def hci_cc(adapter: int, ps4btaddr: str) -> None: import bluetooth._bluetooth as _bt try: hci_sock = _bt.hci_open_dev(adapter) # Get bytes from bluetooth address baps4addr = bytearray.fromhex(ps4btaddr.replace(":", "")) baps4addr.reverse() # HCI CONNECT # BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 2, Part E page 774 # => cmd_cc # => hci_create_connection cmd_pkt = bytes( baps4addr ) + bytes([ # Target BTADDR on 6 bytes reverse order, 0x18, 0xCC, # pkt_type HCI_DM1 | HCI_DM3 | HCI_DM5 | HCI_DH1 | HCI_DH3 | HCI_DH5 0x02, # pscan_rep_mode 0x00, # pscan_mode (reserved) 0x00, 0x00, # clock_offset 0x01 ]) # role_switch # Send HCI request _bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, _bt.OGF_LINK_CTL, _bt.OCF_CREATE_CONN, _bt.EVT_CONN_COMPLETE, 1000, cmd_pkt) hci_sock.close() except _bt.error as e: raise BluetoothError(*e.args)
def bcm_write_local_bdaddr(adapter: int, dsbtaddr: str) -> None: import bluetooth._bluetooth as _bt try: # Open hci socket hci_sock = _bt.hci_open_dev(adapter) # Get bytes from bluetooth address baddrtospoof = bytearray.fromhex(dsbtaddr.replace(":", "")) baddrtospoof.reverse() # Send HCI request cmd_pkt = bytes(baddrtospoof) # BCM WRITE ADDR command # _bt.hci_send_req( hci_sock, _bt.OGF_VENDOR_CMD, 0x0001, #OCF_BCM_WRITE_BD_ADDR 0x00000000, 1000, cmd_pkt) hci_sock.close() except _bt.error as e: raise BluetoothError(*e.args)
def getRSSI(self): """Detects whether the device is near by or not""" addr = self.address # Open hci socket hci_sock = bt.hci_open_dev() hci_fd = hci_sock.fileno() # Connect to device (to whatever you like) bt_sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) bt_sock.settimeout(10) result = bt_sock.connect_ex((addr, 1)) # PSM 1 - Service Discovery try: # Get ConnInfo reqstr = struct.pack("6sB17s", bt.str2ba(addr), bt.ACL_LINK, "\0" * 17) request = array.array("c", reqstr ) handle = fcntl.ioctl(hci_fd, bt.HCIGETCONNINFO, request, 1) handle = struct.unpack("8xH14x", request.tostring())[0] # Get RSSI cmd_pkt=struct.pack('H', handle) rssi = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, cmd_pkt) rssi = struct.unpack('b', rssi[3])[0] # Close sockets bt_sock.close() hci_sock.close() return rssi except Exception, e: return None
def get_RSSI(addr): # Open an hci socket hci_sock = bluez.hci_open_dev() hci_fd = hci_sock.fileno() # Try to open a connection to remote BT device try: bt_sock = bluez.SDPSession() bt_sock.connect(addr) except: bt_sock.close() hci_sock.close() return None # Get handle to ACL connection to remote BT device reqstr = struct.pack("6sB17s", bluez.str2ba(addr), bluez.ACL_LINK, "\0" * 17) request = array.array("c", reqstr) fcntl.ioctl(hci_fd, bluez.HCIGETCONNINFO, request, 1) handle = struct.unpack("8xH14x", request.tostring())[0] # Get RSSI cmd_pkt = struct.pack('H', handle) RSSI = bluez.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bluez.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bluez.OCF_READ_RSSI, bluez.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, cmd_pkt) RSSI = struct.unpack('b', RSSI[3])[0] bt_sock.close() hci_sock.close() return RSSI
def bluetooth_rssi(addr): # Open hci socket hci_sock = bt.hci_open_dev() hci_fd = hci_sock.fileno() # Connect to device (to whatever you like) bt_sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) bt_sock.settimeout(10) result = bt_sock.connect_ex((addr, 1)) # PSM 1 - Service Discovery try: # Get ConnInfo reqstr = struct.pack("6sB17s", bt.str2ba(addr), bt.ACL_LINK, "\0" * 17) request = array.array("c", reqstr ) handle = fcntl.ioctl(hci_fd, bt.HCIGETCONNINFO, request, 1) handle = struct.unpack("8xH14x", request.tostring())[0] # Get RSSI cmd_pkt=struct.pack('H', handle) rssi = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, cmd_pkt) rssi = struct.unpack('b', rssi[3])[0] # Close sockets bt_sock.close() hci_sock.close() return rssi except: return None
