def run(graph=False): i = 1 Evalues = [233, 700, 2000, 3500] total = len(Evalues) for Epn in Evalues: zenith = 0 phi = math.radians(68+zenith) hprob = np.linspace(0.001, 0.999, 999) loc1 = str(total) + str(2) + str(i) loc2 = str(total) + str(2) + str(i + 1) ax1 = plt.subplot(loc1) ax2 = plt.subplot(loc2) h=[] r=[] for p in hprob: height = atm.runheight(p, text=False) radius, theta =, height, math.sin(phi), text=False) r.append(radius) h.append(height) ax1.plot(r, hprob, '-r') ax2.plot(r, h, '-r') title = "Epn = " + str(Epn) ax1.set_title(title) ax1.set_xlabel('Radius') ax1.set_xlim(0, 150) ax2.set_xlim(0, 150) ax1.set_ylim(0, 1) ax2.set_ylim(0, 100000) ax2.set_xlabel('Radius') ax1.set_ylabel('Probability') ax2.set_ylabel('Height') i+=2 plt.tight_layout() plt.suptitle('Radius with Height') plt.savefig('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/positioning/graphs/stats/radius.pdf') if graph:
def run(): #Randomly generates a target centre of -150<x<150m and -150<y<150m xpos = (random.random() * 300) - 150 ypos = (random.random() * 300) - 150 #Generates a random probability, and converts this to an Epn value following an E^-1.7 power series R = random.random() * 3.01 * (10**-3) Epn = ((1.7 * R / 321) + (2411**-1.7))**(-1 / 1.7) #Generates a fixed charge number of Z=26 Z = 26 N = 56 energy = Epn * N #Randomly generates a height probability, and converts this probability to a set height hprob = random.random() height = atm.runheight(hprob) #Chooses a zenith angle +- 22 degrees zenith = random.random() * 44 phi = math.radians(68 + zenith) phi = math.radians(90) #Randomly choose an angle NESW epsilon = math.pi * random.random() * 2 #~ #Calculate resultant surface radius and angular width of beam #~ #~ radius, theta =, height, math.sin(phi), text=text) #~ #~ if text: #~ print "Height is", height #~ print "Theta is", math.degrees(theta) #~ print "Phi is", math.degrees(phi) #~ print "Epsilon is", math.degrees(epsilon) #~ print "Radius is", radius return xpos, ypos, epsilon, energy, Z, height, phi, N
def run(): #Randomly generates a target centre of -150<x<150m and -150<y<150m xpos = (random.random()*300)-150 ypos = (random.random()*300)-150 #Generates a random probability, and converts this to an Epn value following an E^-1.7 power series R = random.random()*3.01*(10**-3) Epn = ((1.7*R/321)+(2411**-1.7))**(-1/1.7) #Generates a fixed charge number of Z=26 Z= 26 N = 56 energy = Epn*N #Randomly generates a height probability, and converts this probability to a set height hprob = random.random() height = atm.runheight(hprob) #Chooses a zenith angle +- 22 degrees zenith = random.random()*44 phi = math.radians(68+zenith) phi = math.radians(90) #Randomly choose an angle NESW epsilon = math.pi*random.random()*2 #~ #Calculate resultant surface radius and angular width of beam #~ #~ radius, theta =, height, math.sin(phi), text=text) #~ #~ if text: #~ print "Height is", height #~ print "Theta is", math.degrees(theta) #~ print "Phi is", math.degrees(phi) #~ print "Epsilon is", math.degrees(epsilon) #~ print "Radius is", radius return xpos, ypos, epsilon, energy, Z, height, phi, N
def run(eff, rowcount, mincount=4, text=False, graph=False, output="default", layout="five", number=1, nh=1): #Define number of bins, stepcount bincount = 20 stepcount = 1000 lower = float(1)/float(stepcount) upper = float(1-lower) Rrange = np.linspace(lower, upper, stepcount) #~ ax1 = plt.subplot(321) #~ decaylengths = [] survivallengths = [] decayheights = [] survivalheights = [] for R in Rrange: dl = atm.runlengths(R) decaylengths.append(dl) sl = atm.runlengths(1-R) survivallengths.append(sl) dh = atm.runheight(R) decayheights.append(dh) sh = atm.runheight(1-R) survivalheights.append(sh) #~ ax1.plot(survivallengths, Rrange, label="survived") #~ ax1.plot(decaylengths, Rrange, label = "decayed") #~ plt.ylabel('Fraction') #~ plt.xlabel('Interaction Lengths', labelpad=0) #~ plt.legend() ax2 = plt.subplot(311) rawheights=[] opticallengths = [] with open('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/positioning/atmospheredata/atmprofile.csv', 'rb') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') i=0 for row in reader: i +=1 if i > 3: opticallengths.append(float(row[2])) rawheights.append(float(row[0])*1000) ax2.plot(rawheights, opticallengths, 'r', label="Sum") plt.ylabel('Integrated Interaction Lengths') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel('Height', labelpad=0) ax2.invert_xaxis() ax3 = plt.subplot(312, sharex=ax2) ax3.plot(survivalheights, Rrange, label="survived") ax3.plot(decayheights, Rrange, label = "interacted") plt.ylabel('Fraction') plt.xlabel('First Interaction Height', labelpad=0) ax3.invert_xaxis() plt.legend(loc=2) #Create a subplot for the fractional abundance hrange=[] fullcount = [] nDC = [] wnDC = [] bT = [] wbT = [] mT = [] wmT = [] emith = [] #Iterate over Energies simset = simulationset(eff, layout, mincount=0, hmacceptance = [1,1,1,1,1,1]) simset.generate(number) for sim in simset.simulations: true = sim.true height = true.height multiplicity = int(true.truemultiplicity) hrange.append(height) if multiplicity == int(0): nDC.append(height) elif multiplicity < int(mincount): bT.append(height) emith.append(height) else: mT.append(height) emith.append(height) print "High Multiplicity DC emission is", float(len(mT))/float(number) print "Low Multiplicity DC emission is", float(len(bT))/float(number) print "Non-DC emission is", float(len(nDC))/float(number) #Create labels for each bin labels = ["metThreshold", "belowThreshold", "nonDC"] hrange.sort() hcount = len(hrange) limits = [hrange[0], hrange[hcount - 1]] hbins = np.linspace(limits[0], limits[1], bincount) #~ extent = ax1.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('decay.png', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax2.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('Decay Lengths.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax3.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('Fraction with Height.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax4.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('first interaction height.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax5.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('interaction category.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) ax4 = plt.subplot(313, sharex=ax2) tweights = np.ones_like(decayheights)/len(decayheights) #~ mcweights = np.ones_like(hrange)/len(hrange) plt.hist([decayheights], weights=[tweights]) plt.ylabel('Fraction') plt.xlabel('First Interaction Height', labelpad=0) ax4.invert_xaxis() fig = plt.gcf() # get current figure st = fig.suptitle("Atmospheric Interaction", fontsize=20) st.set_y(0.98) fig.set_size_inches(10, 15) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) plt.savefig('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/positioning/graphs/stats/generalheight.pdf') plt.savefig('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/report/graphs/generalheight.png') #Plot the unscaled histogram ax5 = plt.subplot(211, sharex=ax2) plt.hist([mT, bT, nDC], bins=20, log=True, histtype='bar', range=limits, label=labels) print "Overall mean first interaction height is", np.mean(hrange) hrange.sort() nhrange = len(hrange) halfin = int(nhrange/2.) hmedian = hrange[halfin] print "Overall median first interaction height is", hmedian tscale = atm.runlengthswithh(hmedian) print "Corresponding Median Interaction Lengths", tscale texpectation = tscale/math.log(2) print "Resultant Expectation Interaction Lengths", texpectation emith.sort() ehrange = len(emith) ehalfin = int(ehrange/2.) ehmedian = emith[ehalfin] print "Cherenkov-Emission mean first interaction height is", np.mean(emith) print "Cherenkov-Emission median first interaction height is", ehmedian etscale = atm.runlengthswithh(ehmedian) print "Corresponding Median Interaction Lengths", etscale etexpectation = etscale/math.log(2) print "Resultant Expectation Interaction Lengths", etexpectation plt.xlim(limits) plt.ylabel('Recorded Count') plt.xlabel('First Interaction Height', labelpad=0) plt.legend(loc=2) ax5.invert_xaxis() #plot the histogram scaled with E^-1.7 distribution to the second subplot ax6 = plt.subplot(212) if len(mT) > 0: n, bins, _ = plt.hist([mT], bins=20, label=labels) mid = (bins[1:] + bins[:-1])*0.5 errors = [] for count in n: errors.append(math.sqrt(count)) plt.errorbar(mid, n, yerr=errors, fmt='kx') nmax = np.amax(n) uplim = nmax + 2*(math.sqrt(nmax)) plt.ylim(0, uplim) plt.xlabel('First Interaction Height', labelpad=0) plt.ylabel('Recorded Count') plt.legend() print "For Ntel > ", mincount, ", mean first interaction height is", np.mean(mT) ax6.invert_xaxis() title = 'Height Statistics for ' + str(nh) + " hours" fig = plt.gcf() # get current figure st = fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=20) st.set_y(0.98) fig.set_size_inches(10, 15) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) #~ extent = ax1.