コード例 #1
ファイル: run_fits.py プロジェクト: ruizca/pseudoXspec
def _set_coords(ra, dec, unit):
        coords = SkyCoord(ra, dec)
    except UnitTypeError:
        coords = SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit=unit)

    return coords
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_solar_system.py プロジェクト: taranu/astropy
 def setup(self):
     kitt_peak = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lon=-111.6 * u.deg,
                                             lat=31.963333333333342 * u.deg,
                                             height=2120 * u.m)
     self.t = Time('2014-09-25T00:00', location=kitt_peak)
     obsgeoloc, obsgeovel = kitt_peak.get_gcrs_posvel(self.t)
     self.frame = GCRS(obstime=self.t,
     # Results returned by JPL Horizons web interface
     self.horizons = {
                  distance=c * 7.699020 * u.min,
                  distance=c * 0.022054 * u.min,
                  distance=c * 49.244937 * u.min,
コード例 #3
 def setup(self):
     self.t = Time('1980-03-25 00:00')
     self.apparent_frame = TETE(obstime=self.t)
     # Results returned by JPL Horizons web interface
     self.horizons = {
                  distance=c * 6.323037 * u.min,
                  distance=c * 0.021921 * u.min,
                  distance=c * 37.694557 * u.min,
                  distance=c * 8.294858 * u.min,
コード例 #4
def Counts(gal_id, gal_field, z, R = 10**np.linspace(1.2,3.6,13), delta_z = 0.1, min_mass = 9.415):
    #making a list of galaxies in within a redshift range of given z, in the selected field, and above the mass limit#
    lst_gal = []
    data_tmp = data[data['field'] == gal_field]

    #separating the potential satellites into star-forming(b) and quiescent(r) bins#
    mask = ((np.abs(data_tmp['z'] - z) <= delta_z) & (data_tmp['id'] != gal_id) & (data_tmp['lmass'] >= min_mass))
    lst_gal = data_tmp[mask]
    lst_galr = lst_gal[(((lst_gal['vj'] < 0.92) & (lst_gal['uv'] > 1.3)) | ((lst_gal['vj'] > 0.8) & (lst_gal['vj'] < 1.6) & (lst_gal['uv'] > (0.88*lst_gal['vj'] +0.49))))]
    lst_galb = lst_gal[(((lst_gal['vj'] < 0.92) & (lst_gal['uv'] < 1.3)) | ((lst_gal['vj'] > 0.8) & (lst_gal['vj'] < 1.6) & (lst_gal['uv'] < (0.88*lst_gal['vj'] +0.49))) | (lst_gal['vj']>1.5))]

    #finding the various aperture radii in arcminutes based on given z#
    kpc_per_arcmin = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z)
    arcmin_per_kpc = kpc_per_arcmin**(-1)
    arcmin = arcmin_per_kpc*(R*u.kpc)

    #retrieving RA and DEC data of given galaxy#
    p1 = data_tmp[(data_tmp['id'] == gal_id)]
    #calculating distance in special ANGLE measure to each galaxy in lst_gal#
    sc0 = SkyCoord(p1['ra']*u.deg, p1['dec']*u.deg)
    sc1 = SkyCoord(lst_galr['ra']*u.deg, lst_galr['dec']*u.deg)
    sc2 = SkyCoord(lst_galb['ra']*u.deg, lst_galb['dec']*u.deg)
    sep1 = sc0.separation(sc1).to(u.arcmin)
    sep2 = sc0.separation(sc2).to(u.arcmin)    
    #finding number of "sep's" within the list 'arcmin' already created#
    nnr = np.empty(len(R))
    nnb = np.empty(len(R))
    for ii,r in enumerate(arcmin):
        nnr[ii] = np.sum(sep1 <= r)
        nnb[ii] = np.sum(sep2 <= r)

    return [nnr, nnb]
コード例 #5
def test_names():

    # First check that sesame is up
    if urllib.request.urlopen(
            "http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-sesame").getcode() != 200:
            "SESAME appears to be down, skipping test_name_resolve.py:test_names()..."

    with pytest.raises(NameResolveError):

        icrs = get_icrs_coordinates("NGC 3642")
    except NameResolveError:
        ra, dec = _parse_response(_cached_ngc3642["all"])
        icrs = SkyCoord(ra=float(ra) * u.degree, dec=float(dec) * u.degree)

    icrs_true = SkyCoord(ra="11h 22m 18.014s", dec="59d 04m 27.27s")

    # use precision of only 1 decimal here and below because the result can
    # change due to Sesame server-side changes.
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(icrs.ra.degree, icrs_true.ra.degree, 1)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(icrs.dec.degree, icrs_true.dec.degree, 1)

        icrs = get_icrs_coordinates("castor")
    except NameResolveError:
        ra, dec = _parse_response(_cached_castor["all"])
        icrs = SkyCoord(ra=float(ra) * u.degree, dec=float(dec) * u.degree)

    icrs_true = SkyCoord(ra="07h 34m 35.87s", dec="+31d 53m 17.8s")
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(icrs.ra.degree, icrs_true.ra.degree, 1)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(icrs.dec.degree, icrs_true.dec.degree, 1)
コード例 #6
ファイル: Tabler_Radius.py プロジェクト: nlifset1/3d_hst
def Counts(gal_id, gal_field, z, R = 10**np.linspace(1.2,3.6,13), delta_z = 0.1, min_mass = 9.415):
    from astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate import SkyCoord
    from astropy import units as u
    #making a list of galaxies in within a redshift range of given z, in the selected field, and above the mass limit#
    lst_gal = []
    data_tmp = data_flagged[data_flagged['field'] == gal_field]

    mask = ((np.abs(data_tmp['z_peak'] - z) <= delta_z) & (data_tmp['id'] != gal_id) & (data_tmp['lmass'] >= min_mass))
    lst_gal = data_tmp[mask]

    #finding the various aperture radii in arcminutes based on given z#
    kpc_per_arcmin = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z)
    arcmin_per_kpc = kpc_per_arcmin**(-1)
    arcmin = arcmin_per_kpc*(R*u.kpc)

    #retrieving RA and DEC data of given galaxy#
    p1 = data_tmp[(data_tmp['id'] == gal_id)]
    #calculating distance in special ANGLE measure to each galaxy in lst_gal#
    sc0 = SkyCoord(p1['ra']*u.deg, p1['dec']*u.deg)
    sc = SkyCoord(lst_gal['ra']*u.deg, lst_gal['dec']*u.deg)
    sep = sc0.separation(sc)
    sep = sep.to(u.arcmin)
    #finding number of "sep's" within the list 'arcmin' already created#
    nn = np.empty(len(R))
    for ii,r in enumerate(arcmin):
        nn[ii] = np.sum(sep <= r)

    return nn
コード例 #7
ファイル: parangles.py プロジェクト: arainot/VIP
def compute_paral_angles(header, latitude, ra_key, dec_key, lst_key, 
                         acqtime_key, date_key='DATE-OBS'):
    """Calculates the parallactic angle for a frame, taking coordinates and
    local sidereal time from fits-headers (frames taken in an alt-az telescope 
    with the image rotator off).
    The coordinates in the header are assumed to be J2000 FK5 coordinates.
    The spherical trigonometry formula for calculating the parallactic angle
    is taken from Astronomical Algorithms (Meeus, 1998).
    header : dictionary
        Header of current frame.
    latitude : float
        Latitude of the observatory in degrees. The dictionaries in 
        vip_hci/conf/param.py can be used like: latitude=LBT['latitude'].
    ra_key, dec_key, lst_key, acqtime_key, date_key : strings
        Keywords where the values are stored in the header.
    pa.value : float
        Parallactic angle in degrees for current header (frame).
    obs_epoch = Time(header[date_key], format='iso', scale='utc')
    # equatorial coordinates in J2000
    ra = header[ra_key]                                                         
    dec = header[dec_key]   
    coor = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=(hourangle,degree), frame=FK5, 
    # recalculate for DATE-OBS (precession)
    coor_curr = coor.transform_to(FK5(equinox=obs_epoch))
    # new ra and dec in radians
    ra_curr = coor_curr.ra                                                      
    dec_curr = coor_curr.dec
    lst_split = header[lst_key].split(':')
    lst = float(lst_split[0])+float(lst_split[1])/60+float(lst_split[2])/3600
    exp_delay = (header[acqtime_key] * 0.5) / 3600
    # solar to sidereal time
    exp_delay = exp_delay*1.0027                                                
    # hour angle in degrees
    hour_angle = (lst + exp_delay) * 15 - ra_curr.deg                           
    hour_angle = np.deg2rad(hour_angle)                                         
    latitude = np.deg2rad(latitude)                                             
    # PA formula from Astronomical Algorithms 
    pa = -np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(-np.sin(hour_angle), np.cos(dec_curr) * \
                 np.tan(latitude) - np.sin(dec_curr) * np.cos(hour_angle)))     
    #if dec_curr.value > latitude:  pa = (pa.value + 360) % 360
    return pa.value
コード例 #8
ファイル: parangles.py プロジェクト: ddefrere/VIP
def compute_paral_angles(header, latitude, ra_key, dec_key, lst_key, 
                         acqtime_key, date_key='DATE-OBS'):
    """Calculates the parallactic angle for a frame, taking coordinates and
    local sidereal time from fits-headers (frames taken in an alt-az telescope 
    with the image rotator off).
    The coordinates in the header are assumed to be J2000 FK5 coordinates.
    The spherical trigonometry formula for calculating the parallactic angle
    is taken from Astronomical Algorithms (Meeus, 1998).
    header : dictionary
        Header of current frame.
    latitude : float
        Latitude of the observatory in degrees. The dictionaries in 
        vip/conf/param.py can be used like: latitude=LBT['latitude'].
    ra_key, dec_key, lst_key, acqtime_key, date_key : strings
        Keywords where the values are stored in the header.
    pa.value : float
        Parallactic angle in degrees for current header (frame).
    obs_epoch = Time(header[date_key], format='iso', scale='utc')
    # equatorial coordinates in J2000
    ra = header[ra_key]                                                         
    dec = header[dec_key]   
    coor = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=(hourangle,degree), frame=FK5, 
    # recalculate for DATE-OBS (precession)
    coor_curr = coor.transform_to(FK5(equinox=obs_epoch))
    # new ra and dec in radians
    ra_curr = coor_curr.ra                                                      
    dec_curr = coor_curr.dec
    lst_split = header[lst_key].split(':')
    lst = float(lst_split[0])+float(lst_split[1])/60+float(lst_split[2])/3600
    exp_delay = (header[acqtime_key] * 0.5) / 3600
    # solar to sidereal time
    exp_delay = exp_delay*1.0027                                                
    # hour angle in degrees
    hour_angle = (lst + exp_delay) * 15 - ra_curr.deg                           
    hour_angle = np.deg2rad(hour_angle)                                         
    latitude = np.deg2rad(latitude)                                             
    # PA formula from Astronomical Algorithms 
    pa = -np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(-np.sin(hour_angle), np.cos(dec_curr) * \
                 np.tan(latitude) - np.sin(dec_curr) * np.cos(hour_angle)))     
    #if dec_curr.value > latitude:  pa = (pa.value + 360) % 360
    return pa.value
コード例 #9
ファイル: Tabler_Radius.py プロジェクト: nlifset1/3d_hst
def rand_counts(gal_field,
                R=10**np.linspace(1.2, 3.6, 13),
    #picking random location for galaxy number density#
    if gal_field == 'AEGIS':
        ra1 = random.uniform(3.746000, 3.756821)
        dec1 = random.uniform(0.920312, 0.925897)
    elif gal_field == 'COSMOS':
        ra1 = random.uniform(2.619737, 2.620718)
        dec1 = random.uniform(0.038741, 0.043811)
    elif gal_field == 'GOODS-N':
        ra1 = random.uniform(3.298072, 3.307597)
        dec1 = random.uniform(1.084787, 1.087936)
    elif gal_field == 'GOODS-S':
        ra1 = random.uniform(0.925775, 0.929397)
        dec1 = random.uniform(-0.487098, -0.483591)
    elif gal_field == 'UDS':
        ra1 = random.uniform(0.59815, 0.602889)
        dec1 = random.uniform(-0.091376, -0.090305)

    from astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate import SkyCoord
    from astropy import units as u

    #switching ra and dec to degrees#
    ra1 = ra1 * (180.0 / math.pi)
    dec1 = dec1 * (180.0 / math.pi)

    #making a list of galaxies in within a redshift range of given z#
    lst_gal = []
    data_tmp = data_flagged[data_flagged['field'] == gal_field]

    mask = (np.abs(data_tmp['z_peak'] - z) <= delta_z) & (data_tmp['lmass'] >=
    lst_gal = data_tmp[mask]

    #converting radius R (kpc) to radians at given redshift z#
    kpc_per = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z)
    arcmin_per = kpc_per**(-1)
    arcmin = arcmin_per * (R * u.kpc)

    #retrieving RA and DEC data of given galaxy#
    sc0 = SkyCoord(ra1 * u.deg, dec1 * u.deg)
    sc = SkyCoord(lst_gal['ra'] * u.deg, lst_gal['dec'] * u.deg)
    sep = sc.separation(sc0)
    sep = sep.to(u.arcmin)

    nn = np.empty(len(R))
    for ii, r in enumerate(arcmin):
        nn[ii] = np.sum(sep <= r)

    return nn
コード例 #10
def rand_counts(gal_field, z, R = 10**np.linspace(1.2,3.6,13), delta_z = 0.1, min_mass = 9.415):
    #picking random location for galaxy number density#
    if gal_field == 'AEGIS':
        ra1 = random.uniform(3.746000, 3.756821)
        dec1 = random.uniform(0.920312, 0.925897)
    elif gal_field == 'COSMOS':
        ra1 = random.uniform(2.619737, 2.620718)
        dec1 = random.uniform(0.038741, 0.043811)
    elif gal_field == 'GOODS-N':
        ra1 = random.uniform(3.298072, 3.307597)
        dec1 = random.uniform(1.084787, 1.087936)
    elif gal_field == 'GOODS-S':
        ra1 = random.uniform(0.925775, 0.929397)
        dec1 = random.uniform(-0.487098, -0.483591)
    elif gal_field == 'UDS':
        ra1 = random.uniform(0.59815, 0.602889)
        dec1 = random.uniform(-0.091376, -0.090305)
    #switching ra and dec to degrees#
    ra1 = ra1*(180.0/math.pi)
    dec1 = dec1*(180.0/math.pi)
    #making a list of galaxies in within a redshift range of given z, in the selected field, and above the mass limit#
    lst_gal = []
    data_tmp = data[data['field'] == gal_field]

    mask = ((np.abs(data_tmp['z'] - z) <= delta_z) & (data_tmp['lmass'] >= min_mass))
    lst_gal = data_tmp[mask]
    lst_galr = lst_gal[(((lst_gal['vj'] < 0.92) & (lst_gal['uv'] > 1.3)) | ((lst_gal['vj'] > 0.8) & (lst_gal['vj'] < 1.6) & (lst_gal['uv'] > (0.88*lst_gal['vj'] +0.49))))]
    lst_galb = lst_gal[(((lst_gal['vj'] < 0.92) & (lst_gal['uv'] < 1.3)) | ((lst_gal['vj'] > 0.8) & (lst_gal['vj'] < 1.6) & (lst_gal['uv'] < (0.88*lst_gal['vj'] +0.49))) | (lst_gal['vj']>1.5))]

    #finding the various aperture radii in arcminutes based on given z#
    kpc_per_arcmin = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z)
    arcmin_per_kpc = kpc_per_arcmin**(-1)
    arcmin = arcmin_per_kpc*(R*u.kpc)

    #calculating distance in special ANGLE measure to each galaxy in lst_gal#
    sc0 = SkyCoord(ra1*u.deg, dec1*u.deg)
    sc1 = SkyCoord(lst_galr['ra']*u.deg, lst_galr['dec']*u.deg)
    sc2 = SkyCoord(lst_galb['ra']*u.deg, lst_galb['dec']*u.deg)
    sep1 = sc0.separation(sc1).to(u.arcmin)
    sep2 = sc0.separation(sc2).to(u.arcmin)
    #finding number of "sep's" within the list 'arcmin' already created#
    nn1 = np.empty(len(R))
    nn2 = np.empty(len(R))
    for ii,r in enumerate(arcmin):
        nn1[ii] = np.sum(sep1 <= r)
        nn2[ii] = np.sum(sep2 <= r)

    #nn1 is density list for quiescent, nn2 is for star-forming#
    return [nn1, nn2]
コード例 #11
def listcord2center(coord_list):
    Return the center of a list of coordinates. This is 
    done by averaging cartesian coordinates to avoid 
    looping in RA-Dec.
    - coord_list (SkyCoord list): list of sky coordinates

    - center (SkyCoord): SkyCoord object, center of the list

    # Get the cartesian coordinates
    x = coord_list.cartesian.x
    y = coord_list.cartesian.y
    z = coord_list.cartesian.z

    # Average the cartesian coordinates
    x_m = np.mean(x)
    y_m = np.mean(y)
    z_m = np.mean(z)

    # Transform to sky coordinates
    r, lat, lon = cartesian_to_spherical(x_m, y_m, z_m)
    center_guess = SkyCoord(lon, lat, frame='icrs')

    # Perform distance minimisation to make sure it is ok
    def fun(par):
        c = SkyCoord(par[0] * u.deg, par[1] * u.deg, frame='icrs')
        dist = coord_list.separation(c)
        return np.sum(dist.value**2)

    p_guess = np.array(
    res = minimize(fun, p_guess)
    center = SkyCoord(res.x[0] * u.deg, res.x[1] * u.deg, frame='icrs')

    # Sanity check
    if res.success is not True:
        print('!!! WARNING: not sure I found the coordinates barycenter !!!')
        print('Separation between cartesian center and my center: ')
        print(center.separation(center_guess).to_value('deg'), 'deg')
        print('Center: ')

    return center
コード例 #12
ファイル: Tabler_Radius2.py プロジェクト: nlifset1/3d_hst
def Counts(gal_id, gal_field, z, R = 10**np.linspace(1.2,3.6,13), delta_z = 0.1, min_mass = 9.415):
    from astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate import SkyCoord
    from astropy import units as u
    #making a list of galaxies in within a redshift range of given z, in the selected field, and above the mass limit#
    lst_gal = []
    data_tmp = data_flagged[data_flagged['field'] == gal_field]

    #separatign the satellite galaxies into four bins based on mass#
    mask = ((np.abs(data_tmp['z_peak'] - z) <= delta_z) & (data_tmp['id'] != gal_id) & (data_tmp['lmass'] >= min_mass))
    lst_gal = data_tmp[mask]
    lst_gal1 = lst_gal[(lst_gal['lmass'] < 9.8)]
    lst_gal2 = lst_gal[((lst_gal['lmass'] < 10.3) & (lst_gal['lmass'] > 9.8))]
    lst_gal3 = lst_gal[((lst_gal['lmass'] < 10.8) & (lst_gal['lmass'] > 10.3))]
    lst_gal4 = lst_gal[((lst_gal['lmass'] < 11.8) & (lst_gal['lmass'] > 10.8))]

    #finding the various aperture radii in arcminutes based on given z#
    kpc_per_arcmin = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z)
    arcmin_per_kpc = kpc_per_arcmin**(-1)
    arcmin = arcmin_per_kpc*(R*u.kpc)

    #retrieving RA and DEC data of given galaxy#
    p1 = data_tmp[(data_tmp['id'] == gal_id)]
    #calculating distance in special ANGLE measure to each galaxy in lst_gal#
    sc0 = SkyCoord(p1['ra']*u.deg, p1['dec']*u.deg)
    sc1 = SkyCoord(lst_gal1['ra']*u.deg, lst_gal1['dec']*u.deg)
    sc2 = SkyCoord(lst_gal2['ra']*u.deg, lst_gal2['dec']*u.deg)
    sc3 = SkyCoord(lst_gal3['ra']*u.deg, lst_gal3['dec']*u.deg)
    sc4 = SkyCoord(lst_gal4['ra']*u.deg, lst_gal4['dec']*u.deg)
    sep1 = sc0.separation(sc1).to(u.arcmin)
    sep2 = sc0.separation(sc2).to(u.arcmin)
    sep3 = sc0.separation(sc3).to(u.arcmin)
    sep4 = sc0.separation(sc4).to(u.arcmin)
    #finding number of "sep's" within the list 'arcmin' already created#
    nn1 = np.empty(len(R))
    nn2 = np.empty(len(R))
    nn3 = np.empty(len(R))
    nn4 = np.empty(len(R))
    for ii,r in enumerate(arcmin):
        nn1[ii] = np.sum(sep1 <= r)
        nn2[ii] = np.sum(sep2 <= r)
        nn3[ii] = np.sum(sep3 <= r)
        nn4[ii] = np.sum(sep4 <= r)

    #returning four lists of counts pre radius with lower end number for lower mass bin#
    return [nn1, nn2, nn3, nn4]
コード例 #13
    def _trace_back_obj(self, o, c, t):
		computes minimum time and distance of object trajectory with that of c
		o: object, SkyCoord
		c: object, SkyCoord, presumably cluster center
		t: time vector in years over which to perform calculations
			dict with keys: d_min, t_min and tol

        #function to constrain dec between -90 and 90 (argument in radians)
        fix_lat = np.vectorize(lambda x:  x if x <= np.pi/2.0 else \
         ( np.pi-x if x <=3.0*np.pi/2.0 else  x-2.0*np.pi))

        # get the ra's and dec's of the two objects at time t
        # relying on astropy.units to do proper conversion to degrees
        o_ra = (o.ra + o.pm_ra_cosdec * t).wrap_at(360 * u.degree)
        c_ra = (c.ra + c.pm_ra * t).wrap_at(360 * u.degree)

        o_dec = coord.Angle(
            fix_lat((o.dec + o.pm_dec * t).radian % (2.0 * np.pi)) * u.radian)
        c_dec = coord.Angle(
            fix_lat((c.dec + c.pm_dec * t).radian % (2.0 * np.pi)) * u.radian)

        #sky coords at time t for both, using constant distance:
        o_t = SkyCoord(ra=o_ra, dec=o_dec, distance=o.distance)
        c_t = SkyCoord(ra=c_ra, dec=c_dec, distance=c.distance)

        #angular separation as function of time
        sep = o_t.separation(c_t)

        #find minimum separation and time
        min_i = sep.argmin()
        d_min = o_t[min_i].separation(c_t[min_i])
        t_min = t[min_i]

        #calculate the tolerance (see equation 1 in reference)
        tol = 10 + 1.3 * c.separation(o) / (1 * u.degree)

        return {
            "t_min": t_min,
            "d_min": d_min,
            "tol": tol,
            'tracesback': (d_min / (1.0 * u.arcminute)) <= tol
コード例 #14
ファイル: Tabler_Radius.py プロジェクト: nlifset1/3d_hst
def rand_counts(gal_field, z, R = 10**np.linspace(1.2,3.6,13), delta_z = 0.1, min_mass = 9.415):
    #picking random location for galaxy number density#
    if gal_field == 'AEGIS':
        ra1 = random.uniform(3.746000, 3.756821)
        dec1 = random.uniform(0.920312, 0.925897)
    elif gal_field == 'COSMOS':
        ra1 = random.uniform(2.619737, 2.620718)
        dec1 = random.uniform(0.038741, 0.043811)
    elif gal_field == 'GOODS-N':
        ra1 = random.uniform(3.298072, 3.307597)
        dec1 = random.uniform(1.084787, 1.087936)
    elif gal_field == 'GOODS-S':
        ra1 = random.uniform(0.925775, 0.929397)
        dec1 = random.uniform(-0.487098, -0.483591)
    elif gal_field == 'UDS':
        ra1 = random.uniform(0.59815, 0.602889)
        dec1 = random.uniform(-0.091376, -0.090305)
    from astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate import SkyCoord
    from astropy import units as u

    #switching ra and dec to degrees#
    ra1 = ra1*(180.0/math.pi)
    dec1 = dec1*(180.0/math.pi)
    #making a list of galaxies in within a redshift range of given z#
    lst_gal = []
    data_tmp = data_flagged[data_flagged['field'] == gal_field]

    mask = (np.abs(data_tmp['z_peak'] - z) <= delta_z) & (data_tmp['lmass'] >= min_mass)
    lst_gal = data_tmp[mask]

    #converting radius R (kpc) to radians at given redshift z#
    kpc_per = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z)
    arcmin_per = kpc_per**(-1)
    arcmin = arcmin_per*(R*u.kpc)

    #retrieving RA and DEC data of given galaxy#
    sc0 = SkyCoord(ra1*u.deg, dec1*u.deg)
    sc = SkyCoord(lst_gal['ra']*u.deg, lst_gal['dec']*u.deg)
    sep = sc.separation(sc0)
    sep = sep.to(u.arcmin)
    nn = np.empty(len(R))
    for ii,r in enumerate(arcmin):
        nn[ii] = np.sum(sep <= r)
    return nn
コード例 #15
def Counts_q(gal_id,
             R=10**np.linspace(1.2, 3.6, 13),

    #making a list of galaxies in within a redshift range of given z, in the selected field, and above the mass limit#
    lst_gal = []
    data_tmp = data1[data1['field'] == gal_field]

    mask = ((np.abs(data_tmp['z'] - z) <= delta_z) & (data_tmp['id'] != gal_id)
            & (data_tmp['lmass'] >= min_mass))
    #making list of satellites in total and list of satellites that are quiescent#
    lst_gal = data_tmp[mask]
    lst_galr = lst_gal[(((lst_gal['vj'] < 0.92) & (lst_gal['uv'] > 1.3)) |
                        ((lst_gal['vj'] > 0.8) & (lst_gal['vj'] < 1.6) &
                         (lst_gal['uv'] > (0.88 * lst_gal['vj'] + 0.49))))]

    #finding the various aperture radii in arcminutes based on given z#
    kpc_per_arcmin = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z)
    arcmin_per_kpc = kpc_per_arcmin**(-1)
    arcmin = arcmin_per_kpc * (R * u.kpc)

    #retrieving RA and DEC data of given galaxy#
    p1 = data_tmp[(data_tmp['id'] == gal_id)]
    #calculating distance in special ANGLE measure to each galaxy in lst_gal#
    sc0 = SkyCoord(p1['ra'] * u.deg, p1['dec'] * u.deg)
    sc1 = SkyCoord(lst_galr['ra'] * u.deg, lst_galr['dec'] * u.deg)
    sc2 = SkyCoord(lst_gal['ra'] * u.deg, lst_gal['dec'] * u.deg)
    sep1 = sc0.separation(sc1).to(u.arcmin)
    sep2 = sc0.separation(sc2).to(u.arcmin)

    #finding number of "sep's" within the list 'arcmin' already created#
    nnr = np.empty(len(R))
    nn = np.empty(len(R))
    for ii, r in enumerate(arcmin):
        nnr[ii] = np.sum(sep1 <= r)
        nn[ii] = np.sum(sep2 <= r)
    lst_q = []
    #calculating quiescent percentage and adding it to a list#
    for i in range(len(nnr)):
        #filtering out (making a 5 that later gets ignored) results that divide by 0#
        if nn[i] == 0:
            lst_q.append(nnr[i] / nnb[i])
    return lst_q
コード例 #16
def getClusterInfo():
    returns astropy table with info for the clusters in Gaia paper: http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-ref?bibcode=2018A%26A...616A..10G (Table1a: Nearby Open Clusters)
    #from readme file at https://cdsarc.unistra.fr/ftp/J/A+A/616/A10/ReadMe

    colnames = ['cluster', 'ra', 'dec', 'U', 'e_U', 'V', 'e_V', 'W', 'e_W',
            'cUV', 'cUW', 'cVW', 'ra_conv', 'dec_conv', 'plx',
                'e_plx', 'pmra','e_pmra','pmdec','e_pmdec',

    path = 'ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/pub/cats/J/A+A/616/A10/tablea3.dat'
    table3_df = pd.read_csv(path,
                        header=None, index_col=None, names=colnames)
    table3 = Table.from_pandas(table3_df)

    cluster_coords = SkyCoord(ra=table3['ra']*u.degree,
                             dec = table3['dec']*u.degree,
                             distance = 1000/table3['plx']*u.pc,
                             pm_ra_cosdec = table3['pmra']*u.mas/u.year,
                             pm_dec = table3['pmdec']*u.mas/u.year,

    table3['coords'] = cluster_coords

    return table3
コード例 #17
ファイル: fcmaker_tools.py プロジェクト: fpavogt/fcmaker
def offset_coord(coord_start, delta_ra=0 * u.arcsec, delta_dec=0 * u.arcsec):
   Compute a new SkyCoord entity given a starting location and offset. This function 
   assumes that the sky is flat!
      coord_start: a SKyCoord object
      delta_ra: an RA offset, in u.arcsec
      delta_dec: an Dec offset, in u.arcsec
      a SkyCoord object

    if (delta_ra > 900 * u.arcsec) or (delta_dec > 900 * u.arcsec):
            'offset_coord: with offsets that large, the sky is no flat anymore!'

    return SkyCoord(
        ra=coord_start.ra.deg +
        delta_ra.to(u.degree).value / np.cos(coord_start.dec.radian),
        dec=coord_start.dec.deg + delta_dec.to(u.degree).value,
        unit=(u.degree, u.degree),
コード例 #18
    def getStar(self, query, load_lc=True):
        Query `Star` object

        query : dict
            Database query
        load_lc : bool
            Append light curves to star objects

            List of `Star` objects
        _stars = self._getStars(query, load_lc)
        if self.delta:
            nearest = query.get("nearest", False)

            checked_stars = self.coneSearch(SkyCoord(self.ra,
            return checked_stars
            return _stars
コード例 #19
ファイル: reduce_exposure.py プロジェクト: danielasmus/vipe
def update_wcs(head, xpos_px, ypos_px, box):

    wcs = WCS(head)

    ra, dec = wcs.wcs_pix2world(xpos_px, ypos_px, 0)
    coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs')

    newhead = deepcopy(head)

    if not hasattr(box, "__len__"):
        box = np.array([box, box], dtype=int)

    sy, sx = box
    # head["WCSAXES"] = 2
    # head["CTYPE1"]  = 'RA---TAN'
    # head["CTYPE2"]  = 'DEC--TAN'
    newhead["CRPIX1"] = 0.5 * sx + 0.5
    newhead["CRPIX2"] = 0.5 * sy + 0.5
    newhead["CRVAL1"] = coord.ra.deg
    newhead["CRVAL2"] = coord.dec.deg
    # head["CD1_1"] = -pfov/3600.0
    # head["CD1_2"] = 0
    # head["CD2_2"] = pfov/3600.0
    # head["CD2_1"] = 0

    return (newhead)
コード例 #20
    def getStar(self, query, load_lc=True):
        Query `Star` object

        query : dict
            Database query
        load_lc : bool
            Append light curves to star objects

            List of `Star` objects
        stars = self.postQuery(query, load_lc)
        if "RA" in query and "Dec" in query and "Rad" in query:
            stars = self.coneSearch(SkyCoord(float(query["RA"]),
                                    float(query["Rad"] / 3600.),
                                    nearest=query.get("nearest", False))
        return stars
コード例 #21
 def test_ephemeris_at_dates(self):
     dates: Time = Time(("2020-06-01", "2020-07-01"))
     eph: List[Ephemeris] = FixedTarget(SkyCoord(
         123 * u.deg, 45.6 * u.deg)).ephemeris(dates=dates)
     assert len(eph) == 2
     assert np.allclose([e.ra for e in eph], 123)
     assert np.allclose([e.dec for e in eph], 45.6)
コード例 #22
 def getStar(self, query, load_lc=True):
     stars = self.postQuery(query, load_lc)
     if "ra" in query and "dec" in query and "delta" in query:
         stars = self.coneSearch(SkyCoord(float(query["ra"]), float(query["dec"]), unit="deg"),
                                 stars, float(query["delta"] / 3600.),
                                 nearest=query.get("nearest", False))
     return stars
コード例 #23
ファイル: reg_drzs.py プロジェクト: gbrammer/pabeta
def get_gaia_cat(ims, cat_name='gaia'):
    """Get the Gaia catalog for the area of input images"""
    from calc_bounds import bounds, get_footprints

    print 'Calculating coordinate ranges for Gaia query:'
    footprint_list = map(get_footprints, ims)
    ras, decs = bounds(footprint_list)

    ra_midpt = (np.amax(ras)+np.amin(ras))/2.
    dec_midpt = (np.amax(decs)+np.amin(decs))/2.
    ra_width = (np.amax(ras)-np.amin(ras))
    dec_height = (np.amax(decs)-np.amin(decs))

    print '\nPerforming Gaia query:'
    coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra_midpt, dec=dec_midpt, unit=(u.degree, u.degree), frame='icrs')
    width = Quantity(ra_width, u.deg)
    height = Quantity(dec_height, u.deg)
    r = Gaia.query_object_async(coordinate=coord, width=width, height=height)
    print 'Sources returned: {}'.format(len(r))

    assert len(r) > 0, 'No sources found in Gaia query\n'

    cat_file_name = '{}.cat'.format(cat_name)
    print 'Writing Gaia source catalog: {}\n'.format(cat_file_name)
    Table([r['ra'], r['dec']]).write(cat_file_name, format='ascii.fast_commented_header')
    return cat_file_name
コード例 #24
    def load_target(self, dir):
        Loads ra, dec, radius, parallax data from a previously created directory

            dir [string]: directory in which to look

            ra, dec, radius, parallax

        data_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

            with open(data_dir + "/" + dir + "/README", 'r') as f:
                out(dir + ": " + f.readline())
                ra = f.readline().lstrip('ra=').rstrip('\n')
                dec = f.readline().lstrip('dec=').rstrip('\n')
                radius = float(f.readline().lstrip('radius=').rstrip(' deg\n'))
                parallax = float(
                    f.readline().lstrip('parllax=').rstrip(' mas\n'))

            out("Specified directory does not contain the required data:")

        return (SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg)), radius, parallax)
コード例 #25
ファイル: fcmaker_espresso.py プロジェクト: jselsing/fcmaker
def get_localfcdata_espresso(fc_params, inpars):
   Extracts all the important info to build a finding chart from a given ESPRESSO OB defined
      inpars: A dictionnary containing the OB parameters
       A dictionnary containing the ESPRESSO OB parameters

    # Acquisition
    fc_params['acq'] = copy.deepcopy(espresso_acq_params)
    fc_params['acq']['ins_mode'] = inpars['ins_mode']
    fc_params['acq']['bos_ra'] = inpars['bos_ra']
    fc_params['acq']['bos_dec'] = inpars['bos_dec']
    fc_params['acq']['is_gs'] = inpars['is_gs']
    fc_params['acq']['gs'] = SkyCoord(inpars['gs_ra'],

    # "Observation" ... for ESPRESSO, just to known if Fiber B is on SKY or not
    fc_params['n_sci'] = 1
    fc_params['sci1'] = copy.deepcopy(espresso_sci_params)
    fc_params['sci1']['ins_mode'] = inpars['ins_mode']
    fc_params['sci1']['calsource_B'] = inpars['calsource_B']

    return fc_params
コード例 #26
def getGAIAKnownMembers(name_mapper=None):
    returns known member list from Gaia paper: http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-ref?bibcode=2018A%26A...616A..10G (Table1a: Nearby Open Clusters)
        Pandas dataframe indexed by SourceID, and list of cluster names retrieved.
    known_members = pd.read_csv('ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/pub/cats/J/A+A/616/A10/tablea1a.dat',
                      header=None, index_col=None,
                      names = ['SourceID', 'Cluster', 'RAdeg', 'DEdeg', 'Gmag', 'plx', 'e_plx'])
    known_members.set_index('SourceID', inplace=True)
    cluster_names = known_members.Cluster.unique()
    #not sure how to deal with name mapping back to SIMBAD names
    #name_mapper = {'Pleiades': 'Pleiades'}
    #members['SimbadCluster'] = members.Cluster.apply(lambda c:name_mapper[c])
    #make skycoords objects for each member, using gaia epoch of 2015.5
    known_members['coords']=SkyCoord(ra = np.array(known_members.RAdeg)*u.degree,
        dec = np.array(known_members.DEdeg)*u.degree,
        obstime = Time(2015.5,format='decimalyear'),  #Gaia ref epoch is 2015.5
        distance = coord.Distance(parallax=Quantity(np.array(known_members.plx)*u.mas)))
    return(known_members, cluster_names)
コード例 #27
    def _match_anamap_to_pointing(self, extra=1.1):
        Match the ClusterPipe map and according to the pointing list.
        - extra (float): factor to apply to the cluster extent to 
        have a bit of margin on the side of the map

        The ClusterPipe map properties are modified

        # Compute the pointing barycenter and the FoV requested size
        list_ptg_coord = SkyCoord(self.obs_setup.coord)
        list_ptg_rad = self.obs_setup.rad
        center_ptg, fov_ptg = utilities.listcord2fov(list_ptg_coord,

        # Account for the cluster
        fov = utilities.squeeze_fov(center_ptg,

        # Set the cluster map to match the pointing
        self.map_coord = center_ptg
        self.map_fov = fov
コード例 #28
def queryCoordSimbad(raw_coord, search_radius):
    import numpy as np
    from astropy import coordinates as coord
    from astropy import units as u
    from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
    from astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate import SkyCoord

    c = SkyCoord(raw_coord, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
    c = c.to_string('hmsdms')
    result_table = Simbad.query_region(coord.SkyCoord(c, frame='icrs'),
                                       radius=('0d0m' + str(search_radius) +
    names_col = result_table['MAIN_ID']
    id = str(names_col[0])[1:]
    return id
コード例 #29
    def __init__(self,
                 cluster        = model_cluster.Cluster(silent=True),
                 compact_source = model_compsource.CompactSource(),
                 obs_setup      = setup_observations.ObsSetup()):
        Initialize the ClusterPipe object.
        - silent (bool): set to true in order not to print informations when running 
        - output_dir (str): where to save outputs
        - cluster: Cluster object can be passed here directly
        - compact_source: CompactSource object can be passed here directly
        - obs_setup: ObsSetup object can be passed here directly
        #---------- Print the code header at launch
        if not silent:
        #---------- Admin
        self.silent     = silent
        self.output_dir = output_dir
        cluster.output_dir = output_dir
        #---------- Sky model
        self.cluster        = cluster
        self.compact_source = compact_source

        #---------- Observations (including background)
        self.obs_setup = obs_setup
        #---------- Analysis parameters
        # Likelihood method related
        self.method_stack  = True
        self.method_binned = True
        self.method_stat   = 'DEFAULT' # CSTAT, WSTAT, CHI2

        # Map related
        self.map_reso      = 0.02*u.deg
        self.map_coord     = SkyCoord(0.0, 0.0, frame="icrs", unit="deg")
        self.map_fov       = 10*u.deg
        self.map_UsePtgRef = True # Re-defines coordinates/FoV using pointings
        # Spectrum related
        self.spec_edisp    = False
        self.spec_ebinalg  = 'LOG'
        self.spec_enumbins = 10
        self.spec_emin     = 50*u.GeV
        self.spec_emax     = 100*u.TeV

        # Time related
        self.time_tmin     = None
        self.time_tmax     = None
        self.time_phase    = None
コード例 #30
def Counts_q(gal_id, gal_field, z, R=10 ** np.linspace(1.2, 3.6, 13), delta_z=0.1, min_mass=9.415):

    # making a list of galaxies in within a redshift range of given z, in the selected field, and above the mass limit#
    lst_gal = []
    data_tmp = data1[data1["field"] == gal_field]

    mask = (np.abs(data_tmp["z"] - z) <= delta_z) & (data_tmp["id"] != gal_id) & (data_tmp["lmass"] >= min_mass)
    # making list of satellites in total and list of satellites that are quiescent#
    lst_gal = data_tmp[mask]
    lst_galr = lst_gal[
            ((lst_gal["vj"] < 0.92) & (lst_gal["uv"] > 1.3))
            | ((lst_gal["vj"] > 0.8) & (lst_gal["vj"] < 1.6) & (lst_gal["uv"] > (0.88 * lst_gal["vj"] + 0.49)))

    # finding the various aperture radii in arcminutes based on given z#
    kpc_per_arcmin = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z)
    arcmin_per_kpc = kpc_per_arcmin ** (-1)
    arcmin = arcmin_per_kpc * (R * u.kpc)

    # retrieving RA and DEC data of given galaxy#
    p1 = data_tmp[(data_tmp["id"] == gal_id)]
    # calculating distance in special ANGLE measure to each galaxy in lst_gal#
    sc0 = SkyCoord(p1["ra"] * u.deg, p1["dec"] * u.deg)
    sc1 = SkyCoord(lst_galr["ra"] * u.deg, lst_galr["dec"] * u.deg)
    sc2 = SkyCoord(lst_gal["ra"] * u.deg, lst_gal["dec"] * u.deg)
    sep1 = sc0.separation(sc1).to(u.arcmin)
    sep2 = sc0.separation(sc2).to(u.arcmin)

    # finding number of "sep's" within the list 'arcmin' already created#
    nnr = np.empty(len(R))
    nn = np.empty(len(R))
    for ii, r in enumerate(arcmin):
        nnr[ii] = np.sum(sep1 <= r)
        nn[ii] = np.sum(sep2 <= r)
    lst_q = []
    # calculating quiescent percentage and adding it to a list#
    for i in range(len(nnr)):
        # filtering out (making a 5 that later gets ignored) results that divide by 0#
        if nn[i] == 0:
            lst_q.append(nnr[i] / nnb[i])
    return lst_q
コード例 #31
def _apparent_position_in_true_coordinates(skycoord):
    Convert Skycoord in GCRS frame into one in which RA and Dec
    are defined w.r.t to the true equinox and poles of the Earth
    jd1, jd2 = get_jd12(skycoord.obstime, 'tt')
    _, _, _, _, _, _, _, rbpn = erfa.pn00a(jd1, jd2)
    return SkyCoord(
コード例 #32
ファイル: Tabler_Radius2.py プロジェクト: nlifset1/3d_hst
def Counts(gal_id,
           R=10**np.linspace(1.2, 3.6, 13),

    from astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate import SkyCoord
    from astropy import units as u

    #making a list of galaxies in within a redshift range of given z, in the selected field, and above the mass limit#
    lst_gal = []
    data_tmp = data_flagged[data_flagged['field'] == gal_field]

    #separatign the satellite galaxies into four bins based on mass#
    mask = ((np.abs(data_tmp['z_peak'] - z) <= delta_z) &
            (data_tmp['id'] != gal_id) & (data_tmp['lmass'] >= min_mass))
    lst_gal = data_tmp[mask]
    lst_gal1 = lst_gal[(lst_gal['lmass'] < 9.8)]
    lst_gal2 = lst_gal[((lst_gal['lmass'] < 10.3) & (lst_gal['lmass'] > 9.8))]
    lst_gal3 = lst_gal[((lst_gal['lmass'] < 10.8) & (lst_gal['lmass'] > 10.3))]
    lst_gal4 = lst_gal[((lst_gal['lmass'] < 11.8) & (lst_gal['lmass'] > 10.8))]

    #finding the various aperture radii in arcminutes based on given z#
    kpc_per_arcmin = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z)
    arcmin_per_kpc = kpc_per_arcmin**(-1)
    arcmin = arcmin_per_kpc * (R * u.kpc)

    #retrieving RA and DEC data of given galaxy#
    p1 = data_tmp[(data_tmp['id'] == gal_id)]
    #calculating distance in special ANGLE measure to each galaxy in lst_gal#
    sc0 = SkyCoord(p1['ra'] * u.deg, p1['dec'] * u.deg)
    sc1 = SkyCoord(lst_gal1['ra'] * u.deg, lst_gal1['dec'] * u.deg)
    sc2 = SkyCoord(lst_gal2['ra'] * u.deg, lst_gal2['dec'] * u.deg)
    sc3 = SkyCoord(lst_gal3['ra'] * u.deg, lst_gal3['dec'] * u.deg)
    sc4 = SkyCoord(lst_gal4['ra'] * u.deg, lst_gal4['dec'] * u.deg)
    sep1 = sc0.separation(sc1).to(u.arcmin)
    sep2 = sc0.separation(sc2).to(u.arcmin)
    sep3 = sc0.separation(sc3).to(u.arcmin)
    sep4 = sc0.separation(sc4).to(u.arcmin)

    #finding number of "sep's" within the list 'arcmin' already created#
    nn1 = np.empty(len(R))
    nn2 = np.empty(len(R))
    nn3 = np.empty(len(R))
    nn4 = np.empty(len(R))
    for ii, r in enumerate(arcmin):
        nn1[ii] = np.sum(sep1 <= r)
        nn2[ii] = np.sum(sep2 <= r)
        nn3[ii] = np.sum(sep3 <= r)
        nn4[ii] = np.sum(sep4 <= r)

    #returning four lists of counts pre radius with lower end number for lower mass bin#
    return [nn1, nn2, nn3, nn4]
コード例 #33
    def __init__(self, ra, dec, radius, parallax=None, load=None):
        Initialize a CatalogProcessing object.

        Performs catalog queries of Gaia, 2Mass, and WISE.

            ra: Right Ascension of the target
            dec: Declination of the target
            radius: radius of the target (deg if @parallax is not supplied, pc if it is)
            parallax: Parallax of target, in mas

        if load is not None:

            info_out("Loading data from directory: " + load)
                self.skycoord, self.radius, self.parallax = self.load_target(
                self.gaia, self.tmass, self.allwise = self.load_tables(load)

                info_out("The specified directory does not exist:")
                data_dir = os.path.dirname(
                info_out(data_dir + "/" + load)


            self.skycoord = SkyCoord(ra, dec)
            self.radius = radius
            self.parallax = parallax

            if self.parallax != None:

                self.radius = self.get_radius()

            out("Initializing CatalogProcessing:")
            info_out("ra={}".format(ra, dec, self.radius, parallax))
            info_out("radius={} deg".format(self.radius))
            info_out("parallax={} mas".format(parallax))

            # Query catalogs and save the data to file
            info_out("Querying Gaia...")
            self.gaia = self.gaia_query()
            self.gaia.catalogs = ["gaia"]
            out("Done querying Gaia!\n")

            info_out("Querying AllWISE...")
            self.allwise = self.ir_query("allwise")
            out("Done querying AllWISE!\n")

            info_out("Querying 2MASS...")
            self.tmass = self.ir_query("tmass")
            out("Done querying 2MASS!\n")
コード例 #34
ファイル: utilities.py プロジェクト: astroolka/ClusterPipe
def squeeze_fov(center_fov, fov_ini, center_cluster, theta_cluster, extra=1.1):
    Take a map center and fov definition, and squeeze it 
    so that the cluster inside remains entirely inside 
    the map. In case the cluster is already bigger than 
    the map, it should do nothing.
    - center_fov (SkyCoord): center of the field of view
    - fov_ini (quantity, deg): initial FoV size
    - center_cluster (SkyCoord): center of the cluster
    - theta_cluster (quantity, deg): cluster max extent
    - fov (quantity, deg): size of the FoV

    # Distance along RA between cluster center and map center
    sep_x = SkyCoord(center_cluster.icrs.ra, center_fov.icrs.dec,
    # Distance along Dec between cluster center and map center
    sep_y = SkyCoord(center_fov.icrs.ra, center_cluster.icrs.dec,

    # Compute FoV along x
    fov_x = 2 * np.amin([
        fov_ini.to_value('deg') / 2.0,
        (sep_x + extra * theta_cluster).to_value('deg')

    # Compute FoV along y
    fov_y = 2 * np.amin([
        fov_ini.to_value('deg') / 2.0,
        (sep_x + extra * theta_cluster).to_value('deg')

    # The fov is squared, so take the max
    fov = np.amax([fov_x, fov_y]) * u.deg

    return fov
コード例 #35
    def test_query_object(self):
        connHandler = DummyConnHandler()
        tapplus = TapPlus("http://test:1111/tap", connhandler=connHandler)
        tap = GaiaClass(connHandler, tapplus)
        # Launch response: we use default response because the query contains
        # decimals
        responseLaunchJob = DummyResponse()
        jobDataFile = data_path('job_1.vot')
        jobData = utils.read_file_content(jobDataFile)
        # The query contains decimals: force default response
        sc = SkyCoord(ra=29.0,
                      unit=(u.degree, u.degree),
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        assert "Missing required argument: 'width'" in err.value.args[0]

        width = Quantity(12, u.deg)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
            tap.query_object(sc, width=width)
        assert "Missing required argument: 'height'" in err.value.args[0]

        height = Quantity(10, u.deg)
        table = tap.query_object(sc, width=width, height=height)
        assert len(table) == 3, \
            "Wrong job results (num rows). Expected: %d, found %d" % \
            (3, len(table))
        self.__check_results_column(table, 'alpha', 'alpha', None, np.float64)
        self.__check_results_column(table, 'delta', 'delta', None, np.float64)
        self.__check_results_column(table, 'source_id', 'source_id', None,
        self.__check_results_column(table, 'table1_oid', 'table1_oid', None,
        # by radius
        radius = Quantity(1, u.deg)
        table = tap.query_object(sc, radius=radius)
        assert len(table) == 3, \
            "Wrong job results (num rows). Expected: %d, found %d" % \
            (3, len(table))
        self.__check_results_column(table, 'alpha', 'alpha', None, np.float64)
        self.__check_results_column(table, 'delta', 'delta', None, np.float64)
        self.__check_results_column(table, 'source_id', 'source_id', None,
        self.__check_results_column(table, 'table1_oid', 'table1_oid', None,
コード例 #36
ファイル: test_name_resolve.py プロジェクト: Cadair/astropy
def test_database_specify(name, db_dict):
    # First check that at least some sesame mirror is up
    for url in sesame_url.get():
        if urllib.request.urlopen(url).getcode() == 200:
        pytest.skip("All SESAME mirrors appear to be down, skipping "

    for db in db_dict.keys():
        with sesame_database.set(db):
            icrs = SkyCoord.from_name(name)

コード例 #37
ファイル: Tabler_Radius2.py プロジェクト: nlifset1/3d_hst
def rand_counts(gal_field, z, R = 10**np.linspace(1.2,3.6,13), delta_z = 0.1, min_mass = 9.415):
    #picking random location for galaxy number density#
    if gal_field == 'AEGIS':
        ra1 = random.uniform(3.746000, 3.756821)
        dec1 = random.uniform(0.920312, 0.925897)
    elif gal_field == 'COSMOS':
        ra1 = random.uniform(2.619737, 2.620718)
        dec1 = random.uniform(0.038741, 0.043811)
    elif gal_field == 'GOODS-N':
        ra1 = random.uniform(3.298072, 3.307597)
        dec1 = random.uniform(1.084787, 1.087936)
    elif gal_field == 'GOODS-S':
        ra1 = random.uniform(0.925775, 0.929397)
        dec1 = random.uniform(-0.487098, -0.483591)
    elif gal_field == 'UDS':
        ra1 = random.uniform(0.59815, 0.602889)
        dec1 = random.uniform(-0.091376, -0.090305)
    from astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate import SkyCoord
    from astropy import units as u

    #switching ra and dec to degrees#
    ra1 = ra1*(180.0/math.pi)
    dec1 = dec1*(180.0/math.pi)
    #making a list of galaxies in within a redshift range of given z, in the selected field, and above the mass limit#
    lst_gal = []
    data_tmp = data_flagged[data_flagged['field'] == gal_field]

    #binning the satellites based on mass#
    mask = ((np.abs(data_tmp['z_peak'] - z) <= delta_z) & (data_tmp['lmass'] >= min_mass))
    lst_gal = data_tmp[mask]
    lst_gal1 = lst_gal[(lst_gal['lmass'] < 9.8)]
    lst_gal2 = lst_gal[((lst_gal['lmass'] < 10.3) & (lst_gal['lmass'] > 9.8))]
    lst_gal3 = lst_gal[((lst_gal['lmass'] < 10.8) & (lst_gal['lmass'] > 10.3))]
    lst_gal4 = lst_gal[((lst_gal['lmass'] < 11.8) & (lst_gal['lmass'] > 10.8))]

    #finding the various aperture radii in arcminutes based on given z#
    kpc_per_arcmin = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z)
    arcmin_per_kpc = kpc_per_arcmin**(-1)
    arcmin = arcmin_per_kpc*(R*u.kpc)

    #calculating distance in special ANGLE measure to each galaxy in lst_gal#
    sc0 = SkyCoord(ra1*u.deg, dec1*u.deg)
    sc1 = SkyCoord(lst_gal1['ra']*u.deg, lst_gal1['dec']*u.deg)
    sc2 = SkyCoord(lst_gal2['ra']*u.deg, lst_gal2['dec']*u.deg)
    sc3 = SkyCoord(lst_gal3['ra']*u.deg, lst_gal3['dec']*u.deg)
    sc4 = SkyCoord(lst_gal4['ra']*u.deg, lst_gal4['dec']*u.deg)
    sep1 = sc0.separation(sc1).to(u.arcmin)
    sep2 = sc0.separation(sc2).to(u.arcmin)
    sep3 = sc0.separation(sc3).to(u.arcmin)
    sep4 = sc0.separation(sc4).to(u.arcmin)
    #finding number of "sep's" within the list 'arcmin' already created#
    nn1 = np.empty(len(R))
    nn2 = np.empty(len(R))
    nn3 = np.empty(len(R))
    nn4 = np.empty(len(R))
    for ii,r in enumerate(arcmin):
        nn1[ii] = np.sum(sep1 <= r)
        nn2[ii] = np.sum(sep2 <= r)
        nn3[ii] = np.sum(sep3 <= r)
        nn4[ii] = np.sum(sep4 <= r)

    #returning four lists of counts per radius with low end number for low mass bin#
    return [nn1, nn2, nn3, nn4]