def get_rssi(self): """Gets the current RSSI value. @return: The RSSI value (float) or None if the device connection fails (i.e. the device is nowhere nearby). """ try: self.connect() if not self.connected: return -99 if self.cmd_pkt is None: self.prep_cmd_pkt() # Send command to request RSSI rssi = bt.hci_send_req(self.hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, self.cmd_pkt) rssi_int = rssi[3] rssi_bytes = rssi_int.to_bytes((rssi_int.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big') rssi = struct.unpack('b', rssi_bytes)[0] return rssi except IOError: # Happens if connection fails (e.g. device is not in range) self.connected = False return -99 except struct.error: # Invalid RSSI value returned return None
def getRSSI(self): """Detects whether the device is near by or not using RSSI""" addr = self.address # Open hci socket hci_sock = bt.hci_open_dev() hci_fd = hci_sock.fileno() # Connect to device (to whatever you like) bt_sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) bt_sock.settimeout(10) result = bt_sock.connect_ex((addr, 1)) # PSM 1 - Service Discovery try: # Get ConnInfo reqstr = struct.pack("6sB17s", bt.str2ba(addr), bt.ACL_LINK, "\0" * 17) request = array.array("c", reqstr ) handle = fcntl.ioctl(hci_fd, bt.HCIGETCONNINFO, request, 1) handle = struct.unpack("8xH14x", request.tostring())[0] # Get RSSI cmd_pkt=struct.pack('H', handle) rssi = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, cmd_pkt) rssi = struct.unpack('b', rssi[3])[0] # Close sockets bt_sock.close() hci_sock.close() return rssi except Exception, e: #self.logger.error("<Bluetooth> (getRSSI) %s" % (repr(e))) return None
def request_rssi(self): """Request the current RSSI value. @return: The RSSI value or None if the device connection fails (i.e. the device is not in range). """ try: # If socket is closed, return nothing if self.closed: return None # Only do connection if not already connected if not self.connected: self.connect() # Command packet prepared each iteration to allow disconnect to trigger IOError self.prep_cmd_pkt() # print('cmd packet is {}'.format(self.cmd_pkt)) # Send command to request RSSI rssi = bt.hci_send_req( self.hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, self.cmd_pkt) if len(rssi) < 4: print('RSSI IS NONE') return None rssi = struct.unpack('b', rssi[3].to_bytes(1, 'big')) return rssi except IOError: # Happens if connection fails (e.g. device is not in range) self.connected = False # Socket recreated to allow device to successfully reconnect self.bt_sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) return None
def bluetooth_rssi(addr): # Open hci socket hci_sock = bt.hci_open_dev() hci_fd = hci_sock.fileno() # Connect to device (to whatever you like) bt_sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) bt_sock.settimeout(10) result = bt_sock.connect_ex((addr, 1)) # PSM 1 - Service Discovery try: # Get ConnInfo reqstr = struct.pack('6sB17s', bt.str2ba(addr), bt.ACL_LINK, '\0' * 17) request = array.array('c', reqstr ) handle = fcntl.ioctl(hci_fd, bt.HCIGETCONNINFO, request, 1) handle = struct.unpack('8xH14x', request.tostring())[0] # Get RSSI cmd_pkt=struct.pack('H', handle) rssi = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, cmd_pkt) rssi = struct.unpack('b', rssi[3])[0] # Close sockets bt_sock.close() hci_sock.close() return rssi except: return None
def get_rssi(self): """Gets the current RSSI value. @return: The RSSI value (float) or None if the device connection fails (i.e. the device is nowhere nearby). """ try: # Only do connection if not already connected if not self.connected: self.connect() if self.cmd_pkt is None: self.prep_cmd_pkt() # Send command to request RSSI rssi = bt.hci_send_req( self.hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, self.cmd_pkt) if sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0): rssi = struct.unpack('b', rssi[3])[0] else: rssi = struct.unpack('b', rssi[3].to_bytes(1, 'big'))[0] return rssi except IOError: # Happens if connection fails (e.g. device is not in range) self.connected = False return None
def get_rssi(self): """Gets the current RSSI value. @return: The RSSI value (float) or None if the device connection fails (i.e. the device is nowhere nearby). """ try: # Only do connection if not already connected if not self.connected: self.connect() if self.cmd_pkt is None: self.prep_cmd_pkt() # Send command to request RSSI rssi = bt.hci_send_req( self.hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, self.cmd_pkt) # print("RSSI:") if len(rssi) != 4: # case when the pair just turned off the bluetooth return None rssi = struct.unpack('4b',rssi) return rssi[3] except IOError: # Happens if connection fails (e.g. device is not in range) self.connected = False return None