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('decay.png', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax2.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('Decay Lengths.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax3.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('Fraction with Height.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax4.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('first interaction height.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax5.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('interaction category.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) plt.savefig('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/report/graphs/hessheight.png') plt.savefig('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/positioning/graphs/stats/Height.pdf') if graph:
def run(numberofhours): ax1 = plt.subplot(211) category = "lst" tradius = raweff = 0.06 selectionefficiency = 0.50 flux = 2.0 * (10**-4) solidangle = math.radians(5) ranges = [] lowerlim = 15 midlim = 50 upperlim = 200 lowerbincount = 20 upperbincount = 10 lowerrange = [lowerlim, midlim, lowerbincount] ranges.append(lowerrange) upperrange = [midlim, upperlim, upperbincount] ranges.append(upperrange) fullcount = [] edges = [] for i in range (0, 10): fullcount.append([]) for i in range(0, 2): entry = ranges[i] lower = entry[0] upper = entry[1] bins = entry[2] edge = np.linspace(lower, upper, bins) edges.extend(edge) telescopegap = (edge[1:] + edge[:-1])*0.5 print edge print telescopegap simlim = (upper + 150) area = 4*(simlim**2) detectedflux = flux*area*solidangle*selectionefficiency rateperhour = detectedflux * 60 * 60 n = int(rateperhour*float(numberofhours)) print time.asctime(time.localtime()),"Cosmic Ray Iron Flux is", flux, "Simulated Area is", area, "Field of View is", solidangle, "Detected Flux is", detectedflux print time.asctime(time.localtime()),"Rate per hour", rateperhour, "Simulated Hours", numberofhours, "Simulated Events", n for gap in telescopegap: specificcount = [] coordinates = [] points = np.linspace(-gap, gap, 3) for x in points: for y in points: coordinates.append([x,y]) for i in range (0, n): #Randomly generates a target centre of -150<x<150m and -150<y<150m rayxpos = (random.random()*2 * simlim)-simlim rayypos = (random.random()*2 * simlim)-simlim #Generates a random probability, and converts this to an Epn value following an E^-1.7 power series R = random.random()*0.0178 Epn = ((1.7*R/321)+(3571**-1.7))**(-1/1.7) #Generates a fixed charge number of Z=26 Z= 26 #Randomly generates a height probability, and converts this probability to a set height hprob = random.random() height = atm.runheight(hprob, text=False) #Chooses a zenith angle +- 22 degrees zenith = random.random()*44 phi = math.radians(68+zenith) #Randomly choose an angle NESW epsilon = math.pi*random.random()*2 #Calculate resultant surface radius and angular width of beam radius, theta =, height, math.sin(phi), text=False) frac = atm.runabsorption(height) eff = raweff*frac/math.sin(phi) j=0 if radius > 0: for [xpos, ypos] in coordinates: r, dangle =, theta, phi, epsilon, xpos, ypos, rayxpos, rayypos) sigcount, bkgcount=, r, rayxpos, rayypos, xpos, ypos, Epn, Z, eff) count = sigcount + bkgcount recorded = random.gauss(count, math.sqrt(count)) thresholdfrac = ld.trigger() threshold = float(bkgcount)*thresholdfrac if float(sigcount) > float(threshold): j+=1 if j > 0: fullcount[j].append(gap) plotcount = [] labels = [] edges.remove(midlim) print edges for i in range (0, 10): if len(fullcount[i]) > int(0): plotcount.append(fullcount[i]) label = str(i) labels.append(label) n, bins, _ = ax1.hist(plotcount, label=labels, bins=edges, stacked=True) print n print bins plt.legend(loc=2) plt.xlabel('Grid width (m)', fontsize=20, labelpad=0) plt.ylabel('Count', fontsize=20, labelpad=0) ax2 = plt.subplot(212) f = 0 for label in labels: if float(label) < float(4): fourlim = f if float(label) < float(5): fivelim = f if float(label) < float(6): sixlim = f f += 1 lines =[] for i in range (0,len(n)): if i == fourlim: subfourline = n[i] if i == fivelim: subfiveline = n[i] if i == sixlim: subsixline = n[i] if i == (len(n)-1): if i > fourlim: fourline = n[i] - subfourline lines.append(fourline) if i > fivelim: fiveline = n[i] - subfiveline lines.append(fiveline) if i > sixlim: sixline = n[i] - subsixline lines.append(sixline) linelabels = ["Detections > 3", "Detections > 4", "Detections > 5"] mid = (bins[1:] + bins[:-1])*0.5 #~ print mid for k in range (0, len(lines)): line = lines[k] label = linelabels[k] plt.plot(mid, line, label=label) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Grid width (m)', fontsize=20, labelpad=0) plt.ylabel('Count', fontsize=20, labelpad=0) plt.yscale('log') ax1.tick_params(labelsize=20) ax2.tick_params(labelsize=20) title = "Telescope Observations for " +str(numberofhours) + " hours" plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=20) figure = plt.gcf() # get current figure figure.set_size_inches(20, 15) plt.savefig('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/positioning/graphs/stats/optimiselayout.pdf') plt.savefig('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/report/graphs/logenergyradius.png')
def run(eff, rowcount, mincount=4, text=False, graph=False, output="default", layout="five", number=1, nh=1): #Define number of bins, stepcount bincount = 20 stepcount = 1000 lower = float(1) / float(stepcount) upper = float(1 - lower) Rrange = np.linspace(lower, upper, stepcount) #~ ax1 = plt.subplot(321) #~ decaylengths = [] survivallengths = [] decayheights = [] survivalheights = [] for R in Rrange: dl = atm.runlengths(R) decaylengths.append(dl) sl = atm.runlengths(1 - R) survivallengths.append(sl) dh = atm.runheight(R) decayheights.append(dh) sh = atm.runheight(1 - R) survivalheights.append(sh) #~ ax1.plot(survivallengths, Rrange, label="survived") #~ ax1.plot(decaylengths, Rrange, label = "decayed") #~ plt.ylabel('Fraction') #~ plt.xlabel('Interaction Lengths', labelpad=0) #~ plt.legend() ax2 = plt.subplot(311) rawheights = [] opticallengths = [] with open( '/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/positioning/atmospheredata/atmprofile.csv', 'rb') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') i = 0 for row in reader: i += 1 if i > 3: opticallengths.append(float(row[2])) rawheights.append(float(row[0]) * 1000) ax2.plot(rawheights, opticallengths, 'r', label="Sum") plt.ylabel('Integrated Interaction Lengths') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel('Height', labelpad=0) ax2.invert_xaxis() ax3 = plt.subplot(312, sharex=ax2) ax3.plot(survivalheights, Rrange, label="survived") ax3.plot(decayheights, Rrange, label="interacted") plt.ylabel('Fraction') plt.xlabel('First Interaction Height', labelpad=0) ax3.invert_xaxis() plt.legend(loc=2) #Create a subplot for the fractional abundance hrange = [] fullcount = [] nDC = [] wnDC = [] bT = [] wbT = [] mT = [] wmT = [] emith = [] #Iterate over Energies simset = simulationset(eff, layout, mincount=0, hmacceptance=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) simset.generate(number) for sim in simset.simulations: true = sim.true height = true.height multiplicity = int(true.truemultiplicity) hrange.append(height) if multiplicity == int(0): nDC.append(height) elif multiplicity < int(mincount): bT.append(height) emith.append(height) else: mT.append(height) emith.append(height) print "High Multiplicity DC emission is", float(len(mT)) / float(number) print "Low Multiplicity DC emission is", float(len(bT)) / float(number) print "Non-DC emission is", float(len(nDC)) / float(number) #Create labels for each bin labels = ["metThreshold", "belowThreshold", "nonDC"] hrange.sort() hcount = len(hrange) limits = [hrange[0], hrange[hcount - 1]] hbins = np.linspace(limits[0], limits[1], bincount) #~ extent = ax1.