def queryCoordSimbad(raw_coord, search_radius): #Import(s) import numpy as np from astropy import coordinates as coord from astropy import units as u from astroquery.simbad import Simbad from astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate import SkyCoord #Action c = SkyCoord(raw_coord, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg)) c = c.to_string('hmsdms') result_table = Simbad.query_region(coord.SkyCoord(c, frame='icrs'), radius=('0d0m' + str(search_radius) + 's')) names_col = result_table['MAIN_ID'] id = str(names_col[0])[1:] return id
def reduce_exposure(rawfiles=None, draw=None, dpro=None, expid=None, sof=None, temprofolder=None, rawfolder=None, logfile=None, outname='VISIR_OBS', outfolder='.', overwrite=False, maxshift=0.5, extract=True, searcharea='chopthrow', box=None, statcalfolder=None, crossrefim=None, chopsubmeth='averchop', AA_pos=None, refpos=None, alignmethod='fastgauss', findbeams=True, verbose=False, ditsoftaver=1, sky_xrange=None, plot=False, insmode=None, sky_yrange=None, debug=False, instrument=None, sourceext='unknown', searchsmooth=0.2, sigmaclip=[3, 1]): """ main reduction routine: reduce a give exposure by combining the nods, perform alignment of DITs/chops in case of burst/half-cycle data and extract source images PARAMETERS: - rawfiles: (optional) list of raw fits files belonging to the exposure to reduce - draw: (optional) data structure containing all the raw file information as result of the routine reduce_indi_raw_files - dpro: (optional) data structure containg all the exposure information as a product of the routine group_files_into_observations - temprofolder: (optional) folder containing the temporary products, i.e., individually reduced files. If 'None', the output folder is taken - rawfolder: (optional) folder containing the raw fits files to be reduced - outname: (default='VISIR_OBS') name prefix for the logfile - outfolder: (default='.') folder to write output into - overwrite: (default=False) overwrite existing data? - maxshift: (default=0.5) maximum allowed discrepany between expected and found beam position in a chop/nod pattern in arcsec - searchsmooth: (default=0.2) sigma for Gaussian smoothing for beam detection in arcsecc - extract: (default=True) Try detect a source in the combined nod image and extract subimage - searcharea: (default='chopthrow') specify the area to search for the sub beam as string in arcsec (e.g., "2 arcsec") - box: (optional) by default the subimage will have the size of the chopthrow - chopsubmeth: (default='averchop') method for the subtraction of the chops in burst mode. By default the average of the exposures in the offset position of the corresponding pair is used. - AA_pos: (optional) specify position of the beam in chop/nod position AA for burst alignment - refpos: (optional) instead of searching for the beam position, provide one directly for the alignment - findbeams: (default: True) Should the code try to find the beam positions or just extract at the computed position? - alignmethod: (default='fastgauss') specify the fitting algorithm for the frame alignment in burst mode data - verbose = False - sourceext: (default ='unknown') expected extent of the source ('compact', 'extended', 'unknown') NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED: - call as a stand-alone routine, i.e., without providing draw and dpro This would require implementation extracting files from the sof.txt as well as reduction of the raw files with reduce_indi_raws TO BE ADDED LATER: - correct treatment of HR and HRX SPC - correct treatment of SPC ACQ data - proper modification of the headers of the products - de-rotation for classical imaging with pupil tracking (burst should work) """ funname = "REDUCE_EXPOSURE" if debug: verbose = True noe = 0 # number of error counter now = 0 # number of warnings # --- flag whether only fits header or also table should be updated with # new Gaussian fit paramaters (will be set false after reducing a burst) onlyhead = False if temprofolder is None: temprofolder = outfolder # --- create output folders hcycfolder = temprofolder + '/hcycles' bsumfolder = hcycfolder + '/blindsums' nodfolder = temprofolder + '/nods' if not os.path.exists(hcycfolder): os.makedirs(hcycfolder) if not os.path.exists(bsumfolder): os.makedirs(bsumfolder) if not os.path.exists(nodfolder): os.makedirs(nodfolder) # --- test whether output folder exists if not os.path.exists(outfolder): os.makedirs(outfolder) if logfile is None: logfile = outfolder + '/' + outname + ".log" mode = 'w' else: mode = 'a' _print_log_info(funname + ": Reduction of " + outname, logfile, mode=mode) # --- read some important exposure parameters: # --- if dpro is provided that is easy if dpro is not None: if instrument is None: instrument = dpro["instrument"][expid] if insmode is None: insmode = dpro["tempname"][expid].split("_")[0] targname = dpro["targname"][expid] datatype = dpro["datatype"][expid] tempname = dpro["tempname"][expid] setup = dpro["setup"][expid] pfov = dpro["pfov"][expid] chopthrow = dpro["chopthrow"][expid] chopangle = dpro["chopangle"][expid] noddir = dpro["noddir"][expid] else: targname = None datatype = None tempname = None setup = None pfov = None chopthrow = None noddir = None # --- if the table with the raw files is provided get them from there if expid is not None and draw is not None: rid = np.where(draw['EXPID'] == expid)[0] nf = len(rid) filenames = draw['filename'][rid] # --- abort reduction if we have any corrput files if 'CANNOT' in draw['INSTRUME'][rid]: msg = funname + ": ERROR: This observations contains corrupt files! Aborting..." _print_log_info(msg, logfile) return (now, noe + 1) # # --- in addition we can get some # if tempname is None: # tempname = draw['TPL_ID'][rid[0]] # if insmode is None: # insmode = draw['insmode'][rid[0] # #fram_format = draw['FRAM_FORMAT'][rid[0]] # --- or in case a sof file in esorex style is provided elif sof is not None: fsof = open(sof) # --- implement extraction of the fits files here # rawfiles = # --- if the raw files provided if rawfiles is not None: nf = len(rawfiles) rid = np.arange(0, nf) filenames = rawfiles.split('/')[-1] if rawfolder is None: rawfolder = rawfiles.split('/')[0:-1] # --- check that we actually have some files if nf == 0: msg = funname + ": ERROR: No corresponding raw files found! Aborting..." _print_log_info(msg, logfile) return (now, noe + 1) # --- TO BE IMPLEMENTED: check if blindsums are available or whether this needs to be done # .... # --- get the first head f0 = bsumfolder + '/' + filenames[0].replace(".fits", "_blindsum.fits") print(f0) hdu = head0 = hdu[0].header hdu.close() # --- in case we still don't have them, get some key parameters if targname is None: targname = _fits_get_info(head0, "target") if instrument is None: instrument = _fits_get_info(head0, "instrument") if insmode is None: insmode = _fits_get_info(head0, "insmode") if tempname is None: tempname = _fits_get_info(head0, "TPL ID") if datatype is None: datatype = _fits_get_info(head0, "datatype") if pfov is None: pfov = _fits_get_info(head0, "pfov") if setup is None: setup = _fits_get_info(head0, "setup") if chopthrow is None: chopthrow = _fits_get_info(head0, "CHOP THROW") if chopangle is None: chopangle = _fits_get_info(head0, "CHOP ANGLE") if noddir is None: noddir = _fits_get_info(head0, "CHOPNOD DIR") # --- compute the maximum field of view from half of if not box: box = int(np.floor(chopthrow / pfov)) # --- check if target is a calibrator if insmode != "SPC": if "cal" in tempname: should_be_cal = True silent = False else: should_be_cal = False silent = True # --- first just check if the target is found in the calibrator table # even if it was observed with a science template try: flux = _get_std_flux(head0, logfile=logfile, instrument=instrument, silent=silent) except: flux = -1 # --- if a flux was found update the table and header if flux != -1: head0["HIERARCH ESO QC JYVAL"] = ( flux, "STD flux density in filter used [Jy]") if dpro is not None: dpro['STDflux_Jy'][expid] = flux # --- if it was not found but the observation was with a cal template # raise en error elif should_be_cal: msg = ( funname + ": WARNING: target not found in flux reference table but should be calibrator" ) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) now += 1 flux = -1 else: flux = -1 msg = " - Target name: " + str(targname) + "\n" if flux > 0: msg += " - STD flux [Jy]: " + "{:.2f}".format(flux) + "\n" msg += (" - Instrument: " + str(instrument) + "\n" + " - Instrument mode: " + str(insmode) + "\n" + " - Template name: " + str(tempname) + "\n" + " - PFOV [as]: " + str(pfov) + "\n" + " - Setup: " + str(setup) + "\n" + " - Data type: " + str(datatype) + "\n" + " - Nod direction: " + str(noddir) + "\n" + " - Chop throw [as]: " + str(chopthrow) + "\n" + " - Chop angle [de]: " + str(chopangle) + "\n" + " - Max box size [px]: " + str(box)) _print_log_info(msg, logfile, logtime=False) # === 1 Go over all files of the exposure and create nodding pairs msg = funname + ": Creating blind nodding pairs..." _print_log_info(msg, logfile, empty=1) nodims = [] heads = [] outnames = [] ima = None imb = None heada = None # headb = None for i in range(nf): msg = (" - i, File: " + str(i) + ", " + filenames[i]) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) fsingred = (bsumfolder + '/' + filenames[i].replace(".fits", "_blindsum.fits")) # --- read in the data hdu = head = hdu[0].header im = hdu[0].data hdu.close() # --- nod pos A or B? if draw['NODPOS'][rid[i]] == 'A': ima = im heada = head else: imb = im # print(draw['NODPOS'][rid[i]], ima is not None, imb is not None) # === 1.1 combine files to nodding pairs if (i > 0) & (ima is not None) & (imb is not None): # --- build the nod subtracted image imc = ima - imb ind = int(np.floor(i / 2)) fout = (nodfolder + '/' + outname + '_nod' + "{:02.0f}".format(ind) + '.fits') if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(fout): fits.writeto(fout, imc, heada, overwrite=True) pout = fout.replace(".fits", "_per1.png") _simple_image_plot(imc, pout, percentile=1, pwidth=6) pout = fout.replace(".fits", "_minmax.png") _simple_image_plot(imc, pout, percentile=0.0001, pwidth=6) msg = (" - Output written: " + fout) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) # --- collect for further reduction nodims.append(imc) outnames.append(outname) heads.append(heada) ima = None imb = None heada = None msg = funname + ": Number of nodding pairs reduced: " + str(len(nodims)) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) # === 2 Combination of the nodding pairs # if len(heads) == 0: # --- no idea why this was here??? # continue msg = funname + ": Merging blind nodding pairs..." _print_log_info(msg, logfile, empty=1) nodims = np.array(nodims) nnods = len(nodims) # --- check that we have at least one valid nodding pair if nnods == 0: msg = (funname + ": ERROR: No nodding pairs could be created! Aborting...") _print_log_info(msg, logfile) return (now, noe + 1) # --- 2.1 do jitter correction if 'HIERARCH ESO SEQ JITTER WIDTH' in head0: if head0['HIERARCH ESO SEQ JITTER WIDTH'] > 0: for i in range(nnods): # joff = V.compute_jitter(head=heads[iddd[m]]) # print(" - Nod no / jitter offs.: ",m,joff) nodims[i] = _undo_jitter(im=nodims[i], head=heads[i]) # msg = funname + ": 1. simple combination" # _print_log_info(msg, logfile) totim = np.nanmean(nodims, axis=0) fout = (outfolder + '/' + outnames[0] + '_all_fullframe.fits') # --- if no specfic range is supplied to measure the sky use the full # illuminated area of the VISIR detector if sky_xrange is None: sky_xrange = _vp.max_illum_xrange if sky_yrange is None: sky_yrange = _vp.max_illum_yrange # --- background estimation: # bgim = _subtract_source(totim[sky_yrange[0]:sky_yrange[1], # sky_xrange[0]:sky_xrange[1]]) bgim = sigma_clip(totim[sky_yrange[0]:sky_yrange[1], sky_xrange[0]:sky_xrange[1]], sigma=3, maxiters=3, masked=False) dpro["BGmed"][expid] = np.nanmedian(bgim) dpro["BGstd"][expid] = np.nanstd(bgim) msg = (" - BG median [ADU/DIT]: " + str(dpro["BGmed"][expid]) + "\n" + " - BG STDDEV [ADU/DIT]: " + str(dpro["BGstd"][expid])) _print_log_info(msg, logfile, logtime=False) if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(fout): fits.writeto(fout, totim, head0, overwrite=True) pout = fout.replace(".fits", "_per1.png") _simple_image_plot(totim, pout, percentile=1, pwidth=6) pout = fout.replace(".fits", "_minmax.png") _simple_image_plot(totim, pout, percentile=0.0001, pwidth=6) msg = (" - Output written: " + fout) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) # === 3 BURST & CYCSUM data === if datatype == "halfcyc" or datatype == "burst": msg = (funname + ": Burst/halfcyc data encountered...") _print_log_info(msg, logfile, empty=1) burstfolder = hcycfolder + '/' + alignmethod if not os.path.exists(burstfolder): os.makedirs(burstfolder) try: noe = reduce_burst_exp(logfile, filenames, rawfolder, burstfolder, ditsoftaver, overwrite, noddir, bsumfolder, draw, rid, noe, box, AA_pos, alignmethod, chopsubmeth, refpos, verbose, searchsmooth, debug, plot, crossrefim, outfolder, outnames, head0, dpro, pfov, expid) except: e = sys.exc_info() msg = (funname + ": ERROR: Burst reduction failed!") noe = noe + 1 _print_log_info(msg, logfile) if dpro is not None: dpro['noerr'][expid] = dpro['noerr'][expid] + 1 onlyhead = True # === 4 Automatic source extraction for imaging bfound = "N/A" if extract and insmode != 'SPC': # ---- WARNING: de-rotation for classical imaging with pupil tracking still to be implemented! # --- first find the source positions if findbeams: msg = funname + ": Trying to detect beams in combined image..." _print_log_info(msg, logfile, empty=2) try: bfound, nowarn, beampos, fitparams = _find_beam_pos( im=totim, head=head0, searcharea=searcharea, fitbox=0.5 * box, nodpos='both', verbose=verbose, sourceext=sourceext, AA_pos=AA_pos, plot=plot, tol=maxshift / pfov, instrument=instrument, insmode=insmode, logfile=logfile, chopthrow=chopthrow, noddir=noddir, filt=setup, pfov=pfov, searchsmooth=searchsmooth, sigmaclip=sigmaclip) now += nowarn except: e = sys.exc_info() msg = (funname + ": WARNING: Beam Position could not be found: \n" + str(e[1]) + ' ' + str(traceback.print_tb(e[2])) + "\nContinue assuming the positions...") _print_log_info(msg, logfile) bfound = "fail" msg = funname + ": Result of beam search: " + bfound _print_log_info(msg, logfile) if bfound != "fail": # --- retrieve the coordinates of the found position wcs = WCS(head0) bra, bdec = wcs.wcs_pix2world(beampos[0, 1], beampos[0, 0], 0) bcoord = SkyCoord(ra=bra, dec=bdec, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs') tara = _fits_get_info(head0, keys="RA") tadec = _fits_get_info(head0, keys="DEC") angdist = _angular_distance(bra, bdec, tara, tadec) nbeams = len(beampos) bg = fitparams[0] amp = fitparams[1] fwhm = np.mean(fitparams[4:6]) axrat = np.max(fitparams[4:6]) / np.min(fitparams[4:6]) total = 0.25 * (np.pi * fitparams[1] * fitparams[4] * fitparams[5]) / np.log(2.0) angle = fitparams[6] msg = (funname + ":\n" + " - Expected source position: " + dpro["RA_hms"][expid] + " " + dpro["DEC_dms"][expid] + "\n" + " - Found source params:\n" + " - Position x,y [px]: " + '{:.1f}'.format(beampos[0, 1]) + "," + '{:.1f}'.format(beampos[0, 0]) + "\n" + " - Position [wcs]: " + bcoord.to_string('hmsdms') + "\n" + " - Angular distance [as]: " + '{:.2f}'.format(angdist) + "\n" + " - BG: " + str(bg) + "\n" + " - Amplitude: " + str(amp) + "\n" + " - Total: " + str(total) + "\n" + " - Aver. FWHM [px]: " + str(fwhm) + "\n" + " - Aver. FWHM (min 0.3) [as]: " + str(fwhm * pfov) + "\n" + " - Maj./min axis: " + str(axrat) + "\n" + " - Angle: " + str(angle)) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) else: now += 1 else: bfound = "not tried" # === If bright enough, try Fine-centered addition # --- go over all nodding pairs and extract all the sub-images if bfound == "first attempt" or bfound == "global fit": msg = funname + ": Trying to detect and extract beams from individual nods..." _print_log_info(msg, logfile, empty=2) suffix = 'fine' es = extract_beams(nodims, beampos, box, noddir, head0, logfile, verbose, debug, outfolder, outnames[0], suffix, nodalign=True, updatedb=True, dpro=dpro, pfov=pfov, fitparams=fitparams, maxshift=maxshift, sigmaclip=sigmaclip, expid=expid, onlyhead=onlyhead) else: es = 1 # ================= Fixed extraction, if necessary # --- if a beam was detected do an extraction if findbeams and bfound != "fail" and es > 0: # --- first do some tests on fitted beams s = np.shape(nodims[0]) use = np.full(nbeams, True) for k in range(nbeams): # --- first test that at least one of the beams is on the detector if ((beampos[k, 0] >= s[0]) | (beampos[k, 1] >= s[1]) | (beampos[k, 0] <= 0) | (beampos[k, 1] <= 0)): use[k] = False # --- make sure that at least one beam is on the detector if np.sum(use) == 0: msg = ( " - WARNING: None of fitted beams on detector! Using reference position..." ) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) now += 1 bfound = "fail" else: msg = ( funname + ": Extracting beams from individual nods at found fixed position ..." ) _print_log_info(msg, logfile, empty=1) # --- label fits file depending on beam recovery mode/success: if bfound == "first attempt" or bfound == "global fit" or bfound == "global smooth": suffix = 'fixadet' elif bfound == "only one found": suffix = 'fix1det' es = extract_beams(nodims, beampos, box, noddir, head0, logfile, verbose, debug, outfolder, outnames[0], suffix, updatedb=True, dpro=dpro, pfov=pfov, sigmaclip=sigmaclip, expid=expid, onlyhead=onlyhead) noe += es # --- if none or only 1 beam was, or we did not search, estimate their # position if not findbeams or bfound == "fail" or bfound == "only one found": # --- compute the expected beam positions msg = (funname + ": Extraction using reference positions for the beams...") _print_log_info(msg, logfile) beampos = _calc_beampos(head=head0, verbose=verbose) nbeams = len(beampos) # fwhm = 7 # bg = np.nanmedian(totim) # amp = np.nanmax(gaussian_filter(totim, sigma=3)) # --- Modify the calculated positions in case the user provided the beam # position of chop A nod A if AA_pos is not None: xdif = AA_pos[1] - beampos[0, 1] ydif = AA_pos[0] - beampos[0, 0] beampos[:, 1] = beampos[:, 1] + xdif beampos[:, 0] = beampos[:, 0] + ydif suffix = 'fixest' es = extract_beams(nodims, beampos, box, noddir, head0, logfile, verbose, debug, outfolder, outnames[0], suffix, updatedb=False, dpro=dpro, pfov=pfov, sigmaclip=sigmaclip, expid=expid, onlyhead=onlyhead) noe += es if bfound == "first attempt" or bfound == "global fit" or bfound == "global smooth": dpro['all_beams_det'][expid] = "T" else: dpro['all_beams_det'][expid] = "F" msg = (funname + ": Number of warnings for exposure: " + str(now)) _print_log_info(msg, logfile, empty=1, screen=False) msg = (funname + ": Number of errors for exposure: " + str(noe)) _print_log_info(msg, logfile, screen=False) return (now, noe)
def group_raws_to_obs(ftabraw, ftablog, ftabpro, maxgap=5, logfile=None, overwrite=False): """ Look into the raw file table and identify individual observations/exposures and print out a new table containing the information of the latter PARAMETERS: - maxgap: (default 5) provide the maximum time gap between two files in min """ funname = "GROUP_RAWS_TO_OBS" if logfile is None: logfile = ftabraw.replace("_raw.csv", ".log") if not os.path.isfile(logfile): mode = 'w' else: mode = 'a' _print_log_info('\n\nNew execution of ' + funname + '\n', logfile, mode=mode) # --- column names for the product table and their data format cols = OrderedDict({ "expid": "{0:d}", "targname": '{:s}', "RA_deg": '{:.6f}', "DEC_deg": '{:.5f}', "RA_hms": '{:s}', "DEC_dms": '{:s}', "progid": '{:s}', "obsid": "{0:d}", "dateobs": '{:s}', "mjd": '{:.8f}', "tempno": "{0:d}", "instrument": '{:s}', "insmode": '{:s}', "tempname": '{:s}', "datatype": '{:s}', "setup": '{:s}', "pfov": '{:.4f}', "dit": '{:.4f}', "nodtime": '{:.0f}', "noddir": '{:s}', "jitter": '{:.1f}', "chopthrow": '{:.1f}', "chopangle": '{:.1f}', "chopfreq": '{:.2f}', "expnof": "{0:d}", "nof": "{0:d}", "exptime": '{:.0f}', "grade": '{:s}', "posang": '{:.1f}', "absrot_mean": '{:.2f}', "absrot_start": '{:.2f}', "absrot_end": '{:.2f}', "parang_mean": '{:.2f}', "parang_start": '{:.2f}', "parang_end": '{:.2f}', "alt_mean": '{:.2f}', "alt_start": '{:.2f}', "alt_end": '{:.2f}', "az_mean": '{:.2f}', "az_start": '{:.2f}', "az_end": '{:.2f}', "airm_mean": '{:.3f}', "airm_start": '{:.3f}', "airm_end": '{:.3f}', "pwv_median": '{:.2f}', "pwv_stddev": '{:.2f}', "skytemp_median": '{:.0f}', "skytemp_stddev": '{:.0f}', "pressure_median": '{:.2f}', "pressure_stddev": '{:.2f}', "humidity_median": '{:.1f}', "humidity_stddev": '{:.1f}', "temperature_median": '{:.2f}', "temperature_stddev": '{:.2f}', "m1temp_median": '{:.2f}', "m1temp_stddev": '{:.2f}', "winddir_median": '{:.0f}', "winddir_stddev": '{:.1f}', "windspeed_median": '{:.2f}', "windspeed_stddev": '{:.2f}', "cohertime_median": '{:.4f}', "cohertime_stddev": '{:.4f}', "asmfwhm_median": '{:.2f}', "asmfwhm_stddev": '{:.2f}', "iafwhm_median": '{:.2f}', "iafwhm_stddev": '{:.2f}', "iafwhmlo_median": '{:.2f}', "iafwhmlo_stddev": '{:.2f}', "chopamed_median": '{:.0f}', "chopamed_stddev": '{:.2f}', "chopastd_median": '{:.1f}', "chopastd_stddev": '{:.2f}', "chopbmed_median": '{:.0f}', "chopbmed_stddev": '{:1f}', "chopbstd_median": '{:.1f}', "chopbstd_stddev": '{:.2f}', "cdifmed_median": '{:.2f}', "cdifmed_stddev": '{:.2f}', "cdifstd_median": '{:.2f}', "cdifstd_stddev": '{:.2f}' }) # --- read the raw file draw =, header_start=0, delimiter=',', guess=False) # --- make all columns to MaskedColumns draw = Table(draw, masked=True, copy=False) # Convert to masked table # --- throw out entries with ERRORS ids = [j for j, s in enumerate(draw['INSTRUME']) if 'CANNOT' not in s] nbad = len(draw) - len(ids) if nbad > 0: msg = (funname + ": WARNING: Number of raw files with errors: " + str(nbad) + " --> Excluding them...") _print_log_info(msg, logfile) draw = draw[ids] # --- data table integrity check dupl = _duplicates_in_column(table=draw, colname='MJD-OBS') if dupl is not None: msg = (funname + ": ERROR: Duplicated files in raw table! MJDs: " + ', '.join([str(e) for e in dupl]) + '. Exiting...') _print_log_info(msg, logfile) raise TypeError(msg) dg =, header_start=0, delimiter=',', guess=False) # --- make sure that the raw files are sorted by date time (some might # have been added later) id = np.argsort(draw['MJD-OBS']) draw = draw[id] # --- throw out incomplete entries (e.g., non-nodded through slit images) id = np.where(np.array(draw['nodexptime'], dtype=float) > 0)[0] draw = draw[id] n = len(draw) # --- group the raw files into exposures expid = np.zeros(n, dtype=int) counter = 0 nof = 1 for i in np.arange(1, n): if (draw['OBS_ID'][i-1] != draw['OBS_ID'][i]): counter = counter + 1 elif (draw['TPLNO'][i-1] != draw['TPLNO'][i]): counter = counter + 1 elif (draw['TPL_EXPNO'][i-1] >= draw['TPL_EXPNO'][i]): counter = counter + 1 elif (draw['TPL_EXPNO'][i-1] == draw['TPL_NEXP'][i-1]): counter = counter + 1 elif (draw['MJD-OBS'][i] - draw['MJD-OBS'][i-1] > maxgap/60.0/24.0): counter = counter + 1 expid[i] = counter # --- get the start MJDs of each exposure as unique identifier nexp = counter + 1 mjds = np.zeros(nexp) for i in range(nexp): id = np.where(expid == i)[0] mjds[i] = draw['MJD-OBS'][id[0]] # --- make and backup copy just in case if os.path.isfile(ftabpro): shutil.copy(ftabpro, ftabpro.replace(".csv", "_backup.csv")) # --- in case the file exists update and append information to dpro file if os.path.isfile(ftabpro) and not overwrite: new = False dpro = # --- change all string columns to object type so that their string # length becomes variable for col in dpro.itercols(): if col.dtype.kind in 'SU': dpro.replace_column(, col.astype('object')) # --- make all columns to MaskedColumns dpro = Table(dpro, masked=True, copy=False) # Convert to masked table # --- if the file not exists generate the empty table structure else: new = True # --- generate the output table dpro = Table() for c in cols.keys(): if 'd' in cols[c]: dt = int elif 's' in cols[c]: dt = object elif 'f' in cols[c]: dt = float dpro.add_column(MaskedColumn(, name=c, dtype=dt)) # --- loop over all the exposures by MJD: # for i in tqdm(range(nexp)): for i in range(nexp): if not new: # --- check if already an entry in the table for that exposure id = np.where(np.isclose(dpro["mjd"], mjds[i], atol=1e-7, rtol=0))[0] # --- otherwise add a row at the end of the table if len(id) == 0: dpro.add_row() id = len(dpro)-1 # --- make sure that the columns have fill values of the right type for c in dpro.colnames: if dpro[c].dtype == "object": dpro[c][id] = "" else: id = id[0] # --- for new table just take the i-th row else: id = i # --- now gather all files belonging to that exposure ids = np.where(expid == i)[0] j = ids[0] #print(i, mjds[i], id, dpro["mjd"][id], j) # print(i,id,j) nof = len(ids) dpro["nof"][id] = nof dpro["expid"][id] = i if nof == 1 and "MoveToSlit" not in draw['TPL_ID'][j]: msg = ("WARNING: Only one raw file found for exposure. " + "Exp ID: " + str(i) + "; DATE-OBS: " + draw['DATE-OBS'][j] + "; TPL_ID: " + draw['TPL_ID'][j] ) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) # print(i,j, draw['CYCSUM'][j]) if "Burst" in draw['TPL_ID'][j]: dpro["datatype"][id] = 'burst' elif (draw['CYCSUM'][j] == 'False') | (draw['CYCSUM'][j] == 'F'): dpro["datatype"][id] = 'halfcyc' else: dpro["datatype"][id] = 'cycsum' dpro["dateobs"][id] = draw['DATE-OBS'][j][0:19] # --- fetch the grade and add it idg = [g for g, s in enumerate(dg['filename']) if dpro["dateobs"][id] in s] if idg: dpro["grade"][id] = dg['grade'][idg[0]] else: dpro["grade"][id] = "N" # --- fill in the other values <--- would be better to get that from # fits_get_info in the future! For now hard-coded FILT3 for ISAAC if draw['INSTRUME'][j] == "VISIR": if draw['insmode'][j] == 'IMG': dpro["setup"][id] = str(draw['INS_FILT1_NAME'][j]) elif draw['insmode'][j] == 'ACQ-SPC-SPC': dpro["setup"][id] = str(draw['INS_FILT2_NAME'][j]) elif draw['insmode'][j] == 'ACQ-IMG-SPC': dpro["setup"][id] = str(draw['INS_FILT1_NAME'][j]) elif draw['insmode'][j] == 'SPC': dpro["setup"][id] = str(draw['INS_SLIT1_WID'][j]) else: print(draw['insmode'][j]) raise ValueError() elif draw['INSTRUME'][j] == "ISAAC": if draw['insmode'][j] == 'IMG': if draw['INS_FILT3_NAME'][j] != "open": dpro["setup"][id] = str(draw['INS_FILT3_NAME'][j]) else: dpro["setup"][id] = str(draw['INS_FILT4_NAME'][j]) elif draw['insmode'][j] == 'SPC': dpro["setup"][id] = str(draw['INS_FILT3_NAME'][j]) # --- if pupil tracking was used add that info to the mode if draw['ALTAZTRACK'][j] == 'True': dpro["insmode"][id] = str(draw['insmode'][j]) + "-PT" else: dpro["insmode"][id] = str(draw['insmode'][j]) try: dpro["exptime"][id] = float(draw['nodexptime'][j])*nof except: dpro["exptime"][id] = dpro["targname"][id] = draw['TARG_NAME'][j] dpro["RA_deg"][id] = draw['RA'][j] dpro["DEC_deg"][id] = draw['DEC'][j] coord = SkyCoord(ra=draw['RA'][j], dec=draw['DEC'][j], unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs') dpro["RA_hms"][id] = coord.to_string('hmsdms').split()[0] dpro["DEC_dms"][id] = coord.to_string('hmsdms').split()[1] dpro["progid"][id] = draw['PROG_ID'][j] dpro["obsid"][id] = draw['OBS_ID'][j] dpro["mjd"][id] = mjds[i] dpro["instrument"][id] = draw['INSTRUME'][j] dpro["tempno"][id] = draw['TPLNO'][j] dpro["tempname"][id] = draw['TPL_ID'][j] dpro["expnof"][id] = draw['TPL_NEXP'][j] dpro["pfov"][id] = draw['PFOV'][j] if not draw['SEQ1_DIT'].mask[j]: dpro["dit"][id] = draw['SEQ1_DIT'][j] # else: # dpro["dit"][id] = -1 # print(draw['CHOPNOD_DIR'][j], type(draw['CHOPNOD_DIR'][j])) if not draw['CHOPNOD_DIR'].mask[j]: dpro["noddir"][id] = draw['CHOPNOD_DIR'][j] else: dpro["noddir"][id] = "None?" if not draw['JITTER_WIDTH'].mask[j]: dpro["jitter"][id] = draw['JITTER_WIDTH'][j] else: dpro["jitter"][id] = 0 if not draw['CHOP_THROW'].mask[j]: dpro["chopthrow"][id] = draw['CHOP_THROW'][j] # else: # dpro["chopthrow"][id] = -1 if not draw['CHOP_POSANG'].mask[j]: dpro["chopangle"][id] = draw['CHOP_POSANG'][j] # else: # dpro["chopthrow"][id] = -1 if not draw['CHOP_FREQ'].mask[j]: dpro["chopfreq"][id] = draw['CHOP_FREQ'][j] # else: # dpro["chopfreq"][id] = -1 # --- actual time between two nods # print(i, id,j, nof) if nof > 1: dpro["nodtime"][id] = (draw['MJD-OBS'][j+nof-1] - draw['MJD-OBS'][j]) / (nof -1) * 24 * 3600 # --- now the changing telescope parameters if not any(draw['POSANG'].mask[j:j+nof]): dpro["posang"][id] =['POSANG'][j:j+nof]) fill_values(draw, dpro, 'ABSROT', 'absrot', id, j, nof, ktype='tel', deg=True) fill_values(draw, dpro, 'PARANG', 'parang', id, j, nof, ktype='tel') fill_values(draw, dpro, 'TEL_ALT', 'alt', id, j, nof, ktype='tel') fill_values(draw, dpro, 'TEL_AZ', 'az', id, j, nof, ktype='tel', deg=True) fill_values(draw, dpro, 'TEL_AIRM', 'airm', id, j, nof, ktype='tel') # --- now the ambient parameters fill_values(draw, dpro, 'IWV', 'pwv', id, j, nof, ktype='ambi', lowlim=0, uplim=10) fill_values(draw, dpro, 'IRSKY_TEMP', 'skytemp', id, j, nof, ktype='ambi', lowlim=-150, uplim=-35) fill_values(draw, dpro, 'AMBI_PRES', 'pressure', id, j, nof, ktype='ambi') fill_values(draw, dpro, 'RHUM', 'humidity', id, j, nof, ktype='ambi') fill_values(draw, dpro, 'AMBI_TEMP', 'temperature', id, j, nof, ktype='ambi') fill_values(draw, dpro, 'M1_TEMP', 'm1temp', id, j, nof, ktype='ambi') fill_values(draw, dpro, 'WINDDIR', 'winddir', id, j, nof, ktype='ambi', deg=True) fill_values(draw, dpro, 'WINDSP', 'windspeed', id, j, nof, ktype='ambi') fill_values(draw, dpro, 'TAU0', 'cohertime', id, j, nof, ktype='ambi') fill_values(draw, dpro, 'TEL_AMBI_FWHM', 'asmfwhm', id, j, nof, ktype='ambi', lowlim=0.1, uplim=3) fill_values(draw, dpro, 'IA_FWHM', 'iafwhm', id, j, nof, ktype='ambi', lowlim=0.1, uplim=3) fill_values(draw, dpro, 'IA_FWHMLINOBS', 