def get_RSSI(addr): # Open an hci socket hci_sock = bluez.hci_open_dev() hci_fd = hci_sock.fileno () # Try to open a connection to remote BT device try: bt_sock = bluez.SDPSession () bt_sock.connect(addr) except: bt_sock.close() hci_sock.close() return None # Get handle to ACL connection to remote BT device reqstr = struct.pack ("6sB17s", bluez.str2ba (addr), bluez.ACL_LINK, "\0" * 17) request = array.array ("c", reqstr) fcntl.ioctl (hci_fd, bluez.HCIGETCONNINFO, request, 1) handle = struct.unpack ("8xH14x", request.tostring ())[0] # Get RSSI cmd_pkt=struct.pack('H', handle) RSSI = bluez.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bluez.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bluez.OCF_READ_RSSI, bluez.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, cmd_pkt) RSSI = struct.unpack('b', RSSI[3])[0] bt_sock.close() hci_sock.close() return RSSI
def get_rssi(self): """Gets the current RSSI value. @return: The RSSI value (float) or None if the device connection fails (i.e. the device is nowhere nearby). """ try: # Only do connection if not already connected if not self.connected: self.connect() if self.cmd_pkt is None: self.prep_cmd_pkt() # Send command to request RSSI rssi = bt.hci_send_req(self.hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, self.cmd_pkt) #print(rssi) #uint8_t status = get_u8(data); #+ uint16_t handle = get_le16(data + 1); #+ int8_t rssi = get_s8(data + 3); (rssi, ) = struct.unpack('xxxb', rssi) return rssi except IOError: # Happens if connection fails (e.g. device is not in range) self.connected = False return None
def get_rssi(self): """Gets the current RSSI value. @return: The RSSI value (float) or None if the device connection fails (i.e. the device is nowhere nearby). """ try: # Only do connection if not already connected if not self.connected: self.connect() if self.cmd_pkt is None: self.prep_cmd_pkt() # Send command to request RSSI rssi = bt.hci_send_req( self.hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, self.cmd_pkt) retVal = None if rssi[3] > 0 and rssi[3] <= 256: retVal = -(256 - rssi[3]) if rssi[3] == 0: retVal = rssi[3] print("rssi %d retval " % rssi[3],retVal) return retVal except IOError: # Happens if connection fails (e.g. device is not in range) self.connected = False return None
def setupSCO(): # check voice settings. switch to S16 LE mono 8kHz CVSD if needed hci_sock = bt.hci_open_dev() response = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_HOST_CTL, bt.OCF_READ_VOICE_SETTING, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 3) status, voice_setting = struct.unpack("<BH", response) if voice_setting != 0x60: new_vs = struct.pack("<H", 0x60) bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_HOST_CTL, bt.OCF_WRITE_VOICE_SETTING, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 1, new_vs) # determine the maximun packet size response = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_INFO_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 8) status, acl_mtu, sco_mtu, acl_nbufs, sco_nbufs = struct.unpack( ">BHBHH", response) return acl_mtu, sco_mtu, acl_nbufs, sco_nbufs
def setupSCO(): # check voice settings. switch to S16 LE mono 8kHz CVSD if needed hci_sock=bt.hci_open_dev() response = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_HOST_CTL, bt.OCF_READ_VOICE_SETTING, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 3) status, voice_setting = struct.unpack("<BH", response) if voice_setting != 0x60: new_vs = struct.pack("<H", 0x60) bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_HOST_CTL, bt.OCF_WRITE_VOICE_SETTING, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 1, new_vs) # determine the maximun packet size response = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_INFO_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 8) status, acl_mtu, sco_mtu, acl_nbufs, sco_nbufs = struct.unpack( ">BHBHH", response) return acl_mtu, sco_mtu, acl_nbufs, sco_nbufs
def write_flush_timeout( addr, timeout ): hci_sock = bt.hci_open_dev() # get the ACL connection handle to the remote device handle = __get_acl_conn_handle(hci_sock, addr) pkt = struct.pack("HH", handle, bt.htobs(timeout)) response = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_HOST_CTL, 0x0028, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 3, pkt) status = struct.unpack("B", response[0])[0] rhandle = struct.unpack("H", response[1:3])[0] assert rhandle == handle assert status == 0
def write_flush_timeout(addr, timeout): hci_sock = bt.hci_open_dev() # get the ACL connection handle to the remote device handle = __get_acl_conn_handle(hci_sock, addr) pkt = struct.pack("HH", handle, bt.htobs(timeout)) response = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_HOST_CTL, 0x0028, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 3, pkt) status = struct.unpack("B", response[0])[0] rhandle = struct.unpack("H", response[1:3])[0] assert rhandle == handle assert status == 0
def read_flush_timeout( addr ): hci_sock = bt.hci_open_dev() # get the ACL connection handle to the remote device handle = __get_acl_conn_handle(hci_sock, addr) pkt = struct.pack("H", handle) response = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_HOST_CTL, 0x0027, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 5, pkt) status = struct.unpack("B", response[0])[0] rhandle = struct.unpack("H", response[1:3])[0] assert rhandle == handle assert status == 0 fto = struct.unpack("H", response[3:5])[0] return fto
def read_flush_timeout(addr): hci_sock = bt.hci_open_dev() # get the ACL connection handle to the remote device handle = __get_acl_conn_handle(hci_sock, addr) pkt = struct.pack("H", handle) response = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_HOST_CTL, 0x0027, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 5, pkt) status = struct.unpack("B", response[0])[0] rhandle = struct.unpack("H", response[1:3])[0] assert rhandle == handle assert status == 0 fto = struct.unpack("H", response[3:5])[0] return fto
def tryToConnect(MAC,BLEtimeout,devId): ret = {"signal": -999, "txPower": -999,"flag0ok":0,"byte2":0} try: for ii in range(5): # wait until (wifi) sending is finsihed if os.path.isfile(G.homeDir + "temp/sending"): #print "delaying hci" time.sleep(0.5) else: break hci_sock = bt.hci_open_dev(devId) hci_fd = hci_sock.fileno() # Connect to device (to whatever you like) bt_sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) bt_sock.settimeout(BLEtimeout) try: result = bt_sock.connect_ex((MAC, 1)) # PSM 1 - Service Discovery reqstr = struct.pack("6sB17s", bt.str2ba(MAC), bt.ACL_LINK, "\0" * 17) request = array.array("c", reqstr) handle = fcntl.ioctl(hci_fd, bt.HCIGETCONNINFO, request, 1) handle = struct.unpack("8xH14x", request.tostring())[0] cmd_pkt=struct.pack('H', handle) # Send command to request RSSI rssi = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, cmd_pkt) bt_sock.close() hci_sock.close() flag0ok = struct.unpack('b', rssi[0])[0] txPower = struct.unpack('b', rssi[1])[0] byte2 = struct.unpack('b', rssi[2])[0] signal = struct.unpack('b', rssi[3])[0] #print MAC, test0, txPower, test2, signal ret["flag0ok"] = flag0ok ret["byte2"] = byte2 if flag0ok == 0 and not (txPower == signal and signal == 0 ): ret["signal"] = signal ret["txPower"] = txPower except IOError: # Happens if connection fails (e.g. device is not in range) bt_sock.close() hci_sock.close() except Exception, e: U.toLog(-1, u"in Line '%s' has error='%s'" % (sys.exc_traceback.tb_lineno, e)) print u"in Line '%s' has error='%s'" % (sys.exc_traceback.tb_lineno, e)
def bluetooth_rssi(addr): # Open hci socket hci_sock = bt.hci_open_dev() hci_fd = hci_sock.fileno() # Connect to device (to whatever you like) bt_sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP) bt_sock.settimeout(5) # try: #Get result result = bt_sock.connect((addr, 1)) # PSM 1 - Service Discovery # Get ConnInfo #Construct request to bit value reqstr = struct.pack("6sB17s", bt.str2ba(addr), bt.ACL_LINK, "\0" * 17) #request into array request = array.array("c", reqstr) #hamdler creation handle = fcntl.ioctl(hci_fd, bt.HCIGETCONNINFO, request, 1) #unback request to handler handle = struct.unpack("8xH14x", request.tostring())[0] # Get RSSI #Handler into command body cmd_pkt = struct.pack('H', handle) #recive request result = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, cmd_pkt) #get rssi to rssi = struct.unpack('b', result[3])[0] # Close sockets bt_sock.close() hci_sock.close() return rssi except: #print("Error") return None
