
            # It should have led to a bigger precision, but mostly the drone is oriented the right way
            return self.LandingPreparations(navdata)

        #             if currentAngle > 170.0 and currentAngle < 190.0:
        #                 # Ok, so we are turned correctly, we need to center the bottom tag now. If it is centered
        #                 # the command to land will be returned
        #                 return self.LandingPreparations(navdata)

        #             else:
        #                 # We need to turn the drone on the spot
        #                 return self.AlignBottomTag(navdata)

            # Only the front tag is visble
            # Now we got 2 cases:
            # - We are still in the spot we started and we are trying to center it (Meaning we are turning on the spot)
            # - We are already on our way towards that tag

            # The x position is represented in values between 0 - 1000 from left to right
            x = navdata.tags_xc[frontTagIndex]

            if x > 450 and x < 550:
                # It is pretty centered, set the flag and start approaching
                self.wasTagCentered = True

                print "Approaching"
                self.approachCounter += 1

                return self.TellMeApproach(navdata)

                # Check if we already centered it once
                if self.wasTagCentered:
                    # We did? Ok, then lets move laterally

                    print "Centering laterally"
                    self.centerCounter += 1

                    return self.TellMeCenter(navdata)

                    # The tag hasn't been centered yet, turn on the spot

                    print "Turning"
                    self.rotateCounter += 1
                    return self.TellMeFindTag(navdata)
コード例 #11
    def BringMeHome(self):
            Core function to land the drone.
            It will turn the drone till it finds a 3-colored tag witht the front camera, approach this tag until
            it sees a A4-tag on the bottom and will land the drone on this tag

        # This is the big loop for all the functions. It resets all flags and periodically asks for instructions to be sent to the drone.

        if self.recentNavdata == None:
            print "No navdata available, exiting"

        # Reset flags
        self.stopTask = False
        self.wasTagCentered = False
        self.success = False

        # Reset the controllers

        # Some counters to evaluate how we are doing
        self.searchCounter = 0
        self.rotateCounter = 0
        self.approachCounter = 0
        self.centerCounter = 0
        self.bottomCounter = 0

        # Get the drone up to a good height:
        workingNavdata = self.recentNavdata

        while workingNavdata.altd < 1450:

            if self.stopTask:
                # In case of keyboard interruption

            workingNavdata = self.recentNavdata
            self.ExecuteCommand(matrix33(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
            print "Gaining Altitude"

        # Now we are at a proper height and we can start finding & approaching the tag

        while not self.stopTask and not self.success:

            # Create a copy of the current navdata, so it doesn't get refreshed while we work on it
            workingNavdata = self.recentNavdata

            # Receive the necessary actions
            steeringCommand = self.TellMeWhatToDo(workingNavdata)
            # Send them to the drone

        # In case we got stopped via the keyboard, we want to make sure that our last command is to stop the drone from
        # doing anything
        steeringCommand = self.constants.STOP_MOVING

        print "Steps searching: %i" % self.searchCounter
        print "Steps rotating: %i" % self.rotateCounter
        print "Steps approaching: %i" % self.approachCounter
        print "Steps centering: %i" % self.centerCounter
        print "Steps centering bottom tag %i " % self.bottomCounter