'iafwhmlo', id, j, nof, lowlim=0.1, uplim=3, ktype='ambi') # --- now the background parameters fill_values(draw, dpro, 'chopamed', 'chopamed', id, j, nof, ktype='bg') fill_values(draw, dpro, 'chopastd', 'chopastd', id, j, nof, ktype='bg') fill_values(draw, dpro, 'chopbmed', 'chopbmed', id, j, nof, ktype='bg') fill_values(draw, dpro, 'chopbstd', 'chopbstd', id, j, nof, ktype='bg') fill_values(draw, dpro, 'cdifmed', 'cdifmed', id, j, nof, ktype='bg') fill_values(draw, dpro, 'cdifstd', 'cdifstd', id, j, nof, ktype='bg') # --- check is the PWV STD was larger during a file than in between if not any(draw['IWVSTD'].mask[j:j+nof]): iwvstd =['IWVSTD'][j:j+nof]) if dpro['pwv_stddev'][id] is not None: if (iwvstd > dpro['pwv_stddev'][id]) & (iwvstd > 0): dpro['pwv_stddev'][id] = iwvstd else: dpro['pwv_stddev'][id] = iwvstd # --- clean some bad values: if dpro['exptime'][id] == 0: dpro['exptime'][id] = None # --- write the finished table sorted by MJD dpro.sort('mjd') # --- write out results # print(len(dpro), ftabpro) # masked = check_masked(dpro) # if len(masked) > 0: # msg = (funname + ": WARNING: DPRO contains masked values: " + str(masked)) # if logfile is not None: # _print_log_info(msg, logfile) # # raise ValueError(msg) # nones = check_none(dpro) # if len(nones) > 0: # msg = (funname + ": WARNING: DPRO contains None's: " + str(nones)) # if logfile is not None: # _print_log_info(msg, logfile) # # raise ValueError(msg) # # return(dpro) dpro.write(ftabpro, delimiter=',', format='ascii', fill_values=[(ascii.masked, '')], formats=cols, overwrite=True) # --- update the draw table with the expid column if 'EXPID' in draw.colnames: draw['EXPID'] = expid else: newCol = Column(expid, name='EXPID') draw.add_column(newCol) draw.write(ftabraw, delimiter=',', format='ascii', fill_values=[(ascii.masked, '')], overwrite=True) msg = (" - Number of separate exposures found: " + str(counter+1)) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) return(dpro)
def extract_beams(nodims, beampos, box, noddir, head0, logfile, verbose, debug, outfolder, outbasename, suffix, nodalign=False, updatedb=False, dpro=None, fitparams=None, pfov=None, expid=None, onlyhead=False, maxshift=None, sigmaclip=None): # === 4.1 Blind addition # --- go over all nodding pairs and extract all the sub-images # first blindly funname = "EXTRACT_BEAMS" # nowarn = 0 noerr = 0 subims = [] # titles = [] nbeams = len(beampos[:, 0]) nnods = len(nodims) beamposstr = "" for b in range(nbeams): beamposstr = (beamposstr + "{:3.0f}".format(beampos[b, 0]) + ", " + "{:3.0f}".format(beampos[b, 1]) + " | ") msg = (" - No of beams: " + str(nbeams) + "\n" + " - Beampos: " + beamposstr + "\n") _print_log_info(msg, logfile) # --- exclude beams that are not on the detector s = np.shape(nodims[0]) use = np.full(nbeams, True) beamsign = np.zeros(nbeams) for k in range(nbeams): beamsign[k] = (-1)**(np.ceil(0.5 * k)) if ((beampos[k, 0] >= s[0]) | (beampos[k, 1] >= s[1]) | (beampos[k, 0] <= 0) | (beampos[k, 1] <= 0)): msg = (" - Beampos not on frame: " + str(beampos[k, 0]) + ', ' + str(beampos[k, 1]) + ". Exclude...") _print_log_info(msg, logfile) use[k] = False beampos = beampos[use, :] beamsign = beamsign[use] nbeams = len(beampos) # --- make sure that at least one beam is on the detector if nbeams == 0: msg = (" - Error: No beam on detector: " + str(beampos[k, 0]) + ', ' + str(beampos[k, 1]) + ". Exiting...") _print_log_info(msg, logfile) return (noerr + 1) # --- for the case of fine-centred extraction if nodalign: # --- get the expected beam parameters from the fit guessbg = fitparams[0] guessamp = np.abs(fitparams[1]) guessFWHM = np.mean(fitparams[4:6]) minamp = 0.3 * guessamp minFWHM = 0.5 * guessFWHM maxFWHM = 2 * guessFWHM maxshift /= pfov # maxshift in px fitbox = int(np.max([6 * guessFWHM, 0.25 * box])) nexp = nnods * nbeams nfound = 0 for j in tqdm(range(nnods)): for k in range(nbeams): try: params, _, _ = _find_source(nodims[j] * beamsign[k], guesspos=beampos[k, :], searchbox=box, fitbox=fitbox, method='mpfit', guessbg=guessbg, guessamp=guessamp, guessFWHM=guessFWHM, minamp=minamp, minFWHM=minFWHM, maxFWHM=maxFWHM) except: if verbose: msg = ( " - WARNING: Could not find source. Continuing...") _print_log_info(msg, logfile) # if dpro is not None: # dpro['nowarn'][expid] = dpro['nowarn'][expid] + 1 continue # print('params: ', params) # print('params[2:4]', params[2:4]) # print('beamsign: ', beamsign) # print('box: ', box) # print('i,j: ',i,j) cim = _crop_image(nodims[j] * beamsign[k], box=box, cenpos=params[2:4], silent=True) dist = beampos[k, :] - params[2:4] if verbose: msg = (" - Nod: " + str(j) + " Beam: " + str(k) + " Detected shift: " + str(dist)) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) bg_t = params[0] amp_t = params[1] fwhm_t = np.mean(params[4:6]) axrat_t = np.max(params[4:6]) / np.min(params[4:6]) total_t = 0.25 * (np.pi * params[1] * params[4] * params[5]) / np.log(2.0) angle_t = params[6] msg = (" - Found source params:\n" + " - BG: " + str(bg_t) + "\n" + " - Amplitude: " + str(amp_t) + "\n" + " - Total: " + str(total_t) + "\n" + " - Aver. FWHM [px]: " + str(fwhm_t) + "\n" + " - Aver. FWHM [as]: " + str(fwhm_t * pfov) + "\n" + " - Maj./min axis: " + str(axrat_t) + "\n" + " - Angle: " + str(angle_t)) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) if np.sqrt(dist[0]**2 + dist[1]**2) > maxshift: if verbose: msg = (" - WARNING: shift too large! Exclude frame") _print_log_info(msg, logfile) # if dpro is not None: # dpro['nowarn'][expid] = dpro['nowarn'][expid] + 1 # noe = noe+1 continue # --- all double beams have to be halved but added twice if (noddir == "PARALLEL") & (beamsign[k] > 0): subims.append(0.5 * cim) subims.append(0.5 * cim) else: subims.append(cim) nfound += 1 # titles.append("Nod: " + str(j) + " Beam: " + str(k)) msg = (funname + ": Number of detected beams/expected: " + str(nfound) + "/" + str(nexp)) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) # --- if object not detected in individual nods give warning if nfound == 0: msg = ( funname + ": No source detected in the individual nods! Source probably too faint..." ) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) return (noerr + 1) # -- also if <50% of the beams were found abort reject the fine # tuned extraction and proceed with bling elif nfound < 0.5 * nexp: msg = ( funname + ": <50% of the beams detected in individual nods! Source probably too faint... " ) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) return (noerr + 1) # --- fixed extraction else: for j in tqdm(range(nnods)): for k in range(nbeams): cim = _crop_image(nodims[j] * beamsign[k], box=box, cenpos=beampos[k, :], silent=True) # --- all double beams have to be halved but added twice if (noddir == "PARALLEL") & (beamsign[k] > 0): subims.append(0.5 * cim) subims.append(0.5 * cim) else: subims.append(cim) # --- update the WCS in the fits header newhead = update_wcs(head0, beampos[0, 1], beampos[0, 0], box) # --- write out if debug: fout = (outfolder + '/' + outbasename + '_all_extr_cube.fits') fits.writeto(fout, subims, newhead, overwrite=True) # fout = fout.replace(".fits", "_log.png") # I.make_gallery(ims=subims, outname=fout, pfovs=pfov, log=True, # papercol=2, ncols=nbeams, cmap='gnuplot2', titles=titles, # inv=False, permin=40, permax=99.9, titcols='white') # # fout = fout.replace("_log.png", "_lin.png") # I.make_gallery(ims=subims, outname=fout, pfovs=pfov, log=False, # papercol=2, ncols=nbeams, cmap='gnuplot2', titles=titles, # inv=False, permin=40, permax=99.9, titcols='white') # --- average all the sub-images totim = np.nanmean(subims, axis=0) # --- optional sigma clipping for the beam search if sigmaclip is not None: nrepl, totim = _replace_hotpix(totim, sigmathres=sigmaclip[0], niters=sigmaclip[1], verbose=verbose) msg = (funname + ": Number of replaced (hot) pixels: " + str(nrepl)) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) if updatedb: # --- position of the found source tara = _fits_get_info(head0, keys="RA") tadec = _fits_get_info(head0, keys="DEC") wcs = WCS(head0) ra, dec = wcs.wcs_pix2world(beampos[0, 1], beampos[0, 0], 0) coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs') dpro['GF_x_px'][expid] = beampos[0, 1] dpro['GF_y_px'][expid] = beampos[0, 0] dpro['GF_RA_hms'][expid] = coord.to_string('hmsdms').split()[0] dpro['GF_DEC_dms'][expid] = coord.to_string('hmsdms').split()[1] dpro['GF_angdist_as'][expid] = _angular_distance(ra, dec, tara, tadec) try: update_base_params(totim, newhead, dpro, pfov, expid, onlyhead=onlyhead) except: e = sys.exc_info() msg = (funname + ": ERROR: Failed to update base parameters: \n" + str(e[1]) + '' + str(traceback.print_tb(e[2]))) _print_log_info(msg, logfile) noerr = noerr + 1 fout = (outfolder + '/' + outbasename + '_all_extr-' + suffix + '.fits') fits.writeto(fout, totim, newhead, overwrite=True) pout = fout.replace(".fits", "_log.png") _simple_image_plot(totim, pout, scale="log", pfov=pfov, cenax=True) pout = fout.replace(".fits", "_lin.png") # --- if the source is probably faint, use lower colour thresholds if suffix == "fixest" or suffix == "fix1det": percentile = 1 else: percentile = None _simple_image_plot(totim, pout, pfov=pfov, cenax=True, percentile=percentile) # --- to be uncommented once the make_gallery routine has been changed # try: # fout = fout.replace(".fits", "_log.png") # I.make_gallery(ims=[totim], outname=fout, pfovs=pfov, log=True, # papercol=1, ncols=1, cmap='gnuplot2', # inv=False, permin=40, permax=99.9, latex=False) # fout = fout.replace("_log.png", "_lin.png") # I.make_gallery(ims=[totim], outname=fout, pfovs=pfov, log=False, # papercol=1, ncols=1, cmap='gnuplot2', # inv=False, permin=40, permax=99.9, latex=False) # except: # e = sys.exc_info() # msg = (funname + ": ERROR: Gallery plots failed to be created: \n" # + str(e[1]) + '' + str(traceback.print_tb(e[2]))) # _print_log_info(msg, logfile) # noe = noe + 1 msg = " - Output written: " + fout _print_log_info(msg, logfile) return (noerr)