def get_rssi(self): #Gets the RSSI value try: # Only do connection if not already connected if not self.connected: self.connect() if self.cmd_pkt is None: self.prepare_command() # Send command to request RSSI rssi = bt.hci_send_req(self.hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, self.cmd_pkt) rssi = struct.unpack('b', rssi[3:4])[0] return rssi except IOError as ioerr: # Happens if connection fails #LOGGER.debug("I/O error: {0}".format(ioerr)) self.connected = False return None
def get_rssi(self): try: # noinspection PyPep8Naming READ_RSSI_RP_SIZE = 4 if not self._connected: self.connect() if self._cmd_pkt is None: self._prep_cmd_pkt() _rssi = bt.hci_send_req(self._hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, READ_RSSI_RP_SIZE, self._cmd_pkt) _rssi = struct.unpack('b', _rssi[3].to_bytes(1, 'big')) _rssi = _rssi[0] if _rssi is not None: return float(_rssi) self._connected = False return None except IOError: self._connected = False return None
def hci_read_local_version_compid(adapter: int) -> int: import bluetooth._bluetooth as _bt try: hci_sock = _bt.hci_open_dev(adapter) res = _bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, _bt.OGF_INFO_PARAM, _bt.OCF_READ_LOCAL_VERSION, _bt.EVT_CONN_COMPLETE, 9) hci_sock.close() # Check first byte. # See read_local_version_rp.status # 0 if OK or ERRNO if an error has been raised if res[0]: # Invalid response return -1 return int.from_bytes(res[5:7], byteorder='little', signed=False) except _bt.error as e: raise BluetoothError(*e.args)
def get_tx_power(self): try: # noinspection PyPep8Naming READ_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL_RP_SIZE = 4 if not self._connected: self.connect() if self._cmd_pkt is None: self._prep_cmd_pkt() _tx_power = bt.hci_send_req(self._hci_sock, bt.OGF_HOST_CTL, bt.OCF_READ_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, READ_TRANSMIT_POWER_LEVEL_RP_SIZE, self._cmd_pkt) _tx_power = struct.unpack('b', _tx_power[3].to_bytes(1, 'big'))[0] if _tx_power is not None: return float(_tx_power) self._connected = False return None except IOError: self._connected = False return None
def send_req(socket, group_field, command_field, event, rlen, params, timeout): """Send hci request to device.""" return bluez.hci_send_req(socket, group_field, command_field, event, rlen, params, timeout)
baddr = sys.argv[1].split(":") # Open hci socket sock = bt.hci_open_dev(0) # CSR vendor command to change address cmd = [ "\xc2", "\x02", "\x00", "\x0c", "\x00", "\x11", "\x47", "\x03", "\x70", "\x00", "\x00", "\x01", "\x00", "\x04", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00" ] # Set new addr in hex cmd[17] = baddr[3].decode("hex") cmd[19] = baddr[5].decode("hex") cmd[20] = baddr[4].decode("hex") cmd[21] = baddr[2].decode("hex") cmd[23] = baddr[1].decode("hex") cmd[24] = baddr[0].decode("hex") # Send HCI request bt.hci_send_req(sock, bt.OGF_VENDOR_CMD, 0, bt.EVT_VENDOR, 2000, "".join(cmd)) sock.close() print "Dont forget to reset your device"
# Split bluetooth address into it's bytes baddr = sys.argv[1].split(":") # Open hci socket sock = bt.hci_open_dev(1) # CSR vendor command to change address cmd = [ b"\xc2", b"\x02", b"\x00", b"\x0c", b"\x00", b"\x11", b"\x47", b"\x03", b"\x70", b"\x00", b"\x00", b"\x01", b"\x00", b"\x04", b"\x00", b"\x00", b"\x00", b"\x00", b"\x00", b"\x00", b"\x00", b"\x00", b"\x00", b"\x00", b"\x00" ] # Set new addr in hex decode_hex = codecs.getdecoder("hex_codec") cmd[17] = decode_hex(baddr[3])[0] cmd[19] = decode_hex(baddr[5])[0] cmd[20] = decode_hex(baddr[4])[0] cmd[21] = decode_hex(baddr[2])[0] cmd[23] = decode_hex(baddr[1])[0] cmd[24] = decode_hex(baddr[0])[0] # Send HCI request bt.hci_send_req(sock, bt.OGF_VENDOR_CMD, 0, bt.EVT_VENDOR, 2000, b"".join(cmd)) sock.close() print("Dont forget to reset your device")