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('decay.png', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax2.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('Decay Lengths.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax3.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('Fraction with Height.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax4.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('first interaction height.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax5.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('interaction category.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) ax4 = plt.subplot(313, sharex=ax2) tweights = np.ones_like(decayheights) / len(decayheights) #~ mcweights = np.ones_like(hrange)/len(hrange) plt.hist([decayheights], weights=[tweights]) plt.ylabel('Fraction') plt.xlabel('First Interaction Height', labelpad=0) ax4.invert_xaxis() fig = plt.gcf() # get current figure st = fig.suptitle("Atmospheric Interaction", fontsize=20) st.set_y(0.98) fig.set_size_inches(10, 15) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) plt.savefig( '/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/positioning/graphs/stats/generalheight.pdf' ) plt.savefig( '/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/report/graphs/generalheight.png') #Plot the unscaled histogram ax5 = plt.subplot(211, sharex=ax2) plt.hist([mT, bT, nDC], bins=20, log=True, histtype='bar', range=limits, label=labels) print "Overall mean first interaction height is", np.mean(hrange) hrange.sort() nhrange = len(hrange) halfin = int(nhrange / 2.) hmedian = hrange[halfin] print "Overall median first interaction height is", hmedian tscale = atm.runlengthswithh(hmedian) print "Corresponding Median Interaction Lengths", tscale texpectation = tscale / math.log(2) print "Resultant Expectation Interaction Lengths", texpectation emith.sort() ehrange = len(emith) ehalfin = int(ehrange / 2.) ehmedian = emith[ehalfin] print "Cherenkov-Emission mean first interaction height is", np.mean(emith) print "Cherenkov-Emission median first interaction height is", ehmedian etscale = atm.runlengthswithh(ehmedian) print "Corresponding Median Interaction Lengths", etscale etexpectation = etscale / math.log(2) print "Resultant Expectation Interaction Lengths", etexpectation plt.xlim(limits) plt.ylabel('Recorded Count') plt.xlabel('First Interaction Height', labelpad=0) plt.legend(loc=2) ax5.invert_xaxis() #plot the histogram scaled with E^-1.7 distribution to the second subplot ax6 = plt.subplot(212) if len(mT) > 0: n, bins, _ = plt.hist([mT], bins=20, label=labels) mid = (bins[1:] + bins[:-1]) * 0.5 errors = [] for count in n: errors.append(math.sqrt(count)) plt.errorbar(mid, n, yerr=errors, fmt='kx') nmax = np.amax(n) uplim = nmax + 2 * (math.sqrt(nmax)) plt.ylim(0, uplim) plt.xlabel('First Interaction Height', labelpad=0) plt.ylabel('Recorded Count') plt.legend() print "For Ntel > ", mincount, ", mean first interaction height is", np.mean( mT) ax6.invert_xaxis() title = 'Height Statistics for ' + str(nh) + " hours" fig = plt.gcf() # get current figure st = fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=20) st.set_y(0.98) fig.set_size_inches(10, 15) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) #~ extent = ax1.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('decay.png', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax2.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('Decay Lengths.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax3.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('Fraction with Height.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax4.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('first interaction height.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) #~ #~ extent = ax5.get_window_extent().transformed(figure.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) #~ plt.savefig('interaction category.pdf', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.2, 1.2)) plt.savefig('/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/report/graphs/hessheight.png') plt.savefig( '/d6/rstein/Hamburg-Cosmic-Rays/positioning/graphs/stats/Height.pdf') if graph: